標記檔案: 布萊恩·霍華德

不敗ADAM KOWNACKI擊敗克里斯Arreola一致決定在創紀錄的設定動作,戰鬥中,標題為FOX PBC搏擊之夜週六晚上巴克萊中心在布魯克林

前世界冠軍讓·帕斯卡爾邊線馬庫斯·布朗從技術決策意外後完頭撞在八輪戰鬥 & 甘文維OMOTOSO停止柯蒂斯·史蒂文斯在第三輪 154-英鎊決鬥

點擊 這裡 從納比爾·艾哈邁德/英超冠軍拳擊照片

點擊 這裡 從蕭薔特拉普/ TGB促銷圖片

布魯克林 (八月 4, 2019) – 不敗的波蘭明星和布魯克林人 亞當Kownacki (20-0, 15 科斯) 在贏得了一致的決定 克里斯 “夢魘” Arreola的 (38-6-1, 33 科斯) 在他的家鄉球迷面前所有行動的爭吵是頭條新聞FOX PBC巴克萊中心搏擊之夜的主要事件和FOX Deportes進行週六晚, 布魯克林拳擊™的家.

Kownacki和Arreola的設置組合拳CompuBox重量級的紀錄,並降落在一個重量級的鬥爭扔. 他們降落組合 667 拳, 擊敗的前紀錄 650, 而拋 2,172 拳, 遠遠超過了以前的標誌 1,730.

從打亮點,可以發現 這裡, 這裡這裡.

“克里斯是一個阿茲特克戰士,” 說Kownacki. “他是一個偉大的戰士. 我知道這將是一場艱苦的戰鬥,我為它準備. 該CompuBox數據證明了這是一個偉大的鬥爭。”

“亞當是無情,” 說的Arreola. “他只是不斷到來. 我知道我得到了他的一些好拳,他讓我有一些好的. 我比準備全力以赴更多 12, 但亞當走了進來,贏得了戰鬥。”

該行動從第一鐘開始向右, 作為Kownacki充電,Arreola的,並立即開始交流,兩人在束扔權力拳. Kownacki發洩他的刺拳的啟動他的進攻, 而Arreola的是有效能對付他的硬充電的對手,應對每一次他被擊中組合.

“我認為這是一個很好的廝殺,但我知道我拉出來,” 說Kownacki. “我登陸了很多鏡頭,那是不足以取勝. 這是最重要的。”

Kownacki愣在Arreola的兩回合,但早期的時刻Arreola的迅速響應慢Kownacki的勢頭. Arreola的發現,越來越多的成功與他的上手權利的鬥爭中去, 登陸衝無數次在第四和第五輪特別.

六輪是來回的事情,從Kownacki年初全面功能的一大攻勢高潮, 之前,在回合結束一個令人興奮的交換看到兩人採取重的拳.

“我想跟進的時候我讓他受傷,但我被扔兩個衝頭,而不是三個或四個,” 說Kownacki. “道具Arreola的,因為他證明了他仍然可以掛. 我相信球迷們會希望再見到他。”

中間幾輪看到的Arreola拿起手傷, 但它似乎沒有他慢下來就像他一拳輸出繼續為爭奪下半年走強. 對於Kownacki, 這是他第一次去過去 10 回合作為一個親.

之後,拳繼續通過最後的鐘飛, 聽力評委之前在環接受兩個重量級’ 分數. 後 12 發, 三名法官看到贊成Kownacki的鬥爭, 通過分數 117-11 兩次, 118-110.

“退休是我需要跟我的家人和團隊約,” 說的Arreola. “我給我的一切這場戰鬥. 我讓這一切掛出. 打破我的手後, 我一直在戰鬥,因為我相信我能贏。”

“我只需要繼續努力訓練, 越來越好,銳化我的技能,” 說Kownacki. “我們將看到未來會有什麼. 希望明年我會拿到冠軍射擊。”

合作的主要事件看到了前世界冠軍 讓·帕斯卡爾 (34-6-1, 20 科斯) 收入超過此前保持不敗的狹義的技術決定 馬庫斯·布朗 (23-1, 16 科斯) 捕捉到的WBA臨時輕重量級冠軍後,一個偶然的用頭撞結束了戰鬥在八輪.

“拳擊是拳擊,” 帕斯卡爾說:. “我們發生了衝突頭, 但在這一天結束, 我贏得了一輪. 我放棄了他三次. 這是一場勢均力敵的戰鬥, 但我相信我能贏。”

布朗似乎是早期的控制, 有效地利用他的刺拳和完成他的連擊與權力拳. 整個戰鬥, 布朗將登陸 52% 根據CompuBox他的權力拳.

在第四輪, 帕斯卡爾通過登陸與布朗連為他伸出自己的右勾拳一個完美的右手突破. 布朗打在畫布上,在他的職業生涯中第三次, 但能夠通過輪,使其.

觀看帕斯卡爾得分擊倒 這裡

布朗看上去已經恢復了戰鬥的控制,直到在七輪的時候帕斯卡爾再次連接上的交換過程中抓住了布朗一個強大的右勾拳晚. 帕斯卡爾·布朗上跳下後,他站了起來,並把他打倒在第三次鐘結束前右七輪.

蒙特利爾的帕斯卡爾一直在尋找完成布朗在八輪, 而布朗看著有效導航環,而從上一輪復甦. 這是通過全面中途帕斯卡上,超過布朗的左眼開了一個切割繩索擊中布朗有一個偶然的用頭撞.

