标记档案: 查尔斯·康威尔

迪布-埃文斯对决; 2016 美国奥运选手康威尔职业首秀登顶布法罗跑四月赛卡 21

迈阿密, 行 (四月 5, 2017) – 世界排名青少年轻量级“Babyface”Billel Dib 和前 WBC 青年队冠军得主 Yuandale“Money Shot”Evans 将在一场重要的十回合比赛中展开对决 星期五, 四月 21 在迈阿密的 Buffalo Run 赌场, 行.
由霍顿制作公司和迪贝拉娱乐公司推广, 该卡还具有备受期待的职业首次亮相 2016 美国奥运选手查尔斯·康威尔. 门票现已在 Buffalo Run 售票处或登录 Stubwire.com/event/ 发售四州特许经营拳击/布法罗伦赌场/迈阿密/14694.
来自悉尼, 澳大利亚, 迪布有着出色的 21-1 创纪录 10 胜利淘汰赛. 目前排名 #7 由WBO和 #13 由WBA, 去年 12 月,Dib 在 Buffalo Run 赌场的首次亮相给人留下了深刻的印象, 在八轮比赛中击败哥伦比亚选手卡洛斯·帕迪拉. 一场胜利 21ST 将使他更接近争夺世界冠军.
在克利夫兰生活和战斗, OH, 埃文斯是 18-1 同 14 KO的. 他在首轮八次击倒对手,并在祖国俄罗斯第五轮KO了鲁斯兰·贝尔查克,夺得了WBC青年赛冠军. 击败备受推崇的迪布将使埃文斯在 130 英镑.
中量级查尔斯·康威尔首次以职业选手身份与将在四轮联合赛中指定的对手进行比赛. 这位19岁的球员代表美国队参加了里约奥运会 2016 美国奥运会,现为霍顿制作公司成员’ “四邦特许”团队. 因其卓越的表现被评为俄亥俄州年度业余运动员 2016, 康威尔有着深受球迷喜爱的风格,预计他将很快成为观众的最爱.
我们不仅对查尔斯·康威尔的职业首秀感到高兴,而且对两位非常优秀的拳手之间的高质量主赛事感到高兴,”托尼·霍尔登说道. “查尔斯已经在当地引起了轰动,球迷们渴望看到他的表现。”
塔尔萨的肯齐·维特-莫里森, OK队希望为之前对阵俄克拉荷马城本地人亚伦·查弗斯的平局报仇, 7-2-1 (3 KO的), 六轮重量级复赛. 已故重量级冠军汤米·莫里森的儿子和“四州特许经营”成员特雷·利普·莫里森同父异母的兄弟, 维特-莫里森是 10-0-2 并具有 9 胜利淘汰赛.
不败次中量级贾勒特 “遗产” 巴特尔斯维尔的劳斯, OK将面对待定的对手. 代表“四国特许经营”,” 劳斯是一位多项运动的佼佼者, 编译 10-0-1 创纪录 4 KO 在擂台上 3-0 综合格斗选手的职业记录. 十二月 2016, 他通过击败曾经被击败的沙迪·沙瓦雷布(Shadi Shawareb)取得了职业生涯的最佳胜利.
狄龙 “白色闪电” 库克也原定出席,但因肘部受伤而不得不退出.

