标记档案: 安德烈斯·古铁雷斯

GERVONTA “TANK” DAVIS 在 SHOWTIME PPV® 主赛事周六晚来自亚特兰大的比赛中,凭借出色的 TKO 战胜了以前不败的马里奥·巴里奥斯,晋级两个重量级,成为三级世界冠军

包含运动的图片, 人, 球员

(图片来源: 阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣)

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亚特兰大 (六月 27, 2021) - Gervonta“坦克”戴维斯, 拳击界最伟大的明星之一, 周六晚上在亚特兰大屡获殊荣的 State Farm Arena 的 SHOWTIME PPV 上进行了一场定义职业生涯的表演, 得分闪烁 11 对此前不败的对手进行一轮将军澳 马里奥·巴里奥斯 在动感十足的超级拳击冠军赛中夺得 WBA 超轻量级冠军. 观看停工 这里.

“我让它变得艰难. 我绝对可以让它变得更容易,但我上了两个重量级,我完成了工作,”这位 26 岁的巴尔的摩本地人说, 谁是他的第二个 SHOWTIME PPV 的主角. “我用一些干净利落的球击中了他, 但我是那种想用干净利落的镜头抓住你的战士. 我不只是想投任何类型的球. 我投出的球不见了, 但最终我还是追上了他。”

在一场发挥其潜力的战斗中, 戴维斯 (25-0, 24 科斯) 和巴里奥斯 (26-1, 17 科斯) 共同在场场爆满的观众面前上演了一场令人难忘的主赛事 16,570. 戴维斯在开局缓慢的四轮比赛中仅落地 11 拳, 比赛从第五轮开始就产生了烟花. 在第八轮比赛中, 《坦克》职业生涯中第一次和第二次将“阿兹特克”搬上画布. 第一, 戴维斯一记横扫右勾拳,将这位前冠军击倒在地. 过了一会儿, 戴维斯的左手直击再次丢下巴里奥斯. 勇敢的巴里奥斯站了起来, 幸存下来戴维斯试图在第八局结束他.

国际拳击名人堂成员和发起人弗洛伊德梅威瑟在他的角落鼓励戴维斯, 左撇子在第十一回合重新焕发活力, 意识到战斗可能在记分卡上接近. “坦克”在战斗中第三次丢下巴里奥斯, 这次用左勾拳打身体. 血腥的巴里奥斯再次崛起, 只是受到戴维斯的又一拳的欢迎. 裁判托马斯泰勒介入阻止了这场比赛 2:13 第十一轮.

“我很确定如果我抓住他, 我在破解,”戴维斯告诉 SHOWTIME 的吉姆·格雷. “所以我抓住了他, 的,它显示. 我的教练告诉我要采用刺拳风格,但我是左撇子,所以他们知道我要去刺拳一侧. 所以我会试着引诱他. 我假装要离开, 我扔了我的权利. 我的钩在上面, 这就是我抓住他的地方。”

在最后的六轮半, 戴维斯登陆 85 拳. 他降落 45 他的权力拳%的 (82/182), 而巴里奥斯不仅拥有自己的, 在完成的十轮比赛中的六轮中击败戴维斯.

“我知道他受伤了. 我只需要在正确的时间抓住他,”戴维斯继续说. “弗洛伊德 [梅威瑟] 来找我,很诚实,说我很沮丧,”戴维斯继续说, 在停赛时谁实际上在所有三名裁判的记分卡上都领先. “所以他说‘让我知道你很棒。’你知道我们在狗窝里是怎么做到的, 婴儿!”

凭借这场胜利, 戴维斯现在同时在三个不同的部门举行世界锦标赛, 历史上只有少数几位战士才能完成的壮举, 包括亨利·阿姆斯特朗和卡内洛·阿尔瓦雷斯.

“他有潜力成为有史以来最伟大的球员之一,”梅威瑟说. “当我第一次见到‘坦克’时,他 14 或 15 岁, 我告诉他我会让他成为世界冠军. 并且有一天你会成为最好的人之一. 我为他感到骄傲。”

“我从来都不是仇恨者. 恭喜“坦克”,”巴里奥斯说. “他来这里做了他的事. 这简直就是一场激动人心的战斗,而这正是我们俩所预测的. 他是更好的男人,今晚, 但我一定会回来的.

“‘坦克’是爆炸性的. 他发现我滑倒了,这是拳击. 在一天结束时, 一拳可以改变战斗. 这正是我觉得发生的事情. 恭喜他。”

在来回的共同主赛事中, 奥兰多魔术队的 埃里克森“锤”鲁宾 (23-1, 17 科斯) 克服了一些逆境,赢得了他职业生涯中最重要的胜利,战胜了前联合世界冠军 杰森罗萨里奥 (20-3-1, 14 科斯). 白细胞编号. 1-排名竞争者 154 英镑, 鲁宾第六轮KO (1:42) 在 WBC 超次中量级冠军淘汰赛中. 手表 这里.

“我只是按照比赛计划,” 25 岁的鲁宾说, 谁提高到 6-0 自从他职业生涯唯一一次输给了体重 154 磅的主销杰梅尔·查洛 (Jermell Charlo). “我会在每轮比赛结束后回到我的角落,然后教练 [凯文·] 坎宁安和我的团队只会说, '坚持戳戳. 与你的刺拳保持一致。’ 我比他快得多,我知道他有很好的力量,他正试图反击我. 所以我会让他淡出,并始终如一地使用我的刺拳。”

在第三轮, 鲁宾几乎用一个巨大的框架提前结束了比赛,罗萨里奥在后脚. 在回合的最后时刻, 鲁宾的右勾拳让罗萨里奥在铃声响起后摇摇晃晃地回到他的角落. 奇迹般地, 在下一轮, 罗萨里奥得以恢复并彻底扭转局面, 左刺拳使鲁宾摇摇晃晃.

动作在第六轮中出现了更多. 鲁宾, 感觉到罗萨里奥容易受到身体攻击, 得到了一个恶毒的左右身体组合,让罗萨里奥跪了下来,最终证明这是战斗的转折点. 玫瑰园, 明显受伤, 永远无法恢复,不久后鲁宾用绳索把他干掉了.

“第一轮一开始,我就开始伤害他的身体,“ 这 2016 “年度展望”鲁宾说. “我从身体开始,我看到他咕哝着. 所以我能够伤害他的身体. 我只是想用刺戳分散他的注意力, 然后下楼. 我能把他弄出来. 我知道即使他在击倒后站起来战斗已经结束. 我知道我是一名出色的终结者,我知道我一看到他摔倒就会让他离开那里。”

鲁宾降落 44 他的权力拳%的 (80/288) 和 20 他的落地拳打到了身体上. 同赢, 鲁宾将自己置于第二次世界冠军机会的画面中.

