Tag Archives: Connecticut

Boxing saib xyuas A.J. Galante yuav qhib li boxing gym nyob rau hauv Danbury, Connecticut

Danbury, I (Lub ib hlis ntuj 24, 2015)- Kev Boxing saib xyuas A.J. Galante thiab yav tas los Heavyweight contender Fernely Feliz yog txaus siab ncha moo tias tus Qhib ntawm lawv cov tshiab boxing gym, Champs Boxing Club & Qoj yuav muab qhov chaw nyob Saturday Lub ob hlis ntuj 28. Zoo siab, uas tsiv mus rau Danbury raws li ib tug me nyuam los ntawm cov koom pheej Dominican, muaj qho uas txawv ntawm ua Danbury, I thawj tus xib boxer. Raws li ib tug Heavyweight, nws tso ua ke ib cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 23-9 nyob rau hauv ib txoj hauj lwm uas spanned 15 xyoo. Nws nrhiav tau kev ua si nawv ntawm boxing thaum nws tuaj hla Danbury lub kaus mom City Boxing, uas kaw cov qhov rooj nyob rau hauv 2001. Txij thaum ntawd los, lub nroog muaj tsis tau rov qhib ib tug tsuas yog boxing gym kom txog thaum uas tam sim no. “Nws tau kuv tus npau suav txij li thaum kuv so muab rov qab rau lub zej zog.” Zoo siab hais, “Kuv muaj ib txwm xav mus qhib ib tug boxing gym, vim hais tias boxing rua kuv lub neej. Kuv zoo siab thaum kawg ua kom tiav ib tug loj lub hom phiaj nyob rau hauv kuv lub neej. Kuv tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej los ua rau hauv lub nroog ntawm Danbury txaus siab nrog no gym.” Fernely Feliz, tam sim no ib tug kws qhia, yog zoo siab heev los tsim ib qho kev pib xyaum ua pab nyob rau hauv lub nroog, thaum lub sij hawm txuas ntxiv mus ua hauj lwm nrog ob kev boxers thiab MMA neeg tua hluav taws. Feliz lub khub yog ib tug ntawm cov kev boxing lub yau managers, A.J. Galante, uas tam sim no tswj kub Junior Middleweight prospect Frank Galarza. “Thaum Fernely approached kuv nrog lub tswv yim no, Kuv tsis xav hais tias ob zaug. Kuv yuav tsis tsum prouder ntawm no gym” Galante hais tias, “Txhua leej txhua tus uas kuv tau previewed lub gym mus, ntog hauv hlub nrog cov ib puag ncig. Nws muaj ib tug laus-lub tsev kawm ntawv xav tias rau nws, tsis tau muaj ib tug ntau ntawm tsev kawm ntawv tshiab amenities. Thaum koj taug kev nyob rau hauv koj yeej tsis xav tawm mus.” Champs Boxing Club tsev ib tug kws txhawb 18 ko taw ntiv nplhaib, ntau yam tsoos thiab tshwj xeeb hnyav hnab, phab ntsa hnab, ob kawg hnab, brand tshiab cardio cov khoom thiab ib tug luj cheeb tsam. Muaj kuj yog ib tug siab txhais lub koob yees duab saum toj no lub nplhaib qhov twg tag nrho sparring thiab kev qhia yuav tsum tau sau, thiab ces kawm nrog trainers rau ib tug HDTV los yog xa mus rau ib tug neeg’ ntsiav tshuaj.

Nyob rau hauv hais lus ntawm lub gym, dab tsi lit tswv A.J. Galante lub qhov muag thaum nws hais lus rau ib tug tshwj xeeb heev rau thaj tsam ntawm nws gym. “Kuv zaum ntawm lub Rooj Tswjhwm Saib ntawm kuv boxer Frank Galarza tus uas tsis yog profit organization, Cov tub ntxhais hluas sib ntaus Forward. Nws yog ib qho unbelievable lub koom haum uas hniav nws tus kheej rau boxing gyms, thiab muab peb cov hluas ib qho chaw tsim kev qhuab qhia thiab kev cog qoob loo. Nws yog ib tug ua ke ntawm ob boxing thiab pab ua qauv, nrog nruj yuav tsum muaj feem xyuam nrog lub tsev kawm ntawv tuaj kawm ntawv, qib thiab tuaj kawm ntawv. Kuv zoo siab hais tias Champs Boxing Club yuav koom Starrett City Boxing Club ntawm Brooklyn, nyob rau hauv txais ib tug hluas Sib ntaus sib tua Forward tshooj.” Galante hais nyob rau hauv ntau yuav tsum Frank Galarza tsim rau cov hluas ntaus Forward, thiab thaum twg nug txog yuav ua li cas Champs Boxing Club yuav xyuas kom meej qhov zoo tshaj plaws puag ncig tau muaj kev vam meej, Galante hais tias ob qho tag nrho nws thiab Galarza tsim ib txoj kev kawm hauv chav tsev rau cov mej zeej, nrog pub computers, printers, thiab lwm yam tsev kawm ntawv cov khoom siv. “Nyob rau hauv cov nqe lus ntawm muaj cov cuab yeej kom tau raws li kev kawm ntawv yuav tsum nrog homework, tsis muaj excuses” Galante qw hais tias.

