Tag Archives: Connecticut

Boxing manager A.J. Galante kuvula gym isibhakela Danbury, Connecticut

Danbury, CT (January 24, 2015)- Professional Boxing manager A.J. Galante and zangaphambili Olwa sosondonzima Fernely Feliz kukhona ukumemezela ukuthi Grand Opening isibhakela gym yabo entsha, Champs Boxing Club & Fitness will take place on Saturday February 28. Happy, owathuthela Danbury eseyingane the Dominican Republic, ine umehluko yokuba Danbury, Boxer professional kuqala CT sika. Njengoba wesibhakela, wazakhela irekhodi 23-9 in a career owathatha 15 Eminyakeni. Yena wathola Umdlalo wesibhakela lapho kuqhamuka Danbury sika Hat City Boxing, okuyinto wavala iminyango yalo in 2001. Kusuka lapho, umuzi nokho kabusha ukuvula okukhethekile boxing gym kuze kube manje. “Sekuyiminyaka iphupho lami kusukela I umhlalaphansi emuva emphakathini.” Happy okushiwo, “Bengilokhu ngifisa ukuvula gym boxing, ngoba boxing wasindisa ukuphila kwami. Ngiyajabula ekugcineni afeze umgomo enkulu ekuphileni kwami. Ngibheke phambili ekwenzeni emzini Danbury uyaziqhenya nalokhu gym.” Fernely Feliz, Manje nomqeqeshi, is yavusa ukuthuthukisa i team amateur in the city, ngalesikhatsi kuchutjekwa ukusebenza nge kokubili punjab professional kanye MMA fighters. Umlingani Feliz kungenye abaphathi boxing professional omncane, A.J. Galante, ngubani okwamanje okwenzayo hot Junior middleweight themba Frank Galarza. “Uma Fernely Bangibuza lo mbono, Ngangingazi ukuthi kabili. I alikwazanga prouder lokhu gym” Galante wathi, “Wonke umuntu engiye kuqala ejimini ukuze, awe love with the imvelo. It has an old-school bazizwa kulo, nokho has a lot of Izinsiza new school. Uma uhamba ngo awufuni ukushiya.” Champs Boxing Club sinomkhaya a professional ephakeme 18 foot ring, multiple yendabuko kanye okukhethekile esindayo izikhwama, wall izikhwama, kabili ekupheleni izikhwama, brand new imishini cardio futhi indawo isisindo. Kukhona okusezingeni definition ikhamera ngaphezu ring lapho bonke sparring futhi imfundo zingaqoshwa, bese befundela abaqeqeshi on an HDTV noma ithunyelwe a amalungu’ tablet.

Lapho ekhuluma ejimini, lokho yakhanyisa umnikazi A.J. Amehlo Galante yilapho ekhuluma endaweni ekhetheke kakhulu of gym yakhe. “I ukuhlala ebhodini boxer yami non nzuzo Frank Galarza sika, Youth Ukulwa Phambili. Yinhlangano engakholeki ukuthi inamathela boxing gyms, futhi unikeza intsha yethu indawo ukuthuthukisa isiyalo nokuzethemba. Kuyinto kokubili boxing kanye nokufundiswa, nezimfuneko esiqinile ezihilela esikoleni, amamaki and lababekhona. Ngiyaziqhenya ukusho ukuthi Champs Boxing Club uzojoyina Starrett City Boxing Club of eBrooklyn, in ibamba a Youth Ukulwa Phambili isahluko.” Galante wakhuluma izidingo eziningi Frank Galarza zenzelwe Youth Ukulwa Phambili, futhi lapho ebuzwa kanjani Champs Boxing Club kuzoqinisekisa imvelo engcono ukuze uphumelele, Galante wawuthi yena Galarza athuthukile ikamelo Ucwaningo amalungu, namakhompyutha ezinikelwe, abanyathelisi kanye nezinye izinto school. “Ngokuya kokuba amathuluzi ukuhlangabezana nezidingo academic kuhlanganise umsebenzi wesikole, akukho izaba” Galante wababaza.

The Grand Opening of Champs Boxing Club & Fitness kuyoba ivulekele umphakathi kusuka12pm-3pm, Saturday February 28. Kuzoba giveaways khulula, ukudla nokuqabuleka, kanye nethuba ukuhlangabezana WBC Latino Junior middleweight Champion Frank “Notorious” Galarza and UFC Star and Danbury ohlala Glover Teixeira. Vakashela www.champsboxingclub.org ngolwazi oluthe xaxa.

