Tūtohu Archives: mekemeke



I te Rāmere ahiahi, i te whare York i Bethnal Green, London, Jeezy, A Essex George Hillyard hoatu i roto i te mahi autaia ki te whiua Czech Republic o Mikara Vosyka, ki te mau i te Mekemeke Union Ao (WBU) International Super whitu taitara.

Tīmata nohopuku Vosyka, mahi atu tona werohanga ringa maui kaha stylishly te nuinga te Czech te wahi wawe o te rauna tuatahi, te haapa'oraa i ngāwari i te Hillyard pahaki nui i te tawhiti haumaru.

HILLYARD, te titiro ihirangi kia noho a Manuka tana wa i rite kanikani te nui roroa Vosyka a tawhio noa e pūhia tona werohanga i te tamaiti Essex ia wa i hanga e ia tetahi nekehanga ki te kati i te tawhiti i waenganui ia ratou.

Ahakoa i ki uta i te tahi pupuhi te whakahaere i ia, ehara i te mea taea noatia a tawhio noa te rua o nga tohu miniti te whakahaere Hillyard ki tino wahi i roto i, me te whenua tetahi o totoka ana matā ringa matau toka waitohu, e āta ruia Vosyka ki te matua.

Hillyard ähua hohoro mīharo ki te hopu kāwanatanga disorientated o Vosyka, tuku rip ki tetahi huaki ringa rua ki te tonoa te Czech ki te koaka.

I roto i te rua o a tawhio noa pouaka kotahi ano Vosyka nehenehe, engari iti atu äta, tona kāhua mekemeke auaha i āta faataupupu Hillyard, nei ano i hanga ki te tākaro i te kēmu tatari, tango noa tetahi faingamālie e whakatuwheratia ake ki te kia rip.

Ētahi atu o te taua i roto i te toru, engari ka rite ki i roto i te Vosyka tuatahi i hanga e te hapa mate o hoatu Hillyard te tuwhera, i ka pūmatuahia te tamaiti Essex i runga i roto i te tonu, tuku rip tuatahi ki te tika, me te nui ka he puhipuhinga ringa rua ki te tonoa he atu toenga Vosyka ki te ie i mo te rua o nga wa.

Haere mai i roto i roto i te wha o Vosyka i te ara atu tūpato, i whakaratohia Hillyard noa atu ngā whai wāhitanga ki te whiua ia, i meatia e ia i roto i te ara nui i muri i hēkona e pā ana ki e toru tekau ranei kia.

I tautokohia Hillyard Vosyka ki nga taura, me te tika kia ripiripia ki te lefts nui, me te tika ki te tinana raua tahi ko te upoko i mua i tuku rip ki te wheua kino takahanga mahue ki te tinana, kahore he ohorere pōtitia Vosyka ki te tango i te turi, i roto i te tikanga ki te kohikohi i te mea kiano i matao i te patunga a kore mutu.

I kaitautoko Mickey te ngangare ki mutu te waru tatau whakahauanga koperea Hillyard puta noa i te whakakai me kia ripiripia ki te hope te ringa matau, i tonoa e Vosyka atu pauna, me te ahu hoki ia ki te koaka, I tango Hillyard kahore te tūponotanga, ka aru i roto i te ki te tika a tae noa taimaha ki te taha o te matenga o te Czech.

Ko Mickey te ngangare ki tonu ki te hehema Czech me i roto i te hēkona na ko Dr Rashid me tona kapa hauora.

I muri e pā ana ki te meneti ranei na ko Vosyka i āwhina ki te nohoanga, ka whakakitea he manaaki mano York Hall ratou mauruuru ki te a tawhio o te pakipaki.

I muri i ratou ara atu parau, ka hanga MC Steve Holdsworth te fanongonongo wikitoria mana, i te aroaro o te Ao mekemeke Union Ambassador me o nāianei MBC International Super whā Champion, Marianne Marston, te aroaro o Hillyard ki nga taonga pai roaa i te wikitoria, te whitiki WBU International Championship.

I muri i te a'ee korero te mārama hari Champion hou poto e pā ana ki te whawhai.

"Ahau ki runga ki te marama, tino i runga i te marama.

Kua ahau ka tika te mea e ahau hiahia, te taitara WBU, Kua mahi ahau tino uaua ki te kia i ahau rite mo tenei whawhai, pau kotahi tekau ma rua wiki atu i toku hapu ki runga ki te Kirihimete, me te Tau Hou, inaianei e taea e ahau te mea i reira utu reira, katoa utua te reira atu a ahau te whitiki.

Kihai i Fakatāutaha i toku mata o te tirohanga tino whawhai ahau te ara e matau ana ahau e taea e ahau, whakaute ki a Mikara (Vosyka) hokona e ia i te whawhai ki ahau, tino messed ake toku A Game Play.

A, no te kino ia e ahau ki a ia i roto i te taka noa tuatahi, katoa e taea e ahau, ko titiro mo taua pere nui te wa katoa, yeah mahi i te reira i roto i OK, engari ite e ahau i taea kua pouaka me ahau ia pai.

Yeah, tena ko tenei kua hokona e ahau te taitara, e kore e mea faufaa te reira, Ko te kupu tenei a ahau hiahia.

Kua oti kē te oti ake te kupu i toku whawhai muri, kupu ko te mea e riro ai i ahau, e whai i ahau, Ka hei taku korerotanga tuatahi, ki a Michael Zerafa i Ahitereiria.

Mahino e kore ngā hainatia reira, ka hiri ano, rite nga mea katoa e ki kia whakaae i muri tatau kati tenei wiki, hohoro mahi rite ki taua te katoa, ki te mea i te moni tika ka haere yeah ahau ki a Ahitereiria ki te whawhai Michael Zerafa.

E kore e taea e ahau te whakawhetai i te pā nui hoki to ratou tautoko fantastic, kia mau pai te tautoko i ahau, a haere tatou i runga i ki nui me te pai nga mea.

Kua homai tenei taitara WBU te whana pai tika ake te taha ki muri i ahau, Fafau atu nei au e rawa e ahau, nui atu i rite mo toku whawhai muri, Au mahue ahau tetahi mea ki te tupono, Au hoki i roto i te omaoma mea tuatahi e ahau Rāhina, e kore taki e pā ana ki, Ko taku whitiki tenei a kēti e haere ana ahau ki te tuku i tetahi tango i te reira i ahau.

E kore e taea e ahau te whakawhetai te Malta Mekemeke Komihana me te nui Mekemeke Union World, hoki hoatu tenei faingamālie ke fakahoko toku moe o te hoko i te Champion ahau.

Kei te haere te tokorua i muri o te tau ki te hei tino whakaongaonga i teie nei, e whaikupu haere tatou i te ara katoa, Ko te tenei tika te mea e hiahiatia ana e ahau, neke atu a whakarunga. "

Tena ka haere tuihono ki www.wbuboxing.org ranei www.wbueurope.eu no te tahi atu mau haamaramaramaraa i runga i WBU ka ū mai a WBU Europe fakangofua ia taitara whawhai.

