Архивы: Карлос Негрон

Лучший супертяжелый вес Луис Ортис сражается с бывшим чемпионом мира Чарльзом Мартином в субботу, Январь 1 в главном событии FOX Sports PBC с оплатой за просмотр от отеля Seminole Hard Rock & Казино в Голливуде, Флорида

Хедлайнером выступил лучший супертяжелый вес Луис Ортис, сражающийся с бывшим чемпионом мира Чарльзом Мартином в субботу, выбрав титул чемпиона IBF в супертяжелом весе., Январь 1 из отеля Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Казино в Голливуде, Флорида

С участием восходящей звезды Фрэнка Санчеса на дуэли пуэрториканского олимпийца Карлоса Негрона в со-главном турнире

Сложенный состав Five-Fight также включает:
Джонни Райс vs. Майкл Coffie 2
Джеральд Вашингтон vs. Али Эрен Демирезен
Виктор Фауст vs. Яго Киладзе

Прямая трансляция на FOX Sports PBC с оплатой за просмотр по специальной цене в размере $39.99
Билеты поступят в продажу в понедельник, Ноябрь 22 на 10 a.m. И

ГОЛЛИВУД, Флорида. (Ноябрь 17, 2021) - Новый год начнется с большой удачи., пять захватывающих матчей в супертяжелом весе займут центральное место в многолюдном новогоднем новогоднем новогоднем прямом эфире Hard Rock Live на FOX Sports PBC в отеле Seminole Hard Rock. & Казино в Голливуде, Флорида.

В главном событии примут участие топ-тяжеловесы Луис «Кинг Конг» Ортис сразиться с бывшим чемпионом мира Чарльз Мартин в 12-раундовом отборочном турнире IBF в супертяжелом весе. В со-главном событии, непобедимая восходящая звезда в тяжелом весе Фрэнк «Кубинская вспышка» Санчес сразится с пуэрториканским олимпийцем Карлос Негрон в 10 раунде притяжения в.

Телетрансляция с оплатой за просмотр начинается в 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT, а также увидит соперников в супертяжелом весе Jonnie Райс и Майкл Coffie бой в матче-реванше из 10 раундов, бывший претендент на титул Джеральд "Черный петух" Вашингтон в 10-раундовом поединке против турецкого олимпийца Али Эрен Демирезен и непобедимый Виктор Фауст облицовочный Яго Киладзе в 10-раундовом аттракционе, чтобы открыть платный просмотр.

«Бокс в супертяжелом весе всегда нужно смотреть, и мы начнем новый год с одних только титанических игроков, которые хотят произвести впечатление в разборках FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View.,»Сказал Том Браун, Президент TGB Акции. «Это набор боев, доступный для фанатов по доступной цене в $39.99. Луис Ортис и Чарльз Мартин находятся на вершине турнирной таблицы претендентов в супертяжелом весе и смогут укрепить свои позиции в борьбе за титул чемпиона мира, одержав победу в январе. 1. Один из самых активных растущих тяжеловесов, Фрэнк Санчес вернется в строй после лучшей в карьере победы в октябре в тяжелом поединке с Карлосом Негроном.. Всего пять боев, В новогодний день в отеле Seminole Hard Rock будут проходить беспрерывные действия: грандиозные дуэли будут проходить в прямом эфире. & Казино в Голливуде, Флорида."

Билеты на турнире, который способствует TGB Акции, поступит в продажу в понедельник, Ноябрь 22 на 10 a.m. ET и могут быть приобретены в Ticketmaster.com. Предварительная продажа билетов поступит в продажу в эту пятницу., Ноябрь 19 на 10 a.m. И.

С исключительной мощностью и безупречными техническими навыками, Ортис (32-2, 27 КО) уже много лет удерживает верхние строчки в рейтингах в супертяжелом весе, его единственные поражения приходятся на памятные поединки против бывшего давнего чемпиона в супертяжелом весе Деонтэя Уайлдера.. Родился в Камагуэе, Куба, тренируется у давнего тренера Германа Кайседо в Майами., Ортис выиграл три боя между соревнованиями Уайлдера, победа над Трэвисом Кауфманом, Кристиан Хаммер и Разван Кожану. До этого бега, Ортис одержал победы над Брайантом Дженнингсом, Тони Томпсон и Малик Скотт пополнят свое резюме в тяжелом весе. Совсем недавно, Ортис обыграл Александра Флореса в первом туре ноябрьского турнира. 2020 конец.

“Я не могу дождаться, чтобы устроить своим фанатам в Южной Флориде грандиозное шоу в Новый год и заработать еще один шанс на титул чемпиона мира в супертяжелом весе.,” сказал Ортиз. “Чарльз Мартин - хороший боец, но он стоит на моем пути. Единственное, о чем я думаю, - это выйти на ринг и заявить о себе в этом бою, чтобы еще раз показать, почему меня боятся в супертяжелом дивизионе.”

35-летний Мартин (28-2-1, 25 КО) стал чемпионом в тяжелом весе в январе 2016 когда он выиграл техническим нокаутом у непобежденного Вячеслава Глазкова. После потери титула Энтони Джошуа, Мартин выиграл пять из шести последних боев., со всеми его победами на расстоянии. Первоначально от St. Луис, сейчас живет в Лас-Вегасе и сейчас тренируется в Южной Калифорнии с Мэнни Роблесом., Мартин отыгрался после поражения с небольшим решением судей от Адама Ковнацки в 2018 заработать три победы подряд, в том числе последний нокаут Джеральда Вашингтона в феврале 2020.

“Никто не хочет драться со мной, и никто не хочет драться с Ортисом, так что мы будем драться друг с другом,” сказал Мартин. “Я собираюсь показать миру в январе 1 почему я заслуживаю титульный бой. Я заплатил взносы и хочу вернуть свой пояс. Победа над Ортисом приблизит меня на шаг к этой цели. Чтобы стать двукратным чемпионом в супертяжелом весе, Я должен сначала пройти Ортис, так что это именно то, что я собираюсь делать.

Выдающийся любитель из родной Кубы, Санчес (19-0, 13 КО) сейчас тренируется в Сан-Диего с ведущим тренером Эдди Рейносо. 29-летний футболист продолжает подниматься в супертяжелом весе., одержав три победы в 2020 поскольку он заработал единогласное решение судей над Джоуи Давейко и остановил Брайана Ховарда и Джулиана Фернандеса. Совсем недавно Санчес одержал лучшую в карьере победу в октябре., выбрасывая ранее непобежденного Эфе Аджагбу на пути к победе единогласным решением судей.

“Я счастлив вернуться так скоро после победы над Агджабой, но работа только начинается,” сказал Санчес. “Еще многое предстоит сделать. Я верю, что стану первым чемпионом в супертяжелом весе в кубинской истории.. Негрон сильный, опасный противник. Я должен буду изо всех сил, но я уверен, что выйду победителем. Я верю в свою команду, и моя команда верит в меня. Мы начнем Новый год с того, чтобы 20-0, оставайтесь занятыми и сделайте веские аргументы в пользу титула чемпиона мира к концу года.”

