Tag Archives: Baltimore

Campión do Mundo de Gary Russell Jr, Antonio Russell & o ex-campión Vincent Pettway para asistir "Road to the Worlds!”


Baltimore, MD (Xullo 14, 2015) - WBC pluma campión Gary "Sr" Russell Jr, invicto perspectiva Antonio Russell e ex-campión medio-medio Vincent Pettway serán todos no comparecencia para Baltimore Boxeo do "Road to the Worlds" Xoves noite na EIGHTH Avenue de Michael en Glen Burnie, MD.

Os billetes individuais a partir de $25, táboas de reserva de 10 para $350 e mesas VIP de 10 para $500 están á venda a través da web en Baltimoreboxing.com ou por teléfono 410-375-9175. As portas abren ás 6:30 ea primeira loita acontece 8.

Máis de oito loitas estilo Olímpicos están programadas para "Road to the Worlds", incluíndo loitadores de varias clases de peso. Competindo Xoves á noite vai ser popular rei nocaute Sam Cruzados, 2009 Ringside campión Mundial Joey Veazey, rápido ascenso Donald Wallace, Ernie Salón, Rick Foxwell e Sean Veazey entre outros.

With the Ringside World Championships scheduled Agosto 5-8 en Missouri, Baltimore Boxeo está doando 100% dos ingresos da "Road to the Worlds" para axudar aos combatentes pagar os gastos do torneo e varios que veñen con frecuentando. Isto inclúe, pero non está limitado a voos, transporte terrestre, aloxamento e alimentación. Para axudar aínda máis os esforzos de recolleita de fondos con, un 50/50 sorteo terá lugar durante a noite.

Un talento elite que moitos consideran ter as mans rápidas no boxeo, Russell Jr. conquistou o título WBC pena tras un mellor desenvolvemento da carreira, onde nocauteou Jhonny González na cuarta rolda. O Washington, DC nativo gañou moitos campionatos nacionais afeccionados antes de se facer profesional e foi un favorito para capturar ouro durante o 2008 Xogos Olímpicos. Desafortunadamente, el esvaeceu tentando facer peso e nunca chegou a competir. En 26-1 con 15 nocautes, Russell Jr. parece ser unha forza para os próximos anos e é unha cara que os fans van afeito ver na TV.

Así como o seu irmán máis vello, Antonio Russell foi para as filas prol raíz dunha impresionante carreira afeccionada. O gañador do 2013 Luvas de Ouro nacionais, Russell gañou medallas de tres dos cinco anos en que competiu nos nacionais, captura de prata en 2010 e 2014. Como profesional, Russell loita na división galo e é 3-0 con 2 vitorias por KO.

O orgullo de combate de Charm City, Pettway deixou de Gianfranco Rossi en 1994 para facer o IBF júnior campión dos medios. Súa próxima partida mentres gañou fama Pettway permanente na comunidade de boxeo. En abril 29, 1995, Pettway tivo unha dinámica nocaute un zócolo de Simon Brown. Cando Brown caeu á pantalla, a forza do zócolo de Pettway discombobulated-lo ata o punto que, literalmente, xogou socos no aire. O KO foi visto millóns de veces en Internet e segue a ser un dos mellores da historia do boxeo.

"Estou realmente ansioso para ter as Russell Irmáns e Vincent no meu show,"Dixo Smith. "Gary loitou no meu show, cando era un afeccionado e eu literalmente tiven arrepios velo loitar. El foi o afeccionado máis talentoso que eu xa vin e seu irmán era un anaco de un loitador moi. O seu pai foi un amigo meu hai anos e é incrible como moitos loitadores talent que veu da familia. Vincent foi un gran partidario do Baltimore Boxeo e da cidade dende que eu podería lembrar. Telo na noite da loita é sempre un pracer e os fans amosar-lle moito amor. Entre os loitadores na man, boxers programados para competir e facer que esta carta é apoiar, Xoves será un gran toda en torno á noite. "

Os Irmáns e Russell Pettway estará dispoñible para se atopar con todo ticketholders.

Baltimore Boxeo pedimos que os que non poden asistir a doar, indo http://www.gofundme.com/x4cyjqc.

Para obter máis información, ir Baltimoreboxing.com

Knockout Fitness to provide full day of entertainment with fight card!


