Архівы: Брус Boyington

Бермудес VICTORIOUS, Эрыксан апранаецца клініцы AS NEF ўносім сімфонію разбурэння на СТАДЫІ MERRILL одиториум

ПРЭС-РЭЛІЗ: Портленд, Мэн (Лютага 10, 2020) - Больш чым 2000 пабаяліся халодныя тэмпературы ў суботу ўвечары ў Новай Англіі Паядынкі (NEF) прынёс свае самыя апошнія неадназначныя-баявыя мастацтва (MMA) падзея на сцэне Merrill Auditorium ў Портлендзе. 22 баі праходзілі пад шатамі сусветна вядомага 1911 Kotzschmar Memorial Organ. Гэта быў дэбют NeF ў на месцы векавога, і падзея адкрыў дзявяты сезон шаноўнага прасоўваецца змагацца ў канкурэнцыі ММА.

У галоўным падзеі вечара, UFC ветэранМэнни «Бермудес трохкутнік» Бермудес(15-2) прадстаўленыБрус "Прыгажунчык" Boyington (19-12) з гільяціну дроселем у першым раўндзе. Бой быў першапачаткова запланаваны быць аспрэчана за званне NEF Professional Lightweight, але з Бермудес страчанай вагі чэмпіянату, ён не меў права выйграць пояс. Назву ў цяперашні час застаецца вакантным.

Перамога Бермудес ў ўвянчала ідэальны вечар для каманды South Shore Sportfighting ў Rockland, Масачусэтс. аднаклубнікі Дэрыл Эндрус (1-0) і цім Birkenhead (2-0) абодва былі паспяховымі ў сваіх баях, каб падняць свой спартзалу, каб а 3-0 record on the event.

Also going 3-0 on the evening was the team of Evolution Athletix based in Saco, Maine.Тэдзі Паліт (1-0), Ben Grady (1-0), іТайлер Смайт (1-0) all stopped their opponents within the first minute of the first round of their respective fights to win their respective amateur debuts.

The biggest story of the night, undoubtedly, came in the co-main event as longtime NEF veteranJesse “The Viking” Erickson(10-8) рукаміДжош «Hook On» Харві(7-1-1) the first loss of his professional career. Erickson, who represents both Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Recon Fitness, put on a brilliant jiu-jitsu clinic that will be remembered for years to come. Trapped against the cage by Harvey early-on in the first round, Эрыксан выцягнуў ахоўнік і пераход праз ланцужок уяўленняў, перш чым канчаткова ўладкавацца ў з болевым, каб прымусіць TapouT, пасылаючы натоўп портландцемента ў абсалютная вар'яцтва.

У Дзіку вага выплюхвання, які таксама меў месца на прафесійнай частцы карты, Рас «Rasquatch» Хілтан (5-3) збітыБрэд Лі(0-1) па тэхнічным накаўтам ў другім раўндзе. Праз некалькі хвілін пачуцці адзін сябар, пара абменены ў зваротна-паступальнай сліне-малаточку ў апошнія моманты першага раўнда. Крыху больш за хвіліны ў другі раўнд, суддзя назваў спыненне дзеяння пасля некалькіх безадказных удараў ад 6'6 "Hylton.

Першы клас ММА аднаклубнік Гілтан ўJacob Deppmeyer(1-0) быў паспяховы прафесійны дэбют, перамогшыКарл Langston(0-5) з дапамогай першага раўнда тэхнічнага накаўту. Deppmeyer, пастка Лэнгстона ў зваротным трыкутніку і абрынуў серыю неўзаемных локцяў, не даючы Рэферы ніякага выбару, акрамя як спыніць бой у гэтай кропцы.

На аматарскім карце, верхняя перспектываМайк Bezanson (5-0) з Kaze Dojo застаўся непераможаным з тэхнічным накаўтам перамогу надГрег Исихара(2-2) у першым туры.

Акрамя таго, застаючыся непераможным ў аматарскіх шэрагах быліNate «Мул» Белы(5-0) іКалеб «Dr. Feelgood »Осцін (4-0), як змагаюцца з CMBJJ, якія скончылі адпаведныя праціўнік ў першым раўндзе.

Іншы прадукт CMBJJ, Garry Карр (3-1), пабіў свой уласны рэкорд другі раз запар, калі ён стаў, яшчэ раз, самы стары спартовец, каб выйграць бой у NEF клетцы. На 58-гадоў-малады, Карр прыняў аднагалоснае рашэнне перамогі над 23-гадовы Осцін Гамільтан (0-2) у catchweight аматарскага бою.

NEF таксама паведаміў, што яго наступнае мерапрыемства будзе ўбачыць прасоўванне вяртання ў кампусе UMaine Брюер на Колінза ў Цэнтры мастацтваў на красавік 18 з «NEF 43: Rampage «. Ужо пацвердзілі свой удзел у мерапрыемстве, Zac «Рокі» Рычард(6-2-1) будзе абараняць тытул NEF Аматарскае Lightweight супрацьДэвін Corson(3-1), у той час якЧэлсі Tucker(3-3) плануецца сустрэцца ў АрэгонеCAREE Hill(6-2) для чэмпіянату ГФООПСА аматарскага Жаночага наилегчайшема, і Калеб Осцін асобыДжэймс Ploss (1-2) ў доўгачаканым матчы-рэваншы іх спрэчныя 2017 канец.

