Tag Archives: Chicago

Andrey Fedosov battles Joey Dawejko this Saturday in Ekaterinburg, Venemaa


PHILADELPHIA, PENN / CHICAGO, ILL. (Oktoober 11, 2018)-Sel laupäeval, 2015 Boxcino Heavyweight champion, Andrey Fedosov (30-3, 25 Kos) will take on tough Joey Dawejko in a 10-round bout in Ekaterinburg, Venemaa.




This will be Fedosov’s 2nd bout in the past four months after he defeated Francisco Mireles in the 1st round on June 30th in Phoenix, Arizona.




I have been hearing that Joey has been talking a lot on social media that he was going to knock me out, but on Saturday, he will find out that he is barking up the wrong tree,” said Fedosov.




The 32 year-old Fedosov will return to his home country of Russia for the 1st time in 10 years when he steps into the ring at the Ekaterinburg Expo.




I am very excited to be once-again fighting in Russia. It has been a while. I have a lot of family and friends who will be there and have not seen me fight in person for a long time, so I know that I cannot fail them.




With a win over the tough Dawejko, who was a former world amateur champion himself, Fedosov will once-again establish himself as one of the top heavyweights in the world, and will look for the biggest names in the division.




I believe that I am one of the top heavyweights in the world right now. I just need that opportunity to fight one of the top guys to prove that I belong there. Pärast seda võitlust, I feel that I will get that opportunity.




This is a good step up for Andrey in his comeback, This is a big deal for him to be fighting in Russia on Match TV. Pärast seda võitlust, there will be big opportunities for Andrey,” said Matthew Rowland, Asepresident Banner Promotions, who along with Hitz Boxing, co-promotes Fedosov.




We look forward to seeing Andrey fight on Saturday,” Said Bobny Hitz, President of Hitz Boxing. “He is in there with a good opponent in Dawejko, who is battle tested, so when Andrey wins on Saturday, it will serve notice to the rest of the heavyweight division that he is a contender for big fights.




It’s a great fight for Andrey. Dawejko believes that he will win the fight. Andrey can’t wait to meet him in the center of the ring. It will be a real exciting fight,” said Fedosov’s manager, Andrew Zak.




The fight will be aired live in Russia on Match TV.




For regular updates on our fighters, sündmused, and promotions, please check Banner Promotions Facebook Page , and follow us on Instagram ja Twitter @BannerBoxing

Legendaarne 3-kordne All-Pro NFL liiniturist Shawne Merriman kirjutab tänavu sügisel kaklusele World Bare Knuckle Fight Federationi avaüritusel

Eetris on ülemaailmne PPV otseülekanne Casperist, Wyoming

CHICAGO (August 1, 20-18) – Pensionil olnud National Football League 3x All-Pro linebacker ja 3x Pro Bowl fännide lemmik Shawne “Tuled välja” Merriman on alla kirjutanud võitlusele World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation'il (WBKFF) avaüritus, “Titaanide tõus,” eetris ülemaailmsel tasulisel vaatamisel (kõik üksikasjad tulemas) see sügis, live Casperi ürituste keskusest Casperis, Wyoming.




34-aastane Merriman, võitlus Los Angelesest välja, mänginud 8 aastaajad NFL-is vahemikus 2005 ja 2012 vahel 2005 ja 2012 San Diego laadijate ja Buffalo arvete jaoks. Esimeses ringis loositi ta Marylandi ülikoolist välja, 12th üldine valimine, laadijate poolt 2005 NFL-i mustand.




Tuntud kui äärmiselt füüsiline jalgpallur, 6′ 4″ Merriman võtab oma võimsa kohaloleku ringis palja noaga võitlejana, oma raskekaalu vastase vastu tuleb välja kuulutada.




“See on minu jaoks tõesti põnev,” Ütles Merriman. “Välja tulla ja võidelda on minu jaoks tõeline privileeg ja au. Aitäh kõigile Maailma Paljavõitluse Föderatsiooni kõigile toetuse eest. On aeg tuled välja!”




