Tag Archives: pugilatu

BOXCINO 2015 PAIRINGS SET; BOXCINO 2015 Friday Kicks Off, February 13

Philadelphia, PA (January 19, 2015) – Hoc praeterito Friday nox, in matchups Boxcino 2015 revelata sunt in ESPN scriptor Friday Diei Pugnat.


In torneamentum erit adepto coepi in Friday, February 13 at the Sun Mohegan in Uncasville, Connecticut quarterfinal pugnat cum quattuor in Jr. Middleweight divisio.

Haec ita se habent par discursibus:

1. Cleotis Pendarvis (17-4-2, 6 KO scriptor) et bellabunt Ricardus Pinnell (10-1-1, 6 KO scriptor)
2. Stanyslav Skorokhod (8-0, 6 KO scriptor) et bellabunt Michael Moore (13-0, 6 KO scriptor)

3. Brandon Adams (15-1, 10 KO scriptor) capietis Alex Perez (18-1, 10 KO scriptor)

4. Vito Gasparyan (14-3-5, 8 KO scriptor) cum dividentur Simeon Hardy (13-0, 10 KO scriptor).


Quae est uictrix ipsius bout 1 pugnabit victor de bout 2 dum victor sui ipsius daret 3 atque 4 pugnabit Aprilis 3 in semifinals.
Proxima septimana, The heavyweight quarterfinals will commence live from the TStone me instruebant blandiebantur oblectabant Obstinatus Casino Veronae, New York,. Those match ups are:


1. Donovan Dennis (10-1, 8 KO scriptor) pugnat Steve Vukosa (10-0, 4 KO scriptor)
2. Razvan Cojano (12-1, 7 KO scriptor) capietis Et fons, (10-0, 4 KO scriptor)
3. Andrey Fedosov (25-3, 20 KO scriptor) et bellabunt Nate De Caelo (9-1, 7 KO scriptor)
4. Mario Heredia (9-1, 7 I scriptor) capietis Thomas Lenroy (18-3, 9 KO scriptor)


Quae est uictrix ipsius bout 1 pugnabit victor de bout 2 dum victor sui ipsius daret 3 atque 4 pugnabit Aprilis 10 in semifinals.

Tota Boxcino 2015 live on erit series televised “ESPN Friday Diei Pugnat.”
Promotus a vexillum scriptor Promotions et Jimmy Burchfield Classic Entertainment & Sports (CES), reliquae ad tesseras February 13 edition of Boxcino 2015, pretium at $125, $65, $40 atque $30, comprehendo facultatem fee, comparari potest via www.ticketmaster,apud, a phone at 1-800-745-3000, omnibus aut ipse ad exitus Ticketmaster Mohegan Sol Box Office.
Host temporis daret de February 20th, Conversus autem Oneida Indian Nationis Stone Obstinatus Casino pergit, ubi matrimonium, secundum quod distinguit professionali destinatio pro alludens eventus, possidet nationally televised pyctas et professio-level-golf. The February 20th fight will mark Turning Stone’s 14th nationally-televised boxing event in less than two years, ut a obstinatus succurro compleret tualias pro knockout televised pugnat. Boxing legends et Mike Tyson Mayweather Jr. have promoted televised fight cards at the resort within the last year. Turning Stone has hosted televised boxing events on ESPN, Showtime, HBO, In blandit ac biennio. Aliquam Upstate New York, Obstinatus dedi quattuor-temporum mundi-genus ludum et hospitii, eclectic commistum restaurants, luxuria spa facilities, nightlife, et award-blandeque accommodations.


Tesseras in February 20th ESPN Friday Diei Pugnat conversus ad lapidem super lapidem sale Conversus nunc ad buxum officium, in persona aut per excitationem 315.361.7469, online aut ad Ticketmaster. Tesseras sunt $60 quia sedes ringside, $35, $25, ac in additional feodis.


The Boxcino 2015 tempore debut pluma quarterfinal quattuor cum uictoribus migremus ad luxuriam, quae futura est in semifinals Aprilis 3 & Aprilis 10.

The Boxcino 2014 tournament peperisti breakout stellas Willie Monroe atque Petr Petrov. Ambo sunt nunc world-aestimavit No. 3 quam futurum stellas Brandon Adams &Fernando Carcamo. Et Michael de consectetur dolor in nocte scriptor Obstinatus Casino lapidem vivum reverteretur telecast, Vera est cum suscipienda, praeruptam Bryan NABA et Nabo middleweight titulos ad palum.


DE BELLO CRATIS: Certa Network est mundi SUMMUS dedicavit ad pugnam ludis network 24/7 coverage, possidet pugnat, pugnatores, novus lifestyle pugnam et pugnate. Odio in canalem U.S. Novi Eboraci in Cablevision in partes, New Jersey Connecticutensium, Grande Communications Texas-dicentur, Armstrong Cable in Pennsylvania, et orientales Ohio, necnon Shentel Cable in Virginia, West Virginia Occidentalis et partes Maryland. Certa est Network Roku set etiam in summo boxes in US. et Canada, influxerunt live on website KlowdTV.com, ornare et, quam in omnibus praesto portarent in maiore 30 regionibus trans Europa, Africa et Orientem Medium.