Поўны «NEF 42» Вынікі Портленда, Мэн:


Мэнни Бермудес выразнасці. Брус Boyington з дапамогай крана на гільяціну, круглы 1

Джэсі Эрыксан выразнасці. Джош Харві з дапамогай крана да болевых, круглы 1

Рас Hylton выразнасці. Брэд Лі праз тэхнічны накаўт, круглы 2

Крыс Кацярынай выразнасць. Nate Boucher з дапамогай крана да болевых, круглы 1

Jacob Deppmeyer выразнасці. Карл Лангстон з дапамогай тэхнічнага накаўту, круглы 1


Tim Birkenhead выразнасці. Майк Мюрэй праз кран, каб kneebar, круглы 2

Джо Ховард Абарона. Джасцін Тканіна праз KO, круглы 1

Майк Bezanson выразнасці. Грег Исихара па тэхнічным накаўтам, круглы 1

Фэліпэ Gunter выразнасці. Ханнон Sanford аднагалоснага рашэння суддзяў

Nate White Абарона. Браян Каско па тэхнічным накаўтам, круглы 1

Дэрыл Эндрус Абарона. Titus Pannell аднагалоснага рашэння

Джэйсан Лэндру выразнасці. Dustin Carrier з дапамогай тэхнічнага накаўту, круглы 2

Тайлер Смайт выразнасці. Clifford Redman з дапамогай тэхнічнага прадстаўлення, круглы 1

Garry Карр выразнасці. Осцін Гамільтан аднагалоснага рашэння суддзяў

Раян Фогг выразнасці. Giuliano Росі праз лекара прыпынку, круглы 2

Бэн грейды выразнасці. Джон Асам праз KO, круглы 1

Цім Бержерон выразнасці. Генры Джеффс па тэхнічным накаўтам, круглы 1

Калеб Осцін Абарона. Діллон Генры з дапамогай крана да задняга ўдушэнні, круглы 1

Дылан Уільямс выразнасці. Wyatt якi прыдумаў праз раздзельным рашэннем суддзяў

Randall Hathorn выразнасці. Цім Мюрэй праз тэхнічны накаўт, круглы 1

Генры Кларк Абарона. Тэйлар Bartlett з дапамогай тэхнічнага прадстаўлення, круглы 1

Тэдзі Политиса выразнасці. Кевін Lamay з дапамогай крана Кимура, круглы 1

Нью-Ингленд Баі’ побач змешаныя баявыя мастацтва падзеі, “NEF 43: Буянства,” адбудзецца ў суботу, Красавіка 18, 2020, у Коллінс Цэнтры мастацтваў у UMaine Брюер. Квіткі паступяць у продаж на гэтым тыдні ўwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

Аб Новай Англіі баёў

Нью-Ингленд Баі ("NEF") з'яўляецца барацьба Рэкламныя акцыі кампаніі. Місія NeF заключаецца ў стварэнні самага высокага якасці мерапрыемствы для байцоў і прыхільнікаў. Выканаўчая каманда NeF мае шырокі вопыт у галіне кіравання адзінаборстваў, вытворчасць падзеі, па сувязях са СМІ, маркетынг, прававой і рэклама.


ПРЭС-РЭЛІЗ: Портленд, Мэн (Студзеня 19, 2020) - New England Баі (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) падзея, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” у суботу, Лютага 8, 2020, at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. Earlier today, NEF announced a change to one-half of the card’s main event.Мэнни «Бермудес трохкутнік» Бермудес(14-2) цяпер будзе тварамБрус "Прыгажунчык" Boyington(17-11) for the vacant NEF Professional Lightweight Championship in the night’s headline fight.

Bermudez stepped in to replace his teammate and training partner Josh Grispi (14-5) who was originally scheduled to meet Boyington. Grispi was forced to bow out of the main event due to legal complications unforeseen at the time of the bout’s signing. Mere hours after losing Grispi, NEF executives were notified that Bermudez would accept the fight with Boyington.

Like Grispi, Bermudez is a veteran of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) – the pinnacle of the sport. He put together a record of 3-2 while competing in the promotion before being released this past October. All three of Bermudez’s wins in the UFC came by way of submission. The fight with Boyington will be Bermudez’s first since his release.

“I’m looking forward to coming up to Bruce’s home turf and showing where it is I belong on the regional circuit,” stated Bermudez.  “I have experience at various levels in the sport and Bruce does too, so it’ll be interesting to see how the matchup unfolds on fight night.”

Bruce Boyington has never been one to back down from a challenge. The Taekwondo black belt and US Marine Corp veteran has made a career of fighting the “best of the best” whether it be in the NEF cage, at Madison Square Garden fighting for the World Series of Fighting (WSOF) on national television, or halfway across the world competing on a global event in Russia. Boyington, a member of Titan Athletics based in Brewer, Мэн, looks to capture the lightweight strap for the second time on February 8.

There is no easy fight and this makes for the same scenarioa main event worthy of any card,” said Boyington.  “Two high caliber fightersthat’s the kind of fight I like to be in.

Adding to the high-caliber aspect of the fight, two streaks held by Boyington and Bermudez respectively make the fight even that much more intriguing. Boyington has never lost a title fight. He is a perfect 7-0 when a championship strap is on the line. In the same breadth, Bermudez has never lost a regional fight as a professional. He was a perfect 11-0 on the regional scene prior to signing with the UFC. On February 8, someone’s “0” will have to go.

“I first met Manny Bermudez 11-years ago one random weekend while visiting his home gym, South Short Sportfighting,” noted NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson.  “He was a young, gangling teenager at the time that was giving fits on the floor to men two and three times his age. Manny made the gym his second home and the rest, як яны кажуць, is history—Manny went on to have a great run in the UFC. When Josh Grispi was forced to pull out of his fight with Bruce, Bruce gave me one directive for a replacement opponent—‘make sure they are good,’ he said. Bruce always wants to face the best and that’s what we were able to bring him in Bermudez. This is a main event fit for a symphony.”

Нью-Ингленд Баі’ побач змешаныя баявыя мастацтва падзеі, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” адбудзецца ў суботу, Лютага 8, 2020, at Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Мэн. Квіткі ўжо ў продажы ўwww.PortTix.com.

