Tag Archives: Brennan Ward



Complete Event Photos Here

Andrei Koreshkov (20-2) võidetud Chidi Njokuani (17-5) via TKO (löögid) juures 4:08 ringi üks

Fernando Gonzalez (27-14) võidetud Brennan Ward (14-6) kaudu esitamise (giljotiin) juures 1:02 ringi kolm

Pruun Ellen (4-1) võidetud VeTa Arteaga (3-1) via split otsuse (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

A.J. McKee (9-0) võidetud Blair Tugman (10-7) via ühehäälse otsusega (30-27, 30-26, 30-26)

Joey Davis (2-0) võidetud Justin Roswell (1-2) via TKO (streikide) juures 1:35 ringi üks

Arlene Blencoe (10-6) võidetud Sinead Kavanagh (4-2) via split otsuse (29-28, 27-30, 29-28)

Chris Honeycutti (10-1) võidetud Kevin Casey (9-6-2) via TKO (löögid) juures 2:06 ringi kaks

Kate Jackson (9-2) võidetud Colleen Schneider (11-8) via TKO (jala vigastus) juures 5:00 ringi üks

Georgi Karakhanyan (27-7-1) võidetud Daniel Pineda (22-13) via TKO (Arst seiskumist) juures 4:05 ringi kaks

Henry Corrales (14-3) võidetud Noad Kõik (11-3) via ühehäälse otsusega (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Vadim Nemkov (7-2) võidetud Philipe Lins (10-2) via KO (löögid) juures 3:03 ringi üks

Talita Nogueira (7-0) võidetud Amanda Bell (5-5) kaudu esitamise (tagavedu alasti choke) juures 3:44 ringi üks

Ricky Rainey (13-4) võidetud Marc Stevens (21-11) via ühehäälse otsusega (29-27, 29-27, 29-27)

Kristi Lopez (1-1-1) võitlesid Jessica Sotack (1-1-1) poolloosimisele (29-28, 28-29, 28-28)

Matt Secor (9-4) võidetud T.J.. summeerija (5-6) kaudu esitamise (Americana) juures 4:00 ringi üks

Tom Regal (2-0) võidetud Kastroit Xhema (1-1) via KO (löögid) juures 3:21 ringi üks

Alex Potts (1-0) võidetud Brandon Polcare (1-1) kaudu esitamise (Kimura) juures 3:10 ringi üks

Joshua Ricci (4-0) võidetud Brandon Warne (1-3) via ühehäälse otsusega (29-27, 29-28, 29-28)




LOS ANGELES – An exciting welterweight contest between British slugger Paul Daley (39-15-2) and California’s Lorenz Larkin (18-6, 1 NC), as well as a compelling lightweight bout pitting Adam Piccolot (9-0) vastu Yamauchi üles (21-3) have been added to Bellator 183: Henderson vs. Pitbull laupäeval, September 23 SAP Center San Jose, Californias.

That evening, SAP Center in San Jose will also play host to Bellator Kickboxing 7, which features a welterweight world title main event with current champ Karim Ghajji (97-13-1) set to defend his title against Raymond Daniels (11-3).

Bellator 183: Henderson vs. Pitbull tehakse otseülekandena ja tasuta SPIKE -is aadressil 9 Pärastlõunal. ET / 8 Öösel. CT, samal ajal kui eeltööd toimuvad saidil Bellator.com ja Bellator Mobile App. Bellator Kickboxing 7: Ghajji vs. Daniels will air on SPIKE immediately following Bellator 184: Dantas vs. Caldwell oktoober 6. Tickets for the event are on sale now at Ticketmaster.com.

Veteran 56 professionaalne võitleb, Paul “Semtex” Daley will look to once again showcase his explosive and dangerous power against Lorenz Larkin. With nine of his last 10 võidab tulevad teel knockout, including an emphatic flying knee KO against Brennan Ward juures Bellator 170 jaanuaris, Daley will look to re-establish himself as a top contender in Bellator’s stacked welterweight division with a win on September 23.


Larkin enters the bout against Daley with an equally impressive arsenal of strikes and power. Koos 11 kohta 18 võidab tulevad teel knockout, the Riverside, Californias. native comes into the event following a must-see title bout against Douglas Lima juures Bellator NYC juunis, a fight that marked “The Monsoon’s” promotional debut. With marquee wins over Robbie Lawler, Santiago Ponzinibbio, Jorge Masvidal and Neil Magny to his name, Larkin will look to add Paul Daley to his long list of defeats on his way to reaffirming his status as the division’s top contender.


Fighting out of Half Moon Bay, Californias., Piccolotti will enter the cage for the first time in 2017 following his unanimous decision victory over Brandon Girtz last November at Bellator 165. The 28-year-old lightweight began his professional career on the regional MMA scene where he collected four consecutive victories, including a trio of finishes before joining forces with the Viacom-owned promotion. “AP” has continued his success with Bellator MMA, earning five straight wins over competitors in the stacked lightweight division, including three submission finishes.


Coming off a win against Valeriu Mircea at Bellator 168, the 24-year-old Yamauchi, who trains out of Anjo, Jaapan, will continue his run in the lightweight division after making the jump to 155-pounds in 2016. In his career, the Yamauchi has an incredible 17 submission victories among his 21 career victories and holds wins against Ryan Couture, Isao Kobayashi and Mike Richman.