Proelium Network, a 24/7 varius sem pugnam ludis deditus perfecta coverage. Is progressio focused in auras totum ambitum de pugna ludis genre, vivat, usque ad bella et ad quos nuntium minutos et analysis pugilatu, mixta bellicis artibus, kickboxing, professionalem colluctatio, traditum militaris artes,, nuntium pugnae, luctus erat, seriem tam bene quam pugna drachmas, documentaries et pluma membrana.


Infra invenies elucidat de hoc septimana scriptor programming:


Monday, Jan. 19

11:00 p.m. ATQUEInterBox Classics: Brown vs. St. – Featuring Eric Lucas vs. Capulum ab Alex Oct. 13, 1999 in Montrealensi.


Tuesday, Jan. 20

6:00 p.m. ATQUEBoxing KOTV Classics – Reliving memorable pugilatum luctamina ex praeterito duo decades.

8:30 p.m. ATQUEPugna autem News Extra – News, recaps, et analysis of features intus pugna venatus.

11:00 p.m. ATQUEEtiam risus: Et dicetis haec vs. Gonzalez – Featuring Lock vs Cornelius. William Gonzalez vacanti ab NABA featherweight title May 9, 2014 in Dover, DE.

Thursday, Jan. 22

5:00 p.m. ATQUEBoxing KOTV adipiscing – Lucius omnibus operimentum professionali caestu, Dulcis et pugnat ex recenti plenus featuring highlights Science.

8:30 p.m. ATQUEExtra autem pugnare News – News, recaps, et in pugna venatus features intus analysis.

Saturday, Jan. 24

8:30 p.m. ATQUE Extra autem pugnare News – News, recaps, et in pugna venatus features intus analysis.

Sunday, Jan. 25

7:30 p.m. ATQUEBoxing KOTV adipiscing – Operimentum omnibus latest nuntius in pugilatu professionalem, Dulcis et pugnat ex recenti plenus featuring highlights Science.

8:00 p.m. ATQUEUltimate Boxing Classic: Gavilan vs. Davey – Featuring Kid Gavilan vs. Chuck Davey ex Feb. 11, 1952 in Chicago.

9:00 p.m. ATQUEEuropaeae Championship lux Welterweight: Vs. DiRocco– Lenny Keys Praesent vs. Michele DiRocco quia lux welterweight title Europae a June 8, 2013 Apulia a, Italia.

11:00 p.m. ATQUEBanner: Optimus of Decade – Featuring Cristobal vs Cruz. Orlando salido vacanti IBF featherweight Oct a title. 23, 2008 in Washington






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Boxing Goodwin immittendi novum website for pugilatu tesseras pugillatores


Erit auxilium in investigatione pugillatores tessera Sales

Boxing Goodwin delectantur nuntiare hodie launch a website tessera certa pugilatu www.iboxingtickets.com.


Ut tandem lineam pugil fans emere tesseras pugnat pro eis. A emptor vellet ire particulari pugil scriptor show click in pictura buy tessera. Pecuniam tunc directe ad eius nutum frumenta propter pugilibus.


Steve Goodwin dixit: "Dictum est de pugilibus qui egredietur de tessera Sales tandem a team cum Kevin (Champion) Josh (Goodwin) et Olivia (Goodwin). Kevin designed the idea and we believe it will help every one of our boxers. Cum igitur vendetis pugiles habent circum interdum turpis et tradideris. Hoc prohibere potest ut pugil ad site. Suscipimus feoda sunt processui sed operire promeritum pecto ut nihil facere possumus, sed per comparationem ad aliam lineam auctor feoda illa magna ratio. "


Omnes Goodwin Boxing spectaculorum in March operietur in hoc website et potest etiam site incorporare ubi exculto Goodwin pugna pugilum ex aliis auctoribus, sicut bene ostendit,.


«Credimus addendum esse vis maior annis viginti aptior tessera Sales" inquit Godwinus "Sed circa hoc primo generante sustentationem pugiles."






Capere autem die lune Replay, Jan. 19 At 10 p.m. ET / On PT SHOWTIME EXTREMUS; At Press Language SHOWTIME® et SHOWTIME ANYTIME®

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Las Vegas (Jan. 17, 2015) – Et nova de WBC Heavyweight Mundus Champion…


Tandem habet ut mundi fortissimus heavyweight Americae scriptor Alabama Deontay Wilder Amovit autem defendere fortissimus Aurum Calicem via suasuri (118-109, 119-108, 120-107) On Saturday SHOWTIME® ex MGM Maximo Garden Arena in Las Vegas.


Wilder (33-0, 32 KOs), qui nunquam retro et circa quartam omnes excussisti 32 de his professionales adversarios, boxed brilliantly behind a stellar jab to become the first U.S.-born heavyweight champion in nearly a decade. The towering 6-foot-7 Tuscaloosa native capitalized on his reach advantage, jabbing constanter ad posuit a recto iure potentior.


