Tag Archives: Campbell McLaren


Az összes előzetes mérkőzést élőben közvetíti a
Telemundo Deportes En Vivo App és TelemundoDeportes.com,
kezdődő 9 p.m. ÉS/8 p.m. CT

A főkártya élőben sugárzik a Telemundo -n 12 a.m. ÉS/11 p.m. CT

SAN ANTONIO, TX - November 29, 2017 - A Combat Americas ma bejelentette a teljes, hét küzdelemből álló előzetes mérkőzéskártya-sorozat az első élő televíziós eseményhez Texas államban-„TS-1 Promotions Presents: Harc 19 (Harcos királynők)" – a San Antonio -i Freeman Coliseumban zajlik – továbbPéntek, December 1, élőben a Telemundo -n (12 a.m. ÉS/11 p.m. CT).

Az előzetes harci kártya teljes egészében élőben kerül közvetítésre a Telemundo Deportes En Vivo alkalmazásban, TelemundoDeports.com és Facebook Live, kezdődő9 p.m. ÉS/8 délután, CT, közvetlenül a Telemundo élő adása előtt, a háromharcos főkártya, amelyet a várva várt nők atomtömege vezetett (105 font) leszámolás a riválisok között Kyra "Mogwai" Batara (6-4) A Las Vegas, Nev. és Paulina „Firefox” Granados (4-2) A Corpus Christi, Texas.

A undercard felállás tetején, emelkedő csillag és az egykori Fort Hood USA. Tengerészgyalogság hadgyakorlat -oktatója Ray „A bíró” Rodriguez (12-4) of San Antonio csatázni fog ász Michael „Mayhem” Rodriguez (9-5) Donna, Texas egy karcsú súlyban (135 font) verseny.

Szeptemberi profi debütáló győzelmének nyomán, Brenda „Kő kis keze” EnriqueVal vel (1-0) Salt Lake City -ből, Utah a 12-szeres spanyol nemzeti judobajnokkal találkozik Vanesa Rico (2-3) Alicante, Spanyolország a második női atomtömegben.

Agresszív gondolkodású befejező Heinrich „Ricky Scraps” Wassmer (6-1) A Los Angeles, Kalifornia. visszatér La Jaula -ba, A Combate Americas ketrec, hogy szarvakat legyőzzön veretlenül Juan Deante (3-0) Harlingenből, Texas légysúlyban (125 font) darabka.

Könnyű súlyban (155 font) találkozó két San Antonio -i lakos között, veretlen Fernando Rodriguez (2-0) és Jesse Almaraz (1-2) - szembeszállnak egymással.

Ára a $30, jegyek a TS-1 Promotions Presents-re: "Harc 19 (Harcos királynők),"Vannak eladó Ticketmaster.com.

Az akció élőben történő meghívása többszörös WWE nehézsúlyú bajnok és visszavonult lesz, volt MMA sztár Alberto Del Rio, A Telemundo Sports Edgar Lopez, Harc Amerika szupersztár Erik „Goyito” Perez, játékról-játékra ember Andres Bermudez és Andrea Street.

Töltse ki az előzetes harci kártyát

  • Catchweight (140 font):
    • Ray Rodriguez (12-4), San Antonio, TX vs. Michael Rodriguez (8-5), Donna, TX
  • Atomsúly (105 font):
    • Vanesa Rico (2-3), Alicante, Spanyolország vs. Brenda Enriquez (1-0), Salt Lake City, KI
  • Bantamweight (135 font):
    • Dávid Jézus Fuentes (12-10), McAllen, TX vs. Joel Scott (6-6), Port Arthur, TX
  • Flyweight (125 font):
    • Heinrich Wassmer (6-1), Los Angeles, CA vs. Juan Deante(3-0), Harlingen, TX
  • Catchweight (140 font):
    • Javier Obregon (11-14), Ft. Érdemes, TX vs. Jose Ceja (4-4), Port Arthur, TX
  • Flyweight (125 font):
    • David Miramontes (3-2), San Antonio, TX vs. Federico David Olivera (2-4), Irving, TX
  • Könnyű (155 font):
    • Fernando Rodriguez (2-0), San Antonio, TX vs. Jesse Almaraz (1-2), San Antonio, TX

Töltse ki a fő harci kártyát

  • Atomsúly (105 font) Main Event:
    • Kyra Batara (4-2), Las Vegas, NV vs. Paulina Granados (4-2), Krisztus teste, TX
  • Featherweight (145 font) Co-Main Event:
    • Andres Quintana (12-2), Albuquerque, NM vs. Trujillo király(21-19), Houston, TX
  • Váltósúlyú (170 font) Kiemelt összecsapás:
    • Daniel Rodriguez (4-0), Los Angeles, CA vs. Victor Reyna (9-3), Dallas, TX


A női főverseny jellemzői: Régóta várt összecsapás az ádáz riválisok, Kyra Batara és Paulina Granados között