Ajakohastatud Bellator 183: Henderson vs. Pitbull Võitluskaart

Lightweight Main Event: Benson Henderson (24-7) vs. Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (17-8)

Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Roy Nelson (23-14) vs. Javy Ayala (10-5)

Welterweight Main Card Bout: Paul Daley (39-15-2) vs. Lorenz Larkin (18-6, 1 NC)

Lightweight Main Card Bout: Adam Piccolot (9-0) vs. Yamauchi üles (21-3)

Lightweight Main Card Bout: Aaron Pico (0-1) vs. TBA

Ajakohastatud Bellator Kickboxing 7: Ghajji vs. Daniels Võitluskaart

Welterweight Kickboxing World Title Main Event: Karim Ghajji (97-13-1) vs. Raymond Daniels (11-3)





LOS ANGELES — Järgnev Bellator NYC Madison Square Garden, Bellator MMA naaseb Empire State'i, et teha oma New Yorgi osariigi debüüt, et vallutada Verona Turning Stone ResortCasino, NY. poolkaalu põhiturniiriga, mis tõi välja endise Bellator tšempioni Andrei Koreshkov (19-2) vastu Chidi Njokuani (17-4, 1 NC) reedel, 25. augustil Bellator 182.

Veel, teine ​​poolkaalu võistlus on õhtuse kaasvõistlusena Brennan Ward (14-5) vastab Fernando Gonzalez (26-14) bout kindlasti ilutulestikku, sulekaalu ajal A.J. McKee naaseb värskelt puuri ESPN “SportsCenter” Top-Ten finiš Dominic Mazzotta viimasel väljasõidul.

Bellator 182: Koreshkov vs. Njokuani tehakse otseülekandena ja tasuta SPIKE -is aadressil 9 Pärastlõunal. JA/8 Pärastlõunal. CT, samal ajal kui eeltööd toimuvad saidil Bellator.com ja Bellator Mobile App. Piletid Bellator 182 lähevad müüki Reede, Juuni 2 juures 10:00 a.m. JA jaoks $85, $65, $47 ja $37 ja seda saab isiklikult osta Turning Stone'i kassast, helistades 877.833.NÄITA, või Internetis Ticketmaster.com.

Täiendavad põhi- ja esialgsed kaardivõistlused kuulutatakse välja lähinädalatel.

26-aastane vene fenoom Koreshkov on tõusnud alates esimesest professionaalsest võitlusest, väites 19 karjäärivõidud üle 21 otsad, sealhulgas võidud kõigis tema esimestes 13 võistlused. Võitlus Omskist, Venemaa, “Spartan” teeb Bellator MMA lipu all oma karjääri 13. ja esimest korda 2017. Bellator MMA juhtimisel, Koreshkovi on kogunenud kokku 10 võidud nelja-aastase jooksu jooksul, rõhutas poolkaalu maailmameistritiitli triumf praeguse meistri üle Douglas Lima ja edukas tiitlikaitsmine läbi Benson Henderson juures Bellator 153. Alates oma professionaalse debüüdi tegemisest aastal 2010, Koreshkov on kogunud 13 lõpetab, koosnedes 10 knockouts, neist kaheksa tuli esimeses voorus, muutes ta mängu üheks ohtlikumaks 170 naelaks.

Võitlus välja Las Vegas, Nev., Njokuani siseneb puuris ratsutamise hoogu muljetavaldavast seeriast, mille tulemusel on ta võitnud kaheksa järjestikust matši ja 12 Oma viimase 13. Pärast liitumist Bellator MMA katsega 2015, 28-aastane Njokuani on kogunud neli võitu, sealhulgas paar nokauti. Hiljuti, "Chidi Bang Bang" alistati Melvin Guillard juures Bellator 171 jaanuaris, lisades oma praegusele edule.

28-aastane Ward osaleb võistlusel kui üks kardetumaid võitlejaid Bellator MMA 170-naelses klassis. Koos 13 lõpetab oma 14 karjääri võidud, sealhulgas üheksa knockouts, “Iiri” omab täiuslikku kombinatsiooni puhtast jõust ja kartmatusest. Bellator MMA 14 võitluse veteran, Waterford, Conn. native soovib Scott Cokeri juhitud edutamise juhtimisel teenida oma 10. võitu. Alates Bellator MMAga liitumisest aastal 2012, Ward ei ole veel näinud, et kolmandasse raami siseneb ja on avaringis üheksast vastasest kuus lõpetanud. Fännid võivad oodata ilutulestikku, kui Ward on Bellator puuris sees August 25.

Pärineb Menifeest, Californias., 33-aastane Gonzalez siseneb Bellaatori puuri kaheksandat korda oma 14-aastase professionaalse karjääri jooksul. Pärast jõudude ühendamist Bellator MMA -ga on Gonzalez näinud palju edu; kogudes seitsmevõitluses kuus võitu, kolmeaastane periood, rõhutas Karo Parisyani esimese ringi nokaut. Gonzalez on hiljaks jäänud, kokku üheksa võitu oma viimase kohta 12 otsad, sealhulgas paar esimese ringi nokaute ja viie võitluse võiduseeria alates 2014-16. Koos 16 tema 26 karjäärivõidud, mis tulevad nokaudi või alistumise teel, 40 võitlusega veteran püüab seda kogusummat täiendada, kui ta valmistub käima varba ja varba vahel ühe vankumatu talendiga, mida poolkaalu divisjon pakub.

Austatud MMA veterani Antonio McKee poeg, A.J. McKee veetis kogu oma lapsepõlve jõusaalis, ammutades talle kättesaadavaid teadmisi ja kogemusi. 22-aastane imelaps on rakendanud neid teadmisi Bellator-puuris ja teinud oma esimese kaheksa võitluse ajal MMA-profina päris palju., kogudes kaheksa väljasõiduga kuus finišit. Pikk rand, Californias. põliselanikud suunduvad idarannikule ja soovivad jääda võitmatuks veel ühe muljetavaldava viimistlusega.