Аб Новай Англіі баёў

Нью-Ингленд Баі ("NEF") з'яўляецца барацьба Рэкламныя акцыі кампаніі. Місія NeF заключаецца ў стварэнні самага высокага якасці мерапрыемствы для байцоў і прыхільнікаў. Выканаўчая каманда NeF мае шырокі вопыт у галіне кіравання адзінаборстваў, вытворчасць падзеі, па сувязях са СМІ, маркетынг, прававой і рэклама.


ПРЭС-РЭЛІЗ: Портленд, Мэн (Снежні 10, 2019) - New England Баі (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) падзея, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” у суботу, Лютага 8, 2020 at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. Earlier today, NEF announced the addition of a professional catchweight fight to the card.Nate “Backpack” Boucher зробіць свой прафесійны дэбют супраць“Sleepy” Norman Fox (0-1) у бой масы 130 фунтаў.

2019 was a banner year for Boucher. He finished his amateur career with a stellar 6-3 record and captured NEF’s amateur flyweight title at “NEF 41” last month in what would be his final amateur fight. Boucher has won his last four fights in a row – all by first round rear-naked choke submission. Shortly after his title victory, Boucher engaged in a heated exchange on Facebook with Fox who challenged Boucher to enter the pro ranks to fight him. Boucher was quick to accept the challenge. He currently represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) of Lewiston, Мэн.

“I closed out 2019 by doing exactly what I said I was going to do,” stated Boucher.  “I went 3-0 and won the New England Fights Amateur Flyweight Title. I planned on taking time off to focus on my unborn child’s arrival. Аднак, Norman had quite a mouthful to say and asked for the fight. Так, I did what fighters do and took the fight immediately. Norman is in for a long night on February 8th. I hope for his sake that he fully prepares for this. The way I see it, I was given a gift to kick off my pro career. Thank you to Cure Cannabis and the rest of my loyal sponsors and supporters for helping me get to this point in my career—I look forward to the next level with all of you.”

Norman Fox returns to the NEF cage after a four year hiatus from competition. He was last seen at “NEF 21” in February 2016 in a losing effort in his professional debut. Fox went 4-2 як аматар, finishing his opponents in all four of his wins. Fox is currently a member of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, Мэн.

Nate is one-dimensional,” declared Fox.  “All he can do is wrestle. If he doesn’t immediately shoot for a takedown, he will as soon as my hands touch his face. I’m dangerous everywhere. If he does get the fight to the ground, he will regret it.

The catchweight bout joins an already star-studded lineup on the professional portion of the card. Previously announced for “NEF 42” is a five-round professional lightweight title fight between former NEF champion and World Series of Fighting veteranБрус "Прыгажунчык" Boyington (17-11) and WEC and UFC veteranJosh “The Fluke” Grispi(14-5).  Another lightweight fight announced for “NEF 42” will feature two Maine fan-favorites as reigning NEF Professional Featherweight ChampionДжош «Hook On» Харві(7-0-1) ставіць яго непераможным запісу на лініі супрацьJesse “The Viking” Erickson (9-8) in a non-title encounter. And Bellator veteranDominic “Domnation” Jones (2-3) іКарл Langston (0-4) will square off in a professional featherweight contest.

Нью-Ингленд Баі’ побач змешаныя баявыя мастацтва падзеі, “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction,” адбудзецца ў суботу, Лютага 8, 2020 at Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Мэн. Квіткі ўжо ў продажы ўwww.PortTix.com.


Льюистон, Мэн (Лютага 4, 2018) – Two years of traveling the world in pursuit of mixed martial arts glory had not even a shred of negative impact on Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington’s mystique in the New England Fights cage.





Battered, bloodied Taylor Trahan somehow made it to the end of the second round at Androscoggin Bank Colisee, but a relentless Boyington punctuated a dominant performance with a rear naked choke at 1:08 of the third in the 150-pound main event at “NEF 32: Супер Субота."





Boyington (15-11) had fought in such diverse locales as New York City and Moscow since his most recent NEF appearance. He extended his winning streak in the promotion to four fights at the expense of Trahan (7-9).





Four other professional bouts and 10 amateur affairs highlighted the busy evening.




C.J. Ewer’s bid to become the first simultaneous NEF champion in two different divisions fell short against Kemran Lachinov.





Lachinov (6-2), a Bellator veteran based out of Ludlow, Масачусэтс, captured the vacant welterweight crown with a tapout to a kneebar at 3:01 у першым туры.




Ewer was undefeated in three previous pro fights, including a submission victory over Mike Hansen for the middleweight strap six months ago.





Hansen also absorbed a choke-out loss on this card. Coming off a week of controversy about their agreed-upon catch weight, Jesse “The Viking” Erickson showed that his apparent size disadvantage was no issue.





After dominating the early exchanges, Эрыксан (10-7) applied a guillotine. With Hansen (5-9) appearing unresponsive, the referee stepped in and stopped the contest at 2:41 у першым раўндзе.





Aaron Lacey rebounded from the first loss of his career, thoroughly dominating veteran Josh Parker in a 145-pound tangle. Лэйсі (5-1) controlled the lone round of the bout, dropping Parker (6-10) with a knee to the head. He maintained control with a vicious assault to the body, then sent Parker to dreamland via rear naked choke at 4:30.





Persistence paid off for independent mainstay Zenon Herrera, who picked up his first professional victory in his seventh try. Both Herrera and opponent Nate Charles have an extensive boxing background, but it was Herrera’s domination on the ground that paved the path to an unanimous decision.





In the headline amateur event, Ryan Burgess scored a narrow victory over Nate Boucher in a grueling, ground-and-pound flyweight fracas.





The bout between former Mountain Valley High School wrestling teammates was billed as a grudge match, fueled by a war of words on social media. Not surprisingly it ended in a lengthy embrace after the bell, with both men lying spent in the center of the cage.





There was little to choose between the Rumford rivals. Грамадзянін (3-2) pushed the attack in rounds two and three and may have gained the final 29-28 edge on two scorecards with a few well-placed knees to the midsection. Boucher (2-2) swept all three rounds in the other judge’s estimation.