The 2008 Пуэрто-риканский олимпийский негрон (25-3, 20 КО) ведет серию из пяти побед в январе 1, в том числе четыре победы досрочно. 34-летний футболист оправился от поражений от Доминика Бризила и Брайана Ховарда, чтобы закрепить свою победную серию., который включает марш 2020 нокаут над ранее непобежденным Робертом Альфонсо. Негрон профессионально сражался с тех пор. 2009 и сейчас живет в Майами, где тренируется вместе с Луисом Ортисом..

“Для меня это отличная возможность победить сильного и многообещающего бойца и показать всем, на что я способен.,” сказал Негрон. “Я упорно тренируюсь, и у меня был отличный спарринг, чтобы быть готовым ко всему, что Санчес собирается принести. Мой опыт и подготовка будут отличием. Я очень мотивирован, чтобы дать фанатам отличный бой и поставить себя на место, чтобы получить шанс на титул чемпиона мира.”

Родился в Южной Каролине, сейчас воюет из Лос-Анджелеса., Рис (14-6-1, 10 КО) будет стремиться повторить лучший результат в карьере в матче-реванше против Коффи, после того, как он остановил ранее непобежденного бойца в пятом раунде в июле. Райс выиграла шесть из семи боев из 2018 через 2019 до пары проигрышей в 2020 против тогда непобедимых Эфе Аджагба и Демси МакКин. В профессиональной карьере, которая началась в 2014, все недостатки в рекордах Райс были нанесены ранее непобежденным бойцам..

“В моем последнем бою против Коффи, Я пошел туда, чтобы проявить себя и сделать то, чему меня учили.,- сказал Райс. «Это было тонуть или плавать, и я вышел на первое место. Теперь я должен пойти туда в январе 1 и показать, что это не случайность. Это отличный этап для меня, чтобы продемонстрировать свои таланты и доказать, что я способен на большие дела.. Я хочу показать фанатам отличное выступление, и я знаю, что Коффи делает то же самое.. Не пропустите этот бой.”

Коффи (12-1, 9 КО) надеется оправиться от своего первого поражения в карьере после проигрыша в первом матче против Райс в июле. Ветеран морской пехоты, который занялся боксом после возвращения из-за границы., Коффи быстро произвел впечатление в любительских турнирах, достаточно, чтобы заработать спарринговые задания с Деонтэем Уайлдером и Адамом Ковнацки.. Он родился в Бронксе, но теперь поезда в Орландо, Флорида и прорвалась в 2020 с тремя доминирующими досрочными победами, включая нокауты над ранее непобежденными соперниками Дармани Рок и Луисом Пеной.

“Я хочу вернуть его и на этот раз устроить настоящий бой против Джонни Райса.,- сказал Коффи. "Последний раз, Я был в положении, когда столкнулся с некоторыми невзгодами, и мне пришлось принять решение продолжить бой. Я знаю, что могу бороться с невзгодами, и в январе 1, Я буду готов к любой битве. В январе 1, будет драка.”

Вашингтон (20-4-1, 13 КО) - соперник в супертяжелом весе ростом шесть футов шесть дюймов, бывший выдающийся игрок американского футбола в Университете Южной Калифорнии и США.. Ветеран ВМФ. Родился в Сан-Хосе, Калифорния, Вашингтон совсем недавно проиграл поединок против бывшего чемпиона мира в супертяжелом весе Чарльза Мартина в феврале. 2020. До этого боя, В июле Вашингтон нокаутировал своего ветеранского соперника Роберта Хелениуса. 2019. Вашингтон был непобедим в своем первом 19 профи, прежде чем бросить вызов за титул чемпиона мира Деонтэю Уайлдеру в феврале. 2017.

“Я с нетерпением жду выхода на ринг 1 января,” сказал, что Вашингтон. “Я готов пойти на работу и вернуться на позицию для больших боев. Мой опыт будет разница в этой борьбе. Это будет отличная ночь боев в супертяжелом весе!”

A 2016 Олимпиец для Турции, Демирезен (14-1, 11 КО) вылетел из Гамбурга, Германия в профессиональных рядах с тех пор, как поздно стала профессионалом 2016. 31-летний футболист выиграл свой первый 11 про бои, включая остановку во втором раунде Рэда Рашида, чтобы завоевать титул чемпиона Европы в супертяжелом весе в 2018. Демирезен сделал свой единственный другой американский. начинать 2019, когда он стал первым, кто прошел дистанцию ​​против Эфе Аджагбы, проигрыш по решению. С того поражения, Демирезен одержал три победы подряд, последняя остановка Николы Милачича в марте.

«Я многому научился из своего поражения от Аджагбы, и я с нетерпением жду возможности получить еще один шанс боксировать в США», - сказал Демирезен.. «Я все еще злюсь на бой с Аджагбой., потому что я знаю, что мог бы выиграть. Я хочу показать сейчас, что принадлежу к этой сцене. Я горжусь тем, что занимаю эту должность, чтобы показать, на что я способен, и собираюсь максимально использовать возможность ».

29-летний Фауст (8-0, 6 КО) стал профессионалом в феврале 2020 после обширной любительской карьеры дрался за пределами родного Светловодска, Украина. Фауст нокаутировал своих первых четырех противников, прежде чем выиграть доминирующими решениями в шести и восьми раундах. После нокаута в первом раунде над ранее непобежденным Яцеком Пятеком в мае., Фауст сделал свой американский. дебют в октябре, дважды сбил Майка Маршалла на пути к победе техническим нокаутом в третьем раунде.

«Я очень рад вернуться в бой в США.. снова 1 января », - сказал Фауст.. «Меня тепло встретили, и борьба в США уже кажется моей гостиной.. Я люблю атмосферу. Это отличный шанс показать себя на этом платном шоу против очень качественного оппонента.. Я не разочарую фанатов, когда выйду на ринг ».

Киладзе (27-5-1, 19 КО) вернулся в колонку побед в сентябре, с победой нокаутом над Мэтью МакКинни. С тех пор, как он начал сражаться в США на постоянной основе в 2017, Киладзе проиграл тяжеловесу Адаму Ковнацки, Майкл Хантер, Эфе Аджагба и Джо Джойс, кто носил комбинированный 45-1 рекордное участие в матчах против Киладзе. Родом из Джорджии, а теперь воюет из Лос-Анджелеса., Киладзе владеет 2019 сыграла вничью с непобежденным Робертом Альфонсо и выиграла шесть боев подряд между 2014 и 2018.

«Я буду готов к ночи боя, и я буду сосредоточен,- сказал Киладзе.. «Я благодарен за возможность и упорные тренировки, чтобы показать хорошие результаты и покинуть ринг с победой».

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Former Champion Jean Pascal Edges Marcus Browne By Technical Decision After Accidental Headbutt Ends Fight in Round Eight & Wale Omotoso Stops Curtis Stevens in Third Round of 154-Pound Duel

Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий от Набила Ахмада / Premier Boxing Champions

Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий из Стефани Trapp / TGB Promotions

Бруклин (Август 4, 2019) – Unbeaten Polish star and Brooklyn native Адам Kownacki (20-0, 15 КО) заработал единогласное решение по Крис “Кошмар” Арреола (38-6-1, 33 КО) in an all-action brawl in front of his hometown fans that headlined FOX PBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes Saturday night from Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™.

