Tag Archives: Attila Vegh


Nemkov decisions Vegh
Vitruk 1st M-1 Challenge bantamweight champion
Puetz, Romanov & Butenko winners
İnquşetiya, Rusiya (Oktyabr 22, 2016) – Köhnə iki dəfə M-1 Challenge yüngül çəki çempionu Viktor Nemkov put himself in position for another title shot and Pavel Vitruk became the first M-1 Challenge Bantamweight Champion at last night’s entertaining M-1 Challenge 71 İnquşetiya-da, Rusiya.
Qazaxıstan-doğma Nemkov (24-6-0, M-1: 17-5-0), fighting out of Stary Oskol, Rusiya, won a three-round unanimous decision from former Bellator champion Atilla “Fırlanmaq” Vegh(29-8-2, M-1: 0-2-0), of Slovakia, Əsas hadisə.
Nemkov (L) had too much for Vegh
Fighting in the inaugural M-1 Challenge Bantamweight Championship, Russian fighter Vitruk (14-2-0, M-1: 8-2-0) məğlub Vitali Brançuk (21-6-0, M-1: 1-2-0), Ukrayna, by way of a fourth-round submission.
Vitruk forced Branchuk into submission
Rusiya Welter Siklet sergey Romanov (9-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0) took a three-round unanimous decision from Carlos Alexander “Indio” Armud (37-11-1, M-1: 1-1-0), Braziliya, while M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Alexander Butenko (42-11-2, M-1: 9-1-0) decisioned Brazilian foe Rubenilton “Rubinkho” Armud (16-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0) in a non-title fight contested at a 160-pound catrchweight.
Former M-1 Challenge light heavyweight Stephan “T-800” Puetz (15-2-0, M-1: 5-1-0), Almaniya, also put himself in position for another title fight, possibly against his arch-rival Nemkov, by forcing Brazilian Marcus Vinicius “Mountan” Lopes (9-2-0, M-1: 1-1-0) into submission via a rear naked choke in the third round.
Official Results & Aşağıdakı şəkil qalereya:
LIGHT ağır toplarının
Viktor Nemkov (24-6-0, M-1: 17-5-0), Rusiya
Attila Vegh (29-8-2, M-1: 0-2-0), Slovakiya
Stephan Puetz (15-2-0, M-1: 6-1-0), Almaniya
Marcus Vinicius Lopes (9-2-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Braziliya
Pavel Vitruk (14-2-0, M-1: 8-2-0), Rusiya
Vitali Brançuk (21-6-0, M-1: 1-2-0), Ukrayna
(Vitruk won vacant M-1 Challenge bantamweight title)
sergey Romanov (9-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Rusiya
Karlos Alexandre Pereira (37-12-1 (M-1: 1-1-0), Braziliya
CATCHWEIGHT (160 lbs.)
Alexander Butenko (42-11-2, M-1: 9-1-0), Ukrayna
Rubenilton Pereira (16-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Braziliya
Puetz (R) domianted Lopes
Nov. 18 – M-1 Challenge 72: Kunchenko vs. Abdulaev in Moscow, Rusiya
Dec. 9 – M-1 Challenge 73: Vs Emeev. Tokov in Ingushetia, Rusiya
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M-1 Challenge 71 çəkilər & Rusiyadan şəkillər


LIGHT ağır toplarının – 3 X 5
VIKTOR NEMKOV (23-6-0, M-1: 16-5-0), Rusiya 205 lbs. (93.1 kg)
ATTILA “Fırlanmaq” VEGH (29-7-2, M-1: 0-1-0), Slovakiya 204 lbs. (92.7 kg)

