Tag Archives: Dana Putih

An Open FU to UFC President DanaEffing” White!


Miturut: Rich Bergeron

Those who know me personally would all say I am a mellow individual, until you seriously cross me, kaya, for instance, if you become the subject of an investigative report I’m working on, utawa sue me for $25 yuta. Sometimes I may take things like that as a sign you might not want me to really find out who you are and what you do behind closed doors to screw hard working people over.

This week, a certain individual who won’t even let me follow him in Twitter (https://twitter.com/danawhite) pissed me off to the point where I could only think of one thing to do. Because I’m officially blacklisted in every possible way by the UFC brass, and have even had restraining orders placed against my directly contacting the Fertittas and ANY UFC fighter, my best option is to publish a drastic diatribe here I am just going to call myOPEN FUto DanaEffing” White.

I’m sure Mr. White will not take my calls or subject himself to a one on one interview with me. Dadi, I will have to settle for a written FUand a multi-tiered and multi-purpose FU.

FU, DanaEffing” White… for many, many reasonstoo many for one small blog post to do justice, but let’s just say Most of all FU….

For what you THINK you know about Holly Holm

Hey, Dana, you wanna talk about youreffingreality showLooking For a Fight????” I was actually looking for a fight when I watched that old realityshit show when you were supposed to box Tito Ortiz, but HE magically backed out at the last minute.

Saiki, you, DANAEFFINGWHITE, are telling Holly Holm about a decision YOU think she didn’t think through enough??? And now you act like someone pissed in your Wheaties because you have two upset wins at UFC 196 to work around and figure out how to make sense of somehow.

Booeffinghoo, buddy.

Welcome to how things don’t go as planned sometimes in the fight business, you ungrateful prick.

Do you wanna be aneffing” Promoter, Danaeffing” White???

Holly Holm Was the Bantamweight Champion of the UFC when she allowed HER Manager (not Danaeffing” White) to negotiate the Tate fight on her behalf, and she knew (and her long-time manager knew, banget) what she was doing and what she wanted. And guesseffingwhat, Dana? She wanted to fight.

Nuwun, DanaEffing” White, but Holly didn’t want to sit on aneffingsideline waiting for Ronda Rousey to finish hereffingROADHOUSE REMAKE!

Holly wanted to go to workbut unfortunately she has to work for a boss who has no idea what it’s like to step into HER office and handle HER daily workload with such tenacity, kelas, dignity and grace.

And I think maybe she looks back a bit differently than you do, Dana, with noeffingregrets whatsoever for putting her absolute all into that fight and just plain getting caught in her one area of weakness in a battle where she likely would have won a three-round fight. Maybe if YOU were a fighter, Dana, you might get that whole concept. Maybe losing in this case only makes her better, kuwat, and more durable as a career mixed martial artist. Who gives a damn if it makes her less marketable in your eyes? What do you really know, tho?

UNLIKE YOU, DanaEffing” White, Holly actually respects Miesha Tate and thought it would be a challenge to fight her. Ya, she lost, but damn, she was absolutely correct about it being a challenge. I think the fight will go down as one of the greatest battles in female MMA history.

Saiki, why don’t you open youreffingeyes, Dana, watch the fight again, and quit bitching about what should have happened in that cage you never fought in yourself.

Be grateful you have a champion you just paid $92,000 in fight pay (before bonuses) to take your organization’s belt from the girl you WANTED TO WIN (and paid $500,000 just to be there). It may not be what you expected, but the anxiety you feel about it is what you DESERVE to feel for being such a douchebag to the fighters who built the UFC.

My biggest questions on this subject for Dana are: Why are you such a biased, crooked asshole who can’t bother to give Miesha the time of day FOR ALL HER HARD WORK? Why can’t you give credit where it is dueon both sides of that fight? Why can’t you shut theeffup about what you think Holly or her management should have or could have waited for?

It’s not your place to look back with 20/20 hindsight and act like Holly and her manager should have gone all Nostradamus on this fight when you obviously didn’t see this shit coming, salah siji, you dome-headed dimwit.