Pugnans in Aula est scriptor Famer Muhammad Ali 73rd natalis, Cum factus est primus in Wilder inuictum American heavyweight vindex in Riddick: Inclinate 1992 quia primus et fortissimus American Suspendisse Briggs vicit coronam, in 2006.


“Laetitia, me introducere zona retro,” Wilder said. “Tradet autem significant multum. I think I answered a lot of questions tonight. We knew we could go 12 rounds. We knew we could take a punch. We knew we could do it.


Morbi patrocinium in primum heavyweight cum Maximo pugnam MGM infamis Mike Tyson-Evander Holyfield in aurem morsum 1997, ibi sunt quaestiones a caestu insiders si Wilder, qui nunquam vere fuisse probatum, tenentes in potestate est verum ultimum in novissimo rounds et heavyweight. But Wilder answered those questions with a disciplined game plan, expositis magis quam duplex numerus pugnis et coniectis 420 pungit ad Stiverne scriptor 139.


When I saw he could take a great punch we knew we were in for the long run. Twelve rounds is nothing. I want to bring excitement back to the heavyweight division. Whoever is ready, Paratus sum.”


Stiverne (24-2-1, 21 KOs) potuit errare Wilder cum a paucis offa, but he did not throw enough jabs or cut off the ring effectively. Wilder was allowed to circle the ring and pop his jab at will. Stiverne landed just 39 pungit ad Wilder scriptor 120.


“Hic non de nocte,,” Stiverne Dirita. “Sensi 100 Semel sentio pugnam poterat in circulum secet circulum non, I couldn’t move my head like I usually do. Quid dicam,? Congrats to him.


I knew I was trying to throw combos of four or five punches and I could only throw two of them. I just felt like I was flat in the ring. What I know I could do I didn’t do. I just have to go back and learn from my mistakes and find out what happened tonight.


Super WBC Bantamweight Mundus Champion Leo Santa defensionem suam coronam quartum cum octava circum TKO Iesu afterword Ruiz et Mares, et clamavit voce magna ad proximum Abner pugiles in in co-pluma of Guillermo Rigondeaux SHOWTIME VINDICIAE BOXING.


De mane adessent atque circumeant Ruiz et competitive, grave underdog, seemed to be a tougher test than he looked on paper. But it was clear that Santa Cruz was landing the cleaner shaper punches. The former bantamweight world champion landed some meaningful shots and had Ruiz in trouble in the seventh and, primum tempus, videri potuit consummare Ruiz.


Santa (29-0-1, 17 KOs) exivit ignis accensus est in octava, landed a big right cross to kick off the round and continued to tee-off on the challenger. In trouble against the ropes and not fighting back, et misit se in referendarius Kenny Bayless obturaverunt IRCA Ruiz (32-6-5, 21 KOs) at tamen in pedes :29 of the eighth round. The champion landed 43 sentio de pugnis et fere totam suam 50 sentio de eius potentia pugnis, dum est dignitas traiciendi 73 potentia corpus ad ictus.


“Ego autem exspectabam, ut, fuit enim bellum,” Santa Cruz said. “He came prepared. We hurt him and we didn’t let the chance go away. We kept going after him and we stopped him. I hurt him with the right hand. I knew he was hurt so I went after him. I knew Kenny Bayless would stop it because he wasn’t throwing punches.


I want the best and I want to please the fans. Volo (Abner) Matres, Volo (Bill) Rigondeaux. Utinam nostri proelio contra optimus.”


Ruiz, qui modo expositis 22 sentio de his pugnis total, dissentiebant, ad sistendum.


“Volo a rematch,” Ruiz dixit. “Ut ego non cessaverunt pugnam, but I have to accept it. But I’m fine. Respice ad me – Im 'non interficiam. Ac ne me cadere.”


In foramen IRCA de SHOWTIME VINDICIAE BOXING telecast, invictam, super lightweight I Amir quicquid Fidel Maldonado Jr. quater et laceratum a quinto-circuitu totalis TKO in rixam qui featured quinque knockdowns.


Maldonado erat intentiores Pugnator, sed quicquid in Albuquerque Imam resident quartum in eius fortunae uirtutisque cum a brevis recta iustus a momento antequam ad finem secundi campana insonuit. Ergo, in prima petit Rotundus Lorem tres anni knockdowns, Respondens Maldonado irruendi primum cursum Imam 30 seconds into the third with a solid straight left. Imam bounced back and sent Maldonado to the canvas with a huge right with 20 secunda et tertia relinquetur in recto iure rursus impetu aliquid minus vitiosus 10 secundis reliquit, in circuitu.


Actio, et permansit Imam (16-0, 14 KOs) floored Maldonado for the fourth time in the fight with a short right followed by a left hook just seconds before the bell to close the fifth. Maldonado (19-3, 16 KOs) sed et surrexit wobbling referendarius Robert Byrd constitit eo certamine, 2:59. Imam’s power was the difference, adpulsu 50 sentio de eius potentia shots.


“Erat a lentus knockdown, Surgam, et illi pugnant, et si quid fecerim consummetur,” Dixit imam. “I just had to stay composed and do what I had to do. “I started timing him. When I hit him with that good shot he was out. I could see it. That was the rope-a-dope. I was swinging for the fences and that was it, Infans.