Cov neeg pej xeem Qhib ntawm Champs Boxing Club & Qoj yuav qhib rau cov pej xeem los ntawm12pm-3 pm, Saturday Lub ob hlis ntuj 28th. Yuav muaj free giveaways, khoom noj khoom haus thiab refreshment, raws li zoo raws li lub sij hawm los ntsib Qhov Latino Junior Middleweight zus Frank “Hais tsis zoo” Galarza thiab UFC Star thiab Danbury neeg nyob Glover Teixeira. Mus ntsib www.champsboxingclub.org yog xav paub ntxiv.

Adams, Gasparyan, Thompson thiab Skorokhod ua ntej nyob rau hauv Boxcino Jr. Middlweight kev sib tw

UNCASVILLE, Conn (Lub ob hlis ntuj 15, 2015)Brandon Adams, Vito Gasparyan,John Thompson thiab Stanyslav Skorokhod tag nrho yeej lawv quarterfinal match-ups nyob rau Mohegan Sun thiab paub ntau mus rau lub semi-zaum kawg puag ncig ntawm lub Boxcino 2015 JR. Middleweight kev sib tw.
Tag nrho cov Boxcino bouts tau teem rau 6-rounds.
Txoj kev sib tw yog nce los ntawm heev dua lwm yam los ntawm Banner Promotions thiab muaj nyob rau ntawm ESPN lub Friday Hmo ntuj Fights.
Qhov no daim ntawv tau nce los ntawm Banner Promotions nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Jimmy Burchfield lub CES Boxing.
Adams, uas yog ib tug Boxcino 2014 Middleweight kev sib tw khiav mus,scored a 5th round stoppage over Alex Perez in what was an entertaining slug fest.
Lub sib ntaus pom ob mav tua sab hauv thiab tsaws ib co thudding txhaj tshuaj. It was Adams speed inside that proved to be the difference as it looked he landed the more authoritative blows and was slowly breaking down Perez.
Nyob rau hauv round tsib, Adams tsaws ib tug booming txoj cai hais tias xa Perez mus rau lub canvas. Perez got to his knees before the bout was stopped at 2:47 ntawm round tsib.
Adams, 155 phaus ntawm Los Angeles yog tam sim no 16-1 nrog 11 knockouts. Perez, 152 1/2 phaus ntawm Newark, NJ yog 18-2.
“Alex yog tawv heev. I appreciate the fight that he brought and it made me step up my game,” Hais Adams.
“Nyob rau hauv lub kawg, Kuv loaded kuv txhaj tshuaj. I showed that I have the speed and I established the jab. I had a lot of fun in there. I am looking forward to the next fight. I am going, tej zaum kuv yuav coj Monday tawm thiab kuv yuav rov qab nyob rau hauv lub gym.”
Vito Gasparyan tua nkag ib tug 6-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab tshaj yav tas los undefeated Xime-oos Hardy.
Gasparyan yog xav paub ntau tshaj kom nquag plias thiab outworked Hardy thiab yuam cov sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau sab hauv tiv thaiv cov siab Hardy, qhov twg Gasparyan yog tau txais lub zoo dua ntawm lub sib pauv.
Gasparyan, 155 phaus los ntawm Glendale, CA yeej los ntawm cov qhab nia ntawm 60-54, 59-55 thiab 58-56 thiab yog tam sim no 15-3-5. Hardy, 154 1/4 phaus ntawm Brooklyn yog tam sim no 13-1.
“Nws yog ib tug zoo sib ntaus. I proved that I belong at this level,” Hais Gasparyan.
“Kuv tam sim no kuv tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej mus rau lub tom ntej no kev sib ntaus. I am going to work hard and take one step at a time. I felt good and confident in there. I am dedicating this victory to my trainer Justin Fortune who couldn’t be here after just beating an illness.
Lig hloov John Thompson boxed nws txoj kev mus rau ib tug 6-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab tshaj Ricardo Pinell.
Thompson siv nws qhov siab thiab ncav cuag kom Pinell ntawm bay. Thompson was effective with quick combinations that never let Pinell get on track.
Thompson, 154 1/4 phaus ntawm Newark, NJ yeej los ntawm cov qhab nia ntawm 60-54 on phaib thiab yog tam sim no 16-1. Pinell, 154 phaus ntawm San Francisco, CA yog tam sim no 10-2-1.
“Kuv outboxed nws rau feem ntau cov feem. I was able to know a little about him and I went off what I saw on youtube,” Hais Thompson.
“Kuv pom nws muaj ib tug ob peb cwj pwm tsis zoo. Now that I have time to prepare it will be a lot better. I know I have a lot to work on. I will take one week off and I will be back in the gym.
Syanyslav Skorokhod tua nkag ib tug 4 puag ncig stoppage tshaj Michael Moore nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntaus sib tua ntawm yav tas los undefeated neeg tua hluav taws.
Nyob rau hauv round ob, Skorokhod pib mus nrhiav txoj kev khwv nrog lub hwj chim txhaj tshuaj nrog ob txhais tes. Towards the end of the round, Skorokhod tsaws ib tug nyuaj txoj cai hais tias backed Moore mus txog rau lub ces kaum. Nyob rau hauv round peb, Skorohod poob Moore nrog ib tug zoo meej sab tes xis.
Nyob rau hauv round plaub, Skorohod poob Moore ib zaug dua nrog ib tug nyuaj cai. Morre got up only to eat a flurry of punches and the bout was stopped at 1:03 puag ncig plaub.
Skorohod, 153 3/4 phaus ntawm Los Angeles yog tam sim no 9-0 nrog 7 knockouts. Moore, 154 3/4 phaus ntawm Cleveland, OH yog 13-1.
“Kuv zoo siab hais tias kuv yeej. My next fight will be even better,”hais tias ib tug yeej xwb Skorokhod.
“Kuv twb npaj rau ib tug southpaw thiab kuv paub lub siab yuav sib txawv. Once I applied the pressure, Kuv pom nws ua tsis tau dab tsi. I can prepare for any kind of the style being that I train with some of the best fighters at Wild Card Gym.

