Tag Архив: Калифорния

LFA ОСИГУРЯВА ЖЕНИ Flyweight ДЯЛ борбата за ЩАТА Централна долина

LFA 51 – СБРУЯ срещу. ДЕКАН
Основно събитие:
САБИНА “колумбийската QUEEN” МАЛКИ
Flyweight съперник LFA ЖЕНИ
Jaimee “Queenie” ДЕКАН
ЖЕНАТА Flyweight световна титла FIGHT
Петък, 28 септември на живо по телевизия AXS
Билетите са в продажба сега през Ticketmaster.com

LAS VEGAS, Nevada – Главен изпълнителен директор на LFA Ed Soares обяви днес, че LFA ще направи първото си пътуване до Централна долина на Калифорния през септември с Flyweight двубой за титлата за жени хедлайнери LFA 51.




Основното събитие на LFA 51 ще донесе дългоочакваната жените световна титла борба с долината Сан Хоакин. Хедлайнер ще видите Flyweight шампион непобеден LFA жените Сабина “колумбийската Queen” Mazo защитава титлата си срещу Flyweight съперник LFA жените Jaimee “Queenie” Nievera. LFA 51 – Mazo срещу. Nievera се провежда петък, 28 септември в Selland Арена в Фресно, Калифорния. Цялата основната карта ще се предава пряко и в цялата страна на AXS TV в 10 p.m. И / 7 p.m. PT.




“Аз съм развълнувана да въвеждат LFA до Фресно на LFA 51”, Обявената Соареш. “Това ще бъде нашата пета шоу в дома ми състояние на Калифорния. Централната долина има голяма борба фенове и много ММА талант. Очакваме с нетърпение да си опаковка Selland Арена на 28 септември с фантастична битка карта с хедлайнери Flyweight борба титла за жени между шампиона Сабина Mazo и голям съперник Jaimee Nievera.”




Билети за LFA 51 – Mazo срещу. Nievera са на разположение за покупка сега в Ticketmaster.com.




малък (5-0) е 21-годишният LFA жените Flyweight шампион, който пое света ВМА с щурм в 2017. Колумбийската вундеркинд подписа с LFA когато тя е била 19-годишна възраст и бързо се появи на световната сцена на LFA 9. Това се случи, когато тя свали 82-ра въздушнодесантна армия ветеран Джейми Thorton с удар с глава зашеметяващата, че се превръща във вирусна на масовите медии и ММА медии, така. The Kings ВМА продукт удвои меню в второкурсник си вид за LFA от нокаутира член Минесота Национална гвардия Линдзи Уилямс с почти идентични първи кръг удар на главата на LFA 23. The “колумбийската Queen” най-накрая получи короната си През април тази година. спечелване на изпълнението в заглавието идва с любезното съдействие на съдийско решение над Шанън Sinn на LFA 37, което видях Mazo осигури брилянтен дисплей бокс и клинч работа, както и нейните подпис муай тай умения. Меделин, Колумбия родния сега изглежда да започне царуването си като шампион с друг майсторското изпълнение на LFA 51.




Nievera (7-4) спечелил изстрел я в LFA злато през миналия месец юни на господстващо LFA дебют спечели срещу най 2016 RFA Фенове’ Choice Awards “Prospect на годината” победител Katy Колинс. Победата на единодушно решение дойде в Collins’ родния град на Брансън, Мисури в LFA 42 Само за няколко месеца след Колинс бе класирана #4 на учредителната лира-за-килограмова класиране на жените AXS телевизори. Победата веднага привлича вниманието на UFC сватове и Nievera бе предложена основна точка събитие във вторник вечер претендент Серия Dana White срещу Антонина Шевченко. 33-годишният ветеран Bellator й показа gameness с приемането на борбата с предизвестие една седмица срещу Шевченко, който е непобеден ВМА перспектива, Муай Тай световен шампион, и по-старата сестра на UFC #1 претендент Валентина Шевченко. Nievera показва един тон на сърцето и умения, но не успя да отправи резултат тя искаше. Градът съюз, Калифорния роден сега има шанс да обърне сценария с печелившите характеристики заглавие пред дома й в тълпа LFA 51.




