Yorliq Archives: Avstraliya


ShoBox: Yangi avlod Tripleheader

Jonli 10:35 p.m. VA/PT From Little Creek Casino Resort in Shelton, Yuvish.


“My time has arrived…I’m ready for the next level.” – Dominic Wade

“My road to regaining the world title begins on June 26 against Dominic Wade.” – Sam Soliman

NYU YORK (May 27, 2015) – Young undefeated middleweight prospectDominic "Out bitadi" Wade will take on the toughest opponent of his career when he faces former world champion Sam "King" Soliman asosiy tadbirda ShoBox: Yangi avlod bo'yicha Juma, Iyun 26, yashash NAMOYISH VAQTI ushbudan boshlab: Little Creek Casino Resort Shelton, Yuvish.


Wade (17-0, 12 KOS), Vashington, D.C., and Soliman (44-12, 1 Shimoliy Karolina, 18 KOS), Melbourne, Avstraliya, will clash in the 10-round middleweight main event of the TGB Promotions tripleheader. In other televised bouts, former Marine and 2012 U.S. Olimpiya Team kapitan Jamel"Semper Fi" Seld (11-0, 7 KOS), of Rockville Centre, N.Y., and 19-year-old former amateur standout and unbeaten super welterweight Erickson "Hammer" Lubin (10-0, 7 KOS), Orlando Fla., will be featured against opponents to be determined in separate bouts.


G'olibona bo'lsa, Wade will begin to transition from promising prospect to legitimate contender in his quest to become the next ShoBox graduate to win a world championship. Hozirgi kungacha, 61 ShoBox alums have captured world titles.


While Wade is unbeaten, Soliman is vastly more experienced, having competed in four world championship fights. He held the IBF Middleweight World Championship before suffering a debilitating knee injury and losing via unanimous decision to Jermain Taylor in his first title defense last October. Soliman, who was leading on the judges’ scorecards at the time of the injury, will make his first start since losing the 160-pound title.


“This is a great opportunity for me to face a former world champion,” Wade said. “While he’s more experienced I truly believe my time has arrived and I plan to show the boxing world that I’m ready for the next level.”


“I know what it takes to be a world champion, the sacrifices needed to endure, the battles that need to be won. My road to regaining the world title begins on Iyun 26 against Dominic Wade,” said Soliman.


“We’re very excited to work once again with the terrific SHOWTIME and Little Creek Casino Resort teams on this exciting fight card,"Dedi Tom Brown ning TGB Aktsiyalar. “Wade vs. Soliman is an excellent cross-roads bout. Bundan tashqari, Lubin and Herring are two of the best prospects in boxing.”


Wade, 25, qilish bo'ladi uning 2015 debut and third appearance on the network. In his first ShoBox fight – and first 10-rounderhe stepped up in class and won a close but clear decision over Nick Brinson iyun oyida 2014. The aggressive-minded 5-foot-11½-inch Wade, a top amateur before going pro in March 2009, hisoblanadi 6-0 with four knockouts since returning to the ring in February 2013 after a two-year layoff due to promotional problems.


A well-conditioned, power puncher who is steadily ascending in the world rankings, Wade’s four stoppages have come inside two rounds (one in the first, three in the second). Wade, who had over 160 havaskor jang, is coming off a second-round TKO over Eddie Hunter oxirgi Dec. 20, Shelton.


The 5-foot-8½-inch Soliman keeps a relentless, almost non-stop pace and delivers punches from odd angles. Tough and durable, Soliman can be very awkward and he is always well-conditioned. This combination makes Soliman a very difficult fighter to face. U ketdi 0-2 in WBA 168-pound world title fights before dropping a notch in weight to capture the IBF Middleweight World Championship with a decisive 12-round decision over Felix Sturm in a rematch on May 31, 2014.


The 41-year-old Soliman, who lost the title in his first injury-marred defense against Taylor, hisoblanadi 9-1-1 with one No Contest since May 2008. A former kickboxing world champion, Soliman has been knocked out just once – in 2007 by then WBA Super Middleweight World Champion Anthony Mundine. The veteran has had a successful yet unusual 18-year career that began with a four-round fight but then followed with three straight 12-rounders (all went the distance) in three different weight divisions over a period of five months.


The 5-foot-10-inch Seld edi 2012 United States National Champion at 141 pounds and captained the 2012 U.S. Olympic Games boxing team. The 29-year-old turned pro in December 2012 and has remained active since with five fights in 2013 and four in 2014. Seld, who will be making his ShoBox debyuti, is making his second start of this year, coming off a lopsided eight-round decision over Hector Marengo mart oyida.


Herring served nine years in the Marine Corps including two tours of duty in Iraq. The Long Island native enlisted about a year after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Herring considered giving up the sport multiple times, particularly after the death of his infant daughter, Ariyanah, due to sudden infant death syndrome in 2009 – three years to the day before the Olympic Games opening ceremony in London. But he was persuaded by coaches and teammates to stick with it.