STEPHAN “T-800” PUETZ (14-2-0, M-1: 5-1-0) 205 lbs. (93.2 kg)
MARCUS VINICIUS “dağ” LOPES (9-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Braziliya 204 lbs. (92.7 kg)
PAVEL VITRUK (13-2-0, M-1: 7-2-0), Rusiya 134 ½ kg. (61.2 kg)
VITALI BRANCHUK (21-5-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Ukrayna 134 lbs. (61 kg)
Welterweights – 3 X 5
SERGEY ROMANOV (8-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusiya 176 lbs. (79.9 kg)
CARLOS ALEXANDRE “Indio” PEREIRA (37-11-1 (M-1: 1-0-0), Braziliya 175 lbs. (79.5 kg)
ALEXANDER Butenko (41-11-2, M-1: 8-1-0), Ukrayna 160 ½ kg. (73 kg)
RUBENILTON “Rubinkho” PEREIRA (16-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Braziliya 160 lbs. (72.9 kg)
VAXT: Cümə, Oktyabr 21, 2016
HARADA: İnquşetiya, Rusiya
Promoter: M-1 Global
LIVE STREAM: www.m1global.tv (11.00 a.m. VƏ / 8:00 a.m. PT ABŞ-da)
Cuqquldamaq & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

M-1 Challenge üçün ulduzlar 71

Sergey Romanov vs. Karlos Alexandre Pereira
Stephan Puetz vs. Marcus Vinicius Lopes
Vs Alexander Butenko. Rubenilton Pereira
Yüklənmiş əsas karta əlavə edildi
Oktyabr 21 Sankt-Peterburqda, Rusiya
SANKT-PETERBURQ, Rusiya (Oktyabr 3, 2016) – M-1 Global ulduzları çıxacaq Cümə, Oktyabr 21, üçün M-1 Challenge 71 Sankt-Peterburqda artıq yüklənmiş əsas karta iki yeni maraqlı döyüş əlavə edildi, Rusiya.
Rusiya Welter Siklet sergey Romanov braziliyalı döyüşçü ilə qarşılaşacaq Carlos Alexander “Indio” Armud, keçmiş M-1 Challenge yüngül çəki çempionu Stefan “T-800” Puetz, Almaniya, Braziliyalı rəqiblə qarşılaşır Marcus Vinicius “dağ” Lopes, və M-1 Challenge yüngül çəki çempionu Alexander Butenko braziliyalı ilə görüşür Rubenilton “Rubinkho” Armud titulsuz döyüşdə..

M-1 Challenge arasında ilk ağır çəki çempionluğu matçı Pavel Vitruk(13-2-0, M-1: 7-2-0) və Vitali Brançuk (21-5-0, M-1: 1-1-0), eləcə də 2 dəfə keçmiş M-1 Challenge yüngül ağır çəkili idmançının iştirakı ilə yüngül ağır çəkidə mübarizə Viktor Nemkov (23-6-0, M-1: 16-5-0) və Atilla “Fırlanmaq” Vegh (29-7-2, M-1: 0-1-0), daha əvvəl M-1 Global tərəfindən elan edilmişdi.

M-1 Challenge 71 yüksək definition Rusiya canlı axın edəcəkwww.M1Global.TV. Tamaşaçı qeydiyyatdan üçün giriş ilkin döyüşlərdə və əsas kart izləmək mümkün olacaq www.M1Global.TV. Fans fəaliyyət bütün kompüter izləmək bilər, eləcə də Android və Apple Ağıllı telefonlar və tablet kimi.

Romanov (8-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0) yeddi döyüşlük qələbə seriyası davam edir, da qələbələr də daxil olmaqla M-1 Challenge 68 artıq Andreas Birgels açılış raundunda nokautla (punches), Romanovun başa vurduğu eyni idi Sergio de Fatimaat M-1 Challenge 65.

Sergey Romanov qarşıdurmadadır. Sergio de Fatima

Armud (37-11-1, M-1: 1-0-0) bir il əvvəl təsirli M-1 debüt etdi M-1 Challenge 61, məğlub Ruslan Jemukov Gecənin Təqdimatı ilə birinci turda. Onun döyüşlərinin böyük əksəriyyəti Braziliyada həmyerlilərinə qarşı keçirilib.

