Tag Archives: Brandon Halsey

Damir Ismagulov stops Maxim Divnich to become new M-1 Challenge Lightweight Champion

OHARRA berehalako

New M-1 Challenge Lightweight Champion Damir Ismagulov
Additional photos are available at: https://yadi.sk/d/qxxExTyC3JYnwN
ORENBURG, Errusiak (Maiatza 27, 2017) – A new M-1 Challenge lightweight champion was crowned last night as Damir Ismagulov knocked out former champion Maxim Divnich at the end of the fifth and final championship round in the M-1 Challenge 78 main event at Orenburg, Errusiak.
M-1 Challenge 78 was a true international event with fighters representing eight different countries: Errusiak, Brasilen, Bielorrusiako, USA, UK, Suedian, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.
Ismagulov (11-2-0, M-1: 7-1-0), fighting out of Russia by way of Kazakhstan, fought Divnich (13-3-0, M-1: 7-3-0) etxean, Orenburg, for the vacant M-1 Challenge lightweight title, where Divnich had lost his title belt in 2015.
The title fight commenced with a “Sentimendu-out-prozesua” Kolpeak trukeak sinple Ismagulov gehiago lanean bere oinak dituzten, and the round ended with the hometown favorite holding a slight advantage.
Ismagulov, ordea, nagusi hurrengo hiru txandatan eta Divnich, zeinen sakona hondatuta, odoltsua aurpegia erakutsi gaixo Ismagulov etengabeko erasoen ondorioak, ezin izan du gauzak biratu inguruan bosgarren. As the finished neared, Ismagulov huts bere jokoa aurkariak bidaltzeko erantzunik ukabilkadak defentsarik Divnich batean euria barrage arte. The referee halted the action with 13-seconds remaining on the clock for a hard-fought Ismagoulov win by technical knockout.
Borrokaren ostean 5,000 zale ospatzen, Beren Ismagulov onespena roaring, nork esan du: “naiz Orenburg eskualdeko I. Gerriko irabazi dut! Eskerrik asko etortzeagatik. MMA Orenburg eskerrak eman nahi dut, nire entrenatzaile, Victor Frolov, Nork ikusi nau talentu gisa, eta Alexander Shlemenko me sinesteko. Eskerrak dut nire entrenatzaileen, Nire familia, eta gure zaleei.
“Nik frogatu dut herri txiki batetik tipo sinple bat Internetera gabe txapeldun bihurtu ahal. Ahal badut, ahal duzu. The belt in Orenburg, Bertan izan beharko litzateke.”
Errusiako argi heavyweight Mikhail Ragozin (8-2-0, M-1: 2-0-0) gelditu Alan Bispo De Santana (5-2-0, M-1 0-1-0), Brasilgo, via punches late in the third round.
Brasilgo middleweight Caio “Hellboy” Magalhaes (10-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0) turned in an impressive M-1 debut, using a rear-naked choke hold to submit Dmitry Voitov (15-7-0, M-1: 4-2-0), Bielorrusiako, in the opening frame.
American welterweight Keith “One” Johnson (12-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0) made an auspicious M-1 debut, also using a rear-naked choke to submit his opponent, former M-1 Challenge welterweight title challenger Maksim Grabovich (5-3-0, M-1: 4-3-0), Errusiako, late in the third round.
Russian bantamweight Vadim “Bad SantaMalygin (9-2-1, M-1: 2-1-1) won a three-round unanimous decision over veteran Brazilian fighter, FabricioBillSarraff (23-10-0, M-1: 0-2-0).
Aurretiazko txartela ekintzan, Ukrainian bantamweight Alexksander Doskalchuk (7-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0) eta Brasilgo arin Rubenilton “Rubinho” Pear (17-5-0, M-1: 1-2-0) were three-round majority decision winners, hurrenez hurren, over Swede Son LeBuddhaBinh (5-2-0, M-1: 1-1-0) eta OrozbekNomadMaripov (5-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Kirgizistango; pro-debuting Russian lightweight Roman Bogatov (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) used a bravo choke to submit Brit RichardRico” Franco (2-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0) lehen txandan, Russian luma Vitali Tverdokhlebov (4-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0) punched out Ukrainian Oleg Mikhailov (0-3-0 (M-1: 0-1-0) Kopako bi, eta Salem Evloev (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) took a three-round unanimous decision from Alexey Dubrovny (0-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0) in a pro-debut battle of Russian bantamweights.
Official results below:
Emaitza ofizialak
Txartel nagusia
Damir Ismagulov (11-2-0, M-1: 7-1-0), Russia by way of Kazakhstan
WTKO5 (4:47 – punches)
Maxim Divnich (13-3-0, M-1: 7-3-0)
(Ismagulov won vacant M-1 Challenge lightweight title)
LIGHT heavyweights
Mikhail Ragozin (8-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0-), Errusiak
WTKO3 (4:32 – punches)
Alan Bispo De Santana (5-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Brasilen
Caio Magalhaes (10-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Brasilen
WSUB1 (1:16 – atzerako biluzik choke)
Dmitry Voitov (15-7-0, M-1: 3-3-0) Bielorrusiako
Keith Johnson (12-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0), USA
WSUB3 (4:22 – atzerako biluzik choke)
Maksim Grabovich (5-4-0, M-1: 4-3-0), Errusiak
Vadim Malygin (9-2-1, M-1: 2-1-1), Errusiak
Fabricio Sarraff (23-10-0, M-1: 0-2-0), Brasilen
Roman Bogatov (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Errusiak
WSUB1 (4:52bravo choke)
Ricardo Franco (2-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0-), Ingalaterra
Rubenilton Pereira (17-5-0, M-1: 1-2-0), Brasilen
Orozbek Maripov (5-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Kirgizistan
Aleksander Doskalchuk (7-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0)
Son Le Binh (5-2-0, M-1: 1-1-0,), Suedian
Salem Evloev (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Errusiak
Alexey Dubrovsky (0-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Errusiak
Vitali Tverdokhlebov (5-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Errusiak
WTKO2 (punches)
Oleg Mikhailov (0-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Ukrainako


