标记档案: 查Shearns

不败羽量级新星欧文·冈萨雷斯 (Irvin Gonzalez) 加入 “区域战斗之夜”


本周六在德里的 SportsZone, N.H.




昆西, 质量. (四月 2, 2018) — 这周六晚上 “区域战斗之夜”, 由 Granite Chin Promotions 提供, has been strengthened by the late addition of hot prospect 欧文·冈萨雷斯 to a card already showcasing some of the best young, professional boxers in New England.




Granite Chin Promotions is on a mission to establish a fan-base in the Granite State, providing a fan friendly, full entertainment experience at The Sports Zone in Derry, 新罕布什尔州.




冈萨雷斯 (8-0, 7 科斯), fighting out of Worcester, 嘛, 是 2015 新英格兰金手套冠军, who qualified for the 2016 奥运选拔赛. The 21-year-old featherweight prospect will face Mexican 旧金山 “猴” Medal (12-12, 8 科斯) 在六轮的较量.




冈萨雷斯, who hasn’t fought since December 1 1 (sensational third-round knockout of previously undefeated 13-0 Marlon Olea in Providence), was supposed to fight St. 帕特里克节在波士顿, but he was informed the day of the weigh in that his opponent hadn’t cleared medicals.




I’m always in the gym working hard because I like to stay busy and be ready,” 冈萨雷斯说. “No layoffs for me. I’ve been sparring 3-4 每周几次来打磨我的手艺. 我总是准备. 几周前我很失望, 但我正在为这张卡而战, 并回到正确的轨道上.




“我只专注于下一场比赛, 四月 7, 对抗艰难的, 有经验的对手. 他是一位来自墨西哥的资深拳击手. 这周六晚上之后, 我会专注于下一场比赛, 五月 5 在福克斯伍兹。”




冈萨雷斯的加入以及一张包含哈特福德等明日之星的卡片, CT轻重量级冠军 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 (6-0, 5 科斯) 意味着新英格兰前三名新秀中的两名将在本周六在德里参加比赛. 其他几位有前途的拳击手也将参加比赛. 里维拉的面孔 兰迪 “响尾蛇” 坎贝尔, 俄亥俄州, 在六轮联合赛事中.




“我们很高兴欧文出现在我们的节目中,” 共同发起人 查Shearns 说. “他的最后一场战斗失败了,我们总是很乐意帮助当地的战士, 尤其是像欧文这样有能力的人. 我们在这个节目中有五位不败的战士. 他们是有很多上升空间的合理前景. 欧文, 里奇和奥马尔开始受到全国关注,新罕布什尔州球迷也开始关注他们. 这个节目中的资深战士也有很多值得奋斗的事情. ”




多切斯特, MA轻量化 加布里埃尔·杜卢克(Gabriel Duluc) (11-3, 2 科斯) 在对阵达拉斯老将的八轮主赛事中成为头条新闻 拉里 “斯洛莫顺” 工匠.




伊拉克战争老兵 克里斯·特雷蒂 (25-4, 20 科斯), 昆西的战斗, 嘛, 会见印第安纳退伍军人 Jammin'” 詹姆斯·莫罗 在八轮比赛中, 非冠军争夺战. 特拉耶蒂, 谁的头衔不会上线, 也是共同发起人 “区域之战之夜。”




另一个顶级康涅狄格州. 前景, 丹伯里初中量级 奥马尔博罗伊岛 (4-0, 1 KO), 发生在 卡洛斯·加林多, 沃本 (嘛), 在四轮比赛中. 底牌上的其他四轮选手包括皮博迪, MA 轻重量级 拉塞尔·金伯 (1-0) VS. 达斯汀·卡普林格; 爱尔兰次中量级 帕迪·麦吉, 现在正在多切斯特战斗 (嘛), 首次亮相职业联赛. 费城的 巴德赖尔·史密斯; 斯普林菲尔德, MA量级 安东尼·贝莱斯克斯 (1-0, 1 KO) VS. 费城的 沙万特·迪克森, 和克莱蒙特, NH初中量级 里基·福特 (1-1-1) VS. 费城的 德米特里厄斯·托马斯.




Also fighting on the undercard in six-round bouts are Stoughton, MA量级 特拉维斯·德姆科 (5-1, 1 KO) VS. 保罗·德索萨, and New Jersey middleweight 克里斯 “桑德曼” 托马斯 (7-0-1, 4 科斯) VS. 林恩, 马中量级 John Hantzopoulas.








门票, 售价 $60.00 (马戏团), $45.00 和 $30.00, 有售,并提供购买的 www.tickettriver.com. Tables with wait service are also available for $400.00. Half-priced tickets are available for active members of the military, police and fire departments.




门开处 7:00 下午, 第一回合 7:30 P.M. AND.




Event sponsors include Betley Chevrolet, 托宾科学公司, 矩阵航空航天, 镇普莱斯套房酒店, 曼彻斯特君主队和 Cars.com.