“我想在下一个世界冠军,“他说,. “我希望每个人都在 154 英镑. 我不是. 1 在WBC,但我选择与罗萨里奥战斗. 我不躲避任何人. 我想说的是,当我赢得世界冠军时,我和我所在部门的每个人都战斗过。”

“马上, 我感觉如此糟糕,罗萨里奥说. “还没有什么教训要吸取, 一切都还那么原始. 我又输了, 这太令人沮丧了. 我确信我会赢. 战斗在第二轮开始. 我只是想跟上并听我的角落. 鲁宾是一个伟大的战士. 他配得上胜利. 我希望他享受他的胜利。”

在他职业生涯的最大舞台上, 多米尼加共和国 卡洛斯·亚当斯 (20-1, 16 科斯) 顺势而为, 在裸奔的第三轮淘汰赛中得分 亚历克西斯·萨拉查 (23-4, 9 科斯) 在按次计费的第二场战斗中. 停工的时间为 2:59 第三轮. 看KO 这里.

在多事且决定性的第三轮, 裁判吉姆科尔布因过度持球被亚当斯扣两分. 然而, 亚当斯确定扣分不会对比赛结果产生影响. 他丢下萨拉查,左勾拳在下巴上齐平, 萨拉查从未料到的一拳. 这位 25 岁的墨西哥人能够重新站起来, 但是科尔布要求停赛,因为很明显茫然的萨拉查无法继续比赛.

“我控制了整场战斗, 这就是让他有时转身的原因,” 27 岁的亚当斯说. “我一开始是在用刺戳身体,所以这很有效, 然后我用左勾拳来了. 我完成了我的工作并从头到尾遵循了我的策略,并且能够以我想要的方式取得成功.

“战斗的关键时刻是我设法打乱了他的注意力. 一旦我能够做到这一点,那对我来说就很容易挑选了。”

“我在那里感觉很好,我以为我赢了几轮,”萨拉查说, 15连胜被一拳终结. “但他开始抓住我,就在那时他用上勾拳抓住了我. 那打了一场. 我只需要回去工作,继续寻找更多机会。”

在 SHOWTIME PPV 电视广播的开幕式上, 强硬 巴特尔艾哈迈多夫 (9-1, 8 科斯) 以将军澳战胜前世界冠军 Argenis门德斯 (25-7-3, 12 科斯) 在 12 轮 WBA 超轻量级冠军淘汰赛中. 门德斯右手受伤,没有从凳子上站出来参加第九轮. 停工的正式时间为 3:00 第八轮.

“战斗按计划进行,赛义德·艾哈迈多夫, 在第二轮意外头部碰撞后,他克服了职业生涯的第一次左眼. “我们期待这样一场艰苦的战斗. 我已经离开戒指很久了, 所以我需要让那些回合进入. 我的计划是接下来为世界冠军而战. 我们知道他打架会不舒服而且很狡猾. 他用头撞我. 这对我来说是很好的经历。”

在奥运选手的战斗中, 是艾哈迈多夫施压,从一开始就忙得不可开交. 他早早地去尸体, 着陆 57 身体拳, 当回合经过时,把门德斯穿下来. 30岁的艾哈迈多夫登陆 115 的 306 他扔出的强力拳, 而 34 岁的门德斯登陆 84 他 223 权力拳, 包括只是 13 身体连接. 在停止时, 艾哈迈多夫在三位法官的记分卡上均领先.

“门德斯是一个与顶级战士战斗的硬汉,” 艾哈迈多夫继续说. “我们知道这不会是在公园里散步. 当我伤害他, 我的角球告诉我在淘汰赛之前要慢下来,慢慢来。”

“我开始觉得 (受伤) 在第二轮和第三轮,”失望的门德斯说. “我的指关节断了,在第一轮用右手砍伤他后,我再也无法出拳了. 我试图从第四轮开始继续战斗, 但无济于事. 没用。”

同赢, 艾哈迈多夫在 140 磅重的比赛中一直在争夺顶级比赛. 门德斯跌至 2-4-2 在过去的八场比赛中.

SHOWTIME 将在由 Chris “Primetime” Colbert 与. Tugstsogt “King Tug” Nyambayar 下周六, 七月 3 在 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT在Showtime. 今晚从亚特兰大州立农场竞技场重播的 SHOWTIME PPV 头条景点将作为卡森现场直播的开场战, 加利福尼亚州. 在独立日周末.

ALL ACCESS: 戴维斯-巴里奥斯结语 在下周的现场直播之后立即首映 科尔伯特 VS. Nyambayar. 艾美奖获奖系列 ALL ACCESS 整个星期都在亚特兰大的幕后拍摄,以捕捉格斗周前所未见的时刻. 尾声将揭示比赛前后更衣室的亲密场景,以及今晚行动的绳索内.

资深体育解说员布赖恩·卡斯特主持了 SHOWTIME PPV 电视转播,而多才多艺的格斗运动声音毛罗·拉纳洛与名人堂分析师阿尔·伯恩斯坦和三级世界冠军阿布纳·马雷斯一起处理了逐一的动作. 名人堂的三殿杀进欣欣转播团队 – 艾美奖® 获奖的记者吉姆·格雷, 非官方得分手史蒂夫·法胡德(Steve Farhood)和世界著名的环形播音员小吉米·列侬(Jimmy Lennon Jr). 执行制片人是四次艾美奖得主大卫·丁金斯, JR. 电视转播由鲍勃·邓菲 (Bob Dunphy) 导演. 前初中量级世界冠军 Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez 和体育解说员 Alejandro Luna 担任西班牙语二级音频编程专家分析师 (SAP).

# # #

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GERVONTA戴维斯VS. 马里奥·巴里奥斯媒体锻炼报价和照片


更多, 埃里克森·鲁宾 (Erickson Lubin) 和 Undercard Fighters 在大片 SHOWTIME PPV 中亮相® 本周六活动, 六月 26, 从国营农场球馆亚特兰大

点击 这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片

点击 这里 从肖恩·迈克尔火腿图片/
Mayweather Promotions

亚特兰大 (六月 23, 2021) – 四届世界冠军 Gervonta“坦克”戴维斯 和不败的WBA超轻量级冠军 马里奥·“阿兹特卡”·巴里奥斯 在本周六的大片之前,周三在大学橄榄球名人堂参加了一场媒体训练,以开始战斗周 SHOWTIME PPV® 事件.

Premier Boxing Champions 提供的现场赛事门票现已开始销售,可通过 Ticketmaster.com 购买.

这是戴维斯, 巴里奥斯和其他出席的战士必须在周三说:


“我很高兴能在这个位置上给球迷们他们想看到的东西, 这是一场激动人心的战斗. 亚特兰大在我上次来的时候向我展示了爱, 所以为什么不回来?

“这是我在纸面上最艰难的战斗之一. 我会准备好,希望他会准备好, 我们会给粉丝他们想看的东西.

“拉斯维加斯绝对是一个拳击小镇. 我的团队在 Mayweather Promotions 那里,我也带了我的个人团队去那里. 我们都是一家人. 我们一起训练, 相处, 互相帮助.

“我没有压力, 我只是出去做我的工作. 这对我来说只是工作的另一天. 希望他准备好了,因为我绝对准备好了,我们可以给球迷他们想看到的东西, 这是一个淘汰赛.

“[邻里] 是个年轻的冠军. 我要上两个重量级来面对他. 如果他们在这之后不给我尊重, 我不知道我必须做什么. 它太酷了. 这实际上是我第一次参加这个重量级的比赛. 无论他们给我什么机会 135, 或 140, 我会带他们。”


“这都是全新的, 但我全心全意,很高兴来到亚特兰大. 我很高兴能在周六出去给每个人打一场精彩的比赛.

