标记档案: 百老汇拳击

FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 完成首个周末双打比赛, 绘制超过 188,000 推动观众总数以上的观点 750,000

互动打斗系列已平均 108,000 每次广播的 Facebook 观看次数, 自此以来,超过四​​分之三的百万粉丝兴奋不已 五月 11.
纽约 (七. 19, 2017) – 有史以来第一个 “双打周末” 为 FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 系列看到了四个月大的孩子, 粉丝友好的 Facebook 平台吸引了超过 188,000 背靠背观看次数, 星期五星期六 DiBella Entertainment 和 CES Boxing 在新英格兰演出.

此外, 互动系列 – 除其他方面 – 拳击评论员和观众之间的实时对话创下了新的高分 40,714 喜欢, 喜欢, 评论和分享 在周五 从快活. 所有逐场观看的最终结果, 系列互动性和 Facebook 平台在美国的全球影响力. 以及英国的重要观众, 墨西哥和南美洲 – FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 仅在第七场演出就突破了新的里程碑,观看次数达到 75 万次.

“我们非常自豪 Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 免费提供, 在短短四个月内为超过四分之三的百万粉丝举办了精彩纷呈的活动, 通过公布每个节目的平均观众人数为 108,000 人,” 说 马克·弗拉托, 校长和业务发展总监, 利纳克尔媒体. “但除了数字之外, 我们对节目的呈现和制作方式非常满意. 我们已经能够向世界各地的粉丝展示崭露头角的拳手, 并帮助他们扩大根据地. 通过促进广播公司和观众之间关于战斗活动的实时互动,我们已经能够邀请观众参与行动, 决定和淘汰赛; 这是仅次于坐在场边座位的最好的事情。”

在编程的前四个多月里, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 系列的数据显示了新平台的希望和潜力,平均几乎 108,000 观看每场比赛的格斗迷. 在九月. 9 “实打实促销: 帝国” 从云顶赌场 (225,000), 八月CES “超级 星期六” 从快活 (203,000), 在九月. CES “双子河Twinbill” 从林肯, R.I. (157,000), 小罗伊·琼斯. “沙漠对决” 从凤凰城 (63,000), 五月 “激烈殴斗在太阳” 来自金神大赌场 (45,000), 六月 “罗斯蒙特隆隆声” 从芝加哥 (32,000) 和九月. 迪贝拉 “星期五 快活林之夜战斗” (32,000) 一共看了差不多 14,000 755,253 多名用户在所有设备上观看 Facebook 视频的总小时数.

除了原料收视人数, 完全互动, 粉丝友好的作品已经超过 122,819 集体生活后订婚 (17,700-再加上每场), 几乎包括了 88,000 “喜欢” 或 “爱,” 多于 13,000 评论和 4,200 多股. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 广播的观看者 76 %为男性, 24 %的女性. 最高人口由老年男性组成 25-34, 其中包括大约 30 观众的百分比, 一般.

在九月. 9 “实打实促销: 帝国” 设置一个新栏 224,658 观点和九月. 15-16 迪贝拉-CES的连携带的系列四分之三的-A-万人点击,在短短四个多月. 八月. 26 快活林 “超级 星期六” 节目单独站出来用 3,336 观看内容的实时时间, 而九月. 15 迪贝拉卡看到了超过 40,000 观众互动包括几乎 39,000 “喜欢” 或 “热爱。”

Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 自 5 月推出以来已完全免费向粉丝提供 2017 由 Barbour One 等系列企业合作伙伴提供推出 9, 人才管理和娱乐制作 (www.barbourone9.com) 和东北高级珠宝 (www.nefj.com).

许多 FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 卡牌均由世界知名播音员点名 雷弗洛雷斯 顶级拳击冠军, 欣欣拳击, HBO 拳击和 CBS 体育网络. 经常加入弗洛雷斯场边的是分析师,例如 迈克尔·伍兹 TalkBox 播客的, NYFights.com 和 Ring TV. 称重日通常会聘请在社交媒体上拥有大量粉丝的当地现场记者 “幕后” 录音采访和赛后报告.

创建和利纳克尔媒体产生了纽约市, 在FIGHTNIGHT LIVE系列的特色专业播音员, 多个摄像机角度, 电视图形, 重播和幕后的访问和采访. 流式传输的节目都可以在全球任何地方的Facebook可用. 不仅该计划使球迷从世界各地来调, 但也给了后起的战士一个全球性的平台,展示自己的能力, 给促销员的访问 “广播” 解决方案并给出了赞助商通过品牌内容达成大量观众的能力.

更多《FIGHTNIGHT LIVE》秋季版 2017 日期将在未来几周内正式公布.


按照通过在FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE在Facebook上社交媒体的所有行动, Instagram 上的@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE 和 Twitter 上的@FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_, 或通过使用#标签#FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. 有关最新利纳克尔媒体事件和广播时间表, 遵循@LinacreMedia在所有社交平台或使用该标签#LinacreMediaEvents或#LinacreMediaOnTV.

