टॅग संग्रहण: अलेक्झांडर Shlemenko

2017 M-1 Global Fighter of the Year M-1 Challenge Lightweight Champion Damir Ismagulov

सेंट पीटर्सबर्ग, रशिया (जानेवारी 16, 2018) — एम -1 आव्हान हलके विजेता Damir Ismagulov म्हणून जगभरातील मिश्र-मार्शल-कला चाहते निवडले गेले आहे 2017 M-1 Global Fighter of the Year.
ओर्ेनबुरग बाहेर लढाई, रशिया, 26 वर्षीय Ismagulov (14-2-0, एम-1: 8-1-0) होते 3-0-0 मध्ये 2017, सर्व एम -1 ग्लोबल कारवाई, त्याच्या एम -1 आव्हान हलके शीर्षक-विजय कामगिरी समाविष्टीत आहे, एक यशस्वी शीर्षक संरक्षण त्यानंतर.
Ismagulov, कझाकस्तान एक मुळ, सुरु 2017 भव्य शैली मध्ये, बाहेर दार मॉर्गन Heraod फ्रान्स, तिसऱ्या फेरीत गेल्या फेब्रुवारी येथे एम-1 आव्हान 74.
गेल्या मे, Ismagulov faced former M-1 Challenge champion म्हण Divnich (13-2-0), घरी, ओर्ेनबुरग मध्ये, रिक्त एम -1 आव्हान हलके स्पर्धेत.
त्यांचे शीर्षक लढा एक सुरू झाले “भावना प्रक्रियेतून” Ismagulov त्याचे पाय कार्य एकेरीवर हा साधा व सरळ बाजार, पण पहिल्या फेरीत गावी आवडत्या थोडा फायदा धारण संपला.
Ismagulov, मात्र, पुढील तीन फेऱ्या आणि Divnich राखले, ज्या कठोरपणे नुकसान, रक्तरंजित चेहरा Ismagulov च्या चालू प्राणघातक हल्ला दुष्परिणाम झाली, पाचव्या सुमारे गोष्टी चालू करण्यात अक्षम आहे. समाप्त neared म्हणून, Ismagulov च्या अनुत्तरीत एक निराधार Divnich वर पाऊस पडला नाही एक मोठे धरण होईपर्यंत त्याचा खेळ विरोधक सादर करणे अयशस्वी झाले. पंच 13-सेकंद तांत्रिक बाद फेरीत हार्ड-लढले Ismagulov विजय घड्याळ वर उर्वरित षटकांनंतर.
लढा केल्यानंतर 5,000 चाहते साजरा केला, साठी Ismagulov त्यांच्या मान्यता गर्जना, यांनी सांगितले की,, “मी ओर्ेनबुरग प्रदेश पासून आहे. मी पट्टा जिंकली! येण्याबद्दल धन्यवाद. मी MMA ओर्ेनबुरग आभार इच्छित, माझे प्रशिक्षक,व्हिक्टर Frolov, जो प्रतिभा म्हणून मला पाहिले, आणि अलेक्झांडर Shlemenko मला विश्वास. मी माझ्या डबे आभार, माझे कुटुंब, आणि आमच्या चाहते.
“मी इंटरनेट न एका छोट्या गावात एका साध्या माणूस विजेता होऊ शकतात असे सिद्ध झाले की आहे. जर मी करू शकलो, आपण हे करू शकता. बेल्ट ओर्ेनबुरग आहे, कुठे असणे आवश्यक आहे.”
Ismagulov एक मैदान आणि पाउंड हल्ला वि येथे दर्शविली आहे. Rogero मतियास दा Conceicao
Ismagulov विरुद्ध हार्ड-लढले मुख्य कार्यक्रम लढाई जिंकली अस्वस्थ मनाचा Rogero “Karranca” मतियास दा Conceicao, ब्राझील, एक नॉन-शीर्षक मार्ग, येथे निर्णय एम-1 आव्हान 85.
Ismagulov त्याच्या एम -1 आव्हान हलके शीर्षक नाही फेब्रुवारी 22, तो त्याच्या जॉर्जियन चॅलेंजर वर घेते, तेव्हा, रॉल Tuturauli (18-3-0, एम-1: 6-1-0), मध्ये एम-1 आव्हान 88 मॉस्को ऑलिम्पिक स्टेडियम येथे मुख्य कार्यक्रम.