A Batara-Granados mérkőzés győztese az Egyesült Államok képviseletében.
az első pán-regionális bajnokságban

A többszörös WWE nehézsúlyú bajnok Alberto Del Rio a Telemundo Deportes Edgar Lopez mellett élőben hívja az eseményt a Telemundo műsorán 12 a.m. ÉS/11 p.m. CTKERÜLJEN AMERIKÁKAT ÉS TELEMUNDO SPORTOT
San Antonio-, TEXAS BE Péntek, December. 1

MIAMI - November 21, 2017 - A történelmi nyomában, az első közös partnerség, A Combat Americas és a Telemundo Deportes ma bejelentették, az élő közvetítés a Telemundo -n, (12 a.m. ÉS/11 p.m. CT) világszerte vezető spanyol vegyes harcművészet (MMA) sportfranchise várva várt következő eseménye, élén a női leszámolás a heves atomsúly között (105 font) riválisok Kyra "Mogwai" Batara (6-4) és Paulina „Firefox” Granados(4-2), a San Antonio -i Freeman Colosseumból, Texas on Péntek, December. 1.

A Las Vegas-i Batara 23 éves mérkőzésének győztese, Nev. és a Corpus Christi 29 éves Granadosát, Texas – mindketten veretlenek a La Jaula -ban – képviseli az USA -t. ádáz befejező ellen Lisbeth „Coneja” Lopez Silva (5-3) februárjában az első Combate Americas Pan-Regional bajnoki mérkőzésen 2018.

„Izgatottak vagyunk, hogy folytathatjuk ezt a hatalmas partnerséget Telemundo Deportes -szal, miközben a Combate Americas hihetetlen mérföldkövekkel teli bannerévet zár le, és felmutat egy harci kártyát December 1 erre világít rá sportunk egyik legversenyképesebb rivalizálása, amelynek csúcspontján győztese az Egyesült Államokat képviseli. nagy tétes bajnoki küzdelemben,”Mondta Combate Americas vezérigazgató Campbell McLaren.

Az akció élőben történő meghívása a Telemundo -n híres lesz, többszörös WWE nehézsúlyú bajnok és visszavonult MMA sztár Alberto Del Rio, A Telemundo Sports Edgar Lopez, Harc Amerika szupersztár Erik „Goyito” Perez, játékról-játékra ember Andres Bermudez és Andrea Street.

Egy korábban bejelentett, pehelysúly (145 font) co-főversenyen, ütőképes, Gyorsan növekvő csillag Andres „A golyó” Quintana (12-2) Albuquerque, N.M. az eddigi legfélelmetesebb ellenfelével fog szembenézni, harcedzett Rey "The Warrior" Trujillo (21-19) A Houston, Texas.

Az élő Telemundo Deportes közvetítés megnyitása félsúlyú lesz (170 font) verseny két nehézkezes kieséses művész között, veretlen Daniel Rodriguez (4-0) és Victor „Kelevra” Reyna (9-3).

A 30 éves Rodriguez Los Angelesből, Kalifornia. még nem kell eltolni a harc távolságát, útján befejezte minden ellenfelét (T)KO vagy benyújtása.

Utolsó kezdetén a Combate Americas -ban Április 20, Rodriguez mennydörgést szerzett, első forduló (1:55) kiütés (ütések) tovább Joel Champion.

Mint Rodriguez, a 31 éves dallasi Reyna, Texas egy pusztító támadó, aki kilenc profi karrierje közül nyolcat megnyert (T)KO vagy benyújtása.

Reyna utoljára látta a Combate Americas című akciót Április 20, Andrew Perez büntetése ütésekkel, hogy az első kört szerezze (1:53) útján a győzelem (T)KO.

Ára a $30, jegyek a TS-1 Promotions Presents-re: "Harc 19: Batara vs. Granados,"Vannak eladó Ticketmaster.com.

Az eseményre mindössze három héttel azután kerül sor, hogy a Combate Americas szombaton élőben debütált a Telemundo Deportes műsorán, November. 11 a "KOMBAT KUPA,”Egy epikus ügy, amelynek címe egy éjszaka, nyolcfős bantam (135 font) verseny, amely megnyerte a győztesét - Levy Saul Marroquin (11-2) Monterrey, Mexikó - fődíja $100,000.

"KÜLDŐ KUPA,”, Amely Cancúnban történt, Mexikó, volt az első élő Telemundo adás az MMA programozás történetében, és látta, hogy Marroquin legyőz három első helyen álló, világklasszis ellenfelek egy éjszaka alatt, hogy a bajnokság győztese legyen.