“Meil on hea meel, et Shawne on meie meeskonna osa,” WBKFFi tegevjuht Tom Stankiewicz kommenteeris. “See on kõigile väga põnev aeg. Shawne oli väljakul tõestatud sõdalane ja ootame teda ringis. Leiame, et Shawne allkirjastamine WBKFF-iga avab uksed kõigi spordialade meistritele ja näitab, et tal on julgust ja julgust astuda sellesse gladiaatori spordialasse. Paljas rüüstevõitlus on 21. sajandi võitlussport. Me tervitame Shawne'i kui osa oma perest!”




WBKFF korraldab võitlusnädala ajal tähthaaval kohtumise ja fännidele tervituse, “Fandamonium”, mida esindab naiste MMA superstaar, Cris Cyborg, koos endiste UFC meistrite ja teiste kuulsustega.




Väljakuulutatud kaastöösündmus on show legendaarsete MMA võitlejate vahel, Chris “Kurjategija” Elu ja “New Yorgi halb perse” Phil Baroni, WBKFFi kergekaalu tiitli eest.




Ultimate Fighter võistleja ja UFC veteran Christina Marks ja profipoksija Jasmine Clarkson pääseb WBKFF-i naiste kärbeskaalu meistrivõistlustele.




WBKFF käivitab ka oma $100,000 Peaauhinna 8-meheline kergejõusturniir, kaheksa võitleja esitlemine neljas eraldi sarjas, et selgitada välja WBKFFi teise sündmuse poolfinalistid, kulmineerudes meistrivõistluste finaali oma kolmandal üritusel.




Turniiri võistlejate hulka kuuluvad UFC veteranid Melvin “Noor palgamõrvar” Guillard, Tom “Da Tank” Gallicchio, Josh Neer ja Issac Vallie Flagg, samuti võitmatu professionaal Joey Bryant (16-0, 12 Kos).




Äsja vastu võetud eeskirjad, sealhulgas hoidmine ja löömine, Kõigis WBKFF-i võitlustes kasutatakse ketravaid taga- ja vasara rusikaid, mis vaidlustatakse traditsioonilises poksiringis optimaalse vaatamise ja turvalisuse tagamiseks. Kõigis meeste ja naiste matšides osaleb viis (kaks minutit) vooru.




Täiendav võitleb varsti kuulutatakse välja. Kõik võitleb ja võitlejad võivad muutuda.





Koduleht: www.WBKFF.com



Facebook: @WBKFF



Puperdama: @WBFFF



Instagram: @WORLDBKFF

Maailma paljaste sõrmede vastu võitlemise föderatsiooni avaüritus on määratud oktoobriks 20

Eetris on ülemaailmne PPV otseülekanne Casperist, Wyoming

CHICAGO (Juuli 26, 2018) – Maailma paljaste sõrmedega võitlemise föderatsioon (WBKFF) teatas täna oma avaüritusest, “Titaanide tõus”, toimub laupäeva õhtul, Oktoober 20, saate otseülekandena Casperis asuvas Casperi ürituste keskuses otseülekandes tasulist vaatamist, Wyoming.

Peagi teatatakse PPV täielikud üksikasjad.

WBKFF teatas ka, et ta korraldab võitlusnädalal staaritäpset kohtumist ja fännide tervitamist, “Fandamonium”, koos MMA kuninganna ülesastumisega, Cris Cyborg, koos endiste UFC meistrite ja teiste kuulsustega.

Kaasüritusel kujutatud sündmus on kõigi aegade kõige polariseeruvam MMA võitleja unistuste matš, Chris “Kurjategija” Elu ja “New Yorgi halb perse” Phil Baroni WBKFFi kergekaalu tiitli eest.

37-aastane Leben, kes elab Portlandis, Oregon, on tulemas välja viieaastasest pensionist

UFC veteranide tiitlivõistleja, Lebeni ohvrite hulka kuulub Wanderlei Silva, Yoshihiro Akiyama,Alessio Sakara, Patrick Cote, Terry Martin ja Mike Swick

Baroni, 42, tuli välja selle aasta alguses nelja-aastaselt pensionilt. Võitlus Long Islandilt, New York, ta on endine profiklubi poksija (7-0) ja maadleja, kes on UFC-s edukalt võidelnud, Bellator, PRIDE, Strikeforce, Dream ja muud MMA organisatsioonid.