ट्विटर & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
आगामी कार्यक्रम:
फेब्रुवारी. 9 – एम-1 आव्हान 87: Silander वि. Ashimov, एम -1 अरेना, सेंट पीटर्सबर्ग, रशिया
फेब्रुवारी. 22 – एम-1 आव्हान 88: Ismagulov वि. Tutaraul, ऑलिम्पिक स्टेडियम, मॉस्को, रशिया

M-1 Global’s 20th anniversary a smashing success in 2017

एम -१ ग्लोबलचे अध्यक्ष वदिम फिन्केलटेन
सेंट पीटर्सबर्ग, रशिया (डिसेंबर 27, 2017) — M-1 Global celebrated its 20व्याanniversary in style this past year, reestablishing itself as the preeminent mixed-martial-arts organization in Europe and Russia.
M-1 promoted 13 Challenges in 2017, 11 across Russia, as well as one each in China and Finland. Fighters from around the world competed including MMA superstars such as Sergey Kharitonov आणि अलेक्झांडर Shlemenko, as well as rising stars Alexey Kunchenko आणि सायरस Frolov.
M-1 Global founder and president Vadim Finkelchtein reviewed the 2017 हंगामात, answering a series of questions below:
एकूणच, how do you evaluate the 2017 M-1 Challenge season in terms of achievements and accomplishments as a promotional company?
VF: “सर्व प्रथम, we increased the number of events. Some were even rated among top 5 monthly sporting events on television, which is really an incredible achievement. We’ve almost finished building our new M-1 Arena and produced our own M-1 Be Strong Protein milkshake.
You promoted events in different countries this past year like Finland. Was M-1 embraced by those fans and, if so, why do you think so?
VF: “We held our first event in Finland and it was really successful. एम-1 आव्हान 82took place in Hartwall Arena, one of the largest venues in Finland, located in the capital of Helsinki. Many fans came to watch our promotion’s debut in that country and it became one of the biggest MMA events in Finland history. Scandinavia is a very interesting region for us. We have many fighters from Finland and next year we are going to hold another event there.
We also had a big event in Harbin, चीन, which was a part of cultural program of Economic Forum. Many VIP visitors and thousands of fans gathered to watch the fights and it was a superb event. China is a prospective MMA market and we are going to work further, featuring more fighters from this country, and promote one or two event a year there.
“पुढील वर्षी, we are going to promote even more events in other countries, planning to hold M-1 Challenge shows in Georgia, अझरबैजान, कझाकस्तान, तुर्की, चीन, Finland, Germany and the USA.
What was the M-1 highlight of the year?
VF: “This past year we had a lot of remarkable events and fights, so it’s very difficult to choose just one highlight. If I had to choose, the rematch between Alexander Shlemenko and Brandon Halsey was the highlight of the year. Thousands of people in Saint Petersburg on June 1यष्टीचीत came to see the rematch and that liver-kick Alexander delivered made the crowd go crazy. In the first fight, Brandon won in 35 सेकंद, so Alexander wanted to revenge fast and it took him just 25 सेकंद. That was unbelievable and unforgettable!”
Compared to past years in what areas did M-1 improve in 2017?
VF: “Each year we have more high-level fighters and that is the main difference. MMA has been developing around the world and the competition is always getting tougher. Only the best fighters receive an opportunity to sign a contract with M-1 Global. We have an opportunity to choose the best fighters, increasing the level of fights, to make it impossible to predict the winners in advance. शिवाय, we increased the number of events and TV coverage with some new TV contracts worldwide.
This was your 20th year. When you started 20 years ago did you envision the success M-1 has had in MMA?
VF: “I could not imagine MMA would become so popular. I went through the entire MMA evolution and the past 20 years I’ve been working on the promotion to make it better each year. The path was not easy because many years ago this kind of sport was considered criminal. Many called it fights without rules and I had to work hard to make people think about it as a legitimate sport.
M-1 added the flyweight division this past year. Why and was it successful in the eyes of fans?
VF: “Flyweight fighters can produce incredible performances. It was necessary for us to create this division because we knew that there were lot of good flyweight fighters. They wanted to fight in M-1 and we made it happen. We already have the first champion and a several tough contenders. मध्ये 2018, the flyweight division will be very interesting.
एम -1 आव्हानात्मक चॅम्पियन
हेवीवेट (265 एलबीएस., 120,2 किलो)
LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT (205 एलबीएस., 93,0 किलो)
मध्यभागी (185 एलबीएस., 83,9 किलो)
सायरस Frolov (10-0-0 (एम-1: 7-0-0), रशिया
वेल्डवेट (170 एलबीएस., 77,1 किलो)
Alexey Kunchenko (17-0-0 (एम-1: 9-0-0), रशिया
लाइटवेट (155 एलबीएस., 70,3 किलो)
Damir Ismagulov (14-2-0 (एम-1: 9-1-0), Russia by way of Kazakhstan
Featherweight (145 एलबीएस., 65,8 किलो)
खामजात दलगीव्ह (10-1-0 (एम-1: 7-1-0), रशिया
BANTAMWEIGHT (135 एलबीएस., 61,2 किलो)
मोवसार इव्लोव (8-0-0 (एम-1: 8-0-0), रशिया
FLYWEIGHT (125 एलबीएस., 56,7 किलो)
Aleksander Doskalchuk (8-1-0 (एम-1: 3-4-1), युक्रेन
ट्विटर & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

