标记档案: 横幅促销

鲁本别墅于 4 月 15 日在加利福尼亚州安大略省重返汤普森拳击赛事的头条新闻

鲁本维拉于 4 月 15 日重返汤普森拳击赛事的头条新闻
ONTARIO, 例如 (三月 16, 2022) - 在他第一次获得世界冠军的机会后回归, 汤普森拳击 轻量级竞争者 鲁本“德拉克”别墅 (18-1, 5 科斯), 与谁共同晋升 横幅促销, 会让他 2022 上周五,他在 Thompson Boxing 的“荣耀之路”活动中首次亮相, 四月 15, 2022. 维拉将迎战久经沙场的老将, 奥拉西奥·加西亚 (35-5-1, 25 科斯), 瓜达拉哈拉, 墨西哥参加 10 轮主赛事.

本次活动将在安大略省的Doubletree酒店举行, 例如. 门开处 6:30 下午 PT 与第一场战斗开始于 8:00 下午PT. 门票售价 $50, $75, 和 $100, 可致电购买 714-935-0900.

作为挑战世界冠军的几位有才华的汤普森拳击手之一, 维拉让他期待已久的重返赛场. 维拉的最后一场比赛是险胜 伊曼纽尔·纳瓦雷特 (35-1, 29 科斯) 十月的 2020. 经过一年半的休息, 维拉精力充沛,专注于成为世界冠军的目标.

“我又一次爱上了拳击这项运动, 我出去的那一年左右, 我专注于我需要改进的所有事情,” 维拉在萨利纳斯新改建的健身房舒适地说道, 加利福尼亚州. “我一直说我想为萨利纳斯带来一场世界冠军争夺战, 这仍然是目标. 所以, 这只是一个新开始的开始, 和更好的自己. 救赎之路始于四月 15 在加西亚对抗一个有价值的对手。”

在6轮的共同特征, 理查德“酷风”布鲁尔特小. (10-0, 4 科斯), 库卡蒙加牧场, 加利福尼亚州。, 将面临 沃尔特“2枪”赖特 (17-8, 8 科斯) 西雅图的, 华盛顿, 在一个回合中量级.

“我准备开始 2022 走上正轨,我期待与汤普森拳击一起度过美好的一年,”布鲁尔特说. “今年我要在我的部门大吵大闹. 目标是尽可能多地战斗,并在年底前争取十轮比赛. 我知道在有意义的战斗中战斗让我有机会获得腰带, 我想尽可能多地收集这些. 我没有走轻松的路, 我将在四月继续展示我的才华。”

此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播 (www.thompsonboxing.com), 以及他们的 Facebook的YouTube的 页. 此外, 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播, 称重, 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播, 通过他们的新移动应用程序可下载 苹果谷歌.

此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播:

轻量级 彼得·瓦伦西亚 (8-0, 7 科斯) 洛杉矶的, 加利福尼亚州. 将面对一个将在未来某个日期被命名的对手. (6-发)

次中量级 埃斯特班“石手”穆尼奥斯 (5-1, 3 科斯), 圣贝纳迪诺, 加利福尼亚州。, 将面临 杰西·纳雷斯 (2-1, 1 KO) 奥克斯纳德, 加利福尼亚州. (6-发)

中量级 “指关节” 纳尔逊奥利瓦 (1-0, 1 KO) 滨江, 加利福尼亚州, 将面临 安东尼奥·杜阿尔特 (2-2) 蒂华纳, 墨西哥. (4-发)

开卡是雏量级 亚历杭德罗“查科”巴拉哈斯 (对于首次亮相) 洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚州。, 面对 尤利西斯“精灵”罗萨莱斯 (0-5), 亨廷顿公园, 加利福尼亚州. (4-发)

此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播, 在美丽的地方改变空间; 欧米茄产品国际, 美国领先的灰泥制造商; 亨利 / 强化, 水分系统控制就像 1,2,3, 和牧田, 统治户外.

欲了解更多信息, 定期更新我们的战士, 事件, 和促销, 请访问 ThompsonBoxing.com. 您也可以关注社交媒体上的对话, 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播.

在 ThompsonBoxingTV 观看我们在 YouTube 上的直播. 有关更新,请在 Instagram 上关注我们, @ThompsonBoxing 的 Twitter 和 Facebook.
罗西·科赫/SHOWTIME 摄

迈克尔·达科弗 vs. 曼努埃尔·门德斯头条新闻 3.2.1. 11 月 1 日拳击卡

橙, 例如 (十月 1, 2020) - 汤普森拳击促销 很高兴推出其成功的拳击系列的最新一期 3.2.1 拳击 包括三场激动人心且引人入胜的比赛, 周日直播, 11 月 1 日, 2020. 免费直播将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上播出 (www.thompsonboxing.com), 以及他们的 Facebook的YouTube的 页.

