Tag Archives: CJ Ewer

JASON Lachance: “Ja JE blagoslovljen sjajna prilika”

Lewiston, Mejn (Novembar 16, 2015) - New England Borbe (NEF), Amerike broj jedan regionalni promociju borbe, će održati svoj sljedeći događaj, “NEF XX: A History of Violence” ovo Subota, Novembar 21, 2015 na Androscoggin banke Colisée u Lewiston, Mejn. Na festivalu će nastupiti po prvi put u Maine – mješovitih borilačkih-arts- (MMA) napadi i profesionalni boks mečeva na isti događaj sa VMA kavez i ring postavili side-by-side. In a featured lightweight amateur MMA bout, Jason “2ND Chance” Lachance (2-2) će se na CJ Ewer (4-2) na borbu težine od 155 funti.


Lachance dolazi off u prvom krugu podnošenje pobjede nad David Thompson (0-1) u “NEF XIX” this past September. He is confident in his abilities and predicts victory over Ewer when they meet this weekend. While Lachance’s future in the sport appears brighter every day, On obećava da se ne previdi zadatak pri ruci i da pusti njegova hrišćanske vere ga voditi kroz svoju karijeru.


“Ja ću pobijediti CJ na svaki mogući način,” rekao Lachance. “MMA is a sport where anything can happen. I am fully prepared for whatever may come on the 21st. I will focus on my next opponent when this fight is out of my way. Ja neću zanemariti moj protivnik. Bog će postaviti budućnost za mene, jer on ima do sada.”


Lachance credits his faith and the sport of MMA with helping him conquer his much-publicized addiction to heroin. He began training over two years ago at MMA Athletix in Bath, Mejn, gdje je također priključio Victory crkve ministarstvo tadašnjeg vlasnika teretane Ryan Cowette (2-3).


“Bio sam blagoslovljen sa sjajna prilika, and I couldn’t be more grateful. The fight game is the highest of highs and lowest of lows. Najveći definisanje trenutaka moje kratke karijere nisu došli iz unutrašnjosti kaveza, ali od učenja i raste iz dana u dan, kao čovjek i kao borac.”


Nedavno, Lachance i saigrač Norman Fox (4-2) purchased the MMA Athletix gym from Cowette after Cowette decided to redirect his focus to his roofing business. When the challenges of small business ownership reared its head, Lachance opet dopušta njegova vjera ga vodi.


“Kupovina u teretanu je veliki trenutak za oba Norman i sebe,” izjavio Lachance. “Morali smo da sjedimo i stvarno procijeniti ono što smo htjeli iz naše karijere, and also out of our business. We quickly realized that with full time jobs, nemamo vremena za trenera, trenera, fighters and business owners and still expect to succeed. We prayed on it and God sent us the perfect team of coaches and trainers, zajedno s novom grupom se i dolazak boraca.


“MMA je već promijenio moj život na mnogo načina. Očekujem da do vrha, kao poslovni vlasnik i kao borac. Bog mi je dao priliku da živim svoj san, iz dana u dan.”


New England Borbe’ Slijedeća utrka, “NEF XX: A History of Violence,” odvija ove subote, Novembar 21, 2015 na Androscoggin banke Colisée u Lewiston, Mejn. Ovaj događaj će obilježiti prvi put u istoriji Maine mješovitoj-u borilačkim (MMA) događaja i profesionalni boks događaj su se desile zajedno na istoj emisiji. Ulaznice za “NEF XX” počinju od samo $25 i su na prodaju sada www.TheColisee.com ili pozivom na Colisée blagajni207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Dodatno, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, prati ih na Twitterunefights i pridružite službenim Facebook grupe "New England borbi."


O New England Borbe


New England Borbe ("NEF") je borba događaja promocije firme. Misija NEF je da stvori najkvalitetnije događaja za Maine-a borcima i navijači podjednako. Izvršni tim NEF ima veliko iskustvo u upravljanju borilačkih sportova, proizvodnja događaji, odnosa s medijima, marketing, pravne i oglašavanje.

