Tag Archives: Billy James-Elliott

Dezagun entzun ezazu neskak - Marston, Smith & Ball Ospatu Garaipen Historiko

Larunbatean Gau, London sustatzaileek Mark Lyons eta Billy James-Elliott hiru emakume profesionala boxeoa bouts agertu lehen British gertaera aurkezten, hala ere emakumeen boxeoa lehen historiko hori erdiesteko, aitzindaria duo, zeinen gertaera Malta Boxing Batzordearen arabera zigortua izan zen, interferentzia maila sinesgaitza garaitu behar izan, beste boxeo antolaketa eta haien EBU ikaskide kideen.


Politikan Ohar beharrean, Gertaera historiko honen eszenaratzea parte hartzen duten pertsona guztiek zoriondu behar, none gehiago emakumezko boxeolariak parte hartu duten baino orain.


Ohia Team GB atleta (Shot Putt, Mailua botatzea eta Discus), Peckham en Shaunagh Brown bere debuta profesional ikaskide debutant Irlandako Xena Ball aurka.


Brown desabantaila nagusietako bat izan, bakarrak Emakumezkoen boxeolari mundu osoan cruiserweight zatiketa lehiatzen da zuen, Bere burua baino Heavyweight zatiketa aurre aurkari baten aurka berrogeita hamar libera astunagoa izatea.


Alde batera bout Hori cracker bat izan zen, the plucky londrestar ez da agertzen pisua desadostasun guztiak inguru fazed egon, Izan ere, hasieran gainean zegoen Irlandako Ball borrokan ari da bere.


Ball, ringcraft bikainekin boxeolari gaztea classy gisa savvy etortzen bezala zegoen, Londoner etorri aurrera barkatu eduki, aurrera joatea oso ekin aurretik, handed bikoitza flurries oso azkar Brown behartzeko itzuli bout osoan sokak bidean.


Brown eta bere aurkari arteko tamaina aldea neukan, ezin bultza Ball off bere boxeo trebetasunak bikaina bermea bere bide kutxa arriskutik kanpo.


Lau ez-stop birtual ekintzaren jokatu ondoren, Epaileak Lee Murtagh bout puntuatu Irlandako Xena Ball aldeko 40-36, Epaia zuzena Zalantzarik gabe, baina benetan ez odds performance aurka Brownen bikaina kalitatea erakusten.


Unbeaten arin Sam Smith Leeds, Yorkshire ekintza datorren zen, duten aurkarien aldaketak gauean borrokatzea eman markagailuan zazpi bat baino gutxiago ondoren, a debuta Alina Lisova aurrean Riga Letoniako.


Smith, Zsofia Bedo bere aurreko bout beat txapelketan nor bizi Nazioarteko Masters arin titulua ziurtatzeko, literalki okertzen Lisova, du debuta Letoniako neska aparte urraketaren eta bere gelditu minutu bat besterik ez, eta hamar Lehen txandan segundotan.


The night finalean emakumezkoak bout ikusi Woolwich, Londresko British #1 sailkapenean (Biak Super bantamweight eta Pound-libra) eta MBC Nazioarteko Super bantamweight txapelduna Marianne Marston indarreko, ez-txapelketan sei borobilagoa batean.


Sam Smith batera jo, Marianne aurkari aldaketa asko izan, Bere kasuan, bederatzi atera, eraikitzeko sortu eta azkenean aurrean Riga, Letoniako Jekaterina Lecko, Nork ekainean Alemaniako Alice Melina Kummer borrokatua Alemaniako arin titulua.


Lecko desfilatu behera ibiltokian eredu bat izan zen bezala, Marston berriz,, Benetako antzinako eredu bat, egin bere sarrera oso borroka modua ere askoz, bere eskularruak elkarrekin aitorpen gisa apurtzeko laguntza cheers to the asistentzia emakumezkoak kontingente handi.


Bien arteko aldea are nabarmenagoa izan zen Marianne kendu bere Laden Kamiseta babestuko erakusteko larriki urratu zuen bere gorputza.


Marston joan zuzenean iraingarria da, Lecko Londresen bere eskumenean lortzean saihesteko to bota zuen bere jab Ildo ahalegin batean oinarritzea behartuz, Marston bakarra sorta jarri zen, baina behin han Letoniako boxeo ikasgai bat nekez egin zuen pixka bat ere ahaztu emanez hasi zen-.


Aldatzeak taktikak Lecko ihesi, hala nola paratu, ordea Marston en ringcraft esaterako, behera ixteko gai izan zen maila bat da, eta moztu edozein ihesbide off, Letoniako laguntzeko lanaz sokak bat bikoitza eskuarekin eraso gurpil aurretik, emaitza Lecko suntsitzaileak izan zen, mihise bidalia izan zen, bost segundo Lehen txandan geratzen.


Marston Ildo bigarren urratsak Izan lehena, Lecko borrokan ari da, orain duten eskubidea eskuak handi bota Marston badian mantentzea saiakera bat hasi zen.


Taktika hau izan ezean, Marston en superior mugimendua dela eta, Lecko buruz joan walk leheneratu, bertan egokitzen Londoner, berriro ere moztu eraztun eta hasiko Letoniako sokak aurka eta beste eraso eskuarekin bikoitza hasten zen gai, Lecko guztiak egin ahal izan zen estaltzeko sortu eta espero Marston bere burua zulatu egindako, ez eta ondoren egin zuen, zein adin bat zirudien, Ez zen, baina, era horretan zirudien, Epaileak Ken Curtis zapaldu eta haizatuko off bout Lecko gordetzeko knockout bermatuta batetik, Minutu bat eta berrogeita hamar segundoko bigarren txandan marka on.


Gertaera Sustatzailea jarraian Mark Lyons mintzatu hiru Emakumeen bouts buruz laburki.


"Batetik parte hartu duten boxeolariak guztiei eskerrak eman nahi dizkietGauean erakusteko eta horiek guztiak esan nahi dut, OK onartzen dut aurkaria batzuk ez ziren gure boxeolariak mailatik hurbil, baina hori ez zen borrokalari errua edozein.


Ezin dut eskerrak Xena, Jekaterina eta Alina emakumezko bouts gordetzeko nahikoa, Neska horiek guztiak urratsez urrats azken momentuan barregarria ondoren zenbaki bat outs tira ondorioz erakundearen beste mehatxuak.