Arumia WBU a WBU Europa i te TwitterWBUEurope & TheRealWBU – hoa ia tatou i www.facebook.com/WBUEuropewww.facebook.com/WorldBoxingUniona ki runga ki LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/wbu-europe

Tautahatanga i Philadelphia (Plus Press Conference, ka paunatia i roto i te video)

Philadelphia, PA (January 30, 2015)–

Kopirua – Muñoz

Colon Prichard 151.4 – Hector Muñoz 153.8
Stephen Fulton 123.1 – Eric Gotay 122.9
Anthony Prescott 150.2 – Grayson Blake 146.7
Kyrone Davis 159.8 – Honatana Garcia 160
Raynell Williams 133.9 – Ryan Picou 135.5
Jamontay Clark 150.6 – Dominique Foster 150.6
Earl Newman 180 – Yuwshua Ass 181.1
Antonio Russell 116.2 – Harold Reyes 120

Kaiwhakatairanga: Whakatairanga a Kingi & XFE
Wāhi: 2300 Arena
1st Bell: 6:45 PM

Tikiti mo tenei po nui o te utu mekemeke $100, $75 a $50 a taea te hokona e te karanga 610-587-5950 ranei www.hboxing.eventbrite.com
Kings Whakatairanga Press Conference 013015
Kings Whakatairanga Press Conference 013015
Kings Whakatairanga paunatia i roto i 013015
Kings Whakatairanga paunatia i roto i 013015
Ka tīmata te a'ee 1 i 6:45 PM ki nga tatau te whakatuwheratanga i 6 PM.

Whakatairanga BOY GOLDEN tohu Maselino “Niño” López

Credit Photo: Pouaka Arano

(Maselino Lopez i runga i te Matau)

Los Angeles (Jan. 30) – Mua WBC Latin Kōmāmā Champion, Maselino “Nino” Lopez Kua hainatia he kirimana whakatairanga ki Whakatairanga Boy Golden. The 28-year-old from Arribenos, Buenos Aires, He kē Argentina he mahi kaha rite ki te kaipatu o ngaio i roto i te South American, toa me te parururaa i te maha o ngā taitara, me te whakaū i te tata haohaoa record o 31-1-1 (15 Koó).


“Whakatairanga Boy Golden tonu ki te whakapakari i tona rārangi o whawhai, me te tāpiri Maselino Lopez ki te kapa pu ia ia te mahere nui to tatou ki te kitea te taranata pai ki te hoatu i runga i te whawhai pai mo nga pā,” Na ka mea a Oscar De La Hoya, Te peresideni me te kaiwhakatū o Whakatairanga Boy Golden.


“Koa ahau ki te kia mahi ki Whakatairanga Boy Golden, Ite au e te mea he whai wāhitanga nui tenei mo ahau ki te kia whakaurua ki te minenga mekemeke nui,” Said Lopez. “Ahau oaoa kia kite i te aha ahau 2015 Ka kawea mai he mohio wahi o te ao kamupene whakatairanga.”


“Ko ahau hari ki te mahi tahi Whakatairanga Boy Golden tonu,” Na ka mea a Mario Arano, Kaiwhakahaere o Lopez. “He ratou utuafare e kua whiriwhiria tonu te pai whawhai mo ratou whawhai. Kua mahi ratou i te mahi nui ki a Lucas Matthysse me te whakawhirinaki e ka e ratou he mahi pai mau mai i mau horo'a o te ao, me te notoriety ki Maselino Lopez mahi.”


The current South American Super Lightweight title holder is looking to expand his fan base and his record. Fighting almost exclusively in Argentina, e rite i te puncher pakeke-patu ki te whawhai i roto i te kēmu taitara ao katoa i te ikuna'i i te aroha o te pā American Te Tai Tokerau.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.goldenboypromotions.ki a ka whai i runga i TwitterGoldenBoyBoxing, OscarDeLaHoya, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing andhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Marcelino-nino-Lopez / 405482176263368 te whai ranei i runga i InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing meOscarDeLaHoya.

Grayson Blake Te pakanga a Anthony Prescott i roto i te attraction Local tenei Rāhoroi i 2300 Arena i roto i te Philadelphia

Philadelphia, PA (January 30, 2015)–Tenei Rāhoroi po i te 2300 Arena, Ka tangohia Grayson Blake i te Anthony Prescott i roto i te Tamaiti 6-a tawhio. Whitu a'ee e ka mahi rite ki te attraction rohe i runga i te kāri ka whakanuia e te Whakatairanga King o.

Ko te hui matua e kite tūturu Colon Prichard (12-0, 10 KO o) o Orocovis, Puerto Rico tango i runga i Hector Muñoz (23-13-1, 15 KO o) o Albuquerque, New Mexico i roto i te Tamaiti 8-a tawhio. Whawhai whitu.

Blake o State College, PA e ha lekooti o 5-3 with two stoppages is trying to break three-fight losing streak and is very confident going into the bout with Prescott.

“Ko whakamiharo Training . I was in camp for a month and a half. I have a new trainer, Kua ahau i runga i te talena nutrition hou, me te ahau ite tere me te kaha,” Said Blake.

Kei a ia te whakaute mō te Prescott ko Blake mana'o nei e ia i te kāhua ki te haere mai i roto i runga i te runga.

“Ko ia he kaha, engari ka akiaki tatou, pēhanga, akiaki ia ia, ka piri ki to tatou mahere game.”

Ahakoa Blake ko te noho Pennsylvania, whawhai eé i te rohe, me te rawa New Jersey he motuhake anō.

“He mea pai ki a ahau mo te whawhai te iwi nei e tata, i te rohe. Most of my family is from New Jersey and they are former boxers.

Ki te tona kapa hou a tawhio noa ia ia, Kei te whakapono Blake ia te mea e te reira ki te haere mai i roto i runga i te runga.

“No mea ta tatou e rave, Whakamahere ahau ki te tango i a ia ki nga wai hohonu, ka toremi ia. I am coming back to gain my respect in the ring.

I roto i te 6 pāngia a tawhio:

Raynell Williams (5-0, 3 KO o) o Cleveland, OH ka whawhai Ryan Picou (2-4) o Las Vegas i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā.

Kyrone Davis (5-0, 3 KO o) ki te whawhai Honatana Garcia (4-11, 1 KO) i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga

I roto i te 4 pāngia a tawhio:

Earl Newman (3-1, 3 KO o) o Brooklyn, Ka mahi NY whawhai ki Yuwshua Ass (2-2-1) o Atlanta, GA i roto i te whawhai Cruiserweight.

Jamatay Clark (3-0, 3 KO o) o Cincinnati, Ka whawhai OH Dominique Foster (2-6-1) o Las Vegas, NV i roto i te whawhai Welterweight.

Antonio Russell o Capitol Heights, Ka meinga e MD tona tuatahi pro ki Gabriel Braxton (2-7, 1 KO) o Whero Oak, GA i roto i te whawhai whā.

Stephen Fulton (3-0, 1 KO) o Philadelphia e tangohia i runga i Eric Gotay (3-2, 1 KO) o te Republic Tominikeni i roto i te a'ee Super whā.

Tikiti mo tenei po nui o te utu mekemeke $100, $75 a $50 a taea te hokona e te karanga 610-587-5950 ranei www.hboxing.eventbrite.com
Ka te CONFERENCE PRESS ka whai i TE paunatia IN ON PARAIRE, JANUARY 30 AT 5 PM AT THE Stadium HOLIDAY Inn (900 Packer AVENUE)

Ka tīmata te a'ee 1 i 7 PM ki nga tatau te whakatuwheratanga i 6 PM.

Kainga hinga kore AUHIA Sammy Vasquez JR. WHAKA- knockout 10 STRAIGHT no anga hoa SOUTHPAW ko Emanuera LARTEY RĀMERE FEB. 20, Te noho i SHOWTIME® MEI CONSOL ENERGY Center, Pittsburgh, PA.