“毫无疑问, 坦克是迄今为止对另一场卫冕冠军最艰难的考验,我将尽一切努力在周六取得成功. 周六会有烟花.

“这是一个巨大的机会,我对这个机会感到非常兴奋. 这对我来说是一场非常胜利的战斗, 不管每个人都在说什么. 我很高兴能回到赛场和亚特兰大.

“我认为直到我们都进入戒指之后人们才会意识到我真正拥有多大的尺寸 140 英镑. 不知何故, 尽管他是这场战斗的挑战者,但他仍然是最受欢迎的. 我只是认为这对我来说是更多的动力.

“高度明智, 达到. 这些是主要优势. 我和他一样危险. 和一样的爆发力和一样快. 我会在战斗之夜展示这一点.

“当他们来找我时, 我说让我们做吧,但我就像, “我不会降到 135 岁,”他们说, '不, 他会来的。”我说, “甚至更好。”

“我见过他打了很多次. 他是一名出色的拳击手,并且在较轻的级别对抗较小的对手时非常成功. 但这对他来说是一场不同的战斗.

“我没有从 Leo Santa Cruz 的比赛中得到太多. 我觉得 [Gervonta] 以他的方式与他战斗,因为他不尊重圣克鲁斯的权力. 但是在我们的战斗中,他将别无选择,也不会像与圣克鲁斯战斗那样与我战斗. 不管他晚上做什么, 我将不得不适应.

“我打拳击的时间和他一样长,而且我的拳击智商很高, 就像他一样. 只需一拳就可以改变一场战斗, 他肯定有一拳. 但我会发现这种力量是否会延续到 140 英镑“。


“我们一直在努力. 每个营地都很难. 只是这次我们加的时间长了一点. 自从我上次战斗以来,我们一直在工作,我很高兴能去那里展示我的才能.

“我和杰森·罗萨里奥, 我们都饿了. 我只是想我更想要它,我的准备将不言而喻,粉丝们只能期待烟花和最好的我.

“这不仅仅是我们正在努力的一件事; 我们正在努力做到最好. 现在一切都在点击所有气缸. 我觉得我已经准备好战斗了. 几周前我已经准备好战斗了. 一切都将在周六晚上展示.

“我见过他与查洛和其他人的比赛——我已经看够了. 我知道我必须做些什么才能让他离开那里. 我是一名参赛选手,想给粉丝们最好的表演.

“我的损失影响了我并激励了我很多时间. 我知道我的能力,我知道我能做什么, 所以我只是回到绘图板并把它全部吸收. 我明白这项运动有多严肃, 以及这项运动是多么无情. 所以我知道我必须走出去,做一些不同的事情,才能让我的职业生涯更上一层楼. 这就是我所做的。”


“当我接到要在这张卡上的电话时,我感觉很棒. 我很高兴得到这个机会.

“圆环有四个角, 我最终会抓住他. 在擂台外,他或许能从我身边逃走, 但在戒指内他将无法.

“这是一种责任感. 无论我要准备多久,我总是准备好战斗. 我的责任是,每当我被要求为粉丝们上演一场精彩的表演时,始终做好准备.

“这是一个很好的机会,我非常感谢 PBC 和 SHOWTIME 考虑我. 我想在星期六展示我的价值.

“我知道我的对手是一个好斗的拳手,他的右手经常出拳. 我会为任何事情做好准备. 我有能力适应他想做的任何事, 所以我不在乎他带来了什么 因为我准备好了.

“和 PBC 在一起让我感觉离腰带更近了. 现在我所要做的就是进入擂台,展示我有能力尽快赢得这些腰带。”


“当我得知我将在这张牌上战斗时,我有很多情绪. 比什么都重要, 这是一个梦想成真,因为我为此付出了一生. 我感谢上帝给我这个机会,我会好好利用它.

“我不能在我的对手面前停留太久, 我需要和他打拳击. 这是我知道怎么做的,也是我一直在准备做的.

“我感觉很棒,我真的为这场战斗做好了准备. 这是我第一次在亚特兰大打架, 这是一个非常好的城市.

“对我来说,升级到按次付费卡是一个很大的动力. 我觉得更有动力去做我知道该怎么做的事情. 我每天都在训练和努力, 所以没有什么新鲜事.

“我想证明我已经准备好并达到新的高度. 我想向人们展示你来自哪里, 有可能实现你的梦想. 我每天训练, 每天努力工作,没有比努力工作和在这个舞台上奋斗更好的动力了.

“我的陪练一直很棒,我一直在好莱坞的 Wild Card 训练, 那些家伙是战士. 我所有的陪练伙伴都饿了,上周他们都表现出来了.



“非常感谢大家的支持. 我在世界冠军争夺战中与马里奥战斗并经历了一场战争, 现在我们正在处理错误. 我准备好再上演一次, 我会尽我所能,让球迷们享受一场激动人心的战斗.

“在我的教练下, 乔尔和安东尼奥·迪亚兹, 我有世界上最好的团队. 每次是否成功都是一个学习的过程, 输, 或绘制. 你必须对你的表现做出调整,这就是我们所做的.

“我会尽我最大的努力让球迷记住这场战斗. 我已经喜欢亚特兰大市了. 你马上就可以看到人们喜欢这里的拳击. 这将是一张很好打架的好牌.



“我感觉好极了, 我很高兴也很兴奋. 我很高兴今天来到这里,也很高兴能带着胜利离开.

“最重要的是赢得胜利. 我非常专注于这个星期六的战斗.

“主要活动真的不关我的事,因为到最后, 我专注于我的战斗. 周六晚上之后, 我会关心主赛事中两个人中的任何一个赢得他们的战斗,因为那样他们将成为我的下一个对手.

“我认为这将是一场有趣的战斗,因为拳击已经改变了. 艾哈迈多夫是奥运选手, 尽管他打架次数较少, 他输给了马里奥·巴里奥斯的一个有争议的决定. 我认为这场战斗会带来很多不同的挑战,周六晚上每个人都会看到一场有趣的战斗.

“我在曼彻斯特的训练有点奇怪, 英国, 这对我来说是一个不同的环境. 我喜欢它的每一秒. 由于 COVID-19 的情况,我的教练无法到场, 但我仍然得到我的团队的支持,这很棒. 我真的很高兴能展示我在这个星期六晚上所做的工作。”

# # #

关于达维VS. 巴里奥斯
戴维斯VS. Barrios 将看到四届世界冠军 Gervonta “Tank” Davis 在周六的 SHOWTIME PPV 主赛事中面对 WBA 超轻量级冠军 Mario “El Azteca” Barrios, 六月 26 在亚特兰大屡获殊荣的州立农场体育馆参加由 Premier Boxing Champions 主办的活动.

按次收费的电视广播开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT 将有两个顶级 154 磅的竞争者的战斗,因为 Erickson “Hammer” Lubin 在联合主赛事的 WBC 超次中量级冠军淘汰赛中面对前统一冠军 Jeison Rosario. 超级次中量级竞争者卡洛斯·亚当斯将迎战墨西哥的亚历克西斯·萨拉查 在 10 轮的对决中,强悍的奥运选手巴蒂尔·艾哈迈多夫在 12 轮 WBA 超轻量级冠军淘汰赛中对阵前世界冠军阿吉尼斯·门德斯,开始按次付费电视转播.