Adams, Gasparyan, Thompson and Skorokhod kusengaphambili in Boxcino Jr. Middlweight mqhudelwano

UNCASVILLE, Conn (February 15, 2015)Brandon Adams, Vito Gasparyan,John Thompson futhi Stanyslav Skorokhod bonke wawina match-ups zabo quarterfinal at the Mohegan Sun futhi wadlulela emzuliswaneni owandulela owamanqamu we Boxcino 2015 jr. middleweight mqhudelwano.
Zonke Boxcino iziqubu kwahlelwa ukuba 6-emahlandla.
The mqhudelwano kugqugquzelwa kuphela by Banner Promotions futhi eboniswe ESPN sika Friday Night ayalwa.
Leli khadi wakhushulelwa by Banner Promotions ebuhlotsheni Jimmy Burchfield sika CES Boxing.
Adams, owayengummeli Boxcino 2014 middleweight mqhudelwano ophume isibili emncintiswaneni,scored a 5th round stoppage over Alex Perez in what was an entertaining slug fest.
Le mpi wabona kokubili abafana ukulwa ngaphakathi ukuyohlala ezinye isibhamu thudding. It was Adams speed inside that proved to be the difference as it looked he landed the more authoritative blows and was slowly breaking down Perez.
In round amahlanu, Adams lawela ilungelo buyadlondlobala ukuthi wathumela Perez ngendwangu. Perez got to his knees before the bout was stopped at 2:47 round amahlanu.
Adams, 155 Manje lbs of Los Angeles 16-1 kanye 11 knockouts. Perez, 152 1/2 lbs of Newark, NJ kuba 18-2.
“Alex kwaba onzima kakhulu. I appreciate the fight that he brought and it made me step up my game,” Said Adams.
“Ekupheleni, I sagibela isibhamu zami. I showed that I have the speed and I established the jab. I had a lot of fun in there. I am looking forward to the next fight. I am going, mhlawumbe I uyothatha Monday off futhi ngizobuya in the gym.”
Vito Gasparyan amaphuzu 6-round isinqumo ngazwilinye phezu ngaphambilini Ezingakanqotshwa Simeon Hardy.
Gasparyan kwaba matasa futhi outworked Hardy baphoqa empini ngaphakathi ngokumelene Hardy zinde, lapho Gasparyan wakwazi ukuthola kangcono Ukuhwebelana.
Gasparyan, 155 lbs from Glendale, CA won by ezikhombisa of 60-54, 59-55 futhi 58-56 futhi manje 15-3-5. Hardy, 154 1/4 Manje lbs of eBrooklyn kuba 13-1.
“Kwakuwusuku ukulwa okuhle. I proved that I belong at this level,” Said Gasparyan.
“I am manje ngabomvu impi elilandelayo. I am going to work hard and take one step at a time. I felt good and confident in there. I am dedicating this victory to my trainer Justin Fortune who couldn’t be here after just beating an illness.
Replacement Late John Thompson Boxed eya a 6-round isinqumo ngazwilinye phezu Ricardo Pinell.
Thompson esetshenziswa ukuphakama kwakhe futhi sifinyelele ukugcina Pinell at bay. Thompson was effective with quick combinations that never let Pinell get on track.
Thompson, 154 1/4 lbs of Newark, NJ won by ezikhombisa of 60-54 emakhadini futhi manje 16-1. Pinell, 154 lbs of San Francisco, Manje CA 10-2-1.
“I outboxed naye ingxenye enkulu. I was able to know a little about him and I went off what I saw on youtube,” Said Thompson.
“Ngabona wayenedumela imikhuba emibi embalwa. Now that I have time to prepare it will be a lot better. I know I have a lot to work on. I will take one week off and I will be back in the gym.
Syanyslav Skorokhod amaphuzu 4 round stoppage phezu Michael Moore in impi fighters ngaphambilini Ezingakanqotshwa.
In round amabili, Skorokhod waqala ukuthola uhla ngamandla isibhamu ngezandla zombili. Towards the end of the round, Skorokhod lawela a hard ilungelo wasekela Moore kuze ekhoneni. In round ezintathu, Skorohod baphonse Moore ngesandla sokunene ephelele.
In round ezine, Skorohod waphinda baphonse Moore nge kanzima. Morre got up only to eat a flurry of punches and the bout was stopped at 1:03 round ezine.
Skorohod, 153 3/4 Manje lbs of Los Angeles 9-0 kanye 7 knockouts. Moore, 154 3/4 lbs of Cleveland, OH kuba 13-1.
“Ngiyajabula ngokuthi mina wawina. My next fight will be even better,”wathi a Skorokhod victorious.
“Ngase ngilungele southpaw futhi ngangazi ingcindezi kungaba umehluko. Once I applied the pressure, Ngabona ukuthi wayengeke akwenze lutho. I can prepare for any kind of the style being that I train with some of the best fighters at Wild Card Gym.