尼尔·肯尼迪 (Niall Kennedy) 战胜卫冕冠军亚历克西斯·桑托斯 (Alexis Santos),赢得争议性决定,夺得新英格兰重量级拳王头衔


亚历克西斯桑托斯 (L) VS. 尼尔·肯尼迪
(所有图片均由埃德·迪勒拍摄 / DiBella娱乐)
马山, CT (九月 16, 2017) – 不败的爱尔兰人尼尔 “BOOM BOOM” 肯尼迪在与卫冕冠军的十回合分歧判定中获胜,引起争议 亚历克西斯桑托斯 夺得昨晚的新英格兰重量级冠军 (星期六) 的主要事件 百老汇拳击 在福克斯剧院举行, 快活豪华赌场, 位于马山图克特, CT.
百老汇拳击 系列由 DiBella Entertainment 推广并由 Nissan of Queens 呈现, 阿扎德手表, OPTYX, 和克里斯托牛排馆. 昨晚的节目, 由 FightNight LIVE 在 Facebook 上直播, 与墨菲斯拳击协会联合推广.
肯尼迪 (9-0, 5 科斯), 在戈尔韦战斗, 爱尔兰, 途径波士顿, 在一场激烈的比赛中与桑托斯队交锋, 激烈的斗殴将被授予 N.E. 标题按分数 96-93, 96-93, 93-96. 大部分到场的粉丝, 除了肯尼迪的爱尔兰支持者之外, 场边媒体认为桑托斯, 从劳伦斯, 嘛, 有优势并且值得做出决定.
裁判 阿尔·洛比安科 在第九回合中,桑托斯因一次非常可疑的低击而被扣掉一分,并且在多米尼加美国人最后一轮的巨大冲刺中,绳索使肯尼迪保持直立,未能判定击倒。.
在协调功能回合, 前世界冠军 雪莉 “Shelito之路” 文森特 (20-1, 1 KO), 普罗维登斯, RI, 击败前世界冠军挑战者 天使 “马不停蹄” 格拉德尼 (9-13-1, 6 科斯) 在青少年轻量级比赛中. 色彩缤纷的文森特是整个战斗中的侵略者, 有效切断环, 击败格拉德尼并以不平衡的八回合一致判定击败格拉德尼 (80-72, 80-71 两次).
雪莉文森特 (L) 超越安吉尔·格拉德尼
康涅狄格州次中量级新星 “奇妙” Mykquan威廉姆斯 提高自己的纪录 8-0 (4 科斯), 在令人印象深刻的六轮一致判定中完全封锁 (全部 60-54) 赢得经验丰富、身高高得多的人的支持 被驱逐 “职业拳击手” 迪克森 (7-20-2, 2 科斯). 威廉姆斯今年 19 岁,来自东哈特福德,是曼彻斯特社区学院的新生.
Mykquan威廉姆斯 (L) 赢得另一场胜利
2012 乌克兰奥海 叶夫根 “乌克兰狮子” Khytrov (15-1, 13 科斯), 的战斗布鲁克林, 以近乎绝杀的八回合判定胜利从他唯一一次职业失利中恢复过来 (80-72 两次, 79-73) 战胜他一直强硬的超中量级对手, 久经沙场的老兵 起重机 “超人” 芬利 (27-22-1, 18 科斯).
“当我在失利后第一次开始训练时,情况有所不同,” 赫特罗夫赛后表示. “我开始更多地思考并努力防守; 更聪明地战斗,而不仅仅是争吵, 挥拳, 就像我在失去之前所做的那样. 四年前,我从一个不富裕的小国来到美国,成为世界冠军. 我觉得我又回到了正确的轨道上.
Ievgen Khytrov (ř) 以一场稳固的胜利反弹
新英格兰青年次中量级热门新星 阿德里安 “零陵香豆” 索萨 (5-0, 4 科斯) 在课堂上对抗墨西哥人 旧金山 “猴” 平均的 (11-10, 7 科斯), 并通过展示他的整体比赛保持不败, 进攻和防守. 劳伦斯的战斗, 嘛, 该 2014 两者都不. 业余冠军索萨在第一轮中以直右丢掉奖牌, 在第二局中,他偷偷摸摸地射门,并在第三局中,作为裁判,以一记清脆的右拳击中了太阳穴,结束了他的比赛 阿尔·洛比安科 立刻停止了动作.
职业首秀次中量级 尼基·德夸特罗 (1-0, 1 KO) 和 蒂莫西·惠勒 (0-1) 从开场钟声到德夸特罗期间一直在进行街头斗殴, 约翰逊的战斗, RI, 与一个过手的权利有关,导致他的纽约市竞争对手摔倒. 过了一会儿, DeQuattro 打出四拳组合,将惠勒打出完整的 10 数拳.
夜晚以前爱尔兰业余选手 Barnburner 开始 雷·莫耶特 (6-0, 2 科斯) 保持他不败的职业记录完好无损,但这确实不容易. 莫伊莱特在第二轮被击倒, 在下半场比赛中强势回归,与初级次中量级比赛进行六轮分歧判定 唐特·布莱恩特 (1-3-1, 1 KO).
MAIN EVENT – 两者都不. 重量级冠军
尼尔·肯尼迪 (8-0, 5 科斯), 戈里, 爱尔兰
WDEC10 (96-93, 96-93, 93-96)
共同特征 – 女子青少年轻量级
雪莉文森特 (20-1, 1 KO), 普罗维登斯, RI
WDEC8 (80-71, 80-71, 80-72)
安吉尔·格拉德尼 (9-13-1, 6 科斯), 哥伦比亚, 布鲁克林, 纽约
Ievgen Khytrov (15-1, 12 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约
WDEC8 (80-72, 80-72, 79-73)
德里克·芬利 (27-22-1 (18 科斯), 加里, 在
麦昆·威廉姆斯 (8-0, 4 科斯), 东哈特福德, CT
WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54)
TIE迪克森 (7-20-2 (2 科斯), Lancaster, PA
尼基·德夸特罗 (1-0, 1 KO), 约翰斯顿, RI
WKO1 (2:28)
蒂莫西·惠勒 (0-1, 0 KO), 纽约, 纽约
阿德里安·索萨(Adrian Sosa) (5-0, 4 科斯), 劳伦斯, 嘛
WTKO3 (0:30)
弗朗西斯科·梅德尔 (11-10, 7 科斯)
雷蒙德·莫伊莱特 (6-0, 2 科斯), 岛准备, 爱尔兰
WDEC6 (57-56, 57-56, 55-58)
唐特·布莱恩特 (1-3-1, 1 KO), 卡拉马祖, MY

DIBELLA ENTERTAINMENT 与 FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 合作将于 9 月交付. 15 “百老汇拳击” 在脸书上展示

风扇友好, 互动平台与快活林 (Foxwoods) 的长期直播格斗系列节目联手 在周五.
纽约 (七. 13, 2017) – 吸引了超过 200,000 最近两场节目的观众人数, Facebook的 FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 继续其九月节目,与世界上运行时间最长的格斗系列之一保持一致. 技术前沿, 粉丝友好的 Facebook 广播平台现已与 DiBella娱乐 提供下一版的促销活动 “百老汇拳击,” 康涅狄格州快活豪华赌场现场直播.

“我很高兴能够通过 FightNight LIVE 将百老汇拳击带到 Facebook 等影响广泛的社交媒体平台,” 说 娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁. “我们将免费直播整张卡片,并将有一支出色的评论员团队来呼吁这一行动, 与 Showtime 的 科里·厄德曼, 拳击/综合格斗明星 希瑟·哈代, 和哈特福德, 康涅狄格州前世界冠军挑战者约翰·斯卡利. 观众将欣赏到新英格兰重量级冠军的精彩阵容 亚历克西斯桑托斯 面对爱尔兰的 尼尔·肯尼迪 在主要事件, 与中量级竞争者一起 Ievgen Khytrov, 人气女格斗家 雪莉文森特, 东哈特福德 Mykquan威廉姆斯 以及其他本地人才。”

当地对手进行 10 回合重量级战斗,成为当晚的头条新闻, 亚历克西斯桑托斯 (18-1, 15 科斯), 劳伦斯, 质量。, 与爱尔兰发生冲突 尼尔·肯尼迪 (8-0, 5 科斯), 波士顿之外的战斗, 质量. 由 DiBella Entertainment 和 Fight Promotions Inc 联合推广, 中量级竞争者 叶夫根 “乌克兰狮子” Khytrov (14-1, 12 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约州, 与心烦意乱的专家战斗 起重机 “超人” 芬德利 (27-21-1, 18 科斯), 加里的, 工业。, 联合主赛事超过八轮. 新英格兰球迷最爱 “奇妙” Mykquan威廉姆斯 (7-0, 4 科斯), 东哈特福德, 康涅狄格州, 将回归久经沙场 TIE迪克森, 兰开斯特, 佩恩。, 超过六轮. 女子八回合青少年轻量级对决, 雪莉 “Shelito之路” 文森特(19-1, 1 KO) 广场抵销 天使 “马不停蹄” 格拉德尼 (9-12-1, 6 科斯).