Kownacki and Arreola set the CompuBox heavyweight record for combined punches landed and thrown in a heavyweight fight. They landed a combined 667 удары, besting the previous record of 650, while throwing 2,172 удары, far surpassing the previous mark of 1,730.

Highlights from the fight can be found ВОТ, ВОТ и ВОТ.

Chris is an Aztec warrior,” сказал Kownacki. “Он великий боец,. I knew it would be a tough fight and I prepared for it. The CompuBox numbers prove it was a great fight.

Adam is relentless,” Саид Арреола. “He just keeps coming. I know I got him with some good punches and he got me with some good ones. I was more than ready to go all 12, but Adam came in and won the fight.

The action began right from the first bell, as Kownacki charged at Arreola and immediately began exchanging as both men threw power punches in bunches. Kownacki worked off of his jab to initiate his offense, while Arreola was effectively able to counter his hard-charging opponent and respond every time he was hit with a combination.

I thought it was a good close fight but I knew I pulled it out,” сказал Kownacki. “I landed a lot of shots and that was enough to win. That’s all that matters.

Kownacki stunned Arreola in the early moments of round two but Arreola quickly responded to slow Kownacki’s momentum. Arreola found more and more success with his overhand right as the fight went, landing the punch numerous times in the fourth and fifth round especially.

Round six was a back and forth affair that featured a big offensive surge from Kownacki early in the round, before an exciting exchange at the end of the round saw both men take heavy punches.

I tried to follow up when I had him hurt but I was throwing two punches instead of three or four,” сказал Kownacki. “Props to Arreola because he proved he could still hang. I’m sure the fans would want to see him again.

The middle rounds saw Arreola pick up a hand injury, but it didn’t appear to slow him down much as his punch output continued to be strong for the second half of the fight. For Kownacki, it was his first time going past 10 rounds as a pro.

After the punches continued to fly through the last bell, the two heavyweights embraced in the ring prior to hearing the judges’ множество. После 12 раундов, all three judges saw the fight in favor of Kownacki, десятками 117-11 в два раза и 118-110.

Retirement is something I need to talk to my family and team about,” Саид Арреола. “I gave it my all this fight. I let it all hang out. After breaking my hand, I kept fighting because I believed I could win.

I just have to keep training hard, getting better and sharpening my skills,” сказал Kownacki. “We’ll see what the future holds. Hopefully next year I’ll get the title shot.

The co-main event saw former world champion Жан Паскаль (34-6-1, 20 КО) earn a narrow technical decision over previously unbeaten Маркус Браун (23-1, 16 КО) to capture the WBA interim light heavyweight title after an accidental headbutt ended the fight in round eight.

Boxing is boxing,” said Pascal. “We clashed heads, but at the end of the day, I was winning the round. I dropped him three times. Это было рукопашный бой, but I believe I was winning.

Browne appeared to be in control early, using his jab effectively and finishing his combos with power punches. Throughout the fight, Browne would land 52% of his power punches according to CompuBox.

В четвертом раунде, Pascal broke through landing a perfect right hand that connected with Browne as he threw his own right hook. Browne hit the canvas for the third time in his career, but was able to make it through the round.

Watch Pascal score the knockdown ВОТ

Browne looked to have regained control of the fight until late in round seven when Pascal again connected on a powerful right hook that caught Browne during an exchange. Pascal jumped on Browne after he got to his feet and knocked him down a third time right before the bell ended round seven.

Montreal’s Pascal was looking to finish Browne in round eight, while Browne looked to effectively navigate the ring while recovering from the previous round. It was midway through the round that Pascal hit Browne with an accidental headbutt on the ropes that opened a cut over Browne’s left eye.

Watch the headbutt ВОТ

Referee Gary Rosato halted the bout 1:49 в раунде, on the advice of the ringside physician, meaning the fight went to the scorecards. By winning the shortened eighth round on all three judges’ карты, Pascal won the fight by the score of 75-74 три раза.

I could hear my daughter ringside and that was motivation for me,” said Pascal. “She was yelling my name all night long. I’m going to go home and talk to my team to see what is next. Canada has Drake, the NBA Champions and now I’m bringing the belt home.

Browne was unavailable for post fight comments as he was taken to NYU Lutheran Medical Center due to the cut.

The opening bout on FOX saw Wale ОМОТОСО (28-4, 22 КО) drop Кертис Стивенс(30-7, 22 КО) three times on his way to a third round stoppage victory in their super welterweight clash.

For Stevens it was his first fight at 154-pounds, and he was tested at the new weight from the outset. Omotoso began moving and jabbing around the ring as Stevens stalked him and tried to throw power punches to slow his movement. Late in the first round, Omotoso broke through with a right hand to the side of Stevenshead that dropped him in the middle of the ring.

My coach told me to keep my hands up, be patient, box him and jab,” сказал Омотосо. “He told me I shouldn’t push it and that when the opening was there, Я бы взял это. That’s exactly what happened.

He hit me with an overhand right in the first round that knocked my equilibrium,” said Stevens. “But that didn’t really affect me too much. I wasn’t stepping enough into my punches, I was reaching. I got caught when I was reaching.

In round two Omotoso landed a perfect jab on Stevens, as his opponent was throwing a left hook, that sent him down for the second time in the fight. Stevens again made it through the round, and began the next frame trapping Omotoso in the corner and connecting on power punches.

I was just letting my hands go,” сказал Омотосо. “On the second knockdown my confidence grew. I was glad to get the victory by knockout.

While Stevens was able to own the early moments of the third round, Omotoso hit him with a three punch combo that featured left hook, left uppercut and then straight right hand that put Stevens down for the third time. Stevens got to his feet but referee Johnny Callas halted the bout at 1:28 в третьем раунде.

I was okay but the referee has to do his job,” said Stevens. “I was down three times so I know he was looking out for my best interests.

I didn’t expect it to go exactly like that,” сказал Омотосо. “I was just listening to my coach. The second knockdown was actually with my jab. I have to talk to my team about what’s next. I’m thankful for this opportunity. I’m so happy to have this win. Give me anybody next, Я готов.”

Watch Omotoso’s TKO over Curtis Stevens ВОТ

# # #

АДАМ КОВНАЧКИ VS. CHRIS ARREOLA FINAL PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES & ФОТО – Unbeaten Polish Star & Brooklyn Native Adam Kownacki & Former Title Challenger Chris Arreola Face Off Before FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event on FOX & FOX Deportes This Saturday from Barclays Center in Brooklyn


Unbeaten Polish Star & Brooklyn Native Adam Kownacki & Former Title Challenger Chris Arreola Face Off Before FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event on FOX & FOX Deportes This Saturday from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий из Стефани Trapp / TGB Promotions

Бруклин (Август 1, 2019) – Unbeaten Polish star Адам Kownacki и бывший титул чемпиона Крис “Кошмар” Арреола went face to face at Thursday’s final press conference, two days before they meet in a heavyweight showdown headlining FOX PBC Fight Night this Saturday live on FOX and FOX Deportes from Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™.

