Таг Арцхивес: Андре Берто


Photos by Team Lipinets
ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС, КАО ШТО СУ (Април 27, 2016)Russia’s undefeated super-lightweight prospect, Сергеи Липинетс (9-0, 7 КОс), is adapting well to his surrounding here in the United States. Born in Martuk, Kazakhstan but fighting out of Southern California where he now resides, Lipinets is getting great work with top notch fighters, one being Виктор Ортиз.
Lipinets spent quality time in camp with Ortiz, helping him get ready for his highly publicized rematch with Andre Berto, taking place at the StubHub Center in Carson, Калифорнија ове суботе.
During his training camp for Berto, Victor and I went to war,” said Sergey Lipinets. “Right now I feel Ortiz is fighting at a high level and I feel he’s going to come out on top in the rematch. I gave him some great looks that I know is going to be beneficial to his game plan. Sparring with Ortiz was a great experience for me and I feel confident I can become a world champion in the near future.
In his last outing Lipinets scored an impressive fifth-round knockout against Леван Гхвамицхава (16-2-1, 12 КОс), a 10-round main event that was nationally televised on FOX Sports 1. With only nine fights under his belt, Lipinets is gaining much respect within the boxing community.
After sparring sessions, coaches often come up to me and give me words of encouragement.Lipinets continued. “They tell me I have what it takes to become a world champion. The respect I’m getting from the inner circles of the boxing community is very flattering. Знам уз напоран рад…all my dreams will come true.

Andre Berto Training Camp Notes & Фотографије

This fight has always been on my mind….
I’m going to give everyone the fight they deserve.
Кликните ОВДЕ For Training Camp Photos From Premier Boxing Champions
ОАКЛАНД, Цалиф. (Април 25, 2016) – Former two-time world champion Други “Беаст” Берто has wrapped up training camp and is set to travel to Southern California for his highly anticipated rematch against “Вициоус” Виктор Ортиз да наслова Премиер Бокс шампиона о ФОКС и ФОКС Спортс ово Субота, Април 30 у Стубхуб центру у Царсон, Калиф.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише ТГБ Промоције, се по цени од $209, $105, $53, и $27, Плус примењују порез, таксе и наплату за, су на продају сада и доступни су за куповину онлине на АКСС.цом.
Пре почетка телевизијских борби, за власнике улазница изван СтубХуб Центра биће одржан званични Фан Фест. Догађаји почињу у 2:30 п.м. ПТ и поседује Цорона Беер Гарден, камиони за храну, music from the band Metalachi and autograph signings with popular fighters including Leo Santa Cruz, Абнер Марес, Схавн Портер и још много тога.
Here is what Berto had to say from training camp:
On his improvements since his first fight against Ortiz:
I’ve improved tremendously. Mentally and all the way around the board. There was so much that went into that fight and that camp the first time. I shouldn’t have fought that fight, but being who I am, I wanted to get in there. I was just a young fighter who didn’t take the fight seriously. I overlooked my opponent. Now I’m a much more mature fighter. I’ve pushed myself for this camp.
This fight has always been on my mind. Even when I tried to move on, other people continued to remind me about it. Everyone said I needed to get him back. That’s the fight everyone has wanted to see and that everyone deserves. I’m going to give everyone the fight they deserve.
I believe that coming back from my shoulder surgery that I’ve been more motivated and improving as a fighter. Everyone has seen the improvements. We’re definitely ready for anything he wants to bring. If he’s aggressive we’re ready and everyone knows I can stand there and punch
On this training camp with Virgil Hunter:
“Све иде сјајно. It’s been a long, tough camp. I’m excited and ready to close it all in. We’ve done all the work. We’re in great shape. No stone was left unturned. It’s been a great eight or nine week camp.
On sharing training camp with Amir Khan and Andre Ward and the motivation it provides:
We all feed off of each other. All of us have pretty much been in camp together leading up to and through all of our fights. Even now Andre is there to watch us spar and work. It’s great motivation for all of us to be there. We’re all pushing each other to get better every day.
On how Virgil Hunter has helped him improve as a fighter:
I call Virgil the professional because he’s a teacher. He works you mentally. Each and every day. It’s like being in school. He drills it in your head over and over. He doesn’t let you go through the motions. You have to stay on track mentally to work on all of the things that you’ve been working on. He’s more of a teacher than a trainer.
On what he learned from his fight against Floyd Mayweather:
A lot of people can’t handle the atmosphere and the buildup of that magnitude. I got the chance to really find out how to handle it all. I think I surprised a lot of people around me with how easy I was taking it. I think Floyd was surprised too, he thought I would get shaken like other guys. But I felt like I was supposed to be there. I wasn’t going to be the guy who stands there in shock.
On preparing for Ortiz:
You have to be prepared for whatever he brings to the table. You don’t know how Victor is going to fight and if he’s going to do his extra stuff. Or if he’s going to try to box. Ко зна? Maybe you hit him two or three times and he feels like he doesn’t want to be there. I’m prepared for the Victor of five years ago.
On Ortiz’s claim that he will knock out Berto:
That’s what he said the first time. I’ve made it evident as well that I’ll finish him and finish this chapter. I want it to be over. Still for some reason my name comes up. People continue to cross us together. I just want to finish this chapter and finish in style.
On what fans can expect Субота ноћ:
The fans should expect an exciting fight. They might see the start of round 13 from the first one. It’s going to be extremely exciting. I doubt it’s going the distance. This is the fight the people deserve.
За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом ввв.ТГБПромотионс.цом,хттп://ввв.foxsports.com/presspass/страница и фокдепортес.цом фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг, @ВициоусОртиз, АндреБерто, @ЛаБомбаБокинг, ТопДоггЈр,ФОКССПОРТС, @ФОКСДепортес И@Свансон_Цомм и постати фан на Фацебоок уввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокинг, ввв.фацебоок.com/foxsports иввв.фацебоок.com/foxdeportes. Пратите разговор помоћу #ПБЦонФОКС. ПБЦ на ФОКС је спонзорисан од стране Цорона, финест pivo.