Riiklikult tunnustatud legendaarse majutamise eest, aasta võitluse tasemel poksisündmused, konkureerivad kohad suurtes linnades, näiteks Las Vegas, Miami ja New York City, Turning Stone oli üks esimesi kohti New Yorgis, kus võõrustati professionaalset MMA -d pärast seda, kui riik selle eelmisel aastal legaliseeris, eristades seda veelgi elusate võitlusspordide peamiseks sihtkohaks. The August 25 Bellator MMA üritus tähistab Turning Stone'i kolmandat professionaalset MMA üritust vähem kui aasta jooksul.

Ajakohastatud Bellator 182: Koreshkov vs. NjokuaniMain Card:

Race põhiturniirile: Andrei Koreshkov (19-2) vs. Chidi Njokuani (17-4, 1 NC)

Kaalukaalu kaasvõistlus: Brennan Ward (14-5) vs. Fernando Gonzalez (26-14)

Featherweight Feature Bout: A.J. McKee (8-0) vs. TBD



New York, NY, Jaanuar 24, 2017 - 1.85 million viewers tuned in for the final fight in Tito Ortiz’s storied career, a first round submission victory over Chael Sonnen. This marks the most watched Bellator fight on Spike since last February and the most watched MMA fight on television in 2017.
*these are preliminary numbers as the more accurate viewership total factoring in DVR +3 will be released Neljapäev.
In co-funktsioon, 1.7 million viewers witnessed Paul Daley’s devastating flying knee KO over Brennan Ward.
Üldine, Bellator 170 delivered 1.4 miljonit vaatajat – making it the 3rd most watched card in the franchise’s history. The 3-hour Spike telecast was also ranked #1 in cable with Men 18-49 in the timeslot.


Bellator 170 was also a digital and social success as well.


  • The Bellator 170 prelims drew the second most viewers on Bellator.com and Bellator mobile app in franchise history (only behind Bellator 149).
  • The post-fight press conference streamed exclusively on YouTube saw the most concurrent viewers in Bellator history.
  • #Bellator170 was the #1 trending topic on Twitter during the event and Tito Ortiz, Chael Sonnen and Bellator MMA trended #1 on Google Trends.





Täielikud kaalumisfotod leiate siit / Video Replay Here


LOS ANGELES, CALIF. (Jan. 20, 2017) -Ametlikud kaalumised Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen took place Friday morning in front of a rowdy crowd inside the Sheraton Gateway hotel in Los Angeles, Californias. Võistlejad on nüüd tegutsemiseks valmis täna õhtul at The Forum, with the event airing LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 9 Pärastlõunal. JA/8 Pärastlõunal. CT.

The epic event is headlined by a legendary light heavyweight matchup pitting Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) vastu Chael Sonnen (28-14-1). The evening’s co-main event features a welterweight showdown pitting Paul Daley (38-14-2) vastu Brennan Ward (14-4), kuigi Ralek Gracie (3-0) ja Hisaki Kato (7-2) square off in a middleweight bout on the main card of Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen.


Main Card: (Live on SPIKE – 9 Pärastlõunal. JA/8:00 Pärastlõunal. CT)

Light Heavyweight Main Event: Tito Ortiz (204.8 lbs.) vs. Chael Sonnen (205.8 lbs.)


Kaalukaalu kaasvõistlus: Paul Daley (170.8 lbs.) vs. Brennan Ward (170.9 lbs.)


Middleweight Main Card Bout: Ralek Gracie (183.9 lbs.) vs. Hisaki Kato (185 lbs.)


Featherweight Main Card Bout: Georgi Karakhanyan (145.9 lbs.) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (145.6 lbs.)


Catchweight Main Card Bout: Derek Anderson (160.1 lbs.) vs. Derek väljad (154.2 lbs.)


Esialgsed Card: (Bellator.com – 6:30 Pärastlõunal. JA/5:30 Pärastlõunal. CT)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Chinzo Machida (145.3 lbs.) vs. Jamar Ocampo (145.2 lbs.)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Colleen Schneider (129 lbs.) vs. Chrissie Daniels (126 lbs.)

Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Jack May (261 lbs.) vs. Dave Cryer (239 lbs.)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Henry Corrales (144.3 lbs.) vs. Cody Bollinger (146 lbs.)

Middleweight Preliminary Bout: Kevin Casey (184.8 lbs.) vs. Keith Berry (184.8 lbs.)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Guilherme “Bomba” Vasconcelos (169.3 lbs.) vs. John Mercurio (170.4 lbs.)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Gabriel Green (154.9 lbs.) vs. Jalin Turner (155.6 lbs.)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Christian Gonzalez (182.4 lbs.) vs. Daniel Rodriguez (178.3 lbs.)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Demarcus Brown (146 lbs.) vs. Alex Soto (147.4 lbs.)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Jacob Rosales (154.7 lbs.) vs. Ian Butler (158.9 lbs.)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Johnny Cisneros (170.6 lbs.) vs. Curtis Millender (171 lbs.)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Mike Segura (155.6 lbs.) vs. Tommy Aaron (145.5 lbs.)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Rob Gooch (136 lbs.) vs. James Barnes (134.5 lbs.)



MIS: Bellator 170 Fan Fest

KUS: Dave & Buster’s at The Promenade at Howard Hughes Center

6081 Center Dr.

Los Angeles, NAGU 90045


MILLAL: Neljapäev, Jaanuar 19

8:00 Pärastlõunal. - 11:00 Pärastlõunal.


WHO: Royce Gracie

Kazushi Sakuraba

Wanderlei Silva

King Mo

John McCarthy

Matt Mitrione

Royce Gracie

Nimi Gracie on sünonüüm MMA, and that is largely in part to Royce Gracie, a man who is considered to have invented the sport as we know it today. The winner of the first several UFC events, Gracie oleks lammutada mitme vastased ühe öö, kellest paljud olid palju suuremad kui teda. For many years there was no answer for the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu technique that he brought into a fight. Täna, it’s hard to find an MMA fighter who hasn’t trained in the art of Brazilian jiu-jitsu that his father invented. In February of 2016, Gracie headlined “Bellator 149,” an event that shattered company viewership records that remain intact to this day.