“在前五个月里,我们见证了 Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 成长为一个真正的全球平台, 我们很高兴有这么多发起人注意到. 周五 与 DiBella Entertainment 合作的卡包含与国际杰出人物和地区明星的高质量比赛, 我们很高兴长期运行, 像《百老汇拳击》这样的高质量剧集在 Facebook 上找到了新家,” 说 马克·弗拉托, 校长和业务发展总监, 利纳克尔媒体.

在编程的前五个月里, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 系列的数据显示了新平台的希望和潜力,平均超过 113,000 观看每场比赛的格斗迷. 在九月. 9 “实打实促销: 帝国” 从云顶赌场 (224,658), 八月 “超级 星期六” 从快活 (203,000), 小罗伊·琼斯. “沙漠对决” 从凤凰城 (63,000), 五月 “激烈殴斗在太阳” 来自金神大赌场 (45,000) 和六月 “罗斯蒙特隆隆声” 从芝加哥 (32,000) 总共看到了超过 12,700 超过 567,000 名用户在所有设备上观看 Facebook 视频的总小时数.

除了原料收视人数, 完全互动, 粉丝友好的作品已经超过 71,000 集体生活后订婚 (14,000-再加上每场), 包括超过 40,400 “喜欢” 或 “爱,” 多于 10,300 评论和 3,200 多股. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 广播的观看者 76 %为男性, 24 %的女性. 最高人口由老年男性组成 25-34, 其中包括大约 30 观众的百分比, 一般.

在九月. 9 “实打实促销: 帝国” 设置一个新栏 224,658 观看次数并在不到四个月的时间里使该系列节目的观看次数超过 50 万次, 而八月. 26 快活林 “超级 星期六” 节目单独站出来用 201,935 观点 3,336 内容直播时间, 同 8,224 观众互动包括 1,133 “喜欢” 或 “爱,” 1,570 评论和 1,392 分享.

Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 自 5 月推出以来已完全免费向粉丝提供 2017 由 Barbour One 等企业合作伙伴提供 9, 人才管理和娱乐制作 (www.barbourone9.com) 和东北高级珠宝 (www.nefj.com).

在周五 夜晚, 七. 15, 从福克斯伍兹直播, 球迷们可以期待一个高冲击, 多摄像头流媒体体验完整的图形, 动画, 重播, 采访和由详细播音员主持的播音团队 科里·厄德曼 表演时间, VICE 拳击场景. 埃德曼将与前世界排名轻重量级选手一起参加节目 “冰人” 约翰·斯卡利, 布鲁克林自己的 WBC 国际女子超轻量级冠军头衔持有者 石南属 “热火” 哈迪 迪贝拉本人担任分析师. 为观众提供完全互动的场边体验, 评论家会问,并在整个直播从Facebook的听众的提问作出回应.

创建和利纳克尔媒体产生了纽约市, 在FIGHTNIGHT LIVE系列的特色专业播音员, 多个摄像机角度, 电视图形, 重播和幕后的访问和采访. 流式传输的节目都可以在全球任何地方的Facebook可用. 不仅该计划使球迷从世界各地来调, 但也给了后起的战士一个全球性的平台,展示自己的能力, 给促销员的访问 “广播” 解决方案并给出了赞助商通过品牌内容达成大量观众的能力.

更多《FIGHTNIGHT LIVE》秋季版 2017 日期将在未来几周内正式公布.


按照通过在FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE在Facebook上社交媒体的所有行动, Instagram 上的@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE 和 Twitter 上的@FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_, 或通过使用#标签#FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. 有关最新利纳克尔媒体事件和广播时间表, 遵循@LinacreMedia在所有社交平台或使用该标签#LinacreMediaEvents或#LinacreMediaOnTV.



Matt Remillard (ř) continued his comeback last night with a big win at Foxwoods
(all pictures by Emily Harney / DiBella娱乐)