2012 У.С. Олимпијски & 154-Такмичар за фунту Террелл Гаусха преузима мексички Орландо Лора у узбудљивој битци испод карте

Више! Непоражени тешкаш, Гералд Васхингтон, наставља
Бивши изазивач наслова Еддие Цхамберс
Непоражени лаки тешкаш Давид Бенавидез Фацес
Тешко ударајући Пхиллип Јацксон
Субота, Април 30 Од Стубхуб центру у Царсон, Калиф.
ЦАРСОН, Цалиф. (Април 22, 2016) – Надолазећи кандидат и 2012 У.С. Олимпијски Террелл Гаусха (17-0, 8 КОс) преузима Мексику Орландо Лора (30-6-2, 19 КОс) у афери супер полутешкаш у 10 рунди која истиче акцију ундерцард у СтубХуб Центер у Царсону, Калиф. о Субота, Април 30.
Додатно, претешка категорија Џералд “Црна Петао” Вашингтон (16-0-1, 11 КОс) и “Брзо” Еддие Цхамберс (42-4, 23 КОс) састаће се у двобоју од 10 рунди, док ће непоражени уметник који нокаут расте Давид “Црвена застава” Бенавидез (13-0, 12 КОс) бори се тешко погађајући Пхиллип Јацксон (16-2, 15 КОс) у осам рунди лагане тешке акције.
у априлу 30 догађај садржи ПБЦ на ФОКС и ФОКС Депортес троструки заглавље насловљен дуго очекиваним реванш мечем у полутешкој категорији “Вициоус” Виктор Ортиз и Други “Беаст” Берто. Телевизијски покривеност почиње у 8 п.м. И/5 п.м. ПТ са лаганим обрачуном непоражених Хорхе Лара и бивши вишеструки светски првак Фернандо “Цоцхулито” Монтиел уследило је надметање између тешких лаких тешкаша Едвин “Ла Бомба” Родригез и Тома “Највиши ауторитет” Виллиамс Јр.
Даље акције подземне карте представљају родом из Лос Ангелеса Манни Роблес Јр. (9-0, 4 КОс) у перолакој борби против Мексика Едуардо Рафаел Рејес (6-6, 5 КОс), 26-годишњи Авениров брат, Адаме “Спееди” Мајке (14-1-2, 3 КОс) преузимајући Фениксов Јесус Агуинага (4-3) у мечу од шест рунди у лакој категорији и Мексику Луис Белло (6-4, 2 КОс) против у шест кругова у супер лакој конкуренцији.
Заокруживање акције је родом из Лос Ангелеса Ентони Флорес (10-0, 6 КОс) у отпаду од шест рунди у полутешкој категорији и 28-годишњак Дардан Зенунај (11-1, 9 КОс) Косова у афери од шест рунди лаке категорије.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише ТГБ Промоције, се по цени од $209, $105, $53, и $27, Плус примењују порез, таксе и наплату за, су на продају сада и доступни су за куповину онлине на АКСС.цом.
Пре почетка телевизијских борби, за власнике улазница изван СтубХуб Центра биће одржан званични Фан Фест. Догађаји почињу у 2:30 п.м. ПТ и поседује Цорона Беер Гарден, камиони за храну, музика из бенда Металацхи и потписивање аутограма са популарним борцима као што је Лео Санта Цруз, Абнер Марес, Схавн Портер и још много тога.
Рођен и одрастао у Кливленду, Гаусхавас одликован аматера који су освојили златне медаље у САД. Натионал Цхампионсхипс ин 2009 и 2012 и представља САД као део 2012 Олимпијски тим. 28-годишњи је непоражен од окреће про у 2012. У 2015 зарадио је победе над Норбертом Гонзалесом, Луис Граједа, Елиезер Гонзалез и Саид Ел Харрак. Изазваће га мексички ветеран Лора са Синалое.
Двосмерна играча (чврсто крај и одбрамбена крај) на Универзитету Јужне Калифорније, Вашингтон провео време са Сеаттле Сеахавкс и Буффало Биллс праксе одреда о његовом неконвенционалном путу који га је довео до бокс. 33-годишњи такође радио у морнарици као механичар хеликоптера пре одласка на УСЦ, а нису добили свој почетак у професионалној бокса до 2012. Борба из Валлејоа, Калифорнија, још увек није изгубио у свом најновијем подухвату након борбе за нерешен резултат са Амиром Мансоуром у октобру и победе над Јасоном Гаверном у марту прошле године.
Представљајући изванредан борбени град Филаделфију, Цхамберс улази у ову борбу у низу од шест победа, укључујући прекиде у својој две последње борбе Дориана Дарцх-а и Галена Бровна. Ветеран у тешкој категорији изазвао је Владимира Кличка 2010 за светску титулу у тешкој категорији и поседује победе над Деррицом Россијем, Доминицк Гуинн, Цалвин Броцк и Алекандер Димитренко током његове дуге каријере.
Млађи брат непораженог Јосеа Бенавидеза, Давид је створио савршен 13 побеђује у 13 почиње са само 19 година. Борба против Феникса, Бенавидез је зауставио четири победе 2015 и отпочео свој 2016 нокаутом Кевина Цоббса у јануару. Враћа се да преузме њујоршки производ Јацксон, који у ову борбу улази победник 13 од његова последња 14 такмичења.
За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом ввв.ТГБПромотионс.цом, хттп://ввв.фокспортс.цом/Пресспасс / страница ифокдепортес.цом фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг, @ВициоусОртиз, АндреБерто,@ЛаБомбаБокинг, ТопДоггЈр, ФОКССПОРТС, @ФОКСДепортес И@Свансон_Цомм и постати фан на Фацебоок уввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокинг, ввв.фацебоок.цом/фокспортс иввв.фацебоок.цом/фокдепортес. Пратите разговор помоћу #ПБЦонФОКС. ПБЦ на ФОКС је спонзорисан од стране Цорона, финест pivo.