该活动由梅威瑟促销推广, GTD促销和TGB促销. 艾哈迈多夫VS. 门德斯格斗与拳击世界联合推广.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxinghttps://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.

超中量级竞争者卡洛斯·阿达梅斯在 Gervonta Davis 对阵亚历克西斯·萨拉查. Mario Barrios SHOWTIME PPV Undercard 本周六, 六月 26

亚当斯 VS. 萨拉查换下朱利安威廉姆斯 vs. 威廉姆斯在训练中肘部受伤后布莱恩门多萨战斗

亚特兰大 (六月 22, 2021) – 超次中量级竞争者 卡洛斯·亚当斯 将迎战墨西哥 亚历克西斯·萨拉查 在本周六 SHOWTIME PPV undercard 的 10 轮对决中, 六月 26 来自亚特兰大屡获殊荣的州立农场竞技场,参加由 Premier Boxing Champions 举办的活动.

亚当斯 VS. 萨拉查取代之前预定的朱利安威廉姆斯对. 布赖恩门多萨战斗, 在威廉姆斯因肘部受伤被迫退出后.

这场赛事的主角是四届世界冠军 Gervonta “Tank” Davis,他将在 SHOWTIME PPV 电视转播的主赛事中对阵不败的 WBA 超轻量级冠军 Mario “El Azteca” Barrios,寻求第三个重量级的冠军头衔。 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT.

State Farm Arena现场活动门票, 这是由梅威瑟促销推广, GTD促销和TGB促销, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买 HTTPS://www.ticketmaster.com.

指挥官本地人, 多明尼加共和国, 亚当斯 (19-1, 15 科斯) 在纽约市之外进行战斗,寻求第二次获得世界冠军的机会. 这位27岁的球员在通往职业生涯的道路上击败了众多竞争者 2019 他以微弱优势输给了帕特里克·特谢拉(Patrick Teixeira),赢得了冠军头衔. 亚当斯击败前冠军卡洛斯·莫利纳, 和竞争者弗兰克·加拉扎, 约书亚·康利和亚历杭德罗·巴雷拉赢得了夺冠的机会.

25岁的萨拉查 (23-3, 9 科斯) 这场比赛取得15连胜. 最近, 萨拉查在 12 月赢得了对鲁本巴拉哈斯的一致决定 2020 冲突. 最初来自瓜达拉哈拉, 哈利斯科, 墨西哥和现在在诺沃克之外战斗, 加利福尼亚州。, 萨拉查将在美国作战. 周六晚上第六次. 他之前在美国的郊游看到他统治了亚伯拉罕·科德罗,并在 5 月获得了一致的决定 2019.

非电视转播的底牌将以古巴竞争者为特色 Leduan缪 (16-1-1, 8 科斯) 会议不败 维克多·斯拉文斯基 (12-0-1, 6 科斯)在八轮超羽量级的斗争, 前冠军挑战者 安德烈斯·古铁雷斯 (38-2-1, 25 科斯) 在八轮超轻量级景点中, 不败前景 道尔顿布罗迪 (1-0, 1 KO) 与不败的同胞进行四轮超中量级对决 特雷弗·布拉德肖 (1-0) 和不败的华盛顿, D.C. 天生的前景 斯泰西塞尔比 (2-0, 2 科斯) 在四轮超轻量级比赛中进入擂台.

# # #

关于达维VS. 巴里奥斯
戴维斯VS. Barrios 将看到四届世界冠军 Gervonta “Tank” Davis 在周六的 SHOWTIME PPV 主赛事中面对 WBA 超轻量级冠军 Mario “El Azteca” Barrios, 六月 26 在亚特兰大屡获殊荣的州立农场体育馆参加由 Premier Boxing Champions 主办的活动.

按次收费的电视广播开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT 将有两个顶级 154 磅的竞争者的战斗,因为 Erickson “Hammer” Lubin 在联合主赛事的 WBC 超次中量级冠军淘汰赛中面对前统一冠军 Jeison Rosario. 超级次中量级竞争者卡洛斯·亚当斯将迎战墨西哥的亚历克西斯·萨拉查 在 10 轮的对决中,强悍的奥运选手巴蒂尔·艾哈迈多夫在 12 轮 WBA 超轻量级冠军淘汰赛中对阵前世界冠军阿吉尼斯·门德斯,开始按次付费电视转播.

该活动由梅威瑟促销推广, GTD促销和TGB促销. 艾哈迈多夫VS. 门德斯格斗与拳击世界联合推广.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxinghttps://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