马山, CT (六月 4, 2017)The amazing comeback of 马特 “夏普射手” Remillard continued last night as the popular Connecticut lightweight stopped 法蒂乌·法西努百老汇拳击 headliner held in Fox Theater, 快活豪华赌场, 位于马山图克特, CT.
百老汇拳击 系列由 DiBella Entertainment 推广并由 Nissan of Queens 呈现, 阿扎德手表, OPTYX, 和克里斯托牛排馆.
Remillard, 30, was the No. 2-ranked featherweight in the world in 2011, when he lost to future world champion 米奇·加西亚 (LRTD11). 离开曼彻斯特, CT, tonight’s fight was Remillard’s first in his home state in six-and-a-half years, due to him serving a five-year prison sentence. He returned to the ring this past April, taking an eight-round decision from Agustine Mauras, 在伍斯特, 嘛.
在首轮比赛中, Remillard (25-1, 14 科斯) and the slick Benin-native, former WBC International Silver champion Fassinou (27-6-3, 14 科斯) got to know each other as both fighters were cautious. Remillard opened up in the second round, using his left to the body, dropping Fassinou in his corner during the final seconds. Remillard pressed the action in the third, peppering Fassinou around the ring in his familiar punishing style, putting Fassinou in his “夏普射手” sights for target practice in the fourth. Fassinou failed to answer the bell for the fifth round.
Against a southpaw, the left hook to the liver is there, a punch I’m known for,” Remillard commented after the fight. “He was a little sloppier than I expected. 我感觉很好; 我 24/7 in the gym. Maybe I’ll have one more fight this year to get in some rounds, and then get ready for a big 2018. I want a rematch with Garcia, 在 135 或 140 英镑, 100-百分. He owes me a rematch. The guy he beat wasn’t me.
Ruslan Shamalov (L) & George Arias turned in the Fight of the Night
在共同特征, two New York City-based heavyweights, 6’5″ Russian Ruslan Shamalov (4-1, 3 科斯) and Dominican Gentleman” 乔治·阿里亚斯 (7-0, 3 科斯), fighting out of Brooklyn and the Bronx, 分别, put their undefeated records on the line. Shamalov’s power punches rocked the much shorter 5’11Arias in the first round, but Arias stayed off the ropes and boxed much better in the second. The two fighters exchanged bombs throughout a terrific third round and, 不知何故, the fourth was even better with back-and-forth, non-stop action. The pace subsided slightly in the fifth round, setting the stage for a bombs-away sixth and final frame that didn’t disappoint.
Shamalov and Arias fought a furious pace, especially for heavyweights, in a legitimate six-round “年度扑灭” 候选人. Arias, the leader of Team Wash EmUp in the Bronx, won a six-round unanimous decision by scores of 60-54, 59-55, 和 58-56.
This win was humungous for me,” said an overjoyed Arias, after his first six-round fight. “I had a game plan, but once he hurt me in the first round, my heart took over and I just fought. I like to fight for the people, so I held on in the first instead of taking a knee.
Mykquan威廉姆斯 (ř) celebrated his high school graduation a little early
Crowd favorite “奇妙” Mykquan威廉姆斯 (7-0, 4 科斯) gave himself an early high school graduation present as the East Hartford fighter defeated Nicaraguan welterweight ArielLa Guerra” 瓦斯奎兹 (13-18-2, 9 科斯) in the former’s first six-round bout. The 19-year-old Williams, a five-time national amateur champion, is a budding star with tremendous upside. Poised beyond his years, Williams controlled the pace against his battle-tested southpaw opponent, 是谁 11 years Williamssenior, displaying his vast arsenal of punches, especially his left-right combination that landed consistently. 威廉姆斯’ fast hands exploded for the first time at the end of the second round, then he picked up his assault in the third, as he cruised to a six-round shutout decision, with three tallies of 60-54.
Williams graduates on 六月 20 from Prince Tech. “That was a good graduation present,” 威廉姆斯说. “My hand speed played a big factor. 他是个硬汉, especially for my first six-rounder.
Jennifer Salinas (ř) had too much for Marquita Lee
羽量级冠军 詹妮弗 “The Bolivian Queen” 萨利纳斯 (20-4, 5 科斯) 打败 马奎塔·李 (3-5) by way of a hard-fought six-round unanimous decision. 萨利纳斯, 的战斗普罗维登斯, 自始至终都是侵略者, but Lee never took a backward step. 记分卡 59-55 两次, 和 58-56, all for Salinas.
Fighting a much more experienced and taller opponent from Africa, promising Lynn, 硕士前景 基里 “TNT” 托德 (5-0, 5 科斯) won his fifth pro fight, 所有淘汰赛. 一 2016 新英格兰金手套冠军, Todd gained invaluable experience against cagey super welterweight Nicolas Sarouna (12-9-1, 9 科斯), of Togo, who took a knee after getting hit by a sneaky uppercut in the third round. Sarouna failed to beat the 10-count as Todd improved his perfect record, with a TKO stoppage at the 1:32 马克.
Radzhab Butaev left Abraham Alvarez on the mat in serious pain
Unbeaten Russian middleweight prospect RadzhabThe PythonButaev (6-0, 4 科斯) was too much for Mexican 亚伯拉罕 “The Swift” 阿尔瓦雷斯 (20-11-1, 11 科斯). Butaev dropped Alvarez early with a vicious left hook, from which Alvarez never fully recovered. A brutal right to the liver put the Mexican on mat once again, in obvious pain, 作为裁判 乔伊卢皮诺 immediately waved off the fight at 1:05 of round one.
Cuban cruiserweight 路易斯 “莱昂” 加西亚 (15-0, 12 科斯) kept his perfect pro record intact with a first-round knockout of his outclassed Mexican opponent 费利佩·罗梅罗 (19-14-1, 13 科斯), 战斗圣地亚哥出来. Now living in Peekskill, 纽约, Garcia dropped Romero with an overhand right in the opening seconds and he never let up, consistently hurting Romero with a series of devastating rights. Garcia closed the show with a powerhouse uppercut, leading referee Johnny Callas to halt the action at the 1:48 马克.
Three-time Puerto Rican National Boxing team member 何塞·罗马 (4-0, 3 科斯) went the distance for the first time against a game 威廉希尔 (2-3), 底特律. The skilled Puerto Rican super welterweight applied pressure from the opening bell, using a fierce body attack on Hill, who was trapped on the ropes for most of the fight. The judges tallied 40-36 两次, 和 39-37, all for Roman via unanimous decision.
DiBella Entertainment’s unbeaten featherweight contender Luis Rosa also fought 周六, headlining a card at the Floyd Little Athletic Center in his hometown of New Haven, CT, facing Carlos Osorio, 马那瓜, 尼加拉瓜. Rosa pressured his adversary throughout the contest, wearing him down with a steady attack to the body. Osorio was game and had a stiff jab, though the hometown favorite’s combinations on the inside helped to diminish the Nicaraguan’s punch output. Believing that Osorio had taken a great deal of punishment, the referee halted the contest at the 1:25 圆6马克, awarding Rosa the TKO victory. 同赢, Rosa improved to 23-0 (11 科斯), while Osorio’s record dropped to 13-7 (5 科斯).
Matt Remillard (25-1, 14 科斯), 曼彻斯特, CT
WTKO4 (3:00)
法蒂乌·法西努 (27-6-3, 14 科斯), Cotonou, 贝宁
共同特征 – 权重股
乔治·阿里亚斯 (7-0, 3 科斯), 布朗克斯, 纽约
WDEC6 (60-54, 59-55, 58-56)
Ruslan Shamalov (4-1, 3 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约
路易斯·加西亚 (15-0, 12 科斯), Peekskill, 纽约
WTKO1 (1:48).
费利佩·罗梅罗 (19-14-1, 13 科斯), 圣地亚哥, 例如
拉扎布·布塔耶夫 (6-0, 5 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约
WTKO1 (1:05)
Abraham Alvarez (20-11-1, 11 科斯), El Rosario, 墨西哥
克里斯·托德(Khiry Todd) (5-0, 5 科斯), 林恩, 嘛
WKO3 (1:32)
Nicolas Sarouna (12-9-1, 9 科斯), Lome, Togo
何塞·罗马 (4-0, 3 科斯), 巴亚蒙, 波多黎各
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
威廉希尔 (2-3), 底特律, MY
麦昆·威廉姆斯 (7-0, 4 科斯), 东哈特福德, CT
WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54)
阿里尔·巴斯克斯 (13-18-2, 9 科斯), 马那瓜, 尼加拉瓜
Jennifer Salinas (20-4, 5 科斯), 普罗维登斯, RI
WDEC6 (59-55, 59-55, 58-56)
马奎塔·李 (3-5), Novato, 例如
叽叽喳喳 & Instagram的: @DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT


马山, CT (六月 2, 2017)All the boxers made weight today for today (周六, 六月 3) 百老汇拳击 event to be held in Fox Theater, 快活豪华赌场, 位于马山图克特, CT,
The popular 百老汇拳击 系列由 DiBella Entertainment 推广并由 Nissan of Queens 呈现, 阿扎德手表, OPTYX, 和克里斯托牛排馆, will showcase some of New England’s top fighters.

主要事件 – 轻量级 — (8)

(L) Matt Remillard (24-1, 13 科斯), 曼彻斯特, CT 135 磅.

