Tag Archives: Biloxi


Fighters Talk Showdowns'da BKFC 2: Yeni bir çağ BuCumartesi, Ağustos 25 Biloxi'deki Mississippi Coast Coliseum'dan, Mississipi
& Pay-Per-View Canlı
Tıklayın İŞTE for Photos
Kredi: Phil Lambert / BKFC

BILOXI, MS. (Ağustos 23, 2018) – İlk yasal düzenlemeyi başarıyla yaptıktan sonra, beri Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde düzenlenmiş ve onaylanmış çıplak mafsal olayı 1889 haziranda, Çıplak Mafsal Dövüş Şampiyonası (BKFC) bu cumartesi dönüyor, Ağustos 25 ile “BKFC 2: Yeni bir çağ” Biloxi'deki Mississippi Coast Coliseum'dan, Mississippi ve izle ve öde üzerinden yaşa.




Cumartesi günkü etkinlik için yüzüğe giren savaşçılar Perşembe günü Biloxi'deki Harrah's Gulf Coast'ta BKFC hakkında konuşmak için medyaya konuştu, anıtsal dövüş gecesinden iki gün önce kendi hesaplaşmaları ve daha fazlası.




Cumartesi maçları oynanacak “Çıplak Knuckle Kraliçesi” Bec Rawlings ve profesyonel boksör Britanya Hart, 125 kiloluk bir çatışmada buluşan, “Ultimate Fighter” üçüncü sezon kazananı Kendall Grove ve Bruce Abramski, 185 kiloluk bir maçta yarışan ve profesyonel MMA ve boks gazisi Chris Lytle ve Drew Lipton, 175 kiloluk bir dövüşte kim meydan okuyacak.




BKFC 2 BKFC ağır siklet turnuvasının yarı finallerini de görecek Sam Shewmaker alarak Maurice Jackson ve Arnold Adamskarşı Joey Beltran. Ek olarak, taraftarlara yerel cazibe ve Gulfport Polis Memuru muamelesi görecek Harris Stephenson, kim savaşlar Jorge Gonzales 170 kiloluk bir maçta.




Biletler şu anda yalnızca www.bareknuckle.tv arasında değişen $35 için $250. “BKFC 2: Yeni bir çağ” Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Kanada'da yayınlanacak, MultiVision Media aracılığıyla özel olarak görüntüleme başına ödemede, A.Ş., için tüm büyük televizyon ve akış dağıtım çıkışlarında $29.95.



İşte basın toplantısı katılımcılarının Perşembe günü söyledikleri:






“Kaliforniya'da eğitim, zaman değişikliğine ve hava durumuna alışmak için harikaydı, Avustralya'da kış olduğu için. Eski spor salonuma geri döndük, İttifak MMA, ve oradaki kampı yeni bitirdim. Kamp için gerçekten iyi bir son oldu. Acele etmemek ve dövüş moduna geçmek için zamanımız oldu..




“Rakibim kendinden çok emin, just from what I’ve seen of her today she’s very confident in her skill set. Ama, I feel like confidence sometimes is the downfall of people. I don’t think she realizes this is bare knuckle boxing. This is not professional boxing, we don’t have gloves on and you can’t get away with the stuff that you can get away with in normal boxing. I think it’s going to take me punching her in the face to realize that.




I definitely feel like I have the edge, I have the experience not only in MMA with the small gloves but experience with having my debut on BKFC 1. I don’t think it’ll make it past the third round.




Having the bare knuckle experience is a huge advantage. I went into that last fight with a lot of unknown. Orada çok eğlendim ve tarzımın bu spora ne kadar uygun olduğunu gördüm.. Bunu bu kavgaya dahil ediyorum. rahatım, Gitmeye hazırım ve oraya girmek için heyecanlıyım.




“bence kendini boksör sanıyor, bu yüzden çenesinin arkasına yapışabileceğini düşünüyorum, yapış ve bu tür şeyleri hareket ettir. Her iki tarza da hazırım. Son rakibimin bunu yapacağını düşünmüştüm ama sallanarak çıktı.. her şekilde hazırım. Ben savaşırken her zaman havai fişek garantilisiniz. Kimin önüne koyduğumun önemi yok, biliyorsun bu bir savaş olmalı, ve cumartesi gecesini bekleyebileceğiniz şey bu.




“BKFC için öncü olmak gerçekten harika. Bazı haberler ve basında yer alacağımı ve insanların yaptığım şeyi beğeneceğini biliyordum.. Destek gerçekten harika. Diğer dövüşçülerden de çok fazla hayran ve çok fazla saygı kazandım.. Kesinlikle kalkıyor, ve her şeyin ön saflarında olmak gerçekten harika.”


Kendal Korusu




“gerçekten ne bekleyeceğimi bilmiyorum. Ben bir savaşçıyım ve elbette savaşmaya geliyorum. Ama dediğim gibi akıllı bir savaşçı olup olmayacağımı göreceğiz.. Noktalarımı dürtebilir ve seçebilir ve onu uzaklaştırabilirim. Ama sonra yine kavga beni olduğum yere getirdi ve beni bir çok kötü şöhrete kavuşturdu. peki neden ikisini birden yapamıyorum? Elbette, bir kez vurulduğunda, her şey pencereden dışarı çıkıyor. Ego işin içine giriyor ve bazen sadece bunun için gidiyorsun.