Kong “effing” perang, Dana. That’s what theyeffingdo, which you should know, since I am pretty sure you used to be aneffingmanager of MMA fighters yourself. Ya, that was many moons ago, but how could you forget?

Fighters don’t sit on their asses on corporate jets and stand at podiums in front of the press all day to earn theeffingpaltry paychecks your organization pays out to most of them. Most fighters simply cannot afford to wait around for shit to happen or for someoneworthyenough in your eyes to step up and fight them.

Some fighters need to feed their kids. All of them need to pay their bills and for everything else involved with training camps, daily living expenses, travel and whatever costs medical insurance doesn’t cover when they have to address nagging injuries. Your shitty Reebok deal made it virtually impossible to get any other outside sponsors to help pay for anything like that stuff for many fighters, Dana.

Welcome to selling out and forgetting where you came from, Dana. You used to care more about fighters. Now you act like fighting in a cage is just like doing any other 9-5 proyek. It’s not. Iku “effinghard work.

Dadi, yeah, Holly chose to fight instead of waiting for Rousey to be ready for the rematch. And you think she needs your opinion now that everything didn’t work out as planned for you both?

FU, Dana.

She hurts a lot worse than you, and I can guaran-effing-tee that.

Oh…lan…dening cara…fighters are way more responsible for the growth and success of the UFC/Zuffa organization than you ever have been. And that’s real talk, you rich bitch with a stick up your ass because you were never good enough in your life to ever have your own official fight.

Dadi, get over the God complex and learn to respect ALL of your fighters, not just the ones you want to see win because you might think you can work with them better or you think they will move the organization in a better direction. Respect the effort, the sacrifice and the pain ALL your fighters go through each and every day to get where they get. That belt you put on Miesha’s waist was EARNED, and don’t you ever think it iseffingcool to call the fact that Holly Holm had the guts to face Miesha Tatea mistake.

It rings hollow, especially when I would consider that handing you a microphone to talk about MMA at all was THE greatest mistake the sport ever made, wektu! Anyone who would try to knock a former champion down a peg that way in his own organization does not deserve to be recognized as that organization’s president.

You have no clue what it’s really like to fight, and your criticism of Holly Holm tells me you can never possibly understand the mindset that led her to take the Tate fight and not wait an idle year for RondaeffingRousey to be ready to appear at one of your precious shows.

Dadi, FU Dana White for treating your former champ like she’s an idiot who doesn’t know how to control her own career without you butting your stupid, bald head into it. Holly’s fine without your advice, and she trusts her manager, which might be something you’re not familiar with, but for other people it is actually a reality of doing business with legitimate people.


FU, Dana for being a piss-poor ambassador for the sport, disrespecting fighters who bleed (and sometimes suffer lifelong injuries) for you and the sport, and totally underestimating and failing to grasp what it really takes to actually be a professional fighter who actually competes against other fighters

Do you remember the days when you had to settle for being a lowly boxercise instructor because your boxing trainer Boston slapped you too hard in the ear once? You never had a single competitive fight in your life, Danaeffing” White, and that’s a DOCUMENTED FACT!

Do you ever even look back at those days before the silver-spoon-fed Fertittas helped you claw your greedy, selfish, egotistical ass into the position of OFFICIAL UFC MOUTHPIECE?

Do you remember those hairy days when you blew through $40 million of Fertitta funds to perpetrate theZuffa Mythwhile claiming credit for the UFC brass singlehandedly legitimizing the sport and getting it regulated all by youreffingselves? As if not a single FIGHTER nor any other industry professional who pioneered MMA before you dipped your greedy little paws into it had anything to do with it?

Your Mom remembers thosecoulda been a contender” dina, Dana..when you thought you might be able to have an actual fight with another human being. Your own mother remembers even though you and one of your sleazy friends tried to silence her, BASH HER ONLINE, and even blacklist her BOOK, banget.

Do you remember the days when even Floyd Mayweather, Jr. thought you were cool, back when your daily driver was aneffingHonda, Dana? Floyd Remembers. He knew you long before you could afford to blow a normal person’s yearly pay on a single hand of poker.