Kazushi Sakuraba

With an incredible resume highlighted by wins over four members of the legendary Gracie family, including Royler, Renzo, Ryan, and Royce Gracie, Sakuraba has inherited the nickname “The Gracie Hunter.” The Japanese mixed martial artist is especially remembered for his first clash with Royce, a ninety-minute marathon that ended in a TKO (nurgapeatus) victory for Sakuraba nearly 17 aastat tagasi. Gracie would later avenge his loss, earning a unanimous decision win over Sakuraba at “K-1 Dynamite USA!!" inside the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Nüüd, almost a decade later, the two legends meet again and Bellator MMA is giving you the chance to be there when it happens!


Matt Mitrione

Matt Mitrione originally took his talents to the football gridiron, signing as an undrafted free agent with the New York Giants in 2002. After brief stints with the San Francisco 49ers and Minnesota Vikings, Mitrione entered the MMA cage and hasn’t looked back since. The 14-time UFC veteran began his professional career with victories in his first five fights, four of which came by way of knockout. Known as one of the top finishers in the sport, the 37-year-old Indianapolis native recently finished his run with his former employer, making the decision to test free agency. Mitrione will now look to duplicate the success that he found throughout his career, kui ta vastab Fedor Emelianenko in San Jose this February.


Wanderlei Silva

Former UFC superstar Wanderlei Silva will also be in attendance on Jaanuar 20, as “The Axe Murderer” prepares for his Bellator MMA debut in the highly anticipated year of 2017. The man who has consistently called him out since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion, Chael Sonnen, will be competing in the main event of ‘Bellator 170’ just one day after the “Fan Fest.” A 48-fight veteran, Silva joined the Bellator MMA fray following an illustrious career with UFC, sifting through middleweight powerhouses Cung Le, Brian Stann, and current division champion Michael Bisping. Koos 25 tema 35 career victories coming by way of knockout, the 40-year-old Brazilian hotshot is eager to make his presence felt inside the Bellator MMA cage. Join us for ‘Bellator 170’ “Fan Fest” in Los Angeles and meet the legend himself before he makes his promotional debut.


King Mo

“King Mo” has been a mainstay with Bellator MMA since 2013, fighting everyone both the light heavyweight and heavyweight division has to offer. This will be Lawal’s second appearance at Bellator MMA’s “Fan Fest” event, giving fans another opportunity to meet the explosive striker outside of the cage. After his recent main event victory over Satoshi Ishii, “Mo” now sets his sights on other “Moneyweight” bouts to satiate his thirst.


John McCarthy

Known to many as “Big” John McCarthy, the longtime MMA referee will turn his attention to Bellator MMA’s “Fan Fest” and call the shots at a fun-filled day with some of the greatest fans the sport has to offer. McCarthy has officiated a number of memorable bouts promoted by Bellator MMA, the UFC and others, becoming one of the most notorious referees in the history of the sport.

VÕITLUS INFO: Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen toimub Laupäev, Jaanuar 21 from the Forum in Los Angeles and will air live and free on SPIKE at 9 Pärastlõunal. JA/8 Pärastlõunal. CT. The highly anticipated undercard streams live on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App beginning at 6:50 Pärastlõunal. JA/3:50 Pärastlõunal. PT.


Tickets for the event start at $36 ja on müügil nüüd Bellator.com, as well as Ticketmaster.com.


The epic main card is headlined by a legendary light heavyweight clash that pits superstars Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) vastu Chael Sonnen (28-14-1). Veel, a welterweight co-main event featuring Paul Daley (38-14-2) vastu Brennan Ward (14-4) and a middleweight bout between Ralek Gracie (3-0) ja Hisaki Kato (7-2) will also be featured on the Spike-televised main card. Lastly, Höyhensarja võistlus pehme Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) vastu Emmanuel Sanchez(13-3) and a recently-announced lightweight battle featuring Derek väljad (17-6) ja Derek Anderson (14-2, 1 NC) wrap up Bellator MMA’s first main card of the new year.


On the Bellator.com-streamed preliminary card, female flyweights Rebecca Ruth (6-2) ja Colleen Schneider (10-7) will join the promotional debuts of LA’s own Kevin Casey (9-5-1, 2 NC) and heavyweight knockout artist Jack May (8-3). Also featured on the undercard is the anticipated return of Chinzo Machida (4-2), Henry Corrales (12-3), Guilherme “Bomba” (8-3), ja Cody Bollinger (19-6).



Santa Monica, CALIF. — (Jaanuar 3, 2017) – Before the cage door closes at the Forum in Los Angeles, the main and co-main event fighters from "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” participated in a media conference call. If you weren’t on the line, you can listen to it siin, or read a couple of the quotes below.


In põhiturniiri õhtu, Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) võtab Chael Sonnen (28-14-1). Veel, Ralek Gracie (3-0) ja Hisaki Kato (7-2) will meet in a middleweight feature fight, kuigi Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) ja Emmanuel Sanchez (13-3) lahing. Lastly, a fantastic welterweight co-main event pitting Paul Daley (38-14-2) vastu Brennan Ward (14-4) is also set for the Spike-televised main card.


Limited tickets for the mega-event start at $36 and are on sale at Bellator.com, as well as Ticketmaster.com. The event will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 Pärastlõunal. ET / 8 Öösel. CT. The “Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” undercard, streams live on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App beginning at 6:50 Pärastlõunal. JA / 3:50 Pärastlõunal. PT.