叽叽喳喳: @Granite_Chin

Granite Chin invades Granite State again “区域战斗之夜”

四月 7 at The SportsZone in Derry, N.H.
昆西, 质量. (二月 28, 2018) — Many of New England’s best and brightest professional boxers will be in action 星期六 夜晚, 四月 7, as Granite Chin Promotions returns to the Granite State, presenting “区域战斗之夜,” at The Sports Zone in Derry, 新罕布什尔州.
Granite Chin is excited to be back in New Hampshire,” 共同发起人 查Shearns 说. “The town of Derry and the local businesses have already started to support the event. We are looking forward to having professional boxing in the area. 节目中的一些拳手上次给我们带来了一些精彩的比赛,我们当然对这个节目期待更多。”
前新英格兰初中量级冠军 德里克 “外科医生” 西尔韦拉 (13-2, 7 科斯), 塞勒姆, 嘛, 10轮比赛的头条新闻.
新英格兰轻量级冠军 克里斯·特雷蒂, 来自昆西的伊拉克战争老兵, 嘛, 将在非标题中突出显示该活动, 八轮联合赛事. Traietti 也是 “区域之战之夜。”
多切斯特, MA轻量化 加布里埃尔·杜卢克(Gabriel Duluc) (11-2, 3 科斯) 将在八回合的战斗中展现. 不败的 UBF 新英格兰轻量级冠军 里奇 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 (6-0, 5 科斯), 哈特福德, CT, 返回新罕布什尔州. 在六全才, 新泽西中量级克里斯也是如此 “桑德曼” 托马斯 (7-0-1, 4 科斯).
克莱尔蒙特也在四轮比赛中参加底牌比赛, NH初中量级 瑞奇·福特 (1-1-1), 皮博迪, MA 轻重量级 拉塞尔·金伯 (1-0), 丹伯里, CT 青少年次中量级 奥马尔博罗伊岛 (4-0, 1 KO), 以及即将首次亮相的爱尔兰次中量级选手 帕迪·麦吉, 谁在多切斯特战斗.

Chris Traietti 既战斗又共同推动 四月. 7 在德里, NH
所有对手很快就会确定. 所有战斗和战士都受到变革.
门票, 售价 $60.00 (马戏团), $45.00 和 $30.00, 有售,并提供购买的 www.tickettriver.com. Tables with wait service are also available for $400.00.
门开处 7:00 P.M., 第一回合 7:30 P.M. AND.
活动赞助商包括宾利雪佛兰, 托宾科学公司, 矩阵航空航天, 镇普莱斯套房酒店, 曼彻斯特君主队和 Cars.com.
叽叽喳喳: @Granite_Chin