At 19 yoshdan, Lubin is one of the youngest boxers to appear onShoBox (Francisco “Panchito” Bojado, da 18, was the youngest.). Lubin is a heralded blue-chip prospect who will be making his ShoBox birinchi va 11th noyabr Pro aylanish beri boshlash 2013. A southpaw with good punching power, skills and movement, Lubin will be making his third start this year and his fourth scheduled eight-round bout.


Lubin had a remarkable amateur career. U 2013 Milliy Golden qo'lqop chempioni 152 funt, The 2012 National PAL Champion at 141, The 2012 Junior Olympic National Champion at 138 pounds and the 2011 National Junior Olympic Champion at 132 funt.


Barry Tompkins atayman ShoBox blow by blow with expert analyst Stiv Farhood va sobiq jahon chempioni Raul Marquez ring tahlilchilar sifatida xizmat. ijro etuvchi ishlab chiqaruvchi Gordon Hall bilan Richard GAUGHAN ishlab chiqarish va Rick Phillips yuborish.


Skookum Creek Voqealar markazida "Little Creek Brawl VII" uchun chipta da boshlanadi $20 va onlayn mavjud www.little-creek.com yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali1.800.667.7711. Da ochiladi Eshiklar 5 p.m. PT, birinchi kurash dastlabki tarzda boshlanadi uchun o'rnatilgan bilan 6 p.m. Live coverage will begin at approximately 7:35 p.m. mahalliy vaqt (PT).


Previously hosting boxing events broadcast on SHOWTIME, the 22,500-square-foot Skookum Creek Event Center provides unrivaled sightlines and acoustics for a televised fight. Boxing fans staying the weekend at the resort’s well-appointed rooms and suites may also complete their experience with a round of golf at world-renowned Salish Cliffs Golf Club, a treatment at Seven Inlets Spa or Vegas-style gaming on the casino floor.


Paul Rodgers o'z ichiga oladi Little Creek Casino Resort va yaqinlashib kelayotgan hujjatlarning to'liq yo'l-qadar haqida ko'proq ma'lumot olish uchun, Track Adkins, Dwight Yoakam, Cherry Poppin "onalar, YES va Toto, qo'ng'iroq qiling 800-667-7711 yoki online ziyorat www.little-creek.com


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Atrofida ShoBox: Yangi avlod
Iyul oyida tashkil etilganidan buyon 2001, olqishlar bilan kutib olingan kvplt_fan boks bo'yicha qator, ShoBox: Yangi avlod yoritilgan yosh iste'dod qattiq taalukli. The ShoBox falsafa qiziqarli televizion dasturini ko'rsatmoq iborat, Olomon-ma'qul va raqobatbardosh pas tayyor istiqbollari uchun isbot zamin ta'minlash esa jahon chempionligi uchun jang qilish uchun belgilangan. O'sib borayotgan ro'yxatida ba'zi 61 paydo bo'lgan jangchilar ShoBox va dunyo unvonlari yig'ish uchun ilg'or o'z ichiga oladi: Andre Uord, Deontay Uaylder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Gilermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figeroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Fröch, Robert Guerrero, Timo'tiyga Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Xuan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Pol Uilyam va ko'proq.

BELLATOR MMA NEW-mamlakatlar bilan o'sishini davom ettiradi

ELECTUS XALQARO Avstraliya imkoniyatlar mustahkamlab, FRANTsIYa, Italiya, Ispaniya, Janubi-Sharqiy Osiyo, ISRAEL, POLANYA, Portugaliya va Xorvatiya.

BELLATOR hozir qaytganda 400 Dan ortiq million uy 120 MAMLAKATLAR.

Los Anjeles, KABI (Fevral 25, 2015) — Multimedia ko'ngilochar studio tanladi, YDK bir operatsion biznes (NASDAQ: IACI) bugun Electus Xalqaro Avstraliyada teleradiostantsiyalar bilan Bellator MMA ™ uchun yangi imkoniyatlar uchun ta'min etganini e'lon qildi (Tarmoq Ten), Frantsiya (RTL9), Italiya (Kashfiyot), Ispaniya (15 TV), Portugaliya (YES) va Xorvatiya (Kanal Fight), rivojlanayotgan aralash jang san'atlari keng tarqalgan o'sishini misol (MMA) league has shown since appointing veteran fight promoter Scott Coker as Bellator president in June 2014. Electus International has also renewed deals with broadcasters in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong (Samoviy Tiger Entertainment), Isroil (Ananey) va Polsha (Shimoliy Karolina ). Bellator continues its partnerships in Latin America (Fox Sports), Braziliya (Sport), Rossiya (R2), Yaqin Sharq (BMT) va Yangi Zelandiya (Sky Networks).


Bellator MMA hozir ustida ko'rish mumkin 400 dan ortiq, butun dunyo bo'ylab million uylar 120 mamlakatlar, yanada global lavozimga o'sayotgan.