Adams yuav ntsib Gasparyan thaum Skorokhod yuav tua Thompson rau Plaub Hlis Ntuj 3 nyob rau hauv Corona, California.

Nyob rau hauv undercard txiav txim:

Nyob rau hauv dab tsi yog ib lub pob zeb em -sock em yi, Jimmy Williams yog muaj peev xwm phaus nws txoj kev mus rau ib tug 4-round stoppage tshaj Eddie Caminero nyob rau hauv ib tug teem 6-round Middleweight sib ntau sib tw.
Nws ntsia zoo li nws yuav ib tug luv luv thiab yooj yim hmo ntuj rau Williams raws li nws pheej mob Caminero nyob rau hauv thawj round mus rau lub point tau Caminero twb staggering thoob plaws lub nplhaib nyob rau hauv ob peb zaus. Caminero was able to gather himself and make the fight a two way brawl with each guy holding on at different points of the fight.
Williams steadied nws tus kheej txaus mus rau av ib tug zoo meej sab laug sib ntsib uas xa Caminero mus rau lub lawj ntawm 32-vib nas this ntawm puag ncig plaub.
Williams, 156 1/4 phaus ntawm Hartford, I yog tam sim no 9-0-1 nrog 5 knockouts. Caminero, 157 1/4 phaus ntawm Lawrenceville, MA yog 7-9.

Khiary Gray-Pitts ntaus thiab bloodied lub qhov ntswg ntawm Rodrigo Almeida nyob rau hauv thawj puag ncig thiab lub sib ntau sib tw tau nres nyob rau hauv lub ces kaum hauv qab no qhib ncej ntawm lawv tau teem 4-round teeb Heavyweight sib ntau sib tw.
Grey-Pitts tsaws thudding txhaj tshuaj uas muaj Almeida nyob rau hauv lub defensive los ntawm cov nyuam. Almeida’s nose was bloody and face was bruised up after just three minutes of action and could not continue after the first frame.
Grey-Pitts, 164 1/4 phaus ntawm Worcester, MA yog tam sim no 5-0 nrog 3 knockouts. Almeida, 172 1/2 phaus ntawm Woburn, MA yog 1-2.
Nyob rau hauv lub qhib sib ntau sib tw ntawm yav tsaus ntuj, Oscar Bonilla thiab Angel Martinez ua rog ib tug 4-round kos nyob rau hauv ib tug Sib sib ntau sib tw.
Bonilla yeej ib card 39-37 thaum ob cards twb txawm nyob rau hauv 38-38.
Bonilla, 133 phaus ntawm Tshiab Haven, I yog 3-0-2. Martinez, 132 1/4 phaus ntawm Austin, TX yog 5-1-1.
Nyob rau hauv lub walkout sib ntau sib tw Ray Oliveira Jr. tua nkag ib tug stoppage tom qab puag ncig ob ntawm ib tug teem 4-round Sib sib ntau sib tw tshaj Ralph Johnson.
Oliveira yog tam sim no 3-0 nrog 2 knockouts. Johnson yog 1-4