Telemundo Sport, az egyik vezető spanyol sporttartalom -szolgáltató az Egyesült Államokban, a világ két legnépszerűbb sporteseményének ad otthont: a FIFA világbajnokságon keresztül 2026 és a nyári olimpiai játékok 2032. Ez legalább a FIFA Klub Világkupa otthona is 2018. Ezenkívül, Telemundo Deportes közvetíti a FIFA World Cup ™ CONCACAF selejtező mérkőzéseit a régió nagy részében, beleértve a mexikói és az amerikai válogatott idegenbeli mérkőzéseit és a Premier League -t. Telemundo Deportes ad otthont a „Boxeo Telemundo Fordnak," az #1 boksz program spanyolul, és „Headlines and More," az #1 sporthírek, szórakoztató és kommentár műsor spanyolul, egyéb elismert sportingatlanok között.


János “Szexi Mexy” Castaneda (14-2) (jobb) bejelentették a Combate Americas első belépőjeként’ történelmi, egy éjszaka, nyolcfős bantam (135 font) “Harci Kupa” torna, amely nyertesének fődíjat ad át $100,000 Cancun, Mexikó Szombat, November. 11.
Történelmi esemény zajlik Cancunban, Mexikó
a 24th évfordulóján
Harcoljon az Americas vezérigazgatójának, Campbell McLaren UFC-jének 1

NEW YORK - Szeptember 28, 2017 –Combate Americas a mai napon bejelentette a 25 éves nyomdász és minden idők legjobb győztesének indulását, John "Sexy Sexy" Castaneda (14-2), a „Harci Kupába,”A történelmi, egy éjszaka, nyolcfős bantam (135 font) Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) verseny, amely három egymást követő viadal nyertesének fődíjat adományoz $100,000 Cancun, Mexikó Szombat, November. 11.

A „Copa Combate” a 24th az UFC évfordulója 1, amelyet a Combate Americas vezérigazgatója és az Ultimate Fighting Championship készített (UFC) társalapító, Campbell McLaren. Az emeletes esemény harci sportforradalmat indított el, és örökre megváltoztatta a harcművészetek harci világát.

Mankato Castaneda, -tól. belép a Ketrecbe, A Combate Americas ketrec, kilenc harcos győzelmi sorozat vezetése, amely májusra nyúlik vissza 2015, és ez nemrégiben meghosszabbodott Augusztus 1 amikor domináns teljesítményt nyújtott, hogy egyhangú döntést szerezzen Tiffany Cheyden az UFC elnökében Dana White'SKedd Éjszakai versenyző sorozat.

"Örömmel üdvözöljük John Castanedát a Combate Americas-nál, ahol minden harcos közül a legtöbb győzelmet gyűjtötte fiataljainkban, de gyorsan növekvő szervezet, és a La Jaula valaha volt legemlékezetesebb pillanatait a robbanékony harci stílusával és az ördögi kiütési erővel töltötte el,"Mondta a McLaren.

A legutóbbi győzelem után, Castaneda új szerződést írt alá, kizárólagos, többharcos promóciós megállapodás a Combate Americas-szal, amely az első olyan szervezet volt, amely országos színpadra állította debütáló élő eseményén, amelyet a Las Vegas-i NBC Universo sugárzott, Nev. Szeptember 17, 2015. Castaneda azonnal felragyogott, legyőzte Justin Governale egyhangú döntés útján.

Legutóbbi La Jaulai rajtján Május 5, Castaneda pusztító gólt ért el, második fordulóban (:42) WHO (ütések) ötszörös UFC-veteránon Chris „The Real Deal” Beal.

A maradék hét „Copa Combate” versenyző hamarosan ki lesz jelentve, és jégeső lesz Latin-Amerika különböző részeiről, valamint Spanyolország és az Egyesült Államok, ezzel a történelemben először fordul elő, hogy a harcosok országukat képviselik a nagyság elérése érdekében.

A verseny harcosait négy zárójelbe osztják, és a négy legjobb harcosnak a megfelelő világranglista alapján kerülnek kiosztásra. A négy kiemelt harcos negyeddöntőjének ellenfeleit egy lottó labda rajza alapján határozzuk meg.

Cancunban a „Copa Combate,”, Valamint az eseményre vonatkozó jegyértékesítési információkat, kerül be hamarosan.


Combate Americas has announced “Harci Kupa,” a one-night, nyolcfős, $100,000 grand prize tournament in the bantamweight (135 font) osztás, mert Szombat, November. 11 Cancun, Mexikó.

Bantamweight showdown on the 24th anniversary of Campbell McLaren’s UFC 1 pits ferocious fighters from the U.S., Latin America and Spain in an unprecedented ‘Copa’-style, country versus country showdown

NEW YORK - Szeptember 20, 2017 –Combate Americas today announced a historic, egy éjszaka, nyolcfős bantam (135 font) tournament – “COPA COMBATE”the winner of which will have heroically battled through three bouts in one night to earn a $100,000 grand prize and the inaugural winner’s cup, Cancun, Mexikó Szombat, November. 11.

The epic event will take place on the 24th anniversary of the now legendary UFC 1, which was executive produced by Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) co-founder and Combate Americas CEO Campbell McLaren, and which was also headlined by a one-night, eight-man tournament that forever changed the world of combat sports.