The press conference also featured fighters competing in action beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT as unbeaten WBA interim light heavyweight champion “Сэр” Маркус Брауни бывший чемпион Жан Паскаль, plus Brooklyn’s Кертис Стивенс и Wale ОМОТОСО, all faced-off ahead of their respective matchups Saturday night.

Билеты на мероприятия, который способствует TGB Акции, уже в продаже, их можно приобрести на Ticketmaster.com. Билеты также можно приобрести в кассе American Express в Barclays Center..

The fighters were joined on stage by former lineal heavyweight champion Майкл Спинкс. Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from the Brooklyn Marriott:

АДАМ Kownacka

This is one of my dreams coming true. Since the amateurs I’ve wanted to fight at Barclays Center and on Saturday night I’m the main event. I couldn’t be more excited

I’ve been pushed hard in training camp and I can’t wait to show everyone all of my work on Saturday. The key is going to be jabbing in and throwing my punches in bunches like I always do.

This is a new experience for me being the headliner, but in the ring it doesn’t matter. It’s just two guys fighting each other. We both love to fight. I can’t wait to get it over with and punch him in the face.

Chris Arreola is a warrior. You always know that when Chris fights, it’s a good fight. But I’m going to test how much he has left in the gas tank. Chris has been in there with three champions and when I take care of business on Saturday, I’ll be one step closer to being world champion.

It’s truly a great feeling to have all this support from my fans here. These fans are trusting me to bring the title back to Brooklyn and to Poland.

Barclays Center has been my boxing home. Я не могу дождаться выхода на ринг. This is a tough fight and I have to make sure I send the fans home happy.

This definitely has Fight of the Year written all over it. Neither of us are afraid to let our hands go and no matter what happens, the fans are going to be winners on Saturday.

Крис Арреола

I understand that Adam is the favorite because he’s undefeated and fighting in his hometown. В конце концов,, none of that matters to me. I’m going to give it my all for this fight.

I’m carefree right now. I have no stress. Если я потеряю, I’m okay with walking way. But I’m not here to do that. Я здесь, чтобы побеждать.

“Я знаю, у меня есть жесткий противник передо мной. I have my work cut out for me. But ‘The Nightmareis going to keep going.

I went to Joe Goossen as my trainer because I knew it was time to make a change. I have to make this last run count. This is the best team I could imagine. Joe makes you work on your mistakes. I believe the winner of this fight is whoever takes advantage of the first mistake.

I respect everybody outside of the ring, but once we’re in the ring, I’m not friends with anyone. We’ll shake hands after the final bell, but I’m here to put on a show. It’s lights, камера, action and time to shine.

He’s a volume puncher. He just keeps coming and he’s smiling at you the whole time. В конце концов,, I’m going to put a frown on his face Saturday.

My prediction is that the fans are going to get their money’s worth. You better record this one, because you’re going to watch it again and again. I’m going to come out with my hand raised.

Маркус Браун

Being in training in Colorado really lets me get attuned to my game plan. It’s just waking up every day and working with that same mentality where I’m focused on nothing but the fight. It’s all about going in there and getting that win.

I’m going to punish Pascal on Saturday. If the knockout is how he wants to go, Я буду готов. I promise I’m going to beat him for 12 раундов.

It feels great to be here defending my belt. I’ll be in a better position after this fight. I’m going to make a statement in this fight and put Pascal in his place.

Pascal is a guy who doesn’t come to lay down, he comes to beat you. That’s what the sport is about. You have to fight guys of that stature if you’re not fighting champions.

A win on Saturday puts me in contention to fight for a world title next. That’s my focus, but before that, it’s about Jean Pascal and taking care of him the right way.

This is a great card for New York with me, Adam and Curtis all representing our home city. It’s great for us to be in this position together.


Marcus has been saying that he’s going to go in there and try to knock me out, but I’m no amateur. I know what his game plan is going to be. He’s going to run around the ring and try to hold. We all know he’s the best at running like a chicken.

When I was Marcus’ возраст, I was already a world champion. He was watching me on TV when he was at the Olympics.

How is he going to knock me out? I think without the cut that Badou Jack had in their fight, he would have knocked Marcus out.

“Я готов. I’m a solid fighter. I’ve fought the best, so I don’t think Marcus will be able to knock me out.

I’m too good all-around for Marcus. This is my chance to show that I still have a lot of gas left in the tank. I’m still good enough to fight at the very top level of the sport.


This is my first time fighting at Barclays Center, and I’m going to give the fans a taste of what they’ve been missing.

I decided that I’d go down to 154-pounds because my camp has a lot of the top 160-pound fighters so we were getting in each other’s way. There are a lot of opportunities for me in this weight class as well.

No matter what has happened in my career, I have always come back. I’m mentally always ready to bounce back. I’ve had layoffs in my career, but I know that I’m going to get where I need to be.

Nobody calls me out because they know I can punch. I’m too risky for the top fighters because they know there’s a chance they get knocked out.

It’s incredible to have this opportunity to fight at Barclays Center for the first time. It’s going to be a good time for me and all the fans.


I’m not worried about Stevens being at a new weight. I don’t think it’s going to affect him that much. В Субботу, we’re both going to do our best to get the win.

He’s a big puncher who brawls. But I’m a big puncher too. He’s been there and fought everybody, but I’m going to show the world what I can do.

I think this is going to be a toe-to-toe fight. There might be some feeling out, but as the fight goes on and we get into the middle rounds, it’s going to be fought in the middle of the ring.

I’ve trained well for this fight and had sparring with lots of different fighters. The different styles that I’ve seen throughout camp will have me prepared for anything Stevens shows me on Saturday night.

# # #

Kownacki против. Arreola pits undefeated Polish star and Brooklyn-native Adam Kownacki against veteran former title challenger Chris “Кошмар” Arreola for a heavyweight showdown that headlines FOX PBC Fight Night on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, Август 3 от Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™.

The broadcast starts at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and features unbeaten interim WBA Light Heavyweight Champion “Сэр” Marcus Browne battling former world champion Jean Pascal in a 12-round bout, plus Brooklyn’s Curtis Stevens makes his 154-pound debut against Wale Omotoso in a 10-round fight.

Зрители могут в прямом эфире поток КПБ шоу на FOX Sports и FOX NOW приложения или FOXSports.com. В дополнение, все программы доступны на FOX Sports на канале SiriusXM 83 спутниковые радиостанции и на приложении SiriusXM.