觀看用頭撞 這裡

裁判加里·羅薩托停止回合 1:49 進出線, 在馬戲團醫生的建議, 這意味著打去了記分卡. 通過贏取縮短第八輪上的所有三名法官’ 牌, 帕斯卡爾通過的比分贏得了戰鬥 75-74 三次.

“我能聽到場邊我的女兒,那就是動機我,” 帕斯卡爾說:. “長她大喊我的名字了一夜. 我要回家,跟我的團隊,看看下一個是什麼. 加拿大有德雷克, NBA的冠軍,現在我把安全帶回家。”


在FOX看到了開幕回合 甘文維OMOTOSO (28-4, 22 科斯) 下降 柯蒂斯·史蒂文斯(30-7, 22 科斯) 途中三次第三輪停工勝利,他們的超中量級衝突.

史蒂文斯這是他的第一次戰鬥在154磅, 並且他從一開始就新的重量測試. OMOTOSO開始移動和周圍環猛刺作為史蒂文斯大步他,並試圖把權力拳減緩他的運動. 晚在第一輪, OMOTOSO突破了用右手史蒂文斯的側’ 頭投下了他在環的中間.

“我的教練告訴我要保持我的手, 耐心點, 盒子裡和山,” 說OMOTOSO. “他告訴我,我不應該推而當開在那裡, 我把它. 這到底發生了什麼。”

“他打了我在第一輪被撞我的平衡上手權,” 史蒂文斯說. “但是,這並不會真正影響我太多. 我沒有踏足夠的進我的拳, 我伸手去拿. 當我到達我被抓住了。”

在兩回合OMOTOSO降落完美戳上史蒂文斯, 因為他的對手被扔一個左鉤拳, 這給他倒第二次在戰鬥. 史蒂文斯再次通過圓使它, 並開始下一幀的角落捕捉OMOTOSO和連接電源拳.

“我只是讓我的手去,” 說OMOTOSO. “在第二次擊倒我的信心增強. 我很高興通過淘汰賽獲得勝利。”

雖然史蒂文斯是能夠自己第三輪的早期時刻, OMOTOSO擊中了他與功能的左鉤拳三衝組合, 左勾拳然後右手直是把史蒂文斯倒第三次. 史蒂文斯得到了他的腳,但裁判約翰尼·卡拉斯停止回合在 1:28 第三輪.

“我還行,但是裁判做他的工作,” 史蒂文斯說. “我下降了三次,所以我知道他是在為我的最佳利益。”

“我沒想到它去完全一樣,” 說OMOTOSO. “我只是聽我的教練. 在第二次擊倒竟是我的刺拳. 我必須跟我的團隊大約接下來會發生什麼. 我很感激這個機會. 我很高興有這次勝利. 給我下一個人, 我準備好了。”

觀看OMOTOSO的將軍澳柯蒂斯·史蒂文斯 這裡

# # #

ADAM VS Kownacka. CHRIS ARREOLA最後的新聞發布會QUOTES & 照片 – 不敗的波蘭之星 & 布魯克林人亞當Kownacki & 前冠軍挑戰者克里斯Arreola變臉FOX PBC不打不相識福克斯之夜的主要事件 & FOX Deportes進行這個星期六從巴克萊中心在布魯克林

ADAM VS Kownacka. CHRIS ARREOLA最後的新聞發布會QUOTES & 照片

不敗的波蘭之星 & 布魯克林人亞當Kownacki & 前冠軍挑戰者克里斯Arreola變臉FOX PBC不打不相識福克斯之夜的主要事件 & FOX Deportes進行這個星期六從巴克萊中心在布魯克林

點擊 這裡 從蕭薔特拉普/ TGB促銷圖片

布魯克林 (八月 1, 2019) – 不敗的波蘭明星 亞當Kownacki 和前冠軍挑戰者 克里斯 “夢魘” Arreola的 去面對面在週四的最後的記者招待會, 他們在一個重量級對決領銜FOX PBC搏擊之夜滿足前兩天這個星期六住在巴克萊中心FOX和FOX Deportes進行, 布魯克林拳擊™的家.

在新聞發布會上還設有戰士在行動,在競爭開始 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT為不敗WBA臨時輕重量級冠軍 “先生” 馬庫斯·布朗和前世界冠軍 讓·帕斯卡爾, 加上布魯克林 柯蒂斯·史蒂文斯 甘文維OMOTOSO, 所有領先各自的對決面臨斷週六晚.

門票活動, 這是由TGB促銷推廣, 現已公開發售,並可以在Ticketmaster.com購買. 門票也可在美國運通票房購買巴克萊中心.

戰鬥機是由前直系重量級冠軍參加在舞台上 邁克爾·斯平克斯. 這裡是戰士有什麼星期四從布魯克林萬豪說:

ADAM Kownacka

“這是我的一個夢想成真. 由於業餘愛好者,我想在巴克萊中心,並在星期六晚上打我的主要事件. 我不能更興奮

“我在訓練營已經拼盡全力,我迫不及待地想告訴大家我的所有作品星期六. 關鍵將是在猛刺和串扔我的拳像我總是做.

“這對我來說是頂篷的全新體驗, 但在環沒關係. 這只是兩個人互相爭鬥. 我們都愛打架. 我迫不及待地想把它過來,衝他的臉.