Official Boxing Fan Fest To Be Held Before Victor Ortiz vs. Andre Berto PBC on FOX Super Fight At StubHub Center In Carson, Калиф.

Субота, Април 30 у 2:30 п.м. ПТ
Featuring Autograph Signing With Top Fighters, Live Music By Metalachi, Corona Beer Garden & Више!
ЦАРСОН, Цалиф. (Април 20, 2016) – Fight fans are in for a treat on Saturday, Април 30 as the official бокс fan fest will be held at StuHub Center in Carson, California prior to the Премиер Бокс шампиона (ПБЦ) о ФОКС & ФОКС Спортс event headlined by the highly anticipated rematch between “Вициоус” Виктор Ортиз и Други “Беаст” Берто. The fan fest begins at 2:30 п.м. ПТ and is open to fans with tickets for the PBC on FOX: Ortiz vs. Berto fight card.
The event features autograph signings with top fighters including ЛЕО САНТА ЦРУЗ, АБНЕР МАРЕС, Шон Портер, ЦХРИС АРРЕОЛА, JOHN MOLINA JR., ЈОСЕСИТО ЛОПЕЗ, Алфредо Ангуло, FERNANDO GUERRERO, Сергио Мора, Хуго РИЕ ЈР., АЛЕЈАНДРО ЛУНА, ДОМИНИЦ Бреазеалеи више!
Also included in the festivities are live performances from Metalachi, the musical stage show sensation from Juarez, Mexico plus a Corona Beer Garden and local food trucks. Fans will have the opportunity to win free prizes, signed gloves and purchase official merchandise.
Tickets for the live PBC on FOX event, која промовише ТГБ Промоције, се по цени од $209, $105, $53, и $27, Плус примењују порез, таксе и наплату за, су на продају сада и доступни су за куповину онлине на АКСС.цом.
Televised fights begin inside the arena at 4 п.м. ПТ and go live at 5 п.м. ПТ on FOX and FOX Deportes with matchups featuring light heavyweight sluggers Едвин “Ла Бомба” Родригез и Тома “Највиши ауторитет” Виллиамс Јр. plus unbeaten featherweight Хорхе Лара taking on former multiple division world champion Фернандо “Цоцхулито” Монтиел.
ПБЦ на ФОКС је спонзорисан од стране Цорона, финест pivo. За више информација посетитеввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом ввв.ТГБПромотионс.цом,хттп://ввв.фокспортс.цом/Пресспасс / страница и фокдепортес.цом фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг, @ВициоусОртиз, АндреБерто, @ЛаБомбаБокинг, ТопДоггЈр,ФОКССПОРТС, @ФОКСДепортес И@Свансон_Цомм и постати фан на Фацебоок у ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокинг, ввв.фацебоок.цом/фокспортс иввв.фацебоок.цом/фокдепортес. Пратите разговор помоћу #ПБЦонФОКС.