Adams uzohlangana Gasparyan ngesikhathi Skorokhod ngeke silwe Thompson on April 3 e Corona, California.

In action undercard:

In yini rock em -sock em indaba, Jimmy Williams wakwazi ugqule eya a 4-round stoppage phezu Eddie Caminero in a okuhlelelwe 6-round middleweight iziqubu.
Kwakubukeka njengolimi kuzoba ebusuku iDemo and easy for Williams njengoba ubuhlungu Caminero kaningi round yokuqala ephuzwini abangu Caminero yayimangalisa wonke ring izikhathi eziningana. Caminero was able to gather himself and make the fight a two way brawl with each guy holding on at different points of the fight.
Williams lama ngokwakhe ngokwanele umhlaba a hook ephelele kwesokunxele ukuthi wathumela Caminero labagibeli 32-imizuzwana round ezine.
Williams, 156 1/4 lbs of Hartford, Manje CT kuba 9-0-1 kanye 5 knockouts. Caminero, 157 1/4 lbs of Lawrenceville, MA kuba 7-9.

Khiary Gray-Pitts eshayiwe futhi zazigcwele igazi ekhaleni of Rodrigo Almeida in the round yokuqala kanti iziqubu wamiswa ekhoneni elandelayo luhlaka kuvulwa ihlelelwe 4-round Light sosondonzima iziqubu yabo.
Gray-Pitts lawela thudding isibhamu ukuthi kwadingeka Almeida on the ukuzivikela kusukela ekuqaleni. Almeida’s nose was bloody and face was bruised up after just three minutes of action and could not continue after the first frame.
Gray-Pitts, 164 1/4 lbs of Worcester, Manje MA kuba 5-0 kanye 3 knockouts. Almeida, 172 1/2 lbs of Woburn, MA kuba 1-2.
In the iziqubu ukuvulwa kusihlwa, Oscar Bonilla futhi Angel Martinez balwa a 4-round in draw iziqubu Esilula.
Bonilla wawina ikhadi 39-37 ngesikhathi amakhadi amabili ngisho at 38-38.
Bonilla, 133 lbs of New Haven, CT kuba 3-0-2. Martinez, 132 1/4 lbs of Austin, TX kuba 5-1-1.
In the iziqubu walkout Ray Oliveira Jr. amaphuzu a stoppage ngemuva round amabili a okuhlelelwe 4-round iziqubu Esilula phezu Ralph Johnson.
Manje Oliveira kuba 3-0 kanye 2 knockouts. Johnson kuyinto 1-4

Photo by Shane Sims / Banner Promotions

The quarterfinal ezine wesibhakela division iziqubu uzobe isiqephu bukhoma ESPN sikaFriday Night ayalwa Friday Landelayo! February 20, kusukela Turning Stone Resort Casinoe Verona, NY.
Boxcino winner nyakenye the division middleweight, Willie Monroe Jr., isibe bona bangempela Olwa sibonga ngokunqoba kwakhe Boxcino 2014. Njengamanje emhlabeni-ukalwe No. 3 by the WBA, Ungenzi. 7 by the WBO and No. 10 by the World Boxing Council (WBC). Boxcino 2014 iqhawe engasindi Petr Petrov No njengamanje emhlabeni-ukalwe. 2 by the WBA and No. 7 by the WBO

Happy ukwenza Artie Pelullo, noma amasosha atholakale kuwe ngocingo. The pairings for division ngamunye, fighter bios (ningakhathazeki siphelela emfushane) futhi bonke abahlanganyeli’ Amarekhodi Fight Fax ayatholakala phezu isicelo.