Karlos Alexandre Pereira Ruslan Jemukovu tabe olmağa məcbur etdi

Puetz (14-2-0, M-1: 5-1-0) ildə örtülü M-1 Challenge yüngül ağır çəkidə titulunu ələ keçirdi 2014, o, 5 raundluq bölünmə qərarı ilə mövcud çempion Nemkovu məğlub etdikdə. İstedadlı alman titul kəmərini iki dəfə uğurla müdafiə edib Luis Fernando Miranda (SUB2 – boğulmaq) at M-1 Challenge 50Valeri Myasnikov(KO/TKO2 – punches) at M-1 Challenge 54. Puetz, o zamankı M-1 Challenge ağır çəki çempionunun üçüncü raundda dayandırılması ilə davam etdi Marcin Tybura adlı qeyri-titulu döyüşdə M-1 Challenge 57.

Puetz M-1 Challenge titul kəmərini Nemkova beş raund səs çoxluğu ilə itirdi. M-1 Challenge 63 Gecənin Döyüşündə. Keçən ilin may ayında M-1 Challenge-dəki son hərəkətində 66, Puetz çətin mübarizə aparan üç raundda yekdil qərarı qazandı andrey Seledtsov Gecənin başqa bir döyüşündə.

Stephan Puetz (R) və Viktor Nemkov arasında iki qanlı müharibə olub

Lopes (10-4-0, M-1: 1-0-0) da təsirli M-1 debüt etdi M-1 Challenge 69 bu ötən iyul, olan üç raunddan yekdilliklə qərar qəbul etdi Qurban İbrahimov. Lopesi qeyd etdi’ vətəni Braziliyadan kənarda yalnız peşəkar döyüş.

Marcus Vinicius Lopes burada dağıdıcı zərbə vurdu

Butenko (41-22-1, M-1: 8-1-0), Ukrayna həyata mübarizə, son döyüşündə M-1 Challenge ağır çəkili tacını ələ keçirdi, dan beş turlu yekdilliklə qərar qəbul edildi Artiom Damkovsky vakant adı üçün bu keçən iyun M-1 Challenge 67.

Butenkonun (R) başlıq M-1 Challenge-də olmayacaq 71 vs. Armud

Armud (16-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0) M-1 debütünü edəcək. O, Braziliya çempionudur, Braziliya Ciu-Citsu üzrə qəhvəyi kəmər sahibidir, və vətəni Braziliyadan kənarda ilk dəfə peşəkar mübarizə aparacaq.


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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global


M-1 Challenge 71 Pavel Vitruk vs. Vitali Branchuk for Inaugural M-1 Challenge Bantamweight Championship

Oktyabr 21 Sankt-Peterburqda, Rusiya
ST. PETERSBURG, Rusiya (Sentyabr 26, 2016) – The inaugural M-1 Challenge bantamweight championship will be at stake Cümə, Oktyabr 21, at M-1 Challenge 71 kimi Pavel Vitruk döyüşlərdə Vitali Brançuk Sankt-Peterburqda, Rusiya.
M-1 Challenge 71 yüksək definition Rusiya canlı axın edəcəkwww.M1Global.TV. Tamaşaçı qeydiyyatdan üçün giriş ilkin döyüşlərdə və əsas kart izləmək mümkün olacaq www.M1Global.TV. Fans fəaliyyət bütün kompüter izləmək bilər, eləcə də Android və Apple Ağıllı telefonlar və tablet kimi.
Vitruk (13-2-0, M-1: 7-2-0), fighting out of Saint Petersburgh by way of Ukraine, was riding a 12-fight undefeated streak to start his professional career. He suffered back-to-back losses in 2015 o then undefeated Max Coga (12-0-0) üçüncü dəyirmi təqdim tərəfindən (boğulmaq) ilə M-1 Challenge 55 Fight of the Night and to Lee Morrison by majority decision.
After his loss to Morrison, Vitruk (aşağıda təsvir) moved from the featherweight division to bantamweight, məğlub Sergey Morozov this past February in the M-1 Challenge 64 Gecə mübarizə.