World-runga, Kia-Beatens Humberto Savigne & Claudio Marrero Ngā i roto i te Wehea pāngia o ShoBox: Ko te Tripleheader New Generation i 10 p.m. ET / PT

"E mohio ana ahau ki haere ahau ki te pupuri hoki i aku pūkenga KO haere ... ..He ngā kahore i te patototanga ki waho, ka e ahau i rite ki te hunga momo o tamataraa '' -. Sammy Vasquez

"Kua ngā patoto ia he rota o eé, otiia e kore ia i faaruru tetahi rite ahau "- ko Emanuera Lartey


Pittsburgh, Pa. (Jan. 29, 2015) - Welterweight kainga High-pūngao tino, me te hinga kore Sammy Vasquez JR. (17-0, 13 Koó) Ka hoki ki te mahi e whai ana i tana 10th whakatangetange wikitoria i te knockout, ina e ia i runga i hoa southpaw Emmanuel Lartey (17-2, 8 Koó, 1 NC), o Brooklyn, N.Y.. i te ara o Ghana, i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa hui matua o te ShoBox: Ko te Generation Newora tripleheader i runga i SHOWTIME® (10 p.m. ET / PT, roa i runga i te Tai Te Hau-ā-uru) i CONSOL Energy Center i roto i te Pittsburgh, Pa.


I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga o te Goossen Whakatairanga takahanga, whetu fuoloa runaruna Cuban mua, me te o nāianei WBC marama taumahamaha tuatoru-runga Humberto Savigne (12-1, 9 Koó, 1 NC), o Miami mā GUANTANAMO, Cuba, Ka tangohia i te tūturu Craig Baker (15-0, 11 Koó), o Baytown, Texas, i roto i te a'ee 8/10-a tawhio.


I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te telecast, southpaw pūmanawa me te WBA No. 7 rima tekau mā whitu runga Claudio Marrero (17-1, 13 Koó), o Miami i te ara o te Lepupelika, Ka pouaka he hoariri ki te kia kauwhautia i roto i te kēmu e waru-a tawhio.


"E whakahonoretia tatou ki te whakaatu i te hokinga mai o Sammy ki te mahi ki a Lartey,"Ka mea Tom Brown o Goossen Whakatairanga. "No te tekau tau hua Western Pennsylvania kua toa te ao, me etahi o te uaua toa o te mekemeke me te Sammy pčhea ​​te tika i roto i. E tino hanga e ia CONSOL tona fare. Ki te rahi te tautoko mua i te rohe o Pittsburgh mo ona whawhai, kaha te akiaki tatou i pā ki te hoko tīkiti pai i roto i te mua ".


"E tatou rawa fiefia ki te manaaki i kotahi ano pa hero Sammy Vasquez, Jr., i CONSOL Energy Center rite matua ia ia te a'ee āhuatanga mo te kāri mekemeke ngaio faahiahia i runga i Feb. 20,"Ka mea a Tim Hassett, CONSOL Energy Center General Manager and Regional VP of AEG Facilities. “The City of Pittsburgh has a rich history and tradition in boxing, and is the center of a region full of enthusiastic sports fans. We are thrilled that Goossen Promotions and SHOWTIME have chosen our venue as the site for this event, a ka titiro tatou i mua ki te whai wāhi pārekareka katoa e to tatou pa nui ki te whakahere katoa. "


Ko tētahi nga whawhai tino rongonui i te rohe o te i roto i te tau, te mano-ahuareka Vasquez, 28, ka hanga i tona tuarua ShoBox tīmata me te ahua karapīpiti toru i CONSOL Energy Center, te wahi e ia te haere mai atu e rua o nga ikuna pai o tona mahi whaihua.


I roto i tona timatanga tino tata, rēhitatia te pukuriri-whakaaro Vasquez i te taikaha 2:35, knockout matamua-a tawhio mo Alberto Mosquera (21-1-2 haere i roto i te) whakamutunga Nov. 14. He scored a smashing ninth-round TKO over then-unbeaten James Stevenson (21-0 haere i roto i te) i runga i Aug. 8. Vasquez dropped Mosquera twice with body shots, Stevenson kotahi.


Kua whawhai Vasquez kotahi te wā mua te ono o nga tawhio. Kua kore ia i te iwa kua atu, kua riro piritahi ana whawhai whakamutunga iwa i te knockout. Lartey, kōrero, Kua riro 10 neke atu rānei rauna rima nga wa, kahore i te patototanga ki waho, ka kore i te patototanga iho.


"Lartey Ko te pai, toa uaua me te haere i te reira ki te waiho i te whawhai pai,'' Na ka mea a Vasquez. "E mohio ana ahau ki haere ahau ki te pupuri hoki i aku pūkenga KO haere. Ahakoa te mea i roto i te tuatahi i te 10 e aore, Ka tupu te reira. Ngā kore i te patototanga ia i roto i a ahau i rite ki te hunga momo o mau tamataraa. ''


I roto i tona ShoBox tuatahi, Piro Vasquez toru knockdowns en ara ki te 2:49, knockout matamua-a tawhio mo Juan Rodriguez Jr. i runga i April 18, 2014, i roto i te Monroeville. Pa. Despite all the stoppages, e kore te 10 5-waewae-Vasquez whakaaro ia he puncher knockout.


"Whakaaro ahau i ahau te pai-porotaka, engari ki te haere mai i te faingamālie, Tango ahau painga,” Vasquez said. “Whether I am considered by others as a KO or guy or not, Ka tango ahau painga o te faingamālie. E mohio ana ahau ki taea te tomo ahau ki nga tūranga ao hohoro. Ko, hoki inaianei, E kore e ahau tino whakarongo ki a ratou. ''


He runaruna ta'na (2011 National PAL Toa me 2010 Katoa-Army Toa mētara koura i 152 pauna), Kua Vasquez Kua he tino mano mai tahuri pro i roto i August 2012. Kua tangohia wahi i katoa engari e toru o ana whawhai i roto i te rohe Pittsburgh.


"Fighting ano i CONSOL Energy Center, te ao home mo nga Kororā Pittsburgh, he nui,'' Na ka mea a Vasquez, he hōia United States Army nei i mahi haerenga whawhai e rua i roto i te Iraq (2005-2006 a 2008-2009) i roto i te poto-te tau iwa ei melo o te National Guard. "Ko ahau te tino mauruuru ki te e taea ki te kupu matua ki reira, a ahau koa ki te e taea ki te kawe whakarongo me te publicity ki Pittsburgh mo nga pā mekemeke ki te oaoa i ahau. Au fiefia ki te kawe mai hoki mekemeke me te ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu pai mo te pa, me to tatou rohe.


"Kahore he pēhanga i roto i te mekemeke i muri i te tahi mau o nga mea kua kua e ahau i roto i waho o te mekemeke. Hiahia tonu ahau ki te riro, engari riro, ngaro te utu ranei, i roto i te mekemeke mai tonu koe i roto i te ora i taua mowhiti. ''


Lartey (korerotia "tukupau-ringa"), 32, kei te haere mai atu tona wikitoria taa'eraa, he 10-a tawhio noa te wikitoria whakatau loto i runga i toa mua te ao Steve Forbes i runga i Pipiri 7, 2014 i roto i te Tacoma, Horoi.


“Kua fehangahangai ahau nui uaua whakataetae atu Vasquez me kore ahau manukanuka whawhai i roto i tona whenua,” Lartey said. “Sammy is a very tough fighter, engari na ko ahau. He’s been knocking out a lot of guys, otiia e kore ia i faaruru tetahi rite ahau. "


I roto i tona a'ee te aroaro o whakamutunga, tona ShoBox tuatahi, Ka haere ake Lartey i runga i te pito he o te afa whakatau waru-a tawhio pakeke-whawhai ki 2008 U.S. Olympic Gold toaPirika Diaz.