(ř) 法蒂乌·法西努 (27-5-3, 14 科斯), Cotonou, 贝宁 133 磅.
共同特征 – 权重股 (6)
(L) Ruslan Shamalov (4-0, 3 科斯), 布鲁克林, 经俄罗斯纽约 233 磅.
(ř) 乔治·阿里亚斯 (6-0, 3 科斯), 布朗克斯, NY by way of Dominican Republic 230 磅.
welterweights的 (6)
(L) 麦昆·威廉姆斯 (6-0, 4 科斯), 东哈特福德, CT 146 磅.
(ř) 阿里尔·巴斯克斯 (13-17-2, 9 科斯), 马那瓜, 尼加拉瓜 147 磅.
Female Super Lightweights (6)
(L) Jennifer Salinas (19-4, 5 科斯), 普罗维登斯, RI 135 磅.
(ř) 马奎塔·李 (3-4), Novato, 例如 132 磅.
Super Welterweights (4)
(L) 克里斯·托德(Khiry Todd) (4-0, 4 科斯), 林恩, 嘛 149 磅.
(ř) Nicolas Sarouna (12-8-1, 9 科斯), Lome, Togo 148 磅.
middleweights的 (8)
(L) 拉扎布·布塔耶夫 (5-0, 4 科斯), 布鲁克林, 经俄罗斯纽约 153 磅.
(ř) Abraham Alvarez (20-10-1, 11 科斯), El Rosario, 墨西哥 157 磅.
轻量级 (6)
(L) 路易斯·加西亚 (14-0, 11 科斯), Peekskill, NY by way of Cuba 194 磅.
(ř) 费利佩·罗梅罗 (19-13-1, 13 科斯), 圣地亚哥, CA by way of Mexico 195 磅.
Super Welterweights (4)
(L) 何塞·罗马 (3-0, 3 科斯), 巴亚蒙, 波多黎各 149 磅.
(ř) 威廉希尔 (2-2), 底特律, MY 148 磅.
什么: “百老汇拳击” 职业拳击
什么时候: 星期六, 六月 3, 2017
WHERE: 福克斯剧院, 康州快活大赌场, Mashantucket, CT
环播音员: Dave Diamante
门打开: 7:00 P.M. AND
第一回合: 7:30 P.M. AND
门票: 售价 $125, $75 和 $45. Tickets can be purchased online at Foxwoods.com, Tick​​etmaster.com, 通过调用 800-200-2882, or visiting the Foxwoods box office
叽叽喳喳 & Instagram的: @DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT
星期六, JUNE 3


星期六, JUNE 3
纽约, 纽约 (5/22/17) – 上 星期六, 六月 3, DiBella Entertainment will return to the Fox Theater at Foxwoods Resort Casino, 位于马山图克特, CT, for the latest exciting installment of its popular 百老汇拳击 系列, presented by Nissan of Queens, 阿扎德手表, OPTYX, 和克里斯托牛排馆. The card will feature a bevy of New England talent, including fan favorite Shelly “Shelito之路” Vincent in an eight-round special attraction featherweight bout, as well as lightweight Matt Remillard on the comeback and welterweight prospect Mykquan Williams on the rise.
I am happy to bring another great card back to Foxwoods, which continues to be a terrific venue for 百老汇拳击,” 说娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁. “Fans will not want to miss the always-entertaining Shelly Vincent, who is a great ambassador for women’s boxing. The stacked undercard will include local New England favorites Matt Remillard, Mykquan威廉姆斯, 乔纳森·菲格罗亚, and Khiry Todd, as well as Russian future world champion Radzhab Butaev and a battle between unbeaten heavyweight prospects Ruslan Shamalov and George Arias.
One of the most popular fighters out of the New England area, 雪莉 “Shelito之路” 文森特 (19-1, 1 KO), born in New London, CT, but now residing in Providence, RI, will compete at Foxwoods for the seventh time, in an eight-round featherweight bout. 去年八月, Vincent entered enemy territory to challenge rival Heather Hardy in her adversary’s hometown of Brooklyn, 纽约. Their highly publicized grudge match was nationally televised by NBC Sports Net and was hailed by Ring Magazine as theFemale Fight of the Year” 为 2016. Vincent was also honored by the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame as their “年度战斗机” 为 2016, becoming the first female recipient of the award. She rebounded from her only defeat with a unanimous decision victory on 十二月 2, back home in Rhode Island. Before turning pro in October 2011, Vincent was a Connecticut State, 康涅狄格州金手套, and National Golden Gloves champion as an amateur. Managed by Mike Criscio and trained by Peter Manfredo Sr., Vincent signed with DiBella Entertainment in 2016.
马特 “夏普射手” Remillard (24-1, 13 科斯), 哈特福德, CT, will continue his comeback, following a six-year ring absence, 在八轮轻量级回合. It will be his first fight in his home state since November 2010. 亲自 2005, Remillard is a former WBC Youth, WBC-USNBC, NABF and NABO featherweight champion. His only loss came in March 2011 to the unbeaten Mikey Garcia, now the WBC world lightweight champion. He is trained by Paul Cichon, a local legend and community leader, out of Manchester Ring of Champions Society boxing gym. 作为一个业余爱好者, Remillard accumulated a record of 115-25, and was a two-time Everlast Under-19 National amateur champion.
Highly touted East Hartford welterweight prospect Mykquan威廉姆斯 (6-0, 4 科斯) has kept a busy pace since turning pro last April. Promoted by DiBella Entertainment and managed by Jackie Kallen, the 19-year-old Williams will return to Foxwoods, where he has built a strong following, for the sixth time, in his first scheduled six-rounder. Williams is also trained by Cichon, whom he’s known since he was a child and looks upon as a surrogate father. His biological father was murdered when Mykquan was just a week old. Williams was a decorated amateur with a 45-13 记录, 三金牌表演,马戏团世锦赛突出, in addition to winning the PAL Tournament and Silver Gloves Championships.
Unbeaten New York-based heavyweights will collide in their toughest tests to date, when Russian Ruslan Shamalov (4-0, 3 科斯) meets Dominican 乔治·阿里亚斯 (6-0, 3 科斯) 在六轮比赛.
Born in Cherkessk, 俄罗斯, and now living in Brooklyn, the 6’5Shamalov was a two-time amateur MMA champion before switching to boxing and engaging in 30 amateur bouts while participating on the Russian National team. Shamalov turned pro in October 2016 and is trained by Eduard Kravtsov out of Wild Card Gym, 在洛杉矶, 例如. 在他的最后一个回合上 四月 5, Shamalov returned home to Russia and registered a first-round knockout versus Oleksandr Nesterenko in 43 秒.
Arias was born in San Francisco de Macoris, 多明尼加共和国, then moved to New York City in 1996, at four years old. 然而, it wasn’t until graduating high school that Arias learned to box at Morris Park Boxing Gym near his home in The Bronx. He won the New York Golden Gloves tournament in 2014 then turned pro that October. Arias recently returned from a 13-month ring hiatus with a four-round unanimous decision versus Jamal Woods in Lawrenceville, GA, 四月 29.
Cuban cruiserweight 路易斯·加西亚 (14-0, 11 科斯), based out of Peekskill, 纽约, 将在六轮比赛中看到比赛. After being denied a berth on the Cuban Olympic team, despite winning in the Cuban Olympic qualifiers preparing for the Games in Beijing, Garcia defected from his native land and settled in Cork, 爱尔兰, where he turned pro in September 2008. Having built his record to a perfect 11-0 over the next 26 个月, Garcia then relocated to the United States to resume his career. 十二月 5, 2015, Garcia made his New York debut at Barclays Center, 布鲁克林, earning a 63-second knockout versus Willie Williams. Anther first-round knockout followed in his last bout on June 25, 2016, 布法罗运行赌场, 在迈阿密, 行.
Russian amateur prodigy 拉扎布·布塔耶夫 (5-0, 4 科斯), co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Fight Promotions Inc. and managed by Vadim Kornilov, will make his second appearance at Foxwoods in an eight-round contest. 上 十一月 19, Butaev earned an eight-round shutout victory versus experienced Hungarian Gabor Gorbics to win the NABF junior middleweight title. 在他的最后一个回合, 上 四月 5, Butaev returned to Russia to stop Baxrom Payazov inside one round. The 22-year-old Butaev, born in Salsk, 俄罗斯, and now living in Los Angeles, was a highly accomplished amateur, having compiled an incredible 304-12 记录, 同 164 击倒. He participated in the World Series of Boxing as well, finishing at 9-1.
A native of the boxing rich city of Bayamon, 波多黎各, 何塞·罗马 (3-0, 3 科斯) will make his US debut in a four-round welterweight contest. Roman began boxing at 13 years of age amassing a stellar 124-17 amateur record along the way. He joined the Puerto Rican National team in 2012, winning three consecutive National championships from 2013-2015.
Junior welterweight 乔纳森·菲格罗亚 (2-1, 1 KO), 哈特福德, CT, will fight in a four-round contest. Managed by Vinny Scolpino, Figueroa turned pro on a 百老汇拳击 card held at Foxwoods on 九月 1 去年. Training out of Hartford PAL gym, Figueroa was a 2012 Golden Gloves champion as an amateur.
次中量级 克里斯·托德(Khiry Todd) (3-0, 3 科斯), 从林恩, 嘛, will make his Connecticut debut in a four-round contest. The 25-year-old Todd had 40 amateur bouts and won the New England Golden Gloves tournament before turning pro last December with a 42-second demolition of Patrick Leal.
门票 六月 3 百老汇拳击 事件, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by Nissan of Queens, 阿扎德手表, OPTYX, 和克里斯托牛排馆, 售价为 $125, $75 和 $45. Tickets can be purchased online at Foxwoods.com, Tick​​etmaster.com, 通过调用 800-200-2882, or visiting the Foxwoods box office. 门开处 7:00下午, with the first fight scheduled for 7:30下午.