“We are excited to unveil the first ‘COPA COMBATE’ tournament ever, and to revitalize and deliver to fans one of the most compelling and athletically challenging formats for a live fight show,"Mondta a McLaren.

“When I launched the UFC 24 évvel ezelőtt, we changed the world and, továbbNovember 11, we are going to do so again with a dynamic tournament that assembles a collection of fighters that most deserve to represent their respective countries,"Folytatta a McLaren. “These fighters will put their national pride on the line with a substantial payoff.”

Hailing from the U.S., Latin America and Spain, the eight “Copa Combate” competitors, whose names will be announced soon, will go to war in La Jaula, a Combate Americas versenyketrec, over the course of three tournament stages – quarterfinal, semifinal and championship – before the eventual winner is crowned.

The event also marks the first time in history that fighters will represent their respective countries on a quest to win the inaugural ‘COPA.’

The eight competitors will be separated into four tournament brackets, with the top four fighters given seeded positions based on their worldwide rankings. Quarterfinal stage opponents for the four fighters will be determined based on a lottery ball drawing.

Cancunban a „Copa Combate,”, Valamint az eseményre vonatkozó jegyértékesítési információkat, kerül be hamarosan.


Combate Americas has named Mike Pine (a képen) the company’s first-ever Chief Revenue Officer. Pine joins Combate Americas after a two-year stint with FanDuel, where he served as GM, Integrated Partnerships.

Former FanDuel GM, UFC, IRONMAN AND WWE Global Head of Sales
joins the world’s premier Hispanic MMA sports franchise
In its most explosive growth period to date

NEW YORK - Szeptember 13, 2017 – Combate Americas announced today that it has named storied, sports industry business development and sponsorship sales leader Mike Pine, a premier hispán vegyes harcművészet (MMA) sports and media franchise’s first-ever Chief Revenue Officer.

Coming off a two-and-a-half-year tenure as GM, Integrated Partnerships for FanDuel, Pine, who was responsible for breaking unprecedented ground for the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) by securing blue-chip advertising clients Bud Light and Harley Davidson, for the longest-standing MMA organization, will report to Combate Americas CEO Campbell McLaren.

“We are thrilled to welcome Mike Pine, an authentic trailblazer in the world of sports and entertainment brand partnerships, to Combate Americas,"Mondta a McLaren, also the co-founder of the original UFC.

“Mike’s incredible track record,"Folytatta a McLaren, “and extensive book of high-level relationships with marketers from worldwide, renowned brands across a wide range of product categories, speak for themselves, and we are looking forward to having him spearheading our sales efforts as we continue to aggressively expand our footprint across the globe with a fast-growing schedule of live and special events, and television programming for 2018 and beyond.”

Pine will be responsible for building Combate Americas’ portfolio of sponsor partners which, to date, has included the U.S. Hadsereg; Aspira A Mas, a Hispanic consumer-targeted offshoot of health insurance industry giant IHC; and consumer electronics pioneer Altec Lansing, across the organizations’ year-round live television event series in the U.S., Mexico and overseas.

Combate Americas television programming airs weekly, including once per month live, Több mint 137 million homes across the U.S. and Mexico on Azteca America and TV Azteca, illetőleg, and has been averaging over 3.5 million viewers per episode since “Combate Azteca” premiered in November.

The franchise’s monthly live events also air in an additional 47 million plus homes across Latin America on ESPN LATAM, and it’s most recent event, “Combate Clásico,” a partnership with Miami Dolphins owner Steve Ross’ RSE Ventures that took place on Július 27, two days before RSE’s “El Clásico Miami” soccer match between legendary clubs Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, ushered the Latino flavored brand to national television in Spain for the first time ever with coverage of the nine-bout fight card in over 20 million homes on the country’s popular sports network, GOL TV.

During his stint at FanDuel, Pine compiled an impressive roster of first-ever landmark industry advertising partners for the online daily fantasy sports platform, including Bud Light, FORD Motor Company, Corona Extra, HBO Sports, Chef’s Cut and Bacardi.

As Global Head of Sales & Partnerships for World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), Pine forged and developed a host of relationships for the publicly traded, worldwide leading professional sports entertainment brand, with leading consumer electronic, retail and food brands, including Norelco, XBOX, Footlocker, KMART and General Mills.

Prior to his time with WWE, Pine led and oversaw the development of globally renowned agency IMG’s NCAA collegiate sports. His time at IMG was proceeded as IRONMAN Global Chief Sales Officer & Eight Years @ Turner Broadcasting.

Pine is a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and served as Captain, Egyesült Államokon kívül. Légierő.

