Arkivji Tag: Angel Heredia

PUERTO Rika OLYMPIAN CARLOS IVAN Velasquez jipprepara imb'wiċċ SUPER featherweight Champion tad-Dinja JAVIER FORTUNA fil Las Vegas it-Tlieta, Settembru 29 FUQ PREMIER boxing CHAMPIONS’ “Tlieta TOE-TO-TOE’ DWAR FS1 & SPORTS FOX

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti mill Team Velasquez
LAS VEGAS, NV (Settembru 16, 2015) – Inqas minn ġimgħatejn bogħod mill tiegħuIt-Tlieta, Settembru 29 super-featherweight Showdown titolu dinja kontra undefeated Boxer champion dinja Javier “Il Abejon” Fortune (28-0-1, 20 Kos), Carlos Ivan Velasquez (19-1, 12 Kos) is gearing up for the fight of his life. He fights on Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) -TOE għal toe it-TlietaS headlined mill Fortuna vs. Velasquez, bout 12-round skedati mit-Pearl fil pali Casino Resort fil Las Vegas (9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT).
Velasquez twieled fl Cataño, Puerto Rico fejn hu u ħuh twin tiegħu kemm ikkompetew fil-boxing dilettanti jikbru. Huwa kien membru tal- 2004 Tim Puerto Rika Olimpiku boxing, iżda wkoll rebħu l- featherweight titolu fuq il-Amerikani u tal-Karibew Logħob Ċentrali. Taħriġ barra mill Las Vegas, NV ma boxing trainer stmata Roberto Norris, Velasquez ishma ħsibijiet tiegħu fuq kamp ta 'taħriġ, jiġġieled għal Puerto Rico u li jissodisfaw ħolma tiegħu li ssir champion dinja.
Dwar il-ġlieda għall-fannijiet Rika Puerto f'dan l-ewwel opportunità titolu dinja:
I was born and raised in Puerto Rico and I love my countrymen and country. Becoming a world champion is something I’ve been working hard for my whole life. From coming up as an amateur and Olympian to now, I ħolmu dwar rebbieħa dan it-titolu. The time has come to take my career to the next level. Being that this is my first world title shot, Jien ippreparati għal kollox biex juru d-dinja li jien ġlied kbir u li għandi l-intenzjoni li jġib it-titolu lura d-dar kollha familja tiegħi, ħbieb u fannijiet fuq Settembru 29th.”
Dwar il-ġlieda undefeated champion tad-dinja Javier Fortuna:
“Fortuna huwa kkunsidrat bħala wieħed mill-ġellieda kbir fid-diviżjoni 130-lira għal raġuni, he’s never lost. But he’s never been in the ring with a technical fighter like myself. He has a lot of flaws that we are going to expose.
Fuq it-titlu dinja tiegħu opportunità ġejjin fuq FS1 & FOX Sports:
“X'nista ngħid jien, I’m truly blessed to be fighting on PBC. FS1 and FOX Deportes are the new It-Tlieta Night Fight channels. Tlieta TOE-TO-TOE hija kbira għall-isport. I’m honored to be fighting in the main-event on a great network like FS1 and FOX Deportes. Boxing has now gone back to its glory days, u jien lest li shine.”
Fuq it-taħriġ ma coach ġdid Roberto Norris:
“I find myself fil-taħriġ f'pożizzjoni komda ma 'Roberto Norris, who is working great with the physical attributes that God has blessed me with. Being that Fortuna is a southpaw, pjan logħba kbira għandhom jiġu implimentati, and Norris has a masterful strategy in place. The knowledge that Norris conveys is really making a difference in my approach. I’m confident I’ll be able to dictate the pace of the fight and negate anything Fortuna tries to impose.
Dwar il-ħidma mal-qawwa u l-kondizzjonament coach Ángel “Memo” Heredia:
Angel Heredia is one of the best strength and conditioning coaches in boxing. With all the work we’ve done, I’ve never felt stronger going into a fight. His techniques are second to none. My stamina will be at peak performance when I step in the ring. B'żieda, Memo ġġib ħafna ta 'esperjenza sa rokna tiegħi.
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Ritratt minn Marlene Marquez
LAS VEGAS, NV (Awissu 12, 2015) – Ġlied fil titolu bout ewwel fid-dinja tiegħu fuq IT-TLIETA Settembru 29, 2015, Puerto Rika konkorrent super ħfief (WBA #9) , Carlos Velasquez (19-1, 12 Kos), hija ħerqana li tagħti undefeated WBA World Champion, Javier Fortuna (28-0-1, 20 Kos), his first loss. The PBC on FOX Sports 1 se televize l bout li jibda 9PM ET Ħin tal-Lvant / 6PM PT. Ticket sales and venue for Fortuna vs. Velasquez se jitħabbru dalwaqt.
Velasquez, li jirrappreżenta Puerto Rico fil- 2004 Olimpjadi, is thriving at the opportunity to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a world champion. He believes he has advantages that will lead him to victory. On the line with be Fortuna’s WBA World title.
“Qatt peress I kien tifel żgħażagħ, I dejjem isaffru lili nnifsi bħala champion tad-dinja,” Said Velasquez. “Now I have a golden opportunity to accomplish that dream. It won’t be easy. Javier Fortuna is a very tough fighter with an undefeated record. He’s considered one of the best fighters in the division. Stylistically, he’s never been in the ring with a fighter like me. When I bring home the belt, I hope I nikseb kreditu għall jisfratta ġellied top bħal Fortuna.”
Trained by boxing guru Roberto Norris, u ggwidati mill dietologu / qawwa coach Angel “Memo” Heredia, Velasquez jħoss hu għandu l-iskwadra dritt li tista 'tieħu lilu għall-quċċata.
“Nemmen I jkollhom coach kbir fil Roberto Norris, li jifhem Me.” Velasquez kontinwu. “Hu ltqajna me jaħdmu fuq kull punti b'saħħithom tiegħi, bringing out the best in what I do best. Memo is getting my body in top condition. Inħoss kbir. I’m going to be at my best when I step in the ring with Fortuna.

