Tag Archives: Braulio Rodriguez

Braulio Rodriguez fractures hand in bout with Christopher Diaz

НЬЮ ЙОРК, NY (March 20th, 2018) – Энэ нь өнгөрсөн Бямба гариг night at the Hulu Theater in Madison Square Garden, өд орд Braulio Rodriguez (19-3, 17 Kos) locked horns with undefeated prospect Christopher Diaz in a battle for the WBO-NABO Super Featherweight title.
Through the first two-plus rounds, Rodriguez was holding his own with Diaz, until Rodriguez hurt his right hand.
Unfortunately Rodriguez could not continue, and the bout was stopped 28 seconds into round four.
Rodriguez was diagnosed with a Metacarpal fracture on his right hand.
Braulio proved that he can compete with the top 130 pound fighters out there,” said Rodriguez manager, Felipe Gomez of El Matador Management. “He suffered a freak injury before he could really get going. He was landing some good shots, and I feel he had a good chance of winning. When he heals, hopefully we can get a rematch or some big fight as I feel he should be in the mix for those opportunities.
Rodriguez is promoted by Evander Holyfield’s Real Deal Boxing.

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НЬЮ ЙОРК, NY (14-р сар, 2018) – Dominican Featherweight prospect, Braulio Rodriguez (19-2, 17К.О-ийн), makes his return to the ring on Бямба гариг, March 17th, 2018 эсрэг Christopher Diaz (22-0, 14К.О-ийн) from Barranquitas, Пуэрто-Рико. The ten-round bout will take place at Madison Square Garden театр дахь Нью-Йорк, Нью-Йорк and will be for the WBO-NABO Super Featherweight title. The show will be promoted by Top Rank.
After a year and a half layoff, Rodriguez is excited to be back in the ring. Rodriguez was recently signed to a three-year promotional deal by Real Deal Boxing and also a managerial agreement by El Matador Management.
I feel happy to be part of Real Deal Boxing and El Matador Management. I know that with them, I will achieve great things in the sport of boxing. This is the opportunity that I have been looking forward to and now I will be able to show everyone who Braulio “Гол дүрүүд нь хүүхэд” Rodriguez is.
Braulio Rodriguez had an outstanding amateur background compiling close to 200 сонирхогчдын bouts. He is strong and knows his way around the ring”, said his manager Felipe Gomez. “He was scheduled to fight on few occasions, but unfortunately for unforeseen reasons it didn’t happen. Rodriguez is one of those fighters that will have the crowd on their feet from start to finish.

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Instagram: @ElMatadorManagement
SnapChat: @ElMatadorMngmt
Ийн YouTube-ийн: @NewLegendPromotions

Featherweight prospect Toka Kahn-Clary To headline his first show Oct. 19 in Atlanta

(L-R) – Дарга, сургагч багш Петр Manfredo, Ахмад, featherweight prospect Toka Kahn-Clary,. Mentor Dan Crotty and adviser Seth DeRobbio
Providence, RI (Аравдугаар сар 5, 2017) – Featherweight prospect Тока “T Nice” Кан-Clary (22-1, 15 Kos) will headline his fist show Бямба гариг Шөнийн, Аравдугаар сар 19 at Georgia Freight Depot in Atlanta, promoted by Hall-of-Famer Evander Холифилд‘s Real Deal Sports & Удирдлага, in a 10-round bout against Braulio “Гол дүрүүд нь хүүхэд” Rodriguez for the vacant World Boxing Council (WBC) Continental Americas featherweight title.
The once-beaten, Liberia-born Kahn-Clary, Зорилго гарч тэмцэх (RI). is coming off an impressive eight-round unanimous decision this past June against Angel Luna (11-2-1) in Louisville.
I very happy about fighting in my first main event,” the popular 25-year-old Kahn-Clary said. “I’m going to put on a show to let everybody know who I am. I’m very excited to be fighting for my first pro title. A victory will put me in the top 15 дэлхийн, as well as make me more marketable and better known in boxing.
Kahn-Clary was a decorated amateur boxer, compiling an outstanding 131-11 record and collecting numerous medals at national tournaments, highlighted by him capturing a gold medal at the 2010 U.S. National Golden Globes Championships. He was also a silver medalist at the 2009 National Golden Gloves Championships and 2011 U.S. Үндэсний аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн, in addition to being bronze medalist at the 2012 U.S. Nationals Championships.
Rodriguez (19-2, 17 Kos), who was the WBC super featherweight champion two years ago, is a heavy-handed, battle-tested Dominican. He will be fighting in the United States for the first time as a professional.
He’s a tough kid who, Гэж би боддог, should be 20-1 because I watched his last fight and he should have gotten the decision (LSDEC8 to 12-0-1 Alberto Mercado in Puerto Rico),” Kahn-Clary noted. “He’s very awkward and fights in spurts. I need to be smart and use my experience.
Kahn-Clary vs. Rodriguez, is somewhat of a crossroads fight with career-critical future implications for both fighters with the winner advancing to the next level, while the loser could become a permanent opponent.
Тока Кан-Clary
(Photo by Emily Harney)

This is the big fight for Toka,” his advisor Seth DeRobbio explained. “I think it’ll be a good fight. His opponent is a big puncher with 17 нь knockouts 19 хожиж. Toka has an opportunity to showcase his talents in a main event for the first time. Stopping a guy like this who has never been knocked out can be huge for Toka.