花岗岩下巴 “RIM 的隆隆声” 官方结果

理查德 “大力水手水手男” 里维拉
拉塞尔·金伯 (Russell Kimber) 赢得职业首秀
汉普顿, N.H. (十二月 9, 2017) — 七彩轻重量级前景 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 保持不败 (5-0, 4 科斯), 老将 罗伯托 “旧” 巴伦苏埃拉, 昨夜 (周六) 在 “RIM 的隆隆声” 主要事件, 由 Granite Chin Promotions 提供, 汉普顿 RIM 体育中心, 新罕布什尔州.
里维拉, 哈特福德外的战斗 (CT), 从开场钟起就掌控了比赛,对阵来自墨西哥的久经沙场的对手, 他在自己的领域拥有巨大的经验优势 147 亲斗争, 与里维拉的第五名相比.
巴伦苏埃拉大部分时间都在绳索上度过, 当里维拉向他开球时, 直到里维拉漂亮的左勾拳装饰了瓦伦苏埃拉, 直到裁判结束后才起身 迈克·瑞恩 完成了 10 次计数.
满载里维拉球迷的巴士冒着暴风雪驱车五个小时从哈特福德出发, 就在里维拉进入擂台之前到达. “这意味着对我很重要,” 里维拉微笑着谈到他的粉丝. “我们不仅仅是一家健身房, 我们是一家人.
“我已经习惯了业余风格,但现在我是专业人士. 我正在放松并选择出拳. 下一个, 我想赢得新英格兰冠军. 它是空的,我想要它!”
“这是我们在新罕布什尔州的第一场演出,我认为它很成功,” 共同发起人 查克·谢恩s 说, “尽管有些事情对我们不利,比如今晚的天气. 我们感谢汉普顿的支持, 新罕布什尔州, 委员会和当地企业. 他们与我们合作,我们迫不及待地想回来。”
多次世界跆拳道冠军的儿子和侄子 – 汤米父亲和叔叔 – 尽其所能 — 皮博迪, 嘛 拉塞尔·金伯 在对阵艰难的比赛中展现了充满希望的职业首秀 内森·舒尔特 在一场重量为 185 磅的比赛中. 32岁的金伯, 他在新罕布什尔州生活了几年,是最受观众喜爱的人, 经过四轮多数决,战胜了意志坚定的舒尔特,取得了来之不易的胜利.
“这是我第一次参加职业比赛,我有点紧张,” 金伯在打架后承认. “我已经很久没上过擂台了 1 ½ 年了,出现了一些环锈. 现在, 我知道我需要什么才能做好, 下一场比赛我会表现得更好. 这是我的第一个夏令营,我学到了很多东西. 我想保持忙碌, 一月下旬回来, 二月初。”
不败的惠特曼, MA初级次中量级前景 话筒 “坏男人” 欧汉, JR.穿过环充电, 卸载立即发送的强大权利 巴德赖尔·史密斯 到画布上. 史密斯不知何故站了起来,但奥汉很快结束了史密斯的夜晚, 第一回合仅剩 30 秒, 当裁判瑞安挥手示意该动作结束时.
新英格兰轻量级冠军和该节目的共同发起人, 伊拉克战争老兵 克里斯·特雷蒂 (25-5, 19 科斯) 被超越 法比安·瓦尔迪兹 在一场紧张的战斗中,第二轮淘汰赛最终获胜 2017. 在一场无冠军头衔的比赛中,体重为 185 磅, 昆西号, 来自马萨诸塞州的特莱埃蒂在首轮中途用一记右直拳击倒了墨西哥对手, 第二轮比赛以一系列未得到回应的拳头结束了比赛.
卡上唯一的新罕布什尔州本地人, 克莱蒙特初中量级 瑞奇·福特(1-1-1) 赢得了他的第一场职业比赛, 采取一边倒的态度, 四轮一致判定胜出职业综合格斗选手 安迪·艾洛, 谁首次参加职业拳击比赛.
在另一场忙碌的战斗中, 前世界级 瑞安 “波兰王子” Kielczweski(27-3, 9 科斯), 昆西的战斗 (嘛), 墨西哥轻量级选手仅用 51 秒就完赛 旧金山 “猴” Medal. 基尔茨韦斯基用致命的左拳击中了奖章, 导致勋章明显疼痛并且在数到 10 之前无法升起.
新泽西中量级 克里斯 “桑德曼” 托马斯 (7-0-1, 4 科斯) 第二轮比赛中止,保持了他职业生涯不败的记录 德米特里厄斯·托马斯. 托马斯使用连射组合打倒了托马斯, 谁打败了计数, 但当裁判瑞安在第二轮后期终止比赛时,他受到了重击.
克里斯·特雷蒂 (25-4, 20 科斯), 昆西, 嘛
WKO2 (1:13)
法比安·瓦尔迪兹 (2-2, 1 KO), 迦南人, 墨西哥
拉塞尔·金伯 (1-0, 0 科斯), 皮博迪, 嘛
WDEC4 (39-37, 38-37, 38-38)
内森·舒尔特 (0-4), 沃本, 嘛
理查德·里维拉 (5-0, 4 科斯), 哈特福德, CT
WKO2 (1:48)
罗伯托·巴伦苏埃拉 (69-76-2, 56 科斯), 阿夸普列塔, 墨西哥
克里斯·托马斯 (7-0-1, 4 科斯), 比奇伍德, 新泽西州
WTKO2 (2:55)
德米特里厄斯·托马斯 (0-7), 费城, PA
JUNIOR middleweights的
瑞奇·福特 (1-1-1), 克莱蒙特, NH
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
安迪·艾洛 (0-1), 布里奇沃特, 嘛
迈克·欧汉, JR. (4-0, 2 科斯), 惠特曼, 嘛
WTKO1 (0:30)
巴德赖尔·史密斯 (0-3), 费城, PA
瑞安Kielczweski (27-3, 9 科斯), 昆西, 嘛
WKO1 (0:51)
旧金山, 平均的 (11-11, 7 科斯), 乌鲁阿潘, 墨西哥
活动赞助商包括 Seabrook Inn, 托宾科学公司, 杰里米的比萨店和运动酒吧, 和矩阵航空航天.

花岗岩下巴入侵花岗岩州 “边缘隆隆声”