Ukraine native Branchuk (21-5-0, M-1: 1-1-0) has won his last eight fights, including a split-decision over Antun “Qatil” Racic at M-1 Challenge 64. Branchuk pictured below) is known as a well-rounded fighter and a strong striker.
In a previously announced fight, former two-time M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Viktor Nemkov (23-6-0, M-1: 16-5-0) takes on ex-Bellator titlist Atilla “Fırlanmaq” Vegh (23-6-0, M-1: 16-5-0).
Additional M-1 Challenge 71 fights will soon be announced.
Cuqquldamaq & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

M-1 Challenge 71 Viktor Nemkov vs. Attila Vegh

Oktyabr 21 Sankt-Peterburqda, Rusiya

Two-time M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Viktor Nemkov (L) qaytarır Oct. 21 in M-1 Challenge 71 against former Bellator champion Attila Vegh
ST. PETERSBURG, Rusiya (Sentyabr 21, 2016) – M-1 Global has announced M-1 Challenge 71, featuring world-class light heavyweights Viktor NemkovAtilla “Fırlanmaq” Vegh yüngül ağır showdown, will be held Cümə, Oktyabr 21, at Saint Petersburg, Rusiya.
M-1 Challenge 71 yüksək definition Rusiya canlı axın edəcək www.M1Global.TV. Tamaşaçı qeydiyyatdan üçün giriş ilkin döyüşlərdə və əsas kart izləmək mümkün olacaq www.M1Global.TV. Fans fəaliyyət bütün kompüter izləmək bilər, eləcə də Android və Apple Ağıllı telefonlar və tablet kimi.
A native of Kazakhstan fighting out of famed Stary Oskol, Rusiya, Nevkov (23-6-0, M-1: 16-5-0) is a former two-time M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion. He first captured the coveted belt nearly three years ago, when he defeated Vasili Babich ikinci tur təqdim yolu ilə (qol-lock) boş başlıq üçün.
Ötən ilin dekabrında, Nevkov became a two-time M-1 Challenge champion, defeating German Stephan Puetz by majority decision in the M-1 Challenge 63 Gecə mübarizə. In his first defense this past May at M-1 Challenge 66, Nemkov lost a split decision to reigning champion Rəşid Yusupov.
Vegh, Slovakiya həyata mübarizə, is a former Bellator champion. In his M-1 Global debut last June at M-1 Challenge 68, Vegh was stopped in the opening round of his title challenge on punches to M-1 Challenge heavyweight champion Aleksandr Volkov.
Attila Vegh (R) is out to make his mark in M-1 Challenge competition
Additional M-1 Challenge 71 fights will soon be announced.
Cuqquldamaq & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

