Tag Archives: BrawlinLobsta Wrestling Clinic & Tournament


PER PUBLICACIÓ IMMEDIATA: Gorham, Maine (Juny 30, 2017) - Lluites de Nova Anglaterra (NEF) announced earlier today that the fight promotion would once again sponsor an athlete at this year’s BrawlinLobsta Wrestling Clinic & Tournament. The camp is set to take place at the Gorham campus of the University of Southern Maine (USM) desJuliol 18 to July 22. As it has done in years past, NEF will select one winner for which the fight promotion will cover tuition to the program.

This is one of the most important things we do in the community every year,” said NEF matchmaker and co-owner Matt Peterson of Rumford, Maine. “So many of our promotion’s competitors came from a wrestling background. Wrestling instills in young athletes a lifelong sense of discipline and hard work, and that is exactly what we want the winner of this contest to take away from the camp this summer.

Camp instructors Mike Morin and Jon Deupree are both veterans of the MMA cage. Morin is the head wrestling coach at USM and a two-time All-American during his days competing for the Huskies. Deupree is an assistant coach with USM and was a two-time NCAA national qualifier.

“Myself and my staff would like to thank NEF for once again sponsoring a local wrestler to attend the Brawlin’ Lobsta Wrestling Camp,” exclaimed Morin. “This is not only directly helping raise the level of wrestling in the state of Maine, it has also helped us at USM jump levels. We look forward to working with all of the wrestlers this year at the camp and in the future.”

Interested contestants are asked to submit a photograph of themselves wrestling to either the NEF Facebook page or via email to newenglandfights@gmail.com along with a brief statement of 100 words or less detailing why they believe the clinic will help them achieve their goals.

Lluites de Nova Anglaterra’ next mixed-martial arts event, "NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor,” will be held at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine a Dissabte, Agost 5, 2017. Les butlletes estan a la venda a www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

Per a més informació sobre les actualitzacions de targetes d'esdeveniments i lluita, si us plau visiti la pàgina web de la promoció en www.NewEnglandFights.com. Addicionalment, pots veure vídeos en NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “Lluites de Nova Anglaterra."