# # #


Partnership kicks off with explosive, nine-bout MMA fight card for
Mexican Independence Day from The Amphitheater at Splash Kingdom on Péntek, Hét 15

Jegyek a „Combate Americas: El Grito en La Jaula” on sale at Ticketon.com

NEW YORK - augusztus 29, 2017 – Combate Americas announced today that it has partnered with Southern California-based leisure operator Hybrid One to produce multiple, live televised Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) events in California’s Inland Empire, beginning with a nine-bout fight card for Mexican Independence Day, at The Amphitheater at Splash Kingdom Waterpark in Redlands on Péntek, Hét. 15.

"Harcolj Amerikával: El Grito en La Jaula,” the event that kicks off the partnership, will air live on Azteca America A egyesült államokbeli. and on ESPN Latin America at 10 p.m. ÉS, and will be headlined by a featherweight (145 font) matchup between ferocious, 26-year-old rising star Jose „Froggy” Estrada(3-1) of Oxnard, Kalifornia. and gritty battler Izic “Lionheart” Fernandez (2-3) of Santa Ana, Kalifornia.

In the women’s atomweight (105 font) co-főversenyen, former Eddie Bravo védett Kyra "Mogwai" Batara (6-4) A Las Vegas, Nev., fresh off her second-round submission victory over 12-time Spanish National Judo Champion Vanesa Rico, will make a quick return to La Jaula, A Combate Americas ketrec, where the 22-year-old will face off with Jenna Serio (3-2) New York, Y..

Ára a $40, jegyek „Combate Americas: El Grito en La Jaula” are on sale at Ticketon.com.

“We are excited to partner with Hybrid One, and continue the rapid expansion of our live event series to yet another market in Southern California, beginning with a phenomenal fight card in honor of Mexican Independence Day,” said Combate Americas CEO and Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) társalapító Campbell McLaren.

“We acquired Splash Kingdom in April of this year with the vision of transforming it into the Inland Empire’s leading entertainment destination. Today’s partnership with Combate Americas represents a significant step toward realizing that vision,” said Hybrid One co-founder and co-owner Ryan Sauter.

Following the kick-off event on Sept. 15, Combate Americas expects to return to the Redlands venue in December.

A second women’s atomweight matchup at “Combate Americas: El Grito en La Jaula” will pit two professional debut competitors – Brenda Enriquez (0-0) Salt Lake City -ből, Utah against Shyann Farmer (0-0) Alamogordo, N.M.

The 28-year-old Enriquez is coming off a stellar amateur career during which she amassed a 7-1 rekord, a 6 of her victories coming by way of either (T)KO vagy benyújtása.

Farmer is a 24-year-old upstart who collected an amateur record of 4-1.

Elsewhere on the fight card, veretlen, emerging star Rafael “Gifted” Garcia (4-0) Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico will make his second start in La Jaula and face off with three-time Combate Americas veteran Marcos “El Matador” Bonilla (4-4) A Los Angeles, Kalifornia. egy pehelysúlyú versenyen.

In a battle between unbeaten lightweights (155 font) Javier “Habanero” Garcia (2-0) of Covina, Kalifornia. veszi át Guillermo Gonzalez (3-0) San Bernardino, Kalifornia.

Fresh off his first-round submission victory at Combate Americas on Május 5, Ralph “The Spyder Monkey” Acosta (17-12) A Riverside, Kalifornia. ütköznek Kölyök Swanson diák Gareth De La Cruz (6-1) A Palm Springs, Kalifornia.

Doors at The Amphitheater at Splash Kingdom Waterpark open at 6 p.m. The first bout will begin at 6:30 p.m.


Tollsúlyú főverseny (Live on Azteca America and ESPN Latin America):
Jose Estrada vs. Izic Fernandez

Atomweight Co-Main Event (Live on Azteca America and ESPN Latin America):
Kyra Batara vs. Jenna Serio

Előzetes Card:
Featherweight: Rafael Garcia vs. Mark Bonilla
Könnyű: Javier Garcia vs. Guillermo Gonzalez
Atomsúly: Brenda Enriquez vs. Shyann Farmer
Flyweight: Ralph Acosta vs. Gareth De La Cruz
Flyweight: Isaac Camarillo vs. Heber Castillo
Catchweight (140 font): Angel Gonzalez vs. Julio Aguilera
Középsúlyú: Santiago Diaz vs. Alex Thompson


Combate Americas superstar Ricky “A Gallero” Palacios (jobb) returns to action atCombate Clascioat Mana Wynwood in Miami on Július 27. Palacios will face his biggest test to date in Nate Diaz protege Chris Avila. Fényképezte: Scott Hirano/Combate Americas LLC


Ricky “El Gallero” Palacios returns for a featherweight showdown
opposite Chris Avila

Bantamweight: Marcelo “Pitbull” Rojo vs. Billy Molina
Featherweight: Alberto Montes vs. Jonathan Quiroz
Bantamweight: Irvin “The Beast” Rivera vs. Chino Duran
Bantamweight: Joey “El Cazador” Ruquet vs. Vinney “The Instigator” Pantaleon

NEW YORK - Július 11, 2017 – Combate Americas and Relevent Sports, a division of RSE Ventures, today announced five new marquee bouts to its upcoming “Combate Clásico” professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) event in Miami, Fla., tovább Csütörtök, Július 27.