Victor Ortiz Media Workout Quotes & Фотографије

Former Welterweight Champ Talks Training, Ortiz vs. Berto Rematch and More Heading Into Субота, Април 30 Clash on
Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes From
StubHub Center in Carson, Калиф.
Кликните ОВДЕ For Photos From Idris Erba & Премиер Бокс шампиона
Berto comes to fight. He comes for war and wont give up ever, but that makes two of us. – Виктор Ортиз
ЦАРСОН, Цалиф. (Април 14, 2016) – Бивши светски шампион “Вициоус” Виктор Ортиз held a media workout in Los Angeles Thursday andshared thoughts on his upcoming primetime rematch with former champion Други “Беаст” Берто о Субота, Април 30 о Премиер Бокс шампиона о ФОКС & ФОКС Спортс од СтубХуб Центар у Царсон, Калиф.
Televised coverage starts at 8 п.м. И/5 п.м. PT and features light heavyweight sluggersЕдвин “Ла Бомба” Родригез (28-1, 19 КОс)и Тома “Највиши ауторитет” Виллиамс Јр.(19-1, 13 КОс) in a 10-round brawl and unbeaten Mexican brawler Хорхе Лара (27-0-2, 19 КОс) in a 10-round featherweight bout against former three-division world championФернандо “Цоцхулито” Монтиел (54-5-2, 39 КОс).
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише ТГБ Промоције, се по цени од $209, $105, $53, и $27, Плус примењују порез, таксе и наплату за, су на продају сада и доступни су за куповину онлине на АКСС.цом.
Ortiz and Berto will square-off in a rematch of their 2011 Fight of the Year in which Ortiz took home a victory as both men hit the canvas throughout the 12-round affair. Сада, Ortiz is preparing for another big victory that could catapult him back to world title contention.
Here is what Ortiz had to say about Berto, training camp and more:
Вицтор Ортиз
On his first bout against Berto:
I made a lot of mistakes that night but I did enough to get the victory. I always said if I ever got the rematch, I would end him and now I have the chance.
Berto had an off night. I wasn’t at my best either, but I destroyed him regardless. This time we’ll both be at our best.
Berto just talks and talks. When you have to hype yourself up just to think you have a chance, that’s on you. I don’t need to talk myself into thinking I’m going to win. I just know I’m going to win.
We’ve both had some wars since our first fight, but if you can’t back it up, you should just stop.
I had injuries heading into the last fight, but now you have two guys who are 100 проценат. That is going to make for an even better fight this time around.
On the rematch with Berto:
Berto comes to fight. He comes for war and wont give up ever, but that makes two of us.
We have been through a lot in the last five years. He hates me. I have no hate in my heart, but I know it’s a sport. I’m not leaving that ring without a victory.
Berto wants to hurt me just as bad as I want to hurt him. I’m ready to go again. This is going to be a Fight of the Year for sure.
Anytime you have to convince yourself that you’re going to beat me. That you actually had a chance the first time, there’s a lot wrong with you.
It’s a sport. It’s not personal. Two guys going back and forth. I want to rip his head off and he wants to rip my head off. Its nothing personal. We can go get a burger after the fight.
He’s a heck of a fighter and a boxer and I am too. He’s had his fair share of wars. He’s had his fair share of injuries and I’ve had mine.
I would hate someone that took my undefeated record. So maybe he hates me, but I don’t hate him. Whatever his mindset is, Април 30 is right around the corner and I’m ready.
On working with Coach JosephHossJanik & David Rodela:
Coach Hoss has always been there 100 проценат. He has been in my corner about a decade and he knows the game better than a lot of the people I’ve worked with. Every fighter needs to find a ‘zenwith their coach and I have that with Coach Hoss.
I feel like this is the best fit for me. Hoss has been with me through it all, from being dropped, to the hospital and everything. He always says that this is just another way to make you stronger.
I also have coach David Rodela in my corner. We were once upon a time rivals and now we are closest of friends. It is a true ‘Grudge Matchright there. Now he just tortures me in training.
On his acting career:
At this point I have one focus. For the next three or four years I am going to be 100 percent focused on boxing.
I’ve had big celebrities and actors come up to me and say ‘you’re Victor Ortiz, can we take a picture?’ It’s mutual respect, but it’s also kind of crazy. I don’t overstep my boundaries.
I don’t watch the movie I’ve been in. That is too much. Some people like to see themselves on the screen, I’m not one of those people.
On his positive attitude:
I believe that if you’re a bad person, bad things happen. I’m a hard worker. I used to work construction and out in the fields. I never complained. Always smiled.
I wake up in the morning with a smile on my face. People take some things too seriously. Of course there are haters out there, but I don’t pay attention to any of that. I’ve found that a good positive attitude goes a long way.
It doesn’t matter what people say. What matters what I want, what I’m going to do. Април 30is going to be the rebirth of me.
On what’s next after Април 30:
I’m ready to fight for a world title. Especially after this victory that’s coming. This is for personal satisfaction. Berto has been talking for five years and I’m ready to go.
I took a different route, a different approach. Зашто? Because I wanted to try other things. Do I have to be here? До Нот. I turned down two movies to be here. Boxing is my first and true love.
I’m ready to conquer the 147 и 154 pound divisions and Andre Berto is standing in my way right now.
За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом ввв.ТГБПромотионс.цом, хттп://ввв.фокспортс.цом/Пресспасс / страница ифокдепортес.цом фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг, @ВициоусОртиз, АндреБерто,@ЛаБомбаБокинг, ТопДоггЈр, ФОКССПОРТС, @ФОКСДепортес И@Свансон_Цомм и постати фан на Фацебоок уввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокинг, ввв.фацебоок.цом/фокспортс иввв.фацебоок.цом/фокдепортес. Пратите разговор помоћу #ПБЦонФОКС. ПБЦ на ФОКС је спонзорисан од стране Цорона, финест pivo.