Q: For Paul Daley…We had a chance to talk before you were schedule to fight Derek Anderson at ‘Bellator 163.’ He made the weight, but the fight didn’t happen. Nii, what’s going to change this time? Are you going to do anything different in your preparation and what do you expect from Brennan Ward?

Paul Daley: Things didn’t go according to plan at the last event that I was scheduled to compete in. I made the weight, but it was what happened after that was the problem. Those problems have been ironed out and we should have everything back on track and I’m ready to compete in what is going to be the most exciting fight on the card.

Q: For Brennan Ward…Both of you have definitely delivered exciting knockouts in recent performances, so I want to know what your expectation of the fight is and if you think it will be a quick showcase.

Brennan Ward: They don’t just line two guys up like Paul and I for no reasonon a card like this, that is probably the biggest card of the year and one of the biggest Bellator cards of all-time == They’re putting our matchup on there for a reason. They know fireworks are going to go off and they know this fight isn’t going the distance. Paul and I end fights, it’s what we do. Like he said, we’re going to put on the most exciting fight of the night for sure.

Q: I know that clip of you and Tito wrestling in college has been going around, so what do you expect from Tito this time around compared to the Tito you saw back then?

Chael Sonnen: Vaata, Tito’s a great fighter. He was a hell of a wrestler…I caught him in one position in that match, I’m not hanging my hat on that. I’m pumped to be in there and compete against a Hall of Famer like Tito. I’m going to do everything I can to beat him, but I don’t dismiss how good this guy is.

Q: It’s been a while since we saw you in there with Liam McGeary in that title fight. Nii, from then to now, what’s changed and what are you going to show us?

Tito Ortiz: I’ve been at work now for three years. I came from the UFC and Bellator gave me a chance to reinvigorate my career and I want to leave on my own terms. I want to leave respectfully. Scott Coker has done an amazing job with the company already and I sat back, thinking about what would be my last fight. All of a sudden, I’m watching Bellator on Spike TV and Chael Sonnen comes screaming out, calling me a coward and saying that he wants to fight me and I swear there has never been a bigger smile on my face. I was already getting ready to fight in November. I wasn’t sure who my opponent was going to be, but I was getting in shape. I’ve been training now for almost four months and this is probably one of the longest camps I’ve had and it’s time to showcase my skills. Chael says he’s fighting because he’s jealous and that’s the wrong way to come into a fight. I’m going in to get redemption and to me Chael is my enemy. This is no game, this is nothing fun, this is what I do for a living. I train and I go out to try and hurt my opponent. I know what I need to do. I need to defend the takedown, I need to watch out for the punches, I need to watch out for the guillotine. I know all of the moves that Chael has done and my job is to go in and destroy him. Edasi Jaanuar 21, two days before my birthday, I want to get the ‘Fight of the Night.’ I hope Chael’s in great shape because when I’m on top of him, he’s going to shit himself. I’m going to throw my elbows through his face and like I said, this is no joke. This is serious to me because my family’s watching, my kids are watching, and all of my fans are watching. I’ve given so much for this and I’ve sacrificed everything. I sacrificed my Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my New Year’s for this.

Q: Of all the guys you’ve verbally dueled with in your career, how would you size up where Tito stands? How does he compare to other guys that you’ve gone back and forth with verbally?

Chael Sonnen: Mees, it’s painful. It was painful just listening to him read through that list of notes. He just rattled off all of his bullets right there in one answer and I think he asked to go to the bathroom during it, which was a little weird. I don’t care, I never thought about Tito Ortiz. I didn’t come to this organization to fight Tito Ortiz. I’ve been chasing Wanderlei Silva around, but Wanderlei is busy until the summer. They called me and asked if I’d fight Tito on Jaanuar 21 and I didn’t have anything else going on, so I said yes.

Q: Beyond this fight, what are your goals in Bellator?

Chael Sonnen: I want to compete at Bellator. I want to be a champion, get to the top, and compete with all the guys. I want to find a weight class. I’d like to do it at 205-pounds, but I think there’s an opportunity at 185 and now we have some big signings at heavyweight and catchweight too. I just think there’s a lot of opportunity over here. I can tell you as far as training, working hard and being prepared, that’s what I do. I do it every day. I will bring my skills to the fight and if they’re enough I’ll win; If they’re not, I won’t. That’s just the way that this sport is played and I’m just looking forward to competing with these guys.

Q: Coming back to compete in California, with your history with that athletic commission, you’ve already taken an out-of-competition test. How do you look at that process? Were you surprised by the test? Was there an understanding that it was going to be a part of the deal to get you back in California?

Chael Sonnen: I was surprised by it. That’s why the test works. I was not ready to be tested and I didn’t know that I was going to be tested and I haven’t thought about it a whole lot. You have to understand that when you’re a guy with my background that’s just coming off of a suspension, that’s the way it goes. You’re going to have more tests than other guys and that’s just fair.

Q: Lõpuks, can you just size up the marketplace since you left UFC and since they’ve been purchased?

Chael Sonnen: Vaata, I’m brand new. I only know a few guys at Bellator. I know three people, that’s how new I am. I’ve been to two Bellator shows; one at Mohegan Sun Arena and one in San Jose. Both events were sold out! When I was in San Jose, I was sitting there and down the ramp comes the greatest heavyweight of all time, Fedor Emelianenko. Coker signed him and didn’t even say anything to anybody. The place was packed and the ratings were going higher. I wanted to come to Bellator when I saw Ken Shamrock walk the ramp and I thought this is awesome. Connecticut and then California, both sides of the country and both sold out. The household name that Bellator has become is amazing. I used to have to explain to people what UFC and what MMA was. When I tell people I’m with Bellator, they know exactly what it is. When Tito and I met in that college wrestling match, there was 80 people there tops, nobody cared. It was a big sacrifice just to show off in front of 80 inimesed. To show off in front of a sold out arena, a record-breaking show, is fun. We get Paul Daley and Brennan Ward to entertain us before we have to go out and take care of business.