Для получения более подробной информации: визит www.premierboxingchampions.com, ХТ
и www.foxdeportes.com, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports и www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Exciting Lineup of Undercard Fights Feature Puerto Rican Heavyweight Carlos Negron, Super Welterweight Clash Between Curtis Stevens & Wale ОМОТОСО, Local Fan-Favorite Heather Hardy & Больше – Суббота, Август 3 от Barclays Center в Бруклине & Представлено Премьер бокса чемпионов

Суббота, Август 3 от Barclays Center в Бруклине & Представлено Премьер бокса чемпионов

Polish Star Adam Kownacki Headlines Against Former Title Challenger Chris Arreola in FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event Live on
FOX & FOX Sports – 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT

Бруклин (Июль 9, 2019) – An exciting lineup of action-packed undercard attractions will add to the Summer heat on Saturday, Август 3 live from Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™, в случае, представленном Премьер бокса чемпионов.

The event is headlined by Polish star and heavyweight contender Adam Kownacki and former title challenger Chris “Кошмар” Arreola meeting in the main event of FOX PBC Fight Night live on FOX and FOX Deportes. Трансляция начинается 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and also features two-time world champion Andre Berto and 147-pound contender Miguel Cruz, who meet in a welterweight attraction, and interim WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Marcus Browne and former world champion Jean Pascal, who duel in a 175-pound bout.

Undercard bouts are highlighted by 2008 Пуэрто-Рико олимпиец Карлос Негрон (20-2, 16 КО) in a 10-round heavyweight fight against Atlanta’s Брайан Ховард (14-3, 11 КО), бывший претендент на титул Кертис Стивенс (30-6, 22 КО) taking on veteran contender Wale ОМОТОСО (27-4, 21 КО) in a 10-round super welterweight clash and featherweight world champion and unbeaten local fan-favorite Вереск “Тепло” Выносливый (22-0, 4 КО) в ее 10й appearance in the ring at Barclays Center.

Билеты на мероприятия, который способствует TGB Акции, can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com. Билеты также можно приобрести в кассе American Express в Barclays Center..

Additional action features a pair of uneaten fighters as Brooklyn’s Джулиан Соса (13-0-1, 5 КО) steps in for an eight-round welterweight showdown versus Texas-native Брайан Джонс (14-10, 8 КО), plus Maryland-native Кобия порода (13-0, 4 КО) takes on Michigan’s Райан Ли Аллен (9-3-1, 4 КО) in a 10-round featherweight attraction.

Rounding out the lineup is Mexico’s Исаак Cruz Gonzalez in a 10-round featherweight fight, непобежденным перспективы Кишон Уильямс в шесть круглых бой в полусреднем, unbeaten New Yorker Arnold Gonzalez in a four-round featherweight duel and undefeated New Jersey-native Kestna Davis in a four-round super welterweight bout against California’s Хайме Меза.

# # #

Зрители могут в прямом эфире поток КПБ шоу на FOX Sports и FOX NOW приложения или FOXSports.com. В дополнение, все программы доступны на FOX Sports на канале SiriusXM 83 спутниковые радиостанции и на приложении SiriusXM.

Для получения более подробной информации: визит www.premierboxingchampions.com, ХТ
и www.foxdeportes.com, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports и www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Puerto Rican Olympian Negron Ready to Take on Top Heavyweight Contender Dominic Breazeale Saturday, Декабрь 22 in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Action Live from Barclays Center in Brooklyn


МАЙАМИ, Флорида. (Ноябрь 9, 2018) – Пуэрто-Рико олимпиец Карлос Негрон is deep into training camp in Miami for his 10-round heavyweight showdown against top contender Доминик “Беда” Breazeale проходит субботу, Декабрь 22 live on FOX and FOX Deportes and presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™.




Born in San Juan, Negron represented his home country at the 2008 Olympic games and is eager to return to fight in front of New York’s large contingent of Puerto Rican boxing fans on December 22.




This is a great opportunity not only against a top opponent, but to be on the big stage in front of the great Puerto Rican fans and put on a great performance for them,” сказал Негрон, who last fought in New York in 2010. “I’m very confident in my abilities and I understand the job I have in front of me. Everyone will see how hard I’ve worked when we get in the ring.




Under the guidance of trainer Herman Caicedo, Negron will return to the ring for the first time since June 2017, when he scored a knockout victory over veteran contender Derric Rossy in a dominating performance that saw him score multiple knockdowns. Negron has worked with Caicedo for nearly a year, previously helping prepare Luis Ortiz for his heavyweight title bout against Deontay Wilder.




Having Carlos in camp for an extended period of time before the Breazeale fight was even announced has really allowed us to be leaps ahead at this point in training camp,” said Caicedo. “Mentally and physically he is really sharp right now and it’s going to show on fight night.




Working with Luis Ortiz and the other fighters in our gym has really helped push me to another level,” сказал Негрон. “We’re grinding every day and they truly demand the best out of me. There’s no being mediocre here. You have to put in your best effort every day.




With the six-foot-six Negron meeting the six-foot-seven Breazeale, this matchup is sure to display the power of two giants of the division. A former title challenger and U.S. Олимпиец, Breazeale has shown the ability to come back in a fight and turn the tides with one punch. For Negron, he knows the task in front of him is tall in stature and order.




Breazeale is a very tough fighter and what he might lack in skill, he more than makes up for in heart,” сказал Негрон. “He certainly has shown skill to get to this point in his career, but he also has that special something that’s gotten him through some tough fights.




It’s going to come down to intelligence and controlling the ring. I’m a very smart fighter with a lot of experience. I’ve had a loss and I don’t want to experience that again. I believe whoever gets thrown off their game plan is going to suffer and I’m going to make sure I’m prepared for everything he throws at me.




The PBC on FOX & FOX Deportes broadcast begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and is co-headlined by twin champions the Charlos as Jermall Charlo defends his interim WBC middleweight title against Вилли Монро младший., while WBC Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell Charlo бои Тони Харрисон.




Билеты на шоу, который продвигается Lions только Акции и TGB Акции в ассоциации с ДиБелла Entertainment, уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, или по телефону 800-745-3000. Билеты также можно приобрести в кассе American Express в Barclays Center.. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.




# # #




Вентиляторы могут жить поток бои на приложение FOX Sports, на английском или испанском языках через каналы FOX или FOX DEPORTES. Поединки доступны на рабочем столе в FOXSports.com и через магазин приложений, или подключенных устройств, включая Apple TV, Android TV, Огонь ТВ, Xbox One и Roku.




Для получения более подробной информации: визит www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage и www.foxdeportes.com, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, TwinCharlo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports и www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Top Heavyweight Contender Takes on Puerto Rican Olympian
Carlos Negron Saturday, Декабрь 22 in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Action Live from Barclays Center в Бруклине
Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Luis Mejia/TGB Promotions

ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Ноябрь 2, 2018) – Top heavyweight and WBC mandatory challenger Доминик “Беда” Breazeale spoke to media in Los Angeles Friday at a luncheon to discuss his his Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes showdown against Puerto Rican Olympian Карлос Негрон Суббота, Декабрь 22 live from Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™.




Трансляция начинается 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and is co-headlined by twin champions the Charlos as Jermall Charlo defends his interim WBC middleweight title against Вилли Монро младший., while WBC Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell Charlo бои Тони Харрисон.