You’re in a different place now, Danaeffing” White, and it’s a delusional place. Like on the distant planet you live on, people actually believe YOU really, sajujure, trulyeffingknow what it’s ACTUALLY like to be aneffing” pejuang? Do you actually believe YOU somehow could ever REALLY know that feeling?


Sampeyan ngerti what A FIGHTER is, don’t you, Dana? A fighter is a man or woman who has the courage to willingly step into unarmed combat against another actual man or woman instead of just criticizing up and down the guys and girls who do have the guts to actually stand across from another human being while knowing and internalizing that the accepted goal is to physically destroy each other.

A fighter, in more simple terms, punika “one who fights.And let’s be clear about oneeffingthing, Danaeffing” White, I know fighters, lan YOU are no fighter.

You are nothing like a fighter, Danaeffing” White, and you nevereffing” bakal. You are too weak, both physically and mentally. Until we see you go through a six-week training camp and then get into the cage against someone and kick his ass, we shouldn’t have to listen to one damncoulda,” “shoulda,” utawa “wouldaout of your cornfed mouth about what you think of any particular fighter’s performance or decision making process. Those people have the guts to do what you will NEVER do yourself, and you ought to respect that.

FU Dana WhiteFor not recognizing Real Fighters Like Miesha Tate and Nate Diaz who keep at it no matter what and NEVER seem to earn your ULTIMATE RESPECT….

Nate Diaz stepped up to fight Conor McGregor for a reason. He had nothing to lose, and he wasn’t intimidated one bit. He famoulsy went on television with Fox Sports 1 on a split screen with Conor before that welterweight fight and quipped that his nemesis had already been choked out before, “by two lames.Diaz also had the perfect instinct to add humourously that McGregor’s choke losses happened, “like a week ago.

Diaz beat Conor in the shit-talk game long before he ever slapped him down and slipped that choke around his neck in the cage. The media created by that freakshow fight might have stopped the unchecked rise of your big, bold, six-headed dragon champion, but it created a new monster at the same time. And he’s a Reebok-hating, scowling, swearing, Stockton-slapping Mother-F$#king BEAST who doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about what he does or says.

You might think Diaz and his attitude arebad for business,” but I think his victory was the best thing that could ever happen to all you smug punks running the UFC. It just proves once and for all that you do not control the MMA universe.

Nate Diaz went without respect and credit for being an MMA pioneer and a good UFC soldier for far too long. The bitterness brewed and boiled within him, and I loved every second of him letting it pour out in post-fight interviews after he choked the shit out of Conor until the Irish bloke tapped theeffout and left Dana White drooling in a stupor at the thought of having to congratulate a man who’s become more of a mortal enemy than a member of the bigteam.

More power to Nate and all the crazy, abrasive, in-your-face Diaz brother types out there in the UFC who will fight DanaeffingWhite’s flamboyant fire with even more bravado and brash talk of their own. They can always say, “I learned it by watching you, Baldfather!”

As for Miesha Tate, she deserves true respect and admiration for being champ now after picking herself off the mat twice in the face of grueling losses to Rousey. Kudos to Tate for continuing her career and relentlessly focusing on getting by that Rousey armbar once and for all.

Though Miesha never did solve that Rousey submission dilemma, trying at all costs to get another crack at the belt paid dividends at UFC 196. Her never quit attitude led her to an opportunity of a lifetime, and she capitalized on it. Saiki, Dana, you actually have to pay this young lady what most of her fans would say she was worth a long time ago.

And now you simply have to treat Tate with a bit of reverence and appreciation for once in your ungrateful life, Danaeffing” White. I know it must pain you so much to give this young lady the credit she’s worked so incredibly hard for, because maybe she touched a nerve when she called you out in the past for being the true clueless and disrespectful prick you really are. She was right, and you were wrong about how great she really is at fighting. Then again, weren’t you also WRONG about women fighting in the cage, wektu?

Dadi, you DON’T wanna be a fighter, Mr. White? Then step aside and let the people who DO wanna be fighters go to battle for you so you can ride around the world on your jet and act like you know what theeffyou’re talking about when you stand in front of a microphone to describe the sport’s true athletes and what they do to make a living in mixed martial arts.