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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
M-1 Challenge 79: Shlemenko vs. Halsey – June 1, 2017 St. Petersburgo, Errusiak
M-1 Challenge 80: Kharitonov vs/ LopesJune 15, 2017 in Habin, Txinan


Txartel nagusia

Maxim Divnich (13-2-0, M-1: 7-2-0), Ukrainako 154 kgs. (70.2 kg)
Damir Ismagulov (10-2-0, M-1: 6-1-0), Russia by way of Kazakhstan 154 kgs. (70.2 kg)

LIGHT heavyweights – 3 X 5
Mikhail Ragozin (7-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0-), Russia204 lbs. (92.7 kg)
Alan Bispo De Santana (5-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Brasilen 203 kgs. (92.2 kg)

Middleweights – 3 X 5
Dmitry Voitov (15-6-0, M-1: 3-2-0) Bielorrusiako 185 kgs. (84.0 kg)
Caio Magalhaes (9-3-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Brasilen 185 kgs. (84.0 kg)

Maksim Grabovich (5-3-0, M-1: 4-2-0), Errusiak 169 ½ kgs. (76.9 kg)
Keith Johnson (11-3-0, M-1: 0-0-0), USA 77.3 kgs. (77.3 kg)

Vadim Malygin (8-2-1, M-1: 1-1-1), Errusiak 124 ½ kgs. (56.6 kg)
Fabricio Sarraff (23-9-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Brasilen 127 ½ kgs. (57.9 kg)
Lightweights – 3 X 5
Roman Bogatov (debut), Errusiak 157 ½ kgs. (71.6 kg)
Ricardo Franco (2-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0-), Ingalaterra 157 ½ kgs. (71.6 kg)
Orozbek Maripov (5-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Kirgizistan 158 kgs. (71.3 kg)
Rubenilton Pereira (16-5-0, M-1: 0-2-0), Brasilen 158 kgs. (71.8 kg)
Aleksander Doskalchuk (6-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0) 124 1/2 kgs. (56.5 kg)
Son Le Binh (5-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0,), Suedian 125 kgs. (56.7 kg)
Salem Evloev (debut), Errusiak 135 kgs. (61.3 kg)
Alexey Dubrovsky (debut), Errusiak 134 ½ kgs. (61.0 kg)
Vitali Tverdokhlebov (4-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Errusia kgs. ( kg)
Oleg Mikhailov (0-2, M-1: 0-0-0), Ukrainako 137 kgs. (62.2 kg)
NOIZ: Ostirala, Maiatza 26, 2017
NON: Orenburg, Errusiak
Live korrontea: www.m1global.tv (11.00 a.m. ETA / 8:00 a.m. PT in USA)
Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
M-1 Challenge 78: Divnich vs. Ismagulov – Maiatza 26, 2017 Orenburg, Errusiak
M-1 Challenge 79: Shlemenko vs. Halsey – June 1, 2017 St. Petersburgo, Errusiak
M-1 Challenge 80: Kharitonov vs/ LopesJune 15, 2017 in Habin, Txinan

Fast & furious 4-week period, Maiatza 19 & June 15 M-1 Global to promote four M-1 Challenge events


Alexander Shlemenko Sergei Kharitonov
ST. PETERSBURG, Errusiak (Maiatza 5, 2017) – M-1 Global action will be fast and furious as the Russia-based MMA promotional company will present four major M-1 Challenge events, starting May 19. in less than a four-week period.
All four events will be streamed live in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. Ikusleak aurretiazko borrokak eta txartel nagusia ikustera saioa hasten den izena eman ahal izango dute www.M1Global.TV. Fans ekintza guztiak ikusi ahal izango dute beren ordenagailuetan, baita Android eta Apple smart telefono eta pilulak gisa.
M-1 Challenge 77 – Maiatza 19 – Sochi, Errusiak
Former two-time M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Viktor Nemkov(24-6-0, M-1: 17-5-0) will take on M-1 Global-debuting Ronny Markes (16-4-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Brasilgo, ekitaldi nagusian.
Undefeated Russian middleweight prospect Artiom Frolov (8-0-0, M-1: 5-0-0) vs. Talekh “Azerbaijan Terminator The” Nadzhafzade (4-1-1 (M-1: 2-1-0), Russian luma Viktor Kolesnik (9-2-1, M-1: 0-0-0) vs. Brazlian Felipe Rego (8-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), and Ukrainian welterweight Audrey “Iron” Lezhnev(11-7-0, M-1: 3-3-0) vs. Errusiako Rbanali Abdusalamov The are also scheduled to be in action.
M-1 Challenge 78 – Maiatza 26 – Orenburg, Errusiak
Former M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Maxim Divnich (13-2-0, M-1: 7-2-0), Ukrainako, and Kazakhstan native Damir Ismagulov (10-2-0, M-1: 6-1-0), Errusiako egindako borrokan, will square off in the main event for the vacant M-1 Challenge lightweight title.
Alemaniako heavyweight Frank “Tattoo” Kortz (4-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0) aurpegiak Nikolay Savilov (4-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0).
M-1 Challenge 79 – June 1 – St. Petersburgo, Errusiak
Former Bellator champions, Russian great Alexander “Ekaitz” Shlemenko(55-7-0, M-1: 5-0-0) and M-1 Global debuting Brandon “Bull” Halsey (9-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0) throw-down in the main event of a rematch originally won by the American.
Errusiako middleweight Valery “Errusiako Hammer” Myasnikon (11-1-2, M-1: 2-1-2) meets veteran Enoc konpontzen Torres (19-9-1, M-1: 5-6-1), Espainiako.
M-1 Challenge 80 – June 15 – Harbin, Txinan