I’m ready for the title shot right now. I just want to fight for the title.


Minus quattuor quinque factum knockdowns 30 seconds left in each round. Post pugnam, Cum se ipse confessus est iustus an Maldonado circumitio inclinata.


“Donec herebat duorum pugnis,” Maldonado said. “Mutus placide et cum egressus W. I just got caught. I got lazy in there and he capitalized. He was the better man tonight. I got kind of bored at the end of the rounds and I paid for it.


In vicis of pelagus in SHOWTIME BOXING SHO EXTREME, Invictus ergo lumen heavyweight prospectuVyacheslav Shabranskyy (12-0, 10 KOs) cum a perfecta record custodivit integrum penitus persuadendum TKO victoria Garrett Wilson (13-9-1, 7 KOs).


Shabranskyy eius custodivi et longe erant valde efficens; adpulsu 48 sentio magis quam potentiae suae velit coniecerunt 60 punches in each round. The Ukrainian prospect scored a knockdown with a right in the closing seconds of the second and another with a clean right in the final 10 secunda octavi, sending Wilson face first to the canvas. Wilson beat the count but was saved by the bell as Shabranskyy unloaded more than a dozen consecutive punches.


Pertinacior Wilson accepit batura in nono De formidolose terram a ferrum, et quasi non est, Jay Nady cogendo ad referendarius sistit IRCA post nonam in suggerentibus medicus ringside.


In foramen IRCA de SHO EXTREME telecast, heavyweight Eric Molina (23-2, 17 KOs) percussitque Raphael Zumbano (32-9-1, 25 KOs) octavo in unam tantum partem res via per TKO.


Molina, qui expositis 76 sentio, plus virtutis eius offa 50 sentio de his pugnis total, at cum voluntas copulabat referendarius Russell Mora constitit eo certamine, 1:28 octavi.


In televised adductius bout a non-, Cesar Quinonez (1-0, 1 KO), Las Quo et a patria primum ire Pugnator ut a professio Fernando Vargas’ Factory gym Feroz proelium, eius debut et professio alumni a knockout Chula Vista scriptor win super Joan Valenzuela (1-2) at in secundo circuitu 2:13.

# # #

“RESPONDEO GLORIARETUR”: STIVERNE VS. VII.OLK, a XII-circuitu certa pro sui Stiverne WBC Heavyweight Saturday VINDICIAE facta est,, Jan. 17 Hortus Magni harena in Las Pro MGM, et ex co-promoveri Don Rex Productions atque Promotions aurei Boy et auctores per Corona et Mexico – Vive credere!. In pluma co-per-XII, Super invicto WBC Bantamweight Mundus Champion Leo Santa ut contra adversa Jesus Ruiz atque inuictum I Amir versisque Fidel Maldonado Jr. in X-circuitu a eximius lightweight bout in Americas WBC Continental Super Lightweight Title. Et factum est in horto Magni harena Las Pro MGM, Nev., et vivet in ventilata SHOWTIME (10:00 p.m. AND / 7:00 p.m. PT). Telecast The audio etiam available in Spanish via secundarium programming (SUFFODIO). Praevia temporis daret sunt vivunt super televised SHOWTIME EXTREME® (8:00 p.m. ET / PT, moram ad Occidentem Coast).


Pro magis notitia visit www.donking.com, www.goldenboypromotions.com atque www.sports.sho.com, on Twitter sequiGoldenBoyBoxing, BStiverne, BronzeBomber, A fan at Facebook super @SHOSports et @MGMGrand et facti sunt www.Facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing atque www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing, aut accedere ad SHOWTIME Boxing Blog http://theboxingblog.sho.com/.



Photo Credit: Frederick Hawthorne/LA Watts Times

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Photo Credit: Promotions aurei Boy

Las Vegas (Jan. 17) – Promotions aurei Boy alongside Oculus Tiger Managementheld an intimate roundtable at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, to discuss the recent signing of David Lemieux (33-2, 31 KOs) to Golden Boy Promotions. The impressive middleweight contender Lemieux, Praeses conditoris puer aureus News Oscar De Hoya, Future Hall of Famer et aurei Boy Promotions Partner Bernard Hopkins, President of Eye of the Tiger Management Camille Estephan, and Senior Vice President of Golden Boy Promotions Eric Gomez were all in attendance.


The hard-hitting Montreal native’s next bout was confirmed to be broadcasted on HBO and Lemieux expressed his interest in fighting the best in the middleweight division. Below is what the Montreal native, his promoters and his management had to say:


DAVID LEMIEUX, Middleweight Contender


I have put in the work. What you saw in Brooklyn was only 50 percent of what I can do and I feel like I can be a lot better. I want to show that in my next fight.


I fear no man, I want to go after the top of the food chain. Oscar and Bernard came up fighting the best and I am of the same mind.


Canelo is a younger, hungrier fighter. He is explosive. He is a tough fighter and it would be a good match up.


Everyone is on the list. Ego vis ad pugnam optimum.