З перамогай, Burgess snapped a two-fight losing skid and earned a June title fight against Justin Witham. Burgess initially won the title back in 2015.





Kam Арнольд (2-0) left an indelible impression on both the crowd and opponent Kyle Kenney in his first-round victory. After patiently finding a seam, Arnold slammed Kenney to the canvas early in the bout and gained the TKO with a barrage of strikes at the two-minute mark.





Former amateur light heavyweight champion Ryan Glover (4-2) made a triumphant return in his first appearance since losing the belt exactly one year ago. Glover ended a slugfest with newcomer Joe Berube by verbal submission to strikes in the opening seconds of the third round.





Mohammad Al-Kinani ran his amateur record to 3-0 with a first-round TKO of Isaac Therrien. It was Al-Kinani’s stand-up acumen against Therrien’s wrestling background, and Therrien gained the early advantage with three takedowns. He was unable to keep the action on the deck, аднак, and Al-Kinani’s fistic prowess proved too tough to overcome.





Likewise, Shawn Lunghi kept his record perfect through three fights with a first-round rear naked choke over previously unbeaten Devin Corson. The convincing, 68-second victory earned Lunghi an April shot at the amateur featherweight title against Taylor Costantino at NEF 33 in Portland.





Former University of Maine football standout Carlton Charles delivered the quickest knockout of the evening. Charles rebounded from his initial loss in November with a 12-second stoppage of Delmarkis Edwards, who was making his debut at 175 фунты.





Stacy Lupo picked up his first win in the cage over David Hart. Lupo used knees and kicks to gain the advantage before gaining the TKO via strikes at 1:10 of the opening round of the 155-pound scrap.





In a wildly entertaining women’s bout to christen the card, B.J. Garceau made a successful amateur debut with a split decision over Sarah Ziehm. All three judges offered a 29-28 verdict, but a strong start and authoritative finish gave Garceau the edge. Garceau dedicated her debut to awareness of diabetes, a disease she battles outside the cage.






Two other women’s bouts went the distance. Catie Denning won her debut by unanimous decision over Chelsea Elizabeth, while Amanda Gallo made her trip from Florida pay off with a clean sweep of the cards against 2017 NEF rookie of the year Jayda Bailey.





NEF returns to Portland, Мэн, at Aura on Субота, Красавіка 14. To purchase tickets for “NEF 33: Riptide,” go to www.auramaine.com and use pre-sale codeNEF.


Аб Новай Англіі баёў

Нью-Ингленд Баі ("NEF") з'яўляецца барацьба Рэкламныя акцыі кампаніі. Місія NeF заключаецца ў стварэнні самага высокага якасці мерапрыемствы для байцоў і прыхільнікаў. Выканаўчая каманда NeF мае шырокі вопыт у галіне кіравання адзінаборстваў, вытворчасць падзеі, па сувязях са СМІ, маркетынг, прававой і рэклама.


Льюистон, Мэн (Студзеня 19, 2018) - У ноч перад Нацыянальнай футбольнай лігай (НФЛ) пастаўляе сваю 2017-2018 фінал сезону, Нью-Ингленд Баі (NEF) will return to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston for the first time за восем месяцаў у якасці падарункаў прамаціравання бою “NEF 32: Супер Субота.” And while New England football fans will have to wait until гэтую нядзелю АФК гульні чэмпіянату, каб даведацца, ці будзе іх любімыя патрыёты гуляць у Суперкубку, вобласць вентылятары змешанага тыпу баявых мастацтваў сёння даведалася, якія з іх фаварытаў будуць спаборнічаць у “NEF 32” а кіраўнікі прасоўвання выпусцілі поўную карту барацьбы за 3 лютага падзея.



У галоўным падзеі вечара, Брус “Pretty Boy” Boyington (14-11) бярэ на сябе Тэйлар Trahan (7-8) at a catchweight of 150-pounds. One of the biggest MMA stars ever to come out of Maine, Boyington will make his return to the NEF cage after a two-year absence that saw him compete on the global stage in places like Russia and New York City’s famed Madison Square Garden. Trahan makes his third trip to Maine to compete. He is coming off a win over Connor Barry (3-2) Апошняя няўдача.



Аарон “Нястомны” Лэйсі (4-1) асобы з з Джош Паркер (6-9) у полулегком бой. Lacey suffered the first loss of his pro career in November when a fight he was arguably on the way to winning was stopped by a doctor due to a cut on Lacey’s head. Parker will look to continue his recent success in the MMA cage after recent victories over Andre Belcarris (0-2) і Дэрэк Шори (4-9).



CJ Ewer (3-0) is out to make history by becoming the first competitor to hold NEF championships simultaneously in multiple weight divisions. Ewer is the reigning NEF Pro Middleweight Champion. На “NEF, 32,” ён мае магчымасць захапіць NEF Pro паўсярэдняй вазе, калі ён сустракае Kemran Лачына (5-2) за вакантны рэмень.



Акрамя таго, у прафесійнай паўсярэдняй вазе акцыі будзе Майк “Вусы” Хансен (5-8) і Джэсі “Viking” Эрыксан (9-7) ў баі кошт як “Берсерк супраць. Viking.” Hansen and Erickson have developed a rivalry as coaches of local gyms Berserkers MMA and Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ), адпаведна.



Кажучы пра якія, Nate Boucher (2-1), прадукт CMBJJ, і Раян Берджесс (2-2) of Berserkers MMA will headline the amateur portion of the fight card. The flyweights, былыя таварышы па камандзе па барацьбе каманды Mountain Valley High School, have engaged in a recent war of words heading into the bout. The winner will be in line for a shot at the amateur flyweight title later this spring.