Santa Cruz Stops Chris Avalos in Round Eight & Abner Mares Earns Technical Decision over Andres Gutierrez in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Action from StubHub Center in Carson, 加利福尼亚州.
Former Champion Antonio DeMarco Shocks Previously Unbeaten Eddie Ramirez By Controversial First Round Stoppage
点击 这里 来自安迪·萨缪尔森的照片/
总理拳击冠军 – 不久添加照片
CARSON, CALIF. (十月 14, 2017) – Featherweight world champions 狮子座圣克鲁斯押尼珥Mares were both victorious in their Premier Boxing Champions on 福克斯和福克斯驱逐队 fights Saturday night from StubHub Center in Carson, 加利福尼亚州. and officially set up a world championship rematch between the two popular southern California champions in early 2018.
I want Abner Mares,” 说圣克鲁斯. “I said if we both win; we’re going to fight. I’m ready to fight him in Los Angeles in the beginning of next year.
I’m a totally different fighter now since I started working with Robert Garcia,” 说马雷什. “We’re going to keep showing that when we fight Leo Santa Cruz.
在主要事件, 圣克鲁斯 (34-1-1, 19 科斯) took care of business and defended his title by stopping 克里斯·阿瓦洛斯 (27-6, 20 科斯) 在第八轮.
He was very tough and I was fighting the wrong fight,” 说圣克鲁斯. “I wanted to please the fans and give them a brawl. Once my dad told me how I could stop him easily, I boxed him more and got the stoppage.
Santa Cruz used his length effectively and set up his jab while firing straight right hands to Avalos’ 头. Avalos stayed tough, but was in trouble in round four when Santa Cruz connected with a left hook that stunned Avalos in the corner.
Avalos originally retreated but as Santa Cruz came forward he was forced to brawl through the remainder of the round and took a great deal of punishment. Always game, Avalos continued to fight back and landed punches as Santa Cruz attempted to walk down his opponent.
I thought I had him in the fourth round,” 说圣克鲁斯. “I gassed out a little bit but I got my air back later. I thought the ref was going to jump in during that round but he let him continue.
最后, 在第八轮, after several more flurries of punishment, referee Thomas Taylor jumped in and stopped the bout 1:34 进出线. Although he was out landed 282-169, Avalos believed he could have continued in the fight.
I’m very upset with the stoppage,” said Avalos. “We were fighting the whole time. There was no reason to stop this fight. I wasn’t hurt like the referee thought. I want to fight for the title again.
共同主赛事 母亲 (31-2-1, 15 科斯)make the first defense of his title by wearing down and eventually earning a technical decision over 安德烈斯·古铁雷斯 (35-2-1, 25 科斯).
Referee Jack Reiss called on the advice of the ringside physician midway through the 10圆, who determined that Gutierrez was unable to continue due to a cut. Although the cut was originally opened by a punch, the commission determined that a series of accidental fouls caused the cut to worsen to the point that the fight was ended, and a final verdict would be decided by the scorecards.
Mares was sharp from the outset, using the jab to get to Gutierrez and teeing off with combinations. The right hand was a weapon all night long and in the second round he connected with the shot that opened up the cut under Gutierrez’s left eye.
I told everyone that I was here to make a statement,” 说马雷什. “I had a tough opponent and he showed how good he is. It took a lot of punches and a lot of big punches. It was just a matter of time before I stopped him.
Gutierrez continued to put up a strong effort and never stopped throwing punches, using his jab to try to keep Mares at bay. 然而, as the cut worsened throughout the fight, Mares had an easier time landing thudding right hands to Gutierrez’s face.
I didn’t feel like the fight should have been stopped,” 古铁雷斯说. “I was hurting him as much as he was hurting me. My cuts did not bother me. I want to fight him again or have another shot at the title. I was prepared to fight to the final bell.
I thought they could have stopped it earlier,” 说马雷什. “He’s a young guy who was too brave for his own good. I was happy with the decision. I deserved the stoppage but I’m happy I got the win.
It was the accumulation of punches that eventually forced the referee to stop the fight. At the time of the stoppage all three judges had the fight in favor of Mares, 通过分数 100-90 和 99-91 两次.
The opening bout of the telecast saw an action-packed opening round that ended in controversy as former world champion 安东尼奥·德马科 (33-6-1, 24 科斯)score a first round stoppage of previously unbeaten 埃迪·拉米雷斯 (17-1, 11 科斯) in their super lightweight affair.
The fighters disagreed on the decision to stop the fight by referee Gerard White to stop the fight.
That stoppage was way too early,” 拉米雷斯说. “I was not hurt. I was fighting back and I felt like I was recovering. I want an immediate rematch if possible.
I think it was a good decision from the referee,” 德马科说:. “He was taking a lot of solid punches and I felt like I had him.
Ramirez came out aggressive early and pushed DeMarco against the ropes, looking to punish him with combinations. Midway through the round however, DeMarco connected with a straight left hook that stunned Ramirez and sprung DeMarco onto the attack.
As DeMarco stalked Ramirez around the ring, he caught him in the corner and forced Ramirez’s knees to buckle. Ramirez was able to stay on his feet and appeared to be throwing back, but the referee jumped in and stopped the bout 1:56 成一个圆.
I’m very thankful to Ramirez for taking the fight,” 德马科说:. “I think big things are coming for me. I’m going to talk to my team and see what is next. I think this performance will erase a lot of doubts about me.
I’m an experienced fighter and I stayed patient. I had great preparation and waited for the right moment. I feel great right now.
I want an immediate rematch if possible,” 拉米雷斯说. “I’ll talk to my team but that was a bad stoppage and I want a chance to redeem myself.
# # #
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions, @FOX, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/呼叫五星体育www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. 中国人民银行FOX & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by Ringstar Sports and TGB Promotions.