“Genellikle eldivenli bir dövüşte hissettiğimden daha fazla batma ve yanma olabilir.. Bir süre önce eldivensiz dövüştüm çünkü merak ettim ve biraz hissettim. Ellerim iyi hissettiriyordu ama kemiğe temas ettiğinde kemikten biraz farklı bir his var.




“Bu gerçek bir dövüş olacak. Rakibime saygı duyuyorum ve bana elinden gelenin en iyisini yapmaya geldiğini biliyorum.. benim için gelecek. Ama ben yapacağım ve nasıl kazanacağımı bulacağım.




“BKFC'nin bir parçası olduğum için çok heyecanlıyım. Bu harika bir organizasyon ve herkes üzerinde harika bir izlenim bırakmaya çalışacağım..




“Hawaii'den buraya gelmeye çalışmak kesinlikle ilginç bir 48 saat oldu.. Luckily I was able to take care of everything at home and make sure my family is prepared for the hurricane. Now I’m here and ready to go.






I think no matter what you’re going to see two people who are trying to knock each other out. I don’t believe in decisions. If you got two really tough guys and they land a lot of punches and nobody goes down, you’re going to have a great fight and people are going to like it.




My goal is to go out there and hit him as hard as I can and I think he’s going to have the same strategy against me. So I anticipate a really exciting fight. You’re not going to be bored during our fight.




“İşte bir şey, I’ve had a lot of fights, probably 100 of one form of combat sports or another, so I know what I’m getting in to. I fought many times. There’s going to be a little bit of moving around and me trying to be a little bit smarter. With bare knuckles you can’t do the same things as with gloves on.




This is so cool for me. I always get people talking to me saying: ‘Why don’t you come back for one more fight?’ ‘I want to see you fight.It seems to be the first point of conversation always. So just being able to do this again, Çok heyecanlıyım. I’ve talked to a lot of people who are very excited for me to come back and do something. I look forward for them being able to watch on the pay-per-view level.




I’m really looking forward to being out there and getting the feel of being in the ring again. çok boks maçı yaptım, ama çok uzun zamandır boks yapamıyorum, esas olarak UFC yaptığım için. Yani boks ringine geri dönmek beni çok mutlu edecek..




“İkimiz de sert yumruklar atacağız. Sanırım birileri daha iyisini bulacak ve bence birileri yaralanacak.”






“İlk etkinliğin bir parçası olmak bir onurdu. Bu yapımda tarih. Aynı zamanda alçakgönüllü bir deneyim ve çok eğlenceli. Hayranlar, promosyon ekibi, ve hepsini bir araya getiren herkes harika zaman geçirdi.





“Böyle bir zafer elde edebilmek için, vurgulama makarası bitirmek, harikaydı. Daha önce hiç bu kadar büyük bir sahnede dövüşmemiştim ve hayranlar için iyi bir gösteri sergileyebilmek ve bunu sergilemek harika bir şeydi..




“Cumartesi gecesi havai fişek olacak. Bitirmek kadar hızlı olmayabilir, ama bunun bir karar olmayacağını söyleyebilirim. Biri aşağı iniyor, sana söz verebilirim.




“Bu bir kavga olacak. Dışarıda kalmak istiyor, beni dışarıda tutmak için baskısını ve doğrudan hakkını kullanmak isteyecektir.. Bu adamla göğüs göğüse göğüs germek ve onu içeriden patlatmak istiyorum.. Bu yüzden bunun bir köpek dövüşü olmasını bekliyorum ve ilk rauntta nakavt olacağını tahmin ediyorum.”






I just want to say that I’m happy to be here and I can’t tell you how special this promotion has been. I’m so thrilled that my home has accepted BKFC with open arms and I hope we can have several more events here.




Mississippi Gulf Coast Coliseum is a huge venue and I think we’re going to pack it. I’m happy that I’m going to be fighting early on the card, because I want to see these fights myself. These are action-packed bouts and I assure you that you don’t want to miss it.


DAVID FELDMAN, Founder and President of Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship




It’s my great pleasure to be here in the great state of Mississippi, which is officially the second state to allow bare knuckle fighting in the history of the United States. I’m very excited about the response we’ve gotten from the fans here and I know the fighters can’t wait to put on a show for them.




It gives me chills to say that we’re here for Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship 2. The first BKFC show was titled ‘The Beginning’, because it was truly the beginning of something special. Now we’ve named this show ‘A New Era’, because we really are officially ushering in a new era in combat sports.




We have some of the best fighters in the world and fighters who have fought on really big stages. They’re all excited to be a part of this growing sport. We have fighters from all around the world stepping into the ring for a slew of sensational matchups.




# # #


Çıplak Knuckle Fighting Championship Hakkında




Haziran'da 2, 2018, Philadelphia merkezli Çıplak Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) ilk yasallığı tanıttığı zaman dövüş sporları tarihi yaptı, o zamandan beri Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde onaylanmış ve düzenlenmiş çıplak parmak 1889. “BKFC 1: Başlangıç” Cheyenne'de gerçekleşti, Wyoming ve özellikli 10 Profesyonel nöbetleri, hepsi Wyoming Mücadele Sporları Komisyonu'nun himayesi ve denetimi altında.