德隆巴击败科沃特,费尔南德斯在 DBE 首秀中大放异彩

(所有图片均由 Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment 提供)
马山, CT (九月 2, 2016) – 新英格兰拳击手在昨晚的比赛中占据主导地位 百老汇拳击, 由 DiBella Entertainment 主办,皇后区 Nissan 赞助, 光提克斯, Azad 手表和 Christos 牛排馆, 在马山图克特快活豪华赌场的福克斯剧院举行, 康涅狄格.
罗德岛轻量级 “好的” 尼克DeLomba (11-1, 2 科斯) 击败前佛罗里达州金手套冠军 阿莫斯 “2 光滑” 科沃特 (11-2-1, 9 科斯) 八回合一致判定爆冷获胜.
Madelon, 他是五名未尝一败获胜的新英格兰人之一, 向考尔特发起战斗, 击败他并有效反击. 科沃特在主赛事中无法遏制德隆巴的左右移动或连击.
“每个人都看着我并认为他们要攻击我的身体,” 德隆巴在比赛结束后欣喜若狂地说. “没有人能像我一样顺利,我会继续这样做。”
尼克DeLomba (ř) 劳累的科沃特
在共同特征, 新墨西哥州超羽量级 何塞 “矮子” 萨利纳斯 (10-2-1, 5 科斯) 站得高高的, 令人惊叹的阿尔巴尼亚本土人 Dardan Zenunaj (12-2, 9 科斯), 谁接受过培训罗伯特·加西亚. 现在正在比利时之外战斗, 泽努纳吉没能提前淘汰萨利纳斯,他在后面几轮为此付出了代价. 血迹斑斑、伤痕累累, 萨利纳斯拒绝停止挥拳, 和他巨大的胸怀换来了八回合的一致判定胜利.
何塞·萨利纳斯 (Jose Salinas) 惊艳亮相
不败的西班牙人 乔恩 “琼弗” 费尔南德斯 (9-0, 7 科斯) 利用巨大的身高和臂展优势击败了强硬的墨西哥对手 纳西夫 “小屋” 城堡 (17-9-2, 5 科斯) 直到裁判 乔伊卢皮诺 第五轮中途停止行动. 费尔南德斯最近与迪贝拉娱乐公司和传奇拳击手签署了促销合同 塞尔吉奥·马丁内斯.
约翰·费尔南德斯 (ř) 卸货于纳西夫卡斯蒂略
布鲁克林轻量级韦斯利·费雷尔 (12-0, 6 科斯), 一 2013 纽约市金手套冠军, 通过击败安吉尔·菲格罗亚 (Angel Figueroa) 保持不败记录 (4-4-1). 裁判亚瑟·麦坎特制止了这场打斗 20 进入第七轮的秒数.
韦斯利·费雷尔 (L) 对于安吉尔·菲格罗亚来说实在是太难受了
感人的高中生 “奇妙” 麦基·威廉姆斯 (4-0, 2 科斯) 卸载了三拳组合,将其击倒 大卫·纳尔逊 (3-6, 1 KO) 刚 24 秒进入第一轮. 18岁的威廉姆斯, 战东哈特福德的出, 正在迅速成长为后起之秀.
伍斯特, MA羽量级 欧文·冈萨雷斯 (2-0, 2 科斯) 仅需两分钟即可击倒 胡安·穆尼兹 (0-5). 20岁的冈萨雷斯, 他的职业首秀也在首轮比赛中华丽结束, 德州人遭到一连串的拳打脚踢,直到裁判梅尔坎特介入,才使德州人免受额外伤害。.
欧文·冈萨雷斯 (ř) 前景广阔
在一对职业首次亮相的拳击手之间进行的一场充满动感的比赛, 东哈特福德次中量级 安东尼劳雷亚诺 (1-0) 以四轮多数决定战胜费城队 纳希尔·奥尔布赖特(Nahir Albright) (0-1). 21岁的劳雷亚诺是一名 2016 新英格兰金手套冠军.
安东尼劳雷亚诺 (ř) 和纳希尔·奥尔布赖特参战
球迷喜爱 乔纳森 “光滑” 菲格罗亚 (1-0, 1 KO), 在附近的哈特福德进行战斗, 在他的职业首秀中取得了令人印象深刻的表现, 击败费城次中量级 德米特里厄斯·威廉姆斯 (0-2) 在第四轮. 菲格罗亚, 一 2012 南新英格兰金手套冠军, 击垮了威廉姆斯并用强有力的右手结束了事情.
安东尼劳雷亚诺 (1-0, 0 科斯), 东哈特福德, CT
WDEC4 (39-37, 39-37, 38-38)
纳希尔·奥尔布赖特(Nahir Albright) (0-1, 0 科斯), 费城, Pennsylvania
乔纳森·菲格罗亚 (1-0, 1 科斯), 哈特福德, CT
WKO4 (1:58)
德米特里厄斯·威廉姆斯 (0-2), 费城, PA
麦基·威廉姆斯 (4-0, 3 科斯), 东哈特福德, CT
WKO1 (0:24)
大卫·纳尔逊 (3-6, 1 KO), 劳顿, 行
尼克DeLomba (11-1, 2 科斯), 克兰斯顿, RI
WDEC8 (80-72, 80-72, 78-74)
阿莫斯科沃特 (11-1-1, 9 科斯), 格罗夫兰, FL
约翰·费尔南德斯 (10-0, 8 科斯), 毕尔巴鄂, 瓦斯科乡村, 西班牙
WKO5 (1:45)
纳西夫·卡斯蒂略 (17-10-2, 5 科斯), 科苏梅尔, 金塔纳罗奥州, 墨西哥
韦斯利·费雷尔 (12-0, 7 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约
WTKO7 (0:20)
安赫尔·菲格罗亚 (4-4-1, 0 科斯), 劳兰, OH
何塞·萨利纳斯 (10-2-1, 5 科斯), 阿尔伯克基, NM
WDEC8 (78-74, 78-74, 77-75)
Dardan Zenunaj (12-2, 9 科斯), 布莱恩伯爵, 比利时
欧文·冈萨雷斯 (2-0, 2 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛
WTKO1 (2:00)
胡安·穆尼兹 (0-5), 泰勒, TX
欲了解更多信息, 访问 www.DBE1.comwww.Foxwoods.com, 在 Twitter 上关注@LouDiBella, @DiBellaEnt, @FoxwoodsCT, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainmentwww.facebook.com/foxwoods/.