“克里斯Arreola是戰士. 你總是知道,當克里斯戰鬥, 這是一個很好的戰鬥. 但我要測試他多少氣罐中左. 克里斯一直在那裡有三個冠軍,當我打理生意上週六, 我會一步步接近成為世界冠軍.

“這確實是一個偉大的感覺,在這裡有從我的球迷都該支持. 這些球迷都信任我把標題回到布魯克林和波蘭.

“巴克萊中心一直是我的拳擊家. 我已經等不及在環獲得. 這是一場艱苦的戰鬥,我必須確保我送球迷之家幸福.

“這無疑已經撲滅寫了這一切年度. 我們都不害怕,讓我們的手去,不管發生什麼事, 球迷都將是上週六贏家。”


“據我所知,亞當是最喜歡的,因為他的不敗和戰鬥在他的家鄉. 在一天結束時, 沒有任何與我有關. 我要去給我的一切這場鬥爭.

“我現在正悠哉. 我沒有任何壓力. 如果我輸了, 我沒事行走方式. 但我不是在這裡做. 我在這裡取勝.

“我知道我有一個強硬的對手在我面前. 我有我的工作等著我. 但是,“夢魘’ 是要堅持下去.

“我去喬·古森作為我的教練,因為我知道是時候做出改變. 我不得不作出這個最後的運行計數. 這是我能想像的最好的球隊. 喬讓你對你的工作失誤. 我相信,這場鬥爭的勝利者是誰取的第一個錯誤的優勢.

“我尊重環以外的所有人, 但是一旦我們在環, 我與任何人不是朋友. 最後的鐘聲過後,我們會握手, 但我在這裡作秀. 這是燈, 相機, 動作和時間閃耀.

“他是一個體積沖床. 他只是不斷到來,他的微笑在你的全部時間. 在一天結束時, 我打算把一皺眉,臉上週六.

“我的預測是,球迷們會得到他們的錢的價值. 你最好記錄下這一個, 因為你會一次又一次地觀看它. 我會拿出我的手拉開。”


“作為在科羅拉多州的訓練真的讓我得到切合我的比賽計劃. 這只是每天醒來,並在那裡我專注於什麼,但戰鬥中,同樣的心態工作. 這一切都將在那裡獲得該贏.

“我要懲罰帕斯卡上週六. 如果淘汰賽是他想要怎樣去, 我會做好準備. 我保證,我要打敗他 12 發.

“感覺太棒了這裡衛冕我的腰帶. 我會在一個更好的位置,這場戰鬥後. 我要在這戰鬥的聲明,並把帕斯卡在他的地方.

“Pascal是誰不來躺下一個人, 他來揍你. 這就是這項運動是什麼. 你要爭取的是身材的傢伙,如果你不打冠軍.

“上週六的勝利使我在爭奪世界冠軍接下來還要打. 這是我的重點, 但在此之前, 它是關於讓·帕斯卡爾和照顧他的正確方法.

“這是紐約一個偉大的卡我, 亞當和柯蒂斯都代表我們的家鄉. 這是偉大的我們在這個位置上一起。”


“馬庫斯一直說他會去那裡,並嘗試敲我, 但我沒有業餘. 我知道他的比賽計劃,將是. 他將周圍環運行,並嘗試舉辦. 我們都知道他是最好的,在運行像雞.

“當我馬庫斯’ 年齡, 我已經是一個世界冠軍. 他看著我上電視的時候,他在奧運會上.

“他打算怎麼敲我? 我想如果沒有那八斗傑克在他們的戰鬥晉級, 他會敲出來馬庫斯.

“我準備好了. 我是一個堅實的戰鬥機. 我爭取最好的, 所以我不認為馬庫斯就能敲我.

“我太良好的全方位的馬庫斯 - . 這是我的機會,證明我還是有在坦克留下了大量的氣體. 我還不夠好,在運動的最頂級對抗。”


“這是我第一次在巴克萊中心戰, 我要去給球迷,他們一直缺少什麼味道.

“我決定,我會去到154磅,因為我的陣營有很多頂160磅戰鬥機,所以我們都在彼此的方式獲得. 有我很多的機會,在這個重量級別以及.

“不管發生了什麼事在我的職業生涯, 我一直回來. 我精神上隨時反彈. 我在我的職業生涯有裁員, 但我知道我會得到我需要為.

“沒有人打電話給我,因為他們知道我可以衝. 我的頂級戰士太冒險,因為他們知道有他們得到淘汰的機會.

“這是令人難以置信有這樣的機會在巴克萊中心爭取在第一時間. 這將是我和一個很好的時間所有的球迷。”


“我並不擔心史蒂文斯處於一個新的權重. 我不認為這會影響到他那麼多. 週六, 我們既要盡最大努力,爭取獲得勝利.

“他是一個大的穿孔誰爭吵. 但我是一個大的穿孔太. 他一直在那裡和大家戰鬥, 但我要的世界我可以做什麼表現.

“我認為這將是一個腳趾到腳趾戰鬥. 可能有一些感覺了, 但隨著戰鬥的繼續,我們進入中間兩輪, 它會在環中被打.

“我已經為這場戰鬥訓練很好,曾與許多不同的戰士對打. 我已經看到了整個營地的不同風格會有我要什麼史蒂文斯顯示我上週六晚的準備。”

# # #

Kownacki VS. Arreola的坑不敗的波蘭明星和布魯克林本地亞當Kownacki對老將前冠軍挑戰者克里斯 “夢魘” Arreola的為頭條FOX PBC搏擊之夜福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行週六的重量級對決, 八月 3 巴克萊中心, 布魯克林拳擊™的家.