The line from Dana that most stands out to me as comblete BS in this whole debacle is this one:

“He’s an old boxing guy who thinks he’s smart and he isn’t,” White said of Fresquez [Holm’s Manager]. “I feel bad for Holly because I don’t know if she really knows what she lost.”

I have only two moreeffingquestions for you Danaeffing” White…

1.) What makes you think you are really in anyeffingposition to EVER know or understand what Holly Holm lost the other night? Aside from a few bad poker hands and tons of respect, the only thing you ever lost is your mind.

2.) Doesn’t your backhanded quote about Holm’s manager describe your own shitty character a whole lot better than that of Mr. Fresquez?

Lan…just in case after reading all this anyone STILL needs yet another reason to have beef with the Baldfather:

Reebok Rebellion Could Revolutionize MMA as We Know It

Miturut: Rich Bergeron

You know the Reebok battle is getting heated when people are trashing the terms of the deal both figuratively and LITERALLY:

UFC Lightweight Contender MylesFury” Hakim tenan mbuwang pindah Reebok ing uwuh bubar kanggo nggawe titik ing kirim Twitter sing wis UFC Lowongan Honcho Dana “Ing Baldfather” Putih nangis gawe salah.

Apa ana liyane sing nuduhake bab kedadean, sanadyan, ana “Pakdhe Dana” ora mlaku ing kanggo ngukum fighter duwe pengarep-arep kanggo Disrespect blatant kang partner bisnis utama UFC. Iki ana wayahe banyu kanggo “Reebok kraman.”

Apa bisa Dana apa, sawise kabeh? Myles iki bener narik kaca tengen metu saka UFC Presiden kang handbook marketing dhewe. Hakim iki kang ing-pasuryan nyerang kanggo ngedol pitakonan kang. Dana sing ora saben dina.

Pejuang luwih-profil sing terus-terusan rubbing Pak. Putih cara salah dina iki nalika nerangake menehi hasil Reebok, lan sanadyan kang marang hakim lan Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone pass kanggo kritik sing anyar, he bit back against the likes of Brandon Schaub.

There may be a different kind of fireworks in July when this raw deal officially takes effect and all the fighters who don’t agree with Schaub and Jury start to realize their shortsightedness. Some of those UFC fighters might even regret not joining their peers on the unofficial public picket line when it might have actually mattered.

The worst part about this whole fiasco is the timing. The Federal Trade Commission is once again reportedly investigating the UFC in the wake of a series of high-profile Class-Action Anti-Trust complaints winding their way through the civil courts.

Iku hard ora kanggo pitakonan apa paling kuat campuran promosi seni bela dhiri donya kang overstepping wates ing dalan padha nyoba kanggo ngontrol saben aspek saka karir fighter kang. Iku misale jek kaya menehi hasil tenan ala ijolan dicokot sing sethitik saka dhuwit lan hak kanggo perang wonten ing banner UFC getih, ngetokake lan gon iku njupuk kanggo tetep ing ndhuwur game MMA dina iki. Malah dadi ing tengah Pack ing UFC iki omelan tantangan. Kong kudu miwiti kanggo takon piyambak nalika nambah nabrak bruises, dislocations, ligamen ambruk, Broken balung lan concussions dadi ala sing dhuwit ora Matter maneh.

What will happen when a tidal wave of former UFC fighters find out that the glory of having fought their hearts out for the fans isn’t paying the bills and/or sending their kids to college? What happens when the cushy medical coverage expires and your legendary fighter status means nothing to the doctors and the hospital billing you outrageous and astronomical fees to keep you healthy enough to live to old age?

Ask Marc Coleman. It’s not pretty.

The more the UFC fight or flight equation turns toward having no freedom to be an entrepreneur and no ability to build your own brand, the more Scott Coker’s phone is going to continue to ring off the hook. At least in Bellator, fighters can still have their own personal sponsors on their shorts.

They don’t throw all their fighters out for losing a few fights in a row, salah siji. They don’t publicly berate their fighters at post-fight press conferences for not putting on a show. They pay what they can, and they do their best to just be considered a UFC competitor.

Phil Davis may be the first of many UFC defectors that could begin to trickle in if this Reebok deal eliminates as much income and opportunity as it sounds like it will.