Chasing Billions” – premieres on Spike Friday, Март 25 у 11:00pm ET/PT

In this Spike original special, Chasing Billions follows boxing superstar and super lightweight world champion Adrien Broner along with top contender and Floyd Mayweather protégé, Ashley Theophane, as they prepare for their highly anticipated showdown on Петак, Април 1 from the D.C. Armory in Washington D.C. Spike’s coverage of the PBC will go on as planned следећег петка ноћ у 9:00ПМ ЕТ/ПТ.
The special will delve into the escalating tension emanating from the rivalry between the outspoken and engaging Broner and the legendary boxing icon Mayweather.
Током година, this complicated relationship has run the gamut from respectful to overtly contentious. While Mayweather may see this as a fight between mentee, Тхеопхане, against Bronerthe hard-hitting Broner emphatically has stated that I’m not fighting Theophane, I’m fighting Floyd!”
The rivals and their respective entourages come face-to-face in a heated and colorful press conference that showcases the simmering tension between both camps. The storyline plays throughout the show as viewers see how Broner has emulated the legendary Mayweather in and out of the ring to become a world champion and his own successful brand. With full access to both the Broner and Theophane camps and exclusive interviews, “Chasing Billionswill provide an inside look that is must-see TV for any boxing fan.


Виктор Ортиз, Андре Берто, Хорхе Лара & Фернандо Монтиел Пресс Цонференце Цитати & Фотографије

ПБЦ на ФОКС & ФОКС Спортс Субота, Април 30
Од Стубхуб центру у Царсон, Калиф.
8 п.м. И/5 п.м. ПТ
Кликните ОВДЕ За Фотографије
Фотографија Кредит: Арнолд Тернер / Премиер Бокинг шампиона
ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС (Март 23, 2016) – Бивши светски прваци Велтервеигхт“Вициоус” Виктор Ортиз и Други “Беаст” Берто, уз пораза перо такмац Хорхе Лара и бивши светски шампион Фернандо “Цоцхулито” Монтиел, одржао конференцију за новинаре у Лос Анђелесу у среду да разговарају о својим Премиер Бокс шампиона (ПБЦ) он ФОКС & ФОКС Спортс обрачуна који се одвијају Субота, Април 30 од СтубХуб центру у Царсон, Калиф.
Триплехеадер у ударном акције са почетком у 8 п.м. И/5 п.м. Т. такође има узбудљиву Лигхт Хеавивеигхт обрачун између Едвин “Ла Бомба” Родригез и Тома “Највиши ауторитет” Виллиамс Јр.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише ТГБ Промоције, се по цени од $209, $105, $53 и $27, Плус примењују порез, таксе и наплату за, и да су на продају сада и доступан за куповину на мрежи на АКСС.цом.
Борци одржан суд у соби Цонга у Л.А. Живе и говорили о својим Матцхупс. Ортиз и Берто ће качити на дуго очекивана реванш њиховог 2011 битка, победио је Ортиз, док је раст Лара и бивши шампион Монтиел, састају у раскрсници борби која би могла покренути победника у наслову раздора у сложен перо.
Ево шта су учесници су имали да кажу у среду:
Вицтор Ортиз
“Ово је дефинитивно следеће поглавље мог бокс каријери и желим да у потпуности искористе о томе. Ја сам здрав и млад сам и још увек сам у стању да повуче обарач.
“Сви су рекли да сам "парадајз конзерва’ који није имао шта да тражи у ринг са Берто је први пут. Морао сам да одем у Конектикат да узмем појас и моје поштовање.
“Борио сам се доста ратова. Био сам у борбама. Сам сломио вилицу и зглоб, То је три године тамо. Али мој воље за борбу против ме је довео назад. Што више бокс гледао сам, више узнемирени што ме је. Ја не мислим да су остали велтервеигхтс су на мом нивоу.
“Берто ми криви за своју спирала. Он мисли да има шансе овај пут. Увек добар сан да има.
“Нећу растојање овај пут. Идем у 100 миља на сат, Фулл throttle.
“2011 је био један паклени годину дана. Реприза долази на Април 30 јер желим још једно светско првенство. Берто је огроман ратник; Ја ћу му дати да. Бићу спреман и знам да ће бити превише.”
“Ја сам узбуђен због овога. Април 30 ће бити огроман ноћ. Обећавам ти да.
“Борба назад у 2011, Он ме. Он је урадио оно што је морао да уради да победи. Али овај пут ћу у веома фокусирани и спремни да све што сам осећао да је од те ноћи.
“Ишла сам у школу. Нисам успео тест и сада имам прилику да га АЦЕ.
“Он је рекао да неће ићи на даљину последњи пут, али сам ипак урадио и није за тренирање на моју потпуну способности.
“Моја снага и брзина су још увек тамо. Драго ми је ово борба дошло зато што ће то бити велика ноћ за фанове.
“Нисам о покретању уста и говори ствари само за медије. Ја ћу га подржати у рингу.
“Морам да покажем на Вицтор мало поштовања, јер ме је тукао први пут. Ја сам велики даље бити пун поштовања. Поштујем Виктор и историја мексичких бораца, они стављају своју крв, зној и сузе у ту.
“То је оно што је тражио. Дакле, желим да се уверим да зна шта се се у. Ово није иста ситуација као и прошли пут. Па ћемо видети у рингу. Изаћи на Април 30 и види да средим овај посао.”
Хорхе Лара
“То је част бити у стању да се бори на картици овако. Стварно сам узбуђен због улази у ринг на Април 30.
“Знам да ово неће бити лака борба. Монтиел је веома успешан борац и зато смо се припрема веома вредно за ову борбу. Гледамо напред на изазов да се презентује.
“Имам све поштовање у свету за Фернандо Монтиел. Он је био велики светски шампион, који је веома основана у каријери. Мора да сам на себе да добије победу.
“Ако сам у стању да победи у борби онда бих да се бори против победника Исуса Цуеллар против. Абнер Марес у тој борби наслова. Али пре свега, Морам да се овај велики победу.
“Не пропустите ову борбу. Ми ћемо да је наш дати све и да ће то бити огроман Матцхуп. Ја ћу дати да мој све да буде победник.”
Фернандо Монтиел
“То је част и задовољство да будем део овог невероватног картице. Моја борба са Ларом ће добити прстен вруће за остатак картице.
“Лара ће доћи спреман као и ја. Он је велики борац. Он је непоражен и знам да ће довести себе.
“Знам да Хорхе Лара је веома добар борац, Он је агресиван. Ја знам да погрешим то може бити дуга ноћ за мене.
“Знам да мора да се ослања на своје искуство да изађе као победник. Очекујем обоје да се боре. Могло би бити неких Кноцкдовнс. То ће бити забавно борба за фанове.
“Веома сам захвалан за прилику и надам се да су сви излази јер ја планирам на што овај сјајан борба.”
За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом ввв.ТГБПромотионс.цом, хттп://ввв.фокспортс.цом/Пресспасс / страница и фокдепортес.цом, фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг, @ВициоусОртиз, АндреБерто,@ЛаБомбаБокинг, ТопДоггЈр, ФОКССПОРТС, @ФОКСДепортес И@Свансон_Цомм и постати фан на Фацебоок уввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокинг, ввв.фацебоок.цом/фокспортс иввв.фацебоок.цом/фокдепортес. Пратите разговор помоћу #ПБЦонФОКС. ПБЦ на ФОКС је спонзорисан од стране Цорона, финест pivo.

