Tag Archives: Bernard Hopkins

Connecticut nkhonya Hall Omveka Maphunziro a 2015 mwalamulo analengeza

Lou DiBella, Shelly Finkel, Arnie Bayer, Carey Mace, George Russo, Peter Timothy & Imfa Sharnik
UNCASVILLE, Conn. (September 15, 2015) – Kulimbikitsa Lou DiBella ndi bwana / kulimbikitsa Shelly Finkel kukhala seveni membala Maphunziro a 2015 mu Connecticut nkhonya Hall Omveka (CBHOF). Mamembala atsopano adzasankhidwa ku 11THpachaka CBHOF Gala kupatsidwa ulemu chakudya pa Lachisanu usiku,November 13 mu Uncas ndinkakonda pa Mohegan Sun.
Watsopano CBHOF inductees mulinso kale nkhonya Commissioner Peter Timothy ndipo, atamwalira, boxers Carey Mace ndipo George Russo, nkhonya wolemba Imfa Sharnik ndi nkhonya mulandu Arnie Bayer.
“Ife pa Connecticut nkhonya Hall Omveka ali okondwa kulengeza chaka chino kalasi ya inductees,” Purezidenti watsopano wa CBHOF John Laudati anati. “Tili ndi kusakanikirana kwakukulu kwa nthano zankhonya zodziwika padziko lonse lapansi komanso gulu lodabwitsa komanso loyenera lachifumu la nkhonya ku Connecticut.. Panokha, Ndine okonzeka kuyambitsa kalasi wanga chaka choyamba mtsogoleri wa gulu ili zosaneneka. Ine kudzaona athu onse Connecticut nkhonya mafani pa Mohegan Sun pa November 13TH.”
Zochokera ku New York City, DiBella (atchulidwa kumanzere) ndi kale Mutu wa nkhonya kwa HBO, kulenga kwambiri bwino “Nkhonya Pambuyo Dark” mndandanda. Wake zotsatsira kampani, DiBella Entertainment, walimbikitsa masewera ankhonya osawerengeka ku Mohegan Sun Arena ndi Foxwoods Resort Casino pazaka makumi awiri zapitazi.. DiBella analinso ndi timu ya baseball ya Connecticut Defenders yaying'ono yomwe inali ku Norwich. Omenyera ake apamwamba aphatikiza Sergio Martínez,Bernard Hopkins, Paulie Malignaggi, Jermain Taylor, CBHOF inductee “Irish” Micky Ward, ndipo Andre Berto pakati kwambiri notables. A Harvard Law School maphunziro, DiBella ndi bwino filimu sewerolo.
Finkel (zinkaimira kupita kumanja ndi malemu Emanuel Mdindo), komanso New York City, ndi mayiko nkhonya Hall Omveka inductee amene anali fixture pa Connecticut amamenya nkhondo kwa zaka zambiri mwina kulimbikitsa kapena bwana. Iyenso ndi woyang'anira wopambana mu makampani oimba. Kumayambiriro kwa zaka za m’ma 1990, Finkel mosakayikira anali manejala wamphamvu kwambiri pamasewera a nkhonya. Makasitomala ake odziwika kwambiri adaphatikizapo Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Manny Pacquiao, Pernell Whitaker, Meldrick Taylor ndipo Wladimir Klitschko.
Timothy (zinkaimira kupita kumanzere ndi Shuga Ray Leonard) anali nkhonya Commissioner wa Mashantucket Pequot Tribal National Commission pa Foxwoods kuchokera 1995 kuti 2009. Analangizidwa ndi malemu John Burns, yemwe anali woyambitsa CBHOF yemwenso ndi inductee. Pa nthawi yomwe anali ku Foxwoods, Timothy malamulo ambirimbiri ovomereza zochitika, kuphatikizapo 90 udindo nkhondo. Mfundo zazikuluzikulu za ulamuliro wake zidaphatikizapo CBHOF inductee John RuizEvander Holyfield III kwa WBA dziko katswiri woposa onse Championship ndi, mwina, wamkulu nkhondo mu Foxwoods mbiri, ndi IBF dziko cruiserweight udindo ndewu James Toney ndipo Vassily Jirov. Nyenyezi zina zomwe zinamenyana ku Foxwoods pamene Timoteo anali kuyang'anira zikuphatikizapo Roy Jones, Jr., Diego Corrales, Shane Mosely ndipo Acelino Freitas, pamodzi ndi CBHOF inductees Dana Rosenblatt, Peter Manfredo, Jr. ndipo U.S. Olympian Lawrence Clay-Bey.