В момента обявило основните Card (Излъчвани по телевизия AXS в 10 p.m. И / 7 p.m. PT):




Main Event | Дамски Flyweight Title Bout (125 LB)



– Сабина Mazo (5-0) срещу. Jaimee Nievera (7-4)




Co-Main Event |Категория петел Bout (135 LB)



– Густаво Покажи (19-3-1) срещу. Коди Гибсън (15-7)




Категория петел Feature Bout (135 LB)



– Nohelin Ернандес (8-2) срещу. Роландо Веласко (13-5-1)




Light Heavyweight Bout (205 LB)



– Йордания Пауъл (9-7) срещу. Андрес Alcantar (4-0)




Welterweight Bout (170 LB)



– Salaiman Ahmadyar(6-0) срещу. Хоакин Лопес (4-0)





LFA 51 ще бъде петата LFA Събитието ще се проведе в щата Калифорния. RFA домакин осем събития вътре “Златният щат” преди сливането. Цялата основната карта на LFA 51 ще се предава пряко и цялата страна на AXS TV в 10 p.m. И / 7 p.m. PT.




В 2017, RFA и Legacy FC сливат, за да образуват LFA, висшата организация на развитието в Смесени бойни изкуства. Комбинираните сили на LFA стартираха кариерите на над 140 атлети да достигнат върха на ВМА, като се конкурират в UFC. През май на 2018 промоцията се присъединява към групата Лондон Trust Media Holdings на фирми.




Моля, посетете LFAfighting.com за актуализации боеве и информация. LFA е на Facebook в Legacy Борба Alliance. LFA също е на Instagram в @LFAfighting и Twitter в @LFAfighting.


Ruben Villa Returns to Action Aug. 24 from Omega Products in Corona, КАТО

Филаделфия, Penn.. Оранжево, като. (Август. 14, 2018) – Вила Рубен (12-0, 5 Нокаута), one of the rising talents in the featherweight division, takes to the ring for the fourth time this year on Петък, Август. 24 от Omega Products International in Corona, Халиф.




The southpaw from Salinas, Халиф. battles well tested veteran Jose Santos Gonzalez (23-6, 13 Нокаута) of Mexico in the “Заключен n’ Зареден” 8-round main event.




Вила, 21, has fought veterans before, specifically Ernesto Guerrero and German Meraz. The seasoned Gonzalez poses a threat in the sense that he’s been in the ring against current bantamweight title holder Zolani Tete, and unbeaten contender Duke Micah.




These are the types of fights that help you grow into a better fighter,” - каза Вила, който се управлява от Дани Замора. “We have a smart game plan in place. I’m naturally bigger than him so we’ll use that to our advantage.




Вила, a two-time national Golden Gloves champion, is coming off an impressive sixth round knockout of Ricardo Lopez in June. The talented featherweight showed off his finishing ability by out boxing Lopez until the knockout moment presented itself.




“Нанасях солидни удари във всеки рунд,” remarked Villa after the fight. “Знаех, че ще успея да го извадя. I wore him down and in the sixth, I just let me hands go and I caught him with a lot of heavy punches.




Вилата се популяризира от Banner Promotions и Thompson Boxing.




Всички битки ще бъдат предавани на живо на TB Presents: Заключен n’ Loaded via Thompson Boxing Facebook page and ThompsonBoxing.com.




Предаването на живо започва в 8:00 p.m. PT / 11:00 p.m. ET с Бето Дюран като диктор на духането и Стив Ким, предоставящ експерт, цветен коментар.




За редовни актуализации на нашите бойци, събития, и промоции, Моля те, провери Страница за промоции на банери , и ни последвайте Instagram и Кикотене BannerBoxing




Снимка от Карлос Баеза / Thompson Boxing

Вила Рубен отбелязва впечатляваща победа с нокаут в събота вечер

PHILADELPHIA, Penn. / ОРАНЖЕВ, Халиф. (Юли 2, 2018) – Бързо нарастващо перо Вила Рубен (12-0, 5 Нокаута) използва експлозивен шести рунд, за да нокаутира Рикардо Лопес (7-3-2, 6 Нокаута) в “New Blood”основно събитие събота вечер от Omega Products International в Сакраменто, Халиф.




Вила, южна лапа, която се бие от Салинас, Калифорния., показа своите превъзходни умения пред разпродадена тълпа, която стана свидетел на опустошителна победа с нокаут.




През целия бой, Вила използва остър удар, за да настрои ляв ъперкът и прав. Докато повечето боксьори използват удара като далекомер, Вила го използва, за да причини болка на опонента си, като го кацне, или изпращане на неочакван изстрел в главата или тялото.




21-годишният младеж също постигна успех в защита, ограничавайки Лопес до много малко чисти погледи.




Тръпката беше до края на шестия рунд, когато комбинация с много удари настигна Лопес. Мексиканският боец ​​щеше да стане, но това би се оказало лошо решение. Вила незабавно разтоварва изстрел след изстрел, докато съдията Едуард Колантес прекрати клането при 2:49 марка.