3.2.1. 拳击比赛将在 欧米茄产品国际活动
中心 科罗纳, 例如, 并将开始于 4:00 P.M. PT / 7:00 P.M. AND.

在8轮的主要事件, 超轻量级 迈克尔“西德克萨斯勇士”达奇多弗 (14-1, 10 科斯), 米德兰, TX, 与谁共同晋升 横幅促销 和汤普森拳击, 将第二次出现在头条新闻 3.2.1 他面对的拳击 曼努埃尔 “风暴”门德斯 (16-7-3, 11 科斯), 谁在科尔顿之外战斗, 例如. 达科弗将在上一场胜利的基础上继续发扬光大 小豪尔赫·马龙. (18-2, 6 科斯).

达奇奥弗, 由谁指导和管理 丹尼·萨莫拉, 击倒率高,以全力攻击着称. 他唯一的一场失利是在他的家乡米德兰对阵托马斯·马蒂斯的比赛中一场有争议的停赛。, TX, 在 ShoBox 主赛事上 2019. 在他的最后一个回合, 达杜佛击败小豪尔赫·马龙,反弹. 通过第一个广泛一致的决定 3.2.1 年度拳击卡.

在6轮的共同特征, 超次中量级 理查德“酷风”布鲁尔特小. (7-0, 3 KO), 库卡蒙加牧场, 例如, 将面临职业生涯最严峻的考验 路易斯·埃尔南德斯 (8-0-1, 6 科斯), of Jackson, MS. 这两位不败的前景将他们完美的记录置于危险之中,这本应是一场无拘无束的比赛.

首场比赛将是一场四回合的超最轻量级比赛 亚历克西斯·阿尔瓦拉多 (1-0, 1 KO), 拉蓬特, 例如, 将面临 拉扎罗·巴尔加斯 (对于首次亮相) 印第安人的, 例如, 在一场注定会爆发的战斗中.

“我们很高兴能为拳击迷制作一张精美的卡片,”发起人说 肯·汤普森. “今年我们举办了一些很棒的拳击比赛, 但由于每位拳手在擂台上的表现,这张牌可能会更加闪耀。”

“很高兴能带着这期节目回归 3.2.1 拳击,“说 亚历克斯Camponovo, 汤普森拳击的总经理和创始人 3.2.1 拳击. “我们正在不懈努力,让在家或任何地方观看的球迷度过一个愉快的拳击之夜. 我们期待烟花和另一个难忘的战斗之夜。”

贝托杜兰 将作为逐一评论员与专家评论 道格·菲舍尔, 而 杰西卡·罗萨莱斯 将担任现场马戏团记者.

3.2.1 拳击 由汤普森建材赞助, 在美丽的地方改变空间; 欧米茄产品国际, 美国领先的灰泥制造商; 亨利 / 强化, 水分系统控制就像 1,2,3; 和牧田, 统治户外.

欲了解更多信息, 定期更新我们的战士, 事件, 和促销, 请访问 ThompsonBoxing.com. 您也可以关注社交媒体上的对话, 请使用 #321Boxing 和 #ThompsonBoxing.

请检查我们的 Facebook的 页面, 看我们的 YouTube的 汤普森拳击电视频道, 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 @ThompsonBoxing.

鲁本·维拉(Ruben Villa)周五将接任伊曼纽尔·纳瓦雷特(Emanuel Navarrete)的WBO世界羽量级冠军, 10月9日

艾米丽·哈尼(Emily Harney)摄 / 横幅促销

费城, PA / / 橙, 例如. (七. 21, 2020) – 上周五晚上, 10月9日, 不败的WBO排名第二的轻量级竞争者 鲁本别墅 (18-0, 5 科斯) 当他接任前WBO超级最轻量级世界冠军时,就获得了当之无愧的世界冠军头衔, 和WBO排名第一的竞争者, 伊曼纽尔·纳瓦雷特 (32-1, 28 科斯), 在为WBO世界羽量级冠军争夺战中.

Navarrete在过去八年中不败, 跨度 27 打架.

战斗将在 “泡泡” 在米高梅大会议中心内, 并将在ESPN和ESPN逐出现场直播.