Yees duab los ntawm Shane Sims / Banner Promotions

Cov plaub quarterfinal Heavyweight faib bouts yuav tawm hauv TV nyob rau ESPN lubFriday Hmo ntuj Fights Tom ntej no Friday! Lub ob hlis ntuj 20, los ntawm Xa Pob Zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam povnyob rau hauv Verona, NY.
Xyoo tas los lub Boxcino khiav nyob rau hauv lub Middleweight faib, Willie Monroe Jr., tau ua ib tug Bona fide contender tsaug nws victories nyob rau hauv Boxcino 2014. Nws yog tam sim no lub ntiaj teb no-nyob Tsis. 3 by lub WBA, Ua Tsis. 7 los ntawm lub WBO thiab tsis. 10 los ntawm lub ntiaj teb Boxing Council (Qhov). Boxcino 2014 sib champion Petr Petrov yog tam sim no lub ntiaj teb no-nyob Tsis. 2 by lub WBA thiab tsis. 7 los ntawm lub WBO

Zoo siab ua Artie Pelullo, los yog ib yam ntawm cov neeg tua hluav taws muaj nyob rau koj los ntawm lub xov tooj. Lub pairings rau txhua faib, fighter BIOS (tsis txhob txhawj lawv nyuag) thiab tag nrho cov koom’ Sib ntaus Fax cov ntaub ntawv no muaj nyob rau thaum thov.


Mohegan Sun Arena yog tam sim no ranked li qhia siv kuj cov saum toj venues nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no raws li Billboard Magazine, Pollstar thiab venues Niaj hnub no. Nws tau yeej “Twv txiaj yuam pov ntawm lub xyoo” nyob rau ntawm lub teb chaws Music txeeb nyob rau hauv 2008 & 2010 thiab nyob rau hauv 2013, twb tau pom zoo “Arena Ntawm Lub Xyoo” nyob rau ntawm lub G2E ntiaj teb no Gaming sablaj nyob rau hauv Las Vegas. Tsis tas li ntawd nyob rau hauv 2013, Mohegan Sun yeej “Twv txiaj yuam pov ntawm lub xyoo” nyob rau hauv 2 pawg nyob rau ntawm lub Academy ntawm teb chaws Music txeeb. Yog xav paub ntxiv nyob rau hauv concerts thiab lwm yam zoo kawg cov txheej xwm mus saib Mohegan Sun. Rau cov lus qhia txog lub lim tiam no tus sij hawm, hu rau Lom ze thiab Tshwj xeeb Txheej xwm tus xov tooj ntawm 1.888.226.7711, ext. 27163.

Tes taw hnyav li ntawm Mohegan Sun (Boxcino Jr. Middleweight quarterfinals)

John Thompson replaces Cleotis Pendarvis in Boxcino Tournament

Boxcino quarterfinals

Ricardo Pinell 154 – John Thompson 154 1/4

Stanyslav Skorokhod 153 3/4 – Michael Moore 154 3/4

Brandon Adams 155 – Alex Perez 152 1/2

Vito Gasparyan 155 – Xime-oos Hardy 154 1/4

Thompson xyoo Cleotis Pendarvis uas yuav tsis ua kom yuag

Eddie Caminero 157 1/4 – Jimmy Williams 156 1/4
Khiary Gray-Pitts 164 1/4 – Rodrigo Almeida 172 1/2
Angel Martinez 132 1/4 – Oscar Bonilla 133