Manje Mohegan Sun Arena esibalwa consistently phakathi izindawo phezulu in the world ngokusho Billboard Magazine, Pollstar and zemicimbi Namuhla. Kuye unqobe “Ikhasino of The Year” at the Country Music Awards e 2008 & 2010 futhi 2013, kwaba bavotela “Arena Of The Year” at the Gaming Conference G2E Global in Las Vegas. Futhi in 2013, Mohegan Sun wawina “Ikhasino of The Year” in 2 imikhakha at the Academy of Country Music Awards. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe amakhonsathi neminye imicimbi ezinkulu vakashela Mohegan Sun. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa on schedule kuleli sonto, shayela Entertainment and Events Special hotline at 1.888.226.7711, ext. 27163.

Izisindo from Mohegan Sun (Boxcino Jr. Middleweight Quarterfinals)

John Thompson replaces Cleotis Pendarvis in Boxcino Tournament

Boxcino Quarterfinals

Ricardo Pinell 154 – John Thompson 154 1/4

Stanyslav Skorokhod 153 3/4 – Michael Moore 154 3/4

Brandon Adams 155 – Alex Perez 152 1/2

Vito Gasparyan 155 – Simeon Hardy 154 1/4

Thompson sithatha indawo Cleotis Pendarvis ababengakwazi ukwenza isisindo

Eddie Caminero 157 1/4 – Jimmy Williams 156 1/4
Khiary Gray-Pitts 164 1/4 – Rodrigo Almeida 172 1/2
Angel Martinez 132 1/4 – Oscar Bonilla 133

Ama ifotho by Shane Sims / Banner Promotions
Umgqugquzeli: Banner Promotions in association with Jimmy Burchfield’s CES Boxing
Irestjurandi: Mohegan Sun:
Television: ESPN 2 (9PM)
1st Bell: 7:45 PM
Kwabazabalazayo Future angene spotlight kazwelonke lapho popular single-ukuqedwa boxing mqhudelwano, Boxcino 2015, kwenza ngenkathi yaso DEBUT, Lokhu Friday! February 13, at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Conn. Yethelevishini bukhoma on ESPN sika Friday Night ayalwa, (9 p.m. KANYE / 6 p.m. PT on ESPN2), the quarterfinal junior middleweight division iziqubu amane ngeke ukhiqize abawinile ezine oyobe-ke ukuthatha eqa giant ekwenzeni yona ubuqhawe round lokugcina futhi umklomelo walo wokugcina, the singenamuntu Naba and nabo izihloko KANYE ukukala emhlabeni Top-10 by the World Boxing Association (WBA) kanye World Boxing Organization (WBO). Wasekela by Banner Promotions and Jimmy Burchfield sika Classic Entertainment & Sports (CES), esisele amathikithi February 13 edition of Boxcino 2015, ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $125, $65, $40 futhi $30, kuhlanganise indawo Imali, angathengwa nge www.ticketmaster,kanye, ngocingo at 1-800-745-3000, bonke Izitolo Ticketmaster noma umuntu at the Office Mohegan Sun Box.

The Official Weigh-In kuzokwenzeka ngoLwesine, February 12, in the Mohegan Sun Cabaret Theatre, isiqala at 5 p.m. On Fight Night, Doors lizovula at 7 p.m. ne iziqubu lokuqala isiqala at 8 p.m. KANYE.

The quarterfinal wesibhakela division iziqubu ezine uzobe isiqephu bukhoma ESPN sikaFriday Night ayalwa Friday Landelayo! February 20, kusukela Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, NY.