I am actually disappointed that Viacom isn’t making a bigger push to acquire more UFC fighters with more lucrative contracts, but no business wants to lose money. It’s harder for Bellator to gain massive revenues in return for their investments in their fighters due to the overhead of doing their own production for free television. Nanging, ing wektu sing padha, Coker and Bellator’s current management seems to actually care a little more about the people who do battle under their banner. They know better than anyone that your sponsors can really keep you alive.

Fighters who value their freedom and want a little more control over their careers might start to see the only UFC competition as a much greener pasture in the wake of this sneaker giant’s exclusive apparel contract. Apa wis mestine kanggo katon kaya langkah utama nerusake kanggo UFC bisa bener makili telung langkah bali kanggo organisasi iki sing wis berjuang karo dibatalake lan postponed gelut amarga utamané kanggo jumlah nambah ciloko latihan kanggo ndhuwur pejuang.

Mesthi kita ora bisa lali Mantan UFC cahya Abot Champion Jon Jones dinuga nabrak a SUV disewa menyang mobil wong wadon meteng lan bejat lengen sadurunge ngungsi pemandangan ing sikil. Iki durung liyane contone apes UFC ora cukup ngrawat bab pejuang sing. Carane bisa padha ora ngenali wong iki wis masalah sing perlu kanggo bakal ono wektu dawa sadurunge kedadean tragis binuka? Carane UFC bisa mbecikake ora gadhah testing tamba acak dhewe ing panggonan kaya olahraga profesional liyane? Carane sing ilegal obatan OK kanggo fighter kanggo nindakake metu saka kompetisi ing Panggonan pisanan? Sing digawe aturan karo loophole gaping ing wong-wong mau?

Georges St. Pierre wis salah siji saka kritikus paling vociferous UFC ing ngarep PED-testing. Mantan juara terus njagong ing sela-sela sawise siji gelut paling punishing karir mimpin wong kanggo ngumumke leren karo lawang mbukak ngiwa mung kokain. Mung sing godhongé amba, program testing tamba lengkap bisa nggawa wong bali saiki, St. Pierre njogo.

Malah pejuang kaya Ronda Rousey njupuk upset sethitik karo kontrol ngukur karir kang wielded liwat mau dening panggedhe bigwig sing. The UFC will not even let Ronda appear in a few scripted WWE events. Just because these skits last longer than some of her actual fights doesn’t mean they are much different than what she does in her movie career. Her UFC bosses are fine with her pursuing action movie roles, so why not a little fake wrestling? Maybe it’s the fact that WWE stole the Tapout brand and took it right out of the cage and into the wrestling ring. Maybe it’s jealousy that WWE has the kind of fan base that makes them a legitimate threat, and it’s the kind of fans the UFC desperately needs. Maybe it’s the fact that the UFC lost their chance at retaining Brock Lesnar’s services again and they are still getting over it.

Whatever the reason, the UFC is clamping down more and more on what fighters can and can’t do inside and outside the cage, and it goes far beyond fake wrestling. Contracts are becoming more and more restrictive in every way.

The UFC also used to foster a climate where no fighter would dare speak a foul word about management or any business deal management put in place. The punishment would be worse than a fine if Dana decided to give you the Brendan Schaub treatment in the press.

Complain, and you’d be called a coward or a bum. You’re not a team player, some ignorant fans will still say when you stick your neck out while under UFC contract. Nanging, iklim iki ora cukup kanggo mungkasi iki gelombang anyar sethitik saka protest sing bisa tuwuh menyang crescendo medeni mung sadurunge utawa sawise menehi hasil Reebok iki resmi dadi kasunyatan.

Minions mindless sing mada pejuang kanggo ngandika metu kanggo kapentingan dhewe paling mung mangan tengen metu saka tangan Dana putih kang, sanajan kang maringaken metu clurut racun. Iku nistha kang kokrungu lan kokdeleng supaya akeh wong sarujuk karo wong sing tau malah perang lan bab amatir resmi sembarang jenis tinimbang ngrungokake wong sing bener sijine ing gaweyan kanggo saingan ing malah siji perang kandhang profesional.