Cov duab los ntawm Shane Sims / Banner Promotions
Pab txhawb: Banner Promotions in association with Jimmy Burchfield’s CES Boxing
Chaw: Mohegan Sun:
TV: ESPN 2 (9PM)
1st Tswb: 7:45 PM
Yav tom ntej contenders kauj ruam mus rau hauv lub teb chaws kev tsom teeb thaum lub nrov ib leeg-tshem tawm boxing kev sib tw, Boxcino 2015, ua rau nws lub caij debut, No hnub Friday! Lub ob hlis ntuj 13, nyob rau ntawm lub Mohegan hnub nyob rau hauv Uncasville, Conn. Uas tawm hauv TV nyob rau ESPN lub Friday Hmo ntuj Fights, (9 p.m. THIAB / 6 p.m. PT on ESPN2), cov plaub quarterfinal junior Middleweight faib bouts yuav tsim plaub winners uas yuav ces noj ib giant leap rau ua nws mus rau lub championship kawg puag ncig thiab nws cov qhov kawg nqi zog, lub tsis muaj NABA thiab NABO npe THIAB ib tug Top-10 lub ntiaj teb no rating los ntawm lub ntiaj teb Boxing Association (WBA) thiab lub ntiaj teb Boxing Organization (WBO). Nce los ntawm Banner Promotions thiab Jimmy Burchfield lub Classic Lom ze & Cov kev ua si (CES), seem daim pib mus rau lub ob hlis ntuj 13 tsab ntawm Boxcino 2015, luv nqi ntawm $125, $65, $40 thiab $30, xws li chaw nqi, yuav tsum tau muas ntawm www.ticketmaster,nrog, los ntawm tus xov tooj ntawm 1-800-745-3000, tag nrho Ticketmaster outlets los yog nyob rau hauv tus neeg nyob rau ntawm lub Mohegan Sun Box Office.

Lub Official Weigh-Nyob rau hauv yuav muab qhov chaw rau Thursday, Lub ob hlis ntuj 12, nyob rau hauv lub Mohegan tshav cabaret Theatre, pib thaum 5 p.m. Nyob sib ntaus Hmo ntuj, Qhov rooj yuav qhib thaum 7 p.m. nrog tus thawj sib ntau sib tw pib thaum 8 p.m. THIAB.

Cov plaub quarterfinal Heavyweight faib bouts yuav tawm hauv TV nyob rau ESPN lubFriday Hmo ntuj Fights Tom ntej no Friday! Lub ob hlis ntuj 20, los ntawm Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Verona, NY.

Boxcino 2015 tau ib tug zoo platform rau cov tiam tom ntej ntawm boxing champions thiab cov hnub qub. Lub quarterfinal bouts yuav rau rounds, lub semifinal bouts yuav yim rounds thiab cov championship bouts yuav 10 rounds. No luv luv daim ntawm ESPN lub “Ua Tus ncig” yuav kom meej lim tiam no tus battles. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id = 12302492

Xyoo tas los lub Boxcino khiav nyob rau hauv lub Middleweight faib, Willie Monroe Jr., tau ua ib tug Bona fide contender tsaug nws victories nyob rau hauv Boxcino 2014. Nws yog tam sim no lub ntiaj teb no-nyob Tsis. 3 by lub WBA, Ua Tsis. 7 los ntawm lub WBO thiab tsis. 10 los ntawm lub ntiaj teb Boxing Council (Qhov). Boxcino 2014 sib champion Petr Petrov yog tam sim no lub ntiaj teb no-nyob Tsis. 2 by lub WBA thiab tsis. 7 los ntawm lub WBO

Zoo siab ua Artie Pelullo, los yog ib yam ntawm cov neeg tua hluav taws muaj nyob rau koj los ntawm lub xov tooj. Lub pairings rau txhua faib, fighter BIOS (tsis txhob txhawj lawv nyuag) thiab tag nrho cov koom’ Sib ntaus Fax cov ntaub ntawv no muaj nyob rau thaum thov.


Mohegan Sun Arena yog tam sim no ranked li qhia siv kuj cov saum toj venues nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no raws li Billboard Magazine, Pollstar thiab venues Niaj hnub no. Nws tau yeej “Twv txiaj yuam pov ntawm lub xyoo” nyob rau ntawm lub teb chaws Music txeeb nyob rau hauv 2008 & 2010 thiab nyob rau hauv 2013, twb tau pom zoo “Arena Ntawm Lub Xyoo” nyob rau ntawm lub G2E ntiaj teb no Gaming sablaj nyob rau hauv Las Vegas. Tsis tas li ntawd nyob rau hauv 2013, Mohegan Sun yeej “Twv txiaj yuam pov ntawm lub xyoo” nyob rau hauv 2 pawg nyob rau ntawm lub Academy ntawm teb chaws Music txeeb. Yog xav paub ntxiv nyob rau hauv concerts thiab lwm yam zoo kawg cov txheej xwm mus saib Mohegan Sun. Rau cov lus qhia txog lub lim tiam no tus sij hawm, hu rau Lom ze thiab Tshwj xeeb Txheej xwm tus xov tooj ntawm 1.888.226.7711, ext. 27163.