“Нанасях солидни удари във всеки рунд,” - отбеляза Вила, който се повишава от Banner Promotions и Thompson Boxing. “Знаех, че ще успея да го извадя. Уморих го и на шестия просто ме пуснах и го хванах с много тежки удари. Бях изненадан, че стана. Той беше твърд човек.”




За редовни актуализации на нашите бойци, събития, и промоции, Моля те, провери Страница за промоции на банери , и ни последвайте Instagram и Кикотене BannerBoxing

Снимки от Карлос Баеза / Thompson Boxing









Лос Анджелис – Bellator, a leading global combat sports franchise owned by Viacom, home to the world’s premier entertainment brands, and DAZN, the world’s largest dedicated live sports streaming service and part of Perform Group, today announced a multi-year landmark distribution agreement.




The nine-figure deal will feature seven exclusive stacked fight cards per year on DAZN and another 15 that are simulcast across Paramount Network and DAZN. All fights will stream in any country where DAZN is available. As part of the platform’s global expansion, DAZN will launch in the U.S. and Italy in 2018, with the service already live in Canada, Германия, Austria, Switzerland and Japan.




“The exciting new partnership with DAZN is a game-changer for Bellator,"Каза Bellator председател Скот Кокър. “The investment will enable us to continue expanding our roster with free agents that make sense, so we can put on PPV-worthy fight cards that fans want to see. Още, on DAZN’s worldwide platform, our fights will be seen live for the first time to new audiences around the globe.”




“It’s simple; fans want to see great fighters in competitive fights so we’ve handed the keys to Scott Coker and his venerable team to go out and recruit even more top-level talent to further stack Bellator fight cards and build on their success,” said DAZN CEO James Rushton. “With the combination of this investment and our recent announcement to bring more than 30 nights of boxing to the platform annually, DAZN will be a must-have for fight fans in the U.S.”




“The DAZN partnership speaks to the incredible growth of Bellator into a global sports powerhouse and high-valued franchise in the Viacom portfolio,” said Kevin Kay, Президент, Paramount Network, TV Land and CMT.




The deal begins with an epic event on Събота, Седем. 29 from SAP Center at San Jose. The card features a highly anticipated middleweight title fight pitting Gegard Mousasi (44-6-2) срещу Rory MacDonald (20-4), who is moving up a weight class for a title shot against the 185-pound champ, along with the fourth fight in the legendary rivalry between Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (37-13) и Wanderlei Silva(35-13).




Also included on Седем. 29, will be the opening fight of Bellator’s first-ever Welterweight World Grand Prix, which will feature eight of the best welterweight fighters on the planet. The Bellator Welterweight World Grand Prix will be a major component of the first year of the multi-year agreement between Bellator and DAZN.




An exclusive online presale for this event takes place tomorrow, Юни 27 до четвъртък, Юни 28, with tickets going on sale to the general public on Петък, Юни 29 при 10 А.М. PT. Билетите започват от само $30 and will be available at the ThreatMetrix Ticket Office at SAP Center at San Jose, както и Bellator.com and Ticketmaster.




The event will air live on DAZN at 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT. Допълнителни двубои ще бъдат обявени през следващите седмици. DAZN, which now streams 15,000 live events and 100 million hours of sports content globally each year, will be available in the U.S. this September with exact pricing and dates being announced this summer.


Мусаси срещу. Макдоналд:




Gegard Mousasi impressed in his promotional debut over former Bellator middleweight champion Alexander Shlemenko, a win that earned him a shot at Rafael Carvalho, where 185-pound gold was on the line. Сега, after a decisive victory against Carvalho at Bellator 200, Mousasi will defend his crown against Rory MacDonald, entering the bout with his current unbeaten streak at seven fights. “The Dreamcatcher,” who trains out of The Netherlands, holds one of the most impressive resumes in all of the sport, at one time winning the STRIKEFORCE light heavyweight title, as well as the DREAM light heavyweight and middleweight titles.




Over the last several years, “The Red King” Rory MacDonald has become the most popular Canadian mixed martial artist due to his classic stand-up wars and wins over some of MMA’s best in Paul Daley, Nate Diaz, Tyron Woodley, B.J. Penn and Demian Maia. Bellator’s welterweight champion joined the Viacom-owned promotion in 2016 and went on to defeat Douglas Lima for the welterweight title at Bellator 192. Сега, the Tristar Gym-trained fighter sets his sights on winning gold in not one, but two separate weight classes.