Veel üks sõdiv võitlus läheb kokku Ultimate Fighter võistleja ja UFC veteraniga Christina Marks ja profipoksija Jasmine Clarkson WBKFFi naiste kärbeskaalu meistrivõistluste jaoks.

WBKFF käivitab ka oma $100,000 Peaauhinna 8-meheline kergejõusturniir, kaheksa võitleja esitlemine neljas eraldi sarjas, et selgitada välja WBKFFi teise sündmuse poolfinalistid, kulmineerudes meistrivõistluste finaali oma kolmandal üritusel.

Turniiri võistlejate hulka kuuluvad UFC veteranid Melvin “Noor palgamõrvar” Guillard, Tom “Da Tank” Gallicchio, Josh Neer ja Issac Vallie Flagg, samuti professionaalsed poksijad Nick paar (23-4, 18 Kos) ja võitmatu Joey Bryant (16-0, 12 Kos).

Äsja vastu võetud eeskirjad, sealhulgas hoidmine ja löömine, Kõigis WBKFF-i võitlustes kasutatakse ketravaid taga- ja vasara rusikaid, mis vaidlustatakse traditsioonilises poksiringis optimaalse vaatamise ja turvalisuse tagamiseks. Kõigis meeste ja naiste matšides osaleb viis (kaks minutit) vooru.

Täiendav võitleb varsti kuulutatakse välja. Kõik võitleb ja võitlejad võivad muutuda.


Koduleht: www.WBKFF.com

Facebook: /WBKFF

Puperdama & Instagram: @WBKFF

Maailma paljaste sõrmedega võitlemise föderatsioon ametlikult üleval & Jooksmine

Oktoobrikuine avaüritus toimub ülemaailmsel PPV-l


CHICAGO (Juuli 16, 2018) — Võitlussport’ uusim organisatsioon, Maailma paljaste sõrmedega võitlemise föderatsioon (WBKFF), teatas täna ametlikult, et on täielikult töövalmis ja kavatseb selle aasta oktoobris oma ametlikku avaüritust reklaamida, eetrisse kogu maailmas sõltumatu maksa vaatamise kaudu.




WBKFFi direktorite hulgas on tegevjuht Tom Stankiewicz, COO & Operatsioonide direktor JC ja kosjasobitaja Paul Tyler.




Selle ajaloolise sündmuse täpne kuupäev, saal, täielikud PPV üksikasjad, ja löögid kuulutatakse välja selle suve jooksul.




“WBKFF saab varsti suurimaks, kõige populaarsem võitlusspordis,” JC ennustas. “Kõik sai alguse meie kirest käest-kätte võitluse vastu ja fännidele selle andmise eest, mida nad väärivad. WBKFF ja fännisõbralikud on sünonüümid. Anname võitlusspordi fännidele seda, mida nad tahavad ja väärivad: terviklikkus, kirg ja õiglus.”




Äsja vastu võetud eeskirjad, sealhulgas hoidmine ja löömine, Kõigis WBKFF-i võitlustes kasutatakse ketravaid taga- ja vasara rusikaid, mis vaidlustatakse traditsioonilises poksiringis optimaalse vaatamise ja turvalisuse tagamiseks. Kõigis meeste ja naiste matšides on viis (kaks minutit) vooru.




WBKFF on aktiivselt jälginud ja värvanud lahingus proovile pandud veterane ning paljutõotavaid väljavaateid ka poksist, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, Muay Thai, maadlus ja muud võitlusspordialad.