Kev kawm camp quotes los ntawm Boxcino JR. Middleweight koom

Lub ob hlis ntuj 13 nyob rau ntawm lub Mohegan hnub thiab nyob rau ESPN lub Friday Hmo ntuj Fights


UNCASVILLE, Conn. (Lub ob hlis ntuj 4, 2015) – Peb yog cov cia li ib lub lim tiam deb ntawm qhov ntau muab Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight kev sib tw.


Uas muaj kev kawm camps winding down, txhua fighter muab Banner Promotions nrog ib qho hloov tshiab yuav ua li cas zaum kawg npaj mus.

Cleotis Pendarvis
“Kev kawm camp yuav zoo. We are just toning it down and getting ready for action. Pinell is a pretty decent fighter but he is in over his head in this fight.


Ricardo Pinell
“Kev kawm yog mus zoo. I have been awake extra early and am the first person in the gym and the last to leave. I have been grinding. Cleotis is a southpaw as well. We were both in camp with Amir Khan. We both sparred him and at the end of the day we sparred each other. I got to have a little look at him. He is slick and has experience and is pretty crafty. ”



Stanyslav Skorokhod
“Kev kawm yog mus zoo heev. I am getting very good sparring at the Wild Card Gym and am improving a lot with my new trainers and team in Los Angeles. Michael Moore is a good boxer but I don’t think he will be able to deal with my power.


Michael Moore
“Tej yam uas muaj zoo li deb raws li cov kev cob qhia. We have had some great sparring with Demetrius Andrade and Edwin Rodriguez. There is no reason why we should not win Boxcino. We just hope my opponent is ready and game to put on a good show. This is his second bout in the United States but now he is going up against quality opposition.

Brandon Adams
“Camp yog zoo. Better than I anticipated. I am still in shape from my last fight. Going down in weight is going real well. Better than anybody expected. I think Alex is coming to fight and so am I. I hope he is looking to wow the fans because I will.


Alex Perez
“Txhua yam yog tus. I am just focused on Brandon Adams and Lub ob hlis ntuj 13 thaum txhua yam yuav tuaj ua ke.”

Vito Gasparyan
“Txhua yam yog zoo meej. I have the best sparring partners. I can’t wait for the fight. I haven’t seen much of Hardy. I do know he is from Guyana. I have boxed taller guys and they are top level. I am experienced enough to handle anything he can bring.


Xime-oos Hardy
“Txhua yam yog zoo kawg. I am in great shape. I just hope he comes in great shape and we fight like true sportsmen because I will be ready to fight and win.
Tag nrho Boxcino 2015 series yuav tawm hauv TV nyob rau “ESPN Friday Hmo ntuj Fights” thiab yog nce heev dua lwm yam los ntawm Banner Promotions.
Lub Lub ob hlis ntuj 13 kev tshwm sim yog nce los ntawm Banner Promotions nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Jimmy Burchfield lub Classic Lom ze & Cov kev ua si (CES). Qhov seem daim pib mus rau lubLub ob hlis ntuj 13 tsab ntawm Boxcino 2015, luv nqi ntawm $125, $65, $40 thiab $30, xws li chaw nqi, yuav tsum tau muas ntawm www.ticketmaster.com, los ntawm tus xov tooj ntawm 1-800-745-3000, tag nrho Ticketmaster outlets los yog nyob rau hauv tus neeg nyob rau ntawm lub Mohegan Sun chaw ua hauj lwm.
Lub Boxcino 2014 tournament spawned breakout stars Willie Monroe and Petr Petrov. Ob leeg yog tam sim no lub ntiaj teb no-nyob Tsis. 3 as well as future stars Brandon Adams & Fernando Carcamo.


Mohegan Sun Arena yog tam sim no ranked li qhia siv kuj cov saum toj venues nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no raws li Billboard Magazine, Pollstar thiab venues Niaj hnub no. Nws tau yeej “Twv txiaj yuam pov ntawm lub xyoo” nyob rau ntawm lub teb chaws Music txeeb nyob rau hauv 2008 & 2010 thiab nyob rau hauv 2013, twb tau pom zoo “Arena Ntawm Lub Xyoo” nyob rau ntawm lub G2E ntiaj teb no Gaming sablaj nyob rau hauv Las Vegas. Tsis tas li ntawd nyob rau hauv 2013, Mohegan Sun yeej “Twv txiaj yuam pov ntawm lub xyoo” nyob rau hauv 2 pawg nyob rau ntawm lub Academy ntawm teb chaws Music txeeb. Yog xav paub ntxiv nyob rau hauv concerts thiab lwm yam zoo kawg cov txheej xwm mus saib Mohegan Sun. Rau cov lus qhia txog lub lim tiam no tus sij hawm, hu rau Lom ze thiab Tshwj xeeb Txheej xwm tus xov tooj ntawm 1.888.226.7711, ext. 27163.