Making his return to the Combate Americas cage La Jaula is top-ranked bantamweight (135 font) star Ricky "The Gallero" Palacios (8-1), who will move up to the featherweight (145 font) division for the second time in his Combate Americas career to face his toughest test to date – two-time Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) veteran and Nate Diaz védett, Chris Avila (5-4) A Stockton, Kalifornia.

“This is shaping up to be our most stellar fight card, from top to bottom, to date. With the matchup between Ricky Palacios and Chris Avila, we are destined for another memorable night of electrifying action in La Jaula,” Combate Americas CEO Campbell McLaren mondott.

Fresh off his triumphant victory over another former UFC star Római „El Gallito” Salazar at Combate 13 tovább Április 20, the hard-hitting 30-year-old Palacios of Mission, Texas, also an unbeaten professional boxer, looks to extend his five-fight winning streak.

The 24-year-old Avila of the famed Cesar Gracie Fight Team makes his debut in La Jaula following a pair of hard-fought decisions under the UFC.

In bantamweight action, the red-hot Marcelo "Pitbull" Red (11-4) aims for his fourth consecutive win and second straight inside La Jaula following his blistering, technical knockout win over Ivan Hernandez “Brasil” Flores at Combate 12 last March in Tijuana, Mexikó.

The 29-year-old Argentinian will be paired off against Puerto Rican sensation Billy Molina (5-3), 30, making his Combate Americas debut after last month’s return to action in Bayamon.

Joining the featherweight (145 font) division for “Combate Clásico” is undefeated Venezuelan finisher Alberto Montes (3-0). Fighting out of the MMA Masters gym in Miami, the 23-year-old prospect locks horns with 30-year-old Combate Americas veteran Jonathan Quiroz (2-2) A Long Beach, Kalifornia.

Grizzled veteran Irvin “The Beast” Rivera (5-3), best known for his thrilling, back-and-forth wars with Jose “Ghost” Ceja, looks to get back to his winning ways at the expense of prolific bantamweight wrestler Chino Duran (8-9), who makes his return to Combate Americas after a torrid run on the Florida MMA circuit.

Rounding out the newest additions to “Combate Clásico” is 24-year-old Joey “El Cazador” Ruquet (4-1), coming off consecutive wins in La Jaula and ready to make a run at the top of the bantamweight division by tangling with Florida’s own Vinney “The Instigator” Pantaleon (1-1).

Tickets for “Combate Clásico” are on sale online at Ticketon.com. További küzdelmeket a következő napokban teszünk közzé.

The “Combate Clásico” live MMA event will join a nearly week-long extravaganza that begins with a match between marquee soccer clubs Juventus and Paris Saint-Germain at Hard Rock Stadium on Július 26 as well as concerts, parties and other interactive events prior to El Clásico Miami on Július 29.

For more information on El Clásico Miami fans can visit elclasicomiami.com és énnternationalchampionscup.com.

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Danny “The Realist” Ramirez (a képen) will collide with RodrigoKazulaVargas in the lightweight main event ofCombate 15” Mexikóvárosban, Mexikó pénteken, Június 30.



Featherweight Co-Main Event:
Levy “El Negro” Marroquin vs. Andres „A golyó” Quintana

Featured Women’s Strawweight Bout:
Melissa “Melly” Martinez vs. Yajaira “Shokolate” Romo

Tickets for “Combate 15” on sale soon

NEW YORK – május 25, 2017 – Combate Americas will make its highly-anticipated return to Mexico City, Mexikó, with a stacked lineup of professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) action at the storied Salas de Armas on Péntek, Június 30, live on Azteca America at 10 p.m. ÉS.

In the “Combate 15” lightweight (155 font) főversenyen, recent Combate Americas “Fight of the Night” winner Danny „A realista” Ramirez (6-2) will square off with seasoned battler Rodrigo „Kazula” Vargas (6-3).

A pehelysúlyban (145 font) co-főversenyen, Levy “El Negro” Marroquin (5-1) looks for his second straight win when he collides with the red-hot Andres „A golyó” Quintana (11-2).

Továbbá, Combate Americas will produce its second women’s strawweight (115 font) matchup in history when unbeaten upstart Melissa “Melly” Martinez (1-0) goes head-to-head with the venerable Yajaira “Shokolate” Romo (3-2).

“There is no better way to kick off our summer fight campaign than by returning to Mexico City,” Combate Americas CEO Campbell McLaren mondott.

“Since we brought the Combate Americas live event series to Mexico for the first time in January,” McLaren continued, “we have been unearthing some of the fiercest, young fight talent in a country that has a proud history of producing legendary world champions and, Június 30, fans will see some of the most electrifying action to date in ‘La Jaula.’”