Baltimore, MD (Xuño 1, 2015) – Knockout Fitness and Nissley Promotions will give ticket holders a full day of entertainment with an Olympic style boxing card Sábado, Xuño 6 at the Horseshoe Casino in Baltimore.

Dubbed as “Fighting the Odds,” this is the first fight card at a Baltimore Casino and a limited numbers tickets starting at $20 are still available by going to www.missiontix.com/events/product/30693/fighting-the-odds ou chamando 443-848-6059. All VIP ticketholders can enjoy complementary food and drinks. As portas abren ás 1 pm ea primeira loita acontece 2.


A portion of the proceeds will go to the Show Your Soft Side campaign, which supports animal rights and features many marketing campaigns with Baltimore area professional athletes.


The fight is taking place outside in the plaza and will feature a red carpet style theme. Upon entering on the red carpet, professional photos will be taken with props. O primeiro 100 attendees will also receive a free gift and Knockout Fitness will give away healthy meals and gym memberships throughout the event.


“Giving fans their money’s worth is extremely important to us,” said Chris Nissley of Knockout Fitness. “This is the first ever fight card at a Baltimore casino and instead of just celebrating that as is, I wanted this event to provide even more. Between the photos, giveaways and fights, everybody is going to have a great time.”


Headlining the card is Knockout Fitness’ very own Jason Nissley. A widely respected trainer, Nissley was named Baltimore’s Best Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor by Baltimore’s Best Magazine. He has participated in various charity events and is an ambassador for LuluLemon and Under Armor. Making the jump from trainer to boxer, Nissley hasn’t been matched soft.


Opposing Nissley is unbeaten knockout artist Omar Serrano. Fighting out of the Ocean City Fight Club, Serrano’s won all of his bouts by knockout and will enter the squared circle with a ton of confidence.


Jerome Featherstone of Knockout Fitness seeks revenge against Tavon Body of the Headbangers Gym in the semi-main event of the evening. Featherstone captured the Golden Gloves title a few years back, but Body took the title following the last two tournaments. In April, Body earned a hotly contested split decision over Featherstone in an action packed fight. This heated rivalry features the two top middleweight prospects in the Maryland/DC area. In addition to bragging rights, the winner of this highly-anticipated bout will claim the Maryland State Middleweight title.


“Jerome and Tavon had a great fight that a lot of people are still talking about,” said Nissley. “Jerome feels that he deserved the last fight and wants revenge while Tavon is poised to show that there should be no controversy as to who the better fighter is. This is turning into a great local rivalry for sure.”


Noutros ataques, Steve Layer of Knockout Fitness meets Adam Gabriel and Stephon Morris will compete in his final amateur match.


Following this exciting evening of action, Knockout Fitness and Nissley Promotions will host an after party at the 14Forty, which is located inside the casino.


Para obter máis información, visita Knockoutfitness.com


Baltimore Boxing meets with Baltimore Police Officials!



L-R: Mindi Smith, Ally Smith, Jake Smith, Ganesha Martin (Chief of Staff Baltimore Police Department), Debbie Ramsey (Former Baltimore Police Detective and Founder of Unified Efforts) and Anthony Batts (Baltimore Police Commissioner)

Para Divulgación inmediata

Baltimore, MD (Maio 27, 2015) – Jake Smith, CEO of Baltimore Boxing Promotions, and his family recently met with Baltimore City Police officials.

Ferreiro, a longtime promoter in the Charm City and former professional boxer, was personally impacted by the riots as his gym was temporarily shut down. Having spent his entire life in and around Baltimore, Smith called the riots the worst thing he’s ever seen and feared for the safety of those that had neighboring businesses. Within a few days, order was restored due to an outstanding effort by the Baltimore PD.

During the visit, which included time with Chief of Staff Ganesha Martin and Commissioner Anthony Batts, Smith personally thanked them for their heroic efforts. He also donated tickets for his Maio 29 “Blood, Sweat & Tears” fight card at Michael’s Eighth Avenue to the department and will honor them during the evening.