EWER I Lachance TO ukrstiti koplja AT NEF XX

Lewiston, Mejn (Septembar 29, 2015) - New England Borbe (NEF), Amerike broj jedan regionalni promociju borbe, će održati svoj sljedeći događaj, “NEF XX: A History of Violence” na Subota, Novembar 21, 2015 na Androscoggin banke Colisée u Lewiston, Mejn. Na festivalu će nastupiti po prvi put u Maine – mješovitih borilačkih-arts- (MMA) napadi i profesionalni boks mečeva na isti događaj sa VMA kavez i ring postavili side-by-side. Ranije danas, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur lightweight bout to the MMA portion of the fight card. CJ Ewer (4-2) Planirano je da se suoči Jason “Second Chance” Lachance (2-2) na borbu težine od 155 funti.


CJ Ewer is a veteran of the United States Air Force security forces. He is a product of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine where he has honed his craft under coach Chris Young. Ewer had one of the most explosive starts to a career in NEF history, winning his first three amateur bouts in a matter of just ten weeks. Earlier this month at “NEF XIX,” Ewer borio i poražen je vrlo teška Ricky Dexter (3-2). All of Ewer’s fights to date have been in the welterweight and middleweight divisions. The cut to 155-pounds will be a first for Ewer.


“Nakon gledanja video od Lachance, to je očigledno dolazi u kavez dobro pripremljeni,” istakao Ewer od svog protivnika. “On je samo izgubljen u Jaroda Tyler i Dom Cofone, who are both hardcore fighters, and his win against Steve Bang shows that he has a lot of different skills and drive. It’ll be a great opportunity to show how I can compete at 155.


Jason Lachance je član MMA Athletix sa sjedištem u Bath, Mejn. He has faced stiff competition in the first several fights of his career, kao Ewer navedeno, so Lachance is accustomed to standing across the cage from the cream of the crop. He is coming off a first round submission victory over David Thompson (0-1) ranije ovog mjeseca na “NEF XIX.” Lachance will look to continue his winning ways when he meets Ewer at “NEF XX” novembra 21.


“Ja sam uzbuđen za još jednu priliku da se u kavezu,” rekao Lachance. “I expect an exciting fight no matter where it ends up. Ewer is tough competition. I am looking forward to this one.


New England Borbe’ Slijedeća utrka, “NEF XX: A History of Violence,” odvija na Novembar 21, 2015 na Androscoggin banke Colisée u Lewiston, Mejn. Ovaj događaj će obilježiti prvi put u istoriji Maine mješovitoj-u borilačkim (MMA) događaja i profesionalni boks događaj su se desile zajedno na istoj emisiji. Ulaznice za “NEF XX” počinju od samo $25 i su na prodaju sadawww.TheColisee.com ili pozivom na Colisée blagajni 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Dodatno, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, prati ih na Twitterunefights i pridružite službenim Facebook grupe "New England borbi."

DEXTER DOBIO DRUGI priliku osvojiti zlato na NOVI teŮinskoj

Lewiston, Mejn (Avgust 19, 2015) - New England Borbe (NEF), Amerike broj jedan regionalni promociju borbe, održat će svoju devetnaestog mješovitih borilačkih-Arts- (MMA) događaj, “NEF XIX: HOMECOMING,” u subotu, Septembar 12, 2015 na Androscoggin banke Colisée u Lewiston, Mejn. That night, Tim je Irish Ricky Dexter (3-1) treba da se sastane CJ Ewer (3-2) in an NEF MMA Amateur Welterweight Title eliminator. Nedavno, Dexter je bio gost na NEF Podcast domaćin NEF suvlasnik i provodadžija Matt Peterson.


Veteran mornarice SAD, Dexter pridružio Marcus Davis tima irske teretanu nakon prelaska kući u Bangor, Maine at the conclusion of his military service. Konačno, Dexter je preuzeo fitness programa u teretani, sada poznat kao “207 Sportista.” Dexter touched on his progression from joining the gym to becoming a trainer.