Mace (72-18-2), anabadwira ku Hartford, anayamba kumenyana mwaukadaulo kumapeto kwa zaka za m'ma 1940. Kupambana kwake kopambana kunabwera 1950, kuima kale dziko ngwazi Joe Giardello. Mace anali membala wa charter wa CBHOF Willie Pep'm khola ndipo lili pa nambala nthawi ina mkulu monga No. 8 welterweight padziko lapansi. Mace, amene otsiriza podwala anali akulephera CBHOF membalaGaspar Ortega mu 1962, ankakhala Manchester pamene zapita pa zaka 73 mu 2003.
Russo anali 85 ovomereza ndewu pakati 1922 ndipo 1934. Anasamukira ku Bridgeport ali ndi zaka zisanu ndi chimodzi ndipo pamapeto pake adakhala nthano yamasewera a nkhonya, opaleshoni gyms ngati Red Man a Hall, Acorn Club ndi East Washington Avenue. Mu 1992, anabweretsa nkhonya kwawo pambuyo khumi-yaitali ku Old mnzako nyumba Bridgeport. Russo komanso anamuzindikira monga “Johnny Duke ya Southern Connecticut.”
Anabadwira ku New Haven, malemu Sharnick ankakhala pafupi moyo wake Norwalk, asanabwerere Florida, kumene iye anasankhidwa ndi Florida nkhonya Hall Omveka mu 2012, makamaka poyambitsa Smart Boxer Institute. Sharnik anali wolemba nkhonya 23 zaka Sports Illustrated, anatsindika ake nkhani za Cassius ClaySonny Liston Ine, anagwira mwamphamvu chifukwa chonena, “Liston ali nkhonya ngati cannonballs.” Anakhala mkulu wa alangizi ku CBS kwa zaka zisanu ndi zinayi ndipo anali mlangizi wamkulu komanso wokhulupirira yekhayo. George wolimbikira'Kubweranso kudzatsogolera kumutu wina wapadziko lonse wa heavyweight. Sharnick analinso mlangizi wa membala wa CBHOF komanso ngwazi yapadziko lonse lapansi kawiri Marlon Starling, kukopa m'tsogolo dziko ngwazi kuwonjezera Eddie Futch monga mphunzitsi wake wamkulu. Wothandizira wa Futch, CBHOF membala Freddie Roach, kenako kuphunzitsa Starling pamene anayamba dziko welterweight ngwazi.
Bayer linkagwiritsidwa kulemekezedwa woona mulandu wa nkhonya, nthawizonse mwamsanga kukongoza kuwathandiza, komanso kutsegula chikwama kuthandiza thandizo nkhonya gyms m'mizinda ngati CBHOF inductee Johnny Duke a Anyamata Club Gym mu Bellevue Square, Hartford.
Matikiti kwa CBHOF 11TH pachaka Gala kupatsidwa ulemu chakudya, kunena wogulira pa $90.00, ali pa malonda tsopano powatchula Kim Baker pa Mohegan Sun (1.860.862.7377) kapena Sherman Kaini pa Manchester Journal wofunsayo (1.800.237.3606 X321). Zitseko pa 5:30 p.m. AND, cocktails pa 6 p.m. AND, Pambuyo chakudya.
Intaneti kuti www.ctboxinghof.org pakuti zina zokhudza Connecticut nkhonya Hall Omveka, zake 11tH pachaka Gala Inductee chakudya, chochitika zothandizira mipata, kapena kale CBHOF inductees.
Bob Trieger, Full Court YESETSANI MWAKHAMA, bobtfcp@hotmail.com,978.590.0470, fightpublicist
ZOKHUDZA CBHOF: Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame idakhazikitsidwa ku 2004 kulemekeza ndi kukondwerera ntchito za kwambiri anthu amene masewera a nkhonya. Zake wofika kupatsidwa ulemu Mwambo & Chakudya unachitikira 2005. Connecticut a wolemera nkhonya mbiri sakanatha asangalala Ngati sikudali kwa anakwaniritsa anthu enshrined mu Hall Omveka.
Lomwe si phindu gulu, ndi Connecticut nkhonya Hall Omveka kwambiri anachita kusunga nkhondo mzimu wa Connecticut kunapezeka zosiyanasiyana zothandiza osowa.