Nalika nerangake bab prakara apa iku pancene tegese “dadi F # $% ing fighter,” Dana bisa menehi kabeh pidato gawe salah-mouthed kepengin, nanging pejuang nyata sing mutahaké rahé kanggo taun wonten ing banner UFC sing diparingi sing wicara meaning nyata lan résonansi kanggo pembuangan sing saiki nyembah lemah Dana mlaku ing. Kanggo sisih paling, pembuangan iki mung kaya Putih supaya akeh amarga kang wuwus lan cusses kaya wong-wong mau. Isih, siji fighter UFC aku diwawancarai years ago marang kula ana soko salah karo olahraga nalika tokoh sing paling ditepungi ing MMA iku Dana White. Aku ora setuju liyane.

Ingatase hak bebas ora tembung dijupuk entheng, lan bebas wicara ora minangka free minangka iku digunakake kanggo dadi. Sampeyan mlebu ing garis bertitik kanggé maringi langkah ing kandhang UFC, lan sampeyan kudu muter dening aturan sing, malah sing gedhe-gedhe sing ora seneng utawa ora setuju karo. Sing cukup ala nalika sing ana mung pejuang masalah ngadhepi. Saiki, iku akeh Samsaya Awon amarga saka hasil Reebok lan ramifications lan efek ripple bakal nimbulaké.

Sawetara wong lali menehi hasil iki uga alienates sponsor dangu saka UFC lan pejuang sawijining. Mikir kabeh sing perusahaan apparel sing ora bakal bisa kanggo ngedol produk sing saiki ing hubungané karo acara resmi UFC. Mbesuk Kahanan UFC Fan Expo iku umpamane prima carane UFC mung ora koyone Care babagan bisnis lan backers sing mbantu sijine wong ing peta ing Panggonan pisanan.

Wong konco powerhouse iki Liga MMA bakal ndhewekake wong utawa klompok wong kanggo nggawe Buck mati mburi wong luwih piyambak. Hasil Reebok iki urip bukti sing. Even if all the money from the Reebok partnership does go to the fighters, all those businesses that end up locked out of fighter sponsorship deals will have to line up to sign exclusive contracts with the organization itself. Either that, or they will convert to Bellator supporters and follow burned UFC fighters to that organization.

Suddenly that second fiddle is sounding like it could steal the show, and my prediction that Bellator could fail looks premature and presumptuous now.

So you want to be a f$%^ing fighter?”

Let me give you Scott Coker’s number.

UFC and PEDs: Where do we go from here?

Foto Kredit: Esther Lin/MMA Fighting

Usually when I ask that question, it’s in the wake of a pay-per-view and I’m wondering aloud at what’s next for the fighters who competed on it. This time around, I’m talking about something that affects ALL mixed martial artists in the Ultimate Fighting Championship.

The UFC announced this week that it will implement far stricter, far more comprehensive drug testing in the wake of fighters like Anderson Silva lan Hector Lombard failing tests for performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), nalika Jon Jones lan Nick Diaz failed tests for cocaine and marijuana, mungguh.

Increased drug testing and harsher penalties can only help the UFC, and mixed martial arts in general. But what brought on this increase in failed tests? PEDs have been a part of sports long before MMA fighters started taking them, and they have been a problem in MMA prior to the last month-and-a-half.

But more fighters seem to be getting caught. As in most sports, there is a tremendous amount of pressure to perform in MMA and in the UFC. If you don’t perform, you basically don’t get paid. The increased demand for UFC programming by virtue of its deal with FOX could also be a factor. They went from being on Spike TVwhere they only broadcast “The Ultimate Fighter” once a year and two or three live fight cards annuallyto practically having two live fight cards a month and airing “The Ultimate Fighter” twice a year on the FOX channels.

The increase in programming means a need of more bodies to fill that programming. It also means that more fighters are training for more fights, which can lead to more injuries. PEDs, in addition to giving you a competitive advantage over your opponent, allow you to recover from injuries more quickly. With the need for more fighters to fill more fight cards, I think it’s possible the apparent increase in failed drug tests can at least be partly attributed to that.

