Tag Archives: carnival

Robert Guerrero joins BFC Foundation Granting Wishes to Chronically ill Children



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GILROY, CA (Aprilie 30, 2015)Please join Robert “Duhul” Războinic in remembering Caley while raising much needed funds to help families with the financial struggles that comes with caring for children with an illness and granting wishes to these kids. Carnival rides, food, divertisment, shopping all in one place!!!! Admission is FREE but you can purchase your unlimited rides wristbands at a discounted price. Wristbands will be $30 at the event.
This event is dear to my heart and I want to encourage everyone to come out and support this great cause.” a declarat Robert Guerrero. “Granting wishes to children who are chronically ill can be costly to their families. My goal is to make these wishes come true for these kids.
UNDE: Uesugi Farms dovleac Park
14485 Monterey Road
San Martin, CA 95046

CÂND: Sâmbătă, Iunie 13, 2015 la 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Duminică, Iunie 14, 2015 la 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM


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