Russian heavyweight star Sergei “Paratrooper” Kharitonov (23-6-0, M-1: 3-0-0) returns to M-1 Global against Brazilian invader Marcus Vinicius “mountain” Lopes (11-5-0, M-1: 2-1-0). Ekitaldi nagusian.

M-1 Challenge luma txapeldun John “Hau da,” Buchinger (31-5-0, M-1:6-1-0), of Slovania, will defend his crown against Russian challenger Timur Nagibin (9-2-0, M-1: 5-1-0).


Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
M-1 Challenge 77: Nemkov vs. MarkesMaiatza 19, 2017 Sochi, Errusiak
M-1 Challenge 78: Divnich vs. Ismagulov – Maiatza 26, 2017 Orenburg, Errusiak
M-1 Challenge 79: Shlemenko vs. Halsey – June 1, 2017 St. Petersburgo, Errusiak
M-1 Challenge 80: Kharitonov vs/ LopesJune 15, 2017 in Harbin, Txinan




FRESNO, Kalifornia. (June 17, 2016) — It was a rematch over three years in the making, it was a fight that was scheduled, cancelled and re-scheduled, etaostiralean at Bellator 156inside Save Mart Center, Marcos Galvao (17-7-1) versus Eduardo Dantas (18-4) was also a barnburner of a main event with the Bellator MMA Bantamweight Championship on the line.

Galvao, 33, walked into the arena with the belt in tow, riding high on his memorable victory at the expense of Joe Warren in 2015. But over the course of 25 minutu, Dantas put a halt to any momentumLorohad, peppering his former training partner’s left-eye with punches, until it swelled shut. Galvao tried valiantly to slow the pace of “Dudu” through grappling, but the 27-year-old did enough to earn the nod from the California State Athletic Commission judges and take back the belt that he claimed was his all along.

With the defeat, Galvao’s four-fight winning streak was snapped, while Dantas has now pieced together two consecutive victories. The Nova Uniao product will now set his sights on the winner of Darrion Caldwell aurka Joe Taimanglo at “Warrior 159,a bout that will determine the new No. 1 contender for Dantasfreshly won title.

Chidi Njokuani ‘Bang BangsHis Way to Knockout Victory

The co-main event of the evening featured contrasting styles, batera Chidi Njokuani (15-4) looking to keep the fight at length and utilize his height and reach advantage, bitartean Thiago Jambo (18-5) worked hard to close the distance and compete on the inside. “Chidi Bang Bangwon out, cracking the gut of Jambo with a kick that folded the Brazilian to the mat. Njokuani pounced, landing left and right punches until referee Mike Beltran waved the fight off at2:39 finalean of, giving the Las Vegas native a knockout win. After the scrap, the 28-year-old made his interview concise, telling the welterweight division: “anyone can get it.

John Salter Taps Brandon Halsey via Triangle Choke

Throughout the lead up to Ostirala en event in Fresno, Brandon Halsey (9-2) made it clear that fans watching would see a new and improved “Bull,” and while the former Fresno State Bulldog did demonstrate a new array of striking, Izan zen John Salter (12-3) who stole the show. The 31-year-old Wilmington, N.C. resident caught Halsey on the mat with a triangle choke submission, forcing him to tap out after 4:03 lehen txandan. Keeping with the trend of his career thus far, every fight Salter has won has been via submission, furthering his claim for a shot at the promotion’s 185-pound belt.

Honeycutt Impresses Hometown Crowd in Middleweight Debut

In the opening main card contest of “Warrior 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas,” Fresno’s own Chris HONEYCUTT (8-1) welcomed Mikkel Parlo (13-3) back to the Bellator MMA cage with a complete 15-minute performance, building upon the wrestling pedigree he’s known for with a newfound dynamic striking arsenal. Usually Parlo, a Danish fighter who had not competed for the Scott Coker-led promotion since 2014, gets the better of his opponents when the fight stays upright, baina ostiralean, Izan zen “Cutt The” who got the better of the punching exchanges. Azkenean, it was the 27-year-old Honeycutt who walked away with a unanimous decision, pushing out his current winning streak to two bouts and improving to 4-1 under the Bellator umbrella.

