Таг Арцхивес: дамиен Васкес


Фото Марио Серрано – Принц Ранцх Бокс
АГУАСЦАЛИЕНТЕС, МКС (Фебруар 2, 2018) – Вечерас на Екпланада де Екпоплаза у Агуасцалиентесу, МКС, Сугар Промоције представљени “Свежа крв”. У 10-колу главног догађаја иссац “Цанелито” Авелар (14-0, 9 КОс) заузео ЖКК ФЕЦОМБОКС
Титула у перолакој категорији са ТКО победом над алејандро Фриас, (6-3-1, 3 КОс).
Авелар, јужњак који се борио пред навијачима свог родног града, притиска са звона за отварање, приморавајући Фриас да се бори идући уназад. Авелар је користио пуно несвестица да Фриасу не да равнотежу, пружајући му могућности за копно, пуно хитаца снаге. У средњим круговима, Авелар је савладао виши Фриас, приморавајући га да се одбије од ужади. Како је борба улазила у касније рунде, Фриас је почео да бледи, пошто је Авелар одржавао сталан напад. У десетом и последњем кругу, Авелар је нанео налет удараца по глави и телу Фриаса, приморавајући судију да заустави борбу на .40 Други знак. Авелар, који руководи Грег Ханнели, играч Принце Ранцх Бокинг-а, остала непоражена.
“Желео сам да родитељима пружим велику победу,” рекао Иссац Авелар. “Освајање ВБЦ ФЕЦОМБОКС титуле је циљ који сам себи поставио почетком ове године. Знам уз напоран рад, Моћи ћу да се борим за више ВБЦ титула док будем напредовао према ранг листи. Веома сам захвалан свим људима који су ми помогли да дођем до ове тачке у каријери. Такође сам захвалан својој породици и пријатељима који су вечерас изашли и подржали ме. Моја каријера ће ускоро кренути.”
У главном догађају од 8 рунди, НАБФ јуниорски шампион у полутешкој категорији, Дамиен “Шећер” Вазкуез (13-0, 6 КОс), остао непоражен са нокаутом у петој рунди Мигуел Лизардо (0-2-1). Вазкуез је слетио по вољи и пољуљао Лизарда у трећој рунди. Вазкуез је остао стрпљив и користио је леп ударац контра ударајући да доминира борбом. Равно лијево у петом колу послало је Лизарда на палубу, завршава борбу када се од 1:57 ознака.
6-круг Супер мува женска борба
У врло конкурентној акционој борби, Цристина Мора (7-0-2, 4 КОс) и Габриела санцхез (3-2-1) борио се шест тешких рунди. Мора је искористила своје врхунске боксерске вештине за избацивање чистих удараца из даљине. Санцхез је имала својих тренутака док је користила свој притисак како би ушла у Мора, слетање лепих хитаца снаге. Море је слетео равно десно у другом колу који је окрвавио нос Санцхеза, који је крварио остатак борбе. Мора је у каснијим рундама избацила Санцхеза доносећи јој подељену победу. Прочитани семафори 58-55, 57-56 за Мора и 57-56 за Санцхеза. Мора остаје непоражена.
6-округла перолака борба
Мештанин едвинг Давила је (17-0, 10 КОс) поражен Царлос Роцха (3-2-1) са импресивним ТКО у четвртој рунди. Давила је испустио Роцха у трећем кругу опаким хицем. Роцха је преживео рунду само да би се зауставио након што је три пута испао у четвртој рунди. Борба је заустављена на 2:24 ознака четвртог кола.
6-коло Супер лагана борба
Денвер Колорадо донован Звезда (11-0, 4 КОс) остао непоражен једногласном одлуком победом против Антонио Цамацхо (1-5, 1 КО). Естрелла је прецизним ударцима контролисао борбу, бочно кретање и стални напад тела. Прочитани семафори 60-54 двапут, 59-55.
4-округла лака мува категорија жене
У тоталном рату, Маиран Салазар (7-2) поражен наоми Арељано (4-1, 1 КО) једногласном одлуком. Ареллано, која је претрпела свој први губитак, било у сваком кругу, али је Салазар пуцао из ватреног оружја, који је налетео на чистије хице. Оба борца су извела лепе ударце снаге, али Салазар је пољуљао Ареллана у трећој рунди. Прочитани семафори 39-37 двапут и 40-36 све у корист Салазара.
4-округли двобој у полутешкој категорији
Лас Вегас’ Кје Брукс побољшан на (2-0, 2 КО) са разорним првим кругом КО преко Антонио Реиес, који је дебитовао професионално. Лева кука, комбинација десне руке послала је Реиеса на платно у уводном мениету. Након што је Реиес устао, Брукс је затим окршај завршио моћном усправном десном руком. Борба је заустављена на 1:47 Знак рунде.