廣播開始於 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT和功能不敗臨時WBA輕重量級冠軍 “先生” 馬庫斯·布朗在12輪的回合作戰的前世界冠軍讓·帕斯卡爾, 加上布魯克林的柯蒂斯·史蒂文斯,使他對甘文維OMOTOSO 154磅登場在10輪的戰鬥.

觀眾可以即時串流中國人民銀行顯示了FOX體育和FOX NOW應用程式或FOXSports.com. 此外, 所有的程序都可以在FOX體育的SiriusXM頻道 83 衛星收音機和在SiriusXM應用.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的粉絲 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

UNDERCARD戰鬥的令人興奮的陣容特點波多黎各重量級的卡洛斯·內格羅, 超中量級碰撞柯蒂斯·史蒂文斯之間 & 甘文維OMOTOSO, 當地風扇喜愛希瑟哈迪 & 更多 – 星期六, 八月 3 巴克萊中心布魯克林 & 總理拳擊冠軍主辦

星期六, 八月 3 巴克萊中心布魯克林 & 總理拳擊冠軍主辦

波蘭亞當星頭條Kownacki對前冠軍挑戰者克里斯Arreola在FOX PBC拳擊之夜主賽事直播
FOX & FOX體育 – 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT

布魯克林 (七月 9, 2019) – 的動感十足的undercard景點一個令人興奮的陣容將增加消夏避暑週六, 八月 3 巴克萊中心生活, 布魯克林拳擊™的家, 由總理拳擊冠軍呈現事件.

本次活動由波蘭明星和重量級的競爭者亞當Kownacki和前冠軍挑戰者克里斯標題 “夢魘” 在FOX PBC的主要事件的Arreola會議搏擊之夜直播的福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行. 廣播開始於 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT還配備了兩個世界冠軍安德烈葉貝和147磅的競爭者米格爾·克魯茲, 在次中量級的吸引力誰見面, 和臨時WBA輕重量級冠軍馬庫斯·布朗和前世界冠軍讓·帕斯卡爾, 誰對決在175磅回合.

UNDERCARD較量由突出 2008 波多黎各奧海 卡洛斯·內格龍 (20-2, 16 科斯) 在對陣老鷹的10輪重量級的鬥爭 布萊恩·霍華德 (14-3, 11 科斯), 前冠軍挑戰者 柯蒂斯·史蒂文斯 (30-6, 22 科斯) 承擔老牌競爭者 甘文維OMOTOSO (27-4, 21 科斯) 在10輪超中量級衝突和羽量級世界冠軍和不敗當地球迷喜愛 石南屬 “熱火” 哈迪 (22-0, 4 科斯) 在她的 10 外觀在巴克萊中心的環.

門票活動, 這是由TGB促銷推廣, 可以在Ticketmaster.com購買. 門票也可在美國運通票房購買巴克萊中心.

附加動作有吃剩的對戰士為布魯克林的 朱利安·索薩 (13-0-1, 5 科斯) 在步驟八輪次中量級對決與德州本土 布賴恩·瓊斯 (14-10, 8 科斯), 加上馬里蘭本土 軍曹魚Breedy (13-0, 4 科斯) 發生在密歇根州的 瑞安李·艾倫 (9-3-1, 4 科斯) 在10輪輕量級的吸引力.

四捨五入出陣容是墨西哥 艾薩克·克魯斯·岡薩雷斯 在10輪輕量級的戰鬥, 不敗的前景 Keeshawn威廉姆斯 在六輪次中量級的鬥爭, 不敗紐約客 阿諾德·岡薩雷斯 在四回合輕量級對決不敗新澤西本土 Kestna戴維斯 在對加利福尼亞州的四個輪超中量級回合 海梅·梅薩.

# # #

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欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
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Christina Hammer Defends WBC and WBO Middleweight Belts With Unanimous Decision Against Tori Nelson

趕上重播 星期一, 六月 25, 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在SHOWTIME EXTREME®

點擊 這裡 要下載圖片; 信用斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣


底特律 (六月 23, 2018) – Claressa Shields became a two-division world champion, and Christina Hammer retained her two world title belts as both scored unanimous decision victories on Friday night on 欣欣拳擊: 特別版本 from the Masonic Temple in Detroit, 我.




And now they have their sights set on one another.




The two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Shields of nearby Flint, 密歇根州。, was knocked down for the first time in her career 53 秒進入第一輪, but she was able to come back and win every round after that to become a two-division world champion capturing the vacant IBF and WBA Middleweight World Championships against Hanna Gabriels. The judges’ scored the fight 98-91, 97-92 兩次.




Hammer entered the ring after the Shields fight, and an emotional Shields pressed toward Hammer and some pushing and shoving ensued. (see video 這裡)




“I’m just tired of Hammer disrespecting me all the time,” Shields (6-0, 2 科斯) 說. “She comes into the ring after all my rights, talks trash, and then she goes in there and looks like [擲骰子] against Nelson. I’m sick of it. But I let her know I’m more than ready for a fight against her. She wanted me to lose tonight, but I wanted her to win because I want to fight her. We have to unify now.”




Shields and Gabriels started the fight swinging furiously, but it was Gabriels (18-2-1, 11 科斯) who connected on a right uppercut sending Shields to the canvas. (see the knockdown video 這裡)




“Once I went down, I took a deep breath and I remember thinking to myself, ‘I’m about to whip this girl’ ” Shields said. “I just remember thinking let’s use the jab and be smart.”