The UFC’s increased drug-testing measures take effect July 1. What can we expect once it does? Here are some of the guidelines the UFC presented.

Even UFC CEO Lorenzo Fertitta admitted during this week’s press conference that things “would get worse before they better” with the new testing. Liyane, it remains to be seen how much of this will actually stick once July 1 rolls around. UFC previously considered expanding its drug-testing efforts before but pulled back, citing cost and a previously botched attempt at doing so.

Nanging, with the rash of high-profile stars like Silva, Jones and Diaz failing tests, cost can’t be considered a hindrance and the UFC must be vigilant. Browsing my Twitter feed following the press conference, it was eerily quiet. Almost no fighters weighed in initially. It is likely that was just a byproduct of the press conference taking place on a Wednesday afternoon, when most people are working or presumably have other things to do besides post on Twitter. But it was still pretty telling. It seems like this has grabbed fighters’ attention, as it should.

What do I think will happen? There will be an increase in failed test once the new measures take effect July 1, I’m fairly confident. But given that the UFC is supporting harsh penalties for those who do failincluding a ban of up to four yearsI expect the dirty fighters to eventually cycle themselves out and the ones who compete clean (which is most of them, presumably) to take a more prominent role.

Increased drug testing is long overdue in the UFC. The sport of mixed martial arts itself is still in its infancy, especially compared to other sports like football, basketball and baseball. But just like baseball is still recovering from its own crisis with PEDs, these recent failed drug tests have shaken the foundation of the UFC and have harkened back to the days when it was referred to as “human cockfighting.”

UFC adopted the slogan “The Time Is Now” for 2015, and I couldn’t agree more. The time is now for them to take the lead in cleaning up the sport of mixed martial arts.

Chris Huntemann writes about mixed martial arts in the state of Maryland. He also shares his thoughts on the UFC, UFC, and World Series of Fighting. Check out his blog, or follow him on Twitter: @mmamaryland.

Dana White and the Women

Foto Kredit: Esther Lin/MMA Fighting

Setu, Jan. 28, is going to be a landmark day for the Ultimate Fighting Championship. All the fighters on the pay-per-view card that day will pass their pre-fight drug…….never mind. That’s too easy.

That day will be the first time a UFC card features women’s bouts in both its co-main event and main event. After middleweight champion Chris Weidman was forced to withdraw from his fight against Vitor Belfort due to injury, the new main event at UFC 184 is Ronda Rousey defending her women’s bantamweight belt against Cat Zingano. Ing acara co-utama, much-heralded prospect Holly Holm will make her UFC debut against Raquel Pennington in another women’s bantamweight fight.

As I’ve mentioned before, UFC has come a long way from when Dana White told TMZ that women would “never” fight in his organization. Rousey will main event her third consecutive February PPV and Holm is widely believed to be the next in line for a shot at the title, should she defeat Pennington. Holm is still very raw in mixed martial arts, but trains with the world renowned coaches Greg Jackson and Mike Winkeljohn.

Rousey is carrying the flag for women’s MMA and for women in the UFC. Other female fighters have followed her into the Octagon, including Miesha Tate, Liz Carmouche and Alexis Davis. What do those three have in common? They all also fell to Rousey – Tate twice in Strikeforce and the UFC, and Carmouche and Davis both in the first round at UFC PPVs in 2013 lan 2014, mungguh.

Rousey and Tate’s feud is well-chronicled. It led to the two being coaches on The Ultimate Fighter, which included female fighters for the very first time who greatly outshined their male counterparts on the show that season.

Given that season’s success, the most recent season of The Ultimate Fighter featured ALL female fighters and the debut of the UFC’s newest division, women’s strawweight. Carla Esparza, the former Invicta FC strawweight champion, won the inaugural UFC version of that belt after defeating Rose Namajunas.

So in the span of four years, UFC goes from having no female fighters and White emphatically stating that it never will, to being home to TWO female weight classes and undoubtedly the promotion’s biggest star right now in Rousey. Don’t believe me? Did you see the third Expendables movie? Or do you plan on seeing the film version of Entourage this summer? You might notice a familiar face.