Photo by Sugar Promotions (Л-Р) дамиен Васкес, Humberto Torres, Оскар Васкес, Цристина Мора
АГУАСЦАЛИЕНТЕС, МКС (Децембар 11, 2017)Принц Ранцх Бокс is happy to announce the signing of super-middleweight Humberto Torres (18-1-1, 12 КОс) and undefeated female bantamweight Цристина Мора (6-0-2, 4 КОс), who both hail from Aguascalientes, Мексико. The duo also signed promotional agreements with дамиен Васкес’ Сугар Промоције.
We are pleased to add Torres and Mora to our outstanding roster,” рекао Greg Hannley, president of Prince Ranch Boxing. “As we establish our foundation in Aguascalientes, Мексико, it’s important that we sign the top talent from that region, and Torres and Mora fit that mold. Both are very popular fighters from the area and we know our shows will be sell outs, with exciting local talent performing. Sugar Promotions is the perfect fit for these two talented fighters.
Damien and I have done our homework and we know Torres and Mora are going to be a great addition to Sugar Promotions.Оскар Васкес, CEO of Sugar Promotions, изјавио. “We have big plans to promote a massive amount of shows in Aguascalientes and establish ourselves as the next great promotional company from Mexico.
Humberto Torres is an orthodox fighter who stands 6’1″, with power in both hands. He has a crowd-pleasing style and is happy to join forces with Prince Ranch Boxing and Sugar Promotions.
I’m looking forward to a great working relationship with Greg Hannley and Oscar Vazquez.Humberto Torres said. “It’s going to be an exciting next couple of years with all the fights coming to Aguascalientes, мој родни град. I can’t wait to get in the ring and preform for my people.
Cristina Mora is a slick boxer with great movement who is thrilled to be under the guidance of Greg Hannely, in addition to being promoted by Oscar Vazquez and Sugar Promotions.
It’s a dream come true to be signed to a promoter like Sugar Promotions, who will be promoting all their shows in Aguascalientes, where I was born and raisedsaid Cristina Mora. “Prince Ranch Boxing is an elite management company with the best fighters from Mexico. Odmah, I’m happy to be associated with a great group of people. As soon as they let me know when I’ll be fighting, I’ll be ready to go.
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Prince Ranch Boxing Occupies Mexico; Sends Six Undefeated Fighters to Aguascalientes

ЛАС ВЕГАС, НВ (Новембар 2, 2017)Prince Ranch Boxing’s (PRB) undefeated fighters, super-flyweight Дамиен “Шећер” Вазкуез (12-0, 6 КОс), super-featherweight едвинг Давила је (16-0, 9 КОс), веома лака ствар Isaac Avelar (13-0, 8 КОс), веома лака ствар Victor Pasillas (11-0, 4 КОс), super-lightweight Blair Cobbs (7-0, 4 КОс), and light-heavyweight Кје Брукс (1-0, 1 КО), all make their way back to the ring on Децембар 2, 2017, у Паленкуе де Фериа у Хидалго, Мексико. Додатно, Супер велтер Daniel Biaz (10-1, 5 КОс) and female flyweight Маиран Салазар (6-2), will be featured on the card.
Sugar Promotions LLC, will promote the 8-fight card titledСвежа крв”, with Issac “Цанелито” Avelar fighting for the ЖКК ФЕЦОМБОКС Featherweight title in the 10-round main-event. Дамиен “Шећер” Vazquez will be fighting in the 8-round co-main event. All fighters will have opponents TBA.
Sugar Promotions is doing a fantastic job with their promotional company in Aguascalientes, Мексико.” рекао грег Ханнели, President of Prince Ranch Boxing. “All my fighters will stay busy as we move forward in Mexico and the United States. I’m signing top talent, with the vision of breeding world champions, and bringing them to the forefront.
Here in Aguascalientes, Мексико, Sugar Promotions will be promoting top level professional boxing throughout the entire city,” said president of Sugar Promotions Оскар Васкес. “We have fighters from Mexico and the United States, all fighting on the same cards. At some point, we will take our fighters to the States as well. This is the second of many shows. We plan coming back once a month and it starts December 2НД.”

