标记档案: 克里斯·米登多夫


匹兹堡 – 八月 29, 2018 – 克里斯·米登多夫的胜利拳击促销已签署下的雷达业余 Kiante欧文 到促销协议. 该 24 岁的中量级的设置,使他的专业首演这个星期天在西弗吉尼亚州.




一个6'3″ 中量级, 欧文领导到周日的登场与全国金手套锦标赛在他的皮带, 具有高居165磅重的部门在 2018 比赛. 尽管国家和民族的称号在他的皮带摆, 欧文开始拳击晚, 相比于他的同龄人.



他是 16 当他走进汤姆Yankello的健身房, 已经绘制平方圈暂时无法找到他在其他体育利基后. 由单身母亲长大, 拳击是对欧文的出口, 并担任从贫穷和压力的逃避躲藏说他的家庭生活. 它很快变得清晰,拳击将长期成为他未来的一部分.




谦卑的精神, 欧文一直低着头,他的眼睛在球通过各种家庭的创伤,包括驱逐,并与克罗恩氏病弟弟的几乎致命的战斗. 他的弟弟, 谁他相信作为灵感和榜样, 存活与死神擦肩而过,成为一名消防员. 欧文希望利用他的时间在擂台上,以提高对疾病的认识, 并抓住活出自己梦想的机会, 就像他的弟弟已在近几年完成.




他的金手套获胜后, 欧文的教练汤姆Yankello, 和他的兄弟和合作经理Mark Yankello, 随着欧文, 来到了决定,现在是时候加入了专业队伍. 两位经理, 旗帜汤姆Yankello拳击下运行, Inc., 与拳击推广人克里斯·米登多夫和胜利拳击促销连接. 米登多夫, 谁帮助建立今天的许多世界冠军的职业生涯, 抓住机会与欧文和Yankellos工作.




“我很高兴能够Kiante添加到胜利拳击的稳定,” 说米登多夫. 我曾在匹兹堡量级萨米 - 瓦斯奎兹做一系列节目的乐趣, 最终在ESPN,然后ShowBox秀, 在康寿能源中心的一系列事件 [现在PPG竞技场。] 我等不及要回到匹兹堡, 促进另一个顶级的前景. 这真的是一个巨大的体育强镇, 他们真的站出来支持他们的本地运动员。”




米登多夫是免费的Yankello兄弟. “我知道他的教练和联席经理, 汤姆和马克Yankello, 分别, 通过信誉多年, 并且都享有与他们合作. 当马克第一次向我谈到Kiante, 我立刻知道,我想与Yankellos工作,促进Kiante欧文. 随着他的恒星的业余生涯, 他准备是一个亲。”




前景光明 (忙) 对于欧文. “我计划建立并移动Kiante我感动埃德·布朗和贾瑞恩恩尼斯以同样的方式. 我已经答应他最少八个战斗在他的第一年, 我知道我们会做更多. 他是一个有天赋的运动员,这将是东西看他发展成顶级middleweights的之一。”




对于他的部分, 汤姆Yankello是兴奋的年轻拳击手与米登多夫和胜利拳击促销的未来. “我很高兴与胜利拳击推广. 我知道克里斯多年, 他有一份好简历,并已参与建设的精英拳手如特伦斯·克劳福德的职业生涯, 狮子座圣克鲁斯, 和nonito Donaire主场. 我们知道我们是在良好的手中, 和克里斯知道如何移动和发展Kiante。”




“我只是兴奋,让我的职业生涯移动,” 说签署的欧文. “我的经理有信心, 而我相信,我们将是胜利拳击旗帜下成功, 我们会得到正确的工作。”




Irivng使他的专业首演这个星期天在登山赛马场赌场 & 度假村, 与费城的文森特·伯克哈尔特. 门票于www.mademenboxing.com.


一月 22, 2018 – Victory and Now Boxing Promotionsprospects are staying busy in the new year. The promotions’ 顶级的前景, 杰伦 “靴子” 恩尼斯 (17-0, 15KO) is back in action this 星期五, January 26th in his hometown of Philadelphia. 该 20 year old boxer, widely considered the best prospect in Philadelphia, will appear on the Real Deal Boxing card at Sugarhouse Casino. Brian Norman Jr., son of super middleweight Brian Norman (17-11, 5KO) 亚特兰大, won in his professional debut in Houston 周六, 和 Christian Montano advanced to 4-0 (4KO) 在同一张卡上. All three fighters are managed by 卡梅隆邓肯 和推动下 克里斯·米登多夫 of Victory Boxing Promotions, 和 Joseph Dunkin of Now Boxing Promotions.