The reason I started so young was because I was a trouble maker. I was fighting in the streets. My neighbor was a boxer and he told me to come fight real fighters. I got my ass kicked a few times but I fell in love with it.


We want to make a good run at 160 and then think about moving up in weight.


I have always liked power punchers and I respect othersstyles and other champions, but I never mimic them.


OSCAR DE LA HOYA, Praeses conditoris puer aureus News


We are exploring every option. We can go to Montreal, we can go back to New York City, we can come to Las Vegas; that’s the beauty of David. He can fight anywhere and people will come out to watch him.


He’s still growing. We haven’t seen his full potential which is very exciting. He has explosiveness and power.


We will be working hand and hand with Eye of the Tiger Management. We are partners and we want the best fights, the best deals. We will be working together in the best interest for David.


A future fight with Canelo is possible. Canelo wants to fight the best. Lemieux wants to fight the best. For now we want to focus on 160-pounds weight class and on Cotto, Andy lee and Golovkin.


BERN HOPKINS, Future Hall of Famer et aurei Boy Promotions Partner


We got this guy [Lemieux], he is tough. I know Gabriel Rosado and he handled him easily. I know what I am looking at. I have an eye for talent and he has it.


We are going to continue and show you that we will put on the best fights and give the fans quality. I’m in it to make the best fights. The ratings speak for themselves. The fans speak for themselves. Judge us by the quality of the matches you see and don’t get caught up in the ‘feelingsof it.


I want to put a call out to everyone, that is how Oscar was brought up, that is how I was brought up, fighting the best.


Three things about David: unum, he signed with Golden Boy Promotions; duo, he has talent in many ways, not only is he a fan favorite he is a good defensive fighter; tres, he has good looks.


I am seeing now the molding of another legacy, his legacy. But at the end of the day he has an opportunity in the middle weight division, I am glad to be here with a middleweight who I feel already has a lot of respect.


CAMILLE ESTEPHAN, President of Eye of the Tiger Management


Canelo is on the list. Cotto is on the list. Golovkin is on the list. Andy Lee is on the list. Everyone is on the list.


I definitely think he is the most popular boxer, the numbers prove it. He has a lot of potential and the sky is the limit.


I got a call yesterday from someone in the boxing world about how exciting it is to be working with Golden Boy and he said ‘David is like a sunshine that beams on the world of boxingand it is very heartwarming. It’s heartwarming to sit down with Oscar, Bernard and Eric, whom I have gotten to know very well since the Rosado fight. This is great group of people and I think that we can build something together that will make a huge impact in the boxing world.


David is the one guy, that as soon as I saw him the first time in the gym, the first sit-up he did and the last sit-up he did were exactly the same, he doesn’t cheat. He has the ultimate confidence because he doesn’t cheat himself and I have the ultimate respect for him. I am very proud of him as a person.


ERIC GOMEZ, Senior Vice Praeses puer aureus Promotions


After the Rosado fight, Lemieux was impressive and we began talks with Camille. People love David and it made sense. David has an exciting style.


We are looking at HBO, the ratings against Rosado were some of the best all year. They are very excited about David.

# # #


Pro magis notitia visit www.goldenboypromotions.apud atque www.eottm.com on Twitter @GoldenBoyBoxing, OscarDeLaHoya, EOTMVD, lemieuxboxing, on Facebook fan facta ad www.Facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing atque www.facebook.com/EyeoftheTigerManagement or follow on Instagram @GoldenBoyBoxing, @OscarDeLaHoya and@DavidLemieuxBoxing.

Hes Back! Bellator MMA subscribit a multi-evidentissimis Kimbo Slice ad contractum certamen





SANTA MONICA – (January 16, 2015) Legenda Kimbo est retro in Spike. Unus of plurrimi agnoscerentur, nomina MMA, bacchatur popularis ad antiquitatem penitus sentire Kimbo Slice signavit exclusiva, multi-pugna agitur de Bellator MMA, et post hunc annum ejus faciet Quisque debut.


Bellator II publice nuntiavit signans per momenta ago in Spike TV “Bellator: Pitbull vs. Straus” Bellator Jimmy Smith scriptor eventus, cum raptus in Miami slugger via Skype (#technology).


“Ego conatur ut, quantum possibile est occupatus,” dicta Slice. “Been caestu ad preteritum iugo of annis. My current record [ut pugil] est 7-0. Bellator est, et in cacumine ibi militare primetime et me quod praecipio Spike TV. Certe non potest stare Spike TV.


“Te Redditus est nobis cogitare, Im 'etiam ibi de esuriens. Tamen non habeo satietatem. Qui ingreditur ad lamellam, conquirantur et affer. Im comin tulit.”


“Qui fuit in praelio senserit crassum Kimbo Scalpere, electrica, tensionis in aerem,” Praeses dixit Bellator Scott Coker. “Vir probatam SOLLERTIA ad excieret trepidationem omni tempore, ipse in cavea, et pugnat cum iis tendimus decet componere.”


Natus et suscitavit in in Florida Bahamas, Scalpere coepit pugna ludis curriculo in plateis Miami, ubi certamen praemia certaminibus in inauspicatam in camera. Morbi a lorem temporis daret cingebantur, statuentes Slice tamquam verus sensus viral.