“Rampage” vs. Silva:



A six-fight veteran of Bellator, “Rampage” Jackson’s legendary career has seen him compete against some of the top names in the sport, генериране на лоялна армия от фенове по пътя. The former PRIDE and UFC champion is the proud owner of many epic highlight reel slams and knockouts that he has racked up throughout his epic battles with the likes of Chuck Liddell, Дан Хендерсън |, “King Mo,” Kevin Randleman and, perhaps most-notably, his trilogy with fellow Bellator athlete Wanderlei Silva, who he now meets at heavyweight on Седем. 29.



Wanderlei Silva’s wars with “Rampage,” Tito Ortiz, Mirko Cro Cop, Vitor Belfort, Дан Хендерсън |, Kazushi Sakuraba, Chuck Liddell and Michael Bisping remain some of the more memorable bouts in MMA history. “The Axe Murderer” is far from ready to close the book on his illustrious career, returning to action against a man he has already competed against three times before. In addition to the PRIDE middleweight title, Silva’s trophy case includes awards for “Fight of the Year” (2003, 2004, 2007), KO на годината (2008) and multiple “Fight of the Night” awards. Съвсем наскоро, the Brazilian native made his Bellator debut against Chael Sonnen in the main event of Bellator: NYC.


Updated Bellator Fight Card:

Средна титла в средната категория: Gegard Mousasi (44-6-2) срещу. Rory MacDonald (20-4)

Бой за тежка категория: Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (37-13) срещу. Wanderlei Silva (35-13)

Welterweight World Grand Prix First Round Bout



*Карта подлежи на промяна.

Рубен Вила защитава младежката титла на WBO в събота от Сакраменто, КАТО

Снимка от Карлос Баеза / Thompson Boxing


PHILADELPHIA, Penn. / ОРАНЖЕВ, Халиф. (Юни 26, 2018) – Рубен Вила, непобедим в полулеко (11-0, 4 Нокаута) на Салинас, Калиф участва в основното събитие тази събота, когато се изправя срещу мексиканския Рикардо Лопес (7-2-2, 6 Нокаута) в 8-кръгов бой, който ще отбележи третия му старт за годината.




Двубоят ще се проведе тази събота, Юни 30, от Omega Products International в Сакраменто.




Хлъзгавата южна лапа защитава титлата си в WBO Youth, която спечели през април в родния си град. Вила изпреварва Марлон Олеа за първото си първенство като професионалист.




“Аз съм нетърпелив да се върна на ринга,” - каза Вила, който се управлява от Дани Замора. “Харесва ми да съм активен. Защитавам титлата си за първи път. Ще имам много фенове, така че съм готов да направя страхотно шоу.”




Вилата се популяризира от Banner Promotions и Thompson Boxing.




Билети за “New Blood” са с цени $40, $60, & $100, и са достъпни за закупуване чрез обаждане 714-935-0900, или онлайн на ThompsonBoxing.com.




Всички битки ще бъдат предавани на живо на TB Presents: Нова кръв чрез Thompson Boxing Facebook и ThompsonBoxing.com.




Предаването на живо започва в 7:45 p.m. PT / 10:45 p.m. ET с Бето Дюран като диктор на духането и Стив Ким, предоставящ експерт, цветен коментар.




Вратите отварят в 6:30 p.m. местно време с първия двубой приблизително 7:45 p.m. Omega Products се намира на адрес 8111 Fruitridge Road, Сакраменто, КАТО 95826, и може да се достигне на 916-635-3335.


За редовни актуализации на нашите бойци, събития, и промоции, Моля те, провери Страница за промоции на банери , и ни последвайте Instagram и Кикотене BannerBoxing






Photo By Stephanie Trapp – Showtime

САН ФРАНЦИСКО, КАТО (Юни 12, 2018)Today unbeaten WBC Youth and USBA Lightweight champion, Девин “Мечтата” Хани (19-0, 13 Нокаута), will be a special guest speaker at the Booker T. Washington Community Center в Сан Франциско, КАТО. Devin is looking forward to sharing his story of being a system described problem child at Booker T. Вашингтон.




Devin will be speaking on the importance of setting goals, being positive under adversity, remaining humble, staying out of trouble, eating a well-balanced diet, работя здраво, and becoming a young champion.




Speaking to the kids at the Booker T. Washington community center today holds a special place in my heart. I spent a lot of time at Booker T. and know what it’s like to be characterized a troubled kid,” - каза Девин Хейни. “I want to let these kids know that with hard work and discipline, one can become successful at anything they put their mind to. Just because a kid might be labeled troubled at a young age, doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. It’s an honor to be giving back to the organization that helped me find my way as a young youth.




The Booker T. Washington Community Service Center provides a variety of programming for school aged students. The activities range from after-school academic coaching to enrichment classes.