2017 NEF “Пачаткоўцам Года” Jayda “Lil Killah” Двор замка (1-0) вяртаецца ў клетку на 3 лютага для задавальнення Фларыды Аманда Gallo (0-1). Bailey made history in November at “NEF 31” стаўшы самым маладым канкурэнтам калі-небудзь канкураваць, (і выйгравайце), у клетцы NEF. She turned 18, законны ўзрост для канкуруючых ў ММА у штаце Мэн, усяго за тыдзень да пачатку мерапрыемства.



поўны “NEF 32” бой карты (могуць быць зменены):






150 Брус Boyington 14-11 (MMA Юнга) супраць Тэйлар Trahan 7-8 (Каманда Спасылка)



170*TITLE Kemran А.Н.Лачинов 5-2 (Каманда Спасылка) супраць CJ Ewer 3-0 (MMA Юнга)


170 Джэсі Эрыксан 9-7 (CMBJJ) супраць Майк Хансен 5-8 (Beserkers ММА)



155 Зянон Herrera 0-6 (Незалежны) супраць Нейт Чарльз 0-0 (Чарльз Барацьба сям'і)



145 Джош Паркер 6-9 (Бязлітасны MMA & Бокс) супраць Аарона Лэйсі 4-1 (MMA Юнга)






205 Раян Гловер 3-2 (агонь & Жалеза Лёгкая атлетыка) супраць Джо Berube 0-0 (3Ronin Лёгкая атлетыка)



175 Carlton Charles 1-1 (Чарльз Барацьба сям'і) супраць Delmarkis Эдвардс 0-0 (Незалежны)



155 Стэйсі Lupo 0-1 (аутлет) супраць Дэвід Харт 0-2 (Кені ў ММА)



145 Дэвін Corson 1-0 (аутлет) супраць Шона Lunghi 2-0 (RMNU)



135 Чэлсі Элізабэт 0-1 (Першы клас MMA) супраць ЦНИВО Деннинг 0-0 (MMA Юнга)



135 Kam Арнольд 1-0 (CMBJJ) супраць Кайл Кені 0-0 (Кені ў ММА)



135 Jayda Бейлі 1-0 (MMA Юнга) супраць Аманды Gallo 0-1 (RMNU)



125 Nate Boucher 2-1 (CMBJJ) супраць Раян Берджесс 2-2 (Beserkers ММА)



115 BJ Garceau 0-0 (MMA Юнга) Nice супраць Jepha 0-0 (Грэйс Brandon)




NeF ў наступным змешаных баявых мастацтваў падзея, “NEF 32: Супер Субота,” будзе бачыць, што кампанія робіць яго вяртанне да Androscoggin Bank Colisee ў Льюистона, Мэн. The event is scheduled to take place on Субота, Лютага 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online atwww.TheColisee.com.


Льюистон, Мэн (Снежні 29, 2017) - New England Баі (NEF) вяртаецца ў LEWISTON на Субота, Лютага 3, 2018 з наступным падзеяй змешаных баявых мастацтваў у прасоўваецца змагацца ў, “NEF 32: Супер Субота.” Раней сёння, NEF announced the addition of a professional catchweight bout to the card. Брус “Pretty Boy” Boyington (14-11) падпісаў кантракт на твар Тэйлар Trahan (7-8) у барацьбе вагой 150 фунтаў.

The fight will be the first for Boyington in the NEF cage since February 2016 when he successfully defended the NEF Lightweight Title against Jon Lemke (7-8). It was Boyington’s third defense of the belt since winning it in the late summer of 2014. After the Lemke defense, Boyington relinquished the championship in order to sign with the World Series of Fighting (WSOF).

While he has fought on many of the largest stages in the world over the past two years, including Madison Square Garden in New York City and halfway across the globe in Russia, Boyington is looking forward to his homecoming and the opportunity to once again fight before his many Maine fans.

“Мужчына, I couldn’t possibly be more excited to get inside the NEF cage, where I have molded my career, built my fan base and learned so much about myself over the years,” Саід Boyington. “I am so hungry to entertain people that I can guarantee everyone will want to see what’s going down! I live for this, і на 3 лютага, there will be some of the best MMA that has ever been on display from the State of Maine, and I’m grateful and humbled by the opportunity. My opponent is a respectable guy that I believe loves to fight and I want that in there. I wish him the very best in preparation, and I thank (NEF owners) Мэт (Петэрсан) and Nick (DiSalvo) once again for providing me a platform.

Boyington currently owns and operates Boyington’s Taekwondo of Bangor, Мэн. He also trains with Young’s MMA in the same city.

Taylor Trahan is a familiar face to NEF fans. He has competed twice for the promotion in the past. Trahan submitted Matt Denning (5-7) in the first round of their meeting atNEF 25.He returned to Maine just weeks later atNEF 26in a losing effort to Aaron Lacey (4-1). Trahan is coming off a win over Conor Barry (3-2) last month in New Hampshire. He represents Team Link of Hooksett.

“I’m looking forward to returning to NEF,” said Trahan. “They always put on a good show and treat the fighters right. I’m really looking forward to fighting Bruce. He definitely is the most experienced fighter I’ll be going up against so far.”

NeF ў наступным змешаных баявых мастацтваў падзея, “NEF 32: Супер Субота,” будзе бачыць, што кампанія робіць яго вяртанне да Androscoggin Bank Colisee ў Льюистона, Мэн. The event is scheduled to take place on Субота, Лютага 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online at www.TheColisee.com.


Льюистон, Мэн (Чэрвеня 1, 2017) - New England Баі (NEF) returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Чэрвеня 17 with a fight card featuring both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing bouts. Раней сёння, прасоўванне абвясціла аб поўнай карты змагацца за падзеі. The fight card is subject to approval of the Combat Sports Authority of Maine (CSAM). The boxing portion of the card will begin at 7 pm EDT with the MMA card to immediately follow.