Link kuti CBHOF Website

Trey Lippe-Morrison akulowa mphamvu ndi Freddie Roach!

Lippe Suit Promo.jpg
Pakuti Zichitike Kumasulidwa
Tulsa, CHABWINO (August 4, 2015) - Heavyweight knockout mfumu Trey Lippe-Morrison tsopano kuphunzitsa pansi Freddie Roach pa Bakuman Khadi Gym ku Los Angeles.
A seveni nthawi Maseŵera a nkhonya Olemba Association of America (BWAA) Mphunzitsi wa pa Chaka, Roach a pitilizani ndi pakati kwambiri m'mbiri. M'zaka za zana kotala, Roach ophunzitsidwa ambiri greats kuphatikizapo Manny Pacquiao, Oscar De La Hoya, Bernard Hopkins, Mike Tyson, Wladimir Klitschko, James Toney, Michael Moorer, Ruslan Provodnikov Amir Khan ndi Guillermo Rigondeaux pakati ena. Mu 2012, Roach yemwe amatengedwa kupita Maseŵera a nkhonya Hall Omveka.
"Freddie ndi ine chokhudzana bwino nthawi yathu yoyamba gawo,"Anati Lippe-Morrison, amene aphunzitsidwa kale anzathu nthano Jese Reid pamaso logistics mwamtendere inatha ubwenzi wawo. "Kumatanthauza dziko kuti Freddie akufuna kugwira ntchito ndi ine chifukwa ine ndiri kokha 8-0. Ambiri ake olimbana ndi pa Championship ndendende ndi ine sindiri pali. Ine kulipeza lalikulu sparring pa Bakuman Khadi Gym ndi kulandira zonse mayankho ochokera kwa maphunziro ndodo. "
Ndi changwiro 8-0 mbiri, Lippe-Morrison a zazikulu kukhomerera mphamvu anali Roach raving pakati anzake pa Bakuman Khadi. Pa Mulole 30, Morrison anapitiriza njira ya kuwonongedwa, wotseka Thomas Jones wachiwiri stanza. Kukhala kukopedwa m'mafanizo kwa zaka bambo Tommy Morrison, Trey a ntchito yovuta kwambiri kusintha ndi kusonyeza nkhonya dziko luso lake kumupanga iye woyenera chidwi, osati womaliza dzina. A chakudya pa Buffalo Thamanga Casino ku Miami, Chabwino monga mbali ya "Four State chilolezo", Lippe-Morrison ali zimene zimafunika kukhala America otsatira lalikulu heavyweight monga Roach.
"Ine kwenikweni poyang'ana ntchito Trey wa pangodya kwa nthawi yoyamba Patatha miyezi,"Anati Roach. "Iye ali ndi mphamvu zambiri manja ake onse. Ife kugogoda zambiri anthu!"
Lippe-Morrison a kulimbikitsa Tony Holden wa Holden analenga ndi anakondwera kuti nsombazi chiyembekezo ndi maphunziro ndi munthu ambiri amaona zabwino mphunzitsi mu masewera ndi kukhulupirira thambo la malire.
"Ndili wokondwa kuti Freddie pa bolodi,"Anati Holden. Ndinadziwa Trey unali wapadera koma Freddie wogwira naye ntchito, chikutsimikizira kuti. Trey bambo lalikulu womenya amene lalikulu chikhumbo anali ndi mphamvu. Trey zinanso yaiwisi mphamvu kuposa bambo ake anachita ndi ine moonadi zikutanthauza kuti. Iwo adzakhala kuona ntchito yake kukhala pansi Freddie Roach.”
Lippe-Morrison yoyamba machesi pansi pa tutelage wa Roach amabwera August 29 pa Memorial Hall ku Joplin, MO.


Seconds Out Promotions Signs Light Heavyweight Powerhouse Marcus Oliveira to a Promotional Agreement

Tony Grygelko of Minneapolis-based Seconds Out Promotions proudly announces the signing of hard-punching former world-title challenger Marcus Oliveira to a promotional contract.


From Menominee, Wisconsin, and of Menominee Nation, mbadwa, heritage, 36-year-old Oliveira (25-1-1, 20 Ko) is also a former NABF and WBA Fedebol Light Heavyweight Champion.

The promotional agreement is a reunion of sorts, as Grygelko was Oliveira’s promoter for much of his early professional career.


I used to promote Marcus, prior to him signing with Don King, and it’s truly an honor to be able to promote him again and help position him for another world title shot,” said Tony Grygelko. “It seems that with his previous promoter not actively seeking fights, and his loss to Jurgen Brähmer, that Marcus has been written off, but the truth is he is extremely focused and has a burning desire to show all his fans that he has the talent to win a World Championship! He plans to shake off some ring rust off with a couple fights and then he’ll be looking to go after some of the big names in the division, such as Andrezj Fonfara, SERGEY Kovalev, Bernard Hopkins, and a rematch with Brähmer.


Oliveira, who was a heavily decorated amateur boxer before turning pro in 2006, said he feels his career had been stalled by an agreement he signed with another promoter. He says he happy to now be free of that contract and back to working with someone he trusts.


I was looking for someone who could get me to the next level in my career and Tony has already done that for quite a few guys, so it was an easy decision,” said Oliveira. “He’s always straight-up with me and treats me well. I have a great relationship with him. I’m very happy about this new direction.


We’re very excited to be back working with Tony,” said Oliveira’s Manager, Douglas Ward from the Underground Boxing Company. “It’s good to be working with a promoter that has our same set of goals.