Hori alde batera utzita, neska hauek etorri ziren eta ikuskizuna salbatu eta kudeatu genuen historia egitea, lehen emakumezko hiru bouts dute bat UK pro boxeo ekitaldia gara.


Pertsonalki uste dut Shaunagh en Xena aurkako borrokan nabarmentzen dira bout zen, distantzia joan zen, baina besterik ez delako fantasiazko borroka bat izan delako, to Heavyweight at borrokatu beharreko da, ez baitago beste munduko Cruiserweights izan arren.


Pena dut Sam for, Alina zen inolaz ere bere gaitasunen norbaitek esperientziarik gabeko, Jekaterina gauza bera, besterik ez zen, borrokalaria Marianne klasea hurbil borrokan egon beharko.


Benetako Aldea da gure neskak benetan dira zentzu guztietan profesionalak, zehazki modu berean lehiaketa gizonezkoa boxeolariak gisa prestatu dute.


Begira Marianne at, Zalantza dut badira gizonezkoa boxeolariak askok honed gorputz bat, hala nola, Neska hori zortzi pack bat du, bakar egunero trenak zuen eta gizonezkoen boxeolariak serio talentu batzuk spars prestatzen eta hori nabarmena da.


Harro neska horiek gure gertaeretan borrokatu izan naiz eta ezin hurrena itxarotea, euren laguntza izan zen fantastic, Ez dut inoiz emakumezkoak ikusle hainbeste ikusten boxeo partidan aurretik.


Roll urrian 23rd Agintzen dut, ez dago emakume gehiago bouts izango Ikuskizun horretan, gehiegi. "

Young Itxaropenak Sambou eta Wood Battle nagusitasuna Larunbat honetan

Larunbatean Gau, York Hall in London, Bi irtenbideak gazte, Matar Sambou eta Chris Wood tep-tep joan elkarren aurka ezarri dira, on Mark Lyons eta Billy James-Elliott sustatu DE RING II gertaera LORDS.


Nola freskagarria bi irtenbideak gazte prest tep-tep joan elkarren aurka hain goiz karrerak ere ikusteko, baizik eta onartu off begira journeyman aurka bere ibilbidearen lehen sei edo zazpi borrokak for normaltasun baino.


Kent oinarritutako senegaldar Sambou, Nork bere pro debuta sensationally gelditu lituaniera hard-man Tadas Stulginskas minutu bat besterik ez, eta berrogei Lehen txandan segundotan, Dagoeneko altxatu zuen ospea nahiko, of a gogorrenetan bat izateaz, big puntzonatzeko gaztek inguruan, bere amateur ibilbide luzea etxera itzuli Senegalen zehar, non ez ohia Heavyweight Munduko txapelduna David Haye baino gutxiago izan zen ikusi, baita lizentziarik zirkuitu hemen, Erresuma Batuan bezala.


Bere aurkari larunbatean, Middlesbrough en Chris Wood, bere errekorra bi garaipen eta bakar zatitu erabakia galera kokatu da, halaber eraiki du ospe nahiko borrokalaria gazte gogorra dela edonork borrokatzeko prest gisa, Edozein lekutan, anytime, eta, bai eta benetan frogatu zen Lions den sar dadin bere borondatea, bidaiatu Eskoziara zuen ohia bateratu World Kick Boxing txapelduna Sam Allan kutxa bere etxean ikuskizun Wishaw at bere bigarren pro bout on.


Sustatzailea Mark Lyons mintzatu lehenago, besteak beste, mouthwatering partida bat ireki egiten ari da bere próximas gertaera perspectiva buruz.


"Zer esango dizut, hau da, litekeena borroka gogoangarria izan nahi du, ziurrenik gaueko borroka izango da, bi mutil hauek egia gudarien baitira.


Guztiak Matar ezagutu dugu, badakigu gogorra jo zuen etortzen dira eta inguruan gehien saihestu boxeolariak gazte bat da,, inork ez zion aurre egin nahi du, baita normalean inork ez du nahi.


Entzun genuen Chris buruzko gauza onak hainbeste, baina noiz Matar en matchmaker Ben Frankham egin zuela hurbildu oraindik ez benetan espero dugu borroka hartzeko zion, baina ez zuen.


Zer esango dizut, Chris benetako borrokalaria da, Ez zuen bila bere errekorra artifizialki eraiki, onena aurre egin nahi du, onena beat eta bere burua goian bestelako irtenbideak borrokan by nahi du, ari ez sei edo zazpi borrokak mollycoddled, Ezin duzu laguntza, baina horretarako mutil errespetatu.


Dute esan, guztiak ari gara aurrera begira elkarren aurka bi gudarien hauen behaketa, out bat eta egindako gerra izango da, ziur da. "


Matar Sambou versus Chris Wood Mark Lyons eta Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys promozioak LORDS DE RING II gertaera ezaugarriek ospatuko York Hall, Bethnal Green, London larunbat honetan datozen, du 29garren Abuztua 2015.


Ekitaldi hau zigortuko da Malta Boxing Batzordeak adeitasuna (MBC) www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Sarrerak, tasatuak £ 35 (standard eserita) eta £ 65 (Ringside) daude eskuragarri zuzeneko parte hartzen boxeolariak edozeinen, on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com eta www.wiseguypromotions.com edo deitu 07960 850645 edo 07807 282559.

Dezagun entzun ezazu neskak – Marston, Smith & Brown Presser Aurrekontuak

Sekulako glamourra iradokizun bat asistentzia baino gehiago Prentsa berrienak hitzaldia, DE RING II gertaera próximas Mark Lyons eta Billy James-Elliott sustatu jaunen for, que tuvo lugar Square Pie at Spitalfields Market in, emakumezkoak hiru boxeolariak duten guztiak parte hartuko dute, hartu zuten parte gisa, boxeolariak beste batera egingo historikoa ekitaldi honetan lehian.


Eraztun II LORDS segurtatu lekua da historia kirola liburuetan hau da, lehenengo profesionala boxeo ekitaldia izango da, Erresuma Batuan egindako, emakumezkoak hiru borrokalariak agertu.


Hitz egin zen Team GB atleta Shaunagh Brown, Peckham batetik, London, Hiru diziplina arrakasta atleta bat, Shot Putt, Mailua botatzea eta Discus, Nork abuztutik bere debut profesionala egiten 29garren.


"Hunkituta egon nire pro debuta datorren astean egiten naiz, Ezin dut itxaron.


Nik beti lan egin dut gogorra lehiaketa bat prestatu, baina lana den boxeolari gisa egin behar duzun beste maila bat da guztiz.