Aurrematrikula Txartela emaitzak:

Jermaine McDermott (3-0) garaitu Blake Watkins (5-1) TKO bidez :20 Bat txandan

Paul Ruiz (7-3) garaitu Chris Buron (5-1) split erabaki bidez (30-27, 28-29, 30-27)

Javy Ayala (9-5) garaitu Roy Boughton (14-8) TKO bidez 3:02 Bat txandan

Nick Bustamante (4-1) garaitu Antoine Smith (2-6-1) gehiengoaren erabakia bidez (28-28, 29-27, 29-27)

Jose Cabezas (6-8) garaitu John Paul Elias (3-1) via knockout at :25 Bat txandan

Chris Lewis (1-0) garaitu Myron Smith (2-3) TKO bidez 4:48 Bat txandan

Luis Jauregui (4-2) garaitu Ryan Tobar (3-3) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Ben Reiter (17-1-1) garaitu A.J. Matthews (8-5) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-26, 30-26, 30-26)

Carrington Bankuak (5-0) garaitu C.J. Keith (8-4) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-25, 30-26, 30-26)


FRESNO, Kalifornia. (June 16, 2016) – Only one day separates us from the ultra-compelling "Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " event at Save Mart Center in Fresno, Kalifornia. and Bellator’s digital team has yet again whipped up a fresh batch of exclusive new content in preparation of Ostirala encompetition. For an inside look and more behind-the-scenes footage, tune in to Bellator’s YouTube page orain.


Foundations with Marcos Galvao

After suffering a controversial loss to Joe Warren the first time they fought, Marcos “Loro” Galvao left no doubt who was the better fighter the second time around.

Foundations with Eduardo Dantas

Jimmy Smith breaks down the fight that led to Dantas’ title shot with Galvao ostiralean Gau.

What To Watch: Galvao vs Dantas

Two teammates clash, as Marcos Galvao and Eduardo Dantas meet again in the cage with another belt on the line.

Slow Motion Kneebar

Marcos Galvão flashes his bantamweight belt in this week’s #‎SlowMoMonday

Foundations with Brandon Halsey

According to Jimmy Smith, “Brandon Halsey is the guy when he walks down the hallway, you get out of his way.Can he walk his way to a win?

Foundations with John Salter

John Salter doesn’t wait for the judges to decide the outcome of a fight. Jimmy Smith discusses Salter’s style and confidence.

Foundations with Chidi Njokuani

It’s hard to prepare and battle a fighter like Chidi Njokuani. Jimmy Smith talks about Chidi’s advantage in the cage.

The Bellator MMA Bantamweight Title will be on the line in a rematch pitting Marcos "Loro" Galvao (17-6-1) txapeldun ohia aurka Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas (17-4) ekitaldi nagusian"Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " on June 17 Save Mart Center Fresno barruan, Kalifornia.


Horrez gain, Thiago Jambo (18-4) will be making his Bellator MMA debut in a welterweight co-main event against Chidi Njokuani (14-4). The main card also includes a middleweight matchup between Calif. jaiotzez Brandon Halsey (9-1) and knockout specialist John Salter (11-3). “Bellator 156” also features one of Fresno’s own, Chris HONEYCUTT (7-1), who will look to put on a clinic in front of thousands of his biggest fans when he challenges Mikkel Parlo (13-2) in a middleweight clash.


Be sure to tune in to the live streaming preliminary card of “Bellator 156,” hassiric 8 p.m. ETA/7 p.m. CT, where you can watch the highly-anticipated professional debut of California’s No. 1 ranked amateur heavyweight, Chris Lewis.


Very few tickets remain for "Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " so secure your seat now by visiting the Save Mart Center Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com. The event takes place at Save Mart Center in Fresno, Kalifornia., and airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT, while the highly entertaining preliminary card will stream live on Bellator.com eta The Bellator Mobile App.




SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (June 10, 2016) – An undisclosed injury to “Bellator 158” competitor Josh Koscheck has paved the way for a new co-main feature bout at "Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " pitting Chidi “Chidi Bang Bang” Njokuani (14-4) aurka Thiago Jambo (18-4) Ekainaren 17 at the Save Mart Center in Fresno, ESATERAKO. Jambo will be making his promotional debut in place of Douglas Lima.


The fight completes a card that features a Bellator MMA Bantamweight Title rematch pitting Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) aurka Eduardo Dantas (17-4), while Fresno native, Chris HONEYCUTT (7-1) returns home to take on Mikkel Parlo (13-2) in a middleweight slugfest. Txartel nagusia osatzeko ', John Salter (11-3) eta Brandon Halsey (9-1) duke it out in a 185-pound feature bout.



"Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " airs LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT, berriz, aurretiazko bouts zuzeneko airetik egingo Bellator.com etaThe Bellator Mobile App. Gertaera sarrerak bakarrik hasiko $25 and are currently on sale at the Save Mart Center Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com.



Having not lost a fight in his last six appearances dating back to 2013, “Chidi Bang Bang” will try to keep the train rolling as he prepares for Jambo. The 27-year-old Las Vegas native finished his 2015 campaign on a high note, recording a unanimous decision victory over Ricky “The Sniper” Rainey in his promotional debut at "Bellator 146: Kato vs. Manhoef. " Njokuani will face one of the stiffest tests of his career when he meets Jambo in the co-headliner of "Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2.”