In a highly-anticipatedSuperfight,” Maine MMA star Брус “Pretty Boy” Boyington (14-9 MMA, 1-0 бокс) will take on Maine’s premier boxer Расэл “The Haitian SensationLamour, Малодшы. (15-2, 7 КО) in a six-round boxing bout. The fight will be a dream match for fans who never expected to see each sportstop in-state athletes face one another. Boyington and Lamour have both been featured in nationally-televised bouts on NBC and ESPN in recent years. Lamour is the former New England Middleweight Champion, while Boyington held the NEF MMA Lightweight Title until relinquishing it last year to sign with the World Series of Fighting (WSOF) global promotion.


Bruce and Russell are at the top of their respective games,” noted NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson. “Russell is a great boxer, and he’s going to face a superb striker in the form of Taekwondo black belt Bruce Boyington. This is a true dream match for Maine fight fans.


The professional MMA portion of the fight card will feature the long-awaited return of former NEF MMA Featherweight Champion Рэй “Усе бізнес-” Дрэва (8-3) as he faces Brazilian prospect Аляксандр “Прыклад” Bezerra (19-5). Wood left Maine more than two years ago to re-settle in South Carolina and then Texas. Both Wood and Bezerra are veterans of the Bellator cage with a dozen fights between them for the national promotion.


When you consider both sides, this is probably the highest-level fight to ever take place in NEF,” сказаў NEF саўладальнік і прамоўтэр Нік DiSalvo. “This fight could easily be slid into any UFC card on FS1 or Fox and steal the show. Either one of these athletes could get the call up after this fight. Our fans are about to see something special.


The amateur MMA card will be headlined by a title fight with Рафаэль “Deez NutsVelado (4-0) defending the amateur lightweight championship against Maine Amateur Wrestling Alliance Hall of Famer Пэт Кэлі(3-0). At age 52, Kelly will be the oldest fighter to ever challenge for an NEF title.


In addition to the fights, legendary boxer Джэймс “Buster” Дуглас (38-6-1, 25 КО) will make an appearance atNEF 29as the guest of honor. Douglas will hold an hour-long meet-and-greet with fans at the Colisee from 6 вечара да 7 вечара prior to the opening bell. Longtime fans will remember Douglas as the architect of the greatest upset in professional sports history with his knockout of “Жалеза” Майк Тайсан (50-6, 44 КО) у 1990 to claim the world heavyweight title. Douglas halted the 37-fight undefeated streak that opened Tyson’s pro career.


поўны “NEF 29” бой карты (subject to change and approval of CSAM):


Прафесійны бокс

200 Crowsneck Бутин (Незалежны) супраць. Cristiano Pedro (Cugno)

168 Jason Quirk (PBC) супраць. Borngod Washington (Meekins)

160 Russell Lamour (PBC) супраць. Брус Boyington (Таэквон-Boyington ў)

154 Casey Kramlich (PBC) супраць. Bryan Goldsby (Jorge Gurgle)


Прафесійны ММА

265 рас Hylton (First Class/Dragon Fire) супраць. Eric Ramsey (Trinity)

145 Alexandre Bezerra (Daddis) супраць. Рэй Вуд (Nick’s)

145 Dominic Jones (Першы клас) супраць. Мэт Деннинг (CMBJJ)

145 Андрэ Белкарыс (NE Assassins) супраць. Джош Паркер (Бязлітасны)


Аматары ММА

155*НАЗВА Рафаэль Velado (Першы клас) (з) супраць. Пэт Кэлі (Young’s)

185 Mike Williams (CMBJJ) супраць. John Tefft (Першы клас)

185 Anthony Spires (Незалежны) супраць. Josh Jones (Першы клас)

150 Jacob Deppmeyer (Першы клас) супраць. Ben Harrington(CMBJJ)

145 Derek Daley (Першы клас) супраць. Frank Johanson (CMBJJ)

140 Glenn Kasabian (Nostos) супраць. Kam Арнольд (CMBJJ)

115 Alex Walker (Kaze) супраць. Sarah Ziehm (CMBJJ)



New England Fights returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine with its next event, “NEF 29: STARS & STRIPES,” у суботу, Чэрвеня 17, 2017. Tickets are on sale now at the Colisee box office 207-783-2009 х 525 і на сайце www.TheColisee.com. The event will be broadcast live on the FloCombat app on Roku and Apple TV and streamed live at www.FloCombat.com.


Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі пра навінкі карт падзей і бою, калі ласка, наведайце вэб-сайт прасоўванне па адрасе www.NewEnglandFights.com. У дадатак, Вы можаце глядзець відэа ў фармаце NEF ў www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “Нью-Ингленд Баі."


Аб Новай Англіі баёў

Нью-Ингленд Баі ("NEF") з'яўляецца барацьба Рэкламныя акцыі кампаніі. Місія NeF з'яўляецца стварэнне высокай якасці мерапрыемствы для байцоў і балельшчыкаў у штаце Мэн, так. Выканаўчая каманда NeF мае шырокі вопыт у галіне кіравання адзінаборстваў, вытворчасць падзеі, па сувязях са СМІ, маркетынг, прававой і рэклама.




ПРЭС-РЭЛІЗ: Льюистон, Мэн (Мая 19, 2017) – It was once rare for two athletes from different combat sports disciplines to compete against one another. У 1963, legendary catch wrestler and judo practitioner Gene Lebell took on journeyman boxer Milo Savage in a match credited as the grandfather of modern mixed-martial-arts (MMA). Пазней, у 1976, boxing world heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali faced Japanese wrestler and martial artist Antonio Inoki in an exhibition bout in Tokyo broadcast globally on closed-circuit television, a precursor to pay-per-view.


Recent years have seen more and more MMA fighters and boxers transition between the two sports. For some time now, rumors have swirled over a potential meeting of boxing mega-star Floyd Mayweather and reigning UFC lightweight kingpin Conor McGregor. Should the bout happen, it will undoubtedly be one of the highest-ever grossing matchups financially. And while both sides work out the details for that contest, Maine fight fans will get their own superfight on Saturday, Чэрвеня 17 in Lewiston when Расэл “The Haitian SensationLamour, Малодшы. (15-2, 7 КО – boxing record) адпавядае Брус “Pretty Boy” Boyington (14-9 – MMA record) in a six-round middleweight boxing match. It will be the boxing headliner of a hybrid MMA and boxing event presented by New England Fights (NEF) at the venerable Androscoggin Bank Colisee.