Nire entrenatzaile Mark (Lehenengoak Mankomunitateko txapelduna Mark Reefer) bikaina lortu dute, Beraz, hura askoz ikasi dut, atletismo mugimendu honek benetan hartu du, askoz errazagoa izan behar zuen, baino boxeoa.


Besterik ez naiz aurrera begira orain Biribilean lortzean eta ez besterik zer Mark irakatsi dit egin "


Hurrengo hitz egiten zen Leeds, Yorkshire en Sam Smith, duela gutxi Zsofia Bedo beat Nazioarteko Masters International izenburua ziurtatzeko, Besterik gabe, bere hirugarren bout profesionaletan.


"Izan da, bidaia luze bat iritsi da gaur baina ondo egin du merezi, izan da nire ametsa egunen batean York Hall aurka, eta, gaur egun, I am.


Honek guztiak gertatu hain azkar, Abuztua borrokatu dut 2nd eta aste bat off hartu entrenamenduetan joan, baina noiz Lee (ohia Irish txapelduna Lee Murtagh) esan izan zuen me ikuskizuna joan zuzenean atea out, Eraman nahi izan nuen, beraz, besterik gabe, egun pare bat aireratu, segituan gimnasioan back prest.


Prest eta raring joan naiz, ezin itxaron ".


Azkenik British #1 eta indarreko MBC Nazioarteko txapelduna, Woolwich, Londresko Marianne Marston Mike hartu.


"Ez nuke bakarrik Mark eta Billy eskerrak eman nahi (sustatzaileek Mark Lyons eta Billy James-Elliott) Neure burua da beren abuztuaren aurre emanez 29garren Ikuskizuna, baina, era berean, eskerrak eman Emakumearen nazioarteko laguntza unwavering for.


Ohore bat horrelako ekitaldi historiko batean parte hartu behar da, Oso denbora luze xamarra bat datozen arren, esan behar.


Denek espero emakumeen boxeoa hemen hartuko luke, kirola arrakastaren London at ondoren 2012 Olinpiadak, baina orain dela bakarrik, Hori azpimarratu behar dut hori ez dela soilik posible delako MBC esaten arren (Malta Boxing Batzordeak), dira pro erakunde bakarra da Erresuma Batuan jarduten duten aktiboki sustatzea eta laguntzea Emakumeen Lanbide Boxing gisa.


Zorionez hau guretzat gauza handia hasi da, iaz neure burua eta Angel izan genuen (McKenzie) ikuskizuna bera borrokan, orain Sam daukagu, Shaunagh eta ni neu guztiak gertaera bera borrokan, Espero dugu datorren aurten denbora arabera historia, are gehiago sortuko dugu bat emakumezkoak gertaera guztiak batera.


Ezin dut itxaron itzuli Biribilean, Honez ia hamar hilabete izan da azken borrokatu dut geroztik, hau da, bidea oso luzea.


Pozik nago lesioaren lehenago borrokan urtean gelditu me now sendatu egin dela esatea, beraz, gai guztiz trebatzea izan naiz hurrengo larunbateko borroka.


Denok gara mesederako ez dagoela zaleen laguntza batzuk onak izango, denboraldian Opener berriak eta boxeoa Capital ekintza batzuk harrapatzeko udako break ondoren lehen aukera bakarra dela, baina, aldi berean, lehen aldiz, inoiz ez da ez direla hiru emakumeen boxeoa pro ikuskizun bat bouts.


Beraz, zure sarrerak lortzeko orain, hau da, behin betiko utzi behar ez duzun ikuskizun bat. "


Mark Lyons eta Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys promozioak LORDS ANILLO II Ekitaldia ospatuko York Hall at, Bethnal Green, London larunbatean 29garren Abuztua 2015.


Ekitaldi hau zigortuko da Malta Boxing Batzordeak adeitasuna (MBC) www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Sarrerak, tasatuak £ 35 (standard eserita) eta £ 65 (Ringside) dira parte hartzen boxeolariak edozeinen eskuragarri, on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com eta www.wiseguypromotions.com edo deitu 07960 850645 edo 07807 282559.

Emakumezkoen Boxing: Marston, Smith eta Brown Ekintza Londresen, Abu 29an

Duten beste bi Emakumezkoen bouts profesionala gehitu dute Etxeak Mark Lyons eta Billy James-Elliott gaur iragarri, Bat txartelean dagoeneko gain, Beren DE RING II gertaera próximas jaunari, gertatzen diren York Hall ospetsua Bethnal Green at, London larunbatean abuztuan 29garren.


Capital City-ren denboraldian Opener berrietan emakumezkoak kontingentekiaren eman goiburua, British da #1 sailkapenean (Super bantamweight & Pound libera) eta MBC Nazioarteko Super bantamweight txapelduna Marianne Marston indarreko.


Hau egiteko Marston zaleek bere aurtengo ekintza ikusteko lehen aukera izango da, errepikatua jasan du kaltetuta piriformis muskulu zuen Tore WBU Europako titulua Hana Horakova aurkako erronka to buildup zehar zuen martxoan iaz.


Marston bila izango den bere modurik egokiena izango da, orain lesioaren erabat sendatu, Londresen izan da lerrokatuak bezala geroago aurten World titulua erronka.


Marston batu ANILLO II gertaera jaunen on unbeaten arin Sam Smith Leeds eta ikaskide bat Londresen Shaunagh Brown izango da, nor den bere debut profesionala egiten dizu.


Smith, Nork Belengo Gimnasioa Leeds kanpo borrokak, adierazpen bat nahiko egin ditu, aurtengo pro inflexio Martxoan geroztik, Hiru ETEN Gol irabazle baita dagoeneko bere lehen Txapelketaren sari-eta, denean Zsofia Bedo beat zuen hirugarren txandan ETEN by Nazioarteko Masters Brontze arin titulua ziurtatzeko.


Team GB Athlete Shaunagh 'Hammer The' Brown Peckham bere debut profesionala egitea Ekitaldiaren da, South London.


Brown, nor da ohia Mankomunitateko txapelduna Mark Reefer entrenatzailea Champions TKO Hackney gimnasioa, inbidiagarria arrakasta izan du bere atletismo ibilbide osoan zehar, barne Urrezko domina irabazi (Discus) ESAA bai Txapelketan 2005 eta 2006, AAA U20 Txapelketan ere at Silver 2006.