Oliveira joins a Seconds Out stable that also includes Carson Jones and recent world-title challenger Caleb Truax.

North Philly’s Own Cheesesteak, Sumo Steaks, is Proud of Philadelphia Boxers, Bryant Jennings and Jesse Hart

FILADEFIYA, Pennsylvania, April 24, 2015North Philly’s Own Cheesesteaks, Sumo Steaks, is proud to announce that their friends, fellow North Philadelphians, and big-hearted local community role models, Bryant Jennings ndipo Jesse Hart, will both soon be making major career defining strides. Bryant Jennings will be fighting for the World Heavyweight Championship and Jesse Hart will be fighting on the undercard of the most anticipated Fight of the Century, Floyd Mayweather motsutsana. Manny Pacquiao in Las Vegas.

Bryant Jennings enjoying a Sumo (Vegetarian Seitan) Yophatikiza ndi Cheese
Izi Loweruka, April 25, Philadelphia’s own undefeated American boxer, Bryant “Ndi By” Jennings, (19-0, 10 Ko) takes on Wladimir “Dr. Zitsulo Hammer” Klitschko (63-3, 54 Ko) from Kiev, Ukraine at the famed Madison Square Garden. Jennings will be joined by the legendary trainer Fred Jenkins and promoter Gary Shaw. “Bryant is very focused with a strong work ethic. We believe he’s going to upset Klitschko and are looking forward to “Ndi By” bringing the World Heavyweight Championship belts back to Philadelphia.said Billy Creagh of Sumo Steaks.

Jesse Hart (anasiya); Sumo Steaks owner Billy Creagh and Eugene “Chimphepo” Hart

Sumo Steaks is equally excited for Jesse Hart (16-0,13 Ko) and D&D Management Team (Doc Nowicki & David Price) who will be fighting Mike Jimenez (17-0,11 Ko) from Chicago IL, on the biggest boxing card in history, Mayweather vs. Pacquiao. They will come together on May 2, ku Las Vegas, NV. at the MGM Grand for the USBA Super Middleweight Title. He will be joined by his cornermen, Fred Jenkins Sr, Danny Davis, Corey AKA Hundew MacDonald and Jesse’s father, Eugene “Chimphepo” Hart, along with his promoter Top Rank’s Bob Arum.

Coincidentally In 1971, North Philadelphia’s Joe Frazier beat Muhammad Ali and won the World Heavyweight Championship at Madison Square Garden in which was calledthe Fight of the Century.It was so big the ring announcer said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are not going to introduce the celebrities at ringside usikuuno, because everybody is here usikuuno.”

Located in North Philadelphia, home to boxing champions, Bernard Hopkins, Danny Garcia and the late Joe Frazier, Sumo Steaks opened in 2013 and was recently voted top Cheesesteak in Philly. They have been fortunate to get to know both Jesse and Bryant and their teams through various charity events and other activities. Sumo Steaks is also a proud sponsor of boxing events in Philadelphia. Kuti mudziwe zambiri, kupita sumosteaks.com.

Bwana John Seip walembapo Italy wapamwamba middleweight chiyembekezo Daniele Marco Scardina

(L-R) – Daniel Mark Scardina ndi John Seip


Miami (April 6, 2015) – Msirikali wakale nkhonya manenjala John Seip ali anasaina kwambiri chokongoletsedwa Italy ankachita masewera womenya nkhonya Daniel Mark Scardina kuti basi kayendetsedwe ka polojekiti mgwirizano.


Seip ndi wodziwika aziwatsogolera Peter “Mwana Chocolate” Quillin kwa World Maseŵera a nkhonya Organization (WBO) dziko middleweight udindo. Mbadwa Chatsopano Yorker komanso amasamalira kukwera British wapamwamba middleweight Steed “The Stallion” Woodall (7-0-1, 5 Ko).


21 wazaka Scardina hails ku Rozzano, tauni ya zosakwana 40,000 anthu Province wa Milan. Iye anayamba nkhonya mu 2008 pa zaka 16, potsatira amalume ake mapazi a amene anali katswiri wankhonya pa nthawiyo, komanso Daniele a chitsanzo.


Scardina, amene anali 56 ankachita masewera mwauchidakwa, anagwira pamwamba maulemu ambiri ku Italy osiyanasiyana kuphatikizapo Rovereto National, National Silver mogwirizana, ndi awiri National Golden Magolovesi. Iye anapambana mkuwa Mendulo pa M'mayiko chochitika.


Mu 2013, iye boxed kwa Italia Bingu Maseŵera a nkhonya Team mu World Series nkhonya, kuwina wake yekhayo machesi lotsutsa German mdani.