Билеты на шоу, который продвигается Lions только Акции и TGB Акции в ассоциации с ДиБелла Entertainment, уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, или по телефону 800-745-3000. Билеты также можно приобрести в кассе American Express в Barclays Center.. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.




Here is what the luncheon participants had to say Friday at lunch from Watty’s at The Flats in Beverly Hills, which featured a special guest in former two-division world champion Danny Garcia:


ДОМИНИК BREAZEALE, WBC Нет. 1 Heavyweight Challenger




I’ve been staying in the gym consistently. My trainer Manny Robles does a great job of keeping me sharp. He makes sure I’m watching other guys spar and learning new tools.




I have worked hard to get to the top and I’ve done it by bringing the fight each and every time. I’ve waited for this opportunity and my time is now.




Carlos Negron is a great fighter who I’ll be ready for. People want to see exchanges and that is what I’m aiming for. I’m going to give the fans a great show and bring home a victory.




I know that I’m a contender in the heavyweight division. I came up short against Anthony Joshua, but now I have a beautiful opportunity to go after the WBC title. I’m not letting anyone stand in my way.




My goal was to not be in camp trying to get in shape. I see too much of that. So I made sure once it was time to focus in on this fight, that I was already at fighting weight. I feel great right now and I see the difference.




I’m looking forward to this big fight on FOX and FOX Deportes. It’s been a long time coming to get back in the ring and this is a great stage for me to do it on.




My main focus is on this fight and securing the title shot. I’m preparing for Carlos Negron like he’s Deontay Wilder. I would be a little upset if Tyson Fury wins because I really want to face Wilder.




My plan is to win on December 22 and next time I fight, that green belt will be on the line. I’m ready for this shot at the belt that I’ve worked for.


MANNY ROBLES, Breazeale’s Trainer




Dominic is really prepared for this fight. He will be ready because he is an extremely hard-working fighter. His strength and conditioning work has been really focused and we think it’s going to show in this fight.




We are taking this fight very seriously, as we do every fight. This is one of his better camps we’ve had together. So far things are going great. I am not just saying that. I truly believe you will see a better Dominic than ever before.




We are working on a lot of different things – скорость, работа ног, выносливость. We understand that we have a good boxer-puncher in front of us. He is up for the task. Dominic will be great. Expect fireworks on December 22.


BRITTANY GOOSSEN BROWN, Vice President of TGB Promotions




This is going to be a great heavyweight matchup on December 22 в Бруклине. Dominic Breazeale is always in action fights and he knows he needs to win in style to get another shot at the heavyweight world championship.




Breazeale is the mandatory challenger for the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury winner, but he can’t look past the experienced Puerto Rican Olympian Carlos Negron. This fight is going to be a great way to kick off the FOX and FOX Deportes telecast.




# # #




Вентиляторы могут жить поток бои на приложение FOX Sports, на английском или испанском языках через каналы FOX или FOX DEPORTES. Бои доступны на рабочем столе в FOXSports.com и через магазин приложений, или подключенных устройств, включая Apple TV, Android TV, Огонь ТВ, Xbox One и Roku.




Для получения более подробной информации: визит www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage и www.foxdeportes.com, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, TwinCharlo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports и www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Премьер бокса чемпионов на FOX & FOX Deportes Press Conference Quotes & Фото



Charlo Twins Headline as Unbeaten Jermall Charlo takes on Willie Monroe Jr. While Jermell Charlo Defends Title Against
Тони Харрисон Суббота, Декабрь 22 от Barclays Center
в Бруклине
Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий из Стефани Trapp / TGB Promotions

Бруклин (Октября 25, 2018) – Twin brothers and world champions Jermall Charlo и Jermell Charlo took part in a press conference in Brooklyn Thursday to announce their fights that kick off a new season of Премьер-чемпионы по боксу на каналах FOX и FOX Deportes live in primetime on Saturday, Декабрь 22 в Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™.




With twin titans entering the ring in back-to-back fights, a coin toss was conducted at the press conference by legendary heavyweight Gerry Cooney to decide who would be the main event. With a call of heads on the WBC commemorative coin, Jermall won the right to enter the ring last on fight night as he takes on Вилли Монро младший., while Jermell will battle Тони Харрисон.




The PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes broadcast will begin at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.




Билеты на шоу, который продвигается Lions только Акции и TGB Акции в ассоциации с ДиБелла Entertainment, поступит в продажу в пятницу, Октября 26 на 10 a.m. И. Билеты можно приобрести в ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, или по телефону 800-745-3000. Билеты также можно приобрести в кассах American Express в Barclays Center, начиная субботу, Октября 27 в полдень ET. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.




Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from the Barclays Center GEICO Atrium:





I got a good chance to see Monroe up close when I commentated his last fight. He looked good and I knew this was a possibility. I’m excited that it’s here and I have someone to perform against.




Monroe has tested himself against some of the best fighters in the world and that motivates me even more. He’s faced the fighters that I want to get in there with, so I see this as an opportunity to measure myself against their performances.




This is our first show with Lions Only Promotions for me and my brother and we’re really excited to have the opportunity. We’ve worked hard to get this thing going and we’re ready to show everyone all we can do.




We always dreamed of fighting on the same card like this with each other. We love winning together. It’s been like this all of our lives and it’s another chance for us to show-off together on December 22.




I’ve worked so hard to make it to this point where I’m able to be in this position. I promise on December 22 I’m going to bring something explosive that Willie Monroe is going to remember for the rest of his life. The Charlos have their own show. Mama, we made it!”


Вилли Монро JR.




I’m glad that Jermall took this fight. He was commentating my last fight and I knew then that this was a fight I definitely wanted a lot. I’m going to take the most of it and leave no doubt that I deserved this chance in the first place.




My team has really stuck through with me and now I’m at such an exciting time in my career. I know that I have the tools to get the job done on December 22. It’s my second time fighting at Barclays Center and I know none of the bright lights are going to affect me.




I’m at a great time in my career. I have the opportunities in front of me and a path to making the most of it. It’s just time for me to show up. I know what I have to do against one of the top fighters in the world. We’re going to make it happen.


Jermell Charlo




Tony Harrison is a great fighter and I’m happy to be up against him. There are a lot of great fighters in this division and he’s another quality one. He’s dropped 21 боевики, so we know he has power. I feel like I’ve faced the much tougher competition and I’m going to show it on December 22.




I love Brooklyn and I’m excited to be on the first PBC on FOX show of this new deal. You can forget the critics because this is going to be a great fight. Me and Tony Harrison are coming to fight. It’s going to be two strong explosive guys leaving it all out there.




It’s great to have our own Charlos card. We’ve already been in training camp working hard for this one. Now we’re going to lock in even more and I know we’ll be at our best on fight night.




We’re driven by our legacy. Right now we’re going to keep increasing out levels in this sport. We know that the biggest fights are in our reach. We’ve always been competing against each other and trying to lift each other up.




This is something big for the Charlo twins and Lions Only Promotions. We’re going to do what we always do, and that’s bring it on fight night with some heat and flavor. We understand that part of boxing. It’s going to be an exciting night for Brooklyn.