Bellator 185: Mousasi vs. Shlemenko Official Results & फोटो

Gegard Mousasi (43-6-2) पराभव अलेक्झांडर Shlemenko (56-10, 1 नॅशनल कॉन्फरन्स) लग्न द्वारे (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)


फोटो: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/iaobj6dqfk4jq1y/AADPZmjhtmreJ-7mNCkqEKvua?dl=0


Neiman Gracie (7-0) पराभव Zak Bucia (18-9) सबमिशन द्वारे (neck crank) येथे 2:27 फेरी दोन

फोटो: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kvl101uwhi2zi3p/AABH7yRjFJHzNnRgDcEeGI23a?dl=0

Kristina Williams (1-0) पराभव सदाहरित झुडूप याला फिक्कट जांभळी किंवा पांढरी फुले येतात हार्डी (1-1) TKO द्वारे (डॉक्टरांच्या थांबतात) येथे 2:00 फेरी दोन

फोटो: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/09r32tj0p0lfrlh/AAA2wiI3m1-pTHGaePuJeR5Ta?dl=0

रायन Quinn (14-7) पराभव Marcus Surin (4-1) लग्न द्वारे (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)


फोटो: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uzsfhmp09sbgh7r/AADZyyNKyuqDKiWfZW1F1MkAa?dl=0

Lisa Blaine (2-0) पराभव आना Julaton (2-3) विभाजित निर्णय द्वारे (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)


फोटो: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/meae709iunpv7rt/AAAvcWOCHh0R5N0K9UT8o-Jna?dl=0

प्राथमिक कार्ड परिणाम:

John Lopez (6-4) पराभव बिली Giovanella (9-5) लग्न द्वारे (29-28, 30-27, 30-26)

Kevin Carrier (1-0) पराभव Jose Antonio Perez (0-1) (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Vovka Clay (4-2) पराभव Frank Sforza (6-1) सबमिशन द्वारे (कागद) येथे 1:17 फेरी दोन

Don Shainis (4-1) पराभव Matthew Denning (5-7) TKO द्वारे (स्ट्राइक) येथे 4:50 एक फेरी

Jordan Young (7-0) पराभव अॅलेक Hooben (5-4) सबमिशन द्वारे (त्रिकोण गुदमरणे) येथे 2:44 एक फेरी