Christian Montano
Welterweight Brian Norman, 小, 谁是受他父亲训练的, dropped Kire Lucas (0-3) with a body shot before finishing him with another body shot in one minute, 31 在第一轮的秒. Montano also finished his opponent in the first round, stopping the experienced Keith Collins with a hook to the body, and straight right to the head at the 1:06 马克.

这个星期五, “靴子” will face rugged Mexico City talent Gustavo Garibay (13-9, 5KO), who is the Mexican Super Welterweight Champion, and is a former WBC Latino Super Welterweight Champion. It’s the second fight in the United States for Garibay, his last being a loss to Zhankosh Turarov (22-0, 15KO) in Boca Raton.

恩尼斯, who trains with his father, former fighter Derrick “博齐” Ennis in Philadelphia, last fought in December at the 2300 竞技场, where he knocked out George Sosa inside of two rounds. The young pugilist is moving quickly, and fought nine times in 2017. Ennis is three months shy of his 21st birthday. Dunkin and Middendorf may not get him to 21 wins by his 21st birthday, but both feel certain that 2018 will be the real ‘coming outyear for the young talent.


We always like to have Boots fight at home,” said Victory Boxing Promotions founder and Promoter Christopher Middendorf. “He’s getting great experience with veterans like Garibay. This is the first champion-caliber fighter he’s faced, and we’ll get to see how he handles that. I’m hoping the Philly boxing fans get out to support him.

门票 周五 event are available at Ticketmaster outlets and at therealdealboxing.com, 并且售价 $125 和 $50. Doors to The Real Deal Showcase Series I open at 6 P.M., 第一个钟声在 7 P.M.



费城 – 八月 18, 2017 – Victory Boxing Promotions has found a new home in Philadelphia. The growing promotional outfit will make its return to the City of Brotherly love, and re-launch its Philly Strong series at the 23rd Street Armory in Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia on October 21st.

The card will be headlined by Jaron “靴子” 恩尼斯 (14-0, 12KO), who has racked up an impressive six wins in 2017 独. It was recently announced that Ennis, who is trained by his father Bozy Ennis, and managed by mega-manager Cameron Dunkin, will be honored at Philadelphia’s Briscoe Awards for the third time. He will take home 2016 Rookie of the Year honors, just days before he steps into the ring in front of his home town for the first time since June. After stopping veteran Wilfredo Acuna in the first round in that fight, Ennis has fought twice moreonce in Durham, 北卡罗来纳, and once in Washington D.C.

“毫无疑问, Boots is one of the best young fighters in the country,” said Victory Boxing Promotions Founder and Promoter, 克里斯·米登多夫. “We have kept him extremely busy, fighting him 14 times since his debut on April 30th last year. We have done this because of his skills, and his rapid development. He has impressed each time we’ve put a challenge in front of him. We are considering several opponents for him for October 21st, all of whom will be solid tests.Middendorf added that Boots would be fighting at least once more before October 21st.

Several other Victory Boxing prospects will showcase their talents that evening at 23rd Street Armory, including Adam Daranyi (12-0, 11 KO), who was a standout amateur and national champion in his home country of Canada. Korean-Mexican sensation and former amateur standout Brandun Lee (5-0, 4KO), who is coming off a 2nd round knockout win in DC last weekend, will fight at Philly Strong, and local favorite Joshua Jones (4-0-1, 2KO) will don his gloves in front of his home crowd. All three fighters are also managed by Cameron Dunkin, who has managed 34 champions in his 30+ years in the boxing business.

We are very excited to re-launch Philly Strong at the 23rd Street Armory,” 说米登多夫. “It is the oldest armory in the United States, and will be a great host for world class boxing. The Armory hasn’t seen boxing since 2003, and we plan on making October 21st a night to remember.

Ticket information and purchase outlets, along with the undercard will be announced soon. 有关胜利拳击推广更多信息, please visit www.victoryboxingpromotions.com.

The 23rd Street Armory is located at: 22 S 23rd St, 费城, PA 19103