FOX 上的顶级拳击冠军 & 福克斯驱逐最终新闻发布会语录 & 照片

Tripleheader Headlined Headlined by Santa Cruz vs. 阿瓦洛斯 &
Mares vs. Gutierrez World Title Fights 星期六, 十月 14
StubHub Center in Carson, 加利福尼亚州.
点击 这里 for Photos from Erick Ramirez/Ringstar Sports
CARSON, CALIF. (十月 12, 2017) – Fighters entering the ring for 周六 FOX 和 FOX Deportes 的顶级拳击冠军 tripleheader event went face-to-face at the final press conference Thursday before they compete at StubHub Center.
PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes is headlined by three-division champion 狮子 “地震” 圣克鲁斯 defending his featherweight world title against 克里斯·阿瓦洛斯, while four-time world champion 押尼珥Mares defends his 126-pound championship against once-beaten 安德烈斯·古铁雷斯. 电视报道开始于 7:30 P.M. AND/4:30 P.M. PT with unbeaten rising contender 埃迪·拉米雷斯 同时对前世界冠军 安东尼奥·德马科.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Ringstar Promotions and TGB Promotions, 售价为 $30, $50, $75, $100, $150, 和 $250 与现已公开发售. 购买门票, visit AXS.com 这里.
Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from Whiskey Red’s in Marina Del Ray:
I’m very happy to be in this position. I’m going to give a great show to the fans. There are a lot of great fighters here and we’re all going to try to put on the best performance of the night.
“我只是想给粉丝们一个伟大的战斗. I’m going to bring the fight to Avalos and I hope he stays in there and looks to make it a war as well.
“我准备, motivated and focused. 我需要赢得 周六 so that I can get the Mares rematch. That’s the fight that we want.
I’m definitely not overlooking Avalos. I know that I have to fight a dangerous guy. He’s going to come to take my belt and he doesn’t care about any fight I want in the future.
I hope that all my fans enjoy this fight because I’m going to give it my all. We worked really hard and trained really well for this fight. I have to take care of Avalos before I can worry about any other fights.
I always prepare the same for my opponents. People have their opinions on each guy, but I respect all of my opponents the same.
We’ve worked on versatility during training camp. You never know how an opponent is going to come out so I have to be ready to do anything and adjust in the ring.
It’s important for me to give the fans in Southern California a great fight. These are the best fight fans and I always owe it to them to be at my best.
This has been another very hard training camp for me and my team. No matter who the opponent is, we work hard every day and build each other up.
It’s really a blessing to be here. I’m thankful to my team for giving me a strong, hard camp that has me very confident heading into this fight.
This is a great card to be able to show my skills on. With so many high-level fighters, it’s a chance to do my best with the world watching.
I’m happy Leo took this fight and gave me the opportunity to prove myself. I know that I still have a lot to give and this is exactly the chance I need to show everyone that.
I’m very confident heading into this fight. Leo and I sparred a lot when we were amateurs. I’m going to take that experience and use it to my advantage 周六.
I’m going to come to fight and I’m going to come to win. I’m sure Leo will as well. It’s going to be an exciting fight from start to finish.
I’m really happy to be in this position. I’m fighting a great competitor. He’s a hungry kid who has the opportunity of his lifetime. He’s going to take advantage of it
I trained really hard. There were no shortcuts. It was hard training every day. Fighters like Gutierrez are the most difficult because they have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
It feels great to be back in this position fighting in what is basically my hometown. Everyone knows that StubHub Center is the ‘War Grounds.’ 后 星期六 夜晚, I’m anticipating that everyone will go home happy.
I can’t wait to get back in that ring. I want to give the fans a great show and make sure they leave satisfied. I’m really excited to take in the atmosphere before I enter the ring and go to work.
The game plan always changes depending on the opponent, but I’m also ready to adjust during the fight. I have to stay focused and ready. In the end I think it’s going to be a great fight for the fans.
Robert Garcia has taught me a lot and he’s brought some extra things out of me. I’ve looked great in sparring, but now it’s time for me to bring it into the ring.
I definitely see some of myself Gutierrez. I was once the young fighter looking to upset the established veteran. That’s why I’ve trained for this fight like I’m facing any of the champions or top fighters. I know that it’s a tough fight and I’ll be ready.
I think this fight will make me better. I like to entertain and I’m going to give you a really good show 周六.
I’m honored to be here and give the fans a great fight 周六. What happened before the Frampton fight is behind me. I’m prepared and I feel very strong.
I know that Abner is the highest level fighter that you can face. I have to be at my very best to win a world title. That’s the kind of challenge that I want and I’ll be ready for anything.
I hope that Abner is not underestimating me. I want him to be at his very best so that when I win. My plan is to go in there and fight hard until the fight is over and show everyone how I compete.
There’s no quit in my body. I’ve worked too hard to get to this point of my career. I’m going to absolutely give it everything I have and then some.
I want to give everyone a great fight. 我已经准备好一战. I’m excited to put on a spectacular performance.
I had a great training camp and I’ve put all the hard work in. I stay in the gym so I’m always ready for an opportunity like this.
My team is really important to me and they get a lot of the credit for getting me to where I am. We work hard and push each other every day in the gym.
I get better every single time I get in the ring. This is going to be another learning experience for me as I get to where I want to go in my career. This is still only the beginning.
Fights like these are ones that all champions have to go through before they reach the top level. It’s important to win, but also to impress when I’m in the ring.
DeMarco is a guy with a lot of experience so I know that he thinks he has that advantage over me. All I can do is be at my best. I’m confident that my youth, speed and power will be the difference in the end.
I can’t wait to showcase myself 这个星期六 and I hope to see everyone there. DeMarco is fighting for his career so I know that he is going to come prepared and put on a great fight.
I want to thank everyone for being here and I’m thankful to be on this stage. This is another great experience for me in my career and one that I’m not going to take lightly.
I also want to thank Eddie Ramirez for putting in the work and accepting this fight. I know that he will come prepared to give the fans a great show.
It’s a blessing to be on a card of this magnitude. With guys like Leo Santa Cruz and Abner Mares, I can’t stress how blessed I feel. 我已经等不及在环获得.
I have put myself through a terrific training camp for what I hope will be a great fight. I’m ready to prove to myself. I want to show the fans that when things get difficult, you can still overcome and come out victorious.
理查德·谢弗, 主席 & Ringstar体育的CEO
It’s going to be party time 这个星期六 from StubHub Center. There will be a lineup of champions, including Mikey Garcia and many more, at the Fan Fest 周六 afternoon at12:30 P.M. Live music, food trucks and autograph signings for all fans, so make sure you show up early.
This is a great showcase for the sport of boxing and for these great fighters up here. This action will be seen across the world and we’re thankful to have the chance to lift up these great fighters.
This is a 12-fight card that is going to be a boxing festival at StubHub Center. Besides the three TV fights we have two rising Olympians in Eimantas Stanionis and Mexico’s Misael Rodriguez, the first Mexican Olympian to bring a medal home 在 16 岁月.
Eddie Ramirez is rising in the sport and he will face a very familiar name in boxing in Antonio DeMarco. DeMarco knows that this is his chance to prove that he still has a lot left, but Ramirez will try to add another name to his contender resume.
Andres Gutierrez has an opportunity to go in against a true legend of the sport in Abner Mares. You don’t always get a second chance in this sport so I know that Gutierrez is going to be prepared. This is a fight that you don’t want to miss.
Abner is a true student of the sport and he’s had a lot of great trainers in his life. We have seen what happened with how Abner reinvented himself by working with Robert Garcia. Some people had written him off, but he proved that he is still among the elite.
The main event is another fight that will bring non-stop action. Chris Avalos knows that this is his moment, maybe his last chance, to capture a world title. These are the kind of fights that you truly can’t underestimate their opponents, because they are going to come ready to take it from you.
Leo Santa Cruz is a true champion of this sport and truly on of itsnicest competitors. He beings non-stop action every time he fights and I know that with this chance to perform on FOX and FOX Deportes, he will be at his best.
# # #
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions, @FOX, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/呼叫五星体育www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. 中国人民银行FOX & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.


Guerrero Calls Fights with Sean Grande, Brian Kenny Hosts
洛杉矶 – 今天, FOX Sports announces multi-division and current 135-pound world champion Mikey Garcia (@mikeygarcia) and former multiple division world champion Robert Guerrero (@GHOSTBOXING) join the broadcast team as analysts for PREMIER BOXING CHAMPIONS: SANTA CRUZ VS. AVALOS live on FOX and FOX Deportes 星期六, 十月. 14 (7:30 PM ET), 从家得宝中心球场卡森, 加利福尼亚州. Garcia and Guerrero team with blow-by-blow announcer Sean Grande (SeanGrandePBP) calling the fights. 布莱恩·肯尼 (@MrBrianKenny) hosts the broadcast.
在福克斯Deportes体育场, Jaime Motta (@MottaJaime) joins blow-by-blow announcer Jesse Losada to call the action in Spanish.
The sixth installment of PBC ON FOX and FOX Deportes is headlined by sensational three-division champion Leo “地震” 圣克鲁斯 (33-1-1, 18 科斯), who defends his featherweight world title against Chris Avalos (27-5, 20 科斯). The co-main event features four-time world champion Abner Mares (30-2-1, 15 科斯) defending his 126-pound championship against once-beaten Andres Gutierrez (35-1-1, 25 科斯).
The television broadcast opens with an exciting 10-round match featuring undefeated rising junior welterweight contender Eddie Ramirez (17-0, 11 科斯) versus former world champion Antonio DeMarco (32-6-1, 23 科斯).
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. The fight is available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, fights are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
For more, visit FOX Sports Press Pass, www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.ringstar.com, www.tgbpromotions.com, 和 www.foxdeportes.com. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes and @Swanson_Comm and on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/呼叫五星体育www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