It is not that boxers and MMA fighters have never met each other in Maine in the past. They do often in NEF, which promotes both sports. What makes this asuperfightis the status of each athlete in the state. Сапраўды, Lamour and Boyington are to the current local fight scene what Mayweather and McGregor are to the global scene. They are both mega-stars in-state, each with his own army of loyal fans.


With all the talk of McGregor versus Mayweather, it’s an interesting match,” said Lamour’s coach and head of the Portland Boxing Club Bob Russo. “One of the best middleweights in New England in boxing versus one of the best lightweights in New England in MMA . I was pleasantly surprised when we were called out by Boyington. We had been offered a few different opponents that we agreed to and I guess they had second thoughts. Then we got the call that this challenge was on the table. This is something that will create a real buzz among boxing and MMA fans.


Lamour is the face of present-day professional boxing in Maine. He won more than 100 amateur bouts and is an eight-time regional Golden Gloves champion, a five-time New England regional champion and a Bronze Medalist in the 2009 USA Boxing championships among numerous other accomplishments. Lamour competed in the semi-pro World Series of Boxing where he was ranked number-one in the North American middleweight conference. Як прафесійны, Lamour has been outstanding. He captured the New England Middleweight Title in 2014. Lamour has competed on ESPN’s Пятніца Начныя баі boxing series before a national audience.


I will fight anyone that ends up in front of me,” said Lamour. “I respect the MMA fighters, they are all tough guys, but to challenge in the boxing ring is a major mistake. I’ll be in great shape and ready. He better be too!”


Брус Boyington, ветэран марской пяхоты Злучаных Штатаў (Марская пяхота ЗША), is no stranger to the boxing ring. He won his professional boxing debut in 2014 on an NEF card. Boyington is a world-class striker. He is a second-degree black belt in Taekwondo, an eight-time Maine state champion and a two-time national champion with countless tournament championships and medals to his credit in the traditional martial art.


It is Boyington’s success in the MMA cage, аднак, for which he is most well known. His flashy striking and knockout prowess earned him a reputation as thehuman highlight-reelof NEF. He captured the NEF MMA Pro Lightweight Title in 2014 and defended it successfully three times before relinquishing the belt to sign with the global World Series of Fighting (WSOF) promotion in 2016.


Since signing with WSOF, Boyington has fought on some of the largest stages the world has to offer, including Madison Square Garden in New York City on the undercard of an event broadcast nationally on NBC. He has traveled as far as Russia to fight for major international promotion Absolute Championship Berkut (ACB). With WSOF taking some time to regroup under new ownership as the “Прафесійныя Знішчальнікі ліга,” Boyington was looking to stay active while awaiting his next national bout. The opportunity to fight in front of his many hometown fans one more time was irresistible.


Boxing is his game, but I’ve had 25 professional fights and over 100 Taekwondo fights in my time,” Саід Boyington. “I’m excited and honored to share the ring with the best boxing has to offer. The only thing I’m ever after is a challenge, and I have one in Russell. It’s exciting to compete back home where it all essentially began for me with NEF, so I thank Matt (Петэрсан, NEF co-owner) and Nick (DiSalvo, NEF co-owner) for the opportunity and to Russelllet’s dance baby!”


New England Fights returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine with its next event, “NEF 29: STARS & STRIPES,” у суботу, Чэрвеня 17, 2017. Tickets are on sale now at the Colisee box office 207-783-2009 х 525 і на сайцеwww.TheColisee.com.


Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі пра навінкі карт падзей і бою, калі ласка, наведайце вэб-сайт прасоўванне па адрасе www.NewEnglandFights.com. У дадатак, Вы можаце глядзець відэа ў фармаце NEF ў www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “Нью-Ингленд Баі."


Аб Новай Англіі баёў

Нью-Ингленд Баі ("NEF") з'яўляецца барацьба Рэкламныя акцыі кампаніі. Місія NeF з'яўляецца стварэнне высокай якасці мерапрыемствы для байцоў і балельшчыкаў у штаце Мэн, так. Выканаўчая каманда NeF мае шырокі вопыт у галіне кіравання адзінаборстваў, вытворчасць падзеі, па сувязях са СМІ, маркетынг, прававой і рэклама.




Лас-Вегасе (Чэрвеня 15, 2016) -Мировой Серыі Fighting (WSOF.com) абвясціў сёння, што Thiago Meller has withdrawn from his scheduled welterweight (170 фунты) Конкурс ад John “Doomsday” Howard (23-12), якія цяпер будуць перажываць“Mad” Mike Arrant (15-10) in a middleweight (185 фунты) bout at the much-anticipated WSOF31: Ivanov vs. Copeland world championship doubleheader Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) падзея, жыць на NBCSN (9 p.m. І/6 p.m. PT) ад Foxwoods Resort Casino ў Mashantucket, Канэктыкут. на Пятніца, Чэрвеня 17.

У дадатак, непераможаным Marcus Surin (3-0) of Stamford, Канэктыкут. has been tabbed to step in for Сэм Уотфорд у запланаванае лёгкі (155 фунты) preliminary card contest against Christian “The Terminator” Torres (0-0) of Endicott, N.Y..

Originally hailing from Orlando, Штат Фларыда., 5 футаў 9, 28-year-old Arrant, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt, resides in Las Vegas, where he is a member of legendary champion Randy “The Natural” Couture’s Xtreme Couture fight squad.

Arrant is looking to return to the win column following a unanimous decision defeat in his last start on August 7, 2015, at the hands of two-time UFC veteran Brock Jardine.