汉普顿, NH (十一月 13, 2017) – 花岗岩下巴促销活动入侵花岗岩州 星期六, 十二月 9, 展示一些新英格兰顶级职业拳击手的比赛 “边缘隆隆声” 卡, 在汉普顿的边缘, 新罕布什尔州.
“我们很高兴将 Granite Chin 带到新罕布什尔州,” 促进者 查Shearns 说. “汉普顿镇及其官员真正拥抱了我们. 我们与一个伟大的慈善机构合作, 汉普顿青年协会. 国家拳击委员会给予了极大的鼓励和合作, 哪, 坦率地说, 这不是我们所习惯的,而是呼吸新鲜空气. 我们将举办一场精彩的活动,并计划明年更多地回来。”
新英格兰轻量级冠军 克里斯·特雷蒂 (24-4, 19 科斯), 昆西的战斗 (嘛), 将进行八轮比赛,体重为 185 磅. 前世界拳击理事会美国轻量级冠军, 特莱埃蒂是一名大学毕业生,在美国服役期间曾在伊拉克服役过一次. 空军.
才华横溢的昆西轻量级 瑞安 “波兰王子” Kielczweski (26-3, 8 科斯) 将在六轮比赛中展示.
娱乐哈特福德 (CT) 轻重量级前景 里奇 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 (4-0, 3 科斯) 将在六回合比赛中挑战他的不败纪录.
也争取在undercard, 所有四个轮比赛, 正在准备首次亮相 185 磅 拉斯·金伯, 皮博迪 (嘛), 克莱蒙特 (NH) 超次中量级 瑞奇·福特 (0-1-1) 在他的家乡作为职业拳击手首次亮相, 霍尔布鲁克不败 (嘛) 次中量级 迈克·欧汉, JR. (3-0, 1 KO), and New Jersey middleweight 克里斯·托马斯 (6-0-1, 3 科斯).
“这张卡收录了新英格兰一些最优秀的人才,” 谢恩补充道, “包括不败的里奇·里维拉, 与新罕布什尔州本地人瑞奇·福特和拉塞尔·金伯一起. 竞争者 Ryan Kielczweski 也将参加比赛, 新英格兰轻量级冠军克里斯·特莱蒂和不败的新秀迈克·奥汉, JR. 我们期待一些好的擦伤。”
所有对手很快就会确定. 所有战斗和战士都受到变革.
门票, 售价 $60.00 (马戏团) 和 $45.00 (一般取), 有售,并提供购买的 www.tickettriver.com.
门开处 6:45 P.M., 第一回合 7:00 P.M. AND.
活动赞助商包括 Seabrook Inn, 托宾科学公司和矩阵航空航天公司.
叽叽喳喳: @Granite_Chin
十二月. 9 在汉普顿的边缘, N.H.

东北顶部. 八月拳击手在行动 5 上 “海湾之战” 在昆西, 嘛

昆西, 质量. (七月 6, 2017) — 许多新英格兰最优秀和最受欢迎的职业拳击手将亮相 星期六 夜晚, 八月 5, 在 “海湾之战” 卡, 由 Granite Chin Promotions 提供, 昆西滨海湾运动中心, 马萨诸塞州.
前东北. 次中量级冠军 德里克·西尔维拉 (12-1, 6 科斯), 塞勒姆战斗 (嘛), 将在八轮主赛事中对阵待确定的对手.
在八轮的共同特征, 家乡的喜爱 克里斯·特雷蒂 (23-4, 19 科斯) 和 尼克·拉文 (4-5, 4 科斯), 谢尔顿的 (CT), 争夺空缺的新英格兰轻量级冠军. 特拉耶蒂, 在昆西的家中战斗, 也是共同发起人 “海湾之战”. 前世界拳击理事会 (WBC) 美国轻量级冠军名单, 特莱埃蒂是一名大学毕业生,在美国服役期间曾在伊拉克服役过一次. 空军.
三届世界冠军挑战者, 次中量级 亚历山大·洛佩斯 (17-4-2, 1 KO) 将与前世界超轻量级冠军进行比赛 丽莎·加兰 (15-7-1, 8 科斯) 在八轮特殊女子次中量级比赛中. 受欢迎的洛佩斯是波兰人,住在马什菲尔德 (嘛), 加兰来自约克, 南卡罗来纳州.
“Granite Chin 促销活动为我们的产品提升了一个档次 八月 5 事件,” 共同发起人 查Shearns 说. “我们一直坚守承诺, 知名年轻拳手忙碌. 他们在家乡球迷面前战斗, 一些精彩的片段有望成为一场有趣的表演. 当夜晚结束时, 我希望我们会有一些惊喜. 这个位于美丽的南岸的适合家庭的场所的门票价格合理。”
布鲁克林中量级不败 卡洛斯·贡戈拉 (8-0, 7 科斯) 面临着久经考验的 德克萨斯人拉里 “慢动作” 工匠 (10-33-1, 7 科斯) 在六轮的战斗.
多切斯特也在六轮比赛中进行底牌比赛 (嘛) 次中量级 加布里埃尔·杜卢克(Gabriel Duluc) (11-2, 2 科斯) VS. 诺沃克的 (CT) 沙卡·摩尔 (12-23-3, 2 科斯), 昆西的不败美国. 海军陆战队退伍军人 布兰登蒙特拉 (7-0, 6 科斯) VS. 佛罗里达轻重量级 “钱” 迈克·索耶 (7-8, 5 科斯), 和爱尔兰初中量级 帕迪·欧文 (3-0, 2 科斯), 谁住在昆西, VS. 费城的 德米特里厄斯·托马斯 (0-4). 霍尔布鲁克, 嘛 次中量级迈克·奥汉, JR. (1-0) 接手多切斯特的 (嘛) 丹尼尔·阿玛罗 (0-2-1) 在四轮比赛中.
门票, 售价 $60.00 (马戏团), $50.00 (一般取) 和 $40.00 (站在房间), 有售,并提供购买的 www.tickettriver.com.
门开处 6:45 P.M., 第一回合 7:30 P.M. AND.
叽叽喳喳: @Granite_Chin