So where does women’s MMA go from here? I am personally a big fan of female fights, as they tend to be among the more entertaining and action-packed fights on a UFC card. As I previously stated, female fighters are more than capable of outshining their male contemporaries. Why is that? Maybe female fighters feel they have more to prove inside the Octagon and always go for broke. Maybe they go into the Octagon with more of a “go for broke” mentality and actively seek a finish as opposed to “playing it safe.”

The fight between Rousey and Zingano on Feb. 28 will also go a long way toward determining the future of women’s MMA. Should Rousey defeat Zingano – which all signs indicate she will – she will have essentially cleaned out her division, with only unknown challengers like Holm and Bethe Correia left. If Zingano pulls the upset, then the division has a fresh batch of exciting matchups waiting.

But who knows what would have happened if Dana White kept his promise to TMZ?

Chris Huntemann writes about mixed martial arts in the state of Maryland. He also contributes his thoughts to our site on the UFC, UFC, and World Series of Fighting. Check out his blog, or follow him on Twitter: @mmamaryland.

Juni Putih Nggabung ing FNU Pertempuran Sports Show BALE!

Miturut: Rich Bergeron

Tamu kita khusus minggu iki ing FNU Pertempuran Sports Show Juni Putih. Iku wektu sampurna wiwit aku mung ditampa pesan kiye on Twitter dina liyane:

“Panjenengan dhéwé pinuju diblokir saka ing ngisor iki lan offline 'S Tweets.”

Juni Putih (JuneWhiteMMA) bakal nggabungake Tom, Tony lan Rich ing FNU Pertempuran Sports Show TONIGHT to discuss her unauthorized biography on the UFC President known for his brash language and a ruthless approach to building and expanding the UFC brand. Her book is an unflattering, dipikir jujur ​​menyang gesang mantan Instructor boxercise sing saiki aturan liwat UFC karo ajiné wesi lan tutuk sora. Priksa metu iki mulangi YouTube Promo for "Dana Putih, King of MMA:"

"Ramalan" Tom Padgett, "Rabble Rousin" Rich Bergeron lan Tony "Ing Tornado" Penecale uga duwe ton acara olahraga pertempuran lan warta kanggo ngrembug minggu iki.

Click Here kanggo Listen to Broadcast kita Live 8-10PM EST Bengi. Gunakake link padha kanggo ngakses ngrekam gambar. Ing Juni Putih Interview diwiwiti ing 9:15 PM EST.


Juni Putih (JuneWhiteMMA) bakal nggabungake Tom, Tony lan Rich ing FNU Pertempuran Sports Show Thursday to discuss her unauthorized biography on the UFC President known for his brash language and a ruthless approach to building and expanding the UFC brand. Her book is an unflattering, dipikir jujur ​​menyang gesang mantan Instructor boxercise sing saiki aturan liwat UFC karo ajiné wesi lan tutuk sora. Priksa metu iki mulangi YouTube Promo kanggo “Dana Putih, King of MMA:

“Ramalan” Tom Padgett, “Rabble Rousin '” Rich Bergeron lan Tony “Ing Tornado” Penecale also have a ton of combat sports events and news to discuss this week. Boxing will be a huge part of the conversation. From Al Haymon’s new NBC Sports venture, kanggo bab Deontay Wilder karo Bermane Stiverne kanggo juara WBC Abot akhir minggu iki, kanggo panggabungan Roc Nation karo Gary Shaw Promosi, kanggo tentrem nambah sing Manny Pacquiao pungkasanipun bakal perang Floyd Mayweather Jr. ing 2 Mei, ana ton saka Buzz lingkungan olahraga tinju sapunika.

Kita uga bakal ngrembug UFC acara perang Night iki ana ing Boston nampilaken Conor McGregor vs. Dennis Siver ing acara utama lan Donald Cerrone vs. Benson Henderson ing bab kawontenaning Bintang. UFC uga trobosan mati 2015 Mangsa iki ana karo Patricio Pitbull njupuk ing Daniel Strauss ing acara utama.

Click Here kanggo Listen to Broadcast kita Urip saka 8-10PM EST ana wayah wengi.

Klik ing foto buku ndhuwur supaya buku Juni iku.