The 35-year-old Goncalves has landed himself a golden opportunity when he steps into the cage with Njokuani in the co-feature on June 17. The 12-year professional most recently earned his 18garren career win by defeating Matt Baker via technical knockout in the second round of their contest and now the Brazilian welterweight will be making his Bellator MMA debut after impressively recording six wins over his last seven fights dating back to 2010.


Bete "Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 "txartela:

Bellator MMA bantamweight Izenburua Bout: Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) vs. Eduardo Dantas (17-4)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Co-Main Event: Chidi Njokuani (14-4) vs. Thiago Jambo Goncalves (18-4)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Feature Bout: Brandon Halsey (9-1) vs. John Salter (11-3)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Feature Bout: Chris HONEYCUTT (7-1) vs. Mikkel Parlo (13-2)


Aurrematrikula Txartela:

Bellator MMA middleweight aurrematrikula Bout: A.J. Matthews (8-4) vs. Ben Reiter (16-1)

Bellator MMA Argia Heavyweight aurrematrikula Bout: Jermaine McDermott (2-0) vs. Blake Watkins (5-0)

Bellator MMA 140lb. Preliminary Bout: Paul Ruiz (6-4) vs. Christian Navarro (5-0)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Javy Ayala (8-5) vs. Roy Boughton (14-7)

Bellator MMA arin aurrematrikula Bout: Nick Bustamante (5-1) vs. Antoine Smith (3-5)

Bellator MMA arin aurrematrikula Bout: C.J. Keith (8-3) vs. Carrington Bankuak (4-0)

Bellator MMA Featherweight aurrematrikula Bout: Justin Smitley (10-7) vs. TBD

Bellator MMA Argia Heavyweight aurrematrikula Bout: John Paul Elias (3-0) vs. Jose Cabesas (5-8)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Chris Lewis (0-0) vs. Gil Medina (1-0)

Bellator MMA arin aurrematrikula Bout: Luis Jauregui (3-2) vs. Ryan Tobar (3-2)



SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (April 19, 2016) – A middleweight matchup between Brandon "Bull" Halsey (9-1) eta John Salter (11-3) has been added to the main card of "Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " Ekainaren 17 Save Mart Center Fresno barruan, Kalifornia.

The fight joins a main card that features two of Bellator MMA’s top welterweights, in Chidi “Chidi Bang Bang” Njokuani (14-4) eta Douglas “The Phenom” Lima (26-6), and a rematch between Marcos "Loro" Galvao (17-6-1) eta Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas (17-4), where the Bellator MMA Bantamweight Title will be on the line. Horrez gain, eight preliminary contests have been added to the event.

"Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " doinu Spike bizi at 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT, berriz, aurretiazko bouts zuzeneko airetik egingo Bellator.com eta The Bellator Mobile App. Borrokak gehigarria laster jakinaraziko da.

Gertaera sarrerak bakarrik hasiko $25 and are currently on sale at the Save Mart Center Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com.

Halsey will be making his ninth appearance under the Bellator MMA banner, and be looking to add to his impressive promotional mark of 7-1. The former Fresno State Bulldog began his professional career 9-0 before recently surrendering his first loss against the present Bellator MMA Middleweight titlistRafael Carvalho at "Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho. " The 29-year-old will look to start another long streak of victories when he challenges John Salter in main card action at "Bellator 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " Ekainaren 17.

Salter comes into his bout with a professional record of 11-3 and is currently in the midst of a three-fight winning streak. In his Bellator MMA debut, Salter put an end to Dustin Jacoby’s night with a second-round, atzerako biluzik choke at aurkezteko “Bellator 132.” A native of Tennessee, Salter has stopped his opponent in all 11 of his victories and has only lost once in his last seven fights as a professional. With five knockout victories coming in the opening frame, look for the 31-year-old to come out swinging inside Save Mart Center in Fresno, Kalifornia.

Eguneratua “Warrior 156: Galvao vs.. Dantas” Borroka Txartela:

Bellator MMA bantamweight Izenburua Bout: Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) vs. Eduardo Dantas (17-4)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Co-Main Event: Chidi Njokuani (14-4) vs. Douglas Lima (26-6)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Feature Bout: Brandon Halsey (9-1) vs. John Salter (11-3)

Aurrematrikula Txartela:

Bellator MMA Argia Heavyweight aurrematrikula Bout: Jermaine McDermott (2-0) vs. Blake Watkins (5-0)

Bellator MMA 140lb. Preliminary Bout: Paul Ruiz (6-4) vs. Chris Buron (5-0)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Javy Ayala (8-5) vs. JosueJ.R.Lugo (7-3)

Bellator MMA arin aurrematrikula Bout: Nick Bustamante (5-1) vs. Antoine Smith (3-5)

Bellator MMA arin aurrematrikula Bout: C.J. Keith (8-3) vs. Carrington Bankuak (4-0)

Bellator MMA Featherweight aurrematrikula Bout: Justin Smitley (10-7) vs Chris Avila (4-2)

Bellator MMA Argia Heavyweight aurrematrikula Bout: John Paul Elias (3-0) vs. TBA

Bellator MMA Argia Heavyweight aurrematrikula Bout: Chris Lewis (0-0) vs. Ernest James (0-0)


RAFAEL CARVALHO WINS HUTSIK middleweight izenburua ondoren gibela BRANDON HALSEY alboratzen


Egin klik hemen argazki multzo osoa

UNCASVILLE, Conn. (Oct. 23, 2015) - Rafael Carvalho (12-1) izenburua zela Okupatu irabazi Brandon Halsey (9-1) Pisu falta bere azken itxura ondoren, antzinako boladan borrokalaria akabera enthralling middleweight ekitaldi nagusia ere topaketa batean "Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho. "

Carvalho izan gerriko gerria Bellator MMA presidente Scott Coker by inguruan bilduta Halsey bidaliz arazoak izaten ari da mat ondoren, jarri gibela josia etxe baten aurrean jaurtiketa Mohegan Sun Arena batera.