“The police are unsung heroes in almost every community,"Dixo Smith. “It’s unfortunate that certain isolated incidents have many people feeling like law enforcement is bad. We all must remember the good that they’ve done in keeping us safe. They risk their lives to keep crime, drugs and guns off the streets. It’s also important for people in Baltimore to remember how scary it was living here during the riots. The men and women of the police department literally had to face violent protesters while significantly outnumbered. For all that they did to restore the city I love, the absolute least I can do is donate tickets and honor them on fight night. I believe that we all owe them a big thank you for protecting us.”

Tickets for “Blood, Sweat & Tears” can be purchased by calling 410-375-9175 ou vai Baltimoreboxing.com. Os billetes individuais comezan en $25 e mesas VIP de 10 están dispoñibles para $500. Todo ticketholders VIP poden gozar de balde hors d'oeurves de 7-8 pm, the best seats in the house and a special meet and greet with five time world champion Vinny Paz.

In addition to honoring the policemen and women, Baltimore Boxing is proudly teaming up with Unified Efforts. Since their founding in 2012 by former Baltimore detective Debbie Ramsey, Unified Efforts is a full-service bullying prevention organization that has helped raise awareness throughout theCharm City. To assist with the program,

Baltimore Boxing will donate tickets and proceeds from a 50/50 raffle on fight night.

For more information on Baltimore Boxing Promotions, visite Baltimoreboxing.com

Knockout Fitness Presents “Fighting The Odds” June 6!

Baltimore, MD (Maio 14, 2015) – Knockout Fitness will host the first ever fight card at a Baltimore casino when they bring “Fighting The Odds” to the Horseshoe Casino Sábado, Xuño 6.


Tickets to “Fighting The Odds” are $20 para a admisión xeral, $40 for premium seats and individual VIP tickets are on sale for $75 en http://www.missiontix.com/events/product/30693/fighting-the-odds. All VIP ticketholders will have the best seating plus special access to a tent that includes food and drinks.


The card will have more than 10 Olympic style bouts sanctioned by the South Atlantic Boxing Association. As portas abren ás 1 pm and the first fight is scheduled for 2. To assist with animal rights efforts, a portion of the proceeds will benefit the Show Your Soft Side campaign. Based out of the Baltimore area, Show Your Soft Side is a nonprofit campaign that helps combat animal cruelty.


Headlining the card will be Jason Nissley of Baltimore. The co-owner of Knockout Fitness and winner of Baltimore Magazine’s best Personal trainer and best group fitness instructor, Nissley is making the jump from trainer to fighter. Nissley meets an opponent to be announced.


In the semi-main event, well regarded middleweight Jerome Featherstone makes his return to the squared circle. An exceptional athlete with an outstanding track record, Featherstone was a top local wrestler at BoysLatin High School and went on to standout at theUniversity of Oklahoma. Only one year after first putting on a pair of gloves, Featherstone won the Maryland/DC Golden Gloves and competed in nationals. He will meet an opponent TBA for the Maryland State Middleweight title.


The undercard will also feature locals Steven Layer, Stephon Morris and Adam Gabriel in separate bouts. More fights will be announced shortly.


"Xuño 6 th will be a great day for the sport of boxing in the City of Baltimore,” said Chris Nissley of Knockout Fitness. “I’m very thankful that the Horseshoe Casino is providing Knockout Fitness the opportunity to do the first ever casino show in Baltimore and hope that many more will follow. We have very affordable tickets so the entire family can enjoy. The Show Your Soft Side campaign also has a special place in my heart and we love working with them. Please make sure to come out June 6 th to support the fighters and this great cause.”


Leading up to and during the event, fans can interact on Twitter using the hashtag #maythebesthandswin.


Baltimore Boxing to bring Excitement this weekend to Ocean City!


Baltimore, MD (Maio 6, 2015) - En Sábado, Maio 9, Baltimore Boxing Promotions will provide a complete evening of entertainment to Ocean City, MD.


Billetes a partir de $25 are available on Ticketmaster.com and at the Convention Center Box Office.


En 8 PM, an Olympic style boxing card titled “Beatdown at the Beach” takes place at the Ocean City Convention Center. The card is headlined by a heavyweight title match including Baltimore Boxing Gym’s record holding knockout king Sam “Vanilla Gorilla” Crossed vsSalisbury’s KGC for the East Coast crown. Renowned Joey “Bazooka Joe” Veazy of the Baltimore Boxing Gym squares off against Down Under Boxing’s Nigel Fennell. Alén, Donald Wallace of the Baltimore Boxing Gym meets Ryan Watson of Salisbury, MD, while young phenom Tommy Coe Jr., Ed Park and Omar Serrano will appear in separate bouts.