E toru whawhai i mua i te kēmu, i hoatu roa Lartey whetu maranga hinga kore, me te 2012 U.S. Häkinakina Errol Spence tona whawhai pro uaua, tango ia i te tawhiti waru-a tawhio mo te wā tuatahi. Ahakoa mārama muri, a huru, he mea patu, Lartey landed a body shot near the end of the seventh before rocking Spence with a big right hook late at the bell. Lartey came forward for most of the eighth round, Spence akina ana ki te i roto i te meneti whakamutunga o te whawhai e tu i tona oneone.


I had a few setbacks and I’m very grateful for this opportunity. This is my time to shine and show the world how good I am.


Ka tahuri pro te 5-waewae-8 Lartey i April 2005 i roto i te Ghana, a whawhai i roto i 2009 i reira. Ko ia 11-0 ki 1 NC - toa i te African me Kana toa super Kōmāmā haere te ara - i mua i neke ki te United States, e hanga tona tuatahi stateside i roto i te Hui-tanguru 2011.


Tenei ka te wa tuawha ngā fehangahangai ia he 'amanaki hinga kore i runga i te ara. Ko ia 1-2, ngaro i runga i ngā ki Diaz i April 2014 a Spence i roto i te nuku 2013 me te toa mā ngā ki Honatana Bautista (13-0 haere i roto i te) i roto i te April 2013.


Savigne (korerotia "sa-REI-yay"), 34, patototanga i toa mua te aoJeff Lacy i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa i roto i tona timatanga whakamutunga i runga i Hōngongoi 10, 2014. Ko upped tana whakaatu ki te 10-0 ki 1 NC mai te mamae tona mate ana'e ki te underdog Harvey Fakafiefia i roto i te Hakihea 2009, he whawhai i roto i te e ai kua tomo ia ki te raparapa laveá.


He mua a Ākuira he amateur ao, me te mema o te tīma National Cuban mō te whitu tau, Humberto (korerotia "Umberto" - ki te "H" puku) hanga ana tuatahi pro me te stateside i te mutunga o nga tau o te 30. Baker represents the fourth undefeated fighter that Savigne has faced as a pro.


"Ko e mea anake e mohio ana ahau he e te haere Baker ki te haere ki raro, ki te aroaro o te rima o tawhio,” Savigne said. “I’m going in there to knock him out and make it a quick night. I don’t know what he is thinking about me, but I know I’m not underestimating him. I’m going to do my job like I always do. It doesn’t matter what he does. I’ll be ready.


"Haere ahau ki te whakamatau e ahau te kaua hou o te wehenga taumahamaha marama,"Said Savigne, nei te īngoa ko te "El Don."


He taiao maui-Hander, Haere Savigne 398-23 i roto i te amateurs. Riro ia te toa o te motu e wha nga wa, and was on the national team for seven years. Savigne defected from Cuba to the United States in April 2009. The 6-foot-1 Savigne, ko wai kua anake whawhai i roto i te U.S. mai tahuri pro, kua hohoro whakatika ki a No. 3 i roto i te WBC tūranga 175-pauna i muri noa 14 pāngia ngaio.


"Ahau ite i ahau rite mo te whawhai taitara ao mai i tērā tau,” Savigne said. “I’m looking forward to getting a win on Feb 20 and facing the big names in the light heavyweight division. I’ve been training hard and I’ve been patient and humble. When the time comes, I’m going to be in prime shape and ready to fulfill my dream of becoming a world champion. Whether it’s early this year, te mutunga o tenei tau ranei tau i muri mai, Ahau rite.


"Ahau e hiahia ana ki te whawhai i te toa i 175 pauna, but I need to take care of Baker first. I want Adonis Stevenson. I feel that I’m better than him. He’s never fought a guy like me and I don’t see enough skill set in him to be able to defeat me.”


Baker, te tangata e tahuri 31 i runga i Feb. 10, ka hanga i tona ShoBox tuatahi. A-tau e whitu-pro, Baker ko te toa pēhanga nei pai ki te kakahu iho hoariri mohio. Kei te haere mai atu e ia he tuatoru-a tawhio knockout i runga Sergio Cordoba whakamutungaNov. 15 i roto i te Argentina. Kua riro ia tona whakamutunga e toru whawhai roto e toru rauna, e kore engari ki whawhai i runga i te taumata o Savigne.


"Au tonu ahau i te underdog, na tenei i te mea hou,” Baker said. “I’ve been in this position before. You just have to do what you’re supposed to do you’ll get the win. “We’ve been waiting for this opportunity to prove who we are.


"A, no te riro ahau e te auraa mea katoa, it will be a dream come true. It’s going to open some doors for me. I’ll be 16-0 a kia tika ki reira ki te kanohi etahi i nga whawhai runga o i 175 pauna ".


Tahuri Baker ki te mekemeke i roto i 2005 rite te ara ki te ngaro taimaha. I te wa, paunatia e ia 293 pauna. E ngaro ia tona tuatahi runaruna, engari ka haere ki runga ki ki te riro i te karapu Texas State Golden me te Texas State USA Toa i roto i rua 2007 a 2008. Baker i waetea ake ano hoki ki te National PAL Tournament i roto i 2007, he quarterfinalist i roto i rua i te National USA Toa Tournament me te karapu National Golden, i roaa ia he USA mekemeke te ana'iraa motu o No. 3.


"Kua fehangahangai ahau takatu rite ia ia i mua i,” Baker said. “At the end of the day, all that matters is what you bring to the ring. On the national level in the amateurs you can face guys with a few hundred fights on the first day of a tournament. So his amateur pedigree doesn’t scare me.


“I’m just expecting a W anyway it comes. That’s what I want and that’s what I’m getting. He’s just like any other fighter. You have to wait and see what they have. We’ll find out on fight night.”


Marrero, 25, kahore he tangata ke ki pā rohe, ka rua whawhai i roto i te rohe whakamutunga tau, wa e rua i runga i ngā kāri ngā Vasquez hoki.


He toa pai nei mate anake i haere mai i runga i te whakatau 12-a tawhio kikī ki teIhu Cuellar i roto i te kia-reira-katoa-hang-i roto i, slugfest mahi-Kikī mo te WBA Interim mā whitu World Championship (ngä 114-113, 115-114 a 111-111) i roto i te August 2013, Hanga kia Marrero e tona ShoBox a 2015 tuatahi. Haere ia ki 3-0 whakamutunga tau, toa i te TKO te ono-a tawhio mo Ira Terry i roto i tona timatanga tino tata muri Nov. 21 i roto i te Tulsa, Okla.


Kōkiri tīkiti utu i $238, $100, $60, $40 a $25 mō ngā ākonga, me te hoia ki te ID tika (Office Pouaka anake), me utu e hāngai ana, no te "Ko e Pride o Pittsburgh III" Ka haere i runga i te hoko Rāmere, January 30 i 10:00 a.m. i roto i Sporting Goods Box Office o te Dick i CONSOL Energy Center, Ticketmaster.com, putanga katoa Ticketmaster ranei tiaki i te waea i 800-745-3000. Utu whakanui i $5 i runga i te ra o te hui. Ka whakatuwhera Doors i runga i te po o te hui i 5:30 p.m. ki te pere tuatahi i 6:30 p.m.


Kei CONSOL Energy Center i 1001 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219. Ka taea te Kei ētahi atu mōhiohio i to ratou paetukutuku,www.consolenergycenter.com


Social Media: A pee i Goossen Whakatairanga i runga i TwitterGoossenBoxing, Sammy Vasquez i te TwitterTeamSVasquez, SHOWTIME Sports @ SHOsports me CONSOL Energy CenterCONSOLEnergyCtr. Whakamahia hashtag #VasquezLartey ki te whai i te kōrero.


Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i Goossen tiro Whakatairanga ratou paetukutuku iwww.GoossenPromotions.com. No te tahi atu mau haamaramaramaraa i runga i Showtime Sports haerenga www.Sho.com/sports.


ShoBox: Ko te Generation New
Mai i tōna urunga i roto i te Hōngongoi 2001, te raupapa mekemeke SHOWTIME arohaehae, manohi, ShoBox: Ko te Generation New ki āu fifi kua ngā taranata taitamariki. Te ShoBox kaupapa, ko te ki te televise whakaongaonga, kua takoto mano-ahuareka, me ngā tākaro whakataetae i te whakarato i te whenua ata mohiotia hoki opuaraa pai ki te whawhai mo te taitara ao. Ētahi o te rārangi e tupu o te 58 whawhai nei i puta i runga i ShoBox me te matatau ki te ngaki taitara ao ngā: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paora Williams me te ake.

Markham whiwhi ENGLISH TITLE SHOT; Heads 6 kāri whawhai taitara i runga i Ultimate kororia whakanui a Goodwin i te Maehe 14

Lee "Ko e Banjo" Markham te pae hopea whiwhi tona faingamālie taitara nui, me te pakaruhanga pea ki te wa nui, ina wero ia ia Jahmaine Smyle mo te Ingarihi Super-whitu taitara i runga i te Olivia Goodwin ka whakanuia "Ultimate kororia" pire i York Hall i te Rāhoroi 14th March.


Ko te whakaaturanga tohu rima tau o te Goodwin ki te mekemeke te whakatairanga, me te whakahaere. Ko te hui kei te tika o tenei whakanui e kore e iti ake i 6 taitara whawhai me etahi o nga opuaraa runga o London i runga i te undercard.


Hoki Markham Ko te tukunga iho o te wā poto o te riri mo ia, me tona kaiwhakahaere Steve Goodwin tenei. Firstly Markham was moved into a mandatory position to challenge Frank Buglioni for the Southern Area strap only for Buglioni to vacate the day before purse bids were due to be opened. Markham was then made mandatory for Callum Smith’s English title. Riro kaiwhakatairanga Goodwin nga tono putea, engari takoha Callum Smith i ki te makere tika ki te whara.


Goodwin ka i taea ki te whakarite ki te kapa o Smyle, ka whakaae te whawhai i roto i 2 haora. "Te hinaaro nei au ki te whakawhetai Clifton Mitchell me te kapa o Jahmaine" ka mea a Goodwin. "E kore matou e tangohia tetahi re-kēmu haere tonu fakangatangata rara kirimana ranei na ko reira faingofua ki te hanga, a he nui Clifton ki te mahi ki te".


"Ko te whawhai nui" ka mea a Olivia Goodwin, "Ko te whakanui o te tau e rima to tatou i roto i te mekemeke tenei. Haere mai anake toku papa ki te mekemeke te mea ua hinaaro e ahau ki te rave i te reira, e kore moe matou e te whakawhānui i tatou rite tenei. Ko te tika ki te whai Lee kīnaki i te pire, me te he tenei faingamālie rite Lee ko te kaimekemeke tuatahi toku papa, te whakahaere ".


Ka haere Markham ki Goodwin me 3 te whakauru ia me te mate i muri i ngaro ki Gary Boulden. I raro i Goodwin, Kua reirahia Markham ake 9 te whakauru ia tika ki 6 tūnga toa 5 Masters taitara haere te ara.


Käore e kore tenei ko te uaua whawhai a Markham ki te rā o te "Ko te whawhai maro atu i Buglioni tenei" ta Lee, "e matau ana ahau ki tenei kei te haere ki te hei whawhai uaua, me te kore e hiahia e ahau ki tetahi atu ara".


Me ikuna'i Tuatahi Lee Lewis Van Poetsch i runga i apopo aMatchroom O2 whakaaturanga i te mea he 6 whakamahana a tawhio ake. Kaiwhakahaere Kua hanga / kaiwhakatairanga Goodwin he hononga ki Eddie Hearn, me Matchroom te tetahi o nga whakatairanga torutoru mahi ki a ratou i runga i te kaupapa Fight Pass hou, me te he mauruuru hoki Matchroom mō te hoatu Lee me ana kaimekemeke te tūāpapa i runga i te whakaaturanga nui, me te teata whai wāhitanga haere whawhai.


Larry "Ko e Natural" Ekundayo ka whai i te whawhai nui o tona mahi ki te 10 whawhai a tawhio noa nei te oti i tēnei wā.


Johnny Ka tiakina, "Ko e Pexican" Garton tona here Area Southern Welterweight ki te hoa tauwhainga e ua faaite wiki i muri.


Mua a Nēpia ki Ngaio Leon McKenzie kua tona whawhai taitara tuatahi, ka pakanga a ia mo te here International Masters Super-whitu (e puritia ana e Markham i mua). E Leon i te Ivan Stupalo i Croatia. O te tautoko i te ope haere mai, tae atu e rave rahi whutupaoro o pro i runga i te mea ko te po nui hoki ia Leon kua.


"Smokin" Joe Mullender (Whitu) a Kris Agyei-runanga (Light-whitu) e rua i International taitara whawhai.


I te undercard o Tilbury Matt McCarthy (10-1) e i te Stanislav Nenkov (12-10) mo 8 rauna ahakoa mua English Champion Ashley Sexton (14-2-2) hanga i tona hokinga tatari roa ki te mowhiti i rima tekau mā whitu.


Tino tauā Cruiserweights Arama Hart (1-0) a Jose Lopes (2-0) tonu to ratou whanaketanga. Toa K1 mua Hart i ati rahi i roto i tona whakataetae tuatahi, me te inaianei neke ki runga ki te 6 rauna ahakoa Lopes whakaakona e Don Charles, ka whakaahuatia e tona kaiwhakangungu rite te Rawiri Haye hou titiro mo tetahi mutu mīharo i muri i tona kotahi Te tukituki a tawhio o te wā whakamutunga i roto i Weeks Jon.


Mua whetu amateur whakairo Josh Kennedy ko tetahi i tahoroa ana i runga i tona tuatahi. Ka mau a Kennedy i runga i te hoariri nei i ngaro i mua noa i roto i 8 whawhai. E rave rahi te whakaaro kia he taahiraa tenei tawhiti rawa, engari i muri i anake 40 hēkona Kennedy whakamatauria e teka, a ka mutu ia hoa tona i roto i te kāhua nui.


I roto i te pakanga o te tūturu Ashley Hill (2-0) e i te Michael Waldron (1-0) i te marama-whitu. Titiro Hill Kua pai i roto i tona fe'auhi tuatahi e rua, me te kua whakangungua e te kaiwhakangungu o Markham Lenny Butcher te tangata e tumanako tiketike hoki ia.


Ko te enigmatic Prince Patel kua tona tuatahi i mā. Te aroha ki a ia ranei aroha ia e whiwhi pā ki te mohio ki tenei pūāhua mana. E Patel tona ingoa i te taketake Pronce Naseem me te tūmanako ki te whai i roto i ona tapuwae, ka riro taitara ao i roto i te akoranga e tika ana. Kei te hainatia Patel tetahi ki te whakahaere a Goodwin hono i te kapa e tupu tere i roto i te whenua.