“Hteo sam da radim nešto i držati u dobrom stanju,” said Dexter of his return home to Maine from military service. “I figured I’d go work out with the guys at Team Irish. I started doing their workout regimen. I dabbled a little bit with MMA training. Slowly I got more into it over time. It was a good workout. As time went on, I got better at it. I got more addicted with the more I learned, sa Marcus znanje, I got addicted to it. He hired me to run his fitness class. Nakon toga, I figured I’d take a fight. I was in pretty good shape.


Ranije ove godine, Dexter bavi naporan Slugfest sa Pretresno Cory (1-1) u “NEF XVI.” It was just Dexter’s second fight in the MMA cage. The bout ended in a knockout victory for Dexter. The highlight-reel knockout will, bez sumnje, biti u trčanju za nominaciju za “KO of the Year” na “NEF 2015 Na kraju godine nagrade.”


“Prvi krug sam prilično mnogo sjećam,” recalled Dexter. “The second round I kind of went into a trance. I don’t really remember much of it, just from watching the video. When you get to that point your training takes over. You kind of black out and, prije nego što ti to znaš, postaješ ruku podigao.”


U svim, Dexter je završio prva tri amaterske napade na svom putu da dobije udarac u NEF MMA Pro Lagane prvenstvo u “NEF XVIII” u junu ove godine protiv Josh Harvey (4-1). Dexter would lose the bout by first-round submission. U “NEF XIX” na Septembar 12, Dexter će imati priliku da se osveti taj gubitak, kada upoznaje Zračne je Young MMA saigrač CJ Ewer u borbu koja će biti naslov eliminator za NEF MMA Pro Welterweight prvenstvo.


“On je stvarno dobar rvač, veliki momak,” Dexter said of Ewer. “He looks like he’s pretty skilled. He comes from a respected school in Young’s. We all know what he’s gonna do, a svi znamo šta treba da radim.”


Možete slušati čitav razgovor NEF Podcast uwww.NewEnglandFights.com/Podcasts/


Za više informacija o tima Irski Fitness Academy, molimo vas da posjetite njihovu web stranicu www.TeamIrishMMA.com. You can also follow “207 Athletes” na Facebooku da biste saznali više o programu obuke Ricky Dexter.


New England Borbe’ Slijedeća utrka, “NEF XIX: HOMECOMING,” odvija naSubota, Septembar 12, 2015 na Androscoggin banke Colisée u Lewiston, Mejn. Ulaznice za “NEF XIX: HOMECOMING” počinju od samo $25 i su na prodaju sada www.TheColisee.com ili pozivom na Colisée blagajni 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Dodatno, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, prati ih na Twitterunefights i pridružite službenim Facebook grupe "New England borbi."


O New England Borbe


New England Borbe ("NEF") je borba događaja promocije firme. Misija NEF je da stvori najkvalitetnije događaja za Maine-a borcima i navijači podjednako. Izvršni tim NEF ima veliko iskustvo u upravljanju borilačkih sportova, proizvodnja događaji, odnosa s medijima, marketing, pravne i oglašavanje.


Lewiston, Mejn (Juli 6, 2015) - New England Borbe (NEF), Amerike broj jedan regionalni promociju borbe, održat će svoju devetnaestog mješovitih borilačkih-Arts- (MMA) događaj, “NEF XIX,” na Subota, Septembar 12, 2015 na Androscoggin banke Colisée u Lewiston, Mejn. Ranije danas, the promotion announced an amateur welterweight title qualifier had been added to the fight card. Ricky Dexter (3-1) će se sastati CJ Ewer (3-2) na borbu težine od 170 funti. The winner of the bout will get a shot at becoming the inaugural NEF MMA Amateur Welterweight Champion at a later date.


Ricky Dexter je član tima irske u Brewer, Maine i štićenik legendarnog Marcus “The Irish Hand Grenade” Davis (22-11). Dexter got off to a remarkable 3-0 početi u svojoj karijeri amaterski, finishing all three of his opponents in the first round. Prošlog mjeseca, Dexter suočio CJ Ewer saigrač Josh Harvey (4-1) in a losing effort for the NEF MMA Amateur Lightweight Title. Dexter will look to avenge that loss on Septembar 12.