"Nire taldeak eskerrak eman nahi dena nahi dut,"Carvalho irabazi ondoren esan. "Neure burua ez dut uste zuten hasieran, eta banekien denbora izango litzateke hau."


Brasilgo borrokalaria 29 urteko gizonezko zen neurrigabeko underdog matchup sartu heading, baina esaerak dioen bezala, horregatik dute borrokatzeko. Hurrengo aldiz Carvalho arena bat sartzen, bere pankarta rafters eskegi orain.

Ward gelditzen Olson partidista Epaileak gozamenerako

Azken denbora bezala Brennan Ward (12-3) Bere Connecticut homestate lehiatu, "Irlandako" harrapatu Dennis Olson (14-10) "mehatxu" igorri eskuineko eskua duten mat, non Ward azkar Pounced eta John McCarthy Epaileak eskutik behartu. Akabera etorri zen 4:37 inaugurazio txandan.


Olson frogatu nahikoa gogorra izan den Ward flurries anitz jasateko, are gehiago, hori Ward minik zirudien upkick lurreratzea denean akabera goiz heldu da saiatu zen. Baina Ward ukatu gora utzi, Ziur bere lagun eta familiaren etxera bidaliko euren aurpegiak irribarre batekin zuen.


"Jaioterrian tipo bat naiz. Dennis eta I gauza asko hitz egin borroka aurretik, baina ez zen gudu bat izan zen. I zion errespetua daukat soilik. Infernua gogorra egin zuen. Ia postuan amaitu zuen me out bere ukondoa batekin itzuli off.


"Maite dut arena hau eta nire jaioterrian zaleen, Pazientzia izan besterik ez dut saiatzen zen, baina lurrean gogorra egin zuen. Nire entrenatzaile eta aita esan zidan gaixoaren naiz eta lur eskuineko eskua bada, ondoren, gainerako historia izango litzateke. "Ward esan. "[Andrey] Koreshkov dude gogorra da, lerro hurrengo banago gero espero bang ahal izango dugu. "


Ez dago matchups ugari zentzurik aurrelaria Ward caliber dira, Bellator MMA zale itxi fitxak mantentzeko behar izango 2016 azkar hurbiltzen.

Yamauchi berdin Featherweight Bidalketa grabatu

Bellator MMA debuta Isao Kobayashi (17-3) ez joan aurreikusita bezala "Warrior 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho," bezala Goiti Yamauchi (19-2) Japoniako borrokalaria amaitu atzerako biluzik choke Bidalketa batekin 3:50 final markoaren.


Irabazi duen, Yamauchi lotuta ohia Bellator MMA Featherweight txapeldun Pat Curran, Daniel Straus, Alexandre Bezerra eta Marlon Sandro bidalketak gehienak (15) 145 kiloko historian.


Lehiaketa behin amaituta, 22 urteko zaharraren hitzak zorrotzeko batzuk egungo luma txapeldun izan Patricio Freire.


"Sentitzen handia da garaipena lortzeko, Kobayashi aurkari gogorra da. Sentitzen dut nire portaera ona izan zen. Gogor nire teknika hobetzeko entrenatu dugu eta gaur performance handi bat izan nuen,"Yamauchi esan. "Patricio, Badakit beat izango duzu Daniel Straus. Onartu nire borroka gero. Hurrengo txapelduna izango dut. "

"Venom" Erakusleihoen Beheko Game Txanda Amaitu irekitzea ere

Irekiz nagusia txartela bout at "Warrior 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho," Michael Page (9-0) barik jarraitzen amaitu ondoren Charlie Ontiveros (6-4) tan gurpil ukondoetan 3:20 lehen txandan.


Aurretik, "Venom" normalean aurkeztu ditu bere deigarria bitartean zutik, baina ostiralean, Page azkar hartu zen nagusitasun bere aurkariak aurka mat eta eroriz jarri ukondoetan Ontiveros of jaw du, Bellator MMA Wazemank behartuz hitzez aurkeztu.


"I edonork amaitzeko daiteke ezagutzen dut. Nik ez dut ezer frogatzeko ezagutzen dut. Zuen ados espero dut, Sentitzen dut horrelako amaitu dut, baina badakizu jendea harritu nahi dut,"Page borroka Honako hau esan. "Jaitsi da Bellator eta nire entrenatzaileen zer gertatzen den hurrengo moduan It, baina duenak jarri zidan gauza bera gertatuko da aurrean dute. "


Irabazi duen, Page gaur egun amaitu zortzi bederatzi garaipen inaugurazio txandan profesional gisa, 28 urteko gizonezko espero du izenburu bat sartu parlay joera bat filmatu lehenago baino beranduago.