Q: Tito, do you have any comment to Chael’s comments earlier about you reading from a script and all?

Tito Ortiz: This guy knows that he bit off a little more than he can chew. I’ve been through 20 years of competition, won world titles, and stepped into that cage over and over again. Tõend on puding. I’m sitting here listening to the tone that Chael has and it sounds like he’s drowning and on Jaanuar 21, he’s going to be drowning in his own blood.

Chael Sonnen: I told you he was out of bullets! I warned you ahead of time!

Q: Chael, congratulations on Celebrity Apprentice last night…great to see you on the debut there. How difficult is it for you to balance the Celebrity Apprentice, ESPN, your podcast, and training all together?

Chael Sonnen: I hate days off. I hate it more than anything. When I look at my calendar before I go to bed, I hate seeing gaps in there. So as far as training goes, I’m in the gym three hours a day. It’s an hour in the morning, maybe even less, two hours in the afternoon, I’m out the door in three in a half hours tops. Nii, that leaves me with another 20 hours in the day and I like to fill it. I don’t like to sleep a lot and that’s just the way it goes. I like to stay busy, but nothing interferes with preparation for the competition. I haven’t missed a practice, a run, a workout, a sparring session; I go every day. I go to practice every day no matter what, kaks korda päevas. There are parts when I’ll pick up the intensity and work a little harder and then there are parts when I’ll take a break to get a drink of water, but it doesn’t change for me. Ma olen valmis minema, ongi.

Q: Chael, I know you said that you had a little more of a looser camp, where you’ve trained with a lot of different fighters, especially due to all of the traveling. How has it been, having access to some elite fighters in other parts of the country?

Chael Sonnen: I love working out in other parts of the country and I love going to different gyms. And that’s something new to me, because I didn’t used to travel. I was just locked at home in Portland, Oregon, but we had a hotbed out there, with guys like Randy Couture and Evan Tanner, I could name drop for you and it would really impress. We had a really great system out there, but it dried up and some of those guys retired. Some of them moved away and some of the gyms closed down, so all of these new traveling has been great. I’ve got a lot of rounds in and worked out with Georges St-Pierre and a bunch of hammers out there that you’ve never heard of yet, but you will. I’m getting good work in and I’m learning from these guys. The one thing that I try to do, and I copied Randy Couture on this, is always train with the kids. He would be in high school workout rooms doing some wrestling practice and it was very hard for the next generation to ever get ahead of him because he always trained with that younger generation. Nii, I spend a lot of time with those kids and I have my own practices on top of that. I’m not positive that I can take Tito down, I’m not positive that I can out-box him; everything has to get better. I have to get stronger, kiiremini, better with more technique and better strategy and it all takes time.

Täielik "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” Main Card:

Light Heavyweight Main Event: Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) vs. Chael Sonnen (28-14-1)

Kaalukaalu kaasvõistlus: Paul Daley (38-14-2) vs. Brennan Ward (14-4)

Middleweight Main Card Bout: Ralek Gracie (3-0) vs. Hisaki Kato (7-2)

Featherweight Main Card Bout: Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (13-3)

Lightweight Main Card Bout: Derek väljad (17-6) vs. Derek Anderson (14-2, 1 NC)


Bellator.com-Streamed Preliminary Card:

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Chinzo Machida (4-2) vs. Jamar Ocampo (2-0)

Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Jack May (8-3) vs. Dave Cryer (11-2)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Henry Corrales (12-3) vs. Cody Bollinger (19-6)

Middleweight Preliminary Bout: Kevin Casey (9-5-1, 2 NC) vs. Keith Berry (15-13)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Guilherme “Bomba” Vasconcelos (8-3) vs. John Mercurio (8-7)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Gabriel Green (3-0) vs. Jalin Turner (2-2)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Christian Gonzalez (2-0) vs. Daniel Rodriguez (2-0)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Jacob Rosales (4-2) vs. Ian Butler (3-2)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Johnny Cisneros (9-5) vs. Curtis Millender (9-3)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Mike Segura (4-4) vs. Tommy Aaron (2-1)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Rob Gooch (4-3) vs. James Barnes (6-2)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Rebecca Ruth (6-2) vs. Colleen Schneider (10-7)


‘Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. SonnenFight Card Complete With Two New Matchups


Santa Monica, CALIF. — (Detsember 28, 2016) – The stacked main card of "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” has added even more ammo to its arsenal with the news that Derek väljad (17-6) ja Derek Anderson (14-2, 1 NC) will compete in a lightweight feature fight on Jaanuar 21, 2017 inside The Forum in Los Angeles, Californias. Veel, a female flyweight bout pitting Rebecca Ruth (6-2) vastu Colleen Schneider (10-7) has been added to the preliminary portion of the event.


The lightweight clash joins a main card that is highlighted by a legendary faceoff between superstars Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) ja Chael Sonnen (28-14-1). Veel, Ralek Gracie (3-0) ja Hisaki Kato (7-2) will meet in a middleweight feature fight, kuigi Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) ja Emmanuel Sanchez (13-3) lahing. Lastly, a fantastic welterweight co-main event pitting Paul Daley (38-14-2) vastu Brennan Ward (14-4) is also set for the Spike-televised main card.



Limited tickets for the mega-event start at $36 and are on sale at Bellator.com, as well as Ticketmaster.com. The event will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 Pärastlõunal. JA/8 Pärastlõunal. CT. The "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” undercard, streams live on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App beginning at 6:50 Pärastlõunal. JA / 3:50 Pärastlõunal. PT.