Everything depends on this fight. Түүний сүүлчийн тэмцэл нь, the opponent kept coming forward and that didn’t allow Toka to showcase all his skills. It’s difficult boxing as you back up, but Toka proved that he can fight like that if needed. All Toka’s skills will be on display this fight. It’s a great opportunity for him.
Kahn-Clary vs. Rodriguez was originally slated to be held September 30 in Louisville, but venue issues forced the postponement and subsequent relocation to Atlanta.
I was upset that the fight was pushed back only because my weight was on point,” Kahn-Clary admitted,” but fighters need to adjust in and out of the ring and everything is good. Some good came out of it, Хэдийгээр. I found more video of my opponent to watch, and additional training and sparring helps, бас.”
The postponement actually helps us,” DeRobbio added. “It gives us three additional weeks to train to prepare for the biggest fight of Toka’s life. At this stage of his career every fight for Toka from here on out will be his biggest fight of his career.

Эль & Radisson EN Сэмпсон боксын түүхэн "Las Vegas’ Боксын болон покер харуулах авах хэлбэр


Хоёр нь маш алдартай казино спорт бокс, покер дэмжигч Сэмпсон Lewkowicz-ийн шинэлэг, түүхэн цус ойртсоноос нь боксын тал, эрх “& Radisson нь Лас Вегас,” болон долоо хоногийн хуваарьт Бямба гариг, Наймдугаар 8, Монтевидеогоос нь Radisson Монтевидео Виктория Плаза зочид буудалд, Уругвай, хэлбэр авч байна.


Одоо бас нэг түүхэн Эхлээд төлөөлөх болно шөнө үндсэн үйл явдал, асар их алдартай байсан эмэгтэйчүүдийн дэлхийн аварга Cecilia болох “Хатан хаан” Улсын Пайсанду нь Comunales, Уругвай (12-1, 8 Kos), Түүний гэр орны 100 жилийн боксын түүхэнд анх нэгдэл тэмцэлд татан оролцуулах болно, Тэр Доминиканы Бүгд найрамдах улсын Lina Milagros Tejada дээр авдаг болох (10-2, 8 Kos) гаруй WBA болон WBC Эмэгтэйчүүдийн супер хөнгөн улсын аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн нь 10 удаа.


The Бямба гариг боксын үйл явдал, Дөрвөн өдөр олон улсын покер тэмцээний хагас шигшээд мөн шигшээ хооронд хавчуулагдсан,


VTV Уругвай нэвтрүүлсэн, Аргентин TyC (АНУ-ын байршил, түүний дотор) , телевизийн Canal 4 Панамд, телевизээр дэмжих bouts нь байх болно “Бүх Панам хот” Өс хонзон өвөрлөж тоглолт, Супер bantamweight Рафаэл болох “Bull” Консепсион (18-7-1, 8 Kos) Панам хот, Панам, Хуучин олон дэлхийн аварга Роберто comebacking сорьж байна “Spider” Vasquez (32-6-2, 22 Kos), Мөн Панам хот. Гурав дахь Онцлох дайралт хийвэл нь, Braulio “Гол дүрүүд нь хүүхэд” Rodriguez (17-1, 16 Kos) Ла Romana нь, Доминиканы Бүгд Найрамдах Улс, Entre Ríos авах болно, Аргентины Marcos “Maquinita” Martinez (17-2, 5 Kos) WBC Латин Супер өд АШТ-д 10-бөөрөнхийлөгч нь.


Орон нутгийн welterweight Azael “Turbo” Cosio (19-3-2, 16 Kos) Аргентины Кристиан Нестор Ромеро эсрэг 10 дугуй тулалдаанд цацаж нээх болно (15-7-1, 7 Kos).


казино спортын энэ өвөрмөц doubleheader покер тал дээр эхэлнэ Пүрэв гариг, Наймдугаар 6, CAM болон покер байгууллагаас зохион байгуулж байгаа юм. Бямба гаригт Шөнийн, нь дуусгавар болно покер 7 цаг болон боксын шоу нь эхэлнэ 9 цаг. покерын тэмцээний шигшээ зохион байгуулагдах болно Ням гаригт.


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Сэмпсон Боксын ТУХАЙ

Нь matchmaker болон зөвлөхөөр нь маш амжилттай хугацааны дараа, Сэмпсон Lewkowicz нэгдүгээр сард мэргэжлийн боксын сурталчилгааны тал руу шилжсэн 2008.

Сэмпсон боксын дэлхийн хамгийн нэр хүндтэй фирмүүдийн сурталчилгааны нэг нь болсон, Дэлхийн шилдэг сөнөөгч, хамгийн ирээдүйтэй залуу өрсөлдөгчдийн олон төлөөлж.

Сэмпсон боксын Бүх Хойд болон Өмнөд Америкийн гаруй сурталчилгааны түншүүд байна, Африк, Ази, Шинэ Зеланд, Австрали, Европ болон Төв Америк, Сэмпсон боксын үйл явдал HBO зэрэг киноны нээлтийн сүлжээн дээр телевизээр байна, Showtime, ESPN, VS. мөн хэд хэдэн олон улсын сүлжээ.