“我从小就一直在努力工作, 我迫不及待地想争取冠军头衔,” 说别墅, 谁是促进 横幅促销 汤普森拳击. “纳瓦雷特(Navarrete)是真正的侵略性墨西哥战斗机. 他要赢了. 他曾经是冠军, 我是弱者, 但我有击败他的风格. 我们保持营地不变. 我们就像对待其他战斗一样对待它, 只是这场战斗是为了争夺世界冠军. 我所有的辛苦工作正在得到回报. 我很荣幸能代表支持我的每一个人,以及我成为世界冠军的旅程, 我计划将世界冠军的名字带回我的家乡萨利纳斯, 加利福尼亚。”

“这是我们从鲁本签下鲁本时所期望的, 为世界冠军而战,” 说 阿蒂Pelullo, 横幅促销总裁. “机会到了, 我们希望鲁本在10月9日取得出色的成绩,并赢得WBO羽量级世界冠军. 如果我不感谢,我会被解雇 斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨戈登·霍尔 欣欣(Showtime)对鲁本职业发展的所有帮助, 在ShoBox上展示他,这有助于他为这场战斗做好准备。”

“鲁本·维拉(Ruben Villa)是一位了不起的战士,并有能力实现成为世界冠军的梦想. Banner Promotions和我们在Thompson Boxing的辛勤工作必将获得回报,” 说 肯·汤普森, 汤普森拳击公司首席执行官. “纳瓦雷特是一位了不起的冠军,这对我们的战斗机将是巨大的挑战, 但我相信鲁本会挺身而出,让我们所有人感到自豪。”

Banner Promotions Signs Undefeated Heavyweight Isaac Munoz Gutierrez to a Co-Promotional Deal with United Promotions

费城, 霸. – 二月 11, 2020 – Banner Promotions has signed undefeated heavyweight Isaac Munoz Gutierrez to a co-promotional deal with United Promotions.

古铁雷斯, 27 years-old of Torreon Coahuila de Zaragoza, 墨西哥的纪录 12-0-1 同 10 击倒.

We are happy to bring Isaac to Banner Promotions. He is a very good prospect that was brought to my attention by Don MacDonald of United Promotions. I have seen him and he has good power. I feel that he will make waves in the heavyweight division,” said Banner Promotions President Artie Pelullo.

I feel very happy to sign with Banner Promotions. Being with a big company will be great for my career. With Banner and United Promotions, I feel my career can go to big heights, and I am grateful for that,” Said Gutierrez.

I have known Artie Pelullo for 25 岁月, and I know what he can do. I feel Artie and Banner Promotions is the promoter that will make the inroads for Isaac in the heavyweight division,” said Don MacDonald of United Promotions.

Gutierrez was 220-20 作为一个业余, and was a multi-time Mexican National champion, and was part of the Mexican National boxing team for two years. Gutierrez competed in the World Series of Boxing.

Gutierrez turned professional on September 9, 2011 with a 1st round stoppage over Misael Jossy Chavez. Gutierrez has established himself as a power puncher, and is coming off a 1st round stoppage over Jesus Alberto Martinez Torres on September 7th.

We are extremely happy to sign with Banner Promotions. This is exactly what we wanted, and need for Isaac’s career. I have known about Banner Promotions and Artie Pelullo for a long time, and I know he can get Isaac to the top level,” said Gutierrez manager, Manuel Garrido.

关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请像 横幅促销的Facebook页面, 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing.

迈克尔Dutchover (12-0, 9 科斯) Stops Ruben Tamayo in the Third Round on Friday Night

费城, 佩恩. / 橙, 加利福尼亚州. (十一月. 18, 2018) – 初中轻量级 迈克尔Dutchover (12-0, 9 科斯) closed out Thompson Boxing’s season finale in emphatic fashion by knocking out the well-tested veteran 鲁本·塔马约 (27-12-4, 18 科斯) in the third round Friday night from the Doubletree Hotel 安大略, 加利福尼亚州.




达奇奥弗, who had turned 21 the day prior, celebrated his birthday weekend with his fifth win of the year and fourth straight knockout victory.




The West Texas-based Dutchover used his patience in the first round to learn the appropriate angles against Tamayo, who had previously been in the ring against first class talent such as Jhonatan Romero, 奥斯卡·巴尔德斯, Joseph Diaz and Jesus Cuellar.




在第三, Dutchover unlocked his power with a left hook to the body that stunned and forced Tamayo to take a knee. After Tamayo beat the count, Dutchover attacked and landed a right onto the midsection, which dropped Tamayo once again.




Referee Lou Moret immediately waived off the fight at the 2:15 马克.