Boxcino 2015 Matchups tshaj tawm rau ESPN Friday Night Fights thiab Noche de Combates

Matchups for Boxcino 2015, ib tug boxing kev sib tw los ntawm Banner Promotions, uas yuav pib nyob rau hauv Lub ob hlis ntuj rau ESPN Friday Night Fights los ntawm Corona Ntxiv thiab ESPN Deportes’ Hmo ntuj Fights los ntawm Corona Ntxiv, tau tshaj tawm rau hauv no yav dhau los hnub Friday lub ib tsab ntawm Friday Night Fights thiab Noche de Combates.
Thawj ntawm tsib qhia yuav muaj nyob rau hnub Friday, Feb. 13, ntawm Mohegan hnub nyob rau hauv Uncasville, Conn., thiab yuav pa ya nyob ntawm 9 p.m. ET rau ESPN2, broadband Mev-lus ESPN Deportes thiab WatchESPN. Ib leeg-tshem tawm, ob-ceeb thawj hoob kawm kev sib tw, uas garnered zoo tshuaj tiv thaiv los ntawm xov xwm thiab cov kiv cua nyob rau hauv 2014, yuav feature yim neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv ob lub junior Middleweight thiab Heavyweight pawg. Xyoo tas los, Willie Monroe Jr. (Middleweight) thiab Petr Petrov (sib) twb crowned Boxcino 2014 Champions nyob rau hauv ib tug kev sib tw uas featured neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv ob lub khaub-ncaws nyias thiab Middleweight pawg. ESPN uas tawm hauv TV thawj Boxcino kev sib tw nyob rau hauv rov qab 1997, uas yeej los ntawm yav tom ntej plaub-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb no yeej Acelino “Taub qab” Freitas.

Boxcino 2015 Kev sib tw nkhaus:

Boxcino 2015 Lub sij hawm:

Hnub Lub sij hawm (THIAB) Main tshwm sim Qhov chaw Tes hauj lwm
Dawb, Feb 13 9 p.m. Boxcino 2015 Quarterfinals- rau ib ncig txhua, Junior Middleweight Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, Conn. ESPN2, ESPN , WatchESPN
Dawb, Feb 20 9 p.m. Boxcino 2015 Quarterfinals- rau ib ncig txhua, Heavyweight Xa Pob Zeb Resort thiab twv txiaj yuam pov, Verona N.Y. ESPN2, ESPN , WatchESPN
Dawb, Apr 3 9 p.m. Boxcino 2015 Semifinals- yim rounds txhua, Junior Middleweight TBA ESPN2, ESPN , WatchESPN
Dawb, Apr 10 9 p.m. Boxcino 2015 Semifinals- yim rounds txhua, Heavyweight TBA ESPN2, ESPN , WatchESPN
Dawb, Tej zaum 22 9 p.m. Boxcino 2015 Kawg- 10 rounds txhua, Junior Middleweight thiab Heavyweight TBA ThiabSPN2, ESPN, WatchESPN

BOXCINO 2015 PAIRINGS SET; BOXCINO 2015 Pib tawm Friday, Lub ob hlis ntuj 13

Philadelphia, PA (Lub ib hlis ntuj 19, 2015) – No yav dhau los Friday hmo ntuj, lub matchups rau Boxcino 2015 tau qhia rau ESPN lub Friday Hmo ntuj Fights.


Txoj kev sib tw yuav tau pib rau Friday, Lub ob hlis ntuj 13 nyob rau ntawm lub Mohegan Sun nyob rau hauv Uncasville, Connecticut nrog plaub quarterfinal fights nyob rau hauv lub Jr. Middleweight faib.