百老汇拳击重量 & 图片来自福克斯伍兹

Foxwoods 的重量
(所有图片均由 Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment 提供)

MAIN EVENT – 轻量级 – (8)
阿莫斯 “2 光滑” 科沃特 (11-1-1, 9 科斯), 格罗夫兰, FL 137 磅.
“好的” 尼克DeLomba (10-1, 2 科斯), 克兰斯顿, RI 137 磅.
共同特征 – 超级羽量级 (8)
Dardan Zenunaj (12-1, 9 科斯), 布莱恩伯爵, 比利时 130 磅.
何塞 “矮子” 萨利纳斯 (9-2-1, 5 科斯), 十字架, NM 131 磅.
welterweights的 (4)
“奇妙” 麦基·威廉姆斯 (3-0, 2 科斯), 东哈特福德, CT 142 磅.
大卫·纳尔逊 (3-5, 1 KO), 劳顿, 好的磅. 140 磅.
羽量级 (8)
欧文·冈萨雷斯 (1-0, 1 KO), 伍斯特, 嘛 126 磅.
胡安·穆尼兹 (0-4), 泰勒, TX 129 磅.
welterweights的 (4)
安东尼劳雷亚诺 (对于首次亮相), 东哈特福德, CT 146 磅.
纳希尔·奥尔布赖特(Nahir Albright) (对于首次亮相), 费城, Pennsylvania 144 磅.
welterweights的 (4)
乔纳森 “光滑” 菲格罗亚 (对于首次亮相), 哈特福德, CT 144 磅.
德米特里厄斯·威廉姆斯 (0-1), 费城, PA 144 磅.
轻量级 (8)
乔恩 “琼弗” 费尔南德斯 (8-0, 6 科斯), 毕尔巴鄂, 瓦斯科乡村, 西班牙 132 磅.
纳西夫 “小屋” 城堡 (17-8-2, 5 科斯), 科苏梅尔, 金塔纳罗奥州, 墨西哥 132 磅.
轻量级 (4)
韦斯利·费雷尔 (11-0, 6 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约 139 磅.
安赫尔·菲格罗亚 (4-3-1, 0 科斯), 洛兰, 俄亥俄 139 磅.
什么: “百老汇拳击”
什么时候: 星期四, 九月 1, 2016
WHERE: 福克斯剧院, Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT
门打开: 5:00 P.M. AND
第一回合: 7:00 P.M. AND
门票: $125, $75 和 $45, 不包括适用的服务费和税款. 门票可在 www.ticketmaster.comwww.foxwoods.com 或者通过访问快活’ 票房. 要通过电话进行充电, 致电特玛在 (800) 745-3000.
欲了解更多信息, 访问 www.DBE1.comwww.Foxwoods.com, 在 Twitter 上关注@LouDiBella, @DiBellaEnt, @FoxwoodsCT 并成为 Facebook 的粉丝:www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainmentwww.facebook.com/foxwoods/