Campos enters the bout riding a recent string of success, as the 28-year-old lightweight put together a flawless 2016 campaign that included a pair of noteworthy victories over Djamil Chan ja Melvin Guillard. “The Stallion” continues to provide entertaining fights, as the Lubbock, Texas native has finished opponents in 10 tema 17 võidud, including five knockouts and three of the first-round variety. Campos will be searching for his first three-fight winning streak under the Bellator MMA umbrella since 2013.


Following an explosive start to his professional career, collecting victories in 11 Tema esimene 12 otsad, including one no-contest, Anderson has continued his success under the direction of Bellator MMA. Since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion in 2013, “The Barbaric” has tallied five impressive wins, highlighted by two knockouts and a pair of victories over Patricky Freire. Hailing from San Diego, Californias., Anderson has finished 11 tema 14 victims, and will not have to travel far as he prepares for number 12. With back-to-back victories over the aforementioned Freire and most recently Saad Awad juures “Bellator 160,” Anderson has quickly entered the mix as one of the division’s top contenders. The 26-year-old lightweight will now look to take down the Bellator MMA veteran Campos and add yet another big name to his admirable resume.


The 37-year-old Ruth will be making her third appearance under the Bellator MMA banner and first of her 2017 kampaania, following a year in which she earned her first promotional victory over Ukrainian submission specialist Lena Ovchynnikova. Prior to joining the Scott Coker-led promotion in 2016, “Ruthless” strung together an impressive 5-1 record to begin her career, including five knockout victories and three first round finishes. With wins in four of her last five contests, Ruth will look to start the year off on the right foot and add to her already impressive MMA resume.


The recently signed Schneider will be making her Bellator MMA debut on Jan. 21, as she also enters the contest having won four of her last five bouts. With six of her 10 karjääri võidab tulevad teel knockout või esitamise, look for Schneider to attack early and often in a flyweight clash that features two of the more dangerous opponents in the division. Standing at 5’9”, the 34-year-old Schneider will hold a significant height advantage over the veteran Ruth, who stands about five inches shy of the former Invicta FC product. Hailing from Los Angeles, Californias., Schneider will also not have to travel far for this incredible event, as the hometown crowd will surely be pulling for “Thoroughbred” at Inglewood’s famous Forum.



Ruth and Schneider will join a preliminary card that features the promotional debuts of Kevin Casey (9-5-1, 2 NC) ja Jack May(8-3), as well as the return of Chinzo Machida (4-2), Henry Corrales (12-3), Guilherme “Bomba” (8-3), ja Cody Bollinger (19-6).


Täielik "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” Main Card:

Light Heavyweight Main Event: Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) vs. Chael Sonnen (28-14-1)

Kaalukaalu kaasvõistlus: Paul Daley (38-14-2) vs. Brennan Ward (14-4)

Middleweight Main Card Bout: Ralek Gracie (3-0) vs. Hisaki Kato (7-2)

Featherweight Main Card Bout: Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (13-3)

Lightweight Main Card Bout: Derek väljad (17-6) vs. Derek Anderson (14-2, 1 NC)


Bellator.com-Streamed Preliminary Card:

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Chinzo Machida (4-2) vs. Jamar Ocampo (2-0)

Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Jack May (8-3) vs. Dave Cryer (11-2)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Henry Corrales (12-3) vs. Cody Bollinger (19-6)

Middleweight Preliminary Bout: Kevin Casey (9-5-1, 2 NC) vs. Keith Berry (15-13)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Guilherme “Bomba” Vasconcelos (8-3) vs. John Mercurio (8-7)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Gabriel Green (3-0) vs. Jalin Turner (2-2)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Christian Gonzalez (2-0) vs. Daniel Rodriguez (2-0)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Jacob Rosales (4-2) vs. Ian Butler (3-2)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Johnny Cisneros (9-5) vs. Curtis Millender (9-3)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Mike Segura (4-4) vs. Tommy Aaron (2-1)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Rob Gooch (4-3) vs. James Barnes (6-2)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Rebecca Ruth (6-2) vs. Colleen Schneider (10-7)



Santa Monica, CALIF. — (Detsember 8, 2016) – A featherweight showdown pitting Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) vastu Emmanuel Sanchez (13-3) has been added to the main card of "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” edasi Jaanuar 21, 2017 inside The Forum in Los Angeles, Californias.


Tickets for this monumental event start at $36 ja on müügil nüüd Bellator.com, as well as Ticketmaster.com. Additional bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.


Karakhanyan delivered one of the most spectacular performances of his 10-year career at "Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull," kui ta rivist välja Bubba Jenkins lihtsalt 53 seconds into the contest. Karakhanyan then followed that victory up with another early stoppage, ending Kirill Medvedovsky’s evening via TKO just 3:40 into the first frame at "Bellator 164: Koreshkov vs. Lubi 2.” With 20 tema 26 career wins coming by way of stoppage, “Insane” looks to add to that total and finish “El Matador,” something nobody has been able to accomplish.


Watch Georgi Karakhanyan stop Bubba Jenkins at “Bellator 160”


“El Matador” will be making his eighth appearance under the Bellator MMA banner, a promotion with which the 26-year-old has had much success to date. Native Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he trains at the famed Roufusport gym, Sanchez is riding a recent string of success, having won nine of his last 11 võistlused, including three of the past four. Six of Sanchez’s 13 career victories have come by way of knockout or submission, with five of the finishes ending in the opening frame. Sanchez was supposed to compete against A.J. McKee juures "Bellator 167: Caldwell vs. Taimanglo 2,” but was forced out of the bout after suffering multiple muscle strains during training. Since signing with Bellator MMA, “El Matador” has competed against a who’s who of talent, facing names the likes of: Pat Curran, Justin Lawrence, Henry Corrales, ja Daniel Weichel.