Boxcino 2015 bekulokhu platform omkhulu isizukulwane esilandelayo isibhakela Champions kanye izinkanyezi. The iziqubu quarterfinal kuyoba emahlandla eziyisithupha, the iziqubu semifinal kuyoba emahlandla eziyisishiyagalombili kanye iziqubu ubuqhawe kuyoba 10 emahlandla. Le piece iDemo kusukela ESPN sika “Ukwenza The Rounds” kuthanda imininingwane izimpi kuleli sonto. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id = 12302492

Boxcino winner nyakenye the division middleweight, Willie Monroe Jr., isibe bona bangempela Olwa sibonga ngokunqoba kwakhe Boxcino 2014. Njengamanje emhlabeni-ukalwe No. 3 by the WBA, Ungenzi. 7 by the WBO and No. 10 by the World Boxing Council (WBC). Boxcino 2014 iqhawe engasindi Petr Petrov okwamanje umhlaba-ukalwe No. 2 by the WBA and No. 7 by the WBO

Happy ukwenza Artie Pelullo, noma amasosha atholakale kuwe ngocingo. The pairings for division ngamunye, fighter bios (ningakhathazeki siphelela emfushane) futhi bonke abahlanganyeli’ Amarekhodi Fight Fax ayatholakala phezu isicelo.


Manje Mohegan Sun Arena esibalwa consistently phakathi izindawo phezulu in the world ngokusho Billboard Magazine, Pollstar and zemicimbi Namuhla. Kuye unqobe “Ikhasino of The Year” at the Country Music Awards e 2008 & 2010 futhi 2013, kwaba bavotela “Arena Of The Year” at the Gaming Conference G2E Global in Las Vegas. Futhi in 2013, Mohegan Sun wawina “Ikhasino of The Year” in 2 imikhakha at the Academy of Country Music Awards. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe amakhonsathi neminye imicimbi ezinkulu vakashela Mohegan Sun. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa on schedule kuleli sonto, shayela Entertainment and Events Special hotline at 1.888.226.7711, ext. 27163.

Camp Training icaphuna jr Boxcino. middleweight abahlanganyeli

February 13 at the Mohegan Sun futhi bephila ESPN sika Friday Night ayalwa


UNCASVILLE, Conn. (February 4, 2015) – Singabantu nje kwesikhathi esingaphezu kwesonto kude kakhulu elindelekile Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight Tournament.


With ukuqeqeshwa amakamu ezehlela, fighter ngamunye enikeziwe Banner Promotions nge update kanjani amalungiselelo final bazoya.

Cleotis Pendarvis
“Camp Training uya kahle. We are just toning it down and getting ready for action. Pinell is a pretty decent fighter but he is in over his head in this fight.


Ricardo Pinell
“Training uya okuhle. I have been awake extra early and am the first person in the gym and the last to leave. I have been grinding. Cleotis is a southpaw as well. We were both in camp with Amir Khan. We both sparred him and at the end of the day we sparred each other. I got to have a little look at him. He is slick and has experience and is pretty crafty. ”



Stanyslav Skorokhod
“Training ihamba kahle. I am getting very good sparring at the Wild Card Gym and am improving a lot with my new trainers and team in Los Angeles. Michael Moore is a good boxer but I don’t think he will be able to deal with my power.


Michael Moore
“Izinto ziye elikhulu kuze kufike ukuqeqeshwa. We have had some great sparring with Demetrius Andrade and Edwin Rodriguez. There is no reason why we should not win Boxcino. We just hope my opponent is ready and game to put on a good show. This is his second bout in the United States but now he is going up against quality opposition.

Brandon Adams
“Camp muhle. Better than I anticipated. I am still in shape from my last fight. Going down in weight is going real well. Better than anybody expected. I think Alex is coming to fight and so am I. I hope he is looking to wow the fans because I will.


Alex Perez
“Konke smooth. I am just focused on Brandon Adams and February 13 lapho konke kuyofika ndawonye.”

Vito Gasparyan
“Konke uphelele. I have the best sparring partners. I can’t wait for the fight. I haven’t seen much of Hardy. I do know he is from Guyana. I have boxed taller guys and they are top level. I am experienced enough to handle anything he can bring.


Simeon Hardy
“Konke mkhulu. I am in great shape. I just hope he comes in great shape and we fight like true sportsmen because I will be ready to fight and win.
Lonke Boxcino 2015 series uzobe isiqephu bukhoma “ESPN Friday Night ayalwa” futhi kugqugquzelwa kuphela by Banner Promotions.
The February 13 umcimbi kugqugquzelwa Banner Promotions ebuhlotsheni Jimmy Burchfield sika Classic Entertainment & Sports (CES). The amathikithi asele ukuzeFebruary 13 edition of Boxcino 2015, ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $125, $65, $40 futhi $30, kuhlanganise indawo Imali, angathengwa nge www.ticketmaster.com, ngocingo at 1-800-745-3000, bonke Izitolo Ticketmaster noma umuntu at the Mohegan Sun box office.
The Boxcino 2014 tournament spawned breakout stars Willie Monroe and Petr Petrov. Bobabili manje emhlabeni-ukalwe No. 3 as well as future stars Brandon Adams & Fernando Carcamo.