BKFC yalnızca daha önce profesyonel olarak boksta yarışmış olan tanınmış savaşçıları kullanır., MMA, kickboks ve / veya Muay Thai. Tüm BKFC maçları, ABC üyesi Atletizm Komisyonları tarafından onaylanır ve düzenlenir.




Daha fazla bilgi için www.bareknuckle.tv veya Twitter'da @BareKnuckleFC'de takip edin, Instagram'da www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc ve en Facebook'ta www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.



“Çıplak Knuckle Kraliçesi” Shows Off Skills Ahead of Matchup on “BKFC 2: Yeni bir çağ” Cumartesi, Ağustos 25 itibaren
the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, Mississipi
& Pay-Per-View Canlı
Tıklayın İŞTE for photos
Kredi: Luis Mejia / Çıplak Mafsal Dövüş Şampiyonası (BKFC)

LOS ANGELES (Ağustos 17, 2018) – The “Çıplak Knuckle Kraliçesi” Bec Rawlings met with media in Los Angeles on Thursday to discuss her return to Çıplak Mafsal Dövüş Şampiyonası (BKFC) and offer an inside look into the bare knuckle discipline.




Rawlings will be stepping into the ring at “BKFC 2: Yeni bir çağ” Cumartesi günü, Ağustos 25 Biloxi'deki Mississippi Coast Coliseum'dan, Mississippi and broadcast live across the United States and Canada on pay-per-view in state-of-the-art 4K.




Biletler şu anda yalnızca www.bareknuckle.tv arasında değişen $35 için $250. “BKFC 2: Yeni bir çağ” Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Kanada'da yayınlanacak, MultiVision Media aracılığıyla özel olarak görüntüleme başına ödemede, Inc. için tüm büyük televizyon ve akış dağıtım çıkışlarında $29.95.




Rawlings scored a thrilling victory in the inaugural BKFC event and will return to BKFC 2 to take on professional boxer Britain Hart. Rawlings was joined by BKFC pay-per-view analyst Benny Ricardo, as well as her coach John Bastable, to go over the technical points of bare knuckle fighting, including the unique hand-wrapping technique.




Here is what Rawlings, Ricardo ve Bastable, Los Angeles'taki City of Angels Boxing Gym'den Perşembe günü söylemek zorunda kaldılar.:


BEC RAWLINS, Eski UFC Savaşçısı; BKFC'de Alma Garcia'yı mağlup etti 1




Çıplak Knuckle Dövüş Şampiyonasında…




“MMA'ya gerçekten saygı duyulması ve uygun bir spor gibi görünmesi çok zaman ve çaba gerektirdi., ve bence bunu çıplak parmak eklemi ile alacak. Ama son olaydan ve bunun ne kadar sorunsuz geçtiğinden, ne kadar profesyoneldi, kavgalar harikaydı. Hepimiz orada tecrübeli dövüşçüler gibi görünüyorduk., hangimizdik, ve bence kesinlikle yapmaya devam etmemiz gereken şey bu ve oradan ilerleyecek.




“bence ABD. ve hatta bir gün Avustralya bile çıplak parmak eklemi yapmaya açılacak, çünkü çok güzel bir olay. Harika bir dövüş sporu, and it wasn’t any crazier than MMA and boxing, as you saw from the last event.




BKFC is doing it right, they’re doing it very professionally. They’re bringing in all the right people and all the right fighters. As long as it keeps going that way, I think the sport is going to take off.




A lot of boxing fans are coming over to bare knuckle because they love the stand-up aspect of boxing and this is just a new cool, fun twist. It’s taking it back old-school.




Even just around the local scene in Australia, I was with the UFC fighting and winning with the UFC and I could walk around a boxing promotion and no one would bat an eyelash at me. They would acknowledge me, but they weren’t interested in what I was doing. But as soon as I signed to fight bare knuckle I had so many people talking to me and offering really encouraging messages.




“Yani, it kind of evoked all the boxing fans to really get behind it and excited for it. It’s been pretty cool.




On fighting at BKFC 1




I finally settled in when I landed a really clean uppercut. To be hit, it didn’t feel any different than MMA at all. It’s more like a sting than a thud for a boxing glove.




The only difference I found was punching her, if you didn’t select where you were going to punch you felt it a little bit in your knuckles, but nothing crazy. The swelling was quite bad, but I swell and bruise really easily. It wasn’t too far different from MMA.




After BKFC 1, I had multiple messages from fighters in Australia, the U.S., even people with the UFC, asking me how I was treated, if it was fun, if I would do it again and how they could get involved.




It was just a whole bunch of different emotions, but a lot of interest in it. And I’ve got a lot of Australians wanting to get involved. Australians love to fight. I don’t think you’ve ever come across an Australian boxer that doesn’t go in there and leave it all in that ring. It’s ingrained in us. This sport is definitely built for an Australian.




On her upcoming bout at BKFC 2




Nothing has really changed on our side of it. My coach is a kung fu and open hand combat expert, so everything he has known for years we have just translated into the boxing aspect of it.




I guess we now know what to expect fight week, what it’s going to be like in there. That was kind of the unknown back (haziranda). But I had so much fun last time, and I’m excited to get back in there and do it all again.