Long-Awaited Victor Ortiz & Andre Berto Rematch Set for Primetime Saturday, Април 30 As Premier Boxing Champions On FOX & FOX Deportes Comes To StubHub Center In Carson, Калиф.

Више! Highly Anticipated Light Heavyweight Showdown Between
Едвин Родригез & Томас Вилијамс Јр.
& Former Multiple Division Champion Fernando Montiel Takes On Unbeaten Jorge Lara In Featherweight Action
Телевизијски Покривеност Бегинс Ат 8 п.м. И/5 п.м. ПТ
Улазнице у продаји Нов!
ЦАРСОН, Цалиф. (Март 17, 2016) – Бивши светски прваци Велтервеигхт “Вициоус” Виктор Ортиз (31-5-2, 24 КОс) и Други “Беаст” Берто (30-4, 23 КОс) will meet again in a 12-round welterweight rematch in primetime on Saturday, Април 30 као Премиер Бокс шампиона (ПБЦ) о ФОКС и ФОКС Спортс comes to StubHub Center in Carson, Калиф.
Телевизијски покривеност почиње у 8 п.м. И/5 п.м. PT and features two exciting undercard attractions. Light heavyweight sluggers Едвин “Ла Бомба” Родригез (28-1, 19 КОс)и Тома “Највиши ауторитет” Виллиамс Јр. (19-1, 13 КОс)meet in a 10-round brawl plus former three-division world champion Фернандо “Цоцхулито” Монтиел (54-5-2, 39 КОс) faces unbeaten Mexican brawler Хорхе Лара (27-0-2, 19 КОс) in a 10-round featherweight battle.
Ortiz and Berto first faced off in their 2011 welterweight world title barnburner that garnered significant Fight of the Year buzz. The bout saw both men hit the canvas twice, including a thrilling round six in which each fighter was knocked down. На крају, Ortiz walked away with a unanimous decision. A victory in the rematch will propel the winner to the forefront of the world title picture in this stacked with talent division.
I know I’m in for another war,” Саид Ортис. “I’ve always been open to a rematch because Berto has a big mouth and something to prove. After our fight, he went on a losing streak, because I gave his opponents a blueprint on how to beat him. My losses have been unfortunate, but I wouldn’t want to come up against me at this stage in the game. My name is Victor and that’s no coincidence.
This is the fight the people have been waiting for and it’s time to give it to them,” Саид Берто. “I am in a good place mentally, physically and spiritually. I’ve never wanted my story to be perfect, that’s boring. Life is filled with ups and downs and I’ve embraced them all in my career. Everything I’ve been through has turned me into a savage. It’s time to close this chapter once and for all. I want his head!”
The undercard bouts are sure to feature exciting two-way action as the experienced veterans Rodriguez and Montiel look to hold-off rising contenders in Williams Jr. and Lara.
This is a very big fight for the light heavyweight division,” Саид Родригез. “Thomas brings it, али тако да урадите. You can expect fireworks from the opening bell as we are both looking to put on a sensational performance. То је речено, the light heavyweight championship is right around the corner, and there is nothing that is going to stop me from getting there.
I’m thrilled to be fighting on this card,” Вилијамс је рекао. “When they called me about this fight, Рекао сам, ‘I love it, let’s make it happen.I think that it’s going to be a really exciting and fan-friendly matchup. Edwin is a strong fighter who I know is going to be prepared to bring it on fight night, and I’ll make sure I’m ready to do the same.
It’s a pleasure to be on this fight card and I promise an exciting night for the fans,” Рекао је Монтиел. “I came up short in my last fight, but I am determined to become a world champion in a new weight class. I always come to fight and I will be throwing punches non-stop until I’m victorious on April 30.
I’m blessed to be back in the ring as part of this great night of fights,” Саид Лара. “My dream is to be a world champion, and to do that I have to beat fighters like Montiel. Поштујем свог противника, but right now he is on my way and nothing is going to stop me.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише ТГБ Промоције, се по цени од $209, $105, $53, и $27, Плус примењују порез, таксе и наплату за, су на продају сада и доступни су за куповину онлине на АКСС.цом.
PBC on FOX in primetime debuted on Јануар 23 and featured a thrilling three-fight card that was topped by undefeated star Danny Garcia conquering former world champion Robert Guerrero to claim a welterweight world title in a back-and-forth brawl. Another exciting contest in the welterweight division is sure to thrill those watching at home and the Southern California boxing fans in attendance.