Cov nram qab no match ce yog raws li nram no:

1. Cleotis Pendarvis (17-4-2, 6 KO lub) yuav tua Richard Pinnell (10-1-1, 6 KO lub)
2. Stanyslav Skorokhod (8-0, 6 KO lub) yuav tua Michael Moore (13-0, 6 KO lub)

3. Brandon Adams (15-1, 10 KO lub) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Alex Perez (18-1, 10 KO lub)

4. Vito Gasparyan (14-3-5, 8 KO lub) yuav square tawm nrog Xime-oos Hardy (13-0, 10 KO lub).


Tus khiav ntawm sib ntau sib tw 1 yuav tua tus khiav ntawm sib ntau sib tw 2 thaum lub sij hawm tus khiav tus bouts 3 thiab 4 yuav tua rau Plaub Hlis Ntuj 3 nyob rau hauv lub semifinals.
Heev tom ntej lub lim tiam, The heavyweight quarterfinals will commence live from the Turning Pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Verona, New York. Those match ups are:


1. Donovan Dennis (10-1, 8 KO lub) fights Steve Vukosa (10-0, 4 KO lub)
2. Razvan Cojano (12-1, 7 KO lub) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Thiab ciav (10-0, 4 KO lub)
3. Andrey Fedosov (25-3, 20 KO lub) yuav tua Nate Saum ntuj ceeb tsheej (9-1, 7 KO lub)
4. Mario Heredia (9-1, 7 Kuv tus) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Lenroy Thomas (18-3, 9 KO lub)


Tus khiav ntawm sib ntau sib tw 1 yuav tua tus khiav ntawm sib ntau sib tw 2 thaum lub sij hawm tus khiav tus bouts 3 thiab 4 yuav tua rau Plaub Hlis Ntuj 10 nyob rau hauv lub semifinals.

Tag nrho Boxcino 2015 series yuav tawm hauv TV nyob rau “ESPN Friday Hmo ntuj Fights.”
Nce los ntawm Banner Promotions thiab Jimmy Burchfield lub Classic Lom ze & Cov kev ua si (CES), seem daim pib mus rau lub Lub ob hlis ntuj 13 tsab ntawm Boxcino 2015, luv nqi ntawm $125, $65, $40 thiab $30, xws li chaw nqi, yuav tsum tau muas ntawm www.ticketmaster,nrog, los ntawm tus xov tooj ntawm 1-800-745-3000, tag nrho Ticketmaster outlets los yog nyob rau hauv tus neeg nyob rau ntawm lub Mohegan Sun Box Office.
Tswj tuav ntawm lub ob hlis ntuj 20th bouts, lub Oneida Indian teb chaws tus Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov tseem kom paub qhov txawv nws tus kheej raws li ib tug premier lo lus uas peb rau kev ntaus pob ncaws pob cov txheej xwm, nrog rau hauv teb chaws-uas tawm hauv TV boxing qhov yuam kev thiab cov kev siv cov golf. The February 20th fight will mark Turning Stone’s 14th nationally-televised boxing event in less than two years, pab tsim kom muaj lub resort raws li ib tug Mecca rau knockout uas tawm hauv TV fights. Boxing legends Mike Tyson thiab Floyd Mayweather Jr. tau nce tawm hauv TV sib ntaus phaib ntawm lub resort nyob rau hauv lub xyoo tas los. Turning Stone has hosted televised boxing events on ESPN, Showtime, HBO, thiab NBC nyob rau hauv ob lub xyoos dhau. Nyob rau hauv Upstate New York, cov plaub-lub caij resort muaj world-class kev lom zem thiab gaming, eclectic mix ntawm cov khw nojmov, khoom kim heev spa chaw, nightlife, thiab puav pheej-winning pab.


Daim pib rau lub ob hlis ntuj 20th ESPN Friday Hmo ntuj Fights ntawm Txoj siav pob zeb nyob rau ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no nyob rau ntawm lub Txoj siav Pob Zeb chaw ua hauj lwm, nyob rau hauv tus neeg los yog los ntawm hu xov tooj 315.361.7469, lossis hauv online ntawm Ticketmaster. Daim pib yog $60 rau ringside rooj, $35, $25, thiab no yuav ntxiv cov nqi.


Lub Boxcino 2015 lub caij debut yuav feature plaub quarterfinal bouts nrog lub winners mus rau semifinals uas yuav muab qhov chaw nyob rau Plaub Hlis Ntuj 3 & Plaub Hlis Ntuj 10.

Lub Boxcino 2014 kev sib tw spawned breakout hnub qub Willie Monroe thiab Petr Petrov. Ob leeg yog tam sim no lub ntiaj teb no-nyob Tsis. 3 raws li zoo raws li yav tom ntej cov hnub qub Brandon Adams &Fernando Carcamo. Monroe yuav featured nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm hmo no lub nyob telecast los ntawm Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov, noj nyob rau lub rugged Bryan Vera nrog lub NABA thiab NABO Middleweight lub npe ntawm ceg txheem ntseeg.