England Atletismoa U20 ere Txapelketan 2008, Brown bermatuak ez, baina bi domina diziplina ezberdinetan, Discus du Urrezko eta Zilarrezko Jarri jaurtiketa. In 2009, Avivar England Atletismoa U20 Txapelketan, Brown orduan Urrezko Domina gehitu filmatua bere bilduma jarri.


Mintzamena lehenago sustatzailea Mark Lyons egin zuen, eta bere enpresa bazkide Billy James-Elliott argi utzi elated ari den emakumeen boxeoa abangoardian Erresuma Batuan egon,


"Hau denboraldiko Londresen boxeo Opener berria da eta denboraldi berria dela erabaki genuen, berria hasteko, beraz, zer hobeto trinketa ekarri baino emakumezkoak borrokalari bikain herrialde honetan izan dugu batzuk.


Zalantzarik gabe, denbora inguru emakumezkoak gehiago borrokak egon ziren pro altuena, Britainia Handiko emakume borrokalariak bakarrik ekintza erregular ikusi dute buruz azken urteotan dira Marianne (Marston) eta Angel McKenzie, baina orain Sam-ekin (Smith), Shaunagh (Brown) eta, besteak beste, Juliette Winter taula gainean datozen gainontzekoak, Emakumeen boxeoa benetan momentu batzuk lortzeko hasi ahal.


It unheard da emakume hiru bouts dute Erresuma Batuan pro gertaera batean, ondoren 29garren Abuztuan espero dugu hau ez da jada kasua izan da eta ekintza emakume gazte hauek ikusteko lortuko dugu, baita komunikabideen estaldura merezi dute lortzean bezala.


Marianne frogatu baino Txapelketan maila zuen eta asmatu egin World izenburua geroago aurten filmatu irabazi ditu, eta ez dut minutu bat duten Sam ere egingo too erronka nagusien izenburu for etorkizun hurbil batean zalantzan gehiago ditu, borondate Shaunagh gisa.


Shaunagh izan du kirol arena arrakasta aurretiaz, Discus, Jaurtiketa jarri eta Hammer bota, nazio eta nazioarte mailan, neska irabazle bat eta ziur nago bezain boxeolari gisa arrakastatsua izan zenez, bere beste aukeratutako kiroletan da izango zuen.


Honez gertaera handi bat izango da, Hiru emakume bouts gain, ez lerrokatuak borroka handia goi borrokalari batzuk eginbide asko da, WBF Munduko txapelduna Chris Goodwin gisa, hala nola,, Team ohia GB izar Iain Weaver eta Jimmy Campbell, Jimmy izan ere bere zatiketa onenekin, besteak beste, World Champions Anthony Dirrell eta Virgilio Hill gisa.


Horren gainean txartel bat datozen talentu gazteak rammed daukagu, baita etorkizuneko izarrak batzuk euren pro Debuta gisa, beraz, betiko boxeo zale guztientzat da aukera ekitaldia da, gazte, zaharra, gizona edo emakumea guztiontzat dago zerbait. "


Mark Lyons eta Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys promozioak LORDS ANILLO II Ekitaldia ospatuko York Hall at, Bethnal Green, London larunbatean 29garren Abuztua 2015.


Ekitaldi hau zigortuko da Malta Boxing Batzordeak adeitasuna (MBC) www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Sarrerak, tasatuak £ 35 (standard eserita) eta £ 65 (Ringside) dira parte hartzen boxeolariak edozeinen eskuragarri, on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com eta www.wiseguypromotions.com edo deitu 07960 850645 edo 07807 282559.

Lyons & James-Elliott Plan Erraldoia denboraldia Opener York Hall 29an Abu egun.

Mark Lyons eta Billy James-Elliott dira benetan egindako geltoki guztietan tiraka prestatzeko beren eta hiriburura berriaren denboraldian Opener gertakizunerako, DE RING II LORDS, York Hall Bethnal Green at, London larunbatean 29garren Abuztua.


Hemezortzi bouts dagoeneko txartelean With, DE Eraztunen II LORDS da multzo bila handienetako pro boxeo Capital gertaera aurten izango da.


Masiboa txartela egungo munduko Boxing Federazioa sortu goiburua (WBF) Welterweight Munduko txapelduna Chris Goodwin, nor dira aurrez aurre egingo zehazteke aurkari bati.


A bi zatiketa Munduko txapelduna, Goodwin (19-2-1) Britainia Handiko lehen boxeolari World ia hogei urteotan koroa arin ziurtatzeko zen, denean Istvan Kiss beat zuen Munduko Boxeo Foundation arin titulua atzera Abuztua 2012.


Jarraian, WBF Intercontinental apirilean koroa ziurtatzeko 2014 WBF World Welterweight koroa gehitu aurretik, zatitu puntu bat baino gehiago irabazi Mikheil Avakyan Northgate Chester Arena at besterik lau hilabete geroago.


Euskarri nagusia ikusten Woolwich, Londresko British #1 sailkapenean eta MBC Nazioarteko Super bantamweight txapelduna indarreko, Marianne 'Golden Girl' Marston, ez-txapelketan bout bat bere próximas World izenburua erronka aurretik.


Marston, nor aurkitu eta mitikoaren Heavyweight txapelduna World of Smokin 'Joe Frazier eta bi denbora cruiserweight txapelduna World Steve' USS 'Cunningham entrenatzailea zen, halaber bihurtu zen #1 libra-libra sailkapenean British emakumezkoak, Orduz Hungarian gainetik bere apartekoa itxi puntu irabazi ostean #1, Europako #3 eta Munduko #31 Marianna Gulyas sailkapenean urrian MBC Nazioarteko koroa ziurtatzeko 2014.


Irabazi This bidaliko Marston sailkapenean soring, batetik #58 munduan #24 eta contention World sari bat erronka bat muster.


Euskarri-txartela eman Izenburu ikusten Londresko Jimmy Campbell (11-8-0) bere UK debuta egiteko, Bere ibilbidean zehar, Campbell esklusiboki lehiatu zuen Amerikan, orain arte.


Bere ibilbidean zehar Campbell izan ere, kirol izen handienetako batzuk, WBC Munduko txapelduna Anthony Dirrell eta WBA Munduko txapelduna Virgilio Hill gisa, hala nola,.


Abuztuan On 29garren Campbell aurpegiak Scunthorpe en Jody 'Entertainer' Meikle, berriz, Meikle ez da nahiko maila Dirrell eta Hill berdinean ziur Campbell duten proba gogorrena bat lortuko izan dezakezu tep-tep doa 'The Entertainer' zuen.