Additional “Combate 15” matchups will be announced soon.

Rodrigo Vargas vs. Danny Ramirez

Az 5 láb-7, 31-year-old Vargas heads into “Combate 15” having won four of his last five starts, with all four victories coming by way of knockout or submission.

Fighting out of Mexico City, “Kazula” will have the hometown crowd on his side as he looks to rebound from last January’s razor-thin decision loss to Marco Antonio Elpidio in what was an epic, see-saw battle at “Combate 10.”

Ramirez, 28, has more than seven years’ experience in the U.S. Marine Corps, which “The Realist” was able to parlay into a successful cagefighing career. After shredding the amateur circuit, the 5-foot-9 Californian turned pro, összeállítása lenyűgöző 6-2 record with four knockouts.

His most recent victory also received “Fight of the Night” honors at last February’s “Combate 11” affair, where Ramirez upset fan-favorite Erick “Ghost Pepper” Gonzalez in a three-round war in Burbank, Kalifornia.

Levy Marroquin vs. Andres Quintana

One of the top prospects fighting out of Monterrey, Nuevo Leone, Mexikó, Az 5-láb-8, 21-year-old Marroquin made a successful debut with Combate Americas by outlasting Pablo Sabori at “Combate 12” earlier this year in Tijuana.

“El Negro” boasts four finishes in five wins, split between knockouts (2) és beadványok (2).

Quintana, 25, cut his teeth on season 22 a The Ultimate Fighter reality show before returning to the local circuit, where the 6-foot-1 ‘Bullet’ shot up the regional rankings to earn his spot on Combate Americas roster.

The Albuquerque, N.M.-based fighter did not disappoint, turning Combate Americas’ featherweight division on its head with a thrilling, three-round upset win over Team Alpha Male product Erick Sanchez at “Combate 11” last February.

Melissa Martinez vs. Yajaira Romo

Martinez makes her return to Mexico City, as well as her Combate Americas debut, after stopping Iliana Lopez in her first professional fight roughly one year back.

Standing 5-foot-5, Monterrey’s Yajaira Romo looks to return to the win column after her three-fight win streak was halted in early 2016. “Shokolate” is a member of the famed Combate Libre Academia, and possesses knockout power in both hands.


First Data Vice Chairman, former Willis Group Holdings Chairman and CEO, and N.Y. Yankees minor league affiliate team owner sets his sights on the surging Hispanic millennial demographic and world’s fastest growing sport

NEW YORK, Január 11 — Combate Americas, a premier hispán vegyes harcművészet (MMA) sports and media franchise, today announced the appointment of its lead investor, longtime financial services and sports industry entrepreneur and philanthropist Joe Plumeri, as its non-executive, board of directors chairman.

Plumeri, the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors for payment processing technology giant First Data, former chairman and CEO of Willis Group Holdings, former CEO of Citibank, North America and former President and Managing Partner of Shearson Lehman Brothers, as well as the owner of the New York Yankees minor league affiliate team, The Trenton Thunder, will sit on the board alongside Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) co-founder and Combate Americas CEO Campbell McLaren, and three of Plumeri’s fellow strategic investors.

Plumeri’s appointment comes on the heels of Combate Americas closing its series B round of financing.

“We are honored and excited to name such an esteemed and accomplished member of the business community like Joe Plumeri as the chairman of our board of directors and to have him play such a pivotal role in this movement we have created to serve the Hispanic millennial audience,"Mondta a McLaren, who launched Combate Americas in 2013 as a first-to-market venture that essentially combined his UFC pioneer experience with his storied background in television production.

“I am looking forward to this next chapter in my career that will allow me to focus on one of the last centers of growth in the U.S. economy – the emerging and exploding Hispanic demographic – through an incredible, first-to-market sports entertainment and media property that Campbell and his team have built with Combate Americas,” said Plumeri.

Prior to his role with First Data, Plumeri guided Willis Group Holdings for nearly 13 years to enormous value creation. He also served as President of Smith Barney, Vice Chairman of Travelers and Chairman and CEO of Primerica during his tenure with Citigroup.

As a philanthropist, Plumeri was named Humanitarian of the Year in 2006 after contributing the largest gift in history to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, to fund the construction of the New Jersey headquarters of the non-profit organization dedicated to fulfilling the wishes of children with life-threatening diseases.

Plumeri is also responsible for funding the creation of business scholarships, athletic scholarships and annual faculty excellence awards at his alma mater, The College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Va., where the baseball stadium, Plumeri Park, is named after his father. He also donated money to New York Law School to help create the Joe Plumeri Center for Social Justice and Economic Opportunity.

Combate Americas also recently announced a new company president in Alberto “El Presidente” Rodriguez, formerly Alberto Del Rio of the WWE, and a new television partnership that has its fight programming airing in over 135 million homes weekly on Azteca America in the U.S. and Mexico’s TV Azteca S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV: AZTECA; Latibex: XTZA), one of the two largest producers of Spanish-language television programming in the world.