Aurrematrikula Txartela emaitzak:

Kemran Lachinov (1-1) def. Ilya Kotau (1-0) aurkezteko bidez (Kneebar) 2:57, R2

Damien Trites (7-6) def. Keenan Raymond (2-2) aurkezteko bidez (Kimura) 1:17, R2

Kin Moy (8-2) def. Walter Smith-Cotito (3-4) aurkezteko bidez (Atzeko Naked Choke) 3:53, R3

Billy Giovanella (9-4) def. Brandon Polcare (1-1) aurkezteko bidez (Triangle Choke) 2:19, R1

Matt Bessette (16-7) def. Kevin Roddy (15-16) aurkezteko bidez (orpo kako) 3:47, R1

Kevin Haley (4-3) def. Mike Zichelle (7-4) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Matt SECOR (7-2) def. Jeremie Holloway (7-1) aurkezteko bidez (orpo kako) 4:54, R2

Marius Enache (3-3) def. Pete Rogers Jr.. (3-2) aurkezteko bidez (Americana) 2:37, R2

Sam Watford (1-0) def. TJ Hepburn (4-2) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

EDUARDO Dantas jasaten saiheskia lesio, Behartuz ATZERATZEKO DE bantamweight TITLE SHOT MARCOS Galvao AT 'BELLATOR 144' aurka



SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (Urria 7, 2015) - Saiheskia lesio A iraunkorra Eduardo Dantas (17-4) prestakuntzan camp ditu erretiratuko behartu zuen bere "Bellator 144" Ekitaldi nagusia aurkako matchup Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) MOHEGAN eguzkia Uncasville Arena, Conn.


Ondorioz, Borrokaren bertan behera utzi da eta middleweight lehiaketa pitting bat Brandon Halsey (9-0) aurka Rafael Carvalho (11-1) egingo balioko orain bezalaUrria 23 kartel. Goiti Yamauchi (18-2) versus Isao Kobayashi (18-2-4) izan telebistaz ekintza zatia Spike at sustatu 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT, aurretiazko bouts bitartean egingo Spike.com on airetik at 7 p.m. ETA.


Du "ekitaldi nagusia berriaz gainWarrior 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho," welterweight lehiaketak pare bat ere egingo da txartel nagusiak nabarmendu, denean"Irlandako" Brennan Ward (11-3) cumple Dennis "mehatxu" Olson (14-9) eta Michael "Venom" Page (8-0) itzultzen sustapen Wazemank aurre egin ahal izatekoCharlie Ontiveros (6-3).


Sarrerak "Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho," besterik etan hasiko bertan $25, salgai daude Ticketmaster.com eta Mohegan Sun Arena leihatilan. Ekitaldia irekia dagoen Doors 6:00 p.m. ETA bertako ordua, eta lehen lehiaketa ospatzen da, handik gutxira.


Mesedez, ikusi beheko eguneratu bout ordena for borrokak ziurrenik ospatuko den at "Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho," bertan zuzenean eta doan Spike Airs.


Bete "Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho”Urria 23


Txartel nagusia: (Spike - 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT)

Bellator Middleweight txapelketan borroka: Brandon Halsey (9-0) vs. Rafael Carvalho (11-1)

Warrior Welterweight Film Fight: Brennan Ward (11-3) vs. Dennis Olson (14-9)

Warrior Featherweight Film Fight: Isao Kobayashi (18-2-4) vs. Goiti Yamauchi (18-2)

Warrior Welterweight Film Fight: Michael Page (8-0) vs. Charlie Ontiveros (6-3)

* Egin klik goiko aurretiko PRENTSA

Aurrematrikula Txartela: (Spike.com - 6:50 p.m. ETA/5:50 p.m. CT

Bellator 150 kiloko Film Fight: Pete Rogers Jr.. (2-2) vs. Marius Enache (2-3)

Bellator flyweight Film Fight: Billy Giovanella (8-4) vs. Brandon Polcare (1-0)

Bellator 165 kiloko Film Fight: Keenan Raymond (2-1) vs. Damien Trites (6-6)

Warrior bantamweight Film Fight: Kin Moy (7-2) vs. Walter Smith-Cotito (3-3)

Warrior Featherweight Film Fight: Matt Bessette (15-7) vs. Kevin Roddy (15-15)

Warrior Welterweight Film Fight: Matt SECOR (6-2) vs. Jeremie Holloway (7-0)

Warrior arin Film Fight: Sam Watford (debut) vs. TJ Hepburn (4-1)

Warrior Welterweight Film Fight: Ilya Kotau (1-0) vs. Kemran Lachinov (1-1)

Warrior Heavyweight Film Fight: Kevin Haley (3-3) vs. Mike Zichelle (7-3)


About Warrior MMA

Warrior MMA mistoa arte martzialak erakundeko liderra onena borrokalari askoren protagonista da munduan. Beteranoa borroka sustatzailea Scott Coker zuzendaritzapean, Warrior eskuragarri dago ia 500 mundu osoan milioi etxe baino gehiagotan 140 Herrialde. Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan, Warrior izango Spike TV ikus daiteke, MMA telebista lider. Warrior MMA da biltzen dituen top industria telebista ekoizpen profesionalen exekutibo talde bat osatzen dute, zuzeneko ekitaldi orkestazio, Borrokalari garapena / harremanak, Euskalduna Jauregian kontratazio, babesari / garapenerako, nazioarteko lizentzien, marketing, publizitatea, publizitatea eta batzorde harremanak. Warrior da Santa Monica oinarritutako, California eta entretenimendua erraldoi Viacom jabetzako, munduko ataria entertainment marka ikusleak konektatu telebista zehar eduki sinesgarria bidez hasiera, mugimenduaren irudi, plataformen online eta sakelako.