I feel like I’m growing into a better fighter with each and every fight,” said Dutchover, who is promoted by industry veterans 横幅促销汤普森拳击. “I took my time in the first round, but then my corner advised me to start letting my hands go and I got the knockout win. I’m looking forward to another great year in 2019.




To watch a replay ofLocked n’ 已加载,” please click here.


关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的 and Twitter BannerBoxing


Photos by Carlos Baeza / 汤普森拳击

Brandon Adams dominates Shane Mosley Jr. to win The Contender championship

费城, PENN。(十一月 9, 2018)-Brandon Adams was dominant in pounding Shane Mosley Jr. over 10-rounds to win a wide unanimous decision and claim The Contender championship at the Forum in Inglewood, 加利福尼亚州.




在第二轮, Adams landed some solid shots with both hands on the inside. Adams continued to land the quick accurate punches through the first half of the fight. Adams in-and-out punching had Mosley thinking more than punching.




在第六轮中, Adams started to pick up the tempo, and landed a series of power punches with both hands. Adams featured several hard rights and ripping uppercuts. In round seven, Adams continued to land flush punches and hurt Mosley with each connect. Mosley was cut over his left eye in the 7th frame. Adams continued his dominance down the stretch and won by scores of 100-90 两次, 99-91.




My camp, everybody helped me. They pushed me. All of the combatants were tough. They pushed me, and they helped me reach new heights.,said Adams in the ring after the fight.




It was a dominant win for Brandon. He put on a terrific performance, and he proved that he is one of the top middleweights in the world. There will be plenty of big fights on the horizon for Brandon,” 说横幅促销总统, 阿蒂Pelullo.




With the win Adams (21-2, 13 科斯) is guaranteed a top-10 ranking by the WBA.




The Contender was seen Live on EPIX ®.




关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing

Banner Promotions signs undefeated Lightweight Mohamed Soumaoro

费城, PENN。(十一月 8, 2018)–Banner Promotions has signed it’s 2nd undefeated lightweight this week as the promotional company has signed Mohamed Soumaoro.




该 25 year-old Soumaoro is out of Montreal, Canada by way of Conakry, Guinea and Havana, 古巴.




He has amassed a professional record of 6-0 三击倒.




Growing up in Havana as a youth he enjoyed walking, playing soccer, going to school and learning. During this time he was introduced to karate and taekwondo. He did not pursue those sports because in 2008, he moved to Blainville, Quebec to live with his sister. It was while watching television that he discovered an interest in boxing.




After a 53-fight amateur career, he turned professional on April 8, 2017 with a 1st round stoppage over Antonio Vergara.




Soumaoro has continued his success as he has made two starts this year. 在他的最后一个回合, he stopped Ramon Urbina in one round on September 15th in Managua, 尼加拉瓜.




He considers himself as a counterpuncher as he is heavily influenced by future Hall of Famer, 马奎兹.




I started boxing at age 15 after watching fights on television. I started fighting a little bit in the streets when I was in Guinea,” said Soumaoro.




“我很高兴与Banner Promotions签约. My manager Otis Grant has said great things about Banner Promotions, and I see big things. 我很开心. This is going to be a good journey. I am ready to make a statement, and realize my American dream.




We are happy to add Mohamed to our roster,” 说横幅促销总统, 阿蒂Pelullo. “His manager Otis Grant has glowing things to say about him, and we feel that we will take him to the next levels of the sport. We look forward to helping him develop into a future champion.





关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing

Banner Promotions signs undefeated Lightweight Golden Garcia

费城, PENN。(十一月 6, 2018)–Banner Promotions is proud to announce the signing of undefeated lightweight, Golden Garcia to a promotional contract.




加西亚, 30 years-old of Montreal, 加拿大, 有创纪录 11-0-1 与六击倒.




Garcia began boxing at the age of 12 when he walked in to a gym to get in shape.




I got into a few scraps in the street, so it was nice to go to a place where fighting was allowed,” 加西亚说.




Garcia had about 60 业余的较量, where he competed at 130 英镑.




Garcia turned professional on June 28, 2014 with a 2nd round stoppage over Michael Gargouri in Quebec, 加拿大. He has fought all of his bouts in Canada, which included a win over Oscar Mejia (10-2-1).




在他的最后一个回合, Garcia stopped Adalberto Borquez on March 24th in Montreal.




Garcia is a pressure fighter that throws a high volume of punches and tries to overwhelm his opponents. Garcia prides himself for his endurance and he believes that the longer the fight goes, 好他.




This is a great opportunity for me to step up. I will get better chances to show off my skills, and being with Banner Promotions can help me get farther in my career then I could imagine,” 加西亚说. “I am looking forward to this partnership, and together we will do big things.