Scardina woyamba kugwidwa Seip chidwi pa dziko wotchuka 5TH St. Gym ku Miami Beach, poyamba Atsegula 1950 ndi Chris Dundee, ndi nyumba zambirimbiri dziko akatswiri amaphunzitsa kumeneko kuphatikizapo Muhammad Ali, Carmen Basilio, Willie Pastrano, Emile Griffith, Archie Moore, Roberto Duran, Sonny Liston ndipo Willie Pep. Wachuma mwambo akupitiriza pa latsopano 5TH St. Kolimbitsira Thupi, ili pafupi pa 1434 Alton Street, kumene pamwamba omenyana padziko lonse monga Bernard Hopkins komabe kuphunzitsa.


“Ndinaona koyamba iye kuphunzitsa pa 5TH St. Gym ndipo akuoneka ngati mmene ankachita masewera,” Seip anafotokoza. “Iye anaponya lonse nkhonya ndipo sankadziwa kuti aponyere zabwino jab. Trainers Guy Laieta ndipo Dino Spencer anayamba kugwira naye ndipo tsopano iye ntchito kuthana, akumenyana chapatali, ndipo asapeze osakaniza jabs ndi ngowe. Iye mokhudza za nkhonya, kumvetsera ndi kuphunzira tsiku lililonse. Daniele ali ndi dzanja liwiro ndi mphamvu. Iye ndi wokongola mwana, Ifenso. Ndinaona chinachake mwa iye, intangibles, ndipo anaganiza kulemba iye.


“Dino ndi mwini amene analenga pamwamba mphako masewero olimbitsa kwambiri sparring mwayi mu chikhalidwe zinapanga ambiri luso omenyana amene kukankha mnzake. Ndi kale zoonekeratu kuti Danielle bwino luso lake maphunziro apo. Iye yaitali, kudya ndi wamphamvu. Wake ntchito umakhala; iye ali woyamba mu masewero olimbitsa, otsiriza kusiya. Inu siyingawapweteke ichi mwana, kaya. Ife tonse tikukhulupirira kuti ali ndi tsogolo labwino kwambiri.”


Scardina udzaphwanya heavy-thumba pa 5 St. Gym ku Miami Beach

Mosiyana omenyana ku Russia ndi Soviet-bloc amitundu, komanso ku Latin America amene anabwera ku United States kukhazikitsa awo ogwira ntchito nkhonya, Chitaliyana anabadwa omenyana kawirikawiri anatsatira zomwezo njira monga Scardina, amene anasamukira ku Miami chaka chatha ndipo amagona pansi m'bale wake m'nyumba.


The Bakuman Chitaliyana anabadwa dziko ngwazi amene anamenyana mwaukadaulo ku America ndi Vito Antuofermo (50-7-2, 21 Ko), amene anali WBC / WBA middleweight ngwazi mu 1979-1980. Antuofermo, Komabe, anagwidwa ndi banja lake ku Brooklyn Puglia, Italy pamene iye anali 17 Ndipo anaona kuti nkhonya ku America.


“Ine nthawizonse ndinkafuna kukhala ngwazi ku America,” Scardina anati. “Ndicho American loto ine. Ine ndikuganiza ine ndi mwayi wawukulu mu dziko lino kukhala wamkulu womenya nkhonya Ine angakhale ndi ufulu thandizo. John Seip ndi ufulu bwana ine chifukwa amakhulupirira tingathe dziko Championship pamodzi ngati gulu.”


Scardina ankakonda boxers ndi Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali, Guillermo Rigondeaux ndipo Miguel Cotto. “Ine ndikugwira ntchito pa ungwiro monga kunja womenya ndi waukulu mikono yanga kwambiri,” Scardina anawonjezera. Ine kumenyana kukhala dziko ngwazi.”


Scardina chikuyembekezeka wake ovomereza kuwonekera koyamba kugulu izi May kapena June.


Tsatirani pa Instagram Scardinadanieletoretto.




Photo Mawu a: Frederick Hawthorne/LA Watts Times

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Photo Mawu a: Golden Boy Zokwezedwa

Las Vegas (Jan. 17) – Golden Boy Zokwezedwa alongside Eye of the Tiger Managementheld an intimate roundtable at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, to discuss the recent signing of David Lemieux (33-2, 31 Ko) to Golden Boy Promotions. The impressive middleweight contender Lemieux, Woyambitsa ndi mutsogoleli wa Golden Boy Zokwezedwa Oscar De La Hoya, Tsogolo Hall ya Famer ndi Golden Boy Zokwezedwa Mnzanga Bernard Hopkins, President of Eye of the Tiger Management Camille Estephan, and Senior Vice President of Golden Boy Promotions Eric Gomez were all in attendance.


The hard-hitting Montreal native’s next bout was confirmed to be broadcasted on HBO and Lemieux expressed his interest in fighting the best in the middleweight division. Below is what the Montreal native, his promoters and his management had to say:


DAVID LEMIEUX, Middleweight Contender


I have put in the work. What you saw in Brooklyn was only 50 percent of what I can do and I feel like I can be a lot better. I want to show that in my next fight.