For the first time in history, Combate Americas will head outside of the U.S. – to Mexico City, Mexico – with its live event series on Csütörtök, Január. 19 when it will present a 10-bout fight card live on Azteca America and UFC FIGHT PASS®. The event will air the following evening, Péntek, Január. 20 on TV Azteca.


ON Csütörtök, Január 19

Atomweight Co-Main Event:
Nicdali Rivera-Calanoc vs. Lisbeth Lopez Silva

Könnyű: Rodrigo “Kazula” Vargas vs. Marco Antonio “La Rocka” Elipidio

Bantamweight: Jose Ceja vs. Joey Ruquet

NEW YORK - Január 3, 2017 – Combate Americas today announced four spectacular Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) végek, including a bantamweight (135) main event between rising stars Steve Swanson (14-2) és Gustavo Lopez (6-2) – for the league’s much-anticipated, historic debut in Mexico on Csütörtök, Január. 19, live on Azteca America (10 p.m. ÉS/PT) and UFC FIGHT PASS® (8 p.m. ÉS/5 p.m. PT).

Az esemény, which will take place at El Plaza Condesa in Mexico City, will also air via tape delay in Mexico the following night, Péntek, Január. 20 at 11 p.m. CT., on TV Azteca, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV: AZTECA; Latibex: XTZA), one of the two largest producers of Spanish-language television programming in the world.

In the atomweight (105 font) co-főversenyen, former world championship challenger Nicdali "A Night Queen" Rivera-Calanoc (9-9) will make her long-awaited return to La Jaula, A Combate Americas ketrec, and face red-hot Lisbeth Lopez Silva (3-3).

“We are excited to be assembling a phenomenal fight card, and to have the opportunity to be at the forefront of MMA’s growth in Mexico with our unique and fast-growing sports franchise,”Mondta Combate Americas vezérigazgató Campbell McLaren.

In other main card action, two hard-hitting, Mexico City rivals, Rodrigo „Kazula” Vargas (9-5) és Marco Antonio “La Rocka” Elpidio (4-1-1) will collide at lightweight (155 font).

Fellow upstarts Jose “The Ghost” Ceja (4-3) és Joey “El Cazador” Ruquet (3-1) will square off at bantamweight.

Additional bouts for the Combate Americas event will be announced soon.

The 5-foot-5, 36-year-old younger brother of UFC star Kölyök Swanson, Steve of Indio, Kalifornia. is a 36-year-old prolific knockout artist whose family originally hails from Chihuahua, Mexikó.

Swanson is a winner of his last four fights, all by way of (T)KO. He is coming off an explosive, 38-second stoppage of Christian Rios tovább Október 22.

Fighting out MMA legend Randy “The Natural” Couture’s Xtreme Couture camp in Las Vegas, Nev. Lopez is a 5-foot-5, 27-year-old finisher originally from Yakima, Mosás.

Lopez emerged unbeaten, egy rekord 3-0, during the Combate Americas “Road To The Championship” fight series that spanned from September 2015 to May 2016. He has notched five of his six professional career victories via (T)KO vagy benyújtása.

Rivera-Calanoc is a 5-foot-3, 31-year-old resident of Las Vegas, Nev. and native of Tulsa, Okla., as well as a battle-tested veteran of the sport who has faced a handful of top rivals in the women’s field, beleértve Jessica Penne.

Rivera-Calanoc, whose ancestral roots are in Chihuahua, took a split decision in her last start on Március 12, -tól Ronni Nanney.

Lopez Silva of Mexico City is aiming for her fourth straight win on the heels of a unanimous decision over Marcel Yineris Nieto tovább December 2 in Panama City, Panama.

A former welterweight (170 font), Vargas of Mexico City is a 5-foot-8, 31-year-old powerhouse who will put a three-fight win streak on the line.

A mai napig, the Mexican Pride team member has claimed all of his wins by way of (T)KO vagy benyújtása.

Elpidio, whose nickname translates to “The Rock,” is also a former welterweight standout who will look to secure his third consecutive win.

In his last effort on Március 19, Elpidio, a member of the Renzo Gracie affiliate team in Mexico City, szerzett egy második fordulóban (3:16) TKO on Francisco Vargas with an onslaught of punches.

Az 5 láb-7, 31-year-old Ceja of Port Arthur, Texas will make his second start under the promotion of Combate Americas.

In his debut for the league on Október 14, Ceja avenged a previous loss in dynamic fashion, pontozási első fordulóban (4:22) knockout on Irwin Rivera „A fenevad” in the first live televised, professional MMA event since UFC 7 szeptemberben 1995.

Ruquet of Las Vegas, Nev. via Venice, FLA. is a 5-foot-8, 24-year-old upstart and seasoned striker who will make his second appearance in La Jaula after submitting Luke Faultersack with an anaconda choke in the second round (4:28) of action on Április 25.

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