“Okus poraza definitivno ostavio prekršaj okus u ustima,” recalled Dexter of his most recent fight. “You better believe I’m more hungry than ever to get this win. Expect to see a Ricky Dexter you’ve never seen before.


Slično, CJ Ewer također izašli na 3-0 početi u svojoj karijeri amaterski. The summer of 2013 saw Ewer defeat his first three opponents in a matter of a mere ten weeks. He would put his MMA career on hold to serve his country in the United States Air Force security forces before returning to NEF this past spring to face Connor Barry (5-1). Barry would be Ewer’s second loss in a row. He recognizes that to get back on the winning track will not be easy with Dexter standing in his way. Ewer is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Mejn.


Ricky Dexter seems like a really tough fighter,” rekao Ewer. “You can’t judge him on his last fight because Josh Harvey is elitehe’s the next Ray Wood. I feel like this will be a great match up.


New England Borbe’ Slijedeća utrka, “NEF XIX,” odvija na Subota, Septembar 12, 2015 na Androscoggin banke Colisée u Lewiston, Mejn. Ulaznice za “NEF XIX” počinju od samo $25 i su na prodaju sada www.TheColisee.com ili pozivom na Colisée blagajni 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Dodatno, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, prati ih na Twitterunefights i pridružite službenim Facebook grupe "New England borbi."


O New England Borbe


New England Borbe ("NEF") je borba događaja promocije firme. Misija NEF je da stvori najkvalitetnije događaja za Maine-a borcima i navijači podjednako. Izvršni tim NEF ima veliko iskustvo u upravljanju borilačkih sportova, proizvodnja događaji, odnosa s medijima, marketing, pravne i oglašavanje.



Lewiston, Mejn (April 12, 2015) - New England Borbe (NEF), Amerike broj jedan regionalni promociju borbe, held its seventeenth mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF XVII,” Subota noć u Androscoggin banke Colisee u Lewiston, Mejn. A crowd of more than 2,000 was on hand to take in the action.


The co-main event of the evening saw Dennis “The Menace” Olson (13-7) win a split decision victory over Jarod “Last Minute” Lawton (4-2). Jamie Harrison (6-1) stopped NEF MMA Lightweight Champion Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington (10-8) via first-round submission in a non-title bout in the card’s main event. In a women’s amateur bout earlier in the evening, Boyington supruga Randi Beth Knowles (1-0) poražen Alex Walker (0-1) via unanimous decision in a thrilling back-and-forth contest.


Dodatno, NEF announced that the promotion’s next MMA event would take place at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Jun 13, 2015. The event is titled “NEF XVIII: Made in Americaand it will feature the professional debut of Crowsneck Boutin (6-7 amater) as he meets “The Junkyard Dog” Ryan Cowette (3-2) in a middleweight contest. It was further announced that Ryan Glover(1-0) i Billy Leahy (2-1) will fight for the first ever NEF MMA amateur title in the heavyweight division on Jun 13.


The full results from Lewiston, Mejn:



CATCH Jamie Harrison def. Bruce Boyington via rear-naked choke, krug 1
170 Dennis Olson def. Jarod Lawton via split decision
CATCH Kaline Medeiros def. Calie Cutler via unanimous decision

150 Derek Shorey def. John Raio via TKO, krug 1

CATCH Jesse Erickson def. Mark Deford via KO, krug 1

CATCH Jay Perrin def. Elias Leland via TKO, krug 2



CATCH Norman Fox def. Dave Brown via guillotine choke submission, krug 1
165 Connor Barry def. CJ Ewer via triangle choke submission, krug 1
155 Matthew Hanning def. Rick Matthews via KO, krug 1

S.HWT Dave Smith def. Ora Spratt IV via TKO, krug 1

185 Heath Hanson def. Brandon Russell via TKO, krug 1
CATCH Caleb Serra def. Clifford Redman via armbar submission, krug 3
135 Sheldon Bang def. Mike Crespo via unanimous decision
115 Randi Beth Knowles def. Alex Walker via unanimous decision