Bare knuckle was meant for me. I can’t wait to face off against Britain Hart on August 25th. This sport is all about precision and I know she’s going to come to fight and try to take this momentum from me. I’m not going to let that happen.


BENNY RICARDO, BKFC Pay-Per-View Analyst




“BKFC 1 in Cheyenne (Wyoming) was the first time in 130 years that a bare knuckle fight was sanctioned in the United States. Yani, it is a long time coming.




With bare knuckle fighting you need to be very precise. You have to punch through your index finger and middle finger and transfer that through the forearm where it cushions the blow. Outside of that you are going to break your hand.




A fight has five two-minute rounds. There’s not much of a feeling out period.




When I saw Joey Beltran was going to fight Tony Lopez I knew it was the fight of the night, and sure enough it was. That was a lesson in managing the time. At the beginning, Tony was feeling him out and by the third round he got into his rhythm, but it was too late.




For the men, it has always been three-minute rounds. Yani, they have to find a way to manage the two-minute rounds in BKFC.




The rules of (BKFC) are similar to boxing rules, which is David Feldman’s way of convincing the states. MMA fighters use Knees, shins and elbows.




Sam Shewmaker had the shot of the night. He fought a special forces guy who was chiseled and 305 kilo. I didn’t think he had a chance. Then you see him in the fight and land that overhand right. It was over.




What you can enjoy with bare knuckle fighting, that you can’t with boxing now, is the best fighting the best.




“Televizyon tarafında, MultiVision is sparing nothing to do this. BKFC 1 and BKFC 2 both being produced in 4K is tremendous, and you can see the action with extreme clarity.


JOHN BASTABLE, Rawlings’ Koç




They supplied wraps, bandages and tape, so that is what we used. For myself, it was the first time we wrapped like this because we had never competed in bare knuckle before.




It was the first time for all of us. The basis of the wrap is that the four knuckles of the hand are fully exposed.




The thumb and the wrist are stabilized, but besides that it is bare knuckle.




“Savaştan sonra, (Bec) had no damage to the wrist at all and no breaks in the hand at all, so the support worked. There was swelling and bruising, but the tape did the job.


Featuring Gulfport Police Officer Harrison Stephonson, Former Alabama Crimson Tide Linebacker Marcel Stamps, Biloxi favorite Mike Bissett & Women’s Showdown Between Christine Ferea & Maria Andaverde
Cumartesi, Ağustos 25 from the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in
Biloxi, Mississipi & Pay-Per-View Canlı

PHILADELPHIA (Ağustos 9, 2018) – A jam-packed lineup featuring 14 fights will give fans a full night of explosive action as”BKFC 2: Yeni bir çağ” invades the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, Mississippi on Saturday, Ağustos 25 and live across the United States and Canada on pay-per-view.

The second edition of Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) is headlined by UFC-veteran Kendall Grove making his BKFC debut against Bruce Abramski in a 185-pound showdown. In addition to Grove’s debut, the show will feature the return of the “Çıplak Knuckle Kraliçesi” Bec Rawlings, the heavyweight tournament semi-finals, and fights featuring UFC veteran Chris Lytle, Pride veterans Charles Bennett and Tony Lopez in his second BKFC fight.

It’s great to be able to bring this kind of exciting event and our world-class talent to the Gulf Coast,” BKFC kurucusu ve başkanı David Feldman dedi. “Everyone has been very receptive so far, and we expect more of the same fireworks on August 25!”

Stepping into the ring on August 25 will be Biloxi-native and 26-fight professional boxing veteran Michael Bissett in a heavyweight match against Robert Morrow, who enters the ring with 43 professional MMA fights under his belt. Unbeaten MMA fighter and former Alabama Crimson Tide linebacker Marcel Stamps will face Louisiana’s Brandon Martin in a 185-pound clash, while former Bellator fighters Diego Garijo and Tom Shoaff square off for a 165-pound showdown.

After Rawlings won the first female bare knuckle fight in history, an additional women’s matchup has been added to this card as former Invicta fighter Christine Ferea steps into a 125-pound showdown against Maria Andaverde, who has fought professionally in MMA and boxing.

The action continues with unbeaten MMA fighter Jamie Campbell meeting Arizona’s Dale Sopi in a heavyweight fight and Harris Stephenson facing Mexico’s Jorge Gonzales in a 165-pound bout.

Rounding out the night of fights are professional MMA and boxing veterans Reggie Barnett and James Clayton Burns battling in a 135-pound attraction.

Tickets are available now exclusively at www.bareknuckle.tv ranging from $35 için $250.
“BKFC 2: Yeni bir çağ” will be broadcast in state-of-the-art 4K across the United States and Canada, MultiVision Media aracılığıyla özel olarak görüntüleme başına ödemede, Inc. için tüm büyük televizyon ve akış dağıtım çıkışlarında $29.95.

# # #

Çıplak Knuckle Fighting Championship Hakkında

Haziran'da 2, 2018, Philadelphia merkezli Çıplak Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) ilk yasallığı tanıttığı zaman dövüş sporları tarihi yaptı, o zamandan beri Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde onaylanmış ve düzenlenmiş çıplak parmak 1889. “BKFC 1: Başlangıç” took place June 2, 2018 in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and featured 10 Profesyonel nöbetleri, hepsi Wyoming Mücadele Sporları Komisyonu'nun himayesi ve denetimi altında.