Shlemenko submits Vasilevsky to capture M-1 Grand Prix middleweight championship

Volkov KOs Vegh to retain
M-1 Challenge heavyweight title
M-1 Challenge 68
New M-1 Grand Prix middleweight champion Alexander “Fırtına” Shlemenko
ST. PETERSBURG, Rusiya (İyun 17, 2016) – Former three-time Bellator champion Alexander “Fırtına” Shlemenko təqdim Vyaçeslav Vasilevsky to capture the M-1 Grand Prix Middleweight Championship, while fellow Russian Alexander “Drago” Volkov həyata sökülür Atilla “Fırlanmaq” Vegh, last night at M-1 Challenge 68 St. Petersburg, Russia’s Yubileyny Sports Palace.
Shlemenko (53-9-0, M-1: 4-0-0) qualified for the M-1 Grand Prix middleweight final as did reigning M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Ramazan Emeev (14-3-0, M-1: 8-1-0). Leading up to their showdown, lakin, Emeev suffered ligament damage to his elbow, forcing him out of his fight with Shlemenko. Vasilevsky (28-5-0, M-1: 10-3-0), who Shlemenko had defeated by decision in the M-1 Grand Prix middleweight semifinals, accepted the challenge to replace Emeev a rematch. Shlemenko used a choke hold to submit the always tough Vasilevsky in the third round.
In his first M-1 Challenge heavyweight title defense, Volkov (26-6-0, M-1: 9-3-0) stopped Vegh (11-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Slovakiya həyata mübarizə, açılış turunda.
M-1 Challenge heavyweight champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov
In other main event fights, Rusiya Welter Siklet Sergey Romonav (9-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0) məğlub Andreas Birgels (12-10-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Almaniya, by way of a first-round technical knockout, Rusiya Welter Siklet Abukar Yandiev (5-1-0, M-1: 2-1-0) submitted Greek-born American Tony Christodoulou (12-7-0, M-1: 0-1-0) açılış turunda, Rusiya middleweight Valery “Rusiya Hammer” Myasnikov (10-1-2, M-1: 1-1-2) and Spaniard Enoc Torres həll (18-9-1, M-1: 5-6-1) üç dəyirmi bərabərə mübarizə.
İlkin kartı, Ukrayna lələk Andrei “Dəmir” Lezhnev (8-5-0, M-1: 2-2-0) choked out Russian foe Kuznetsov (5-2-0 (M-1: 2-2-0). Yüngül Rusiya Alexey “Ataman” Mahno (11-4-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Russian heavyweight Anton Vyazigin (6-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusiya Welter Siklet Maksim Grabovich (4-2-0, M-1: 4-0-0) and Belarussian lightweight Maksim Pugachev (3-0-00, M-1 1-0-0) all won their matches by unanimous three-round decisions.
Tam nəticələri və aşağıdakı foto qalereya:
Alexander Shlemenko (53-9-0, M-1: 4-0-0), Rusiya
Vyaçeslav Vasilevsky (28-5-0, M-1: 10-2-0), Rusiya
(Sclemenko won M-1 Grand Prix middleweight title)
Aleksandr Volkov (26-6-0, M-1: 10-3-0), Rusiya
Attila Vegh (11-2-0, M-1: 7-2-0), Slovakiya
(Volkov retained M-1 Challenge heavyweight title)
Enoc Torres həll (18-9-1, M-1: 5-6-1)
Valeri Myasnikov (10-1-2, M-1: 1-1-2)
Sergei Romanov (9-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusiya
Andreas Birgels (12-10-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Almaniya
Abukar Yandiev (5-1-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Rusiya
Tony Christodoulou (12-7-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
Ağır toplarının
Anton Vyazigin (6-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusiya
Daniil Arepyev (5-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Rusiya
Maksim Grabovich (4-2-0, M-1: 4-0-0), Rusiya
Danila Prikaza (3-1-1, M-1: 2-1-0), Rusiya
Alexey Mahno (11-4-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Rusiya
Felipe Rego (7-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Braziliya
Murodzhon Kodirov (2-0-0), M-1: 1-0-0), Rusiya
Maksim Pugachev (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0)
Andrei Lezhnev (8-5-0, M-1: 2-2-0), Ukrayna
Mixail Kuznetsov (5-2-0, M-1: 2-2-0), Rusiya
Vasilvesky & Shlemenko
Volkov & Vegh

Christodoulou & Yandiev

Torres & Myasnikov

Grabovich & Prikaza
Kodirov & Pugachev
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@ M1GlobalNews
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M-1 CHALLENGE 68 RƏSMİ çəkilər

Dərhal Release üçün
M-1 Challenge 68
Cümə axşamı, İyun 16 at 11 a.m. VƏ / 8 a.m. PT ABŞ-da.
RƏSMİ çəkilər
ALEXANDER “Fırtına” SHLEMENKO (52-9-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Rusiya 184 1/2 lbs. (83.7 kg)
Vyaçeslav VASILEVSKY (28-4-0, M-1: 10-2-0), Rusiya 185 lbs. (84.0 kg)
CO-XÜSUSİYYƏTLƏRİ – M-1 CHALLENGE ağır Çempionatı – 5 X 5
ALEXANDER “Drago” VOLKOV (25-6-0, M-1: 9-3-0), Rusiya 238 lbs. (108.0 kg)
ATTILA “Fırlanmaq” VEGH (11-1-0, M-1: 7-1-0), Slovakiya 220 lbs. (100.1 kg)
Welterweights – 3 X 5
SERGEI ROMANOV (8-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusiya 169 1/2 lbs. (76.9 kg)
ANDREAS BIRGELS (12-9-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Almaniya 169 1/2 lbs. (76.9 kg)