Тони Харрисона




I’m excited to be back here at this spot fighting at Barclays Center again. I’ve been so resilient in this sport. I haven’t talked my way into this fight. I have been ready for any fight offered to me and it was no different with this fight.




Sometimes there are things you have to do for yourself and this fight is one of them. In my heart I know I’m supposed to be here and I know what I’m capable of. Charlo is a true champion for taking this fight and he obviously has a great team around him. He applies pressure to himself to keep competing on this level each time and I respect that.




We’re both very competitive and that defines us as fighters, so I believe that’s going to add up to make this a truly explosive fight. I was honestly surprised that he took the fight, and I commend him as an athlete. He knows the danger in this fight that he’s taking.




I’ve been at this level before. I’ve taken my bumps and bruises. I’ve always came through as a true champion and all of it has led me to where I am right now. В декабре 22, I guarantee I’m going to show up and leave it all in the ring.


Ронни ЩИТКИ, Jermall’s Trainer




“Это приятно быть здесь, especially with a great fighter like Jermall. I’m looking forward to fight night. Jermall trains so hard every day. He knows this is going to be a tough fight and he’s looking forward to the challenge.




I hope everyone comes out and enjoys the show, because Jermall is grinding each day to be at his very best. He’s a special fighter and he never cheats us in the gym. This is going to be a night you don’t want to miss.


DERRICK ДЖЕЙМС, Jermell’s Trainer




“Это будет великий бой. We know who Tony Harrison is and what he’s about. He’s very tough and he comes to win. I thought he was up on the cards when he faced Jarrett Hurd and now he’s going to challenge Jermell, so we could start to have a chance to see how everyone stacks up at the top of this division.




We’re going to come in shape and be ready. This is going to help build us up to what’s next for us and what our long term goals are. Make sure you come out and see what we’re going to bring into the ring on fight night.


Том Браун, Президент TGB Акции




I’m thankful to everyone for being here for this announcement of a sensational show that will take place here at Barclays Center. It’s an honor to be here to kick off this FOX series on December 22.




This is going to be another high quality card at Barclays Center. They were recently named PBC’s official East Coast venue and we’re thrilled to start that agreement with this fight.




Both of the Charlos have fought at Barclays Center before, and Harrison and Monroe have also fought here, with all of them combining for a perfect record. There’s something about this building that brings out the best in fighters and we can’t wait to see what’s in-store from these great fighters on December 22.


STEVE BECKER, Vice President of Production for PBC on FOX




FOX Sports is very excited to be kicking off their new partnership with PBC live on FOX and FOX Deportes beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT with these exceptional fights. This is free TV on FOX and FOX Deportes and we’re excited to have these matchups step into the ring on December 22.




FOX has a long tradition of covering combat sports and we look forward to continuing that and highlighting the stellar lineup of PBC boxers, as we start a new era of boxing.






We’re truly honored and thrilled to host the first PBC on FOX event as part of this new partnership on December 22 в Бруклине. We are the new mecca of boxing and I’m very proud of it.




Jermell and Jermall have both experienced incredible success in this building and I’m excited for them to co-headline this card. It will be historic for you and this building. We consider you members of the BROOKLYN BOXING family. I have a twin in the same industry as me, so I understand what it means to be recognized on the highest level with alongside your brother.




Willie Monroe you’re a tough competitor and I’m confident you will put on another great show here. It’s also an honor to have Tony Harrison here with us and fighting back at Barclays Center. I look forward to seeing everyone on December 22. This is truly a holiday gift to all of Brooklyn and we anticipate a huge crowd.




# # #




Вентиляторы могут жить поток бои на приложение FOX Sports, на английском или испанском языках через каналы FOX или FOX DEPORTES. Бои доступны на рабочем столе в FOXSports.com и через магазин приложений, или подключенных устройств, включая Apple TV, Android TV, Огонь ТВ, Xbox One и Roku.




Для получения более подробной информации: визит www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage и www.foxdeportes.com, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, TwinCharlo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports и www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


World Champions Jermall Charlo & Jermell Charlo to Defend Titles on FOX & FOX Deportes in Primetime Saturday, Декабрь 22 от Barclays Center в Бруклине
Больше! Top Heavyweight Dominic Breazeale Battles Puerto Rican Olympian Carlos Negron in Heavyweight Showdown that Opens the Broadcast at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT
Билеты на продажу пятницу, Октября 26 на 10 a.m. И!

Бруклин (Октября 25, 2018) – Twin brothers and world champions Jermall Charlo и Jermell Charlo will kick off the new season of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes live in primetime on Saturday, Декабрь 22 в Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™. The Charlos are two of the hottest young rising stars in boxing today and they made history in 2016 when they became the first twin boxers to ever hold titles simultaneously in the same weight class.




Jermall Charlo will defend his WBC interim middleweight title against top-rated contender Вилли Монро, Младший, while Jermell Charlo makes the fourth defense of his WBC super welterweight championship against hard-hitting former title challenger Тони Харрисон. Jermall’s fight will serve as the main event of the show after he won the coin toss at today’s press conference to determine which Charlo twin will close the show.




The exciting night of action will also see WBC mandatory challenger and 2012 U.S. Олимпиец Доминик “Беда” Breazeale боевой Карлос Негрон, a member of the Puerto Rican boxing team at the 2008 Bejing Olympics, in a 10-round heavyweight attraction that opens the FOX and FOX Deportes broadcast at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.




Билеты на шоу, который продвигается Lions только Акции и TGB Акции в ассоциации с ДиБелла Entertainment, поступит в продажу в пятницу, Октября 26 на 10 a.m. И. Билеты можно приобрести в ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, или по телефону 800-745-3000. Билеты также можно приобрести в кассах American Express в Barclays Center, начиная субботу, Октября 27 в полдень ET. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.




The Charlo twins at the top of a boxing card always brings excitement and entertainment,” сказал Том Браун, Президент TGB Акции. “In recent memory there haven’t been any twin world champion boxers to have the ring presence of the Charlos. Jermall will be tested by the slick southpaw skills of Willie Monroe, Младший. and Jermell will face a tough challenge from Tony Harrison, who also has his eye on winning a world championship. Heavyweight Dominic Breazeale is a throw-back battler who is never out of any fight, but he’ll have his hands full against Carlos Negron, who has an Olympic pedigree. It’s going to be a special night for those at Barclays Center and those tuning into the primetime broadcast on FOX and FOX Deportes.




FOX Sports is excited to be kicking off this new deal with the PBC on Saturday, Декабрь 22 with these exceptional fights,” said Mark Silverman, Президент, National Networks, FOX Sports. “Over the next four years, we’re looking forward to highlighting the PBC’s stellar lineup of boxers and telling their amazing stories.




It’s fitting for Barclays Center to close out its strong year of BROOKLYN BOXING programming with a major fight night televised in primetime on FOX,” говорит Бретт Yormark, CEO of BSE Global. “As a twin myself, I understand how special it is to achieve career milestones alongside your brother, and I am looking forward to seeing Jermell and Jermall bring their unique brand of excitement to boxing fans in Brooklyn. With the inclusion of a top heavyweight bout in Breazeale vs. Негрон, the card will deliver on the BROOKLYN BOXING guarantee of competitive matchups, с участием 50/50 fights and the sport’s best personalities.