I fear no man, I want to go after the top of the food chain. Oscar and Bernard came up fighting the best and I am of the same mind.


Canelo is a younger, hungrier fighter. He is explosive. He is a tough fighter and it would be a good match up.


Everyone is on the list. Ine ndikufuna kuti nkhondo yabwino.


The reason I started so young was because I was a trouble maker. I was fighting in the streets. My neighbor was a boxer and he told me to come fight real fighters. I got my ass kicked a few times but I fell in love with it.


We want to make a good run at 160 and then think about moving up in weight.


I have always liked power punchers and I respect othersstyles and other champions, but I never mimic them.


Oscar DE LA HOYA, Woyambitsa ndi mutsogoleli wa Golden Boy Zokwezedwa


We are exploring every option. We can go to Montreal, we can go back to New York City, we can come to Las Vegas; that’s the beauty of David. He can fight anywhere and people will come out to watch him.


He’s still growing. We haven’t seen his full potential which is very exciting. He has explosiveness and power.


We will be working hand and hand with Eye of the Tiger Management. We are partners and we want the best fights, the best deals. We will be working together in the best interest for David.


A future fight with Canelo is possible. Canelo wants to fight the best. Lemieux wants to fight the best. For now we want to focus on 160-pounds weight class and on Cotto, Andy lee and Golovkin.


Bernard Hopkins, Tsogolo Hall ya Famer ndi Golden Boy Zokwezedwa Mnzanga


We got this guy [Lemieux], he is tough. I know Gabriel Rosado and he handled him easily. I know what I am looking at. I have an eye for talent and he has it.


We are going to continue and show you that we will put on the best fights and give the fans quality. I’m in it to make the best fights. The ratings speak for themselves. The fans speak for themselves. Judge us by the quality of the matches you see and don’t get caught up in the ‘feelingsof it.


I want to put a call out to everyone, that is how Oscar was brought up, that is how I was brought up, fighting the best.


Three things about David: mmodzi, he signed with Golden Boy Promotions; awiri, he has talent in many ways, not only is he a fan favorite he is a good defensive fighter; three, he has good looks.


I am seeing now the molding of another legacy, his legacy. But at the end of the day he has an opportunity in the middle weight division, I am glad to be here with a middleweight who I feel already has a lot of respect.


CAMILLE ESTEPHAN, President of Eye of the Tiger Management


Canelo is on the list. Cotto is on the list. Golovkin is on the list. Andy Lee is on the list. Everyone is on the list.


I definitely think he is the most popular boxer, the numbers prove it. He has a lot of potential and the sky is the limit.


I got a call yesterday from someone in the boxing world about how exciting it is to be working with Golden Boy and he said ‘David is like a sunshine that beams on the world of boxingand it is very heartwarming. It’s heartwarming to sit down with Oscar, Bernard and Eric, whom I have gotten to know very well since the Rosado fight. This is great group of people and I think that we can build something together that will make a huge impact in the boxing world.


David is the one guy, that as soon as I saw him the first time in the gym, the first sit-up he did and the last sit-up he did were exactly the same, he doesn’t cheat. He has the ultimate confidence because he doesn’t cheat himself and I have the ultimate respect for him. I am very proud of him as a person.


Eric GOMEZ, Senior wotsatila mutsogoleli wa Golden Boy Zokwezedwa


After the Rosado fight, Lemieux was impressive and we began talks with Camille. People love David and it made sense. David has an exciting style.


We are looking at HBO, the ratings against Rosado were some of the best all year. They are very excited about David.

# # #


Kuti mudziwe zambiri ulendo www.goldenboypromotions.ndi ndipo www.eottm.com on Twitter @GoldenBoyBoxing, OscarDeLaHoya, EOTMVD, lemieuxboxing, kukhala zimakupiza on Facebook pa www.Facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing ndipo www.facebook.com/EyeoftheTigerManagement or follow on Instagram @GoldenBoyBoxing, @OscarDeLaHoya and@DavidLemieuxBoxing.


Photo Mawu a: Greg Gorman

FILADEFIYA (Jan. 15, 2015) – Nkhonya nthano Bernard Hopkins amadziwika ndi maina ambiri – “The Wakupha,” “Mlendo” ndipo “B-kadumphidwe” ndi zina zotero. Kuyambira lero, iye adzakhala inanso moniker – “50-chaka chimodzi.”


Zimenezi wosaiwalika mu moyo wa m'tsogolo Hall ya Famer. Iye akukondwerera kubadwa kwa kwambiri othamanga akubwera nthawi yaitali awo pantchito. N'zochititsa chidwi kuti iye si kupitirizabe, koma miyezi kuchotsedwa kumenyana penipeni pa chimake ake masewera.