Gales eta British Masters txapelduna Lee 'Argiak Out' Churcher izango gainera, ekintza izan, tamalez, ez da aurrez ikusitako MBC International izenburua George Hillyardek borroka batean, baina aurkari oraindik izendatzeke baten aurka ez-txapelketan sei borobilagoa batean.


Txapeldunen gaiari buruzko Bitartean - 13 denbora, bateratu World KI arauak, Full Harremanetarako Kick Boxing eta Muay Thai txapeldun Marlon Hunt den bere askoz espero profesionala Boxing debuta egiteko egingo, Scunthorpe en Mateo Pepper aurka.


Eraztun gertaera jaunak ere baditu beste Globe British borrokalaria trostan, Apartekoa Iain 'The Beato One' Weaver (5-1-0), Nork British gertaera baten itxura arraroak bat egingo eginez.


Azken ordua egindako. Parsippany, New Jersey, 'etxeko sukaldaritza' pixka bat biktima puntuazio karta zen – bere aurkari nagusi izan ondoren, Newark, New Jersey Wanzell Ellison, hasieratik amaitzeko, Weaver Harriturik, azkenean galdu zatitu erabakia oso auzi baten alde izan zen – beraz, ziurtatu Team ohia GB izar Weaver faltako egingo adierazpen handi bat egiteko eta beste garaipen handia lortu zuen marka on izan zaitezke.


Bardsley, LINCOLNSHIRE en unbeaten Middleweight perspectiva Nathan 'Nightmare' Decastro (4-0-0) Ere izango ekintza izango dira, borondate Kensington en unbeaten Super Middleweight perspectiva Daley Ojuederie gisa (3-0-1), bai oraindik aurkako iragarri behar aurkaria.


Ekitaldi hau ere luzea espero of 'Rockin' Robin Deakin Fray itzulera ezaugarriek, kirola eta hamabost hilabeteko sabatiko baten ostean.


Azkenik, Abuztua Debuta profesionala egiteko 29garren goi amateurrak zenbaki bat daude, barne Doncaster en apartekoa Tom Bell (Bantamweight), Sheffield en Luke Junior (Welterweight), Newcastle Jak Johnson (Super Featherweight), Hertfordshire en Daniel Mendes (Cruiserweight), Junior Walker (Super Welterweight), Johannes Man (Heavyweight), Mo Holloway, Maltako Kerstin Brown (Bantamweight) eta Billy Elliot (Welterweight).


Mark Lyons eta Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys promozioak LORDS ANILLO II Ekitaldia ospatuko York Hall at, Bethnal Green, London larunbatean 29garren Abuztua 2015.


Ekitaldi hau zigortuko da Malta Boxing Batzordeak adeitasuna (MBC) www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Sarrerak, tasatuak £ 35 (standard eserita) eta £ 65 (Ringside) dira parte hartzen boxeolariak edozeinen eskuragarri, on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com eta www.wiseguypromotions.com edo deitu 07960 850645 edo 07807 282559.

Khan Reigns SupremeTopples Soloninkini, Now Eyes Further Title Challenges



Bradford’s sensational Bantamweight prospect Tasif Khan secured his first Championship accolade, Nazioarteko Masters bantamweight titulua, when he beat Georgia’s Mikheil Soloninkini by unanimous points decision at the iconic York Hall in London last Saturday night.


What really makes this achievement even more special is that Khan only returned to the ring in January this year, Bi urteko kirol batetik sabatiko bat jarraituz.


On his return in January Khan scored a decisive first round stoppage victory, over the highly experienced Hungarian Richard Voros, in a bout that also took place at the York Hall.


Khan followed that win up with an equally impressive first round stoppage victory, over Czech Republic’s Ladislav Miko, six weeks later in Liverpool.


Joan den larunbatean, whilst it seems everyone else were preparing for the Mayweather-Pacquiao super fight, Khan was taking part in the biggest fight of his career to date.


Right from the off Khan boxed beautifully behind his solid jab to keep his slightly more experienced foe on the back foot.


By midway point Khan began to slow the pace, whilst continuing to keep full pressure on Soloninkini.


Midway through the sixth round, during a rather hectic exchange Khan was a little slow bringing up his gloves, which opened the door for Soloninkini, who let rip with a big right to send Khan to the canvas.


On the restart Soloninkini when in hard in an attempt to finish the still slightly wobbly legged Khan, however the Bradford lad remained calm and collected, whilst the hyper Georgian continued to come forward throwing huge bombs.


During a number of these skirmishes Khan sensibly grabbed hold until referee Lee Murtagh issued the order break. This tactic allowed Khan a little time in order to clear his head.


Soloninkini continued to push hard for the final three rounds, however Khan is one seriously cool character, he just got behind his jab and just plain boxed his way out of danger, each time the Georgian made a forceful foray.


After ten rounds of first class boxing from Khan, judges Ken Curtis 99-94, Obie Garnett 98-90 eta Matt Hamilton 98-91, all scored in favour of the new International Masters Champion Tasif Khan.


Speaking from his home earlier Khan spoke about the fight as well as hinted at further Championship forays in the near future.


"Bai, I won my first title.


It’s been my dream since I was a kid, winning a title, hopefully this will be the first of many, aurrera eta gorantz.


Saying that I don’t want to take away the importance of being the International Masters Champion, that was like winning a World title to me that night.


I’ve had a tough two and half years, I’ve come through it, got back fighting this year and now have a belt, yeah I’m really proud of what I’ve achieved.


I was absolutely fine coming into the fight, training went well, I went away with Nadeem Siddique one of my coaches, he’s a professional himself. I had a good training camp abroad, went to Greece,


Came into the fight brilliant, working of my jab, using my jab more as I felt I had a good chance, I was finding it quite comfortable to be honest, I was finding him quite easily with the jab.


He was a tough kid, took some good shots to the body, I found I could walk him down, then I think it was either the third or fourth round I overstretched my right arm, I felt at the time I must have damaged my shoulder, I tried not to show it, but as the rounds went on I struggled to throw big shots.


It wasn’t hurting, it did limit me on my shots as the fight went on, but I think I got a little complacent and gave him the opportunity to catch me with a good shot, it didn’t hurt me at all, but had to see that round through, because I had won every single round but that round, I boxed smart and stayed at a distance when I could and other times let him punch himself out.