Marvelous Training Camp Begins! Sonsona Arrives in Vegas

Former WBO Super Flyweight Champion “Marvellous” Marvin Sonsona (19-1-1, 15 Kos) arrived yesterday in Las Vegas to continue working with trainer Jun Agrabio, Sampson Boxing stablemate and fellow former world champion John Riel Casimero, as well as strength and conditioning coach Angel Heredia, for his upcoming fight against Puerto Rico’s JaysonLa MaravillaVelez (22-0-1, 16 Kos).


Team Sonsona will be training at Roy Jones Jr.’s Gym.


Ranked #2 WBC, #5 WBA, #4 IBF u #12 WBO, Sonsona, will face Velez (iggradata #3 WBC) in a final elimination bout to face champion Jhonny Gonzalez and in defense of his NABF Featherweight Championship.


While working with Agrabio, the 24-year-old Sonsona, of General Santos City, Filippini, has rededicated himself to his boxing career and the results have shown. He knocked out former world champion Akifumi Shimoda in three brutal rounds last February and then avenged his only loss, to Wilfredo Vazquez Jr. by way of a split decision victory in June.

I’m very happy that Sonsona and Casimero are working together in Las Vegas, Hometown tiegħi,” said the pair’s co-promoter, Sampson Lewkowicz ta Sampson Boxing (along with Sammy Gello-ani), and I’m looking forward to having two more champions for my promotional company in the very near future.


Casimero, from Cebu City, Filippini, is currently waiting to face the winner of the upcoming IBF flyweight title fight between current champion Amnat Ruenroeng and China’s Zou Shiming in March.



Wara li run ħafna suċċess bħala matchmaker u konsulent, Sampson Lewkowicz qalbu għall-naħa promozzjonali ta boxing professjonali f'Jannar 2008.

Sampson Boxing kibret f'waħda ta 'ditti promozzjonali aktar prestiġjużi fid-dinja, li jirrappreżenta ħafna mill-ġellieda aqwa tad-dinja u kontendenti żgħażagħ l-aktar promettenti.

Sampson Boxing tkun imsieħba promozzjonali kollha fuq Tramuntana u l-Amerika t'Isfel, Afrika, Asja, New Zealand, Awstralja, Ewropa u l-Amerika Ċentrali u Sampson Boxing avvenimenti ġew televiżjoni fuq netwerks premiere bħal HBO, Showtime, ESPN, VS. u netwerks internazzjonali diversi.