Hopkins ndi surefire woyamba chisanko Kuwonjezera pa mayiko Maseŵera a nkhonya Hall Omveka (IBHOF) pamene iye akukhala woyenera. Ake khumi-pamapeto pake monga dziko ngwazi, pamodzi ndi kugwirizanitsa onse a malamba mu kugawanikana, zimamuthandiza amati kukhala wamkulu middleweight yonse. Mfundo yakuti iye pamodzi m'ma ntchito kuti anamuona pogwirizanitsa kuwala heavyweight maudindo ambiri akaganizira kungomukhulupirira kuti Hopkins’ amanena kuti “osati wa dziko lino.”


“Ine ndinabwera kuchokera wokalamba sukulu ya nkhonya kumene nkhondo yabwino kunja uko ndipo khalani,” Anati Hopkins. “Ndikufuna kukhala chitsanzo kwa achinyamata omenyana akubwera kuti kukhala ndi moyo wabwino pa masewera, inu muyenera kuti mudziteteze nthawi zonse. Zikutanthauza ndi kuchoka mu bwalo. Ndakwanitsa kuchita kuti ine ndine akumenyabe nkhondo komanso mwambo wanga 50th kubadwa. Ichi ndi pangano langa bwino.”


Mu ntchito yake Hopkins konse amatidwa kuchokera akukumana yabwino. Pomenyana ndi-nkhondo limati ngati amene ndi amene Hall ya Famers, dziko akatswiri ndipo pamwamba kuthawa boxers. Hopkins anakumana onse atatu omenyana amatengedwa kupita ku IBHOF 2014, ndi kumenyedwa Oscar De La Hoya ndi Felix Trinidad ndi kugwetsa chosankha Joe Calzaghe. Iye akufuna angapo mbiri wake amathamanga pa middleweight, kuphatikizapo yaitali ulamuliro wa dziko ngwazi (10 Zaka, miyezi iwiri ndi 17 masiku) ndipo kwambiri zotsatizana udindo kudziteteza (20).


Pa kuwala heavyweight ndi ake makumi anai iye anapitiriza mbiri. Mu Meyi 2011, Hopkins anagonjetsa Jean Pascal kwa WBC Kuwala Heavyweight World Championship, kudutsa George wolimbikira monga wamkulu womenya nkhonya konse kupambana dziko udindo (46 Zaka, miyezi inayi ndi masiku asanu ndi limodzi).


Iye anaswa mbiri yake patatha zaka ziwiri pamene anagonjetsa Tavoris Mtambo kwa IBF Kuwala Heavyweight World Championship (48 Zaka, mwezi ndi 22 masiku). Mu 2014 iye anapereka zolemba monga iye anakhala wamkulu womenya kugwirizanitsa dziko maudindo pamene anagonjetsa Beibut Shumenov kuwonjezera pa WBA Kuwala Heavyweight World Championship ake IBF korona.


“Palibe angatsutse ndi cholowa kuti ine analengedwa mu masewera. Ine ndine kwenikweni amanyadira zimene ndinachita, amene ine anamenyana, momwe ine okhwima m'njira. Ine ndikumverera bwino za chinachake aliyense akhoza kuchotsa kapena kukana malo anga mu masewera’ m'mbiri,” Anati Hopkins.


Hopkins’ Kodi chiyembekezo kusiya cholowa kupitirira masewera a nkhonya, makamaka ngati mzati wa thanzi ndi olimba chifukwa cha African-American anthu ndi a zaka zoposa 40 khamu. Onse Hopkins’ makolo adamuka patsogolo zaka 50, chifukwa mavuto a shuga ndi matenda a mtima. Izi zachititsa ndi champ ake Crusade For oyera amoyo kuti iye chikwaniritso mu organic zakudya kuti ophika yekha.


“Ife moyo kamodzi ndi matupi athu athu akachisi. Sindilola kudya chinachake chimene sichiri bwino wanga dongosolo,” Anati Hopkins. “Ine chizitipatsa ndekha ndi mphamvu wobala zakudya. Popanda tsiku chizolowezi thupi langa akanakupatsani pa ine kalekale.”


Hopkins nayenso yaitali anamenyera ufulu wa anzake boxers. Famously umboni pamaso Congress mu mchirikizo wa Muhammad Ali chochitika. Mu 2014, Hopkins anaonekera pa United States Capitol nyumba kuthandizana kulera ndi maulosi a Lou Ruvo Center kwa Ubongo Health a Kafukufuku wa akatswiri boxers ndi mmene awo masewera ali pa ubongo wawo.