Ki tonu i te whakamoemiti kaiwhakatairanga Olivis hoki tetahi o o te toa undercard "Ko e General" Aji Sharif. Sharif ngaro i roto i te 2 rauna ki 6 waewae 8 mai Imantas Daviditus. I muri i te whawhai ka mea a Sharif whakaritea katoa hiahia ia ki te mahi i nga mea i hoatu tika me tona kaiwhakahaere Steve Goodwin te re-kēmu mo te whakaatu muri. "He Aji te ngakau o te raiona, me te tumanako atu ia tatou whiwhi ia utu, me te neke i runga i ki taitara i te mutunga o te 2015. Ka te reira i tetahi atu whawhai nui i runga i te pire nui. "


Te Whakakī i te kāri, ko te whetū kore raihana mua Heavyweight "Superman" Louie Darling. Tautea e Darling ake 35 pāngia tūturu i roto i te scene kore raihana tu 31 hoariri. E rave rahi hiahia ki te haina Darling, engari i whiriwhiria e ia o te Goodwin ki te hapai i tona mahi. "E kore taea e hiahia ahau mo tetahi pai atu Steve ki te whakahaere i ahau. E haere ana tatou ki tahi te runga "ka mea a Darling. Tuatahi Louie (whakangungua e John Cole i Kent) Me hinga te whawhai hoiho Mohi Matovu i runga i tona tuatahi.


Ka taea te whiwhi tikiti mo tenei whakaatu fantastic iwww.iboxingtickets.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 01525 851150



WBU Champ Danny McDermott Launches New Promotional Company

Te huinga o LGM Whakatairanga

First show, “Ringa o te Irish Fighting”
Rāhoroi March 14 at the Jersey City Armory
Jersey City, Nj (January 29, 2015)-WBU Jr. Welterweight Champion Danny “Little Mac” McDermott kauwhautia tenei ra i te hanganga o te Mekemeke Company hou Promotional kia ka hāngai i roto i tona oire i roto i te Jersey City nj.
Kua mahi ngätahi ake McDermott ki te kaipakihi rohe Nick Jayme ki te hanga i LGM Whakatairanga
Kauwhautia hoki LGM i tenei ra, ka hoatu ki runga ki tona whakaatu tuatahi “ringa o te Irish Fighting” i te Jersey City koki i runga i Rāhoroi March 14 ki McDermott headlining i te kāri i roto i te korero o te taitara riro ia tenei Hōngongoi mua i roto i te GenSan City, Piripīni.
“Ahau oaoa ki te tīmata i tēnei kamupene ahau. Launching it on the tenth anniversary of my pro debut makes it that much sweeter. This is something that I have been thinking about for some time now. Aroha ana ahau ki mekemeke. It is my life. It just makes a lot of sense for us right now to begin to prepare for a life after boxing and what better way then be able to put on a fight in my own hometown.” Na ka mea a McDermott.
Mr. Jayme is a longtime friend of the McDermott’s and is former amateur boxer himself. He is an active community servant in the Jersey City area.

“Kua aroha tonu ahau mekemeke me te whai i te weriweri mo te takaro ahau. I came up in the amateurs with Danny and have known him for many years.
“Tata whakahono ahau ki te mekemeke i muri i te mahi i te kaupapa ki a Miguel Cotto me e ko i te i whakatau ki te hanga i LGM Whakatairanga.”
“Kei te titiro tatou ki te mahi i 4 ranei 5 ngā kaupapa i tēnei tau i roto i te hapori. I am a big believer in the Hudson County community. LGM is Jersey City based and that’s where we are basing our roots.
March 14 Ko e pā ana ki te whakanui i te Irish Heritage Parade. We are working close with the Jersey City Irish Parade committee. They are having their dinner on March 13. We are doing the fight on March 14 a ka ko te Parade i runga i March 15. This event is all about celebrating St. Na ka mea a Day a Patrick Mr Jayme.”
“I te taha ki te mekemeke, utua matou Rich Komissar (RKO mekemeke) to be our Director of Boxing Operations. Rich has a wealth of experience in the sport from on every level. Ko reira tino fakafiemālie ki te whai i te taata i runga i to tatou kapa e te tangata mau karanga hoki” tawai Jayme.
Mr. Tāpiri hoki Jayma “Whakaturia ano tatou ake he haumi rautaki ki Mariusz Kolodziej me tona rōpū i Global Boxing i Te Tai Tokerau Bergen. Mariusz a Danny haere hoki i te wa roa. Ko ia he hoa nui o te hākinakina i runga i te neke atu i te taumata rohe.
These first events will be Jersey City ethnic based with family friendly ticket pricing and family friendly concessions,”
“E hiahia ana matou i te hapori katoa ki te awhi i ia tatou. We will make it affordable for a guy to bring his kids to the fights and have a few hot dogs with a couple of sodas and maybe a beer or two without breaking the bank” Jayme oti.
I’m excited to help. Danny is family. Danny is my guy. Ia tonu, a ka riro tonu. I’m proud of all he has done in the last year or two. He is extremely popular in this part of New Jersey (me te puta noa i te awa i roto i te New York City) so it makes great sense to launch here. Nick Jayme has a great vision on where he wants his company to be in a year or two. His community minded spirit enlightens me. Nick Jayme Ko te taata rongoā. Ahau rite e” said Komissar.
“E kore e tatou mahi pakeke rawa kia. Tēnei wāhanga o New Jersey he rota fakamanavahē o karapu mekemeke me te Kaiiriiri i te reira ki te youngsters e hiahia whai wāhitanga. E matou i konei, ki te hoatu ki a ratou noa e” Ange Komissar
The full event will be announced shortly.

Guillermo Rigondeaux ākina e te kōrero Oscar de la Hoya e pā ana ki Leo Santa Cruz whakakotahitanga whawhai

Miami (Jan. 28, 2015) – World mekemeke Association (WBA) Super, Mekemeke Organization World (WBO) a Ko te Ring Magazine toa whā super Bill “Ko te tarakona” Rigondeaux (15-0, 10 Koó) Kei te ākina e te pūrongo e te Kaunihera Mekemeke World (WBC) taitara-ma'u Leo Santa Cruz‘ kaiwhakatairanga, Oscar de la Hoya, whakapono he whawhai whakakotahitanga Rigondeaux-Santa Cruz kua ki te tupu.


-Tau 34-tau te Rigondeaux, he rua-wā mētara koura Olympic, Kua whāiti ki Ahia mo tona rua whawhai whakamutunga, muri i roto i te ōritenga iti-kōtaha, e tika ana ki te kore o te hiahia i tetahi-ao o te piha haapiiraa whā super ki te wero i te whetu Cuban.


Mutu Rigondeaux WBO No. 6 kaiwero tauanga Hisashi Amagasa (28-4-2, 19 Koó) i muri i 11 rauna i roto i te Osaka, Japan tenei Eva New Year o mua. Last Hōngongoi, “Raina” patototanga a roto i Kohuatia Kokietgym (62-2-1) i roto i te taka noa whatitoka o ratou whawhai i roto i te Macao, China.


“E mea pai ki te mohio e Santa Cruz’ Kua kī kaiwhakatairanga e to tatou whawhai whakakotahitanga kua ki te tupu,” Na ka mea te Rigondeaux miharo. “E hiahia ana ahau ki te tāpiri i tona (WBC) whitiki matomato ki toku kohinga aito WBA me WBO. Kua hiahia ahau i tenei whawhai mo etahi wa. Kia tumanako te kore he korero tika mangere tenei. Kia a rave i te reira!”


Rigondeaux vs. Santa Cruz (29-0-1, 17 Koó) e riro i te pupūtanga matarohia i waenganui i mekemeke iwi kikorangi-tāwhai, aua, Whawhai Cuban me te Mexican e noho ana inaianei i roto i Miami me te tonga California.