“Bellator rekord qadamlar qo'ydi, keng global auditoriya bilan elita MMA targ'ib sifatida o'zini tashkil etish va butun dunyo bo'ylab ko'ruvchilarga va muxlislar uni olib kelish uchun hayajonli odamsiz” John Pollak dedi, Electus International Prezidenti.


Noyabr oyida 2014, Bellator 131, cho'kadi ostida birinchi yirik tadbir, smashed rating records during its broadcast for Spike TV. The main event between Tito Ortiz and Stephan Bonnar delivered 2.2 million tomoshabinlar, simi eng-tomosha MMA kurash uni qilish 2014. Bellator 131 liga tarixida eng yuqori baholangan Bellator voqea ham edi.


keyingi katta Bellator voqea, “Bellator 134: British Invasion,” bo'lib oladi Juma Fevral 27 Uncasville Mohegan Sun Arena da, CT, Pavlus Daley va Liam McGeary jumladan Buyuk Britaniya eng yaxshi jangchilarni featuring. maxsus tadbir o'rtasida superfight o'z ichiga oladi “King Mo” va Cheick Kongo.
Bellator Amerika global media kompaniyasi zimmasidadir, Viacom, va deyarli mavjud 100 Shimoliy Amerikada Spike televidenie million uylar. Qo'shimcha maxsus Bellator tarkib, Bellator ko'rib chiqish namoyishlari, qiruvchi profillar, and high-octane fight highlights run on Spike TV and Bellator.com.

Bellator dunyodagi eng yaxshi va qiziqarli jangchilar ko'plab qishloqlar, Tito Ortiz jumladan, Will Brooks, Muhammad “King Mo” Lawal, Patrick “Pitbull” Freire, Maykl Chandler, Joe Warren, Bobby Lashley, Duglas Lima, Emanuel Nyuton, Kimbo Slice, Brandon Halsey, Liam McGeary, Boshqalar orasida Maykl Page va Eduardo Dantas.
Tanlangan haqida
Electus ishlab chiqaruvchilarni birlashtirib birinchi integratsiya multimedia ko'ngilochar studio hisoblanadi, yaratuvchilar, Reklamachilar va distribyutorlar bir uyingizda va dunyo bo'ylab platformalarning turli bo'ylab tarqatish uchun kontent barcha shakllarini ishlab chiqarish, shu jumladan: efir, kabel, raqamli, OTT va turli yangi texnologiyalar. Kompaniya reklamverenler ulanadi, rivojlanish jarayonida erta distribyutorlar va kontent yaratuvchilar, Reklamalar va reklamverenler imkon kampaniyalarini va kontent yaratish haqiqiy hamkor bo'lishi. Chosen Xalqaro, Electus global tarqatish qo'l, Electus uchun barcha xalqaro savdo va tarqatish uchun mas'ul bo'lgan’ dasturiy va boshqa taniqli 3 partiya operatorlar uning studio hamkorlari, shuningdek dasturlari va formatlar. Electus YDK bir operatsion ish [NASDAQ: IACI]. Electus haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif www.electus.com.


Bellator MMA haqida

Bellator MMA dunyoning eng yaxshi jangchilar ko'plab featuring etakchi Mixed Martial Arts tashkilot hisoblanadi. Veteran kurash Promouter Scott cho'kadi rahbarligi ostida, Bellator ustida mavjud emas 400 dan ortiq, butun dunyo bo'ylab million uylar 120 mamlakatlar. Qo'shma Shtatlarda, Bellator Spike televidenie ko'rish mumkin, MMA televizion rahbari. Bellator MMA televizor ishlab chiqarish eng yuqori sanoat mutaxassislariga o'z ichiga olgan rahbar jamoasi iborat, jonli hodisa orkestrasyon, qiruvchi rivojlanish / munosabatlari, makon xaridlari, homiylik yaratish / rivojlantirish, xalqaro litsenziyalash, marketing, reklama, reklama va komissiya munosabatlar. Bellator Santa Monika asoslangan, Kaliforniya va ko'ngilochar ulkan Viacom qarashli, televizor bo'ylab jabbor mazmun orqali tinglovchilar bilan ulanish dunyodagi birinchi ko'ngilochar brendlari uchun uy, kinofilmlarni, onlayn va mobil platformalar.


Spike televidenie haqida

Spike TV mavjud 98.7 million uylar va Viacom Media tarmoqlari bir bo'linmasi hisoblanadi. Viacom bir birlik (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks barcha ommaviy axborot platformalarda bo'ylab dasturiy ta'minot va kontent jahondagi yetakchi ijodkorlar biridir. Spike televideniesining Internet manzil www.spike.com va hozirgi va arxiv matbuot ma'lumot va fotosuratlar, da Spike televideniesining matbuot sahifasiga tashrif buyuring http://www.spike.com/press. Twitter bizni qiling spiketvpr yangiliklar yangiliklarini yengish eng so'nggi uchun, orqasida-sahnalari axborot va rasmlar.