155 Ricky Dexter def. Zenon Herrera via Kimura submission, krug 1

185 Chris Rideout def. Ruben Redman preko jednoglasnom odlukom

185 Chris Smith def. Dan Meuse via TKO, krug 1

135 Caleb Costello def. Wilmer Carrero via guillotine choke submission, krug 1

150 Alex Johnson def. Dustin Shorey via guillotine choke submission, krug 1

NEF iduće MMA događaja, “NEF XVIII: Made in America” will originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine on June 13, 2015. Ulaznice za “NEF XVIII” počinju od samo $25 i su na prodaju sada www.TheColisee.com or by calling the Colisee box office at207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Dodatno, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, prati ih na Twitterunefights i pridružite službenim Facebook grupe "New England borbi."


O New England Borbe


New England Borbe ("NEF") je borba događaja promocije firme. Misija NEF je da stvori najkvalitetnije događaja za Maine-a borcima i navijači podjednako. Izvršni tim NEF ima veliko iskustvo u upravljanju borilačkih sportova, proizvodnja događaji, odnosa s medijima, marketing, pravne i oglašavanje.


Lewiston, Mejn (April 10, 2015) - New England Borbe (NEF), Amerike broj jedan regionalni promociju borbe, held weigh-ins for its seventeenth mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF XVII,” earlier today at the Ramada Hotel and Conference Center in Lewiston, Mejn. “NEF XVII” will take place at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee located at 190 Birch Street in Lewiston sutra, Subota, April 11 sa otvaranjem vrata na 6:00 pm. The first fight is scheduled to begin at 7:00 pm.


The professional NEF MMA Lightweight Title bout between Bruce Boyington (10-7) i Jamie Harrison (5-1) is now a non-title catchweight fight after Harrison was unable to make the lightweight limit of 155-pounds.


The weights from Lewiston, Mejn:



CATCH Bruce Boyington (154.0) vs Jamie Harrison (156.3)
170 Dennis Olson (170.9) vs Jarod Lawton (169.4)
CATCH Kaline Medeiros (116.2) vs Calie Cutler (117.9)

150 John Ray (150.4) vs Derek Shorey (149.3)

CATCH Jesse Erickson (156.3) vs. Mark DEFORD (155.4)

CATCH Jay Perrin (139.0) vs Elias Leland (134.0)



CATCH Dave Brown (125.4) vs Norman Fox (126.2)
165 Connor Barry (165.2) vs CJ Ewer (164.7)
155 Rick Matthews (153.7) Matthew Hanning (154.7)

S.HWT Dave Smith (292.6) vs Ora Spratt IV (282.7)

185 Brandon Russell (186.0) vs Heath Hanson (176.6)
CATCH Caleb Serra (147.1) vs Clifford Redman (145.0)

S.HWT Ryan Glover (227.6) vs Jason Field (271.0)
135 Sheldon Bang (135.4) vs Mike Crespo (134.1)
115 Alex Walker (115.1) vs Randi Beth Knowles (115.8)

155 Ricky Dexter (154.7) vs Zenon Herrera (153.8)

185 Chris Rideout (182.7) vs Ruben Redman (181.1)

185 Chris Smith (185.6) vs Dan Meuse (181.2)

135 Caleb Costello (134.7) vs Wilmer Carrero (136.0)

150 Alex Johnson (149.2) vs Dustin Shorey (148.9)

Ulaznice za “NEF XVII” počinju od samo $25 i su na prodaju sadawww.TheColisee.com, by calling the Colisee box office at207.783.2009 x 525, or by visiting the Colisee box office at 190 Birch Street, Lewiston, Mejn 04240. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Dodatno, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, prati ih na Twitterunefights i pridružite službenim Facebook grupe "New England borbi."


O New England Borbe


New England Borbe ("NEF") je borba događaja promocije firme. Misija NEF je da stvori najkvalitetnije događaja za Maine-a borcima i navijači podjednako. Izvršni tim NEF ima veliko iskustvo u upravljanju borilačkih sportova, proizvodnja događaji, odnosa s medijima, marketing, pravne i oglašavanje.


