标记档案: 卡修斯·克莱

USA Boxing Alumni Association Profile: 博士. WilbertSkeeterMcClure

1960 OLYMPIC GOLD: (L-R) Wilbert McClure, Cassius Clay and Eddie Crook, JR.


科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (八月 20, 2018) – One of the classiest boxers to ever lace-up a pair of gloves is 博士. WilbertSkeeterMcClure, who is the only American boxer to capture an Olympic gold-medal and also earn a Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D).




When I think of ‘SkeeterMcClure,” USA Boxing president 约翰·布朗 说, “I think of the grassroots of our sport. When ‘Skeeterwas a young boy growing up in Toledo, 俄亥俄, he had a twinkle in his eye and a desire to box. We would learn later in life how talented, gifted and passionate ‘SkeeterMcClure was about the sport of boxing.




It would be impossible for me, somebody who has spent his entire life in boxing, to find a better representative of our sport than ‘SkeeterMcClure.




绰号 “Skeeterbecause his father thought he looked no bigger than a mosquito at birth, McClure was born October 29, 1938 在托莱多, 俄亥俄, and he developed into the perfect example of brains and brawn.




The now 79-year-old McClure earned degrees in literature and philosophy in 1961 from the University of Toledo and a doctorate in psychology from Wayne State University in Detroit. He was a professor at Northeastern University and late became a Massachusetts state boxing commissioner. 在 2012, he was honored for his life’s work by the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School.




McClure had an incredible boxing career, highlighted by his gold-medal performance at the 1960 奥运会, defeating his Italian opponent in Rome, Carmelo Bossi, to capture the light middleweight gold medal, despite fighting with a severely damaged hand suffered in the semifinals. The two other American gold medalists that year was his roommate and team co-captain, 卡修斯·克莱 (aka Muhammad Ali) and Eddie Crook, JR.




During his illustrious amateur career, McClure was dominant in 1959-1960, winning gold medals at the 1959 泛美运动会, two-time National AAU tournaments, 1958 International Diamond Belt. He was also named Outstanding U.S. Amateur Boxer in 1959.


在瓦伦蒂, 特别项目顾问美国拳击, has known McClure as long as anybody alive, “I had the pleasure of meeting ‘SkeeterMcClure in the late eighties,” Valenti noted, “and since the day I met him I’ve held him in the highest esteem. I cannot find another boxer who has achieved what ‘Skeeterhas during his life in boxing. He was a talented amateur boxer who won at every level and, beyond that, he served in the U.S. 军队, earned a Ph.D in psychology, and he also had a long career as a college professor. One thing that stands out among his accomplishments is that he’s the kindest, most sincere gentlemen I’ve ever met.




During his tenure on the Massachusetts Boxing Commission, he fully understood the sport and what was needed. 作为启动子, I was never busier than when he oversaw boxing in Massachusetts. One of the highlights of my life is when I introduced ‘Skeeterto crowds at our events, after listening to his lists of accomplishments, how the crowd always gave him a standing ovation.




“博士. Wilbert ‘SkeeterMcClure is a true champion and a class act. No American boxer will ever accomplish what he did.




I first met Wilbert at the 1964 National AAU Championships,” 1972 奥运会铜牌得主 杰西·瓦尔德兹(Jesse Valdez) 评论. “I had just turned 16. I had won the National Golden Gloves for the first time and went to the National AAU and got beaten by Quincy Daniels, who had won a bronze medalist at the 1960 Olympics with Wilbert. I said hello but really didn’t know Wilbert. 我曾经年轻, shy and kept to myself. I didn’t realize he was an Olympic gold medal winner until later, while taking with the other guys. I was really impressed by his background.




Wilbert is somebody kids today need to look up to. He’s a great example for kids coming up and dreaming about winning an Olympic gold medal. And Wilbert went on to get an education. He’s a great example for kids today in the program (美国拳击).”




Legendary amateur boxing coach 罗斯福桑德斯, who last year was inducted into the first class of the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame, lost to McClure in the 1960 美国奥运选拔赛.




“他 (McClure) has always been nice to me,” Sanders added. “我不认识他, 亲自, but met him, fought him, and saw him fight on television. He’s a smart guy, always a gentleman, and being a U.S. 海洋, we were taught to absorb that.




在 1961, McClure turned pro and he was billed as the next Sugar Ray Robinson, largely due their similar boxing style. No endorsements, 虽然, and the odds were really stacked against McClure reaching the same heights as a pro that he had attained as an amateur. During the early part of his professional career, McClure served in the U.S. 军队, attended college and was married with a baby. After only 14 亲打架, the mismanaged McClure was rushed into difficult matches against the likes of future world champions and Hall of Famers 路易斯·罗德里格斯· (两次) 和 何塞·托雷斯, plus No. 1 竞争者 鲁本 “飓风” 卡特 (两次), 从 1963 到 1966. McClure was on the losing end of four of those five fights, all by decisions, but he did fight Carter to a draw.