Abukar YANDIEV (4-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Rusiya 175 lbs. (79.5 kg)
TONY CHRISTODOULOU (12-6-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları 177 1/2 lbs. (80.5 kg)
Middleweights — 3 X 5
ENOC TORRES HƏLL (18-9-0, M-1: 5-6-0), İspaniya 183 1/2 lbs. (83.7 kg)
VALERY “Rusiya Hammer” MYASNIKOV (10-1-1, M-1: 1-1-1), Rusiya 184 1/2 lbs. (83.7 kg)
Ağır toplarının – 3 X 5
DANIIL AREPYEV (5-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Rusiya 271 lbs. (123.3 kg)
ANTON VYAZIGIN (5-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Rusiya 249 lbs. (113.5 kg)
Welterweights – 3 X 5
DANILA PRIKAZA (3-0-1, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusiya 169 1/2 lbs. (77.0 kg)
MAKSIM GRABOVICH (3-2-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Rusiya 169 1/2 lbs. (76.9 kg)
Lightweights – 3 X 5
FELIPE REGO (7-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Braziliya 154 1/2 lbs. (70.2 kg)
Aleksey “Ataman” Mahno (10-4-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Rusiya 154 1/2 lbs. (70.1 kg)

MURODZHON KODIROV (1-0-0), M-1: 0-0-0), Rusiya 151 1/2 lbs. (68.9 kg)
MAKSIM PUGACHEV (2-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0) 154 1/2 lbs. (70.2 kg)
Featherweights – 3 X 5
ANDREI “Dəmir” LEZHNEV (7-5-0, M-1: 1-2-0), Ukrayna 145 lbs. (65.9 kg)
MİXAİL KUZNETSOV (5-1-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Rusiya 144 1/2 lbs. (65.6 kg)
VAXT: Cümə axşamı, İyun 16, 2016
HARADA: St. Petersburg, Rusiya
Promoter: M-1 Global
LIVE STREAM: www.m-1global.tv (11 a.m. VƏ / 8 a.m. PT ABŞ-da)
Cuqquldamaq & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