Võitlejate WBKFFi talli liikmed ulatuvad legendaarsest MMA veteranist ja võitmatust kickboxerist Phil “New Yorgi halb perse” Baroni Street Beatsi Interneti ja YouTube'i MMA sensatsioonile Chris “Vägev hiir” Yarborough, debüteeriv USA USA poksimeister Oli “Jääkülm” Hemingway ja Lõuna-Alabama endine jalgpallitäht Desmond LaVelle, endised UFC võitlejad Seth “Poola Pistola” Baczynski, Tom “Da Tank” Gallicchio ja Christina Marks, endised Bellator võitlejad Virgil “Rezdog” Zwicker ja Dakota Cochrane, ja endine maailma poksitiitli väljakutsuja Jasmine Clarkson, tähelepanuväärsemate seas.




Täiendavad allkirjad, sealhulgas mõned suuremate nimedega MMA ja poks, on läbirääkimiste etappides.






Kõik võitleb ja võitlejad võivad muutuda.






Koduleht: www.WBKFF.com





Facebook: /WBKFF




Puperdama & Instagram: @WBKFF

WBO News: Another Successful Boxing Officials’ Seminar Was Held In Chicago

The World Boxing Organization and the Illinois State Athletic Commission concluded a successful training seminar for boxing officials at the Garfield Park – Golden Dome, Chicago, Illinois.




This event covered different topics, such as refereeing, judging, rules, and ethics; the seminar followed an interactive format with the purpose of giving ring officials the necessary knowledge, confidence and experience to execute good judgement of a boxing match.




John Duggan, First Vice-President of the WBO, stated that some of the objectives of these events are to “improve the quality of officiating” and he highlighted the importance of cross training ring officials in order to ensure the correct decisions are made during a boxing match, “correct officiating is important to ensure the right and deserving winner is named in a fight”.




Vahepeal, referee Celestino Ruiz and former referee Gino Rodriguez conducted the referees’ training and stressed out the importance of taking control from the moment instructions are given in the locker room; the necessity of having proper knowledge of the rules and being correctly positioned during a fight.




Ethics and professionalism were also covered, as fundamental aspects in the development of a career as a boxing official.




Videos were used to exemplify, analyze and break down different decisions during a boxing match, this is important to help participants understand some of the scenarios they may have to face, it offers them the possibility to clarify doubts while at the same time put their knowledge to test.




The WBO values these opportunities to contribute with the training of boxing officials and help them attain mastery of their skills.




Video with more details: John Duggan, First Vice-President of the WBO


Mike Lee Breaks Rib in 1st round and despite not being able to breathe, defeats Jose Hernandez to claim NABO Light Heavyweight title

Chicago, Illinois (Juuni 9, 2018) -WBO number-3 ranked light heavyweight contender Mike Lee Broke his rib in the 1st round, but still claimed the NABO Light Heavyweight title with a 10-round unanimous decision over Jose Hernandez at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois.




Lee pressed the action as he looked to land power shots early. Hernandez fought gamely, but Lee was consistent with his right and left hands.




Lee showed incredible heart, as in round one, he suffered a broken rib and had trouble breathing throughout the whole ten round fight.




Hernandez was cut from Lee’s work, and the Notre Dame graduate cruised home with the victory by scores of 97-93 on all judges’ cards.




Mis võidu, Lee remains perfect with a record of 21-0, and will now look to face any of the world champions in either the light heavyweight or super middleweight divisions.




I came out wanting the knockout,” Said Lee. “I give credit to Jose, he was tough. I got a little excited early, and I was a little sloppy. Alguses, I was just throwing power shots, I wasn’t double jabbing and using my athletic ability. Every fight is a learning lesson, and tonight I had to bite down and get the win.




Mis win, Lee will now look to challenge any of the champions and big names in and around his weight class.




Let’s go. I want a shot at the world title. Whether it is at 168 pounds or 175 naela, I am just waiting on a phone call. We wanted to fight Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr., but I don’t know what happened with that. I just want someone with the belt.