Costa Rica’s Gabriels, a unified 154-pound titleholder, was coming up in weight and attempting to become a three-division world champion. (see Shields-Gabriels highlights 這裡).




“I trained to go the distance but my heart betrayed me, because after that first knock down, I was looking for another one,” said Gabriels, the reigning WBA and WBO champion who was fighting in her 12 straight world title fight since winning the welterweight title in 2009. “I wanted to show everyone I had a warrior’s heart.




“I didn’t feel I had an advantage after the knockdown. I felt I had to work round after round to even have a possibility to win.”




Added Gabriels: “She has a lot of power. It was a great fight and you have to accept the judges’ decision. She’s powerful and for the fans I think it went well.




Shields suffered a cut on the left cheek in round 10, and also overcame a head butt. She recalled being hurt by Gabriels’ punches to the head just three times in the fight. “The first round, fourth round and the eighth round, other than that she didn’t hit me with no head shots.”




Shields – in her first fight with new trainer John David Jackson – said she learned something about herself after the fight. “I can get put on my ass, get up and come back and win,” she said. “Tonight was my night and I have to show the world I’m the greatest of all-time. I showed who I am. 現在, I’m really dangerous because you can even put me down, and I’ll still come back to win.”




The difference in the fight was Shieldsaccuracy, especially in terms of her power shots as she connected on 42 percent compared to Gabriels’ 26 百分.




Shields was asked after the fight when she would like to face Hammer. “Hopefully it’s next,” she said. “I don’t need no rest. I could have whipped her tonight. I’m just so sick of her and her whole team.”






In a lopsided win in her highly anticipated U.S. 登場, 錘 (23-0, 10 科斯) remained undefeated with a unanimous decision against Tori Nelson (17-2-3, 2 科斯). 該得分 100-90, 99-91 兩次, to retain her WBC and WBO Middleweight World Title belts. (see Hammer-Nelson highlights 這裡).




“It would have been better to get a KO,” said Hammer, 是誰 27 years old and from Dortmund, 德國. “I tried everything I could to get the knockout. She was tough. I hope the USA is good with this and I’m still the champ.”




“I’m really looking forward to fighting Claressa. She will try and fight me on the inside but my footwork and my reach will make the difference. The fight with Claressa will be a game-changer. It will be the biggest women’s fight ever. I would like to fight her at a neutral site.”




“I’m very disappointed in my performance tonight,” said an emotional Nelson after the fight. “It’s a loss, of course it’s disappointing. I wasn’t busy enough, I guess.”




In her last fight, Nelson lost a unanimous decision to Shields back in January. “Claressa is better,” Nelson said. “Shields has a jab and uses the ring. Claressa stands there and wants to fight. She has all the punches. Hammer only has one.”




在轉播揭幕戰, Umar Salamov (21-1, 16 科斯) connected on a lethal right hand in knocking out Brian Howard (13-2, 10 科斯) 53 seconds into the ninth round of a scheduled 10-round light heavyweight bout.




Salamov, from Alkhan-Kala, 俄羅斯, was making his United States debut and trains at the famed Kronk Gym in Detroit with Javan “Sugar” Hill Steward. In a fight between two long and lanky fighters, Salamov landed 34 percent of his power punches compared to 27 percent for Howard and was ahead on all three judges’ scorecard at the time of the knockout.




“I was hurt a little bit in the second round from one of his shots, but I didn’t let it bother me because this is my U.S. 登場,” said Salamov, a six-year pro who is 24 歲. “I just kept fighting. After I got hit with that punch, I started coming forward and as soon as I did that, the fight changed.”




Salamov said he knew once he connected on the first right that Howard was hurt. “I knew as soon as I landed the punch that he would be very hurt,“他說,. “I felt it up to my elbow. I didn’t want to hit him after that because I knew he was finished.”




The former cruiserweight Howard had a couple of highlights and was able to effectively land his right hand on several occasions, including one powerful right cross in the seventh round that seemed to stun Salamov.




“I would say I did fair, I did OK,” said Howard, a former minor league football player who lives outside of Atlanta and was making his SHOWTIME debut. “I was fortunate to get the call by Salamov’s team and by SHOWTIME. I’ll be back.”




Friday’s tripleheader will replay on Monday, 六月 25 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime極端,將可在SHOWTIME ANYTIME® 和SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®.




巴里·湯普金斯稱為從馬戲團拳擊歷史學家史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠軍勞爾·馬爾克斯作為專業分析師操作. 執行製片人戈登·霍爾與理查德·高根生產和里克·菲利普斯導演.


# # #




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From Masonic Temple in Detroit, 我.

點擊 這裡 對於照片; 信用斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣




IBF and WBA Women’s Middleweight World Championship

Claressa Shields – 159 ½磅.

Hanna Gabriels – 159 ½磅.

裁判: Gerard White (加利福尼亞州); Judges: Michael Ancona (俄亥俄), Jeremy Hayes (多倫多, 加拿大), Pasquale Procopio (蒙特利爾, 加拿大)


WBC and WBO Women’s Middleweight World Championship

Christina Hammer – 159 ½磅.

Tori Nelson – 157 ½磅.

裁判: Frank Garza (密歇根); Judges: Katealia Chambers (密歇根), 伯努瓦魯塞爾 (蒙特利爾), Pasquale Procopio (蒙特利爾, 加拿大)

Light Heavyweight 10-Round Bout

Umar Salamov – 174 ½磅.