Top Prospect Irvin Gonzalez remains perfect Stops Israel Rojas in second round

(L) – 欧文·冈萨雷斯
伍斯特, 质量. (一月 20, 2017) – Boxing returned to Worcester last night (星期四) for the first time in more than five years to the delight of a capacity crowd of 2,100 passionate fans at the Palladium.
The inaugural event of the “新英格兰的未来” 系列, 里维拉促销娱乐介绍, featured 10 动感十足的战斗, highlighted by rising Worcester featherweight prospect 欧文·冈萨雷斯 (5-0, 5 科斯).
The support we received from the sold out crowd was exciting for our first show,” 所述启动子 何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉, the former 3-time, 2-处世界冠军. “We working on our second show in March, 当然, right here in Worcester.
The 20-year-old Gonzalez was absolutely relentless in the main event, fright rom the opening bell, throwing a barrage of unanswered punches from every conceivable angle, repeatedly hurting his Mexican foe, 以色列 “虎” 拉莫斯 (9-15, 3 科斯), including a late first-round knockdown. Gonzalez didn’t let up in the second, firing crisp punches, until Rojas hit the canvas early in the second frame and referee Steve Clark 已经看够了, stopping the one-sided fight.
Gonzalez is continuing the rich Worcester boxing tradition. “I’m always relentless,” Gonzalez said with a smile. “It was great fighting in the main event at home. I heard the crowd and really appreciated their support. I hurt him early and I almost took him out in the first round with a body punch. I finished him off with a right in the second. None of my fights have gone the distance, but I prepared to go the full six tonight, if needed.
Gonzalez takes off 星期天 o report to undefeated 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯’ training camp in Miami, where he’ll work with the reigning WBA super bantamweight world champion and 2-time Olympic gold medalist.
不败 射线 “火箭筒” Gracewski (5-0, 3 科斯), 在斯普林菲尔德战斗 (嘛), was on a search-and-destroy mission in the co-feature against Worcester super middleweight Ralph Johnson (2-10, 1 KO), who was dropped three times before referee 凯文·霍普 halted the fight.
哈特福德的亲开张 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 was good to the finish, albeit only two rounds, in a fight contested at a 185-pound catchweight against Philadelphian Davonte Hopkins (0-3). 里维拉, 谁是 2016 Rocky Marciano Tournament winner, punished Hopkins, finally dropping him in the second round, after which his corner threw in the towel.
In an evenly matched junior featherweight bout, 家乡的喜爱 安迪诺Ranse‘s pro debut resulted in a hard earned victory, 通过四轮一致决定, over Lowell’s (嘛) 此前不败 乔纳森·佩雷斯 (2-1-1, 2 科斯)
Unbeaten Haitian heavyweight Jean PierreKid CreoleAugstin (7-0-1, 3 科斯) pounded game Mexican foe Jose HumbertoOlympicoCorral (19-22, 12 科斯) from the opening bell en route to a shutout six-round unanimous decision.