FNU Combat Sports Show: Huge Weekend for Boxing, UFC 225 and PFL Debut Night

Tom, Tony and Rich have a ton of ground to cover in this episode. We recap last week’s most significant fights, starting with the first sanctioned bareknuckle boxing event in hundreds of years. We also break down the latest UFC Fight Night card where Jimmie Rivera took the first loss in his last 21 võitleb. We discuss Dana White’s tirade against fighters who don’t take the fights the company wants them to, and we blast Canelo Alvarez and his team for destroying all chances of another fight with GGG. We take a good chunk of the show to outline and analyze all the various boxing matches taking place this Saturday, from Tyson Fury’s return to the ring against Sefer Seferi to the battle of pound for pound best and undefeated welterweights Jeremy Horn and Terrence Crawford fighting on ESPN+ (which we criticize heavily). We also touch on the debut card for PFL, a fight league where all the prize money comes at the end of the season. Lõpuks, we preview UFC 225 and discuss CM Punk’s chances of proving himself a true cage fighter.


Listen to the full show below:





Hall of Fame broadcaster Barry Tompkins chimes in on world-ranked light heavyweight Mike Lee

Lee takes on Jose Hernandez sel reedel night at The Allstate Arena in Chicago and Live on

CBS Sports Network (9 PM ET)

Chicago, Illinois (Juuni 4, 2018) -When WBO number-3 ranked light heavyweight contender Mike Lee (20-0, 11 Kos) võtab Jose Hernandez (19-3-1, 9 Kos) this Friday night juures The Allstate Arena sisse Chicago. The card will be broadcast live on CBS Spots Network (9 PM ET) with an all-star announce team of International Boxing Hall of Famer Barry Tompkins and renowned Teddy Atlas.




Tompkins, who has been calling the biggest fights in the world for nearly 40 aastat, has seen his share of fighters, but not many with the versatility of a fighter who could be speaking to corporate America one day, and competing at a championship level in the ring…. the very next day.




This fight will be a nice little test for Lee. This is something that he has been striving for a long time, and I will be happy to see him get that chance that he has been wanting. It is a real opportunity for him to show himself as one of the great fighters around,” said Tompkins.




Alltuulekülg, who is one of a real select few that is able to give motivational speeches to Fortunate-500 companies, is a national spokesperson for major cooperation’s, and be a world class fighter all wrapped up in one.




Alltuulekülg, who is holds a finance degree from Notre Dame, spends time and money for kids diagnosed with terminal cancer, so he is always fighting for a higher cause




He is a very sellable guy whether he fights or not, and that’s the thing. He has the opportunity to be a real spokesman, not only for himself but for the sport of boxing in general. He is that in general He can really fill a room and he is excellent at dealing with all walks of life and all generations of people. I haven’t been around too many that can do that. “Suhkur” Ray Leonard comes to mind who can do that. Leonard has a very galvanizing personality, and Mike has a lot of that in him. He is very good spokesperson for the sport.




With a win on Friday night, Lee could be just a fight or two away for fighting for a coveted world championship.




I know that is something he has looked forward to. I am in favor of him getting an opportunity. His record says that he is worthy of an opportunity.

Undefeated Former Olympian Mytrofanov to Face Hernandez as Natex Boxing’s ‘The Chicago RumbleReturns on April 14 in Northlake, IL

