標記檔案: 比利·詹姆斯 - 埃利奧特


冠軍將軍澳的杰羅姆·海伍德設置為面對斯肯索普的馬修辣椒上的標記里昂和比利·詹姆斯埃利奧特提防促銷領主戒指事件, 其中發生在紐約大會堂貝斯納爾格林, 倫敦週六 2ND 五月 2015.


杰羅姆將他返回紐約廳, 他成功的職業首演去年十月現場, 在那裡,他打進了一個很好賺分大勝羅蘭達斯·Cesna.


早在十月, 略一猶豫後開始, 海伍德很快就定居下來,並把爭取到他的更加有經驗的對手, 迫使大立陶宛僵硬刺戳和權重的身體.


海伍德的工作,身體也開始採取Cesna收費, 以至於通過第三Cesna中期方式顯然疲於應付不斷懲罰他的肋骨.


在第四海伍德加緊壓力進一步, 這反過來又迫使Cesna掩蓋,以保護他焦頭爛額肋骨.


經過四個回合優秀裁判員阿爾夫​​簧上打進回合 40-38 贊成海伍德.


海伍德在對手五月 2ND 是斯肯索普的馬修·佩珀, 誰將會是他第一次參觀著名的拳擊家在首都.


下面的一堂訓練課, 在他的教練布萊恩·奧肖內西在歐冠將軍澳體育館在哈克尼的眾目睽睽, 海伍德作了簡短的發言約馬太福音辣椒即將到來的對決.


“很高興再次戰鬥, 它一直以來我登場的戰鬥6個月.


經過我的最後一戰, 我希望能得到再次盡快和我應該有, 我是由於在三月份打, 但不得不拔出的那一個,因為我患了約一個星期左右的錯誤之前,我是因為打.


我的第一次戰鬥, 是的,我喜歡這, 我也為它準備, 他是艱難的,但我沒有什麼不能處理.


我不知道太多關於馬修 (胡椒), 但我們一直在努力在健身房, 所以希望我把良好的性能為我的粉絲, 我不能感謝足夠他們夢幻般的支持誰。“


杰羅姆·海伍德與馬修辣椒上的標記特徵里昂 & 比利·詹姆斯埃利奧特明智的傢伙促銷領主戒指事件, 這發生在紐約大會堂貝斯納爾格林, 倫敦週六 2ND 五月 2015.

制裁對本次活動將提供禮貌的馬耳他拳擊委員會 (MBC) - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

門票分35英鎊 (標準座椅) 和65英鎊 (馬戲團) 可直接從任何參加義和團, 上線www.tkoboxoffice.com 或致電將軍澳票行 07960 850645




冠軍將軍澳體育館的不敗輕重量級的前景厄茲居爾奧德設置,使他的第五個專業郊遊在短短一個星期的時間, 當他在高度娛樂喬迪米克爾, 從斯肯索普, 在六輪比賽, 在馬克里昂和比利·詹姆斯埃利奧特提防促銷在紐約音樂廳在倫敦上週六領主戒指事件 2ND 五月 2015.

厄茲居爾, 已建成頗有名氣, 作為一個嚴重的強硬和不妥協的拳擊手, 在過去一年左右的時間, 在立陶宛的Dmitrij Kalinovskij的喜歡下列頂級的勝利, Bighton的伊恩·傑克遜, 立陶宛的Remigijus Ziausys和最近在捷克共和國的大沖壓卡雷爾Horejsek.

用拳擊風格和方法驚人地相似,有一定“鐵”邁克·泰森, 這厄茲居爾的土耳其球迷們暱稱為自己的男人“小邁克”它不應該是任何驚喜, 採納太那個已經看到他在行動英國球迷已經開始一個名字.

這且不說, 厄茲居爾的決心可以通過Miekle進行測試境地, 誰最後一次在對陣朴茨茅斯彪形大漢山姆Couzens了良好穩固的平局, 毫不奇怪的林肯郡人不僅喜歡一個良好的老式腳趾到腳趾塞巨星, 但也有一個非常有趣的惡作劇連勝.