East Hartford prospect 安东尼劳雷亚诺 (2-0, 1 KO), 一 2016 新英格兰金手套冠军, finished off winless welterweight Rafael Francis (0-9) with a debilitating body shot early in the second round.
在他的职业首秀中, popular Worcester heavyweight Felix Martinez, a local barber, spotted his opponent, 392-英镑 Bobby Favors (0-4), 将近 60 pounds but Favors was unable to continue after the first round.
南桥, 嘛 维尔弗雷 “该Sucaro” 异教徒 turned in a memorable pro debut, winning a four-round majority decision over Alexander Picot (1-2-1 (0 科斯), contested at a 145-pound catchweight.
The second-oldest pro fighter in Massachusetts history, 49-岁 “爱尔兰的” 查Shearns (3-1, 2 科斯), of nearby Auburn, 嘛。, ended his boxing career in style with an opening-round technical knockout victory over Philadelphia junior middleweight 沙冯特·迪克森 (0-2).
Team Shearns celebrates after his retirement fight
中美. 海洋 布兰登蒙特拉, fighting out of Saugus, 嘛。, 提高自己的纪录 6-0 (5 科斯), as his light heavyweight Mexican veteran 罗伯托 “旧” 巴伦苏埃拉 (69-74-2, 56 科斯) suffered an injury early in the second round.
主要事件 –轻量级
欧文·冈萨雷斯 (5-0, 5 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛
WTKO2 (1:28)
以色列罗哈斯 (9-15, 3 科斯), 阿夸普列塔, 索诺拉, 墨西哥
共同特征 – 超级中量级
Ray Graceski (5-0, 3 科斯), 斯普林菲尔德, 嘛
WTKO1 (1:32)
Ralph Johnson (2-10, 1 KO), 伍斯特, 嘛
Jean Pierre Augstin (8-0-1, 3 科斯), 劳伦斯, 嘛
WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54)
Jose HumbertoOlympicoCorral (19-23, 12 科斯), 阿夸普列塔, 索诺拉, 墨西哥
Felix Martinez (1-0, 1 KO), 伍斯特, 嘛
WTKO1 (3:00)
Bobby Favors (0-4), 辛辛那提, OH
(185-英镑) Catchweight
理查德·里维拉 (1-0, 1 KO), 哈特福德, CT
WTKO2 (2:48)
Davonte Hopkins (0-3), 费城, PA
布兰登蒙特拉 (6-0, 5 科斯), 安全的, 嘛
WTKO2 (0:50)
罗伯托·巴伦苏埃拉 (69-74-2, 56 科斯), 阿夸普列塔, 索诺拉, 墨西哥
JUNIOR middleweights的
查Shearns (3-1, 2 科斯), 奥本, 嘛
WTKO1 (2:19)
沙冯特·迪克森 (0-2), 费城, PA
威尔弗雷多·帕根(Wilfredo Pagan) (1-0, 0 科斯), 南桥, 嘛
WDEC4 (39-37, 39-37, 38-38)
Alexander Picot (1-2-1, 0 科斯), Cidra, 波多黎各
安东尼劳雷亚诺 (2-0, 1 KO), 东哈特福德, CT
WKO2 (0:24)
Rafael Francis (0-9), 多切斯特, 嘛
安迪诺Ranse 1-0, 0 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛
WDEC4 (40-36, 39-37, 39-37)
乔纳森·佩雷斯 (2-1-1, 2 科斯), 洛厄尔, 嘛
SPONSORS: 权重股 – 本田龙冠, 阿蒂. Michael H. Erlich, 阿蒂. 玛丽亚中号. 里维拉,库托, USANA Health Services; 轻量级 – TKO Auto Repair, 阿蒂. Stephen W. Debs.
叽叽喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp, @KingRivera_
ABOUT RIVERA PROMOTIONS ENTERTAINMENT (RPE): 公司成立于 2016, Rivera Promotions Entertainment is owned and operated by one of Worcester’s all-time greatest boxers – 3-时间, 2-division world champion Jose Antonio “高卢” 里维拉 – along with his son, 安东尼 “阿杰” 里维拉, whose collective goal is to bring boxing back to Worcester on a consistent basis, providing boxers a platform and fans a full entertainment experience.