Brian Howard – 174 ½磅.

裁判: Sam Williams (密歇根); Judges: Ansel Stewart (密歇根), Michael Ancona (俄亥俄), Pasquale Procopio (蒙特利爾, 加拿大)

注意: see PDF email attachment for bout sheet and all weights.




“I have John David Jackson now and I’ve learned so much from him since we got together back in February. I’ve had coaches in the past who tried to change my style and game, but at the end of the day I just have to go in there and fight like I know how to.




“Being in Flint for my last camp, you wouldn’t believe all the things I had to deal with. Just stuff that shouldn’t be happening to a world champion. It was stressful, and I was stressed even the week of the fight [一月]. I had to get out. I was able to train in Florida this time around.




“[Hanna’s] a good fighter. She has skills and just the way she carries herself. She’s very calm and her facial expressions never change. I watched the fight where she got knocked out, and even then her facial expressions didn’t change. I think she’s tough, but not as tough as I am. I know I’m the better fighter.




“Tori underestimated my power. I think Tori has a punchers’ chance [against Hammer]. I don’t wrap my career around Hammer. Our lives don’t intertwine. I have to worry about what’s in front of me. I’m not going to watch that fight.




“I was focused on my diet for this fight. I don’t have much family in Florida and didn’t have any distractions.”





“We need to step up to the plate and make sure our game plan is on point and we give the fans what they want to see, which is a great fight. You have to overcome a lot and sacrifice to get to this point, and my team has done that.




“I’ve never feared anyone. Words don’t do anything. When I get in the ring I’m going to be a beast.




“I’m OK with whatever comes, win or loss. I’m a champion and that’s my mentality in the ring. We’re going for the victory, and I’m appreciating everything that’s happening preparing for this fight.




“I don’t underestimate her power. But boxing isn’t just about power, there’s so much more. You can be powerful, but can you land the punch? Can it be precise? There are so many things going on in the ring that you have to worry about.”





“I was very disappointed that I wasn’t able to fight back in January because of my visa issues.




“I was at the Claressa Shields-Tori Nelson fight and now it’s my turn to get in the ring. I like to go forward and be aggressive. When you can finish, you finish. The American people will like my style.




“Boxing is my passion and my job, and I’m prepared and looking forward to this. Now the day is here and it’s on SHOWTIME. We aren’t thinking about Claressa Shields. Out of respect to Tori Nelson, I’m focused on this fight only.”





“I’m a power puncher and I’ve been using my legs more in camp so this camp has been so much different than what I’m used to.




“They say lighting strikes only once, but I got another chance. I am so grateful I got the call for this fight. This is my second chance. A lot of people don’t get second chances.




‘I really have something to prove. A lot of people have believed in me and I’ve got to show what I can do in the ring.




“I think Christina is overlooking me. It’s disrespectful but I’m glad. It’s better for me that she does overlook me.”





“This fight is going to be a good test. I know I can make it into the top 10, and this is my start.




“There’s a big difference living here in Detroit, but it’s a lot like Moscow, a big city.




“I love to fight, and this is a dream come true coming to America. Brian Howard is a tough opponent. It will not be an easy fight but I’m confident I can beat him.”





“I have a little bit of ring rust, but I’m going to be sharp. I’ve prepared well and I’m in shape. I have great metabolism, and can lose weight easily.




“I took my first loss in 2012 and after I took that loss I didn’t have the support I needed. I got back into it and it was just tough getting a fight. I got a lot of nos.




“I’ve seen some tape of my opponent. But you don’t know if he will change or bring something else.




“I box better than I play football. My nickname is MVP – Most Vicious Puncher.




“I don’t look at it that I’m the B-side fighter. 這對我來說是一個真正的機會, and I’m going to take full advantage of it.”




門票活動, 這是由的Salita促銷推廣, 可在 Tick​​etmaster.com or at the Masonic Temple Box Office at (313) 832-7100. VIP tickets are priced at $300, ringside tickets at $125, and remaining tickets at $75, $50 和 $35.


# # #




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Christina Hammer Battles Tori Nelson in Co-Feature

Umar Salamov Takes On Brian Howard In Opening Bout

星期五, 六月 22 住在Showtime®

“When somebody says that they’re going to beat me, it angers me. I get mad and I punch the bag until it falls.” – Claressa Shields

點擊 這裡 for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME



Shields To Fight for World Title in Second Weight Division as She Faces Gabriels for IBF & WBA Women’s Middleweight World Championships 星期五, 六月 22 On SHOWTIME®

點擊 這裡 for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME


底特律 (六月 19, 2018) – Unified Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa盾 and unified 154-pound champion Hanna Gabriels spoke to the media at a workout session in Detroit just days before the two clash to decide the IBF & WBA Women’s Middleweight World Championships this Friday on SHOWTIME.




欣欣拳擊: SPECIAL EDITION telecast begins at 10 P.M. ET/PT and features the No. 1 在戰鬥機 168 pounds facing the No. 1 在戰鬥機 154 pounds as they both attempt to become champions for the first time in the middleweight division. The telecast also features unified women’s middleweight champion 克里斯蒂娜·哈默 defending her WBC & WBO titles in her U.S. debut against former world champion Tori Nelson. 還, light heavyweight prospects Umar Salamov布萊恩·霍華德 will meet in a 10-round matchup that will open the tripleheader from Masonic Temple in Detroit.