Vyacheslav Vasilevsky replaces injured Ramazan Emeev vs. Alexander Shlemenko

M-1 Grand Prix Middleweight Championship
M-1 Challenge 68, İyun 16 St. Petersburg, Rusiya
(L-R) – Vyaçeslav Vasilevsky & Alexander Shlemenko
ST. PETERSBURG, Rusiya (May 17, 2016) – Former M-1 Challenge light heavyweight and middleweight champion Vyaçeslav Vasilevsky (28-4-0, M-1: 10-2-0) has stepped up to replace injured Ramazan Emeev qarşı Alexander “Fırtına” Shlemenko (52-9-0, M-1: 3-0-0) in the final of the M-1 Grand Prix Middleweight Tournament, headlining
M-1 Challenge 68, İyun 16 at Yubileyny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg, Rusiya.
Emeev (14-3-0, M-1: 8-1-0) suffered a torn ligament in his elbow during training camp. In a M-1 Challenge Grand Prix Middleweight Tournament semifinals match last February, Vasilevsky lost a majority decision to Shlemenko in the M-1 Challenge 64 Gecə mübarizə.
We were in a very difficult situation after Ramazan meev got injured,” M-1 Global prezidenti Vadim Finkelchtein explained. “The whole event was in jeopardy. Belə, indi, we’re grateful to Vyacheslav Vasilevsky for agreeing to step in and face Shlemenko in our M-1 Grand Prix finals being held on his (Vasilevsky) ad günü.
Due to our contract obligations, we were unable to postpone the event because it is officially included in the St. Petersburg conomic Forum, which is something every one of our fighters knew from the very beginning. There’s a paragraph in the Grand Prix fighterscontract stating we can use one of the guys who fought in the semifinals of the tournament in case someone gets injured. Now we’re making one of the most anticipated rematches in the history of Russian MMA.
M-1 Challenge ağır çempionu Alexander “Drago” Volkov (25-6-0, M-1: 9-3-0) will make his first title defense against Atilla “Pumuklo” Vegh (29-6-2, M-1: 0-0-0) M-1 Challenge 68. A match between Russian middleweight Valery “Rusiya Hammer” Myasnikov (10-1-1, M-1: 1-1-1) and Spanish veteran Enoc Torres həll (18-9-0, M-1: 5-6-0) has also been announced for the June 16ci kart.
“Müəyyən artikl M-1 Challenge 68 event is going to be huge,” Finkelchtein added. “We’re stacking the card with Alexander Volkov vs Attila Vegh fighting in an M-1 Challenge heavyweight title fight. The Grand Prix winner, Shlemenko still gets $50,000. As for Ramazan meev, we will put efforts into arranging his fight with Alexander Shlemenko this fall, if Shlemenko is still fighting in Russia. Emeev versus Shlemenko will provide the answer to all of the questions MMA fans still arguing about.
M-1 Challenge 68 St canlı axın edəcək. Yüksək definition Petersburgwww.M1Global.TV. Tamaşaçı qeydiyyatdan üçün giriş ilkin döyüşlərdə və əsas kart izləmək mümkün olacaq www.M1Global.TV. Fans fəaliyyət bütün kompüter izləmək bilər, eləcə də Android və Apple Ağıllı telefonlar və tablet kimi.
Gələcək M-1 Global Hadisələr:
May 27M-1 Challenge 66: Nemkov vs. Yusopov, Orenburq şəhəri, Rusiya
İyun 4M-1 Challenge 67: Buchinger vs. İdrisov, Baku, Azərbaycan
Cuqquldamaq & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

Injury forces Ramazan Emeev to withdraw from M-1 Challenge 68 vs. Alexander Shlemenko June 16 St. Petersburg, Rusiya

Dərhal Release üçün
ST. PETERSBURG, Rusiya (May 14, 2016) – An elbow injury has forced M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Ramazan Emeev (sol təsvir) to withdraw from his June 16ciilə showdown Alexander “Fırtına” Shlemenko M-1 Challenge 68 at Yubileyny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg, Rusiya.
Emeev (14-3-0, M-1: 8-1-0) suffered a torn ligament in his elbow during training camp, postponing his M-1 Grand Prix Middleweight Championship fight against Shlemenko (52-9-0, M-1: 3-0-0) to a future date pending Emeev’s recovery period.
M-1 Challenge ağır çempionu Alexander “Drago” Volkov (25-6-0, M-1: 9-3-0) will make his first title defense against Atilla “Pumuklo” Vegh (29-6-2, M-1: 0-0-0) M-1 Challenge 68. A match between Russian middleweight Valery “Rusiya Hammer” Myasnikov (10-1-1, M-1: 1-1-1) and Spanish veteran Enoc Torres həll (18-9-0, M-1: 5-6-0) has also been announced for the June 16ci kart.
This is a tough blow for our organization because there is only one month before M-1 Challenge 68 and we have lost one of our main event fighters,” M-1 Global prezidentiVadim Finkelchtein bildirib. “It was the most anticipated fights for fans. We still have a great heavyweight title fight between defending champion Alexander Volkov and challenger Attila Vegh and we’re looking for a suitable replacement for Emeev to fight Shlemenko. M-1 Global has been working under a lot of pressure recently but, never-the-less, we continue to promote great events for our loyal fans. We will do everything possible to keep our fans happy.
M-1 Challenge 68 St canlı axın edəcək. Yüksək definition Petersburgwww.M1Global.TV. Tamaşaçı qeydiyyatdan üçün giriş ilkin döyüşlərdə və əsas kart izləmək mümkün olacaq www.M1Global.TV. Fans fəaliyyət bütün kompüter izləmək bilər, eləcə də Android və Apple Ağıllı telefonlar və tablet kimi.
Gələcək M-1 Global Hadisələr:
May 27 – M-1 Challenge 66: Nemkov vs. Yusopov, Orenburq şəhəri, Rusiya
İyun 4 – M-1 Challenge 67: Buchinger vs. İdrisov, Baku, Azərbaycan
Cuqquldamaq & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