Manje Mohegan Sun Arena esibalwa consistently phakathi izindawo phezulu in the world ngokusho Billboard Magazine, Pollstar and zemicimbi Namuhla. Kuye unqobe “Ikhasino of The Year” at the Country Music Awards e 2008 & 2010 futhi 2013, kwaba bavotela “Arena Of The Year” at the Gaming Conference G2E Global in Las Vegas. Futhi in 2013, Mohegan Sun wawina “Ikhasino of The Year” in 2 imikhakha at the Academy of Country Music Awards. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe amakhonsathi neminye imicimbi ezinkulu vakashela Mohegan Sun. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa on schedule kuleli sonto, shayela Entertainment and Events Special hotline at 1.888.226.7711, ext. 27163.

Boxcino 2015 Matchups umemezele on ESPN Friday Night ayalwa and Noche de Combates

Matchups for Boxcino 2015, a midlalo boxing eyethulwe Banner Promotions, ukuthi uzoqala ngoFebhuwari ESPN Friday Night ayalwa eyethulwe Corona Imidlalo Extra and ESPN’ Night ayalwa eyethulwe Corona Extra, ezamiswa kule esidlule edition sangoLwesihlanu of Friday Night ayalwa and Noche de Combates.
Elokuqala amahlanu imibukiso sizoqhutshwa ngoLwesihlanu, Feb. 13, at Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Conn., futhi ngeke baveze bukhoma at 9 p.m. ET on ESPN2, Ulimi Spanish-broadband ESPN Imidlalo futhi WatchESPN. The single-ukuqedwa, ezimbili-weight class mqhudelwano, okuyinto lakwazi ukusabela kahle abezindaba kanye nabalandeli 2014, izoba fighters eyisishiyagalombili kokubili middleweight junior nezigaba sosondonzima. Ngonyaka odlule, Willie Monroe Jr. (middleweight) futhi Petr Petrov (engasindi) base egcotshwa Boxcino 2014 Champions midlalo ukuthi iyavela fighters kokubili izigaba engasindi futhi middleweight. ESPN isiqephu the Boxcino mqhudelwano lokuqala emuva 1997, okwakubekelwa won by esizayo ezine-time iqhawe emhlabeni Acelino “Butt” Freitas.

Boxcino 2015 Tournament Abakaki:

Boxcino 2015 Schedule:

Usuku Isikhathi (KANYE) Indawo Main Indawo Amanethiwekhi
Free, Feb 13 9 p.m. Boxcino 2015 Quarterfinals- emahlandla eziyisithupha ngamunye, Junior middleweight Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, Conn. ESPN2, ESPN , WatchESPN
Free, Feb 20 9 p.m. Boxcino 2015 Quarterfinals- emahlandla eziyisithupha ngamunye, Wesibhakela Turning Stone Resort and Casino, Verona N.Y. ESPN2, ESPN , WatchESPN
Free, Ephreli 3 9 p.m. Boxcino 2015 Semifinals- emahlandla eziyisishiyagalombili ngamunye, Junior middleweight TBA ESPN2, ESPN , WatchESPN
Free, Ephreli 10 9 p.m. Boxcino 2015 Semifinals- emahlandla eziyisishiyagalombili ngamunye, Wesibhakela TBA ESPN2, ESPN , WatchESPN
Free, May 22 9 p.m. Boxcino 2015 Finals- 10 emahlandla ngamunye, Junior middleweight and sosondonzima TBA FuthiSPN2, ESPN, WatchESPN

BOXCINO 2015 PAIRINGS SET; BOXCINO 2015 Ukhahlela Off Friday, February 13

Philadelphia, PA (January 19, 2015) – Lokhu esidlule Friday ebusuku, the matchups for Boxcino 2015 zidedelwe on ESPN sika Friday Night ayalwa.


Le midlalo izoba uqalise Friday, February 13 at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Connecticut ezine ukulwa quarterfinal e-Jr. Middleweight division.