“Kua whakapā atu ahau Whakatairanga Boy Golden maha nga wa ki te ui e pā ana ki te hanga i te whawhai i waenganui i 'Rigo’ a Santa Cruz,” Rigondeaux’ kaiwhakahaere Gary Hyde tāpiri. “Na ka whakahoki tonu ratou na roto i te mea i ratou hiahia i roto i te hanga tenei whawhai, engari e kore e i taua wa. Inanahi, i muri i te ako ka mea a Oscar tenei whawhai kua ki te tupu, Tae ahau ki te Golden Boy, a taea te whakaū kua timata ngā whiriwhiringa. Ahau a Caribe Whakatairanga, 'Rigo o’ kaiwhakatairanga, Ka tutava ki te meinga e tenei whawhai kia rite ki hohoro tupu rite taea.


“Kia 'Rigo’ te patu Santa Cruz mo tona whitiki taitara toru o te ao – wha, ki te tatau ki a koutou Ko te Ring Magazine – he whawhai ki International Mekemeke Federation (IBF) toa Carl Frampton (19-0, 13 Koó) e whai ki te hoko i roto i te tikanga ki te whakatau i te motuhake toa whā super o te ao.”


Arumia Rigondeaux a Hyde i te Twitter i @ RigoElChacal305 me @ NoWhere2Hyde, hoa ratou i www.facebook.com/GuillermoRigondeaux awww.facebook.com/gary.hyde.50?fref = TS.





AT 8:30 P.M. ME / 5:30 P.M. PT

Tūturu Welterweight Star Keith “Kotahi te Time” Ka kawea Thurman I te mua wha-Division World Champion

Robert “Ko te Varua” Guerrero I roto i te Action Welterweight

Ko te Evenings Tuatahi Main Event Rua mua toru-Division World Champion Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner

Ki Hard-Patu Super Kōmāmā

John Ko te Gladiator Molina Jr.

Las Vegas (January 28, 2015) – The return of prizefighting to primetime network television has finally arrived as the recently announced Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) series is set to debut on Saturday, March 7 with an action-packed double main event on NBC, live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.


The inaugural PBC on NBC fight night will feature two spectacular bouts worthy of this historic occasion. In the second main event of the evening, undefeated welterweight knockout artist Keith “Kotahi te Time” Thurman (24-0, 21 Koó) will take on former four-division world champion Robert “Ko te Varua” Warrior (32-2-1, 18 Koó) in a showdown where both men look to prove they are amongst the best fighters in the world on the biggest stage in recent boxing history.


Ko te hui matua tuatahi o te ahiahi, ka ngā tetahi o nui, me te tino mālohi whetu o te mekemeke, former three-division world champion Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner (29-1, 22 Koó) facing off against the always exciting John “Ko te Gladiator” Molina Jr. (27-5, 22 Koó) in a super lightweight bout that will put the winner at the top of the division.


Utu tikiti mo te hui ora e i $400, $300, $100 a $50, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets www.mgmgrand.com ranei www.ticketmaster.com.


Kaua e ngaro i te meneti o te PBC i te NBC mahi rite ki te whawhai teata tuatahi i runga i NBC haamata i 8:30 p.m. ME / 5:30 p.m. PT SHARP!


“Ko te kapa me te ahau he tino hihiri, ā, e katoa titiro whakamua matou ki tenei faingamālie ki te whawhai i runga i NBC. He rota o te mea i toku rōpū e pupuri ana e mea ko e kei te haere tenei ki te huri i te hākinakina. Fakamanatu mai kiate au e whakamahia toku kaiwhakangungu te mutunga o Ben Getty ki te korero ki ahau, ko nga mea katoa e hiahiatia ana e ahau ki te mahi i whiwhi i runga i te atamira nui,” Said Thurman. “Au pono ahau titiro atu ki headlining i te whakaatu tuatahi. Au fiefia ki kia hoki i MGM Grand me te titiro atu ki te knockout nui. Ko te tīmatanga o te hanga i te ingoa whare tenei.”


“Ko te tino fakaivifo'ou ki te mohio, e te mea e kawe NBC mekemeke hoki ki te pouaka whakaata primetime,” Said Guerrero. “Ko te he honore ki te hei wahi o te whakaaturanga tuatahi, especially against an undefeated champion like Keith Thurman. Everyone knows I always come to fight. Let’s hope Thurman has the same mindset. He claims that he’s going to knock me out, but I see a totally different outcome. When this fight is over, everyone tuning in will know why boxing is one of the most exciting sports to watch, e taea e ahau te kī.”


“Ko te utunga nui tuatahi o 'AB i te NBC tenei.’ Kahore te tetahi mea e kore e taea e ahau,” Said Broner. “Ko te he whawhai nui e kore anake mo te whawhai, engari mo nga pā. Nga tangata katoa e matau ana i haere mai tonu ahau ki te whawhai me te mohio ahau ki John Molina Jr. Kei te haere mai ki te whawhai. Titiro atu ahau ki tu Molina i te NBC. Aroha ahau te tautoko me te tetahi e tautoko ana ahau; Kei te haere ahau ki te whawhai mo a ratou. He tika te tīmatanga o te 'Whakaatu AB tenei’ i roto i te 2015.”


“Ko ahau tino oaoa ki te waiho i te wahi o te whakaaturanga tuatahi i runga i NBC, ki te hei i runga i tenei turanga. E kore e taea e ahau ki te haere atu ki reira, ka mahi i te mea e ahau pai mahi i roto i te mua o mirioni o te iwi tatari,” Na ka mea a Molina Jr. “E hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai i te pai me te Broner ko tetahi o te pai. Ko te whawhai i ui tatou no te i runga i te tau i mua tenei a te pae hopea ka matou i te reira. Ko ahau na fiefia. Au e kore e tailiili i te katoa. Ki te mea i ahau io, E kore e waiho e ahau i roto i tenei ahumahi. Ko te momo o te mea e whawhai tūturu moemoea e pā ana ki tenei. Au tatau e ahau ki raro, i nga ra.”


Ko te hokinga mai o te mekemeke ki te primetime i runga i NBC he tata 30 tau i roto i te hanga, ki taua te wahi whakamutunga po tango whawhai May 20, 1985. That fight saw Larry Holmes win a 15-round decision and defend his IBF Heavyweight World Championship against Carl Williams in Reno, Nev.


Primetime te pouaka whakaata motu he home-roa mo etahi o nga ingoa tino mōhiotia i roto i te aamu o te hākinakina, with fighters such as Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, George Foreman and Mike Tyson making a name for themselves in front of a national audience.


The PBC on NBC series will feature a cast of familiar names and voices who will lend their immense talents to the broadcasts. Seven-time Emmy Award winner Al Michaels will host the series while Academy Award winning composer Hans Zimmer will compose the music that brings the series to life. I tua atu, legendary boxer Sugar Ray Leonard will serve as lead analyst.


“Ahau na oaoa e pā ana ki PBC i runga i NBC. Ko ahau ohovale i ahau ka te piiraa, engari tika atu i mohio ahau hinaaro e ahau ki te waiho i te wahi o tenei,” Said Leonard. “Ko te aha te hiahia mekemeke tenei, me tenei, ko te mea e hiahia ana nga pā mekemeke.”


Ka whakatairanga Los Angeles-hāngai Whakatairanga Goossen tenei PBC tuatahi i runga i hui NBC.


It’s an honor to be a part of this extraordinary and highly anticipated event

i runga i Maehe 7, te tuatahi o te 'Pirimia mekemeke Champions’ series on NBC,” said Tom Brown of Goossen Promotions. “These are two outstanding fights featuring four world class boxers and fans are in for a terrific night of action.