BKFC yalnızca daha önce profesyonel olarak boksta yarışmış olan tanınmış savaşçıları kullanır., MMA, kickboks ve / veya Muay Thai. Tüm BKFC maçları, ABC üyesi Atletizm Komisyonları tarafından onaylanır ve düzenlenir.

For more information visit www.bareknuckle.tv or follow on Twitter at @BareKnuckleFC, on Instagram at www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship Returns Saturday, Ağustos 25 ile “BKFC 2: Yeni bir çağ” Biloxi'deki Mississippi Coast Coliseum'dan, Mississipi & Pay-Per-View Canlı

Card Will Include Heavyweight Tournament Semi-Finals &
the Returns of Bec Rawlings & Tony Lopez
Daha! The BKFC Debuts of Chris Lytle & Charles Bennett

PHILADELPHIA (Temmuz 11, 2018) – İlk yasal düzenlemeyi başarıyla yaptıktan sonra, beri Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde düzenlenmiş ve onaylanmış çıplak mafsal olayı 1889 geçen ay, Çıplak Mafsal Dövüş Şampiyonası (BKFC) is set to return Saturday, Ağustos 25 ile “BKFC 2: Yeni bir çağ” Biloxi'deki Mississippi Coast Coliseum'dan, Mississippi ve izle ve öde üzerinden yaşa.




After the inaugural June 2 event was held in Cheyenne, Wyoming, this edition of BKFC will be held under the auspices and control of the Mississippi Athletic Commission, headed by Chairman Jon Lewis.




With the overwhelming success of BKFC 1 haziranda, I know that the stakes are even higher for our second event,” said BKFC Founder and President David Feldman. “We feel confident that ‘BKFC 2: Yeni bir çağ’ will build upon what we’ve already accomplished and raise the bar with our fights and fighters.




Biletler şu anda yalnızca www.bareknuckle.tv arasında değişen $35 için $250. “BKFC 2: Yeni bir çağ” Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Kanada'da yayınlanacak, MultiVision Media aracılığıyla özel olarak görüntüleme başına ödemede, A.Ş., için tüm büyük televizyon ve akış dağıtım çıkışlarında $29.95.




The stacked night of fights will see the return of UFC veteran, and newly-crowned “Çıplak Knuckle Kraliçesi” Bec Rawlings, who will face professional boxer Britanya Hart. The action will also include the semi-final round of the BKFC heavyweight tournament, ile Sam Shewmaker alarak Maurice Jackson ve Arnold Adams karşı Joey Beltran.




A veteran of both the UFC and Bellator, Beltran won the heavyweight tournament alternate bout at BKFC 1 when he defeated Tony Lopez in what was widely considered the “Gecenin kavga” by both fans and media. Beltran replaces former UFC Heavyweight Champion Ricco Rodriguez, who has withdrawn from the heavyweight tournament due to injury, but will return on a future BKFC card.


Lopez has earned a place on BKFC 2 after his outstanding fight against Beltran and will now face 16-fight Muay Thai fighting veteran Jimmy Jennette.




Set to make their BKFC debuts on this loaded night of fights are Chris Lytle, who has a combined 44 victories as a professional MMA fighter and boxer, ve Charles Bennett, who has had 70 professional MMA fights. Lytle spent eight years fighting in the UFC, and Bennett spent five in Pride FC.




Daha fazla bilgi için www.bareknuckle.tv or follow on Twitter at@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram'da www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc ve en Facebook'ta www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.


Once-Beaten Eddie Ramirez Battles Former World Champion Argenis Mendez in 140-pound Showdown Headlining Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Saturday, Mayıs 26 Live from Beau Rivage Resort & Biloxi Casino, Mississipi

Former World Title Challenger Oscar Escandon Clashes with Unbeaten 126-pound Contender Tugstsogt Nyambayar in

Co-Main Event

Şimdi Satış Biletleri!


BILOXI, MISSISSIPPI (Mayıs 8, 2018) – Once-beaten contender Eddie Ramirez Eski dünya şampiyonu alacak Argenis Mendez in a 10-round super lightweight showdown that headlines Premier Boks Şampiyonlar üzerinde FS1 and FOX Deportes Cumartesi, Mayıs 26 from Beau Rivage Resort and Casino in Biloxi, Mississipi.



Televizyonda kapsama başlar 9 um. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will also feature former title challenger Oscar Escandon meeting unbeaten 2012 Olimpiyat gümüş madalyalı Tugstsogt Nyambayar 10 yuvarlak tüy siklet bout.



Canlı etkinlik için biletler, TMO Promosyonlar tarafından teşvik edilen, başlamak $20 and are on sale now at the Beau Rivage Theatre box office, at www.ticketmaster.com ya da Ticketmaster arayarak (800) 745-3000.



This is a fantastic card for true boxing fans, because it has all the elements that make the sport great,” said Tom Brown, TGB Promosyonlar Başkanı. “You have a young contender in Eddie Ramirez looking to rebound from the first loss of his career facing a battle-tested former world champion in Argenis Mendez. You also have a young hungry contender in Nyambayar taking a major step forward by facing a strong contender in Escandon who wants to get back in the title mix. No one wants to take a step backwards.