СЗО: Девин “Мечтата” Haney and Booker T. Washington Staff


КАКВО: Devin Haney will talk to youth about being a champion in life, и

rewards of working hard with a positive attitude.


КЪДЕ: Booker T. Washington Community Center

800 Presidio Ave, Сан Франциско, КАТО 94115


КОГА: Сряда, Юни 13, 2018

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM


Unbeaten Stars Collide Saturday, Юли 28 Живей SHOWTIME® from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an Event Presented by Премиер боксови Champions
Tickets on Sale Today at 12 p.m. PT!




Лос Анджелис, (Юни 11, 2018) – WBC Lightweight World Champion Mikey Garcia and IBF Lightweight World Champion Robert Великден Jr. will square-off in a 135-pound unification showdown between unbeaten stars Saturday, Юли 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The main event of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® телевизионно предаване (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT) will see Garcia look to become a unified champion for the first time in a career that has seen him win titles in four weight classes. Великден, who enters with a 5-inch height and 8-inch reach advantage, looks to stamp his name amongst boxing’s elite by unifying titles at 27 възраст, less than two years after capturing his first belt.




Билети за събитието на живо, , която е възложена Ringstar Спорт и TGB Промоции, започват в $50, се добавят и съответните такси, и са в продажба днес в 12 p.m. PT. За да закупите билети, visit AXS.com.




SHOWTIME Sports continues to lead the industry with the biggest events, the most important matchups, week after week, month after month,” каза Стивън Еспиноза, президент Sports & Events Programming, Showtime Network Inc. “Майки срещу Гарсия. Robert Великден Jr. is the third world championship unification match on SHOWTIME this year. A consensus top-10 pound-for-pound champion facing an undefeated young champion while both are in the prime of their careers. Юли 28 has all the makings of an instant classic.




“Майки срещу Гарсия. Robert Easter is an outstanding lightweight matchup that is sure to deliver drama for fight fans at STAPLES Center and on SHOWTIME,” Said Tom Brown, Председател на TGB Промоции. “Garcia will look to unify in his hometown and further solidify his credentials as boxing’s pound-for-pound best. He’ll have perhaps the toughest test of his career in the unbeaten Easter, who has a lethal combination of size, speed and power that he brings to the ring. With both fighters defending their titles and undefeated records, this is shaping up to be a can’t-miss night of boxing in downtown Los Angeles.




This is the kind of matchup that boxing fans love and a fight that I believe will certainly live up to expectations,” - каза Ричард Шефер, Председател & Главен изпълнителен директор на Ringstar Sports. “With two undefeated world champions, and two of the top guys at 135 паунда, this fight is guaranteed drama. Mikey Garcia will look to become a unified world champion and add another accolade to a career that is already shaping up to be historic. Robert Великден Jr, a proud champion in his own right, is coming to STAPLES Center on July 28 to upset Mikey Garcia in his hometown. This is the quality of matchup that fans watching on SHOWTIME have come to expect and I suspect they will be fulfilled once again when these two warriors meet in the ring.




We are really looking forward to this incredible fight at STAPLES Center,” казва Лий Zeidman, Президент, Staples Center. “These two fighters will undoubtedly headline an amazing night of fights for boxing fans in Los Angeles and we are looking forward to welcoming back Premier Boxing Champions and SHOWTIME for the second time in just two months.




One of Southern California’s most popular fighters, Garcia returns to STAPLES Center for his first fight since becoming a world champion, and his first in California in seven years. Easter returns to the site of his professional debut, having started his career at STAPLES Center in 2012 after serving as an alternate in the London Olympic Games.




Garcia (38-0, 30 Нокаута), на Moreno Valley по пътя на Окснард, Калифорния., became only the third fighter in modern history to become champion at 126, 130, 135 и 140 паунда, joining future Hall of Famers Juan Manuel Marquez and Manny Pacquiao, when he defeated Sergey Lipinets for the IBF 140-pound title in March. The 30-year-old relinquished that title so that he can unify the WBC Lightweight World Championship that he won in January 2017 with a highlight reel knockout of Dejan Zlaticanin (КликнетеТУК to watch Garcia-Zlaticanin KO video)




These wins, combined with a summer 2017 victory over Adrien Broner, have seen Garcia return to the top of pound-for-pound lists after a layoff of two and a half years. Garcia accrued wins over a list of notable names while winning his first two titles at 126 and 130-pounds, including Orlando Salido, Roman Martinez and Juan Manuel Lopez.




This is the toughest fight of my career to date,” said the four-division champion Garcia. “Robert Великден Jr. is an undefeated world champion who presents serious challenges that I’m going to have to work hard to overcome. Unifying titles is something I’ve dreamed of doing for many years, and to do it at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles will make it even more special. This is the kind of fight that will help my legacy. To be the best you have to beat the best, and Easter is certainly one of the best out there. I’m very thankful to have this opportunity and I’m going to make the most of it on July 28.