說起在著名的冠軍將軍澳體育館在哈克尼, 厄茲居爾發表了簡短講話關於與他們稱之為'藝人'的人即將到來的對決.

“我很高興我打了六圓, 我會很高興,如果它是一個八, 我訓練的十二個回合, 所以六是難不倒我.


我們來看一下它的方式是,如果你可以跑馬拉松, 然後運行一個半程馬拉松容易, 這就是為什麼我們這麼辛苦工作在健身房, 所以很容易在環.


我的最後一戰,我刻苦訓練, 我訓練了十二個回合,然後過, 對手是結實耐用,但它仍然是一個簡單的戰鬥對我來說.


這將是相同的下週, 我會準備好一切喬迪帶來米克爾, 我已經告訴喬迪是艱難, 不錯,這意味著我們將有一個很好的戰鬥.


我真的很高興,我的哥哥SIAR已經得到了冠軍的爭奪上月 2ND 而更高興,我將爭取在他的冠軍之爭在undercard希望大家出來,使我們雙方的全力支持.


我要感謝我的贊助商和所有的球迷來支持我和弟弟 (超中量級SIAR厄茲居爾), 感謝您對我們的支持, 五月 2ND 你會不會失望, 我將在我最好的戰鬥。“


馬特·斯科利MBC國際重量級冠軍​​的爭奪是頭條馬克里昂 - 奧德厄茲居爾與喬迪米克爾對SIAR厄茲居爾的undercard的功能 & 比利·詹姆斯埃利奧特明智的傢伙促銷領主戒指事件, 這發生在紐約大會堂貝斯納爾格林, 倫敦週六 2ND五月 2015.

制裁對本次活動將提供禮貌的馬耳他拳擊委員會 (MBC) - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

門票分35英鎊 (標準座椅) 和65英鎊 (馬戲團) 可直接從任何參加義和團, 上線www.tkoboxoffice.com 或致電將軍澳票行 07960 850645

Championship Battle Headlines Wise Guys Promotions Inaugural Event On May 2nd

Eminent MMA promoter Mark Lyons has linked up with Britain’s youngest professional boxing promoter, eighteen year old Billy James-Elliott to create a new professional boxing promotions outfit – 聰明的傢伙促銷.


Their first event, titled LORDS OF THE RING, will take place at the famed York Hall, In Bethnal Green, 倫敦週六, 2ND 五月 2015, and will be headlined by the vacant MBC International Welterweight Championship battle between Siar Ozgul and Matt Scriven.


Hackney based Ozgul and Nottingham’s Scriven are old foes, having fought each other as recently as October last year.


It was an all action, closely fought small hall classic, an enthralling, intense four rounds of toe-to-toe action, so much so that when Scriven approached both the event promoters and Ozgul’s management asking if he could be considered as Ozgul’s opponent for the title fight, all parties agreed in an instant.


Who wouldn’t, these two put on a magnificent display of the pugilistic arts, not too dissimilar to the classic Mickey Ward-Arturo Gatti trilogy of fights from 2002/3.


Control of the fight switched between the two warriors throughout, both gave their all for every second of every round, much to the appreciation of those in attendance, as was clear when the bout was voted the Fight of the Night and a clear contender for the end of year Fight of the Year accolade.


On that occasion it was Ozgul that rightly emerged victorious, by a 39-37 point margin, however that score line just didn’t reflect just how close each round was or give any insight in to just how thrilling the bout was.


Main support, for the Ozgul-Scriven Championship bout, sees Bradford’s Tasif Khan return to York Hall, the scene of his sensational first round stoppage victory over Richard Voros in January.


五月 2ND Khan challenges Czech Republic’s Patrik Bartos for the International Masters Bantamweight title.