Ramirez (17-1, 11 KOs) is looking to bounce back from suffering the first loss of his career in his last outing. Ramirez was knocked out by former world champion Antonio DeMarco last October on FOX, although Ramirez believed the ref acted too hastily in ending the fight. The 25-year-old from Aurora, Illinois was rapidly moving up the ranks before the loss, having scored impressive stoppage victories over then unbeaten prospects Kevin Watts and Ryan Karl and a split decision victory over Erick Bone in fights that aired on FS1 and FOX Deportes.



I really wanted the rematch with Antonio DeMarco, but I’m excited to be back in the ring,” said Ramirez. “Mendez is a good fighter, but I’m going to win by knockout. I’m confident that I’m going to make a big statement that I’m back and better than I’ve ever been.



The 31-year-old Mendez (24-5-1, 12 KOs) is coming off a split decision victory over Ivan Redkach last May on FS1 and FOX Deportes. Galibiyet ile, the fighter out of the Dominican Republic rebounded from back-to-back losses to lightweight champion Robert Easter, Jr. and Luke Campbell. Üyesi 2004 Dominican Olympic team, Mendez won a 130-pound world title with a knockout victory over Juan Carlos Salgado in 2013. He fought Rances Barthelemy twice to defend the title, with the first fight being declared a no decision before Mendez dropped the rematch.



I lost two fights and people started to wonder if I was done, but I’m a former world champion and came back strong to win my last fight,” said Mendez. “Eddie Ramirez is a good fighter, but when I show him my speed power, and skills, everyone is going to see what I’m still capable of. This is a great opportunity to show that I can beat this guy badly and get back to the world championship level.



Escandon (25-3, 17 KOs) is trying to climb back into the featherweight title picture after losing by TKO to world champion Gary Russell, Jr. Mayıs'taki son dövüşünde 20. The 33-year-old from Ibague, Colombia scored a knockout victory over Robinson Castellanos in a 2016 interim featherweight title fight and lost a split decision to Moises Flores in a 2015 interim super bantamweight title bout.



With the level of competition that I’ve fought and beat, I know I’m the toughest and most experienced guy Nyambayar will have ever fought,” said Escandon. “Knockouts are what I do, and that’s what I’m preparing to accomplish. But no matter what he tries to do, box or fight, I’m going to win this fight and climb back to the top.



Nyambayar (9-0, 8 KOs) went the distance for the first time as a pro last time in the ring as he earned an eight round unanimous decision over then unbeaten Harmonito Dela Torre last November. The 25-year-old from Ulan-Bator, Mongolia won a silver medal at flyweight at the 2012 London Games and has trained in California since turning pro in 2015.



I feel very prepared for this fight,” said Nyambayar. “I’ve gained a lot of experience in my last few fights and have started to prove that I am tough and dangerous. This is another step up and I expect him to be toughest opponent I’ve faced. I’m determined to win this fight by any means,”


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Rite Hook Promotions News and Notes

Ekim 10, 2017 (Biloxi, MS) – Rite Hook Promotions has run a successful string of professional boxing shows in the Biloxi area, En son Temmuz 29 at the Climb Event Center in nearby Gulfport. Rite Hook CEO William Hunter opened doors for local fighters and multiple boxers signed under the Rite Hook Promotions banner through his fight cards along with various relationships he has with promoters across the US.
• Rite Hook Promotions’ Javonn “Pinkie” Barnes agreed to fight welterweight contender Karim Mayfield Ekim 21in his hometown of San Francisco, GİBİ. The undefeated Barnes, who is from Atlanta, was in training camp preparing for the opportunity and Mayfield stirred the pot by trash talking on Barnes’ social media pages. To the surprise of Barnes and Hunter, a contact never came and Mayfield is instead fighting Miguel Dumas of Mexico.
Hunter believes that the 5’11 Barnes’ size was a concern for Mayfield. The last foe Mayfield, 5’7, faced 5’11 or taller was back in 2008. Although the Mayfield fight is off the table, Barnes will continue to receive world class sparring when he joins Regis Prograis’ training camp to help him prepare for his upcoming bout against Viktor Postol. Hunter is negotiating to get Barnes on the undercard.
• Mike “ConcreteBissett came up short in his Ağustos 25 challenge for the NABF heavyweight championship against hard-hitting Laron Mitchell. Bissett, a natural cruiserweight who has a reputation for taking on all comers, entered the fight with an injury and a 30-plus pound weight disadvantage. A throwback fighter, Bissett looks to get back on track in the near future.
• Hunter is partnering with a group headed by Florida Boxing Hall of Fame inductee Pete Fernandez to start a promotional firm called Fight Night Promotions. The company is hosting their first show Cuma, Kasım 10 at the Bryan Glaser Family JCC in Tampa, FL. Like Hunter’s vision with Rite Hook, Fight Night Promotions will help build and promote local talent. Fighters currently scheduled to appear on the 10th include female sensation Jazmine Artiga, who Hunter believes is a superstar in the making, and Ivan Franco. More information on the card will be announced shortly.

Rite Hook Promotions presents “Valentines Massacre” February 13!