Said Garcia’s manager, 前世界冠军, 奥蒂斯·格兰特, “Golden has a lot of potential. He is a very hard worker. I have confidence in Artie Pelullo and Banner Promotions. I was his 1st world champion. This will open the door to sign more fighters with Banner. I have a lot of good fighters, and I am looking to send more to Artie.




I am happy to be working with my 1st world champion Otis Grant, and his brother Howard. They have a terrific eye for talent, and Golden will be the 1st of many fighters that we will be working together, to bring to world championships,” 说横幅促销总统, 阿蒂Pelullo.






关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing

Banner Promotions签下前奥运选手Naim Terbunja

费城, PENN。(十一月 6, 2018)–Banner Promotions自豪地宣布前奥林匹亚和现任超中量级选手Naim Terbunja的签约.




林雪平的泰布尼亚, 瑞典通过普里什蒂纳(Pristina), 科索沃, 代表瑞典参加 2008 奥运会. 他目前拥有以下方面的专业记录: 10-2-1 一个淘汰赛.




该 34 岁的Terbunja在 14, 因为他是一个年轻的足球运动员,希望变得更强壮. Terbunja接受了拳击, 并爱上这项运动.




那激发了他的业余职业生涯 200-36. Terbunja为瑞典国家队而战, 然后到 2008 奥运会,他在本轮比赛中输给了马特·科罗博夫(Matt Korobov) 36.




Terbunja移居长岛,并在美国度过了业余生涯的一部分,并在2004年获得了National Golden Gloves冠军 2009 在决赛中击败路易斯·阿里亚斯.




Terbunja于4月转为专业人士 27, 2012 对瑞典的弗拉基米尔·斯帕索耶维奇(Vladimir Spasojevic)达成一致决定. Terbunja在瑞典打了六次,在科索沃打了两次.




Terbunja在先前未败的Joel De La Paz的第一回合停工 (7-0) 七月 23, 2016.




Terbunja将于5月11日在拉斯维加斯与有名的Lanell Bellows展开有争议的抽奖.




“我很高兴与Banner Promotions签约,” 说Terbunja. “如果我周围有一个好的团队, 我相信我可以争取世界冠军. 标语促销可以帮助我到需要去的地方。”




“奈姆(Naim)有一个蓝筹家谱. 他是奥运选手, 他失去的回合接近了. 他在超中量级比赛中打得不好. 我相信他有能力争取世界冠军. 他风格尴尬, 下巴好. 现在,他在Banner Promotions中有一个很好的机会,可以发掘自己的潜力,” Terbunja的经理说, 帕特·扎加里诺(Pat Zagarino).




“我们很高兴签下Naim. 他是奥运选手, 而且我们认为他可以成为超中量级球员的一员. 我们期待着在年底之前让他加入比赛, 我们将在2019年让他处于最重要的位置,” said Banner Promotions President Artie Pelullo.




关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing




费城 / LOS ANGELES – 十一月 6, 2018 – 布兰登·亚当斯 won a majority decision over Eric Walker to advance to the final of The Contender on EPIX®.




Adams dropped Walker in round four with a hard right-left combination and came through the hard fought contest by scores of 49-45, 48-46 和 47-47.




亚当斯, 20-2 同 13 击倒, will now advance to the finals, where he will take on Shane Mosley, JR. (13-2, 8 科斯) 在该论坛在Inglewood, California this Friday night live on EPIX at 10 PM ET / 7 PM PT.




We are very proud of Brandon. We are excited to watch Brandon fight for The Contender title on Friday. He is a terrific fighter, 并且赢了, we can expect to see Brandon in big fights,” 马修·罗兰说, 横幅促销副总裁.


The original Contender series ran for four seasons (2005-2009) 并让多名拳手参与世界冠军争夺, 包括冠军得主塞尔吉奥·莫拉, 科尼利厄斯Bundrage, 萨基金牛座, 和萨姆·索利曼.




埃里克·范·瓦格宁 (Eric Van Wagenen) 与马克·伯内特 (Mark Burnett) 一起担任复兴系列的执行制片人和剧集主管. 该格式由米高梅电视台和派拉蒙电视台拥有.




EPIX 可通过有线电视在全国范围内使用, 卫星, 电信和流媒体电视提供商,包括 Charter Spectrum, 和一个朋友。他于二月去世, Verizon的FiOS, AT&牛逼的U - verse, 菜网, 吊带, PlayStation Vue 和, 截至六月 13, 康卡斯特.