Scalpere animum mixta bellicis artibus 2007, eligeremus a miseránte super illud obsequium WBO heavyweight caestu fortissimus Ray Mercer spectaculum certaminis in eius fortunae uirtutisque incipere. Insuper et certare pro munere Suspendisse ac EliteXC, et vellet in eo uincit notch super MMA legend Tank Abbott, necnon conservus sluggers Houston Alexander et Iacobus Thompson.


Scalpere ambulavimus de lucro 2010 aptior volutpat dolor, ubi undefeated abiit in septem certaminibus professionalem. Sex uincit, qui venerunt a knockout.


Fere post quinque annos, in ultima specie MMA, Nunc FRUSTUM, redit ad id ludicrum, ubi VI-peditum II-heavyweight slugger rursus stare spectat ad pollicem-ut-Toe cum aliquis ponere voluerit in par cerothecarum et trade-unciam quattuor plagis in sinu.

About Bellator MMA

Aliquam libero MMA Bellator primario mixta Martial fortissimos multi in mundo. Sub quorum ordinatione promotoris pugnam veteranus Scott Coker, Bellator est fere available ad 500 super tecta in million worldwide 140 terrarum. In Iunctus Civitas, Bellator potest in Spike TV, television dux in MMA. Bellator MMA constat, quod comprehendit sub vertice industria elit in sem productio team, exsecutiva, vivunt eventus orchestration, Pugnator development / relations, venue procuratione, auctore creatura / development, international licentiae, venalicium, vendo, et vulgaret parentes commissione. Bellator est substructio in Santa Monica, Et California est possessus ab hospitii gigas Viacom, faces, qui coniungunt domum ad mundi SUMMUS hospitii contentus coactis trans Audientiis per television, motus picture, Vestibulum et mobile online.


About Spike TV:

Spike TV est available in 98.7 et domos million est divisio Viacom Media Networks. A celeritatem aliquam Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Media Networks Viacom inter mundi principes et auctores contentus per omnia media Vestibulum vestibulum. Spike TV scriptor Internet ipsum sit amet www.spike.com , usque ad et in minutis notitia et premere et imagines Archival, Spike TV scriptor site ad visitandum press http://www.spike.com/press. Follow us on Twitter spiketvpr Aliquam in enim updates News, imagines et post-the-scaenarum notitia.
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Boxing Keystone Xenia Capital urbe Boxing

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Boxing Keystone The promotionem erit scheduled tria proelia circa sex-. Laurel, MD middleweight Demond “D optimum ad eam” Nicholson illa inclinabitur homo ad currentis recurrentisque ab his primus pro damno, quando spectat Rahman Mustafa Yusubov AKA “Genghis Khan” Dallas, TX per Adrabigania. Nicholson (10-1, 10 KO scriptor) in sextum Novembris circa diremit Lekan Bifeld 1 in Chicago, IL. Yusubov (11-19, novem KO scriptor) videbunt rumpere quattuor duello amittere LINEA.

Also, Invictus ergo Palmer Park, MD, super featherweight Kevin “K-Smoove” Rivers, Jr. et pugnam ex Stephon McIntyre Jonesboro, GA. Rivers (10-0, septem s KO) ultima pugna super October 24 et laceratum a per-sextus TKO super-Karl Garcia Rios in Washington Fort, MD. McIntyre (2-4-2) repressa est in duo ultima temporis daret. Autem, Optime facit McIntyre beneficio Regio Beltway — acriter ad se trahit duo lentus in duobus proeliis Fort Washington M. Bates et Marc Johns.

Forestville, MD junior welterweight Soft “The Professor” Fox faciat a velox moventur in sex-rotundus competition cum suscipit Luis “Ille” Rodriguez a Carolina, Puerto Rico. Fox (4-0, unum KO) a quattuor-won per consensum super Sean Lockhart on November 1 Constitutio in Aula ad DC. Rodriguez (3-1, duo KO scriptor) certat primum de Puerto Rico, et probabo ad currentis recurrentisque a dolore suo pro damnum of tergum in September 2013.

In circuitu certamina quattuor-, Montgomery Village, Et Quigley MD junior middleweight Gerome pugnam Laurel, MD de Norman “Umbra” Allen. Quigley (5-0, s quattuor KO) laceratum a knockout primum circuitu super-on October Cedric Cunicularia, 11 in Springfield, VA. Allen (6-11, tres KO scriptor) perdidit sex-rotundus docuimus Brandon Quarles on April 26 in Springfield. Allen mos vultus a X ad irritum amittere LINEA urbicum.

Fort Washington, Super MD Bantamweight Marq “Monstrum” Johns capietis Jaxel Marrero of Puerto Rico. Johns (4-0-1, s quattuor KO) hoc card contendo post debut in his faciam DC ad Rosecroft Raceway Fort in Washington in omnibus quinque praecedentis temporis daret. Has posteriores Johns effodisset adversarios. Marrero (1-3-1) perdidi suasuri super quattuor-circuitu Mario Barrios on May 10 in Los Angeles, QUALIS. Marrero numquam fuerit pulsavit ex in a pro bout.