FOX 上的顶级拳击冠军 & FOX Deportes Media Workout Quotes & 照片

Action-Packed Card Headlined by Santa Cruz vs. 阿瓦洛斯 &
Mares vs. Gutierrez World Title Fights 星期六, 十月 14
StubHub Center in Carson, 加利福尼亚州.
点击 这里 for Photos from Erick Ramirez/Ringstar Sports
CARSON, CALIF. (十月 11, 2017) – Fighters competing on the 总理拳击冠军 FOX FOX体育 card taking place this 星期六, 十月 14 从家得宝中心球场卡森, 加利福尼亚州. held a media workout Wednesday at Wild Card West Boxing Club in Santa Monica before they enter the ring 星期六.
PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes is headlined by three-division champion 狮子 “地震” 圣克鲁斯 defending his featherweight world title against 克里斯·阿瓦洛斯, while four-time world champion 押尼珥Mares defends his 126-pound championship against once-beaten 安德烈斯·古铁雷斯. 电视报道开始于 7:30 P.M. AND/4:30 P.M. PT with unbeaten rising contender 埃迪·拉米雷斯 同时对前世界冠军 安东尼奥·德马科.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Ringstar Promotions and TGB Promotions, 售价为 $30, $50, $75, $100, $150, 和 $250 与现已公开发售. 购买门票, visit AXS.com 这里.
Additional undercard action features 伊万Redkach in his super lightweight debut and unbeaten 2016 立陶宛奥海 Eimantas Stanionis in a welterweight bout against Cesar Hernandez.
Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday in Santa Monica:
I’ve had a lot of experience with Leo when we were growing up. We really know each other inside and out. It’s going to be a non-stop war. I know that he won’t let up and I’ll never give an inch.
This has been a really great camp. I feel really strong and fresh and ready for a 12-round battle周六.
I’m going to try to use my familiarity with Leo to my advantage. Obviously we’ve both grown up, but it definitely gives me some extra confidence.
It’s very important that I put on a good performance 星期六. A lot of people have written me off and it’s my job to just prove them all wrong.
“这将是一个非常美好的仗. It’s going to be action from start to finish. I’ve been on this kind of platform before so my nerves are all calmed. I’m just really excited to get in the ring.
Everything has gone really smoothly in training camp. 我觉得 100 percent physically and I’m ready to fight.
I’m going to have to come forward and fight strong for 12 rounds against Abner Mares. I have to use my power punches and attack the entire fight.
I’m very happy and motivated heading into this fight. I’m eager to get a chance at a title for the first time.
The fans are going to love my style. I come forward and throw punches. Fans appreciate that and I want to give them a memorable performance.
“这将是一场战争. I’m not giving an inch and at the end of the night, I will have both hands in the air and a belt around my waist.
It feels good to be on this platform. This is just the start for me. All the top guys have been in my position and they took advantage of their opportunities. I have to put on a great show to lead up to these two title fights.
“训练营真的很好. We worked hard every day and I’m ready to fight. I just can’t wait.
DeMarco is a crafty veteran. I need to be strong and smart. It’s all going to come down to me being the better overall fighter.
I’m ready to do anything in the ring. 如果我必须装箱, I’ll do that. If I need to brawl, I’ll do that. We’ll see how the fight goes but I’ll be prepared to adjust and do what it takes to get the win.
I’ve tried to make myself a smarter fighter in the last year. I have to work smarter. That’s really going to let me unlock the rest of my potential.
If I’m able to get a stoppage, I’m going to jump on it. I’m prepared to be the more intelligent fighter and use my brain to get the win.
I came back to the ring because I am 100 percent mentally ready to compete. Any issues that I had in the past are gone. 最重要的, my sister has beaten cancer and she said that if she can come back, then so can I.
I feel really strong right now. I came back with the team that made me world champion and it’s got me very motivated to enter the ring and give the fans a beautiful fight 周六.
I have no fear of any opponent. I have the normal nervous energy leading up to the fight, but I have been in this situation before and faced a lot of great fighters.
Ramirez is a young, strong opponent. He’s undefeated and I know that he’s going to be motivated to keep his perfect record. I’m ready to do whatever it takes to get the win.
It’s been a very tough training camp. I’m in excellent shape from working in the gym with Leo Santa Cruz for about three months. I’m excited to make my debut at 140-pounds.
It had been too hard to cut weight for lightweight. It was draining all of my strength. I’m going to have a lot more power and show a lot more of my game on 十月 14.
I’ve trained sparring partners of every kind. I also did some work in Jorge Linarescamp leading up to his fight. I’ve been testing myself every day to get better.
Being in the gym with Leo gives me lots of motivation. He also helps me with all of the technical parts of my game. He stays on top of me and has helped me get better.
Working with Freddie Roach has been amazing. He’s shown me so many new things and I’m really blessed to be in this position.
I just had a fight three weeks ago so I’m excited to get back in the ring. I’ve stayed in shape the whole time, which is what I want to do. I’m always mentally prepared to step in the ring as well as physically.
It’s a great motivation to be on a big card like this. I can’t wait to perform in front of these fans and show them my skills.
My style is like a Mexican-style. I like to put pressure on my opponent and throw punches. I can do it all in the ring and I can’t wait to show off all of it.
# # #
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions, @FOX, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/呼叫五星体育www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. 中国人民银行FOX & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Sensational Fan Fest This Saturday October 14 在StubHub的中心卡森, 加利福尼亚州. Ahead of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX体育

CARSON, CALIF. (十月 10, 2017) – 此 星期六, 十月 14 ahead of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes, numerous world champions and contenders will participate in a ‘Fan Festat the StubHub Center on the main concourse level starting at 1:00 P.M. PT.
Among those meeting fans include 米奇·加西亚, 塞尔吉奥·莫拉, 约翰·莫利纳小, 阿尔弗雷多·安古洛, 克里斯Arreola, 多米尼克Breazeale, Josesito洛佩兹, 维克托·奥尔蒂斯, Hugo Centeno Jr., 罗伯特·格雷罗, 卡洛斯Balderas 林道夫·德尔加多. Autograph signing will begin at 1 P.M. PT* leading up to the start of televised fights at 4 P.M. PT.
Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes is headlined by three-division champion 狮子 “地震” 圣克鲁斯 defending his featherweight world title against 克里斯·阿瓦洛斯, while four-time world champion 押尼珥Mares defends his 126-pound championship against once-beaten 安德烈斯·古铁雷斯. 电视报道开始于 7:30 P.M. AND/4:30 P.M. PT.
If Santa Cruz and Mares win their respective matches, they have both agreed to terms to meet in a highly anticipated rematch for the WBA featherweight title in early 2018. Santa Cruz won a hard-fought, narrow decision against Mares in a 2015 Fight of the Year candidate that saw the two men go toe-to-toe for 12 fast-paced rounds and combine for over 2,000 punches thrown.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Ringstar Promotions and TGB Promotions, 售价为 $30, $50, $75, $100, $150, 和 $250 与现已公开发售. 购买门票, visit AXS.com 这里.
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
*Lineup subject to change
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions, @FOX, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/呼叫五星体育www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. 中国人民银行FOX & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Lightweights Collide as Ivan Redkach Battles Unbeaten Raynell Williams in Undercard Attraction on Saturday, 十月 14 从家得宝中心球场卡森, 加利福尼亚州.