We are proud to be bringing this long awaited rematch to the StubHub Center and the Los Angeles boxing fans,” рекао је Том Бровн из ТГБ Промоције. “Victor Ortiz and Andre Berto battled back in 2011, and their meeting on April 30 will take care of unfinished business.
After the overwhelming success of the return to boxing on FOX in January, after an almost 20 year absence, FOX Sports and FOX Deportes are thrilled to present the second Premier Boxing Champions fight on Април 30,” рекао је Давид Натхансон, ФОКС Спортс Шеф пословању.
StubHub Center is excited to host this welterweight bout on Субота, Април 30,” said Katie Pandolfo, General Manager of StubHub Center. “We look forward to an exciting rematch and an electric atmosphere at the premier outdoor boxing venue in the United States.
Узбудљива борац који никада није избегавао акције, Ortiz returned to the ring in December 2015 one year after injuring his hand during a third round stoppage of Manuel Perez. The 29-year-old stopped Gilberto Sanchez Leon in his last bout for his second victory in a row. Ortiz was a 147-pound world champion when he defeated Berto in 2011 да оснују обрачун са Флоид Маивеатхер. Тхе Кансас-родом је провео неко време у последњих неколико година да сними улоге у филмовима као што су “Левак” и “Тхе Екпендаблес 3” but is now fully focused on a return to the pinnacle of the welterweight division.
Berto is a former amateur standout and Olympian for his native Haiti. He challenged now-retired pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather in September. The offensive-minded Berto always makes for sensational scraps as his 2012 slugfest with Robert Guerrero was another Fight of the Year candidate. The 32-year-old thrilled in his PBC debut last March when he stopped Josesito Lopez in the sixth round of their welterweight showdown.
Свршени аматер који је освојио 2006 Национални Голден Гловес златна медаља и 2005 У.С. Државно првенство златна медаља, the 30-year-old Rodriguez enters this fight a winner of his last four fights. Рођен у Доминиканској Републици, али боримо из Ворцестер, Масачусетс, Rodriguez’s only loss came to the undefeated Andre Ward in 2013. He owns impressive victories over previously unbeaten fighters Will Rosinsky, Џејсон Есцалера, Ezequiel Osvaldo Maderna, Craig Baker and Michael Seals. Against Seals, у својој најновијој борбе на Новембар 13, Edwin rose from the canvas to score a devastating third-round TKO in what was a ‘Fight of the Year’ кандидат.
Виллиамс Јр., a 28-year-old from Fort Washington, Мериленд, was introduced to boxing by his father, a former pro fighter. A dynamite puncher, Виллиамс Јр. has registered seven of his 13 knockouts in the first round. Међутим, the southpaw has also proven his endurance with unanimous decision victories over warriors like Michael Gbenga, Yusaf Mack and Otis Griffin. Most recently he earned two victories, including a second-round TKO over world-ranked contender Umberto Savigne last November.
The veteran Montiel won his first world title in 2000 преко Исидро Гарциа и отишао на имати Наслов Виннинг наступе преко Педро Алзацар, Иван Хернандез, З Капе, Цисо Моралес и Хозуми Хасегава. Рођен у Синалоа, Мексико, Montiel rode an eight-fight win streak heading into his October world title shot against Lee Selby. Montiel’s aggressive style frustrated Selby but it was not enough for him to grab a title in his fourth weight class.
Ундефеатед из Гуадалајара, Халиско, Мексико, Лара је свој У.С. debut on March 7, 2015 са првог кола застоја Марио Мациас у Лас Вегасу. The 25-year-old has ended seven of his last nine opponents early including experienced contenders Jovanny Soto, Јаиро Хернандез и Оскар Ибарра. He looks to rebound from a technical draw in his last outing after the fight was stopped in six rounds due to numerous cuts Lara had received from accidental headbutts.
За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом ввв.ТГБПромотионс.цом, хттп://ввв.фокспортс.цом/Пресспасс / страница ифокдепортес.цом фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг, @ВициоусОртиз, АндреБерто,@ЛаБомбаБокинг, ТопДоггЈр, ФОКССПОРТС, @ФОКСДепортес И@Свансон_Цомм и постати фан на Фацебоок уввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокинг, ввв.фацебоок.цом/фокспортс иввв.фацебоок.цом/фокдепортес. Пратите разговор помоћу #ПБЦонФОКС. ПБЦ на ФОКС је спонзорисан од стране Цорона, финест pivo.