To be honest I feel I could have stopped him, with all the pressure and that decided to just box my way through.


I’m really appreciative of my fans as always, they travel down to London in numbers, if all goes well though my next fight will be a lot nearer to home, maybe even Bradford, but I’m always grateful to my fans, even those that are unable to travel to watch me fight in London or Liverpool.


Since day one I’ve had good support, a great fan base, but fighting away all the time makes it hard for everyone to be at every fight, so I’d really love to do something big in Bradford, or at least more local and fingers crossed we’ll get a big title on that show.


I’d like to thank all my team, Martin Stainsby, Bee, Junior Witter, River (Gianluca Di Caro), Johnny Eames and all those that work behind the scene, I can’t forget to mention my Missus, she puts in all the hard work and puts up with me when I’m on a diet and my family, who have all been so supportive.


Before I forget I want to make a comment, I’ve been boxing since the age of ten, I made my mind up as the years went on that I wanted to really do something in Boxing, I had no intention of just making up the numbers, I had no option, I want to do well and win titles, I want to put Bradford on the map, winning the International Masters title has put me in the right direction, as such I want to dedicate the win to my eldest brother Tahir Khan, because if it wasn’t for him pointing me in the right direction, he’d keep me fit and take me to the gym, he’s the first person to totally support me in boxing, always been there for me and he’s the one that made all this possible.


As I say if it wasn’t for Tahir, I wouldn’t be in boxing and I wouldn’t have this International Masters belt, thank you for everything Tahir, really appreciate everything you’ve done for me.


I’d like to say a big thank you to my sponsors, Kingsland Business berreskuratzea Bradford, Broadway Oldham Gurasoak, Kesser Bradford eta Vyomax Suplementos Manchester bertatik Bitxigileak, they’ve been brilliant getting behind me so I can concentrate on my boxing.


Finally I would like to say a huge thanks to Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott, who gave me the opportunity to fight for the title on their show.”






Fight txostena: Ozgul and Khan Secure Titles In York Hall Thriller

Report by: Gianluca (River) Di Caro

Dezagun aurre, with the amount of column inches dedicated to Mayweather-Pacquiao over the past few weeks, you could easily be forgiven thinking that there were no other boxing events that took place on May 2nd.

Beno, there was another fight card, and I’m pleased to say that I was at that event – the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott promoted Lords of the Ring event at the iconic York Hall in London.


OK, admittedly York Hall in Bethnal Green doesn’t have anywhere near the cachet of being at such a mega fight at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, but when it comes to drama and excitement, sorry you just can’t beat small hall boxing, especially when it’s at York Hall.


When the event was announced it was due to feature fourteen bouts, but immediately after May-Pac was announced a significant number of the bouts were cancelled, as the fighters wanted to be ringside in Vegas, then in the final build up further fights were off the card, due to injuries, leaving a seven card fight show on the night, or was it.


The card was further reduced on the day, after one of the fights was cancelled on safety grounds – due to a 5kg difference in the weight between the two debuting fighters – and if that wasn’t bad enough Manny Muhammad’s opponent, Rafael Snow failed to turn up, leaving just five fights on the night.


First up was a six rounder between Liverpool based Russian hot prospect David Agadzhanyan, against Czech Republic’s Josef Redlich, who stepped in at the last minute to save the bout, following Ghana’s Isaac Owusu being forced to pull out due to illness.


It took Agadzhanyan just forty five seconds to send Redlich to the canvas for the first time and about the same again to put him down a second time.


Redlich was plain outclassed so no surprise that when he went down for the third time that referee Ken Curtis decided to call a halt to proceedings on the two minute and twenty five seconds mark.


I’ve seen Agadzhanyan in action a couple of times, including the excellent win over then unbeaten Daniel Bazo back in March, so was really looking forward to seeing him in action against Owusu, a tough uncompromising former Ghanaian Champion and Commonwealth title eliminator challenger, but that’ll have to wait until later this month when the rescheduled bout takes place in Liverpool.


Next up was WBF Inter-Continental Champion Paul Economides, ez-txapelketan sei borobilagoa batean, against another late replacement, Czech Republic’s Petr Gyna, following former British Champ Andy Bell pulling out the week prior and then the original replacement pulling out just two days before the show.


Economides is another class act, so no surprise that Gyna was on the canvas within just thirty seconds, on the restart Gyna decided that attack is the best form of defense, however in taking the fight to Economides he played straight into his hands, literally as Economides punished him with a big right, that sent the Czech down to the canvas for a second and final time, on the one minute and twenty five second mark.


With both the opening fights finishing early and the live TV broadcast not due to start until 9pm, the promoters had no option but to have quite long interval before the next bout, a six round Light Heavyweight contest between Champions TKO’s unbeaten Hackney based Turkish prospect Onder Ozgul and the entertainer himself Jody Meikle.


Throughout the first four rounds Ozgul just walked Meikle down, letting rip with massive right hands at every conceivable opportunity, Meikle is as tough as they come and seemed content to absorb the punishment dished out by the man dubbed ‘Little Mike’ by the Turkish fans.


Ever the joker, Meikle played down the punishment he was taking, happily playing to the crowd, as well as infuriating his opponent, by pulling faces and insinuating that there was no power in the Turkish lads shots, however by the fact that Meikle had toned down his antics, clearly showed that Ozgul shots were indeed having the desired effect.


Meikle toned down the playfulness of his tactics even further in the fifth, as Ozgul stepped up his attacks, putting even more power into his shots.


Right from the start of the sixth it was clear that Ozgul was intent on punishing Meikle even further, backing the Scunthorpe man onto the ropes before letting rip with big double handed flurries, one of which, a cracking body shot, literally knocking the wind out of Meikle and forcing him to take to one knee.


On the restart Ozgul went in for the finish, this time Meikle went defensive, no further playing to the crowd, to see it through to the final bell.


After six highly entertaining rounds Referee Ken Curtis scored the bout 60-53 in favour of Ozgul.


I thoroughly enjoyed the fight, I know it wasn’t a classic, but boy oh boy it was very entertaining.


The fourth bout of the night see Bradford’s Tasif Khan in Championship action for the first time, against Georgia’s Mikheil Soloninkini, for the International Masters Silver bantamweight title.


Khan started fast, boxing beautifully behind his jab the Bradford man kept his slightly more experienced foe on the back foot for the majority of the bout.