Ramazan Emeev vs. Alexander Shlemenko M-1 Global Grand Prix Middleweight Championship; Alexander Volkov makes 1st M-1 Challenge Heavyweight title defense vs. Attila Vegh

M-1 Challenge 68, İyun 16 St. Petersburg, Rusiya
(L-R) — Ramazan Emeev & Alexander Shlemenko
ST. PETERSBURG, Rusiya (Aprel 28, 2016) – M-1 Global has announced a blockbuster M-1 Challenge 68 event as Ramazan EmeevAlexander “Fırtına” Shlemenko battle in the M-1 Global Grand Prix Middleweight Championship, while M-1 Challenge heavyweight champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov makes his first title defense against Atilla “Pumuklo” Vegh, Cümə axşamı gecə, İyun 16, at Yubileyny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg, Rusiya.
M-1 Challenge 68 St canlı axın edəcək. Yüksək definition Petersburgwww.M1Global.TV. Tamaşaçı qeydiyyatdan üçün giriş ilkin döyüşlərdə və əsas kart izləmək mümkün olacaq www.M1Global.TV. Fans fəaliyyət bütün kompüter izləmək bilər, eləcə də Android və Apple Ağıllı telefonlar və tablet kimi.
Emeev (14-3-0, M-1: 8-1-0), fighting out of Russia by way of Dağıstan, is the reigning M-1 Challenge middleweight champion, although his title belt will not be at stake against Shlemenko. The 28-year-old Emeev, kim idi 2015 M-1 Global Fighter of the Year, is a two-time M-1 Challenge middleweight champion. He originally captured the coveted crown in 2012, bir qərar qəbul Mario Miranda boş başlıq üçün. Onun ilk adı müdafiə, Emeev lost to Vyaçeslav Vasilevsky, who stopped the defending champion via punches in the fourth round.
In their much anticipated rematch April 10, 2015, Emeev recaptured the title from Vasilevsky, choking the defending champion into an opening-round submission. Ötən ilin dekabrında, Emeev successfully defended his title when Luigi Fiorvanti retired after four rounds. Earlier this month at M-1 Challenge 65, Emeev defeated Maiquel Falcao in the M-1 Grand Prix semifinals, by way of a first-round submission (boğulmaq – aşağıdakı şəkilə baxın), to qualify for the final versus Shlemenko.
The 31-year-old Shlemenko (52-9-0, M-1: 3-0-0) is a three-time Bellator champion from Omsk, Rusiya. He returned to M-1 Global competition in February, taking a decision from Vasilevsky (aşağıdakı şəkilə baxın) M-1 Challenge 64. The Siberian-born Shlemenko hadn’t competed in M-1 Global since 2005.
Volkov (25-6-0, M-1: 9-3-0), 27, also fought in Bellator for three years, 2012 qədər 2015, returning to M-1 Global action this past February for the first time in 5 ½ il. The popular fighter from Moscow signed a promotional contract with M-1 Global, döyüş Denis Smoldaraev Feb. 19, 2016 (aşağıdakı şəkilə baxın) at M-1 Challenge 64 for the vacant M-1 Challenge heavyweight championship. Volkov emerged victorious, using a choke in the third round to win with the Submission of the Night.
Vegh (29-6-2, M-1: 0-0-0), will make his M-1 Global debut versus Volkov in their M-1 Challenge title fight. Fighting out of Slovakia by way of his native Czechoslovakia, Vegh (aşağıda təsvir) is a former Bellator light heavyweight champion who is moving up one weight class to challenge Volkov.
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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global