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Anında bırakma için
Biloxi, MS (Ocak 27, 2016) – Rite Hook Promotions returns to the Hard Rock Casino for an exciting night of action Cumartesi, Şubat 13 Biloxi, MS.
Dubbed as “Valentines Massacre” tickets for this ten bout card start at $20 and are on sale at Ticketmaster and the Hard Rock Casino box office. Fans are encouraged to purchase tickets in advance as Rite Hook’s Mayıs 2 show was standing room only.
Topping the card is a six round cruiserweight showdown between Biloxi’s very own Mike “Concrete” Bissett and Houston, TX’s “Rocking” Rodney Moore. A big draw locally, the 31 year old Bissett faced notables Steve Bujaj, Milos Plantelic and 2012 US Olympian Michael Hunter. Ağustos ayında 2014, Bissett scored a career best victory over contender Nick Ianuzzi. Known for having an iron chin, Moore’s been stopped just once in 29 fights while battling countless contenders including Randy Griffin, Richard Hall, George Khalid Jones, Quantis Graves, Andrey Fedosov and Murat Gassiev.
The co-featured bout of the evening marks the return of unbeaten middleweight Bobby “The Prodigy” Bryant of Mississippi in an eight round matchup with hardcore veteran Louis Leija. Fighting for the first time since 2012, Bryant’s 15-0 ile 9 nakavtla kazanan. A boxer since he was 9, Bryant was a standout amateur and has big expectations as a pro. Hailing from San Antonio, Teksas, Leija’s pro career started eight months before Bryant was born. Leija, 21-15-1 (15 KO en), faced boxing legend Floyd Mayweather, former champions Jesus Chavez and Derrick Gainer as well as Ben Tackie, Emanuel Augustus and 2004 Olimpiyat gümüş madalyalı Yudel Jhonson.
Rite Hook’s very own Manny “Shake EmUp” Woods, 13-4-1 (5 KO en), travels from Tampa, FL to challenge 41 fight veteran Aaron Anderson of Tennessee in a six round junior middleweight contest. A winner in three of his last four, Woods hope to move onto bigger fights with a victory.
In separate undercard matches, unbeaten Joey Bryant of Memphis, TN, Justin Pauldo of Orlando, FL, Birmingham, AL’s Keandre Leatherwood and Atlanta, GA’s Justin Brunetti will all face opponents to be named.
"The fans are in for a real treat on the 13th,” said William Hunter of Rite Hook Promotions. “A lot of these fighters will be in TV bouts in the near future and tickets are very affordable. Son kez, we had a standing room only crowd and everybody was asking about our next show. I look forward to showcasing great talent with this card and all of our future events.”
Daha fazla bilgi için, visit Ritehookpromotions.com.

Ritehook Promotions brings boxing back to Gulf with Family Fight Night

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Biloxi, MS (Nisan 30, 2015) - Cumartesi Günü evening when most of the boxing world is glued to the TV watching the Floyd Mayweather-Manny Pacquiao superfight, those in the Mississippi Gulf will have the chance to not only witness the historic bout but also enjoy top notch talent before their own eyes.

Live at the Hard Rock Hotel in Biloxi, Ritehook Promotions will proudly present “Sweet Science 3”. The event is open to children of all ages but all minors must be accompanied by an adult over 30. With a number of promoters coming and going in the Gulf Coast, Ritehook Promotions CEO William Hunter is committed to boxing’s comeback in the Magnolia State.

Headlining this family friend event will be a showdown between highly touted Radivoje “Hod Rod” Kalajdzic and local spoiler William Johnson. Kalajdzic’s been perfect thus far as a pro, kaydını derlemek 17-0 but will be tested by a 50-plus fight veteran who has faced many top opponents.

In the semi-main event, Ritehook Promotions prospect Manny “Shake Em’ Up” Woods will try to take another step towards contention when he squares off against granite chinned Aaron Anderson. The fearless Woods has a solid 12-3-1 professional ledger and is eager to fight the best.

Tony Johnson Jr. meets grizzled veteran Marvin Hunt over four rounds in a heavyweight special attraction bout. The Nashville, TN based Johnson is 1-0 as a boxer but is best known as a top MMA fighter in the Bellator organization.

Fans will also get to enjoy separate bouts featuring Mike Bissett, Joey Bryant, Cameron Springer and Tom Howard.

“Boxing’s popularity is on the rise overall and with Mayweather-Pacquiao taking place the same night as our card, the interest on Cumartesi, Mayıs 2 will be at an all-time high,” said Hunter. “Ritehook Promotions is based out of this area and we have a great relationship not only with the community and venue, but the fighters we’re promoting. Those who come out to the Hard Rock Cumartesi evening will get to see talented fighters in Radivoje Kalajdzic, Manny Woods and Mike Bissett plus the man that I consider the biggest sleeper prospect in boxing Tony Johnson Jr.”


“Tony is a top rated MMA fighter and is 1-0 Bir boksör olarak. I truly believe he’s the Bo Jackson of Boxing. The goal is to get him a title fight by the time he’s 10-0 and make him the first dual sport champion. If you haven’t already done so, get your tickets now because we’re almost sold out!"

Biletler sadece başlar $35 and can be purchased on Ticketmaster.com, at the Hard Rock Box Office or by calling228-217-5555. All ticketholders are invited to stay at the Hard Rock following the live fights and watch Mayweather-Pacquiao on a 35-foot screen.