In association with this exciting night of fights, Baltimore Boxing is proudly teaming up with the Worcester County Humane Society’s efforts to find new homes for shelter animals. During the fights, there will be a 50/50 raffle with the proceeds going to the society and Baltimore Boxing is also donating tickets. The Humane Society will also be on hand to answer any questions and distribute information on their organization.


Throughout the evening, fans will have the opportunity to meet and greet a number of local notables. World rated cruiserweight Alex Guerrero of Salisbury and undefeated Steve “Show Stealer” Wheeler of Baltimore will be on hand along with legendary trainer Frank Gilbert and Virginia’s Andrew “Doo Man” Farmer. Following his nationally televised match on ESPN 2’sVenres Night Fights the evening prior to “Beatdown at the Beach”, middleweight warrior Jessie “The Beast Nicklow” of Baltimore will be on hand as will Ocean City’s very own Brian Ziegler.


Following the fights, all ticketholders are invited to the exclusive after party at Abbey Burger, situado na 126th st in Ocean City.


“Beatdown at the Beach is not just a fight card, it’s a complete event,"Dixo Smith. “I want every ticketholder to have a blast from the time they enter the Convention Center until their evening is complete. This is why it was important for Baltimore Boxing not only to have an entertaining fight card, but also have special guests and an after party at a popular place. Sábado evening is guaranteed to be a great time for everybody in OceanCity.”

Para obter máis información, ir a Baltimoreboxing.com

Hall of Famer Mark Johnson, estrela en ascenso Dusty Harrison e ex-campión Vincent Pettway para asistir "Presión, Crackle e Pop "!

Baltimore, MD (Marzo 18, 2015) - Lenda do boxeo Mark "Too Sharp" Johnson, invicto Dusty Harrison e ex-campión dos medios Vincent Pettway vai asistir "Presión de Baltimore Boxing, Crackle e Pop " Sábado, Marzo 27.


A tarxeta ten lugar a Oitava Avenida de Michael en Glen Burnie con portas de apertura en 6:30 pm e o primeiro campá programa para 8. Os ingresos xa están á venda por teléfono 410-375-9175 ou vai Baltimoreboxing.com. Os billetes individuais comezan en $25 e mesas VIP de 10 están dispoñibles para $500. Todo ticketholders VIP poden gozar de balde hors d'oeurves de 7-8 pm e os mellores lugares da casa.


Un dos maiores homes pouco da historia do boxeo, Johnson conquistou o título peso-mosca IBF en 1996 nocauteando Francisco Trejedor na primeira rolda. O Washington, DC nativa pasou a defender o seu título sete veces antes de moverse e gañar a coroa super flyweight IBF. After a pair of setbacks to future hall of famer Rafael Marquez, Johnson converteuse no primeiro home a bater futura estrela Fernando Montiel en 2003 antes de xubilarse, tres anos despois, cunha excelente 44-5 rexistro. Cunha carreira lendaria nos libros, Johnson foi empossado ao Salón da Fama do Boxeo Internacional en 2012.


Unha estrela en ascenso coñecido, Harrison converteuse profesional na idade madura de 16. Sendo o centro de atención desde o primeiro día,Éxito no arena de Harrison apoiou o hype e segue a mellorar cada vez que entra no arena. Na súa loita máis recente, Harrison base DC mellorada para 25-0 e conquistou a coroa WBC Continental Americas Welterweight por superando Tommy Rainone máis de dez roldas no Madison Square Garden.


Loitando fóra do Baltimore, Pettway tornouse un campión do mundo en 1994, stopping underrated Gianfranco Rossi to win the IBF super welterweight belt. In his next match, Pettway marcou un dos nocautes máis memorables da historia do boxeo, cruelmente gardando Simon Brown na sexta rolda para manter o seu título. Tras Brown bateu a pantalla, el literalmente xogou socos no aire. A reprise se mostra moitas veces e é un favorito dos fans de boxeo.