Prince Ranch Boxing Invades Mexico Signs Top Prospects to Sugar Promotions

едвинг Давила је, Isaac Avelar, Маиран Салазар, Israel Vazqez, Daniel Colula and Damien Vazquez
(С лева на десно) Photo by Team Prince Ranch Boxing
ЛАС ВЕГАС, НВ (Октобар 24, 2017)Принц Ранцх Бокс (PRB) has signed managerial agreements with four standout prospects from Mexico, super-featherweight едвинг Давила је(16-0, 9 КОс), феатхервеигхтс Isaac Avelar (13-0, 8 КОс), Mexico Featherweight titlist Daniel Colula (12-1-2, 3 КОс), and female Маиран Салазар (6-2). All fighters were signed to дамиен Васкес’ “Сугар Промоције” and will fight constantly in Хидалго, Мексико.
Signing talent from Mexico is a vital piece to my operation,” рекао грег Ханнели. “Our goal here at Prince Ranch Boxing, is to have a solid foundation of fighters from Mexico, in addition to having great talent from America. Sugar Promotions will be having multiple shows in Mexico in the next twelve months, so as a promoter, they are a perfect fit for my fighters.
Sugar Promotions had their first show last week in Aguascalientes, Мексико. Their next show will be scheduled before the end of 2017.
Davila, Авелар, Colula и Salazar are very popular in Mexico and Sugar Promotions is happy to sign them to promotions agreements,” изјавио Оскар Васкес. “Our next show happening in December will be announced shortly. I have big plans for Sugar Promotions moving forward.

дамиен Васкес, Blair Cobbs and Tye Brooks Victorious in Mexico


Photo by Team Prince Ranch Boxing
ЛАС ВЕГАС, НВ (Октобар 17, 2017) – Ундефеатед изгледи, super-flyweight Дамиен “Шећер” Вазкуез (12-0, 6 КОс), super-lightweight, BlairThe Flair” Цоббс (7-0, 5 КОс), and light-heavyweight Tye Броокс (1-0, 1 КО), all who fight under the Принц Ранцх Бокс (PRB) management banner, were victorious this past Субота at the Palenque de la Feria in Хидалго, Мексико. The card was promoted by Damien Vazquez’s “Сугар Промоције” in associations with Malibu Films и SOBA Recovery Centers.
In the scheduled 8-round main event, дамиен Васкес, stopped his opponent Ivan Galicia Morelos, retiring the Mexican native who didn’t come out for the fifth round. Blair Cobbs went the distance with Hugo Padilla, winning a unanimous 6-round decision. Tye Brooks won his pro debut with a first round knockout over Ivan Najera. New signee’s, муха Maryan Salazar (6-2, 4 КОс) and lightweight Иссац Авелар (13-0, 8 КОс) were also victorious. Avelar went the distance for the first time winning an 8-round unanimous decision, while Salazar won a 4-round unanimous decision.
I was very happy that the Prince Ranch Boxing team went out there and got victories, одлазак 5-0 у Мексику,” рекао грег Ханнели president of Prince Ranch Boxing. “The goal is to keep our stable of boxers constantly fighting. With each bout they are getting the experience they need to help them prepare fight bigger fights. We have big plans moving forward and as we grow, the boxing world will take notice.
It was a great show with a lot of up and coming talent,” said president of Sugar PromotionsОскар Васкес. “Sugar Promotions is just getting started and we are off to a great start. We will be making an announcement shortly about our next show.
“Вазкуез, Cobbs and Brooks, all gained quality experience and confidence with these victories,” said head trainer ClarenceBones” Адамс, “All the hard work in the gym is paying off. All three of them will be back in the gym next week, ready to put in more work.