Prior to the loss, Arrant had reeled off six consecutive victories, five of which he produced in the first round, by way of (T)КО або падпарадкаванне. Сустрэцца, 12 з яго 15 professional wins have been finishes.

During the six-fight win streak, Arrant seized his first championship – regional promotion SteelFist Fight Night’s welterweight title – with a first round (5:00) СААЗ (retirement) з Carl Dieckmann ў ліпені 12, 2013.

Like Arrant, the 5-foot-7, 33-year-old Howard boasts a phenomenal finish rate with 15 з яго 23 professional victories having come by way of (T)КО або падпарадкаванне.

Howard will make his promotional debut with World Series of Fighting following a second stint with the UFC that spanned seven fights and included wins over Урыя зала, Siyar Bahadurzada і Cathal Pendred.

Па кошце ад $39.99, tickets for WSOF31: Ivanov vs. Copeland are on sale at WSOF.com and Foxwoods.com.

Doors at The Grand Theatre at Foxwoods Resort Casino will open at 5 p.m. І, and the first of seven preliminary card bouts will begin at 5:45 p.m.

Уся папярэдняя бой карты будзе цячы ў прамым эфіры на ўбудоўваецца відэа-плэер на WSOF.com.

In the main event of the five-bout, жыць тэлеперадача NBCSN, reigning World Series of Fighting heavyweight champion Добры Іваноў (13-1) will put his title on the line against Josh “Cuddly Bear” Copeland (12-3).

У лёгкім сумесна Галоўнай падзеяй, суперзвезды Джэйсан "Канзас-Сіці Бандыт" Высокі (19-5) і Майк "Марсіянскі" Рычы (11-4) will square off with their division’s number one contender ranking at stake.



World Series of Fighting Heavyweight Championship Main Event:
Добры Іваноў (Чэмпіён) супраць. Josh Copeland (Прэтэндэнт)

Лёгкі сумесна Галоўнай падзеяй:
Джэйсан Высокая супраць. Майк Рычы

У сярэднім: John Howard vs. Mike Arrant
Полулегком вага: Луіс Паломино супраць. Sheymon Мораес
У сярэднім: Phil Hawes vs. Джош ключ


Лёгкі: Tom Marcellino vs. Дэвін Паўэл
Цяжкавагавік: Juliano Coutinho vs. Justin Willis
Цяжкавагавік: Tyler King vs. Ларэнца Гуд
Сярэдні вага: Robert Fonseca vs. Sean Lally
Лёгкі: Bruce Boyington vs. Саўл Алмейда
Найлёгкія вага: Радрыга Алмейда супраць. Ben Pierre-Saint
Лёгкі: Marcus Surin vs. Christian Torres



LIVE ON NBCSN AT 9 P.m. І ПА Пятніца, Чэрвеня 17


Лас-Вегасе (Мая 20, 2016) -Мировой Серыі Fighting (WSOF.com) has signed undefeated middleweight (185 фунты) перспектыва Phil Hawes (3-0) ў выключнай, Шматгадовыя рэкламныя пагаднення.

A product of the famed Jackson-Winklejohn camp in Albuquerque, Н.М., 6 футаў, 27-year-old Hawes who hails from Little Ferry, N.J., зробіць свой рэкламны дэбют супраць Joshua “The Prince of MMA” Key (6-11, 2 Паўночная Караліна) on the live, five-bout NBCSN telecast (9 p.m. І/6 p.m. PT) of WSOF31: Ivanov vs. Copeland, у Foxwoods Resort Casino ў Mashantucket, Канэктыкут. наПятніца, Чэрвеня 17.

“Phil is one of the most exciting, young prospects in the sport of MMA, so we are excited to welcome him to the World Series of Fighting family, and we look forward to seeing how his career develops under our promotion,"Сказаў Сусветны серыі Барацьба Прэзідэнта Бацька начальнікаў.

The matchup with Key will be Hawes’ first start since 2014, his professional debut year when he ran to three straight victories, the first two by way of TKO and the third – a first round victory over Brandon Collins на Кастрычнік 18 – by way of armbar submission.

A 2009 junior college national wrestling champion for Iowa Central Community College, the alma mater of UFC champion and Jackson-Winklejohn teammate Джон "Косці" Джонс, Hawes has been described by Jones as having“limitless” potential.

Па кошце ад $39.99, tickets for WSOF31: Ivanov vs. Copeland are on sale at WSOF.com and Foxwoods.com.

Doors at The Grand Theatre at Foxwoods Resort Casino will open at 5 p.m. І, і першы папярэдні бой карты пачнецца ў 6 p.m.

In the main event of the live NBCSN telecast, reigning world heavyweight champion Добры Іваноў (13-1) will risk his title against Josh “Cuddly Bear” Copeland (13-1).

In the lightweight (155 фунты) сумесна Галоўнай падзеяй, суперзвезды Джэйсан "Канзас-Сіці Бандыт" Высокі (19-5) і Майк "Марсіянскі" Рычы (11-4) will square off with their division’s number one contender ranking at stake.


World Series of Fighting Heavyweight Championship Main Event:
Добры Іваноў (Чэмпіён) супраць. Josh Copeland (Прэтэндэнт)

Лёгкі: Джэйсан Высокая супраць. Майк Рычы
Сярэдні вага: John Howard vs. Thiago Meller
Полулегком вага: Луіс Паломино супраць. Sheymon Мораес
У сярэднім: Phil Hawes vs. Joshua Key


Лёгкі: Tom Marcellino vs. Дэвін Паўэл
Цяжкавагавік: Juliano Coutinho vs. Justin Willis
Цяжкавагавік: Tyler King vs. Ларэнца Гуд
Сярэдні вага: Robert Fonseca vs. Sean Lally
Лёгкі: Bruce Boyington vs. Саўл Алмейда
Найлёгкія вага: Радрыга Алмейда супраць. Ben Pierre-Saint
Лёгкі: Sam Watford vs. Christian Torres