Representing his hometown of Toledo, Ohio, Великден (21-0, 14 Нокаута) has made three successful defenses since winning his world title in an exciting contest over Richard Commey in 2016. The 27-year-old delivered a fifth-round destruction of former champion Argenis Mendez to earn the title shot, and since winning the title has held off challenges from Javier Fortuna, Denis Shafikov and Luis Cruz to retain his 135-pound belt.




Easter will be making the move to work with Kevin Cunningham for the first time for this fight and conducting training camp in West Palm Beach with him. Кънингам, the longtime trainer of former world champions such as Devon Alexander and Cory Spinks, spurred Adrien Broner to a strong performance in a draw against Jessie Vargas and Gervonta Davis to a dominant knockout of Jesus Cuellar in their first fights together in April.




This is a fight I’ve been waiting for and I’m really excited that the time is now,” каза Великден. “This is the best fighting the best. These are the fights that boxing is all about. I made the move to train with Kevin Cunningham down in Florida and I think it’s going to help me reach another level. It’s just eat, sleep and train down there. We’re going to be ready on July 28 to put on a show and deliver fireworks.


# # #





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Атлантик Сити, NJ. (Май 15, 2018):–The eyes of the boxing world will once again be on Atlantic City when Evander Holyfield’s The Real Deal Boxing makes it’s Atlantic City debut on Събота, June 2nd в Adrian Phillips Theater вътре Boardwalk Hall as part of the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Weekend.




With Evander Holyfield as the lead inductee in this year’s Hall of Fame class, The Real Deal Boxing, във връзка с Mis Downing Промоции and the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame, has put together a sensational card featuring world class fighters along with a who’s who of local talent.




Headlining the evening will be The Real Deal Boxing’s top 10 ranked featherweight contender, Toka Kahn Clary (24-1, 17 Нокаута). The Liberian born southpaw, now based out of Providence, Rhode Island is set to take on Mexico’s Emmanuel Dominguez (22-6-2, 14 Нокаута) in what promises to be an action-packed high stakes fight for the NABA Featherweight Title.




In preparation for the title shot, Clary is currently on the west coast working with Hall of Fame trainer, Freddie Roach at The Wildcard Boxing Gym in Hollywood.




This has been a long, Трудно тренировъчен лагер. I’ve been pushing myself ten times harder than usual with no distractions other than missing my family.”, explains Clary. “All I do out here is concentrate on boxing. I have a great support team, starting with a new addition, Freddie Roach.




Clary has impressed Roach throughout the past few weeks of training as well.




So far training camp has been great,” insists Roach, the 7-time winner of BWAA Trainer of the Year award. “I’m continually impressed with Toka’s speed, power and overall skills. Следващият 3 weeks we will be concentrating on sharpening all the tools and come June 2nd, Team Clary will be ready.




The undercard features an exciting mix of The Real Deal Boxing prospects and a host of next generation New Jersey and Philadelphia based fighters who are willing to be tested early in their careers.




The Real Deal Boxing’s Rayonta Whitfield (29-2, 15 Нокаута), who fights out of Augusta, Georgia will challenge former NABO champion and the pride of Cleveland, Ohio, Antonio Nieves (17-2-2, 9 Нокаута) в 8 round bout that should see the winner move into contender status in the bantamweight division.


Dagoberto Aguero (13-0, 9 Нокаута), the undefeated super bantamweight from Florida and one of The Real Deal Boxing’s most promising prospects, will take on the toughest challenge of his career in New Brunswick, New Jersey’s Хорхе Диас (19-5-1, 10 Нокаута) в 8 round clash.




The Real Deal Boxing’s undefeated Philadelphia based lightweight prospect, Steven Ortiz (8-0, 3 Нокаута) will take on Massachusetts’ Зак Рамзи (8-3, 4 Нокаута) в 8 кръгла пристъп.




Atlantic City’s very own, Anthony Young (18-2, 6 Нокаута) will put his excellent record on the line against the Bronx’s Енвер Халили (10-1, 3 Нокаута) в 8 round welterweight clash.




In a Philly vs. AC bragging rights battle, Alejandro Jiminez (1-0, 1 KO) ще поеме Далас Холдън (1-2) в 4 round featherweight bout.




Promising Philadelphia welterweight and recent The Real Deal Boxing signee, Пойндекстър Knight (3-0, 2 Нокаута) will look to maintain his perfect record against an opponent to be named in a 4 кръгла пристъп.