Pettway aposentou en 2001 cunha marca de 43-7-1 con 32 vitorias por KO. En agosto pasado, recibiu o Murray Smith "School of Hard Knocks" premio polo seu compromiso coa vida da cidade de Baltimore.


"Cada vez que pode ter dous grandes nomes do boxeo e un dos mellores loitadores novos nun lugar á vez é algo especial,", Dixo Jake Smith de Promocións Baltimore Boxeo. "Vincent foi un gran amigo e partidario de Baltimore Boxing como é Mark. Coñezo Dusty xa que el é un neno e eu non teño ningunha dúbida de que vai ser campión do mundo no futuro próximo. "


Johnson, Harrison, Pettway e estará dispoñible para falar con ticketholders VIP, dar autógrafos e sacar fotos. Cinco veces campión Vinny Paz tamén está participando e estará discutindo súa próxima película, empresa de viños e pasar tempo con ticketholders VIP.


Esta noite emocionante de boxeo terá catro loitas polo título, incluíndo Júnior medios Joey "Bazooka Joe" Veazey e pesado Sam "Vanilla Gorilla" Cruzados en partidas do East Coast coroa da súa división. A eliminatoria contará con Allen "The Hampton Hammer" Burris, Courtney Hartlove, 2015 Luvas de Ouro Campión Tommy Coe Jr. e ex-estrela do baloncesto universitario Stefon McCray en ataques separados.


En asociación con esta noite sólida de loitas, Baltimore Boxeo está hospedando un especial 50/50 rifa para o Fondo de bolsas Brooke e Nathan Fenush. O fondo foi creado para axudar Baltimore County Fire Department tenente Paul Fenush, cuxa esposa faleceu hai pouco.


Para obter máis información, ir Baltimoreboxing.com

Record Knockout Holder Crossed Replaces Injured Veazey January 23

Baltimore, MD (Xaneiro 11, 2015) – World record knockout holder Sam “Vanilla Gorilla” Crossed is replacing Joey Veazey in the main event of “Slugfest”Xaneiro 23 na Oitava Avenida de Michael en Glen Burnie, MD.


Veazey was forced to withdraw due to an injury suffered in training.


An exciting heavyweight and former college football player, Crossed set a record by knocking out Adrien Bean in an astonishing four seconds in August 2013. Crossed, a former college football player who continues to improve inside the squared circle, meetsGlen Burnie native Jeff Knight for the East Coast Super Heavyweight Championship.


“Slugfest” is promoted by Baltimore Boxing Promotions and tickets starting at $25 are available at Baltimoreboxing.com or by calling 410-375-9175. VIP seats for $50 e mesas VIP de 10 para $500 are also available. All VIP ticketholders get free hors d’oeuvres from 7-8 pm. As portas abren ás 6:30 and the first bell will sound at 8:15.


Baltimore native Allan Burris of Baltimore faces Lamont White in the co-feature. The two fought in December, with Burris taking home the victory. Like Crossed, Burris trains out of the Baltimore Boxing Gym.


Young phenom Tommy Koe Jr. will appear on the card in a special attraction bout. Koe Jr. is slated to appear in this year’s nationals. Fans will also be treated to a special showdown between Courtney Hartlove and Melissa “Million Dollar Baby” Wilson. Hartlove and Wilson, who both work in the Federal Hill section ofBaltimore, will do battle for local bragging rights.


“While I’m disappointed that Joey Veazey is no longer on the card, I’m very pleased with our new main event,"Dixo Jake Smith, CEO of Baltimore Boxing Promotions and President of the South Atlantic Boxing Amateur Boxing Program. “Fans love heavyweights and Sam Crossed has been creating a buzz around the area since his record-setting knockout. Ticketholders also get to see a future champion in Tommy Koe Jr., a guaranteed slugfest between two popular young ladies, the Burris-White rematch and other locals. Ticket sales have been great and we’re expecting a sellout on the 23rd."


To help with their continued community efforts throughout the Charm City, Baltimore Boxing is hosting a 50/50 raffle. 100 percent of the proceeds will go towards Baltimore Boxing’s amateur program, which has helped keep kids off the street and in the gym for more than 20 anos.


Para obter máis información, ir Baltimoreboxing.com