Lewiston, Mejn (April 8, 2015) - New England Borbe (NEF), Amerike broj jedan regionalni promociju borbe, today announced that the weigh-ins for its upcoming mixed-martial-arts (MMA) događaj, “NEF XVII,” will take place this Petak, April 10 u 2 pm EDT. The weigh-ins will originate from the Ramada Hotel and Conference Center located at 490 Pleasant Street in Lewiston, Mejn. “NEF XVII” will take place at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee located at 190 Birch Street in Lewiston this Saturday, April 11 sa otvaranjem vrata na 6:00 pm. The first fight is scheduled to begin at 7:00 pm.


All of the stars for Subota night’s event will be on hand at the weigh-in ovog petka, uključujući: NEF MMA Lagane ChampionBruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington (10-7); Bellator veteran Dennis “The Menace” Olson (12-7); Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt Jarod “Last Minute” Lawton (4-1); undefeated professional women’s fighter Calie “The Honey Badger” Nožar (3-0); and many others. The weigh-in is open to both the public and media free of charge. For those unable to make it to Lewiston u petak, u Jay Jack Uncensored (JJU) podcast will be on hand recording their next episode and covering the festivities. The podcast archives can be accessed at onlinebjjproject.com/podcast/.


The current “NEF XVII” borba kartica (podložni promjenama):



155*TITLE Bruce Boyington 10-7 (Young je MMA) vs Jamie Harrison 5-1 (First Coast Full Contact/Riot MMA)
170 Jarod Lawton 4-1 (New England United) vs Dennis Olson 12-7 (Team Triumph/Boston BJJ)
185 Ryan Cowette 2-2 (MMA Athletix) vs John Daniels 2-3 (Rock City MMA)
155 Jesse Erickson 3-4 (CMBJJ-New England United) vs. Mark DEFORD 0-3 (F2 Arena)
150 John Ray 2-6 (First Class MMA/Choi Institute) vs Derek Shorey 1-1 (Nerasprskavajuće Combat Club)
135 Elias Leland 2-0 (The Academy of MMA) vs Jay Perrin 1-0 (Team Triumph/Boston BJJ)
115 Kaline Medeiros 3-4 (Gracie Fitness) vs Calie Cutler 3-0 (Jacked N Tan Fight Team)



S.HWT Dave Smith 0-0 (Berzerkers MMA) vs Ora Spratt IV 0-0 (Nerasprskavajuće Combat Club)
125 Norman Fox 3-1 (MMA Athletix) vs Dave Brown 1-2 (Plymouth Fight Club)
265 Ryan Glover 1-0 (Berzerkers MMA) vs Jason Field 0-0 (Nezavisan)
185 Ruben Redman 0-1 (Nezavisan) vs Chris Rideout 0-0 (Nezavisan)
185 Chris Smith 0-0 (Berzerkers MMA) vs Dan Meuse 2-0 (The Academy of MMA)
185 Heath Hanson 0-2 (3Ronin Atletika) vs Brandon Russell 0-1 (Team nitemare)
165 CJ Ewer 3-1 (Young je MMA) vs Connor Barry 4-1 (Nezavisan)
155 Ricky Dexter 2-0 (Team Irish) vs Zenon Herrera 3-6 (Nezavisan)
155 Rick Matthews 1-1 (Team Irish) Matthew Hanning 0-1 (Nezavisan)
145 Clifford Redman 0-1 (Nezavisan) Caleb vs Serra 0-1 (Kaze Dojo)
150 Alex Johnson 1-1 (Nemilosrdni MMA & Boks) vs Dustin Shorey 0-0 (Nerasprskavajuće Combat Club)
135 Mike Crespo 2-1 (MMA Athletix) vs Sheldon Bang 1-2 (CMBJJ-New England United)
135 Caleb Costello 1-3 (Team Irish) vs Wilmer Carrero 0-0 (MMA Athletix)
115 Randi Beth Knowles 0-0 (Boyington je TKD / Young MMA) vs Alex Walker 0-0 (Kaze Dojo)

Ulaznice za “NEF XVII” počinju od samo $25 i su na prodaju sadawww.TheColisee.com ili pozivom na Colisee blagajni207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Dodatno, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, prati ih na Twitterunefights i pridružite službenim Facebook grupe "New England borbi."