Брендън Робинсън (10-1, 7 Нокаута) на Горно Дарби, Pennsylvania, one of the busiest fighters in the game having fought an unbelievable 9 times last year, will appear against an opponent to be named in a 6 round super middleweight bout. Robinson is signed to Marshall Kauffman’s Kings Promotions.




Undefeated Bowie, Maryland native and a member of The Real Deal Boxing roster, Greg Outlaw (4-0, 1 KO) will take on Lanoka Harbor, New Jersey’s И Мъри (3-1-1) в 6 round junior welterweight battle.




Rounding out the stacked card will be two fighters making their pro debuts in separate 4 кръгли пристъпи.




Decorated national amateur champion, супер петел, Sacred Downing на Трентън, New Jersey will take on an opponent to be named and super lightweight, Dalyonn Butt of Philadelphia will take on the Bronx’s Samuel Forjue (0-2).




Evander Holyfield himself couldn’t be more excited about The Real Deal Boxing’s AC debut and his induction into the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame.




From my second professional fight to defending the heavyweight championship of the world against George Foreman in one of the biggest fights of the decade, Atlantic City holds a special place in my heart.”, explains the legendary 4 time heavyweight champion now turned promoter.




With my induction into the Hall of Fame, it felt like this was the ideal time to bring The Real Deal Boxing to Atlantic City. We believe Atlantic City is poised to make a comeback as of one of the premier destinations for professional boxing and The Real Deal Boxing is committed to being a part of that.




The Real Deal Hall of Fame Special Edition takes place Saturday, June 2nd at the Adrian Phillips Theater inside Boardwalk Hall and is presented in association with Mis Downing Promotions and the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame. Tickets are on sale now and priced at $150, $100, $50 и $35. Tickets are available at www.ticketmaster.com and in person at the Boardwalk Hall Box Office. For more information visit www.therealdealboxing.com and www.acbhof.com.










The encouragement wasn’t so subtle, as Ruben Villa IV looked up from his muddy hands and knees, wiping his sweaty brow with his forearm and wondering if the day would ever end. Ruben Villa III, Villa’s father, blurted out, “Do you want to do this for the rest of your life? You better start getting serious about boxing,” or working in sweltering 90-degree heat in the fields would become a fact of life.




Вила, the gifted featherweight southpaw, was around 15 възраст, в момента, and boxing was just something to fill the time. Though sweating in the gym certainly beat toiling for his father in the summer, lugging boxes, landscaping in what Villa describes as abig old yard,” and making deliveries.




“Бокс, за мен, was hard at the time and I was too immature to understand the work that you had to put into it to be successful,” - каза Вила, който ще се превърне 21 следващата седмица. “I had to learn sacrifices were needed in order to be successful. Nothing was going to be handed to me. Once my father took me to work that day, I decided, не, I’d rather get paid to beat someone up.




That next someone for Villa (10-0, 4 нокаута) could be Colombian Marlon Olea (13-2, 12 Нокаута) in Villa’s first scheduled eight-rounder, from the Salinas Storm House, in Salinas, Калифорния, събота вечер. This is the first time Villa will be fighting at home as a pro, като основното събитие.




When I’m sweating and working my ass off at the gym, I think back to the times I worked with my father and I’ll always remember that,” - каза Вила, the only boy of five children. “I’m not afraid of hard work but there are better ways to get paid. There are worse situations than boxing and boxing for a living can be a hard life too. You’re away from your family for a month and you’re sweating just as hard as when I worked for my father, who has a job in the agriculture business, doing everything from driving a forklift to making deliveries.




You appreciate hard work once you see what you’re doing to keep food on the table. You get a greater appreciation when you do what they do. I used to help my father when I was in my mid-teens a couple of times. I did whatever my father told me to do. It meant doing all of the moving, boxes, wooden pallets and this yard that was always dirty. I helped my dad with deliveries and cleaning that big old yard of his. I never wanted to go back to that.


It made Villa look at boxing differently.




This fight with Olea is another step for me,” - каза Вила, whose patience belies his age. “My time will come eventually. Знам това. Olea, Знам, is a Colombian who is 13-2 and he has 12 нокаута, so he comes pretty heavy-handed. My sparring went well. I had some heavier guys come in and I’m ready to show what I can do.




Villa is hoping his career continues on an upward trajectory, so he can one day professionally meet 2016 U.S. Olympic silver medalist Shakur Stevenson, who Villa defeated twice in 2015, като аматьор. The 5-foot-6 Villa, who started boxing when he was five to curb his overly rambunctious behavior, and Stevenson, кой е 5-0, с 2 KOs as a pro, are both featherweights.