Lo mdlalo ups alandelayo kanje:

1. Cleotis Pendarvis (17-4-2, 6 KO sika) ezolwa Richard Pinnell (10-1-1, 6 KO sika)
2. Stanyslav Skorokhod (8-0, 6 KO sika) ezolwa Michael Moore (13-0, 6 KO sika)

3. Brandon Adams (15-1, 10 KO sika) kuzothatha on Alex Perez (18-1, 10 KO sika)

4. Vito Gasparyan (14-3-5, 8 KO sika) ngeke izikwele off with Simeon Hardy (13-0, 10 KO sika).


Odle iziqubu 1 ngeke silwe owawina iziqubu 2 kanti winner sika iziqubu 3 futhi 4 ngeke ukulwa April 3 in the semifinals.
Ngesonto elilandelayo, The heavyweight quarterfinals will commence live from the Turning Stone Resort Casino e Verona, I-New York. Those match ups are:


1. Donovan Dennis (10-1, 8 KO sika) ukulwa Steve Vukosa (10-0, 4 KO sika)
2. Razvan Cojano (12-1, 7 KO sika) kuzothatha on Futhi Fountain (10-0, 4 KO sika)
3. Andrey Fedosov (25-3, 20 KO sika) ezolwa Nate Heaven (9-1, 7 KO sika)
4. Mario Heredia (9-1, 7 I sika) kuzothatha on Lenroy Thomas (18-3, 9 KO sika)


Odle iziqubu 1 ngeke silwe owawina iziqubu 2 kanti winner sika iziqubu 3 futhi 4 ngeke ukulwa April 10 in the semifinals.

Lonke Boxcino 2015 series uzobe isiqephu bukhoma “ESPN Friday Night ayalwa.”
Wasekela by Banner Promotions and Jimmy Burchfield sika Classic Entertainment & Sports (CES), amathikithi asele ukuze February 13 edition of Boxcino 2015, ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $125, $65, $40 futhi $30, kuhlanganise indawo Imali, angathengwa nge www.ticketmaster,kanye, ngocingo at 1-800-745-3000, bonke Izitolo Ticketmaster noma umuntu at the Office Mohegan Sun Box.
Host of the iziqubu February 20, the Oneida Indian Nation sika Turning Stone Resort Casino buyaqhubeka bubonakalisa ngokwaso njengoba uya khona uNdunankulu for professional imicimbi yezemidlalo, kuhlanganise kuzwelonke-isiqephu boxing emidlalweni and professional-level igalofu. The February 20th fight will mark Turning Stone’s 14th nationally-televised boxing event in less than two years, esiza ukusungula resort njengoba isikhungo esibalulekile sentuthuko yezobuchwepheshe for ukulwa Knockout isiqephu. Boxing legends Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather Jr. have promoted televised fight cards at the resort within the last year. Turning Stone has hosted televised boxing events on ESPN, Isikhathi Sombukiso, HBO, futhi NBC in the last emibili edlule. Akhiwe Upstate New York, the resort ezine-isizini unikeza-class bezokuzijabulisa and udlala, mix eclectic lokuphekiwe, okunethezeka spa facilities, nightlife, futhi imiklomelo indawo yokuhlala.


Amathikithi for the 20th February ESPN Friday Night ayalwa at Ukuvula Stone ezisendalini manje Turning Stone box office, mathupha noma ngokushayela ucingo 315.361.7469, noma online at Ticketmaster. Amathikithi $60 kwezihlalo ringside, $35, $25, futhi kuncike izimali ezengeziwe.


The Boxcino 2015 isizini DEBUT izoba iziqubu ezine quarterfinal kanye abawinile sidlulela semifinals oyokuba on April 3 & April 10.

The Boxcino 2014 mqhudelwano eyaqanjwa Breakout izinkanyezi Willie Monroe futhi Petr Petrov. Bobabili manje emhlabeni-ukalwe No. 3 kanye izinkanyezi esizayo Brandon Adams &Fernando Carcamo. Monroe zibe nengxenye kwenzeka main of telecast tonight bukhoma kusuka Turning Stone Resort Casino, ukuthatha ezimangelengele Bryan Vera ne Naba and nabo middleweight izihloko kusengozini.