This will be the third fight for each Charlo twin at Barclays Center, as they enter December 22 a combined 4-0 with four knockouts at the venue.




The 28-year-old Jermall Charlo (27-0, 21 КО) is one-minute older than his identical twin brother and won his first world title a year earlier than Jermell when he scored a devastating third round knockout of Cornelius Bundrage to win the IBF 154-pound title in 2015. Born in Richmond, Texas and growing up in Houston with Jermell, Jermall still trains in Houston with renowned coach Ronnie Shields. He successfully defended his 154-pound title three times, including a devastating knockout of top contender Julian Williams, before moving up in weight to campaign at middleweight.




Jermall proved to be just as dominant at 160 фунтов, как он был 154 pounds when he made his middleweight debut by stopping Jorge Sebastian Heiland in the fourth round of their July 2017 конец. Jermall became the interim WBC middleweight champion with a second round knockout victory over Hugo Centeno, Младший. in his last fight on March 3.




I’m very excited and the fire is lit to be back in Brooklyn,” said Jermall Charlo. “It’s great to be headlining a big show with my twin brother in Brooklyn. It’s going to be an exciting night of boxing. Willie Monroe is one of those fighters that will get me to the level I need to for all those great fights. And believe me, we’ll get them. This is a fight that he’s been asking for and it makes it special to know he’s keying in on me. Everybody knows what I come for. Я собираюсь его нокаутировать. I’m going to be as explosive as I can and close the show. The journey begins now in Brooklyn.




The 31-year-old Willie Monroe, Младший. (23-3. 6 КО) has shown the skills to compete at the elite level, but the slick southpaw will face a tough challenge when he goes up against the hard-hitting Charlo. Fighting out of Rochester, N.Y., Monroe will be fighting for the second time in his career at Barclays Center after he scored a unanimous decision over Carlos Galvan on March 3. He followed that up by beating Javier Francisco Maciel by unanimous decision on Aug. 24 and has faced top middleweights Gennady Golovkin and Billy Joe Saunders throughout his career.




I’ve been in this position before and it won’t faze me on December 22,” сказал Монро. “This is my third shot at a title, I’m the third Willie Monroe from my family in the line, and having already fought twice for the title, I know that the third time is going to be the charm. There’s a job to be done and nothing about it will be easy. Jermall Charlo is right up there with my past opponents Gennady Golovkin and Billy Joe Saunders, so it’s another tough outing. But it’s definitely a challenge that I’m up for and a challenge that I think I can conquer.




Jermell Charlo (31-0, 15 КО) joined his brother as a 154-pound world champion when he scored an eighth-round knockout over John Jackson in 2016 on the same night his brother defended his own 154-pound title. The 28-year-old had previously had previously picked up wins over Vanes Martirosyan, Joachim Alcine and Gabriel Rosado before securing the world title opportunity. The world title fight against Jackson was also Jermell’s first fight training in Dallas with Derrick James, where he will be training for this fight.




Since earning the title, Jermell has successfully defended three times, He delivered sensational highlights-reel knockouts of Charles Hatley and Erickson Lubin in 2017 before putting Austin Trout on the canvas three times in June on his way to a decision victory. This fight represents Charlo’s opportunity to tighten his grip on the 154-pound division.




This is a super fight for me, bigger than any fight, because I get to be on a big show with my brother and we get to showcase our talents together,” said Jermell Charlo. “В декабре 22, there’s nothing on after us. After we fight the fans go home and we’ll have put on a great show. I’m working with my trainer Derrick James and we’re getting ready to be built up and not just for Tony Harrison. We’re trying to unify. We’re coming for everybody in the division. I’m super stoked to be with my brother and opening this first show on the new deal between PBC and FOX.




The 28-year-old Harrison (27-2, 21 КО) is a top contender in the 154-pound division who looks to make the most of his second shot a world title. Борьба из Детройта, Harrison has strung together three straight victories since losing to unified 154-pound champion Jarrett Hurd in 2017 на FOX. Harrison’s most recent performance saw him pick up a decision victory over former world champion Ishe Smith in Smith’s hometown of Las Vegas. Harrison owns knockout victories over Sergei Rabchenko and Fernando Guerrero and hopes to emerge with a world title in his toughest test since facing Hurd.




Based on my last performance against Ishe Smith, I feel like I’ve earned this opportunity,” сказал Харрисон. “Jermell Charlo is a terrific fighter. I like his attitude toward the sport and his skills in the ring, and I expect to face him at his best. But that just gets my competitive juices flowing. It’s going to be skill-for-skill, and there will be a lot of back-and-forth rounds from round one on. It’s going come down to who is best at sticking to their game plan. It’s hard to get opportunities in this division so I’m going to go in there and leave it in the ring and make it an exciting fight.




Член из 2012 U.S. Olympic team at the London games, Breazeale (19-1, 17 КО) has fought his way into the mandatory contender’s slot in the WBC rankings with impressive knockout victories in his last two fights. After losing a heavyweight title fight against Anthony Joshua in 2016, the 33-year-old knocked out then unbeaten Izu Ugonoh in a February 2017 war before stopping former title challenger Eric Molina in November that year. The Glendale, California-native also owns victories over Amir Mansour, Fred Kassi and Yasmany Consuegra.




This will my first time back at the Barclays Center in the 13 months since I beat Eric Molina and I’m excited to show the fans that I’m here to stay,” Саид Breazeale. “Carlos Negron is a big guy and a fellow Olympian. I want to show that I don’t have any ring rust. I’ve been out of the ring, but I’ve lived in the gym and I can box, press the pedal to the metal and get the knockout when the opportunity arises.




Fighting out of San Juan, Пуэрто-Рико, Негрон (20-1, 16 КО) выиграл свой первый 13 профи драки после перехода в профи 2009 following his stint at the 2008 Олимпийские игры. The 30-year-old has won seven straight fights by knockout including a December 2016 stoppage of then unbeaten Cristian Galvez and a dominant performance in June 2017 where he dropped Derric Rossy twice on his way to the TKO victory.




I’m thankful to have this opportunity and for my team that always been there for me,” сказал Негрон. “Anyone who knows this sport knows how hard a task it is and I’m working hard every day to win this fight. When I was offered Breazeale I said yes right away. I want to be the first born and raised Puerto Rican heavyweight champion and on December 22 I will fight with honor, heart and pride. I’m going to announce a new heavyweight in the mix.




# # #




Вентиляторы могут жить поток бои на приложение FOX Sports, на английском или испанском языках через каналы FOX или FOX DEPORTES. Бои доступны на рабочем столе в FOXSports.com и через магазин приложений, или подключенных устройств, включая Apple TV, Android TV, Огонь ТВ, Xbox One и Roku.




Для получения более подробной информации: визит www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage и www.foxdeportes.com, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, TwinCharlo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports и www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.