O New England Borbe


New England Borbe ("NEF") je borba događaja promocije firme. Misija NEF je da stvori najkvalitetnije događaja za Maine-a borcima i navijači podjednako. Izvršni tim NEF ima veliko iskustvo u upravljanju borilačkih sportova, proizvodnja događaji, odnosa s medijima, marketing, pravne i oglašavanje.

BORBA dodan u NEF XVII CARD će imati dugoočekivani POVRATAK

Lewiston, Mejn (Mart 24, 2015) - New England Borbe (NEF), Amerike broj jedan regionalni promociju borbe, vraća na Androscoggin banci Colisee u Lewiston, Maine na April 11, 2015 sa svojim sedamnaestog mješovitim borilačkim-umjetnost- (MMA) događaj. NEF released the full fight card for the event last week. Ranije danas, the company announced the addition of an amateur catchweight bout to the fight card. CJ Ewer (3-1) će se suočiti Connor “Samo Knuckle” Barry (4-1) na borbu težine od 165 funti.


Ibrik, član Young MMA u Bangor, Mejn, took the NEF MMA amateur ranks by storm in the summer of 2013. In the matter of just ten weeks, Ewer nekredane up tri pobjede, posljednji od kojih je više od veteran Crowsneck Boutin (6-7). His streak was brought to a halt by the tough Wayne Ahlquist (1-1) later that fall. Ewer would take more than a year off to serve his country in the United States Air Force security forces. Now back home and training with his teammates at Young’s, Ewer raduje testiranje sebe ponovo u NEF MMA kavez.


“Veoma sam nestrpljiv da se vratim u roku od konkurentskih NEF nakon izbivanja za skoro godinu i pol,” rekao Ewer. “And I’m thankful Young’s welcomed me back and took the time to train me. Connor looks like a very tough opponent, i to će biti veliki test za mene.”


Connor Barry je nezavisna borac trenutno na bazi od Lowell, Masačusets. Barry has become known as a “finišer” u regiji, pošto je pobedio tri njegova protivnika preko tehničke knockout (WHO) and one via submission. His only loss to date came by judge’s decision. Already having put in two fight camps for a planned pro-debut that never happened, Barry je uvjeren da je u najboljoj formi u karijeri i da će imati uspješan debi NEF trošku Ewer-a.


“Uzeo sam ovu borbu jer sam imao pro debi pad kroz dva puta,” , rekao je Barry. “I sada su obuku za pro borbi za pet mjeseci, tako da u smislu uređaj, he’s gonna be in for a surprise. In terms of fighting, Mislim da sam ga nadmašiti u svakom aspektu. From watching his fights, on izgleda uplašio da udaraju, a ako je uplašena da bang protiv mene, on će se nokautirao brzo.”

NEF iduće MMA događaja, “NEF XVII,” Planirano je da se održatiApril 11, 2015 na Androscoggin banke Colisee u Lewiston, Mejn. Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington (10-7) braniti NEF MMA Lagane Naslov protiv broj jedan kandidat Jamie Harrison (5-1). Dodatno, Jarod “Last Minute” Lawton (4-1) ispunjava Dennis Olson (12-7) u velter takmičenju. Ulaznice za “NEF XVII” počinju od samo $25 i su na prodaju sadawww.TheColisee.com ili pozivom na Colisee blagajni207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Dodatno, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, prati ih na Twitterunefights i pridružite službenim Facebook grupe "New England borbi."


O New England Borbe


New England Borbe ("NEF") je borba događaja promocije firme. Misija NEF je da stvori najkvalitetnije događaja za Maine-a borcima i navijači podjednako. Izvršni tim NEF ima veliko iskustvo u upravljanju borilačkih sportova, proizvodnja događaji, odnosa s medijima, marketing, pravne i oglašavanje.