Daha fazla bilgi için, go to Ritehookpromotions.com.

Ritehook Promotions Returns to Mississippi May 2!

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Ticket includes Live Fights plus Mayweather-Pacquiao Fight!


Biloxi, MS (Nisan 24, 2015) – Ritehook Promotions in association with Reved Entertainment and Pier6 Promotions will present a one-of-a-kind evening of boxing featuring live fights and the fight of the century between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao Cumartesi, Mayıs 2 at the Hard Rock Casino in Biloxi, MS.


Tickets for this special evening start at $35 and are available by going to Ticketmaster.com, the Hard Rock Box Office or calling 228-217-5555. All ticketholders are invited to stay at the Hard Rock following the live fights and watch Mayweather-Pacquiao on a 35-foot screen.


Akşam ana halinde, highly touted Radivoje “Hod Rod” Kalajdzic risks his perfect record against 52 fight veteran William Johnson in a six round light heavyweight contest.


Born in Bosnia and currently residing in Saint Petersburg, FL, Kalajdzic’s professional ledger is 17-0 ile 11 victories coming by knockout. The gifted 23-year-old has impressive wins over well-regarded Lionell Thompson, Donta Woods, Samson Onyango and spoilers Otis Griffin and Larry Pryor.


Hailing from Sardis, MS and having fought four times in Biloxi, Johnson is not only known to locals but has a significant edge in experience. Since turning pro 11 yıllar önce, Johnson’s boxed 226 rounds while facing an impressive list of foes including Sergey Kovalev, Diğer Berto, John Duddy, Joe Greene, Donovan George, Andre Dirrell and Medzhid Bektemirov amongst others. Içinde 2007, Johnson scored the biggest win of his career, shutting out then 16-0 Darryl Salmon over six rounds.


Akşam eş özellikli bout, junior middleweight hopeful Manny “Shake Em’ Up” Woods looks to make it three straight when he faces an opponent to be announced. The Saint Petersburg based Woods is 12-3-1 with four knockouts and is a winner in four of his last five bouts.


MMA heavyweight star Tony Johnson Jr. of Nashville, TN will leave the octagon and take a quantum leap inside the squared circle when he meets 48 fight veteran Marvin Hunt over four rounds. Johnson, kim 1-0 Bir boksör olarak, won an MMA match two weeks ago as part of a Bellator card.


Undercard eylemde, popular locals Mike Bissett and Tom Howard along with unbeatens Joey Bryant and Cameron Springer will all appear in separate bouts.


"Mayıs 2nd will go down as one of the most important dates in boxing history,” said William Hunter of Ritehook Promotions. “We are the only other promoter in America running a card that night. For less than the cost of the pay per view, we’re giving our ticketholders live fights with good prospects plus the Mayweather-Pacquiao match under one roof. There’s no better place to be next Saturday!"

Daha fazla bilgi için, go to Ritehookpromotions.com.

Hafif Ağır Siklet Nakavt Sanatçı Ahmet Albiali 8-0, 8 KOs ESPN Friday Night Fights üzerinde KO Streak uzatın için görünüyor


MIAMI, FLORIDA (Şubat 2, 2015) – Yenilmez ışık-ağır umudu, Ahmed Elbiali (8-0, 8 KOs) yenilmedi karşı kapalı kare olacak Dustin Craig Echard (10-0, 7 KOs), Bu Cuma Şubat 6, 2015, at Beau Rivage Resort & Kumarhane içinde Biloxi, Mississipi. 6-yuvarlak butik üzerinde televizyon yayını açılacaktır ESPN “Cuma Gecesi savaşır”.


Onun son mücadelede, ESPN gösterilen bir butik “Cuma Gecesi savaşır”, Ahmed büyük bir güç gösterdi, rakibini bırakarak Lawrence Blakey hakem önce üç kez de mücadele durdu 1:44 Üç yuvarlak işareti. Ağır ellerini olması için bilinen, Elbiali onun KO çizgi üzerinde uzatmak için bakacağız bir nakavt sanatçı.


“Ben her mücadele ile daha iyi almaya devam etmek istiyorum,” adı geçen Elbiali. “Ben her zaman sert yumruklar atıyorum ve tırnakları gerçekleşiyor. Ben gücümü ben ringde adım her zaman güvenmek istemiyorum. Ben kafa avına başlarsanız o zaman kendime bir kötülük yapıyor olacak biliyorum. Benim vücut delme ve kafa hareketi geliştirmeye devam etmek istiyorum. Ben görürseniz benim rakip başı dertte, Ben kavga sonuna kadar çalışacağım zaman o var.”


Tarafından tavsiye Al Haymon, Elbiali o velter bölümünde özel bir şey olmak için gerekenlere sahip hissediyor. Birkaç zaferler ile, Ahmed kendisi bölgesel başlık için mücadele görür.


“Ben, Al Haymon bana doğru yönde direksiyon ile biliyorum, Ben bu sporda bir isim olabilir,” Ahmed devam. “Ben güçlü bir gezi sahip olabilir varsa 2015, Ben fanlar dikkatini çekmek için benim için fırsat olacaktır biliyorum. Ben sadece düzenli olarak savaşmaya devam ve ışık-ağır sıklette biraz gürültü yapmak istiyorum.”