Tag Archives: Boxing Writers Association of America


Naoya Inoue and Amanda Serrano, universally recognized among the world’s best pound-for-pound fighters, have confirmed that they will be attending the 99th Boxing Writers Association of America awards dinner at Park 583, a 583 Park Avenue, a Manhattan, Nova York, dijous, June 6th, a partir de les 6 p.m.

Inoue will receive the prestigious Sugar Ray Robinson Award as the 2023 BWAA Fighter of the Year, making history as the first Japanese fighter to win one of boxing’s most prized historic honors, which dates back to Jack Dempsey in 1938.

Serrano is the 2023 Dona Boxejador de l'Any, earning that award for the second time in three years. Fights of the Year, gerent, Entrenador, Broadcaster, Journalism, and Courage awards will also be presented.

Tickets can only be purchased prior to the event and not at the door.

The glittering evening in a landmark venue on Park Avenue will include cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, bar obert, dinner, silent auction and a gift bag for every attendee.

Please go to the website at bwaa.org for further information.

Claressa Shields Is The BWAA’s 2018 Dona Boxejador de l'Any

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By Joseph Santoliquito/BWAA President

In a pivotal year for women’s boxing that saw the sport reach more
people than ever before, two-time United States Olympic gold medal
winner Claressa Shields continued to soar, as she successfully defended her two world middleweight titles, then added three super middleweight belts before the end of a campaign that earned her the 2018 Christy
Martin Award, which is given to the Boxing Writers Association of
America’s Female Fighter of the Year.

I am thrilled and honored to receive the Fighter of the Year award from the Boxing Writers Association of America. It is a dream come true, and it furthers my goal to lift women’s boxing to new levels,” Shields said.

“En 2019 my goals are to become undisputed champion, to be ranked in the top 10 pound-for-pound list regardless of gender, and to continue
the march of women’s boxing toward equality with men.

The 23-year-old from Flint, Michigan becomes the second winner of the award, which was established in 2017. She will be honored at the
BWAA’s annual award dinner, which will take place in 2019 at a site and date to be determined.

In such a big year for women’s boxing, it wasn’t a surprise that there
were so many worthy nominees for this award, but in 2018, Claressa
Shields took things to a new level by becoming a two-division world
champion and successfully defending her titles at both 168 i 160
pounds in Showtime and HBO-televised bouts,” said Thomas Gerbasi,
chairman of the BWAA’s women’s boxing committee. “That’s impressive in its own right, but the fact that she’s done this all before her tenth pro
fight and under the glare of the spotlight that comes with being the face of the sport in the United States made her a unanimous choice for this
year’s Christy Martin Award.

Joining Roy Jones Jr., Andre Ward and the late Emanuel Steward as
members of the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame’s Class of 2018, Shields began the year on a collision course with middleweight
champion Christina Hammer, but first she finished up her business at
168 pounds by successfully defending her IBF and WBC titles with a
shutout victory over Tori Nelson in January.

Next was Shieldsmiddleweight debut against Hanna Gabriels in June,
and what followed was a Fight of the Year candidate that saw Shields
rebound from the first knockdown of her career to win a clear-cut
decision and the IBF and WBA belts. Soon after, the news came that
Hammer had to withdraw from her November clash with Shields due to
injury, però “T-Rex” didn’t slow down, as she defeated Hannah Rankin and Femke Hermans to successfully defend her middleweight titles while
adding the WBC crown to her trophy case.

Trey Lippe-Morrison uneix forces amb Freddie Roach!

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Per publicació immediata
Tulsa, OKAY (Agost 4, 2015) - Pes pesat rei nocaut Trey Lippe-Morrison està entrenant sota Freddie Roach al Wild Card Gym a Los Angeles.
Una Associació de set vegades d'Escriptors de Boxa d'Amèrica (BWAA) Entrenador de l'Any, Curriculum vitae de Roach és un dels més grans en la història. Durant l'últim quart de segle, Roach va entrenar a un sens fi de grans incloent Manny Pacquiao, Oscar De La Hoya, Bernard Hopkins, Mike Tyson, Wladimir Klitschko, James Toney, Michael Moorer, Ruslan Provodnikov Amir Khan i Guillermo Rigondeaux, entre d'altres,. En 2012, Roach va ser inclòs en el Saló de la Fama de la Boxa.
"Freddie i jo connectats bé durant la nostra primera sessió,"Va dir Lippe-Morrison, que prèviament va ser entrenat per la llegenda del company Jesse Reid abans de la logística amigablement van acabar la seva relació. "Això vol dir que el món que Freddie vol treballar amb mi perquè sóc només 8-0. La majoria dels seus combatents són a nivell de campionat i jo encara no estic aquí. Espero aconseguir un gran combat en el Wild Card Gym i rebre retroalimentació constant de la capacitació del personal ".
Amb una perfecta 8-0 registre, Enganxada dinàmica de Lippe-Morrison tenia Roach delirant entre els seus parells en el Wild Card. En Maig 30, Morrison va continuar el seu camí de destrucció, parant Thomas Jones en la segona estrofa. Tenir comparacions extretes al seu difunt pare Tommy Morrison, Trey està treballant molt dur per millorar i mostrar el món de la boxa seves habilitats li fan digne d'atenció, no el seu cognom. Un element bàsic en el Casino Buffalo Run a Miami, Acceptar com a part de la "Franquícia Quatre Estat", Lippe-Morrison té el que es necessita per esdevenir el proper gran pes pesat d'Amèrica segons Roach.
"Tinc moltes ganes de treballar cantonada de Trey per primera vegada a finals d'aquest mes,", Va dir Roach. "Ell té un gran poder a les dues mans. Anem a tocar un munt de gent allà fora!"
Promotor de Lippe-Morrison, Tony Holden d'Holden Productions és molt content que la seva perspectiva preuat és l'entrenament amb l'home àmpliament considerat com el millor entrenador en l'esport i creu que el cel és el límit.
"Estic emocionat de tenir a Freddie a bord,"Va dir Holden. Sabia Trey va ser especial, però Freddie treballar amb ell confirma que. El pare de Trey va ser un gran lluitador que és major atribut era el poder. Trey té poder més cru que va fer el seu pare i jo realment vol dir que. Serà genial veure a la seva carrera a desenvolupar en virtut de Freddie Roach.”
El primer partit de Lippe-Morrison sota la tutela de Roach ve Agost 29 al Memorial Hall a Joplin, MO.