Prospect Irvin Gonzalez continuing Worcester boxing tradition Jan 19th

Inaugural “新英格兰的未来” series event in Worcester
伍斯特, 质量. (一月 11, 2017) – Fast rising featherweight prospect 欧文·冈萨雷斯 (4-0, 4 科斯) will continue Worcester’s rich boxing tradition 星期四夜晚, 一月 19, headlining the inaugural “新英格兰的未来” series event against Mexican invader 以色列 “虎” 罗哈斯 (9-14, 3 科斯), at the Worcester Palladium.
里维拉促销娱乐 (RPE), is promoting the first professional boxing show in the Central Massachusetts city in more than five years.
(photo by Cristian Nunez)
Worcester’s boxing tradition started close to a century ago with Canadian import Lou Brouillard, a two-division world champion and Hall of Famer, 1928 奥运会铜牌得主 Leo Sawicki, and more recently, 等等, pro and amateur standouts such as multiple national amateur champion 鲍比·哈里斯, 肖恩 “The Irish Express” 肖恩·菲茨杰拉德埃德温·罗德里格斯.
Arguably the greatest Worcester fighter in the past 50 years is three-time, 2处世界冠军 Jose Antonio “高卢” 里维拉, 是谁推动 “新英格兰的未来” with his son, 安东尼.I have seen Irvin train and fight since he was in the Junior Olympics,” 里维拉说. “I am very proud of him because he was able to discover on his own that he was getting in his own way. He was always a talented fighter but, at times in the ring, he was inconsistent and it cost him a few fights. As he got older, he boxed more talented boxers and looked good against them. He started believing in himself more and it showed in his training. His abilities and confidence grew and that got him all the way to the Olympic Trials. I feel he has the skills to become world champion in the future. The sky is the limit for this young man and I am proud to have him fighting on our show.
冈萨雷斯, 一 2015 新英格兰金手套冠军, will be headlining his first show in his first scheduled six-round bout. “Fighting in my hometown in the main event means a lot to me because,” Gonzalez admitted. “I’ve grown up in this city, fighting my whole life, and of people who’ve supported me will be watching me fight for the first time as a pro. 我很兴奋. I’m comfortable fighting here in Worcester and I want to showcase the boxing talent we have in Worcester.
Gonzalez qualified for the 2016 Olympic Trials but he was eliminated, not due to a loss in the ring, for missing weight. He decided not to wait four years for another Olympic shot, turning pro this past March with a first-round stoppage of Gilvan Santos 快活豪华赌场. In four pro fights to date, Gonzalez has four knockouts and only one was extended into the second round.
I was always told that I had a pro boxing style,” the well-spoken, handsome Gonzalez continued, “but we didn’t immediately decide to turn pro until the time was right. I had some stoppages as an amateur but, 作为一个亲, I’ve been going more to the body. I do have heavy hands. I don’t go into a fight looking for a knockout. I just let ’em come but I’ve prepared to go six rounds if needed for this fight. I’ve been sparring eight rounds with different guys coming in fresh.
In addition to being a prize fighter, the 20-year-old Gonzalez works at a bank and he also owns and operates New England Boxing gym with his father, former boxer 欧文·冈萨雷斯, where the youngster serves as a personal trainer.
In the six-round co-feature Springfield (嘛) 轻重量级 Reinaldo “火箭筒” Graceski (4-0, 2 科斯) faces Worcester’s Ralph Johnson (2-9, 1 KO).
Fighting on the undercard in four-round bouts are Worcester junior lightweight 安迪诺Ranse 在他的职业生涯首秀vs. Lowell’s (嘛) 乔纳森·佩雷斯 (2-0-1, 2 科斯), pro-debuting Worcester heavyweight Felix Martinez VS. Bobby Favor (0-3), 哈特福德的 (CT) pro-debuting light heavyweight 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 VS. 布罗克的 (嘛) Davonte Hopkins (0-2), pro-debuting Southbridge (嘛) 拳击手 威尔弗雷多·帕根(Wilfredo Pagan) VS. Alexander Picot (1-1-1, 0 科斯) at a 145-pound catchweight, pro-debuting Springfield (嘛) 初中级 路易斯 “Pancho” 圣地亚哥 VS, Jonathan Ramos (0-2), 2016 两者都不. 金手套冠军 安东尼劳雷亚诺 (1-0), of East Haven (CT), VS. Boston junior welterweight Rafael Francis (0-8), 奥本 (嘛) 超次中量级 “爱尔兰的” 查Shearns (2-1, 1 KO), the 49-year-old hanging up his gloves after his fight with 沙冯特·迪克森 (0-1), 费城, 安全的 (嘛) 轻重量级 布兰登蒙特拉 (5-0, 4 科斯) VS. Roberto El Viejo” 巴伦苏埃拉 (69-73-2, 56 科斯) and unbeaten Lawrence (嘛) 重量级 Jean Pierre Augstin (7-0-1, 3 科斯) VS. Jose HymbertoOlympicoCorral (19-22, 12 科斯).
门票, 售价 $65.00 (马戏团), $45.00 (preferred seating) 和 $35.00 (一般取), 有售,并提供购买的 www.ThePalladium.net 或钯票房 (只是一般入学), 或通过联系圣何塞维拉 (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ里维拉 (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) of any of the fighters. A portion of the proceeds will go to Why Me & Sherry’s House.
Major event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, 阿蒂. Michael H. Erlich, 阿蒂. 玛丽亚中号. Rivera-Cotto and USANA Health Services. Other sponsors are TKO Auto Repair and Atty. Stephen W. Debs.
叽叽喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp

49-year-old pro boxer “爱尔兰的” Chuck Shearns Hanging up gloves January 19th

提示:: The deadline to apply for a media credential is 一月. 12日

伍斯特, 质量. (一月 5, 2017) – 奥本 (嘛) 超次中量级 “爱尔兰的” 查Shearns will become the second-oldest professional fighter in Massachusetts boxing history 周四 夜晚, 一月 19, in his farewell performance at the Worcester Palladium, marking the first pro boxing event in Worcester, located in Central Mass., in more than five years.
就职 “新英格兰的未来” series event is being presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which is owned and operated by one of Worcester’s all-time greatest boxers – 3-时间, 2-处世界冠军 Jose Antonio “高卢” 里维拉 – 和他的儿子, 安东尼 “阿杰” 里维拉.
Rising junior lightweight prospect, 2015 新英格兰金手套冠军 欧文·冈萨雷斯 (4-0, 4 科斯), will be fighting at home in the 6-round main event against Mexican invader Oscar Eduardo Quezada (2-1, 1 KO), 而斯普林菲尔德 (嘛) 轻重量级 Reinaldo “火箭筒” Graceski (4-0, 2 科斯) meets Worcester’s Ralph Johnson (2-9, 1 KO) in the six-round co-feature.
The 49-year-old Shearns (2-1, 1 KO), who is the general manager of Lundgren Honda in Auburn, 将在 沙冯特·迪克森 (0-1), 费城, 在四回合回合. The state record, set in 2011 by then 53-year-old Joe Siciliano, is safe because Jan. 19 will definitely be Shearns’ 最后一战.
I have a tremendous amount of respect for all boxers in terms of what they go through to be able to perform at their best in the ring,” 发起人何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉说. “Chuck is doing it at 49 岁! That takes a lot of sacrifice and courage to put your body through that rugged training. I wish him the best and I am glad I can provide him with the opportunity to be able to say goodbye to boxing on his own terms.
Shearns made his amateur debut at the age of 29, 10 多年后 he made his professional debut. “I grew up watching boxing with my father (约翰·), who boxed in the Navy, and my grandfather (约翰·),” Shearns explained. “My grandfather was a club fighter, 所以, boxing was in my blood. I only had four amateur fights and one day I met “菲兹,” who is now one of my closest friends. (肖恩·菲茨杰拉德, one of Worcester’s all-time best boxers, who is Shearnshead trainer.) I told him I wanted one pro fight and asked him to train me.
为什么, 虽然, 在年龄 49 does he still put himself through such extensive training, while working fulltime during the holiday season, to fight an opponent half his age?
Boxing was the ultimate hobby for me and I just got carried away with it,” Shearns admitted. “I’m a novelty, not a real pro boxer. I’m fighting 一月 19 because I was given this opportunity and decided to accept it but, 老老实实, I’m sure that this it! Maybe I just wanted a chance to go out with a win because I lost my last one? 我不知道. Sometimes I wake up asking myself, ‘What am I doing?’ And ‘Fitzyis working me so hard for this fightI don’t know if it’s my age or whatbut I’ve hated every minute of it. I lost my father in March. He was always in my corner and this fight I’ll have RIP on my trunks in his honor.
最近, Shearnstypical day has been, 很好, in a word, unordinary, 至少可以说. He reports to work at 5 A.M., exercises and runs on the treadmill for an hour in a small gym at work, catches up with “菲兹” at Anytime Fitness to hit the heavy and speed bags, and after work “菲兹” trains Shearns at Camp Get Right.
Shearns has the complete support of his family and co-workers, who will all be at the Worcester Palladium supporting him 一月. 19. “My wife (卡伦) and two daughters (Kayla and Olivia) have always been there for me,” Shearns noted. “My wife supports me and has jokingly said, ‘We’re getting divorced if you lose this fight.I’ve worked at Lundgren Honda for about 20 years and most of the 100-plus employees there will be at my fight. I did want to fight one more time before I turn 50. When Jose asked me to fight, how could I pass up this final opportunity?”
Also fighting on the undercard in 4-round bouts are Worcester junior lightweight 安迪诺Ranse 在他的职业生涯首秀vs. Lowell’s (嘛) 乔纳森·佩雷斯 (2-0-1, 2 科斯), pro-debuting Worcester heavyweight Felix Martinez VS. Dorchester’s (嘛) Brian Richardson (0-8), 哈特福德的 (CT) pro-debuting light heavyweight 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 VS. 布罗克的 (嘛) Huston Crayton (1-8, 0 科斯), pro-debuting Southbridge (嘛) 拳击手 威尔弗雷多·帕根(Wilfredo Pagan) VS. Puerto Rican Alexander Picot (1-1-1, 0 科斯) at a 145-pound catchweight, pro-debuting Springfield (嘛) 初中级 路易斯 “Pancho” 圣地亚哥 VS, Mexican Jonathan Ramos (1-2, 0 科斯), 2016 N.W. 金手套冠军 安东尼劳雷亚诺 (1-0), of East Haven (CT), VS. Boston junior welterweight Rafael Francis (0-8), 安全的 (嘛) 轻重量级 布兰登蒙特拉 (5-0, 4 科斯) VS. Mexican veteran Roberto El Viejo” 巴伦苏埃拉 (69-73-2, 56 科斯) and unbeaten Lawrence (嘛) 重量级 Jean Pierre Augstin (7-0-1, 3 科斯).
门票, 售价 $65.00 (马戏团), $45.00 (preferred seating) 和 $35.00 (一般取), 有售,并提供购买的 www.ThePalladium.net 或钯票房 (只是一般入学), 或通过联系圣何塞维拉 (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ里维拉 (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) of any of the fighters. A portion of the proceeds will go to Why Me & Sherry’s House.
Major event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, 阿蒂. Michael H. Erlich, 阿蒂. 玛丽亚中号. Rivera-Cotto and USANA Health Services. Other sponsors are TKO Auto Repair and Atty. Stephen W. Debs.
叽叽喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp
Inaugural “新英格兰的未来” series event in Worcester