McClure retired from the ring in 1970 有 24-9 (12 科斯) 专业纪录. He eventually resettled in the Boston suburb of Chestnut Hill, where he taught at Northeastern University and later was a consultant to industry and government, teaching administrators how to deal with people.




1960 美国奥林匹克拳击队 – Wilbert McClure is standing, third from the right, in front of Cassius Clay




创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.




美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员被授予各种特别活动由校友协会主办的访问, 包括其成名接待年度美国拳击校友会馆.




加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.





An eloquent speaker who was equally comfortable with corporate executives and boxing fans alike, McClure remained close friends with Ali, Carter and so many others he befriended in boxing. 今天, he is in ill health but still receives unparalleled respect from all those he’s touched in and out of the ring and classroom.




Simply said, 博士. WilbertSkeeterMcClure is another outstanding USA Boxing product, as well as class personified.




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拳击教练奥兰多奎利亚尔在第五街回到未来. 健身房

MIAMI (十月 26, 2016) — 国际知名拳击教练 奥兰多奎利亚尔 已经回到原点, 回到著名的 5 圣. 南海滩 的健身房, 他十几岁时曾到那里学习,现在每周训练六天的拳手.
出生于哈瓦那, 古巴, 奎利亚尔三岁时,他的家人在迈阿密定居,奥兰多在那里读完高中. 作为一名业余拳击手, 奎利亚尔清楚地记得观看拳击手的情景 5 圣. 健身房如 卡修斯·克莱, 威利Pastrano, 维尼·科托 弗洛伦蒂诺·费尔南德斯, 还有传奇训练师, 兄弟 安吉洛克里斯·邓迪.
“我观看并学习了, 尽我所能地捡起,” 奎利亚尔说,. “现在, 我发现自己在工作 5 圣. 过去六周的健身房. 这是一次难以置信的经历. 每天, 你永远不知道谁会走进那里的门. 多年来,它一直是世界上最好的拳击馆之一 50 岁月. 从日期追溯到 穆罕默德·阿里, 由于其丰富的历史和精彩的拳击比赛,拳手们被吸引到这个健身房, 以及南海滩餐厅所在的地区, 俱乐部和海滩. 温暖的, 潮湿的天气也让格斗者更容易通过跑步和训练来减肥.
“(所有者) 迪诺斯宾塞 正在进行 5 圣. 健身房的传统. 我在那里的每一天都令我兴奋. 混合种族群体在那里训练,这里对人才有着巨大的吸引力. 每周有三天陪练 – 我称之为斯帕拉玛 – 欢迎大家挑战自我. 拳击比赛比很多电视比赛都精彩.
“5 圣. 体操教练 盖伊Laieta 过去五年来一直试图说服我加入这个团队. 我曾多次与迪诺交谈过, 表达了我训练战士的愿望 5 圣. 健身房. 他说, '我们开始做吧。’ 的成功 5 圣. 如今的健身房与所有权有很大关系. 迪诺热爱拳击,而且非常热情好客, 这会渗透到他的员工和战士身上. 时刻保持良好的氛围!”
奎利亚尔 (Cuellar) 前往拉斯维加斯 1976 和, 在他意识到成为一名拳击手并不符合他的最大利益之后, 他开始在那里训练战士 1981 从约翰尼·加西亚的健身房出来. 一年后, 他将自己的基地转移到了布鲁克林,并开始从另一个拳击偶像那里训练拳手, 格里森的健身房. 在 2000, 他在迈阿密定居.
最著名的世界轻重量级冠军首席教练 格伦 - 约翰逊, 奎利亚尔还与未来的冠军合作过,例如 尼古拉斯·沃尔特斯, Rances缪厄斯兰迪·拉拉, 以及 路易斯·佛朗哥, 艾伦·戴维斯胡安·卡洛斯·戈麦斯, 举几个比较著名的例子. 今天, 他是几位顶级拳手的首席二把手,包括 安东尼奥·塔弗.
在整个拳击界被公认为优秀的老师, 奎利亚尔的成功主要归功于他对拳手的个人训练, 关注他们的个人需求,而不是给予所有战士相同的指示和关注.
“每个战士都需要个人和具体的工作来补充他们的天赋才能,” 奎利亚尔解释说. “你不能以同样的方式教导所有战士. 我专注于我所说的“旧学校与新学校的结合”. 老派是预先和个人去的 15 发, 新学校就是要打更多拳, 更多的脚步运动和来自外部的战斗. 我教 多芬斯: 防御 + 罪行. 拳头不是维生素, 不应该采取任何措施. 拳击只不过是一场反应力的较量; 一名战士与另一名战士, 但真正的技巧是战斗机如何利用他的反应能力. 我教我的战士如何将围裙变成雷区。”
拳击在奎利亚尔的生活中发挥了巨大的作用. 回到 5 圣. 健身房只是他独特生活的又一章.
“我靠我的战士而活,” 奎利亚尔总结道. “每一次胜利都是我最自豪的时刻. 没有大的或小的胜利, 每一次胜利都是一个快乐的时刻,因为我和我的战士在训练营期间所做的所有努力和牺牲。”