Thurman has long proven his power by knocking out 18 o tona tuatahi 19 hoariri, engari ka riro ia ia te Ingoa wā WBA Welterweight World ki te 10th round knockout over Diego Chaves in July of 2013, maka e ia ki a ia i roto i te tūranga ki te whawhai i te pai rawa i roto i te hākinakina. -Tau 26-tau te Clearwater, Florida Maori kua mai hanga toru angitu parepare taitara ki te knockouts mo Ihu Soto Karass me Julio Diaz, i mua i tūtahi Leonard bundu i runga i tona ara ki te whakatau loto i roto i te Hakihea 2014. Na, Titiro Thurman ki te noho tūturu tonu, ka anga ia i tona whakamātautau uaua ki te rā i roto i te Guerrero.


He hōia whakamatauria te whawhai-, Warrior, o Gilroy, Calif., Kua i roto i nga whawhai whiriwhiri i roto i te mekemeke mo tau. He southpaw kaimekemeke-puncher, Kua riro Guerrero taitara ao i roto i te akomanga taimaha e wha i 130 ki 147 pauna, te patu i te momo o Andre Berto, Joel Casamayor, Michael Katsidis a Selcuk Aydin haere te ara. Tona toa puta noa i enei akomanga taimaha roaa ia he whawhai ki te kingi pauna-no te-pauna Floyd Mayweather i roto i 2013, i ngaro ia i te whakatau loto. “Ko te Varua” poipoia hoki kiri i roto i te Pipiri o 2014 ki te pakeke-whawhai wikitoria whakatau loto mo Yoshihiro Kamegai.


Ko e taha o whetu rawa te pai-mohiotia te mekemeke, Broner, te phenom 25-tau tawhito, kua nei i kohia taitara ao i 130, 135 a 147 pauna, Kei te whakanoho i ona mātanga i runga i te puncher kino John Molina Jr. i runga i Maehe 7. Ka kaha Broner kua runga i nga momo o Paulie Malignaggi, Daniel Ponce de Leon me Antonio Demarco i runga i te ara ki te hoko i te toa e toru-te wehenga. Ahakoa te mamae tona mate tuatahi ki Marcos Maidana i Hakihea 2013, i turapa te Cincinnati-Māori ki te hoki-ki-hoki whakaora mo Carlos Molina me Emmanuel Taylor.


Molina Jr. from Covina, Calif., Kua i angitu nui i roto i nga rarangi ngaio tae atu i te wikitoria knockout faahiahia i runga i te toa o nāianei te ao Mickey Bey i whakamatauria e kore koutou e taea te tatau i te puncher kaha i roto i te whawhai. Ngaro te 32-tau-tawhito te Whawhai scintillating o te kaitono Tau ki Lucas Matthysse i roto i 2014 a ka te titiro ki te tīmata atu 2015 ki te wini nui ki a Broner.


Kia ka kauwhautia tata te ki tonu te po i te pāngia undercard whakaongaonga.


PBC i te NBC, will take place Saturday, March 7 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas and is promoted by Goossen Promotions. Ka rangi te hui ora i runga i NBC (8:30 p.m. ME / 5:30 p.m. PT).


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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.nbcsports.com/boxing a www.goossenpromotions.com, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, GhostBoxing, AdrienBroner, @ JohnMolinaJr135, NBCSports AMGMGrand, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions a www.facebook.com/NBCSports.

Boxing manager Adrian Clark releases mini documentary Adrian Clark: I mua i te Bell i te Youtube

Dallas, TX (January 28, 2015)–Whakatika me te haere mai te kaiwhakahaere mekemeke Adrian Clark Kua tukua he pakipūmeka paku e lēkooti he uike i roto i te ora o tona mahi rite arata'i ia ki runga ki te ui i te Pakipūmeka fight.The te Adrian Clark: Before The Bell

Clark o Dallas, Texas kua hohoro riro tetahi o te kānapanapa taitamariki feruriraa i roto i te ahumahi mekemeke me kei te haere mai atu i te oranga 2014 arahina ia ki te wahi whawhai pērā i James De La Rosa ki ahua i runga i te Floyd Mayweather – Marcos Maidana II undercard i reira patua e ia toa mua ao Alfredo Angulo me te he Hakihea whawhai i runga i HBO mekemeke I muri Pōuri.
Tētahi atu kiritaki, Whawhai Jerry Belmontes WBC toa Kōmāmā Omar Figueroa i te Showtime Championship mekemeke i roto i te a'ee i reira whakaaro te nuinga o te iwi nei tirohanga i te whawhai i riro Belmontes i te whakatau ki te hopu i te whitiki, engari ngaro mā te whakatau wahia.
“Ko he mea whakamiharo te mahi i te pakipūmeka paku. Ahakoa ko te pūwāhi ngahunga ahau, nga whawhai mahi ahau mo te whiwhi i te pai te rongo hoki. He tino faufaa Ingoa me te uara mata, ka e ngana ana ki te kaitäkaro mākete kia ka kite koe i ahau, kite koe i toku tāne. A, no te kite koe i toku tāne, kite koe i ahau, ara ki te kore e tatou i reira i roto i te puka tinana, tohu tatou katoa ia te tahi. Mātakitaki i te pakipūmeka takoha ahau ki te mutu, ka faahiahia aha kua mea ai ahau me he aha e mahi i enei kaitäkaro,” Said Clark
“In five years & i 28 years old now, Te hinaaro nei au i te whakapono kua mahi ahau i te mahi tino pai, tautautefito ki te mahi i ahau ki kore tautoko. Peke ahau De la Rosa free i Don King, Na ka ka ia 2 whawhai nui i runga i Showtime PPV me HBO. I hanga ano e ia te moni atu i roto i 2 whawhai atu tona mahi katoa ngā. I negotiated a world title shot fight for Belmontes, kowhetetia ia te moni te nuinga i roto i tona mahi. Mahi ahau ki te tiki Ray Ximenez i roto i te kirimana whakatairanga kino, me te kaha ano, i runga i tona ara ki te nui whawhai. Haina ahau he 'amanaki fakaofo i roto i Oscar Mojica ko wai te mea he Sharing heke mai i 118 lbs. a ka Räkau he whetu he kaha'ú i 140 i roto i te Steve Belmontes. 2014 Ko te tau mīharo mō te Whakahaere AC Sports, LLC. Te titiro ki te hopu i roto i te tau 2015.”
“He he rota o nga mea whakamiharo e haere i runga i roto i te mekemeke matau i teie nei. Au taitamariki ahau, ki runga, me te haere mai, me te ngana ana ki te mau tonu i te ingoa faaturahia. Titiro ahau ki te mahi me te hanga whanaungatanga i hauora ki Whakatairanga Kara, Roc Nation, Kapa Top me kaiwhakatairanga rohe. I ahau i te hononga whakaharahara ki a Golden Boy, me te Main Events; Te ti'aturi nei e ahau ki te mau tonu aua here kaha, me te hanga i nga whawhai pai e ngā toku ko eé.”
“Ko matua i roto i te mahi mekemeke Patience. Ko tetahi, ki te māramatanga e taimi ko e nga mea katoa, me te kore e mahi i akina atu te ara. AJ Galante {ko wai te mea pea i te tahi atu kaiwhakahaere anake i roto i ona o 20} a ka matau ahau e tatou nga o te toto taitamariki i roto i te hākinakina. I roto i te 5 ranei 10 tau e riro mai tatou i te Al Haymon o, Frank Espinoza o me Cameron Dunkin o… Ka titiro eé ingoa Big me whatunga ki te mahi i roto i a tatou. Ua ite tatou e, e tamau noa tatou i te faaineine, e strategizing ki te kawe i runga i te faufaa ai'a mīharo o te mekemeke i roto i te tūmanako o te mahue ha tukufakaholo o to tatou iho. Ko tōna tino raumati.” 

Pāwhiritia te whakapakoko ki te mataara motuhenga

Adrian Clark: I mua i te Bell
Adrian Clark: I mua i te Bell