門票活動, 這是由的Salita促銷推廣, 可在 Tick​​etmaster.com or at the Masonic Temple Box Office at (313) 832-7100. VIP tickets are priced at $300, ringside tickets at $125, and remaining tickets at $75, $50 和 $35.




Here is what Shields and Gabriels had to say today at the Downtown Boxing Gym in Detroit:




“It’s been seven weeks of really hard work. A lot of people don’t know and I really don’t like to be open about it, but I got to 183 pounds after my last fight in January and now I’m 160. 這是 23 英鎊. I was in camp running and getting ready for the fight and having to focus on weight was very different for me.



“I feel good and ready to go. I’m happy that she made it in safe and all that but now I’m just excited. You all know how I get before fights. The champ is here.





“So much has changed since I first turned pro. In my first fight, I was frustrated against Franchon (Crews Dezurn) during our fight. I was frustrated throughout camp and I really couldn’t handle everything that was going on. Now I know how to handle the media, the workouts, the interviews and still remain disciplined. The fact that I had to lose so much weight this camp only added more discipline.




“It makes me so happy and it just touches my heart to see four female fighters on the main fight poster. I was so happy that they decided to put them on TV. They have put me on before but it’s always been my goal to put other women on so when they decided to put Tori Nelson and Christina Hammer on I was so excited because this has never been done before. Women’s boxing is going somewhere.




“I always knew that it would take me to turn professional for women’s boxing to go to a higher level. That’s why I waited to win a second Gold Medal before I turned professional. To be the one to be the leader is special. I feel like I go out there every fight and give my best and show that I can box better than 90 percent of the men that box. If you have a choice to make a man the main event or me the main event, I always want them to choose me.




“There’s always mutual respect between me and my opponents. I’m thankful for them because I can’t do this by myself. I thank Hanna for stepping up and it’s mutual respect until Friday. I start getting really mean on Thursday,Friday is the fight and then after that we can exchange numbers and be friends.




“I expect her to use her gifts. She’s really good on her legs and she’s strong up top. I think she lacks in speed so I expect her to try to counter me and try to force me to make mistakes with her movement. I think she underrates my power.




“I never said that I wanted to get more knockouts. I’m perfectly fine being 5-0 有兩個擊倒. 在一天結束時, I’m fine with that. The longer I’m in the ring boxing, the better. The more they get to see me on TV, that’s fine. Of course I would love to get the big knockout but look how disappointed Errol Spence Jr. was to get such a quick knockout of Ocampo. That didn’t please his fans. 如果談到淘汰賽, 它來了.




“This will be my toughest fight. She’s the most skilled and has the most experience. She’s a three-time world champion. I’ve fought former world champions but she’s a three-time world champion to date. The girl that beat her, Hanna avenged that loss. I’m looking forward to her coming out and putting 100 percent in and I hope for us to have a great fight.


“I’m always confident going into fights. I’m not leaving the ring without having two new belts.”




“I think that this is a time right now where women can have this type of platform. Claressa is a great champion and I have faced great women’s champions. I think it’s a great time for boxing fans to enjoy a quality fight. She’s a champion. I’m a champion. This will be a great matchup.




“You are going to see a very technical and aggressive fighter. That’s the only way that you can fight Claressa because she’s so aggressive herself and so tough, you can’t go in the ring passive against her. You have to put your life on the line in there and that’s what I’m planning to do.




“I feel honored to be on such a great card. This is a great opportunity and I just hope everybody sees this the way that I do. We trained hard. In my case, I wanted to bring the very best out of myself so the fans could leave the arena feeling great. 這就是拳擊是所有關於. Bringing entertainment and emotions that most other sports don’t bring to people.




“This fight means a lot to me. Every person that I love is going through a hard time right now, 包括我的家人. I just want to lead by example and show everybody that all odds are nothing. You can still fight the battle with as many resources or as little resources as you have. I’m dedicating this fight to all my loved ones because I promise there will be better times for us.




“When I was five years old I was sexually abused so my teenage years were tough. Sports always took me away from that. When I got an injury and I had to stop competing in track, I thought my life was over. For the next five or six years, I was very destructive and felt like I didn’t have a purpose. When I turned 24, I started a different passage and learned that everything that happened to me just made me the person I am today.




“We don’t really focus on anybody’s weaknesses because we believe if you’re a good professional and you are dedicating your life to this, you are supposed to get better at your weaknesses. So we focus on her strengths and I think we have a great plan. They say that she’s been underestimating me a lot but I think it’s part of her game and part of what she does.




“I think her strengths are pretty obvious. She has great feet. I don’t know if she punches hard but she’s very explosive. She must have a lot of power and she’s very defensive. She keeps her distance and she’s so big and I’m so small that we will have to risk a lot of things. Her confidence is one of her biggest strengths.




“This will probably be my toughest fight so far. I never had an amateur career, I had just one fight. Claressa has fought 80-something times so my schooling has been in the professional environment and I have had to learn in the process. Every fight has been a hard fight because I have to solve problems and I think she is definitely the toughest opponent because she’s so tall and so fast. She must walk around normally at 185 pounds and I’m not as big so we were a little worried at the beginning at how we would reach her body but we finally were able to figure that out in training and I’m confident that my game is going to surprise her a lot.




“Hopefully we can bring a surprise and people will get to see me and let everybody know that there are more great boxers out there that aren’t getting the same exposure or marketing that Claressa is getting. I don’t feel disrespected, I see this is an opportunity to show what I’ve been working on. Let them plan. Maybe those plans will fall.