2016 美国奥运选手康威尔很高兴加入四州特许经营权

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查尔斯·康威尔和发起人托尼·霍尔登 (图片来源: 吉姆·埃利斯/迈阿密新闻记录)
迈阿密, 行 (三月 8, 2017) - 2016 美国奥运选手查尔斯·康威尔 (Charles Conwell) 成为霍顿制作公司 (Holden Productions) 的最新成员’ 广受欢迎的四州特许经营权.
霍顿制作公司 (Holden Productions) 和迪贝拉娱乐公司 (DiBella Entertainment) 最近签约, 克利夫兰, 俄亥俄州本地人加入 Trey Lippe-Morrison, 伊万Baranchyk, 库克狄龙, 杰西·库克和贾勒特·劳斯作为团队成员. 业余中量级选手,目标是进入次中量级, 康威尔以严厉的行动斗士而闻名. 四州特许经营权, 经常在迈阿密的 Buffalo Run 赌场打斗, 好的,前面只有站立的人群, 为目前面临经济困境的城市带来希望.
今天早些时候,康威尔在布法罗跑赛场举行的一场激动人心的新闻发布会上被介绍,会上看到了他的父亲, 老查尔斯, 流下喜悦的泪水. 一名高中优等生,荣获 11 作为业余拳击手获得全国冠军, 康威尔被命名为俄亥俄州 2016 年度最佳业余运动员. 他计划像前面提到的他的马厩巴兰奇克一样,成为当地人的养子, 他在 ShoBox 上看过谁在 Buffalo Run 上打架.
成为四州球队的一员并让球迷支持我对我来说意味着一切,”康威尔说. “这激励我更加努力地训练,为球迷们带来精彩的战斗. (霍尔顿和迪贝拉能够让我成为其中的一员) 四州特许经营权帮助我做出了决定 (谁会把我提升为专业人士) 我期待成为迈阿密球迷的最爱, 行.
霍顿, 超过的促销员 20 岁月, 认为康威尔是他最令人兴奋的签约者之一,并为他的最新前景展望了光明的未来.
并不是每天都能签下一位不仅是美国奥运选手而且拥有这里观众喜爱的风格的拳击手. 我很期待查尔斯’ 进步和卢·迪贝拉和我会让他走正确的路. 毫无疑问,我们认为他将完美地融入四州球队,并很快成为当地人的最爱。”
康威尔的职业首秀预计于 四月 21 在布法罗奔跑, 他将在四轮中量级比赛中面对对手.
门票现已在 Buffalo Run 售票处发售或登录 stubwire.com.

Split-T Management signs 2016 中美. Olympian Charles Conwell to a managerial contract

纽约 (十二月 2, 2016) -Split T Management is pleased to announce the signing of 2016 美国奥运选手, 查尔斯·康威尔 to a managerial contract..

康威尔 19 years-old of Cleveland, Ohio competed as a middleweight in the Olympics but will compete in the welterweight division in the professional ranks.

David McWater of Split T Management is known as a man who cares about his fighters, not only inside of the ring, but outside of it as well,” 康威尔说.

When I talked to a lot of people, they had a lot of nice things to say about him. When I met him and got to know him, he showed me that he cared about me not only as a boxer, but as a person, and that’s the one I want handling my career.

Charles is a wonderful person as well as a fighter,” said McWater. “He’s accomplished so much in his life already! How many kids win National Golden Gloves, US Nationals, Continental Elite Worlds and make honor roll in school all before they graduate high school? Close to none I would guess! He’s just an awesome young man and a tremendous talent, I’m very excited to be working for him.

Conwell began boxing at the age of 10 when his father brought him to the gym and Charles fell in love with the sport.

Charles won a gold medal in the Americas Olympic qualifiers and took the top spot in countless United States Amateur tournaments, which included the National Junior Championships on two occasions, the National Golden Gloves Tournaments and the United Stated Olympic Trials.

After winning my first national tournament (2012 全国少年奥运会), I felt that I could make boxing my career. I went on to become an 11-time national champion.

在过去的 2 岁月, Conwell has been the top-ranked middleweight in the United States.

在 2015, Conwell was named the USA Boxing Junior Male Athlete of the Year.

在 2016 奥运会, Conwell was ousted by Krishan Vikas of India. Vikas was a 2-time Olympian, who defeated top welterweight contender Errol Spence, JR. 在 2012 游戏.

My Olympic experience did not go was planned, but I made the most of it. By fighting internationally, I got to see a lot of different styles of fighters and took some of the good qualities and added it to my style, which will help me become even a better fighter. I am a very smart boxer with fast hands and power. 当人们看到我, they will think of Aaron Pryor, Mike Tyson and Andre Ward all rolled up into one.

I plan to become the undisputed world welterweight champion and leave a legacy in boxing. I will be known as one of the all-time greats to come out of Ohio.