Yorliq Archives: To'g'risida Knuckle boks

On Target: Team Gunn goes 2-0 in Indiana!


Hackensack, NJ (May 3, 2016) – Undefeated middleweight Bobby Gunn Jr. and debuting cruiserweight Henry Stewart, both of Hackensack, NJ, scored victories last Saturday at the Tyndall Armory in Indianapolis, IN.

Coming off more than a year layoff, Gunn Jr. met hardcore veteran Guy Packer. Gunn Jr., who was regularly in the gym during the layoff, was the sharper fighter. Packer, a 20 year pro that fought the likes of Cornelius Bundrage, Michael Oliveira, Dominique Dalton, J'Leon Love, Vernon Paris & Joe Greene among others, looked to use his experience against his 19-year-old foe. Gunn Jr. boxed well however, the bout was halted on multiple occasions due to issues with the ring and canvas. In the fourth and final round with Gunn Jr. hoping to close the show, there was yet another issue with the ring and the bout was sent to the scorecards early.

Skorlar edi 39-37 twice and a head-scratching 38-38.

Gunn Jr is now 6-0 bilan 4 nokaut bilan g'alaba.

Stewart, a cousin of the Gunn Family, made his professional debut one to remember by destroying Darrel Sohm in 25 soniya. A hard hook followed by a straight right put Sohm down and showed the boxing world that the 21-year-old Stewart enters the paid ranks with heavy hands.

“I’m very proud of my guys,” said Bobby Gunn Sr., a former IBA cruiserweight champion and Bare Knuckle Boxing Hall of Famer who manages and trains both fighters. “Little Bobby was working hard in the gym during the layoff and was fine tuning a number of things. He also grew into his body and is now a solid middleweight. Henry on the other hand is a good sleeper prospect. He’s has excellent power in both hands and will continue to improve in all aspects.”

The next bouts for Gunn Jr. and Stewart will be announced shortly.

Gleason ning sport zalida Kutilayotgan voqealar

Yanvar 31, 2015

To'g'risida Knuckle chempionati

Gleason ning Bobby Gunn va tank Abbott o'rtasida.

Casper jonli tomosha, Da Wyoming 8:00 pm PPV bo'yicha.



Fevral 12-13-14, 2015

Ettinchi yillik Masters Faqat klinikasi va Show


Uni o'tadi Gleason ning Gym ettinchi yillik Masters klinikasi va boks shousi bo'ldi.

Payshanba Fevral 12

Morning Nyu-York ichiga kelish bo'ladi.

Yo'llanma bo'ladi 12:00 uchun peshin 1:00 pm.

birinchi mashqlar bo'ladi 1:00 uchun pm 3:00 pm.

Masters boks bo'yicha muhokama bo'ladi 3:00 uchun pm 4:00 pm.

Shundan keyin Free time.


Juma Fevral 13

Ushbudan boshlab: Training 10:00 ekanim 12:00 peshin.

ishlatish bo'ladi tushdan keyin sessiya 2:00 uchun pm 4:00 pm.

Havaskorlik boksi va Oq Yoqa boks bo'yicha A muhokama bo'ladi 4:00 uchun pm 5:00 pm.

Shundan keyin Free time.


Shanba Fevral 14

Engil ta'lim 10:00 ekanim 12:00 peshin.

Kunlari bo'lib o'tadigan oqshom show uchun Match UPS 12:00 uchun peshin 1:00 pm.

Kechki show dan raqobat yo'q kishilar uchun ixtiyoriy bir mashqlar 2:00 uchun pm 4:00 pm.

bo'ladi namoyishi uchun og'irlikka 4:00 uchun pm 5:30 pm.

Boks Show da boshlanadi ruxsat Master 6:00 pm va nihoyasiga etadi9:00 pm.


klinika xarajatlari $349.00.


Agar manfaatdor bo'lsa-da Bryus Silverglade murojaat qiling (718) 797-2872 yoki email bruce@gleasonsgym.net.


Fevral 14, 2015

Magistratura Faqat boks Show


Siz clinic.Just qatnash holda bu magistratura faqat namoyish raqobat mumkin, bizning sovchisi bo'lmish Jieun elektron pochta matchmaker@gleasonsgym.net. Biz hozir elektron pochta orqali barcha kooperatsiya birjasi nima.


da boshlanadi, bu shou uchun og'irlikka 4:00AM va birinchi navbat-da boshlanadi 6:00AM.


Bizning barcha xuruji USABoxingMetro tomonidan ruxsat etiladi. Barcha bokschilar ishtirok etish uchun ular bilan ularning boks kitob bo'lishi kerak.


chipta narxi $25 kishi boshiga. Bolalar 6 va ostida zaryadlangan emas. Kitoblarida qo'l to'lov bilan barcha sport a'zolari va ro'yxatdan Havaskorlar $15 kishi boshiga.



P.S. Agar uni lekin hali kurashlar ko'rishni istasangiz olmasangiz, ular topiladigan turaman

Gleason ning Gym veb-sayti: www.gleasonsgym.net