Кликните ОВДЕ To Read About The All-PBC Football Team Via премиербокингцхампионс.цом

(Former world champ Andre Berto with Denver Broncos Running Back Ronnie Hillman
Photo via instagram.com/Andre Берто)

See below for Super Bowl 50 predictions from PBC fighters:
Андре Берто: I’ve got the Panthers by a dime. Човек, that Broncosdefense is ferocious! I’ve never seen any team get after a guy like they got after Tom Brady. So how is my boy Cam Newton gonna handle them? Have you seen Cam run? He’s gonna run right over them.
Against the Patriots, that defense was allowed to be ferocious, but Cam won’t allow that. As for [Broncos running back] Ronnie Hillman, he’s my dude; he’s just gotta work on them hands a little bit.
Доминиц Бреазеале: I’ve got the Panthers winning, 35-21. Cam Newton is just having way too much fun, and at this point, I would have to say the guy is unstoppable.
Омар Даглас: I’m going with Panthers. Cam Newton has played great all season and almost went undefeated. He is not your average quarterback. He can throw the long ball or run it in for a touchdown. And on top of it all, he’s having fun. It’s hard to beat a guy like that!
Омар Фигуероа Јр: I don’t want to give a prediction. I love the Broncos like I love the San Antonio Spurs. But the Panthers are the Golden State Warriors of football right now. I see the Broncos having a really hard time keeping up.
Мигел Флорес: Carolina has been smashing everyone, and Denver has been somewhat inconsistent. But after the Broncosmost recent games and their showing on defense, I will have to stick with the famous cliché: “Offense wins games, defense wins championships.
The Panthers have shown that they can be great offensively, but their defense hasn’t always been on point. So I’m going with the Broncos in a tight one.
Дени Гарсија: I’m going with the Panthers. They’re rolling right now. They’ve got youth and energy, and they’ve got a lot of momentum going into the game. If they just stay focused and don’t party and get caught up [in the hype], they’ll win it.
Террелл Гаусха: Panthers, because my bro that I went to high school with plays for Carolina: wide receiver Ted Ginn Jr. Више, I think they are just that good.
Тони Харисон: Carolina Panthers all the way. As a former high school quarterback, I love what Cam is doing for the game. He’s amazing. Такође, many people don’t know but my younger cousin, Devin Funchess (pictured above with Harrison while at the University of Michigan), plays wide receiver for the Panthers. So I’m always going with family in any situation.
Јулије Џексон: I’ve got the Broncos. They have a better system as far as demonstrating an ability to play as a cohesive unit. That’s what will give them the edge.
Џамал ​​Џејмс: I’m gonna have to go with the Panthers, because Cam Newton has been handling business. Више, that team has kinda been an underdog. But every time people count them out, they come out and refuse to lose, which is something I respect and relate to.
Амир Кхан: I would have to say that the Broncos have the veteran leadership in Peyton Manning and they’ve been there before, so they have the better overall experience. Али на крају, the youth and explosiveness of Cam Newton will win the day in what will be a hard-fought Panthers’ победа.
Поли Малигнагги: I’m going with the underdog Broncos. Maybe it’s just going with my heart, but I’m a Manning fan, mainly because his brother is the QB for my New York Giants, so I’m keeping it in the family.
Абнер Марес: I’m taking the Panthers. Cam Newton has a style on and off the field that just dominates. It’s the Panthersyear, Cam is a tremendous leader and QB, and it’s time for a new dynasty to be born.
Шон Портер: I think this is gonna be a great Super Bowl! It’s a very evenly matched game. Both teams are solid on both sides of the ball and have great quarterbacks. Peyton Manning is trying to solidify his status as an all-time great QB, and Cam Newton is trying to establish himself as a future great. I’m having a really hard time picking a winner, but personally I would love to see Cam Newton and the Panthers win.
Мајкл Печати: I’ve got to go with the Panthers. I’m gonna take Billy the Kid-Cam Newton-over the Old Deputy Sheriff, Peyton Manning.
Ерол Спенс Јр: The Panthers will win because the Broncosdefense will not be able to contain or stop Cam Newton. And the Pantherspass defense is too good for a shell-of-himself Peyton Manning. I went to school with [Broncos defensive end] Von Miller, but I want Cam to win.
Антонио Тарвер: It’s a destiny type of year for Cam Newton and the Panthers. I don’t think anyone is gonna stop them. While my heart is with Denver and the wise old veteran Peyton Manning-us old guys gotta stick together-I have to put my money on Cam and the Panthers.
All I pray for is to go out like Peyton Manning: attempting to win it all before I retire. But I have to say the Panthers will win.
Остин Пастрмка: I’ve got the Panthers winning. They’re just playing with great team chemistry and great leadership in Cam Newton. But I’m still J-E-T-S till I D-I-E.
Sammy Vasquez Jr.: It’s simple: Panthers all day. They’ve been on fire. Cam Newton deserves it now after putting in the years with the team and all the hard work. They work together as a team, and that’s a great part of being successful.
Деонтаи Вилдер: I like the Panthers because Cam Newton is just on a different level, a force to be reckoned with.
Томас Вилијамс Јр.: I’m taking the Broncos simply because of the experience factor. Cam Newton’s year has been phenomenal; he is an MVP for sure. But I think Peyton Manning’s postseason and all-around experience will outweigh Cam’s magic.
This will be just another walk in the park for Manning, who has been in the tougher, more grueling games over the course of his career.
Final tally: Panthers 17, Broncos 4.

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