Spike buruz:

Spike dago eskuragarri 98.7 milioi etxe eta Viacom Media Sareak dibisio bat da. Viacom unitatea (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Sareak munduko programazio eta eduki sortzaile garrantzitsuenetako bat media plataforma guztietan dago. Spike en Internet helbide da www.spike.com eta up-to-the-minutuko eta artxiboko prentsa informazioa eta argazkiak, bisitatu Spike prentsa gunea http://www.spike.com/press. Jarraitu Twitter spiketvpr berriak hautsi azken egiteko, atzean-eszenak informazioa eta argazkiak



SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (September 8, 2015) - "Irlandako" Brennan Ward (11-3) egingo hirugarren aldiz lehiatuko 2015 denean, ezagutuko du Dennis "mehatxu" Olson (14-9) welterweight at "lehiaketa bateanWarrior 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " bertan Mohegan Sun Uncasville Arena dario, Konekt., on Urria 23.


Bout ospatuko da txartel nagusia zehar “Warrior 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2,” bertan zuzeneko telebistaz egingo Spike at 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT, aurretiazko bouts bitartean egingo Spike.com on airetik at 7 p.m. ETA.


Ren "ekitaldi nagusiaWarrior 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " txapelduna arteko bantamweight titulua borroka zirraragarria errebantxa ezaugarriek Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) eta bere lehengo prestakuntza bazkide Eduardo Dantas(17-4). Co-Ezaugarri In, Brandon "Bull" Halsey (9-0) hutsik Bellator MMA Middleweight Izenburua berreskuratu itxura izango hartzen zuen Rafael Carvalho (11-1).


Sarrerak "Bellator 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " besterik etan hasiko bertan $25, salgai daude Ticketmaster.com eta Mohegan Sun Arena leihatilan. Ekitaldia irekia dagoen Doors 6:00 p.m. ETA bertako ordua, eta lehen lehiaketa ospatzen da, handik gutxira.


Ward freskoa off ESPN Top-10 Roger Carroll knockout lehen txandan hasi besterik ez da "Bellator 140: Lima vs. Koreshkov," bere bigarren garaipena. "Irlandako" du bere etxean Connecticut estatuan lehiatu alditan hiru zuzen jarraitu, baina jendetza urratu ahal izango dira Olson aurpegiak zuen, halaber, nork bere etxean New England area deiak.


Olson Valiantly borrokatu aurka Paul Daley uztailaren iragan honetan, baina, azken finean zen Bellator MMA pankarta pean Hirugarren aldiz garaitu. "Mehatxu du" amaitu du 10 bere 14 profesional gisa irabazi du eta egingo du hirugarren aldiz egiteko ere lehian 2015.


Warrior 144: "Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 "eguneratua Txartela


Txartel nagusia: (Spike - 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT)

Bellator bantamweight txapelketan borroka: Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) vs. Eduardo Dantas (17-4)

Bellator Middleweight txapelketan borroka: Brandon Halsey (9-0) vs. Rafael Carvalho (11-1)

Warrior Welterweight Film Fight: Brennan Ward (11-3) vs. Dennis Olson (14-9)

Warrior Welterweight Film Fight: Michael Page (8-0) vs. TBA

About Warrior MMA

Warrior MMA mistoa arte martzialak erakundeko liderra onena borrokalari askoren protagonista da munduan. Beteranoa borroka sustatzailea Scott Coker zuzendaritzapean, Warrior eskuragarri dago ia 500 mundu osoan milioi etxe baino gehiagotan 140 Herrialde. Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan, Bellator izango Spike ikus daiteke, MMA telebista lider. Warrior MMA da biltzen dituen top industria telebista ekoizpen profesionalen exekutibo talde bat osatzen dute, zuzeneko ekitaldi orkestazio, Borrokalari garapena / harremanak, Euskalduna Jauregian kontratazio, babesari / garapenerako, nazioarteko lizentzien, marketing, publizitatea, publizitatea eta batzorde harremanak. Warrior da Santa Monica oinarritutako, California eta entretenimendua erraldoi Viacom jabetzako, munduko ataria entertainment marka ikusleak konektatu telebista zehar eduki sinesgarria bidez hasiera, mugimenduaren irudi, plataformen online eta sakelako.


Spike buruz:

Spike dago eskuragarri 98.7 milioi etxe eta Viacom Media Sareak dibisio bat da. Viacom unitatea (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Sareak munduko programazio eta eduki sortzaile garrantzitsuenetako bat media plataforma guztietan dago. Spike en Internet helbide da www.spike.com eta up-to-the-minutuko eta artxiboko prentsa informazioa eta argazkiak, bisitatu Spike prentsa gunea http://www.spike.com/press. Jarraitu Twitter spiketvpr berriak hautsi azken egiteko, atzean-eszenak informazioa eta argazkiak.