M'zaka khumi zapitazo, Hopkins wakhala achititsa kuti masewera ngati zolimbikitsa. Popeza ake 2005 middleweight udindo yogwirizanitsa bout ndi Oscar De La Hoya, Hopkins ndi “The Golden Boy” kuti anapanga mgwirizano ndi Hopkins kukhala ndi kuchuluka Golden Boy Zokwezedwa ndi kuthandiza kulimbikitsa awo ndewu ponseponse mu dzikolo.


Pa January 20, Golden Boy umalemekeza Hopkins’ 50th birthday with a special edition of Golden Boy Live! pa Fox Sports 1 ndipo Fox Deportes moyo kuchokera 2300 Chi mu Hopkins’ kwawo ku Philadelphia. Philly a Eric “The anagwirizana zothetsa” Hunter chifuniro litsogolera usiku ndewu. Iye chidzathandiza Mnazareti “Mapasa” Alvarado mu 10 chonse featherweight bout.


“Ndimakhulupirira pakuika izi masewera ndipo zikutanthauza pakupita kwa mbale maseŵero ndipo ngati zolimbikitsa,” Anati Hopkins. “Ndili ndi mwayi ndi udindo omenyana ndi mafani kuti apange masewera yabwino zingakhale.”


Kaya mumakonda chifukwa cha ntchito mkati apeza, kapena njira akukhala moyo wake kunja, palibe amatsutsa zoti Hopkins ndi limodzi la-a-mtundu. Pamene m'kupita umatuluka masewera zidzakhala bittersweet, monga iye alewa:


“Sangalalani izi pamene mungathe. Musadandaule pamene kapena momwe ine ndikusiya kapena kuphwanya. Inu anyamata ndi anthu onse, Ndimakumvetsetsa, koma inu simukumvetsa ine.”


Ndikukhumba Bernard ndi 'Odala masiku a kubadwa’ pa TwitterTheRealBHop ndi ntchito chizindikiro # BHOP50.

COMCAST SPORTSNET MBIKOMERWA lodziwika bwino womenya nkhonya Bernard Hopkins’ MOYO

“Hopkins 50” Debuts Mawa, January 14 pa 6:30 madzulo

FILADEFIYA (January 13, 2014) – Mawa, January 14, Comcast SportsNet amakondwerera moyo wa lodziwika bwino womenya nkhonya Bernard Hopkins madzulo ake 50th kubadwa. “Hopkins at 50,” ndinkakhala nalo ndi Neil Hartman, ndi mphindi 30. pansi atamufunsa akayang'ana pa zaka zake zoyambirira, komanso zinthu patsogolo kwa womenya nkhonya monga iye wakudza kwa hafu ya atumwi chilemba.

Mu kuyankhulana, Hopkins ndi chimawala ngati iye amalankhula za zaka zake zoyambirira kuti ankaimba yovuta udindo wake chitukuko mu pamphuno ndi za ulendo wake bwino, kuphatikizapo kumbuyo World Middleweight Championship 20 zina pa 12 zokha. Pulogalamu mulinso kawirikawiri anawona kanema wa Hopkins nkhonya pa Graterford m'ndende.

Bernard amayenda pansi pamtima kanjira monga akubwerera ku Germantown kumene anakulira ndi relives ake ena ambiri wosaiwalika osindikizira misonkhano. Amaonetsa anthu Komanso tione ake zosaneneka maphunziro chizolowezi woyang'anitsitsa iye pamwamba mawonekedwe kuti nkhonya msinkhu wake.

“2015 ndi chaka chirichonse kuti gulu, gulu, wosewera mpira kuti ndikukhumba inu mukanakhoza kuwona limodzi nthawi, Kaya nyengo, I’m that person you want to see in 2015,” Anati Hopkins, amene ikufuna mwatsatane mu mphete pa banja maulendo chaka chino.

“Hopkins 50” debuts mawa, January 14 pa 6:30 p.m. pa Comcast SportsNet ndi replays otsatirawa madeti ndi zina:

Comcast SportsNet:
Thursday, January 15 pa 12:30 a.m. ndipo 4:30 p.m.
Sunday, January 18 pa 7:30 p.m.
Monday, January 19 pa 1:30 p.m. ndipo 6:30 p.m.
Lachitatu, January 21 pa 4:30 p.m. ndipo 11 p.m.
Friday, January 23 pa 3:30 p.m.
Lachiwiri, January 27 pa 11:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 29 pa 11 a.m.

The Comcast Network:
Thursday, January 15 pa 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 22 pa 7:30 p.m.

“Hopkins 50” Komanso ofalitsa pa Comcast SportsNet m'ma Atlantic pa:
Loweruka, January 17 pa 7 p.m.

Ndipo pa Comcast Network m'ma Atlantic pa:
Friday, January 16 pa 7 p.m.
Lachitatu, January 21 pa 10:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 27 pa 10:30 p.m.

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