By midway point Khan slowed the pace slightly, at the same time keeping the pressure on Soloninkini, however about midway through the sixth, during a routine exchange Khan was a little slow bringing up his gloves, leaving an opening for the Georgian to let rip with a big right, which sent Khan to the canvas.


On the restart Soloninkini went full out in attack, Khan remained calm and got behind his jab again, the Georgian was well hyped and continued to come forward at pace before throwing huge bombs.


During these skirmishes Khan sensibly grabbed hold until referee Lee Murtagh issued the order break. This tactic worked and Khan was able to clear his head enough to turn control back round to himself.


Khan had his hands full for the final three rounds though, as Soloninkini had the bit between his teeth and was pushing hard, however Khan is a cool character and seemed content to box of the back foot each time the Georgian made a forceful foray.


After ten rounds of excellent boxing, the judges scorecards readKen Curtis 99-94, Obie Garnett 98-90 eta Matt Hamilton 98-91, all in favour of Tasif Khan.


Jennifer Burton, the Northern Region Secretary of the Malta Boxing Commission, presented the familiar blue International Masters belt to the victorious Tasif Khan.


Have to say I thoroughly enjoyed the fight, even though it was quite one sided for a lot of the time, let’s face it that’s not a statement on the quality of Soloninkini, as his pedigree is well known, this kid’s a tough nut to break, as proved by having taken Jamie Williams the distance, when they fought for the Bronze Masters back in March, as well as fought the sensational Charlie Edwards a couple of weeks later, but to my mind the one-sidedness of the fight as well as the result shows just how good Tasif Khan fought.


The headline fight of the night see a rematch between Champions TKO’s unbeaten Hackney based Turkish prospect Siar Ozgul, yep brother to the aforementioned Onder, against Nottingham’s Matt Scriven and this time there was a Championship on the line – The MBC International Welterweight title.


When these two first fought, back in October last year, it was an out and out war, Ozgul won but the rounds were so close it could have been a very different result.


The bout started in a very similar manner to their October showdown, neither man wanting to concede any ground, however just before the end of the first round Ozgul let rip with a massive right to Scriven’s body, which forced the Nottingham man to cover up to see the round to it’s conclusion.


The shot to the body must have really hurt Scriven as he seemed more intent on defense, rather than full on attack, from the start of the second, a pattern that remained for the rest of the bout.


Ozgul made most of the running throughout, however Scriven more than held his own during the many skirmishes that ensued, although have to admit he was a little more cautious than during the opening round.


After ten rounds of superb boxing the judges scorecards were read out – Lee Murtagh and Matt Hamilton scored the bout 100-90 and Obie Garnett 100-88 all in favour of Siar Ozgul.


This was followed by the presentation of the MBC International belt to Siar Ozgul by his fellow Champions TKO gym mate and the current MBC International Super Bantamweight Champion Marianne Marston.


All in all I thoroughly enjoyed the event, especially the final three bouts, however I was a bit disappointed that some of the planned fights, such as those featuring Iain Weaver, Antonio Counihan, Mark Prince, George Hillyard and the aforementioned Marianne Marston, failed to materialize, because to my mind if they had taken place I feel this almost certainly would have been one of the best shows at York Hall this year, as it was it still was a highly enjoyable and entertaining evening of pugilistic action and a fitting prelude to the May-Pac fight, which promoters Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott arranged for the boxers, their teams and attendees of the event to watch live via satellite at a private function room.


Khan-Soloninkini Battle For Title Supremacy In London This Saturday



Bradford’s exciting Bantamweight prospect TASIF KHAN is set to challenge for his first title Larunbat honetan, when he takes on Georgian #1 ranked MIKHEIL SOLONINKINI, for the vacant International Masters Silver Bantamweight Championship, on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott promoted LORDS OF THE RING event at the iconic York Hall, Bethnal Green-en, London on May 2nd.


Khan earned the title shot with a pair of sensational first round stoppage wins earlier this year, following his return from a two year sabbatical from the sport.


In January this year, Khan dispatched Hungarian #2 ranked Richard Voros in just one minute and five seconds of the first round at the York Hall, then two months later followed up with an almost identical stoppage victory, this time in one minute and fifteen seconds of the first round, over the Czech Republic’s Ladislav Miko at the Grand Central Hall in Liverpool.


Originally Khan was to face Patrik Bartos, however the Czech lad was TKO’d by Andrew Cain, on the undercard of Derry Mathews WBA title fight, at the Echo Arena, a couple of weeks ago.


Bartos’ replacement, Mikheil Soloninkini, has been quite a regular figure on the UK scene, having fought here four times in the past year, including an unsuccessful challenge for the International Masters Bronze title, which he lost out on points to Jamie Williams back in March.


Speaking from his home earlier, Khan appeared unperturbed with the late change of opponent.


“It’s a shame, I had been preparing for Patrik Bartos, but what can I say he got stopped and has a twenty eight day suspension, these things happen.


I would have preferred if we’d known earlier who was going to replace Patrik, but three potential opponents backed out last week and then a fourth that had been proposed got knocked back by the MBC as not suitable.


Luckily though this new lad agreed terms asteartean and now the fight is set and ready to go, Ezin dut itxaron.


I’m not expecting it to be a quick finish like the past two fights, they were four and six rounders, this time I’ll have to pace myself just in case I have to go the full ten rounds, but if the chance comes, I’ll take him out early.


Trainings been great, always is, Prest eta raring joan naiz, can’t wait.


My fans are great so far this year they’ve come out in force to support me in London and Liverpool and Saturday they’ll be back in London again, I can’t thank them enough, they’re a great bunch that really get behind me, making plenty of noise, letting me know that they’re there, they’re really are brilliant and I’ll thank them the best way I know, winning the title.


I’d like to say a big thank you to my sponsors, Kingsland Business berreskuratzea Bradford, Broadway Oldham Gurasoak, Kesser Bradford eta Vyomax Suplementos Manchester bertatik Bitxigileak, they’ve been brilliant getting behind me so I can concentrate on my boxing.


Finally I have just been told that Mark and Billy (Promoters Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott) have arranged a function room so that everyone can watch the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight live after my fight, so if you haven’t got tickets yet, you know what to do, either call me or get down to York Hall larunbatean as there are still some tickets available. "


Tasif Khan versus Mikheil Soloninkini, for the vacant International Masters Bantamweight Championship, co-headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys Promozioak LORDS RING de azoka, gertatzen York Aretoan Bethnal Green at, London larunbatean 2nd Maiatza 2015.