“It’s going to be a great fight. She’s coming for the victory and I’m coming for the victory as well. She’s in for a big surprise.”


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Christina Hammer vs. Tori Nelson in the Co-Feature

All Four Women’s Middleweight Titles To Be Contested on 星期五, 六月 22 LIVE On SHOWTIME®

紐約 (六月 13, 2018) – Light Heavyweight prospects Umar Salamov布萊恩·霍華德 will meet in a 10-round matchup that will open the 欣欣拳擊: 特別版本 tripleheader 星期五, 六月 22 住在Showtime® (10 P.M. AND/PT) from Masonic Temple in Detroit.




在主要事件, unified champions from different divisions will meet in the middle. Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and Unified Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa盾 將面臨 Unified Jr. 中量級世界冠軍 Hanna Gabriels for the vacant IBF and WBA Middleweight World Championships. Both fighters have a lot at stake when they meet as Shields will look to become a two-division champion and Gabriels will seek to win titles on a third weight class. In the co-feature bout, women’s unified WBC and WBO Middleweight World Champion 克里斯蒂娜·哈默 will defend against former world champion Tori Nelson as all four women’s middleweight world titles will be at stake.




Salamov (20-1, 15 科斯), of Alkhan-Kala, 俄羅斯, will be making his United States debut and is currently in training at Kronk Gym in Detroit with famed Javan “Sugar” Hill Steward. In his six-year career, the 23-year-old has already won the IBO Youth and World Light Heavyweight, WBO Youth World, European and International, and the IBF East/West Europe Light Heavyweight Championships.




Howard (13-1, 10 科斯) of Bartow Fla., currently resides in Loganville, 嘎。, outside of Atlanta. He started boxing 12 年前在年齡 26, after playing three years in minor league football for the Polk County War Eagles. Despite being 38, Howard has shown natural talent and has knocked out previously undefeated fighters in two of his last three appearances.




I waited a long time to make my U.S. debut and I am thrilled that it’s going to be on SHOWTIME,” said Salamov. “Training at the Kronk Gym in Detroit has been a phenomenal experience. I look forward to putting my skills and experience together to make a powerful statement. Howard is an accomplished and skilled boxer. I am coming in ready and know that it will be an exciting fight for the fans at Masonic Temple. This is my opportunity to show that I belong at the top of the light heavyweight division.




Howard is also excited to be making his SHOWTIME debut. “It’s one of the opportunities that every fighter hopes to get,“他說,. “I want to thank team Salamov for giving me the chance to take part in this event. I look forward to future opportunities and putting on a great show on fight night. I know he’s a champion, which I respect. He’s a skilled fighter who handles himself well in the ring, but I predict I will get him out of there between the fifth and 10round.




“I believe Umar has the skills, experience and hunger to be the best light heavyweight in the world,” said event promoter Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions. “Umar will have a chance to prove a point against a big puncher and spoiler in Brian Howard. It will be an exciting fight with both fighters needing a win to get into world title contention.”




門票活動, 這是由的Salita促銷推廣, 可在 Tick​​etmaster.com or at the Masonic Temple Box Office at (313) 832-7100. VIP tickets are priced at $300, ringside tickets at $125, and remaining tickets at $75, $50 和 $35.

Cruiserweight Howard Ready for ‘The DrillThis Saturday Night in Minnesota

Promoter Greg Cohen says his Atlanta-based cruiserweight BrianThe Bigg RiskHoward will have to be extremely careful when he fights in the main event 這個星期六 夜晚 (十月 1) at the Grand Casino in Hinckley, 明尼蘇達州.
Howard (11-1, 9 科斯) will face dangerous local veteran PhilThe Drill” 威廉姆斯 (15-8-2, 14 科斯) in a potentially dangerous eight-round showdown.
威廉姆斯, a devastating puncher, has run hot and cold his entire career, but can be spectacular at times. He holds the distinction of scoring the fastest knockout in boxing history (10 秒) over Brandon Burke of Iowa in 2007. 視頻
Able to switch hit from his southpaw stance to orthodox several times during a fight, Williams has also fought to draws with well-known veterans Caleb Truax and Derrick Findley. In his next to last fight, he won the Minnesota State Cruiserweight Championship by stopping then 15-1 Al Sands in one round.
The capable Howard, 然而, took the undefeated record of Maryland-based Alex Guerrero (15-1) in his last fight and has trained hard for this interesting challenge.
He’s ready for another ‘Bigg Risk’,” 科恩說:. “Don’t forget, Brian can punch too. He has prepared for this dangerous challenge and should be ready, even if the best version of Phil Williams shows up 週六. Brian is a talented fighter and we have all confidence he will prevail.
在undercard, Ryan Watson (2-0-1, 2 科斯), a former nationally ranked amateur boxer from Duluth, MN, who is now one of the top prospects in the cruiserweight division competes. Coming off a highly controversial draw, Watson is stepping up the competition by fighting 5-1-1 Lorenzo Selectmon of St. 約瑟夫·, MO.

Also of note is the return of Delorien Caraway (6-0 5 科斯) 明尼阿波利斯, MN, one of the top prospects nationally in the 140-pound weight class. Caraway just spent time helping boxing’s top star, CANELO阿爾瓦雷斯, prepare for his upcoming fight.

The event will also be streamed live on www.floboxing.tv.