更多! Rising Unbeaten Prospects Including 2016 Olympic Bronze Medalist Misael Rodriguez, Lithuanian Olympian Eimantas Stanionis & Antonio Santa Cruz Enter the Ring for
Exciting Day of Fights
CARSON, CALIF. (九月 28, 2017) – A 10-round lightweight showdown between 伊万Redkach (20-3-1, 16 科斯) 和不败 Raynell威廉姆斯 (12-0, 6 科斯) will highlight undercard action on 星期六, 十月 14 从家得宝中心球场卡森, 加利福尼亚州.
十月 21 event is headlined by Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes action featuring sensational three-division champion Leo “地震” Santa Cruz defending his featherweight world title against Chris Avalos and four-time world champion Abner Mares defending his 126-pound championship against once-beaten Andres Gutierrez. 电视报道开始于 7:30 P.M. AND/4:30 P.M. PT with unbeaten Eddie Ramirez challenging former champion Antonio DeMarco.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Ringstar Promotions and TGB Promotions, 售价为 $30, $50, $75, $100, $150, 和 $250 与现已公开发售. 购买门票, visit AXS.com.
Additional undercard action will feature 2016 Olympic bronze medalist for Mexico Misael Rodriguez (3-0, 2 科斯) 在六轮中量级回合, 2016 立陶宛奥海 Eimantas Stanionis (3-0, 3 科斯) in an eight-round welterweight fight and the cousin of Leo Santa Cruz, 安东尼奥·圣克鲁斯 (5-3, 2 科斯), in a six-round bantamweight matchup against Angel Monrreal (10-10-1, 3 科斯).
Rounding out the card is former title challenger Roberto Marroquin (26-4-1, 19 科斯) in eight-rounds of super featherweight action plus a group of unbeaten local prospects as Luis Coria (4-0, 3 科斯) steps in for a four-round featherweight affair, Jerry Perez(2-0, 2 科斯) competes in a four-round super featherweight contest, 何塞·佩雷斯 (1-0, 1 KO) 发生在 Jose Vargas (2-0, 1 KO) in a four-round super bantamweight tilt and 何塞·巴尔德拉斯 (1-0) steps in for a four-round bantamweight fight.
Originally from Ukraine but now training in California with the Santa Cruz family, Redkach scored an eighth-round stoppage of Demond Brock in January in Las Vegas before dropping a narrow decision to former champion Argenis Mendez in May. 亲自 2009, the 31-year-old Redkach was unbeaten in his first 18 pro fights before losing to former world champion Dejan Zlaticanin.
战斗了克利夫兰, Williams was a 2008 中美. Olympian who is unbeaten since joining the professional ranks in 2013. The 28-year-old stopped Just Savi to begin his 2017 and will look to make the jump to contender when he fights in California for the first time as a pro on October 14.
At last year’s Rio games, the 23-year-old Rodriguez overcame incredible odds to win the first Olympic boxing medal for Mexico since Christian Bejerano in 2000. The Chihuahua native and his teammates had to resort to begging on public buses and streets in Mexico to raise money to compete in international boxing tournaments. He completed his road to the medal stand by defeating Egypt’s Hosam Bakr Abdin to clinch a medal in the middleweight division. Rodriguez mad his pro debut in April with a dominant decision victory over Brian True and followed it up knockout of Jose David Mosquera in July and a TKO against Race Sawyer in September.
An accomplished amateur representing Kaunas, 立陶宛, 斯塔尼奥尼斯 is looking to become the next Eastern European fighter to make a splash in the U.S. The 23-year-old had a 141-19 record as an amateur and earned four senior national championships before winning gold at the European Olympic Qualifier to earn his trip to the 2016 游戏类. A gold medalist at welterweight at the 2015 European Amateur Boxing Championships, Stanionis has impressed with knockouts in his first three starts since turning pro in April, including a first round destruction of Oscar Valenzuela in September.
Part of the fighting Santa Cruz family, the 21-year-old Santa Cruz put together a four-bout winning streak heading into this year before losing a close fight to Jonathan Arturo Torres in May. 亲自 2015, Santa Cruz fights out of San Gabriel, California and will make his StubHub Center debut when he faces Mexico’s Monrrreal.
# # #
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/呼叫五星体育www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.中国人民银行FOX & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Leo Santa Cruz Media Workout Quotes & 照片

Featherweight Champion Battles Chris Avalos in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX 驱逐主赛事 星期六, 十月 14 从家得宝中心球场卡森, 加利福尼亚州.
点击 这里 for Photos from Erick Ramirez/Ringstar Sports
LOS ANGELES (九月 19, 2017) – 三处世界冠军 狮子座圣克鲁斯 hosted a media workout 星期二 at the new Team Watson Boxing Club in Lake Balboa, 加利福尼亚州. as he prepares to defend his featherweight titles against 克里斯·阿瓦洛斯 星期六, 十月 14 in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes from StubHub Center in Carson, 加利福尼亚州.
Televised coverage begins 7:30 P.M. AND/4:30 P.M. PT with four-time world champion 押尼珥Mares defending his 126-pound belt against once-beaten安德烈斯·古铁雷斯.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Ringstar Promotions and TGB Promotions, 售价为 $30, $50, $75, $100, $150, 和 $250 与现已公开发售. 购买门票, visit AXS.com 这里.
Also in attendance was lightweight 伊万Redkach, who trains with Santa Cruz and will compete in an undercard bout on 十月 14.
这里是参与者不得不说 星期二:
Now we both get another fight first, I’m pretty sure we will both win and the fans win by seeing us again as well.
I always train the same way. I train really hard. I go out there like I’m going to fight the best opponent possible. My focus is there. You can never underestimate any fighter. Especially someone like Avalos. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain by beating me.
Fighters like that are the most dangerous. They come really prepared and I can’t afford to lose. I am going to be focused coming into 十月 14.
If we both get the win, I want the rematch with Abner in the beginning of the year. That is going to happen so I’m not concerned about both of us taking a fight first.
I feel great and will be ready and prepared to fight 12 hard rounds on 十月 14.
I know this will be a tough fight, every fight at this level is a tough fight.
I am coming off of two hard fights and I wanted my body to rest, but I am always ready to get in the gym and prepare to do my best. I will never take a fight lightly and I won’t on 十月 14.
The rematch will be a very tough fight like the first, it’s better for Abner and I
to each have a fight in-between.
I’m very excited to fight in Southern California on a big show against a tough fighter. 我已经准备好了 October 14th.
This is my third fight training with the Santa Cruz family and I love training with them. They’ve taught me a great deal about defense and about throwing combinations. I feel like it’s more of a ‘Mexican Style’ 对我来说. I feel like they have helped me become a more entertaining fighter.
This is really like a double hometown fight for me. I’ve lived in Southern California for eight years and I’ve been on a lot of Leo’s cards, so I will be in my second home with my second family.
JOSE SANTA CRUZ, 利奥的父亲 & 训练者
Avalos is a very tough fighter, if we fight Mares we want a tough fight first to get ready.
I know Mares and Leo will put on a great fight and both need to be prepared for the rematch.
We’re working on tighter defense and better ring generalship in this camp.
In the first Frampton fight Leo wasn’t quite ready, we don’t want to make the same mistake again.
汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统
Leo just went 24 action-packed rounds with the 2016 年度战斗机 [卡尔·弗兰普顿]. He has been in nothing but slugfest fights with 3 out of his last 4 fights ending in a majority decision, and don’t count out Chris Avalos one bit because he can crack. That is the last thing you want. Avalos is motivated and he needs a win.
“”When Steve Farhood [of SHOWTIME Sports] did his 2016 10 best one-punch knockouts in the history of ShoBox, Chris Avalos was on there because he has that one-punch knockout power.
Avalos has one punch knockout power and that’s the kind of guy you have to be very careful with.
Three of the last four ‘Fight of the Yearmatches have taken place at the StubHub Center, and they weren’t always ‘Fight of the Yearcandidates going in. Something just happens there and fans won’t want to miss this.
# # #
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions, @FOX, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/呼叫五星体育www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.中国人民银行FOX & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.