Gertaera honen zigorra emango zaien Malta Boxing Batzordeak adeitasuna (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Sarrerak tasatuak £ 35 (Eserlekuak Standard) eta £ 65 (Ringside) are available direct from Tasif on 07756 311857, or at the venue on the night or pre-book on-line at www.tkoboxoffice.com edo TKO txartela marraren gainean deitu 07960 850645


Tickets for the after event private viewing of the Mayweather-Pacquiao super fight live via satellite, that cost just £10, will be available for purchase at York Hall on the Saturday night.









6698 – Tasif Khan in action against Richard Voros at York Hall in January.



Please feel free to use all photos suppliedphoto credit is not required but should you do so, please credit – Gianluca (River) Di Caro

Championship Boxing At York Hall Followed By Mayweather-Pacquiao Live Via Satellite This Saturday.

Have you got your tickets for the Boxing event of the Century yet? If the answer is no, then promoters Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott may just have the perfect alternative lined-up for Boxing fans – a night of Championship Boxing at York Hall, Bethnal Green-en, followed by MAYWEATHER-PACQUIAO live by satellite from Las Vegas.


Kicking off the whole night of pugilistic action, sees a full card of Boxing at the famous Home Of Boxing in the Capital, including two Championship Battles.


Hackney, London based Turkish unbeaten star SIAR OZGUL makes his first tilt at a title when he takes on Nottingham’s MATT SCRIVEN for the vacant MBC International Welterweight Championship.


Main support sees Bradford’s sensational TASIF KHAN challenge for the International Masters Bantamweight crown, against Georgian #1 MIKHEIL SOLONINKINI


Heading up the support for the two Championship bouts sees Chester’s WBF Intercontinental Champion PAUL ECONOMIDES take on Nottingham’s GARFIELD MUSHORE in a non-championship six rounder.


Champions TKO’s unbeaten Light Heavyweight prospect ONDER OZGUL takes on the highly entertaining JODY MEIKLE, from Scunthorpe, sei borobilagoa batean.


Making his first visit to the Capital City will be Liverpool based unbeaten Russian star DAVID AGADZHANYAN, who will take on Czech Republic’s JOSEF REDLICH in a six round contest.


Former American Basketball Star, turned professional Boxer, MANNY MUHAMMAD will also be in action against a yet to be named opponent.


Making their debuts on the night are exciting young local talents ANDY CONA and DANIEL MENDES in action against each other.


Once the action is over at York Hall, then the lucky boxing fans attending the event can either go to the free after party at Spearmint Rhino, or go direct to the function rooms to watch the entire build up and of course the main event of the night MAYWEATHER – PACQUIAO


The cost for this whole night of Boxing heaven, believe it or not is just £45 or £75, as the cost for standard seats for the boxing at York Hall are £35 (Standard seated) eta £ 65 (Ringside) and the cost for attending the function room to watch the Big Fight Live is just £10 extra (payable on the night)


Siar Ozgul versus Matt Scriven, for the vacant MBC International Welterweight Championship, headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys Promozioak LORDS RING de azoka, gertatzen York Aretoan Bethnal Green at, London larunbatean 2nd Maiatza 2015.

Gertaera honen zigorra emango zaien Malta Boxing Batzordeak adeitasuna (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Sarrerak tasatuak £ 35 (Eserlekuak Standard) eta £ 65 (Ringside) are available on the night, or to ensure a seat buy on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com edo TKO txartela marraren gainean deitu 07960 850645

Ozgul-Scriven II – Title On The Line For May 2nd York Hall Rematch

Back in October last year unbeaten Hackney based Turk Siar Ozgul and late replacement opponent Matt Scriven campaigned in one of the closest, Ekintza guztiak, battles of the year.


It was a true small hall classic that really deserved at least to be nominated for the accolade of ‘Fight of The Year’, if not be the outright winner, however that was not to be as somehow it managed to slip under the radar of the majority of the British media.


Maiatzaren larunbatean 2nd, these magnificent warriors will once again enter the arena, York Aretoan Bethnal Green at, London, this time in a ten round contest and with the added incentive of a Championship being on the linethe vacant MBC International Welterweight title – on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott promoted LORDS OF THE RING event.


The October Ozgul-Scriven Battle Boyale was reminiscent of the first of the Mickey Ward-Arturo Gatti trilogy of fights that took place in 2002/3, without doubt one of the all time greatest trilogy of fights this sport has ever witnessed.


If Ozgul-Scriven II matches the intensity and drama of their first encounter, we could well have another action filled bout, one that equals any of the Ward-Gatti fights, right here in our own back yard, something no boxing fan, or British sports writer should miss.


To give an idea of just how sensational their first showdown was, here’s the write up on the bout from the published report by the Canadian Sports Channel fightnetwork.com.


“Fifth bout of the night see London based Turk Siar Ozgul in action against Nottingham’s Matt Scriven.


Zer borroka bat, without doubt the fight of the night, as both protagonists went to war.


Ozgul came out hard and strong, initially putting the Nottingham man on the back foot, however Scriven soon started to exert his authority and then the fireworks really began.


By the third round the non stop action started to take it’s toll on the Turkish youngster, which allowed Scriven to land some sensational power shots of his own.


Azken txandan cracker bat izan zen, Ozgul backed Scriven into a corner and let rip with massive right hands, one of which sent Scriven’s mouth guard flying into the crowd ringside.


Once the errant mouth guard was retrieved and the bout restarted it was Scriven who went hard on the attack, one such attack late on in the round see Scriven land a massive right that shook Ozgul to the core, Ozgul sensibly went on the defensive for the remaining seconds to see his way to securing his fifth win.


Referee Lee Murtagh scored the bout 39-37 in favour of Ozgul, Epaia zuzena Zalantzarik gabe, but one that really doesn’t express how great this fight was or how close each and every round was.”


Siar Ozgul versus Matt Scriven, for the vacant MBC International Welterweight Championship, headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys Promozioak LORDS RING de azoka, gertatzen York Aretoan Bethnal Green at, London larunbatean 2nd Maiatza 2015.

Gertaera honen zigorra emango zaien Malta Boxing Batzordeak adeitasuna (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Sarrerak tasatuak £ 35 (Eserlekuak Standard) eta £ 65 (Ringside) are available direct from Siar at the Champions TKO Gym in Hackneycall Mehmet on 07825 618018 – on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com edo TKO txartela marraren gainean deitu 07960 850645