Damien Sugar Vazquez and Blair The Flair Cobbs Camp Notes and Photos

Unbeaten Super-Flyweight Prospect
Фото Марио Серрано – Принц Ранцх Бокс
ЛАС ВЕГАС, НВ (Октобар 12, 2017)Unbeaten prospects, super-flyweight Дамиен “Шећер” Вазкуез (11-0, 6 КОс), and super-lightweight, BlairThe Flair” Цоббс (6-0, 5 КОс), who both fight under the Принц Ранцх Бокс (PRB) management banner, give their thoughts on their training camps and upcoming showdowns taking place this Субота, Октобар 14, 2017, at the Palenque de la Feria in Хидалго, Мексико. The card is promoted by Damien Vazquez’s “Сугар Промоције” in associations with Malibu Films и SOBA Recovery Centers. Vasquez will face Galicia Morelos in an 8-round bout, and Cobbs will battle Hugo Padilla in a 6-rounder.
Here is what they had to say
On his recent training camp
I got some good sparring for this upcoming fight. All the hard work is done now. Bones Adams and my brother Israel are doing a great job getting me prepared for the next level. I’m in tip top shape and I’m going to be throwing a lot of punches in this fight. Everyone will see my enhanced skills on fight night.
On fighting in Mexico
I love fighting in Mexico because the fans are loud. You can feel the energy inside the arena. Every time there is an exchange, the crowd goes crazy. This will be my sixth time fighting out there and I know its going to be exciting.
On the state of the super-flyweight division
The division is filled with talented fighters all across the board. Although they have a few losses, Roman Gonzalez and Rau’Shee Warren are some of the big names in the sport. I’m just looking to continue my march up the rankings with the hopes of cracking the top ten in the near future.
On what a win will do for his career
A victory gets me one step closer to my goal of become a world champion. Знам уз напоран рад, I’ll get there. I’m just going to take it one day at a time.
Unbeaten Super-Lightweight Prospect
On his recent training camp with former world champion, Bones Adams
I’m always pushing myself to be in the best shape possible and this camp was no different. I had a lot of different looks in sparring and I’ll be prepared for any style the comes my way. My weight is good and I’m feeling great. Me and Bones have a great relationship. He knows what it takes to become a world champion so his knowledge is very valuable. I do my best to feed off his energy and listen to his instructions. He’s a great coach and were going to get to the top together.
On fighting in Mexico
Ја”m ready to go out there and a solid victory. I’m going to be aggressive with the thought of ending the fight early. I only got one thing on my mind and that’s to destroy my opponent.
On the current state of his career
Since I signed with Greg Hannely, my career has taken off. This will be my third fight since May of 2017 and I’m glad to be staying busy. I know Prince Ranch Boxing has some big plans coming up. My vision is to stay undefeated and keep climbing up the rankings. I love were I’m at right now.
On training at the Prince Ranch Boxing Facility
Training in Las Vegas at the Prince Ranch Boxing gym is a great experience. A lot of good fighters come through from all around the world. There is never a boring day at this gym. Everyone that trains there is elite. I’m getting the best work in the world.

Light-Heavyweight Kye Brooks Signs With Prince Ranch Boxing, Blair Cobbs Returns to the Ring