这个星期四 快活豪华赌场之夜
马山, CT (八月 30, 2016) – 迪贝拉娱乐公司 (DiBella Entertainment) 宣布 百老汇拳击 卡, 展示了新英格兰许多最有前途的前景, 本周四 马山塔克特快活豪华赌场福克斯剧院之夜, 康涅狄格.
“好的” 尼克DeLomba (10-1, 2 科斯), 战斗克兰斯顿的出, RI, 是六名新英格兰人之一, 具有讽刺意味的, 百老汇拳击. 26岁的德隆巴将对阵格罗夫兰, 佛罗里达州 阿莫斯 “2 光滑” 科沃特 (11-1-1, 9 科斯) 在八轮的主要事件.
比利时超羽量级选手 Dardan Zenunaj (12-1, 9 科斯), 前世界拳击协会 (WBA) 国际冠军, 面对新墨西哥州 何塞 “矮子” 萨利纳斯(9-2-1, 5 科斯) 在八轮比赛中.
不败的布鲁克林轻量级 韦斯利·费雷尔, 一 2013 纽约市金手套冠军, 将参加另一场八回合比赛.
一对新签约的迪贝拉娱乐战士, 西班牙少年轻量级不败 乔恩 “琼弗” 费尔南德斯 (8-0, 6 科斯), 谁与未来的名人堂成员共同推动 塞尔吉奥·马丁内斯, 以及即将首次亮相的波多黎各次中量级选手 何塞·罗马, 也将在行动. 费尔南德斯对阵墨西哥队 纳西夫 “小屋” 城堡 (17-8-2, 5 科斯) 在八圆, 当罗曼转为职业球员对阵费城人队时 卡利克核心 在四轮比赛中.
东哈特福德, CT次中量级 “奇妙” 麦基·威廉姆斯 (3-0, 2 科斯), 三届环边世界锦标赛冠军, 返回他在福克斯伍兹的第二个家,参加他的第四次职业比赛 大卫·纳尔逊 (3-5, 1 KO), 洛杉矶, 例如, 在四回合回合.
康涅狄格州的自己 安东尼劳雷亚诺 乔纳森 “光滑” 菲格罗亚 将在与费城人队的单独四轮比赛中首次亮相职业联赛. 次中量级劳雷亚诺, 一 2016 两者都不. 东哈特福德金手套冠军, 挑战出道前 尼尔·奥尔布赖特, 而哈特福德初级次中量级菲格罗亚, 一 2012 南北. 金手套金牌得主, 竞争 德米特里厄斯·威廉姆斯(0-1).
一对马萨诸塞州羽量级选手将分别进行四轮比赛. 两者都不. 金手套奖获得者 邓肯·拉莫斯 (4-0-1, 4 科斯), 弗雷明汉, 将争夺 肖恩·阿科斯塔, 阿雷西博的, 波多黎各. 伍斯特的 欧文·冈萨雷斯 (1-0, 1 KO) 将对阵德克萨斯人 胡安·穆尼兹.
门票 9月1日 卡正在出售,售价为 $125, $75 和 $45, 不包括适用的服务费和税款. 门票可在www.ticketmaster.comwww.foxwoods.com 或者通过访问快活’ 票房. 要通过电话进行充电, 致电特玛在 (800) 745-3000.
欲了解更多信息, 访问 www.DBE1.comwww.Foxwoods.com, 在 Twitter 上关注@LouDiBella, @DiBellaEnt, @FoxwoodsCT, @dardanzenunaj, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainmentwww.facebook.com/foxwoods/.



星期四, 九月 1
Mashantucket, CT (8/24/16) – Looking to add to its ever growing stable of young, 向上和后起之秀, DiBella娱乐 (DBE) has announced the signing of undefeated Spanish prospect Jon Fernandez (L in photo) and Puerto Rican amateur standout Jose Roman to exclusive long-term promotional contracts. Both Fernandez and Roman will be making their DBE debuts on the upcoming special edition 百老汇拳击 card in the Premier Ballroom at the beautiful Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT, 下一个 星期四, 九月 1. 百老汇拳击 is proudly sponsored by Nissan of Queens, OPTYX, 阿扎德手表, and Christos Steakhouse.
I am happy to be coming back to Foxwoods with another great card, and to have the opportunity to showcase these two new additions to the DBE roster,” 说娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁. “Promoting Sergio Martinez was one of the highlights of my career and I am proud to say that he and I have forged a lifelong friendship. Sergio told me that Jon is one of the best young fighters he has seen in a very long time, and I look forward to helping build the career of Jon Fernandez here in the States with my friend and great champion Maravilla.
Regarding Roman, DiBella continued, “Jose Roman was a terrific amateur, and gained invaluable experience fighting on the Puerto Rican national team. He was one of the most sought out amateurs on the island and we are thrilled for him to call DBE his home. We are looking forward to featuring him in the US, as well as in Puerto Rico, and building him in front of the huge Puerto Rican fan base here on the East Coast.
在刚 20 岁, the junior lightweight Fernandez (8-0, 6 KO的) is one of the most promising young prospects to come out of Spain in years. Standing at 5’11”, Fernandez is extremely tall for the 130lb. division and has devastating power in both hands. Fernandez caught the eye of former middleweight kingpin and future Hall-of-Famer Sergio Martinez when he was still fighting as an amateur. Martinez immediately saw star potential and signed Fernandez to his promotional company, MaravillaBox Promotions, 在 2015 and soon after began courting the young Fernandez to his own former promoter Lou DiBella. DiBella and Martinez made things official in June, signing Fernandez to a co-promotional deal at this year’s Boxing Writers Association of America (BWAA) awards dinner, where DiBella received the James A. Farley award for honesty and integrity in boxing.
“这是一个梦想成真. I still cannot believe it,” said Fernandez. “I am very grateful to Lou DiBella, one of the most important and prestigious promoters in the United States, for the trust and belief that he has placed in me and to Sergio (马丁内斯) for the potential he saw in me as a boxer. Boxing is my life and I want to be the best. Following in the footsteps of Sergio and becoming a world champion like him is my lifelong dream.
I have been watching Jon fight since his amateur days and truly believe that the sky is the limit for him,” said Maravilla Martinez. “With each passing fight, he continues to show vast improvement and I believe that he has the ability to become not only a future champion but a future star in this sport. Jon has to stay focused and continue to work, to learn and to give everything he has to this sport. For Jon to have the opportunity to sign with Lou at just 20 岁, an opportunity that I did not have until I was already 32, is amazing and he has to take full advantage of it. Jon has to destroy everything that is put in his path and with time, patience and hard work, he will achieve greatness in this sport.
A native of the boxing rich city of Bayamon, 波多黎各, Roman began boxing at 13 years of age amassing a stellar 124-17 record along the way. Roman joined the Puerto Rican national team in 2012, winning three consecutive national championships from 2013-2015.
I couldn’t be more excited to get my career underway behind such a great promoter as Lou. DiBella has done tremendous work with so many great fighters over the years, and I am looking forward to growing and shining under the DiBella Entertainment banner. It is every fighter’s dream to fight in the US, and now I have the opportunity to make my pro debut here, and for that I want to thank my manager Ricardo Figueroa and my trainer Emilio Lozado for getting me this amazing opportunity,” 罗曼说.
Fernandez is set to make his DBE and US debut against the very tough Mexican Naciff Castillo (17-8-2, 5 KO的) in an eight-round junior lightweight matchup, while Roman is set to square off against Khaaliq Core (0-1) in a four-round welterweight matchup.
The Broadway Boxing card is headlined by fellow once-beaten prospects prospects 阿莫斯 “2 光滑” 科沃特 (11-1-1, 9 KO的) 和 “好的” 尼克DeLomba(10-1, 2 KO的) squaring off in an eight-round super lightweight match-up.
门票 七. 1ST 卡正在出售,售价为 $125, $75 和 $45, 不包括适用的服务费和税款. 门票可在www.ticketmaster.comwww.foxwoods.com 或者通过访问快活’ 票房. 要通过电话进行充电, 致电特玛在 (800) 745-3000. 百老汇拳击 is proudly sponsored by Nissan of Queens, OPTYX, Azad 手表和 Christos 牛排馆.
欲了解更多信息, 访问 www.DBE1.com万维网.Foxwoods.com,