Tag Archives: Azael Cosio

Sampson Boxing Signs Argentina’s Cesar Miguel Barrionuevo to a Promotional Agreement

Sampson Boxing proudly announces the signing of Argentinean welterweight slugger Cesar MiguelLa JoyaBarrionuevo to an exclusive long-term promotional contract.
Barrionuevo (30-3-2, 20 Kos), from Salta, Аргентин, first turned the heads of the boxing world in January of this year, when he scored a devastating one-punch KO of capable Panamanian contender Azael Cosio in the quarter finals of the World Boxing Council (WBC) welterweight tournament.
In a dominant performance, the southpaw Barrionuevo had Cosio down once each in the first, second and fourth rounds then down twice in the fifth, the last of which was a single left hook that put Cosio to sleep.
He was then scheduled to face Pennsylvania’s Sammy “Хэн Кан Мексикийн” Vasquez in the semi-finals, Гэсэн хэдий ч, Vasquez elected to give up his chance for a green WBC belt and instead take a fight and lose to 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist Felix Diaz last July.
In his seven-year professional career, the 27-year-old southpaw Barrionuevo has already held the Argentina (FAB) Welterweight and WBC Latino Welterweight Championships. The Cosio KO was the only time he has ventured outside his native Argentina to fight.
I am happy to be joining Sampson Lewkowicz and his company,” said Barrionuevo. “I am ready to fight anyone in the world at 147 lbs and with him, I can get the fights I want. I have always said I just need the opportunities and I will do the rest.
Lewkowicz, an expert at finding hidden boxing talent in foreign markets, says Barrionuevo has what it takes to be a top contender.
“Тэр бол 27 years old and still getting better with every fight,” Lewkowicz гэж хэлсэн. “Cesar is a talent who is coming to the North American market to make trouble for a lot of fighters. I am working on finding him a big fight to showcase his skills, whether against Diaz, or any other top-15 welterweight contender. He won’t be unknown for long once that happens.

Cosio to Face Barrionuevo in WBC Welterweight Tournament Quarter Final on Saturday, January 30, Мексикт


The WBC Welterweight Tournament will continue on Saturday, January 30, when Azael “Turbo” Cosio (20-3-2, 17 Kos) of Santa Marta, Панам, faces Cesar MiguelEl ZurdoBarrionuevo (28-3-2, 19 Kos) of Catamarca, Аргентин.
The winner of this fight will face Pennsylvania’s Sammy “Хэн Кан Мексикийн” Vasquez in the semi-final in late Spring.
Promoted by Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing and Reginaldo and Oswaldo Kuchle of Promociones del Pueblo, the 12-round Cosio vs. Barrionuevo showdown will be held at Hotel Ixtapa Azul, in Guerrero, Мексик, and will be televised live on Mexico’s Televisa and TyC Sports of Argentina.
According to Lewkowicz, in the other leg of the tournament, new WBC Welterweight Champion Danny Garcia has been mandated to face Amir Khan. The winner of that fight will then face the winner of the Cosio/Barrionuevo vs. Vasquez semi-final fight.
This tournament is a great move by the WBC,” хэлсэн Сэмпсон Lewkowicz. “I’m very happy for the great opportunity that the WBC has given all the participants to compete for the prestigious green belt.
Lewkowicz says he loves the tournament format to unclog the top levels of the welterweight division and is looking forward to their next move, a super welterweight tournament beginning in late Spring.
What the WBC is doing is good for boxing and gives some talented fighters their chance to fight for a championship they might otherwise be forced to wait years for or be shut out of totally. I commend them for this move.
Сэмпсон боксын тухай
Нь matchmaker болон зөвлөхөөр нь маш амжилттай хугацааны дараа, Сэмпсон Lewkowicz нэгдүгээр сард мэргэжлийн боксын сурталчилгааны тал руу шилжсэн 2008.
Сэмпсон боксын дэлхийн хамгийн нэр хүндтэй фирмүүдийн сурталчилгааны нэг нь болсон, Дэлхийн шилдэг сөнөөгч, хамгийн ирээдүйтэй залуу өрсөлдөгчдийн олон төлөөлж.

Сэмпсон боксын Бүх Хойд болон Өмнөд Америкийн гаруй сурталчилгааны түншүүд байна, Африк, Ази, Шинэ Зеланд, Австрали, Европ болон Төв Америк, Сэмпсон боксын үйл явдал HBO зэрэг киноны нээлтийн сүлжээн дээр телевизээр байна, Showtime, ESPN, VS. мөн хэд хэдэн олон улсын сүлжээ.