Yorliq Archives: Championship kurash bào Warriors

Event Details: Cage Warriors 78, Echo Arena, Liverpul, Angliya. Yetti 10, 2016

Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun
Seshanba, Sentyabr 6, 2016

DOORS Open to the public – 5:00pm
Birinchi juftlik Amateur – 6:20pm (o'zgartirish uchun mavzu)
TELEVISED Main card – 9:00pm* (UK time)
Bu shanba, Sentyabr 10, Cage Warriors Fighting Championship returns to Liverpool’s Echo Arena for the first time in two years, with a show packed with the cream of European MMA performing in front of a global TV audience.

Nazad 2014, CWFC 68’s main card produced 10 stoppages and the promotion is hoping for the same fireworks on Saturday. At CWFC 78, two world titles are on the line for the lightweight and featherweight belts – both being contested by home crowd favourites, Chris Fishgold and Paddy Pimblett.

Headlining the show is highly ranked Englishman Chris Fishgold, who makes the first defence of his lightweight title against Frenchman, Jason Ponet. His teammate Paddy Pimblett challenges Frenchman Johnny Frachey for the featherweight title.

The main card action, from the Echo Arena Liverpool will feature five televised professional bouts starting at 9pm* (UK time).


Vaughan Lee has withdrawn due to injury. His opponent Arnold Quero is now matched on CWFC 79, due to take place next month in Newport, Uels.

Doors at the Echo Arena, Liverpool will open at 5:00pm – tickets are available to purchase here.

Please check your local region’s listings for local broadcast times.

The main card is live on:
UFC FIGHT PASS® | Worldwide
BT Sport | UK and Ireland
Viasat | Scandinavia


Main Card – 9:00PM* (UK Time)
*The main card will start on BT Sport via the red button at 9pm and revert to the main channel at 9.15pm.

Asosiy Tantanalarni: CWFC Lightweight World Title (5×5 minute rounds)
(Chempion) Chris Fishgold (15-1-1) va boshqalar. Jason Ponet (16-10-1-1nc)

Vacant CWFC Featherweight World Title (5×5 minute rounds)
PaddyThe BaddyPimblett (11-1-0) va boshqalar. Johnny Frachey (18-10-0)

Yengillashtirilgan (3×5 minute rounds)
Tim “The ExperimentWilde (8-2-0) va boshqalar. MickaelRagnarLebout (14-6-1-1nc)

Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn (3×5 minute rounds)
Ali Arish (21-5) va boshqalar. Mohsen Bahari (8-3)

Middleweight (3×5 minute rounds)
Leeroy Barnes (15-15-0-1nc) va boshqalar. Victor Cheng (10-2-0)

Pro Prelims
160 lbs catchweight
Jordan Miller (16-15) va boshqalar. Ellis Hampson (5-3-1)

Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn
James Lewis (5-2) va boshqalar. DEZ Parker (7-5)

Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn
Alexandre Roumette (4-6) va boshqalar. Dylan Mcloughlin (2-0)

130 lbs Catchweight
Sam Halliday (4-3) va boshqalar. Sam Creasey (6-0)

For the latest Cage Warriors Fighting Championship news and updates, keep track of us on Facebook, Twitter va Instagram. View past CWFC action, free and on-demand, online via Cage Warriors TV.

Photo: Cage Warriors/Dolly Clew


CAGE WARRIORS FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP is Europe’s leading and longest-running mixed martial arts promotion. An Irish-owned brand with offices in the UK & Irlandiya, CWFC is the sport’s fastest-growing organisation, having staged 80 events in 12 countries across three different continents since its establishment in 2002. Home to some of biggest stars of MMA’s past, present and future.

GRAHAM Boylan chempionati qarshi kurashish CAGE jangchi bosh direktori lavozimini tark etdi

(London, Birlashgan Qirollik | Payshanba, Fevral 12, 2015)Bào Warriors chempionati Graham Boylan Bosh direktori lavozimiga iste'fo berdi, deb tasdiqlash mumkin kurash.

Direktorlar bào Warriors kengashi kutilmaganda seshanba kuni yig'ilishda Graham qaroridan xabardor edi.

Graham so'nggi yillarda brendining katta o'sishida ajralmas rol o'ynadi, lekin kengashi deb davom ettirishga qattiq bo'lib qolmoqda.

Biz yangi bosh direktori topish bo'yicha bizning sa'y-harakatlarini da, Biz 21 mart kuni Londonda mis Box uchun mo'ljallangan edi voqea kechiktirish qaror qabul qilgan.

Ushbu tadbirda uchun yangi sana tufayli albatta e'lon qilinadi, va bizning sodiq muxlislari sabr qadrlanadi.

Barcha pudrat sportchilar ham orada yana bir reklama uchun raqobatlashish bào Warriors kelishuvlardan bir-jang ozod qilinadi.

Yevropaning yetakchi MMA tashkilotining sizning davomiy qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun rahmat.

Shadi Tahboub, Boshliqlar kengashi, Championship kurash bào Warriors