After Villa beat Stevenson the second time in 2015, Stevenson made the photo of the referee raising Villa’s hand the screensaver on his cell phone. Stevenson got his revenge by beating Villa twice at the Olympic Trials, през декември 2015, to earn a spot on the U.S. team for the 2016 Rio Olympics.




Somewhere down the line, I’m pretty sure me and Stevenson will happen again,” Вила каза. “I want to see him again. Once we make a name for ourselves, това ще се случи. We’ll get that fight in and there is a rivalry between us. I know more people in boxing may know him more than they know me but I don’t care.




I’ve always had the idea to push through with hard work. I’ll get mine eventually.




Билети за “New Blood” са с цени $75 & $125, и са достъпни за закупуване чрез обаждане 714-935-0900, или онлайн на ThompsonBoxing.com.




Всички битки ще бъдат предавани на живо на TB Presents: New Blood via Thompson Boxing Facebook page and ThompsonBoxing.com.




Предаването на живо започва в 6:00 p.m. PT / 9:00 p.m. ET with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert color commentary.




Вратите отварят в 4:30 p.m. местно време с първия двубой приблизително 6:00 p.m. The Salinas Storm House is located at 185 Maryal Dr. Salinas, КАТО 93907.


“New Blood” is presented by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing Promotions.




За редовни актуализации на нашите бойци, събития, и промоции, Моля те, провери Страница за промоции на банери , и ни последвайте Instagram и Кикотене BannerBoxing




Photo Credit Emily Harney / Банер Промоции

Undefeated Ruben Villa Makes Homecoming Debut in Salinas, California on Saturday April 14th

PHILADELPHIA, PENN./ORANGE, Халиф. (Март 23, 2018)–Heralded featherweight prospect Ruben Villa returns home for the 1st time as a professional as he headlines in the Northern California city of Salinas on Saturday, Април 14, from the popular Salinas Storm House.
The show is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.
Ruben has been coming along great, и на April 14th, he will thrill his hometown fans,” каза Банер Промоции председател, Arthur Pelullo. “We are looking forward to this special night for Ruben, for him not only to put on a great performance in his hometown, but to capture his first championship.
This show has been in the works for more than a year,” каза Алекс Camponovo, who as Matchmaker and General Manager of Thompson Boxing. “It’s an excellent show from top-to-bottom featuring talent from all over the Bay Area and surrounding parts. You have Ruben looking to win his first professional title [WBO Youth] in his hometown.

Вила, 20, will be locked in a battle with fellow prospect Marlon Olea (13-2, 12 Нокаута) of Colombia in the 8-round “New Blood” main event where the WBO Youth Featherweight Title is up for grabs. Вила, южна лапа, is currently in Riverside, Халиф. with trainer Max Garcia preparing for his main event debut.

I’m excited to headline my first event,” - каза Вила, който е съвместно популяризиран от Banner Promotions и Thompson Boxing. “I’ve been preparing for this my whole life. It came fast. There’s a lot to be happy about. It’s a title fight, and it will be in front of my hometown fans.

Villa will certainly receive a challenge from Olea. He holds a unanimous decision loss against WBA World Champion Danny Roman and is known as a pressure fighter with excellent instincts.

He’s a mover, and he’s quick with his hands,” Вила каза. “I’ll be ready for him. We are getting a little bit of everything in this training camp. I’m sparring guys that like to box and guys that are coming in and pressuring.

New to Villa for this fight has been the abundance of ticket requests from local boxing fans. The former two-time Golden Gloves Champion has already sold 400 билети, yet the requests keep pouring in.

“За да бъда честен, I’m not sure how it’s going to feel to fight in my hometown,” Вила каза. “I tend to tune out all the white noise and just box. I’m sure there will be some moments when I recognize the crowd. I have to enjoy it, but keep my poise.

Билети за “New Blood” са с цени $40, $75, & $125, и са достъпни за закупуване чрез обаждане 714-935-0900, или онлайн на ThompsonBoxing.com.

Вратите отварят в 4:30 p.m. местно време с първия двубой приблизително 6:00 p.m. The Salinas Storm House is located at 185 Maryal Dr. Salinas, КАТО 93907.

Всички битки ще бъдат предавани на живо на TB Presents: New Blood via Thompson Boxing Facebook page and ThompsonBoxing.com.

Предаването на живо започва в 6:00 p.m. PT / 9:00 p.m. И with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert color commentary.

За редовни актуализации на нашите бойци, събития, и промоции, Моля Харесай Страница за промоции на банери, и ни последвайте Instagram и Twitter @BannerBoxing .