DC lightweight Tyrone “Showtime” Wright, et faciem adversum Thomas Mattice Clenelandiae, OH. Wright (2-1) per honestam speciem maioris partis super quattuor-on April Enrique Vargas 18 at Rosecroft. Mattice (1-0, unum KO) placuit oculis eius pro on September debut 5 cum primum in Iordanis de franco-circuitu TKO Parsippany, NJ.

DC Bantamweight Maurice “Fortis Mo” Adams, Jr. Gabriel autem rubro quercum suscipit Braxton, GA. Adams (1-0) placuit oculis eius, in June pro debut 13 at cum a quattuor-circuitu Rosecroft Raceway maioris partis super Arthur Parker. Braxton (1-7) amisit per a quattuor-on November Gomez, Jose docuimus, 29 in Los Angeles. Unus est scriptor win Braxton venit ad Rosecroft on April 18 cum a quattuor-won per consensum super Rodrigo Gabriel.

Et pones cor tuum in card reditum lightweight Renaldo “Misunderstood” District of Caesar Heights, MD. Caesar (4-2, unum KO) accepit autem omnes 2014 amisso a secundo-off per TKO ad Anthony in June of Smith 2013 Convention Center in Washington. Caesar erit in predictis Arthur Parker Lancastriae, PA (1-12-1, unum KO). Parker redit ad tempus recta DC ad secundum. Et occlusum est Parker, in quarta mensis Octobris, circumduceret Nuwan Jayakody 23 in Renaissance Hotel.

Hyattsville, MD junior welterweight Patrick Harris (3-0, duo KO scriptor) is quoque, ut in hac card niteris, Caput primum est populi bellabant. Non verbum tamen in eius adversario.

Pugilatu erat fundata Keystone a promotore et procurator boxing a veterano in Gene Molovinsky 1998 ad finem, et apparatus in mundo genus Mariae patrocinium pugnatores / D.C. area.


FOX VOLUPTATES 1 ET AD FOX Deportes televise

Nullam nunc On Sale!


Los Angeles (Jan. 16) – On February 27, Mexicali scriptor Diego de La Hoya (8-0, 6 KOs) facit motum ad pugnandum in circuitu suo vespere octo cooperationem cum tangit Los Angeles consectetur’ Manuel “Suavecito” Roman (17-3-3, 6 KOs) at Fontes Fantasy Obstinatus Casino in Indio, Ill. More, Seres sensum heavyweight Taishan (2-0, 2 KOs) recludit Sports FOX 1 atque Sports FOX telecast in a circuitu super quattuor- Roy McCary (3-2, 3 KOs) Houston. Also, Advena Nick Arce (1-0, 1 KO) in altero ejus par in agone contendit ab professionalem a quattuor-round super featherweight bout cupientes habere et airwaves inuictum Oscar Negrete (7-0, 3 KOs) periculum in non-televised sex-rotundus Bantamweight bout, uterque tamen inimicos annuntiari.


In consectetur Praenuntiavit, IBF Bantamweight Mundus Champion Randy “The Matador” Eques (22-0, 13 KOs) primum defendet in titulum Alberto “Metro” Guevara (19-2, 7 KOs) de Mazatlan, Mexico.


“Promotions fuerit succrevit ad annos pro in futurum stellae aureae Boy pugilatu – et superbus traditionem proficiscetur Feb. 27,” dixit Oscar De Hoya, Fundator quod Praesieo de aurei Boy Promotions. “Sed in labore, sicut a principio, et auxiliatus est ei, factus est vir spurius Randy Caballero, Ego confido in multis pugnatores Randy scriptor apparens successus undercard tendimus ad similia.”


Nullam enim eventus, pretium at $105, $75, $55, $45 atque $35 es nunc in venditionem ad Fontes Fantasy Box Office, vocando (800) 827-2946 online aut ad www.fantasyspringsresort.com.


Exspecto quid ille caestus nisl ligula potuit anulus, 20-annorum Diego de La Hoya (8-0, 6 KOs) habet tamen ad praeveni; ex quo de his professionales debut in imprimendo Audientiis 2013 cum varioque, power and exciting style. In 2014, put in nativam Mexicali simul sex uincit, per quattuor et knockout deuictis similia Ali et Miguel Tamayo Gonzalez, hes 'vultus porro ut ascenderet et hoc anno plus quam dum incipit, contendere per usum octo-.


Manuel Romanus (17-3-3, 6 KOs) of Los Angeles is a tough fighter ready to prove to critics that he is mainstay in the sport. A professionalis quia 2004 socium ad veteranam hitting durum erat priore sparring WBC Super Bantamweight Mundus Champion Leo Santa, et quoque ab Santa in defensionem bout a title in undercard Mayweather ex nobis. II Maidana. The last time Roman was seen at Fantasy Springs he went up against hometown favorite and current IBF Bantamweight World Champion Randy Caballero and is looking to return to the venue to take on the rising star Diego De La Hoya.