Edasi Laupäev, Aprill 14, Chicago’s newest promoter, Andrew Sobko, CEO of Natex Boxing Promotions, will return to the Midwest Conference Center in Northlake, Illinois, for his next installment ofThe Chicago Rumble.
A night of action-packed professional boxing featuring local and international talent in competitive match-ups, the night’s main event will pit Oxnard, California (via Chernigov, Ukraina) undefeated dynamo, ja 2016 Olümpose, Dmytro Mytrofanov (2-0, 1 KO) taking on dangerous Mexican spoiler Vladimir “24K” Hernandez (10-2, 6 Kos) in an eight-round middleweight showdown.
In the night’s six-round light heavyweight co-main event, undefeated Rustam Tulaganov (1-0) of Oxnard, California (via Tashkent, Uzbekistan) will face capable Chicago-based slugger Martez McGregor (5-1, 4 Kos).
Piletid “The Chicago Rumbleare priced at General Admission $50.00, Seating ROW 1 $150.00 and Seating ROW 2-3 $90.00. VIP Tables are available for $159 per seat, and Gold VIP Tables at $249.00 per seat. Both include private seating and bar access. They are available for purchase online at natexboxing.com or at the door on fight night.
In addition to his Olympic appearance two years ago, 28-year-old Mytrofanov, won Ukrainian national amateur titles in 2008 ja 2012 and a bronze medal at the 2011 European Championships. He turned professional late last year and now trains at Oxnard’s Boxing Laboratory (formerly Robert Garcia Boxing Academy) under former Robert Garcia protegee Marco Contreras.
Denver (via Mexico’s) Hernandez is no easy challenge for any fighter, especially one with just two pro fights. In just the past year, Hernandez slapped highly rated prospect Danny Valdivia with his first two career losses (nüüd 14-2) via deserved decisions.
I’m very happy to be going back to Chicago to fight,” said Mytrofanov. “I’ve been training very hard for this fight in Oxnard for the last weight weeks with world-class sparring partners. I’m in terrific shape and looking forward to a great win. Ma ei tea, palju mu vastane, but I will make adjustments in the ring because I’m ready for anything anyone brings.
I’m very excited about this show,” said promoter Andrew Sobko. I have been following boxing since my father was a Ukrainian boxing champion. I grew up in the boxing industry. I am honored to be able to bring this great event to the boxing-rich city of Chicago and its great fans. My matchmaker, Jerry Alfano, is doing a wonderful job of making sure every fight will be an action-packed war.
The terrific undercard will be announced shortly.
On Fight Night, the action starts at 6 pm. The Midwest Conference Center is located at 401 W Lake Street in Northlake, IL. Lisainformatsiooni, külastus natexboxing.com, Puperdama: @natexboxing or visit us on Facebook atfacebook.com/natexboxing.


Josh Hernandez 127.5 lbs. vs. Gavino Guaman 130.5 lbs.
Shawn Simpson 117.5 lbs. vs. Jose Elizondo 117 lbs.
Jessica McCaskill 133 lbs. vs. Brenda Gonzalez 134.5 lbs.
William Hernandez 129 lbs. vs. Giovanni Mioletti 131.5 lbs.
Aidar Sharibayev 135 lbs. vs. Orlando Perez 135 lbs.
Ruben Schobitz 167.5 lbs. vs. Cesar Ruiz 168 lbs.
Edendaja: Warriors Poks Promotions
Toimumiskoht: UIC Pavilion, Chicago
Tickets for Windy City Fight Night are on sale now and priced at $101, $76, $51 ja $36 and are available at Ticketmaster outlets, Ticketmaster.com; helistades 1-800-745-3000, or the Warriors Offices: 312-226-5800 or the UIC Pavilion Box Office: 312-413-5740 or by visiting the UIC Box Office (Neljapäev või Reede 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM). Or they can be purchased the night of the event. A special VIP Lounge experience is available to select sponsors. Please call 312.622.7668 Lisainformatsiooni.
Windy City Fight Night doors open at 7:00 pm CT ja tegevus algab 8:00 pm. The UIC Pavilion is located at 525 S. Racine Avenue in Chicago. The entire bout card is subject to change.
Umbes Warriors Boxing
Käivitati 2003, Warriors Poks tegutseb lihtne filosoofia-tuua parima poksijad maailmas võitlema fännid, sobitada neid konkurentsivõimelise vagusid, ning seda tehes aidata taastada sport poks uue põlvkonna.
Mitmete edukate Pay-Per-View näitab ja pakitud maja oma krediidi, Warriors ärimudel töötab imet sport, mis oli hädasti vaja innovatsiooni ja energiat, et firma toob lauale.
Kui see taandub see küll, reklaam ettevõte on ainult nii hea, kui võitlejad ja võitleb see soodustab. Warriors Boxing on esitanud kõigil rinnetel, silmapaistva hood nagu Lara-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Abraham-Miranda I ja II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-Green, Ibragimov-Briggs, Ibragimov-Klitško, Urango-Hatton, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana ja Ibragimov-Holyfield.
Lisateavet Warriors Boxing, külastage oma koduleheküljel aadressil www.WarriorsBoxing.com.