Watch Emmanuel Sanchez vs. Henry Corrales at “Bellator 143”


The fight joins a main card that is headlined by a legendary clash between veterans Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) ja Chael Sonnen (28-14-1). Veel, Ralek Gracie (3-0) vastu Hisaki Kato (7-2) will also be featured on the main card, as will what promises to be an absolute slugfest, kui Paul Daley (38-14-2) vastab Brennan Ward (14-4). The event will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 Pärastlõunal. JA/8 Pärastlõunal. CT, samal ajal kui eeltööd toimuvad saidil Bellator.com ja Bellator Mobile App.


Uuendatud "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” Main Card:

Light Heavyweight Main Event: Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) vs. Chael Sonnen (28-14-1)

Kaalukaalu kaasvõistlus: Paul Daley (38-14-2) vs. Brennan Ward (14-4)

Middleweight Main Card Bout: Ralek Gracie (3-0) vs. Hisaki Kato (7-2)

Featherweight Main Card Bout: Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (13-3)


Bellator.com-Streamed Preliminary Card:

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Gabriel Green (3-0) vs. Jalin Turner (2-2)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Christian Gonzalez (2-0) vs. Daniel Rodriguez (2-0)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Jacob Rosales (4-2) vs. Ian Butler (3-2)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Johnny Cisneros (9-5) vs. Curtis Millender (9-3)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Mike Segura (4-4) vs. Tommy Aaron (2-1)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Rob Gooch (4-3) vs. James Barnes (6-2)




Complete Event Photos Here / Full Event Highlights Here


Uncasville, Conn. (November. 4, 2016) – It’s a wonderful life for Phil Davis (17-3), who dethroned Liam McGeary (11-1) reedel öö “Bellator 163,taking home the light heavyweight championship.

As has been the case plenty of times throughout Davisillustrious career, his wrestling pedigree was the deciding factor, nullifying the world-class jiu-jitsu of the Renzo Gracie-trained former champion. For nearly 25-minutes, “Mr. Wonderfulmaintained top pressure on the New York-native, frustrating McGeary and putting him into desperation mode in the fifth and final round. McGeary fought valiantly to both stop and submit the longtime Alliance MMA-product, kuid lõpuks, Davis took home the unanimous decision with scorecards of 50-43, 50-45, 50-44.

McGeary, who suffered the first loss of his young career, was humble in defeat, admitting that while Davis was the better man throughout their main event fight, he will be back to reclaim what he feels is rightfully his.

Returning home to Southern California with a new belt in tow, Davis now sets his sights on his pregnant wife, who is due to give birth to his second son esmaspäeval.

Brennan Ward & Saad Awad Provide 90 Seconds of Pure Violence

In an absolute barnburner, Brennan Ward ja Saad Awad went toe-to-toe for the 86 seconds they shared the Bellator MMA cage together, doing their best imitation of Rock EmSock EmRobots until “Iiri” caught “Tapja” with an uppercut that sent the Palestinian face first into the canvas. With the knockout, Ward moves into sixth place on the all-time list of KO’s under the promotion’s banner, and now sets his sights on a future matchup against the elite at 170-pounds.

Neiman Gracie Tells the MMA World, ‘Gracie Jiu-Jitsuis Back

After finding out they would be competing live on SPIKE less than 24 hours before entering the Bellator MMA cage, Neiman Gracie (5-0) tehtud kiire töö Rudy Bears (16-15), latching on to an arm bar 4:39 into the opening frame and forcing the tap fromBad News.Gracie was able to add to his impressive submission record, which has now been stretched to three victories in three Bellator MMA appearances, including a pair of first-round submissions. The 27-year-old was also able to please Royce Gracie, who was cornering his bout for the evening.

Javy Ayala Spoils Return of Sergei Kharitonov in 16 sekundit

In what many people thought would be a triumphant return to the sport of MMA for Sergei Kharitonov (23-6), Javy Ayala (10-5) spoiled that, sending the Russian heavyweight to the canvas in a heap following an overhand right 16 seconds into the matchup. Mis võidu, “Eye Candyimmediately inserted himself into further big-time match-ups, namedropping both Bobby Lashley ja Matt Mitrione during his post-fight interview. In his last two outings, the Northern California-native has finished his foe in the opening round via stoppage.

Esialgsed Card Results:

Ja Ruth (1-0) võidetud Dustin Collins-Miles (0-1) via TKO (löögid) juures 3:19 ringi üks

Tyrelli õnn (1-0) võidetud Cody Miskell (0-1) via TKO (löögid) juures 2:22 ringi üks

Tim Caron (6-0) võidetud Steve Skrzat (8-9) TKO kaudu aadressil 1:22 ringi üks

Hannah Regina (1-0) võidetud Sarah tasumine (1-4) kaudu esitamise (käsivarre) juures 4:51 ringi üks

Tim Caron (6-0) võidetud Steve Skrzat (8-9) TKO kaudu aadressil 1:22 ringi kaks

Blair Tugman (9-6) võidetud Walter Smith-cotito (4-5, 1 NC) via ühehäälse otsusega (29-28)

Christopher Foster (10-4) võidetud Thomas English (6-7) via ühehäälse otsusega (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Tyler King (12-4) võidetud Josh Diekmann (15-8, 1 NC) kaudu esitamise (tagavedu alasti choke) juures 1:39 ringi kaks

Carlos Corriea (2-0) võidetud Ilja Kotau (1-2) via split otsuse (30-27, 28-29, 30-27)

Vinicius De Jesus (5-1) võidetud James Boran (6-1) kaudu esitamise (tagavedu alasti choke) juures 1:55 ringi 2