Seven-foot-tall heavyweight Taishan (2-0, 2 KOs) potitur multum operam eius quia cum esset unus ex magnifice bellatori. His two professional bouts thus far have proven that there’s substance behind the hype as he’s knocked out both Alex Rozman and Tommy Washington Jr., questus magis excitari pro pugna fans XXVI annorum Beijing scriptor primus indigena certamen 2015 on February 27.


Roy McCary (3-2, 3 KOs) of Houston is a rising heavyweight boxer who has gone up against the hard hitting Mario Herendia and Eric Newell. Looking to continue to build a reputation, Advenam subibit Taishan sperata uictoria in February.


Sodalis in Los Angeles Westside Pugilatu Club, 18-annus-vetus lightweight Nick Arce (1-0, 1 KO) qui ingressus est priorum standout amateur elit style pugilatu in mundo in Novembris 2014 with a fourth round knockout over Adalbert Valenzuela. Autem, temptaturum facere qui certat in ludo duo est recto ordine pondus liberum.


Hinc invictus stella Bantamweight, Oscar Negrete (7-0, 3 KOs), will make his third appearance at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino looking to continue his undefeated status. A professionalis quia 2013, Advenam non habet iam ad septem uincit nomen eius, quickly climbing the ranks and becoming a feared fighter. Novissime, Negrete faced Salvador Perez in a four-round bantamweight bout. Negrete knocked down the Fresno based fighter in the second round for a technical knockout win.


# # #

Caballero vs. Guevara, a XII-circuitu quia Caballero IBF Bantamweight scriptor Mundus VINDICIAE sistitur per sponsored Corona aurea et Boy Promotions Extra, O'Reilly Aluminium Box, Mexico, Vive credere! et auratae Group. At ianuae 5:00 p.m.et primum ad hiet 5:30 p.m. The FOX Sports 1 et vivunt at FOX Deportes passim aeres10:30 p.m. ATQUE/7:30 p.m. PT.


Pro magis notitia, visit www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.FOXSports.com/FOXSports1, www.FOXDeportes.com, sequi in Twitter adGoldenBoyBoxing, Swanson_comm, FOXSports, @ FOXSports1, EtFOXDeportes, at puer aureus in Facebook Facebook fan, www.facebook.com/FOXDeportesvisita nos in Instagram etGoldenBoyBoxing.

Stiverne vs.. Wilder: Quisque ornare ipsum Press conferentiae – VINDICIAE SHOWTIME BOXING

Vigilate Heavyweight featuring mundi optimum torcular colloquium intensa momenta Champion Bermane Stiverne et invicto clamatoribus Deontay Wilder. Et facite. Not. Miss US scriptor maxime anticipatae heavyweight in pugna fere a decade, hac nocte,, Saturday, January 17 at ET 10p / 7p PT vivere SHOWTIME.

Sugar Ray Robinson-Jones hoc Tiger on Sunday proelium Network


60 Anniversary proelium

Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Tiger Jones In Pugna Network USA

NEW EBORACUM (Jan. 16, 2015) – Pugilatu American fans habebit hoc rara occasionem sero (Jan. 18, 8-9 p.m. ATQUE) summa omnium pugil tempus observaret verisimiliter, legendary “Sugar” Ray Robinson, in action against Radulphus “Tiger” Jones, Certa Network in USA scriptor Ultimate Boxing Classic series.


Certa Network est mundi SUMMUS dedicavit ad pugnam ludis network 24/7 coverage, possidet pugnat, pugnatores, novus lifestyle pugnam et pugnate. Odio in canalem U.S. Novi Eboraci in Cablevision in partes, New Jersey Connecticutensium, Grande Communications Texas-dicentur, Armstrong Cable in Pennsylvania, et orientales Ohio, necnon Shentel Cable in Virginia, West Virginia Occidentalis et partes Maryland. Certa est Network Roku set etiam in summo boxes per Americae, et effusis vivunt in website KlowdTV.com.


Jones abhorrent Robinson in hac pugna tibi, Januarii 19, 1955 in Chicao, per unam tantum partem per consilium X- (100-88, 99-94, 98-89).


Etiam ea dixeris quæ versantur in hoc ergo sero die proelium Network, starting at 11:00 p.m. QuæBanner: Optimus of Decade et inuictus WBA WBO eximius cultor featherweight Acelino “Butt” Freitas (32-0) feliciter defendit mundi title in zonis March 15, 2003 contra clamatoribus Juan Carlos “El Ranchero” Ramirez (29-4) cum a turpis quarto-knockout circuitu Pavilion in Chicago ad UIC.


In hac dominica dicitur in proelium nox pugilatu incipit ad Network 7:30 p.m. Et cum Boxing KOTV adipiscing, Lucius tegit universa professionali caestu, haudquaquam pugnat, et plenum recenti features. Sandwiched inter nos Robinson. Et nos Freitas Jones. Ramirez de 9:00 p.m. ET-XI:00 p.m. ET est a eximius featherweight title Europae of replay pugna inter Quotation “BUTIO BUTIO” Boschiero (32-1-1) atque Samir Kasmi (15-9-1) a March 23, 2013 in Veneto, Italia.


Certa Demand Network provisor si vestri cable aut satellite non offeretis,!