Adding an added element of intrigue to this particular match up, is that both Khan and Bartos have a recent opponent in common, Ladislav Miko, what’s more both stopped Miko early in their bouts, Bartos late in the second and Khan with a sensational one minute and fifteen second of the first round knockout.


Heading up the support card sees Chester’s WBF Intercontinental Super Bantamweight Champion Paul Economides against Doncaster’s former British Super Flyweight Champion Andy Bell.


Economides comes into the bout high in confidence, following a sensational second round stoppage victory, over former Commonwealth title challenger Isaac Quaye, 就在上個月.


What makes this victory so special is that Economides became the first person to stop the gutsy thirty seven fight veteran, a major feat indeed considering Quaye had previously fought the likes of British and Commonwealth Champion Don Broadhurst, 英國人, Commonwealth and European Champion Kevin Satchell and WBO European Champion Iain Butcher.


Another top class match up sees Siar Ozgul’s older sibling Onder in action against Scunthorpe’s highly entertaining Jody Miekle.


厄茲居爾, who is unbeaten in four pro outings, has been building quite a reputation for himself, 在立陶宛的Dmitrij Kalinovskij的喜歡下列頂級的勝利, Bighton的伊恩·傑克遜, 立陶宛的Remigijus Ziausys和最近在捷克共和國的大沖壓卡雷爾Horejsek.


Siar and Onder Ozgul’s Champions TKO Gym mate Jerome Haywood is set to make his second pro outing, 對斯肯索普的馬修·佩珀.


Haywood came through a seriously tough test on his debut, when he faced and beat the highly experienced Lithuanian bruiser Rolandas Cesna at York Hall back in October.


Another of the Champions TKO squad, 英國人 #1 and reigning MBC International Super Bantamweight Champion Marianne ‘Golden Girl’ Marston will be undertaking her final domestic bout, before starting her preparations for her World title challenge against Australia’s WIBA Champion Shannon O’Connell, which takes place later this summer.


Back in October Marston clinically beat then European #3 與世界 #31 ranked Marianna Gulyas, to secure the coveted MBC International Crown, by a shut out unanimous points margin.


Former BBBofC Welsh Champion Lee Churcher will be making his first visit to the famed York Hall on May 2ND, where he will face a yet to be announced opponent.


Churcher comes into the fight off the back of a run of five solid wins, since last losing to Costas Osben back in July 2011.


Sensational unbeaten Featherweight David Agadzhanyan also makes his first visit to London on May 2ND.


Agadzhanyan, who has three stoppage victories from his four bouts to date, won the battle of the undefeated in his last fight, taking Czech Republic’s Daniel Bazo’s coveted ‘O’ with a superb 39-37 point victory in Liverpool in March.


Eric Mokonzo will be looking to secure his first pro victory, following his debut loss against Darren McKenna, when he faces debut boy Andy Cona, whilst Luton’s unbeaten Manny Muhammad, who was originally due to fight Mokonzo, will now face a yet to be named opponent.


五月 2ND Finsbury Park’s Mark ‘The Flash’ Alexander returns to York Hall, the scene of his magnificent third round stoppage victory over Lithuania’s Tadas Stulginkas back in October.


Making their pro debuts on May 2ND will be Nottingham’s Garfield Mushore and Canning Town’s Kimberley Leah.


SIAR厄茲居爾與馬特·斯科利, 空置MBC國際重量級冠軍, 頭條馬克里昂 & 比利·詹姆斯埃利奧特明智的傢伙促銷領主戒指事件, 這發生在紐約大會堂貝斯納爾格林, 倫敦週六 2ND 五月 2015.

制裁對本次活動將提供禮貌的馬耳他拳擊委員會 (MBC) - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

門票分35英鎊 (標準座椅) 和65英鎊 (馬戲團) 可直接從任何參加義和團, 上線www.tkoboxoffice.com 或致電將軍澳票行 07960 850645