Photos by Mario Serrano – Принц Ранцх Бокс – Броокс (Л) – Цоббс (Р)
ЛАС ВЕГАС, НВ (Октобар 5, 2017)Принц Ранцх Бокс (PRB) has signed light-heavyweight amateur standout, Кје Брукс, who will be making his pro debut, Октобар 14, 2017, at the Palenque de la Feria in Хидалго, Мексико. Also making an appearance on the card, is PRB’s unbeaten super-lightweight prospect, BlairThe Flair” Цоббс (6-0, 5 КОс), a southpaw from Philly, but who now resides in Las Vegas. Both fighters will have opponents TBA.
After having success in the amateurs, I’m looking forward to making my pro debut with the Prince Ranch Boxing management team,” said a smiling Kye Brooks. “Greg Hannely is a great man, a trust-worthy person, who I know will get me the right fights while building my career. I just want to go out to Mexico and get a nice victory. In the near future, the boxing world will take notice of my career and what I’m doing in the ring.
Blair Cobbs, who trains at the Prince Ranch Boxing facility with Brooks, is excited about returning to the ring. This will be Blair’s third fight of 2017.
I’m happy to be fighting once again and I’m going to Mexico to do some destruction.Blair Cobbs said. “I’ve been staying busy and I want to thank Greg Hannely for all his hard work and dedication. We have something special going on here at the Prince Ranch Boxing gym. We are making noise in the boxing world and soon enough, everyone will know who we are. I’m working extremely hard in the gym and the hard work will show come fight night.
Бивши светски шампион, ClarenceBones” Адамс, who trains both Cobbs and Brooks, gives his thoughts on his fighters.
Kye is a very strong puncher and I see him doing a lot of damage early in his career.stated Bones Adams. “Blair is whooping everyone in the gym. I know he’s going to make a statement in this next fight. Both are great kids who believe in themselves and they certainly have bright futures in boxing.
У главном догађају, unbeaten super-flyweight prospect, Дамиен “Шећер” Вазкуез (11-0, 6 КОс), ће се суочити са противнику ТБА, in an 8-round bout. Вазкуез, Cobbs and Brooks, all fight under the management of Prince Ranch Boxing.
Prince Ranch Boxing has a talented group of fighters making a name for themselves,” PRB’sгрег Ханнели изјавио. “I’m taking these boys to Mexico to give them the experience of fighting in a different country. Mexico is a great place for these young men to enhance their craft on foreign land. I’m excited to have them all fighting on the same card.
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Unbeaten Super-Flyweight Prospect DAMIENSUGARVASQUEZ Returns to the Ring October, 14 у Мексику

Фото Марио Серрано – Team Vazqeuz
ЛАС ВЕГАС, НВ (Септембар 24, 2017)Unbeaten super-flyweight prospect, Дамиен “Шећер” Вазкуез (11-0, 6 КОс), makes his return to the ring on Октобар 14, 2017, at the Palenque de la Feria in Хидалго, Мексико. Ова борба, scheduled for 8-rounds, will mark the third time this year that Vazquez will have stepped in the ring, as he looks to extend on is winning streak. An opponent will be announced shortly.
It’s a good feeling knowing that I’ll be back in the ring after I just fought a few weeks ago.said Vazquez. “My last fight happened on August 31ул and I feel great. Camp has started and I’m going to be ready for anyone my management team puts in front of me. I’m going to Mexico once again to mark my territory. I love fighting out there because the crowds are very rowdy. Make no mistakes about it, I’m taking the super-flyweight division by storm.
Co-trained by former world champion, ClarenceBones” Адамс, Damien Vazquez is the younger brother of former two-time super-bantamweight world champion, Израел Васкес, who also serves as his co-trainer. Bones and Israel train Vazquez at the Принц Ранцх Бокс gym in Las Vegas. Prince Ranch Boxing’s Greg Hannley, co-manages Damien with his father, Оскар Васкес. Damien has his own promotional company titled Сугар Промоције.
I’m very proud of my son and what he’s accomplished thus far in his career.said Oscar Vazquez. “He became the youngest fighter to win the NABF title at 17-years old, after turning pro at age 16. We flew in Jonathan Lecona, a natural super-bantamweight out of Mexico, to help Damien get used to fighting bigger guys. He’s looking real sharp, and he’s going to be explosive in this fight.
Here at the Prince Ranch boxing facility we pride ourselves on making our fighters better, by giving them the necessary tools to become world champions.said Greg Hannely, “Bones Adams and Israel Vazquez, two former world champions, are excellent trainers and our facility is home to some spectacular boxers. The boxing world will be seeing the rise of this gym, and all our fighters. Damien is a special talent and I see him fighting for a meaningful title soon.
My brother is getting better with each fight,” said brother and co-trainer Israel Vazquez. “I see his improvement in the gym on a daily basis. Our goal is to go to Mexico in a couple of weeks and make a statement. Damian is ready to take his career to the next level.
Damien is a really good fighter.said co-trainer ClarenceBones” Адамс, “He’s coming along just fine. He certainly has heart like his brother Israel, and his skills are elite in my opinion. I know this kid can do some special things in this sport if he continues on path he’s on right now.
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