Costello van Steenis (9-1) पराभव Steve Skrzat (8-10) सबमिशन द्वारे (स्ट्राइक) येथे 2:52 एक फेरी

Joaquin Buckley (8-1) पराभव Vinicius de Jesus (5-2) विभाजित निर्णय द्वारे (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

पीट रॉजर्स (3-4) पराभव Timothy Wheeler (1-5) सबमिशन द्वारे (कागद) येथे :37 एक फेरी

डीन सांगता (3-1) पराभव John Beneduce (2-2) TKO द्वारे (स्ट्राइक) येथे 3:38 एक फेरी

Brandon Halsey defeats Mikhail Ragozin by Decision in light heavyweight Super Fight

Aleksander Doskalchuk captures inaugural
M-1 Challenge flyweight championship
एम-1 आव्हान 83 परिणाम

Brandon Halsey recorded his first M-1 Global victory
KAZAN, रशिया (सप्टेंबर 23, 2017) – American MMA fighter ब्रॅंडोन “वळू” Halsey, fighting as a light heavyweight for the first time, won a hard-fought, three-round unanimous decision over his Russian opponent, मिखाईल Ragozin, in yesterday’s (शनिवारी) एम-1 आव्हान 83: TATFIGHT 5 मुख्य कार्यक्रम, marking the first international MMA event ever held in Kazan, रशिया.
सहकारी वैशिष्ट्य मध्ये, Aleksander Doskalchuk became the first M-1 Challenge flyweight champion.
Eight different countries – रशिया, यूएसए, युक्रेन, जॉर्जिया, कझाकस्तान, ब्राझील, किर्गिस्तान, and Netherlandswere represented by fighters in this international event.
The 30-year-old Halsey (10-3-0, एम-1: 1-1-0), fighting out of Huntington Beach, कॅलिफोर्निया, was a standout wrestler at the California State University in Bakersfield. He is a former two-time Bellator whose decision to move up to light heavyweight from middleweight, after him being stopped in the opening round ofएम-1 आव्हान 79 this past June to Russian MMA star अलेक्झांडर Shlemenko, proved correct as he won a three-round decision over Ragozin for his initi al M-1 Global victory, establishing himself as a leading contender for the coveted M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title.
Doskalchuk (8-1-0, एम-1: 2-0-0), युक्रेन, used a choke hold to force Russian flyweight वदिम “वाईट सांता” माल्गीन (11-3-1, एम-1: 2-2-1) to tap out in the second round. Doskalchuk became the first M-1 Challenge flyweight champion.
In other main event action, हलके जॉर्जियन खा Tutarauli (18-3-0, एम-1: 6-1-0) took a three-round unanimous decision over previously undefeatedव्लादिमीर कानुनिकोव्ह (8-1-0, एम-1: 0-1-0, रशिया; अमेरिकन फेदरवेटनेट “आगगाडी” लँडहोअर (9-2-0, एम-1: 1-0-0) stopped his Russian foe,मिखाईल Korobkov (13-3-1, एम-1: 1-3-1), on punches in the second round; Kazakh bantamweight Sergey Morozov (10-3-0, एम-1: 5-2-0) बाहेर ठोसा Luan Fernandes (8-3-0, एम-1: 0-1-0) in the second fame.
नेट “आगगाडी” Landwehr celebrated his first M-1 win
The judges were very busy working the undercard as only two fights ended before the full distance with Russian featherweight knocking out his countryman, प्रो-प्रथमवेळी दाखल Rinat Shakirov तिसऱ्या फेरीत, आणि रशियन हलके Viktor Kolesnik (11-3-1, एम-1: 2-0-1) doing the same to Netherlands kickboxing specialist Brian Hooi (14-7-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), only in the opening round.
युक्रेनियन लाइट हेवीवेट Vadim Shabadash (5-2-0, एम-1: 1-0-0) आणि रशियन बाण्टॅमवेट Alexander Osetrov won unanimous decisions over, अनुक्रमे, रशियन Kirill Kusmin (2-1-0, एम-1: 0-1-0) and pro-debuting लेनर सुलेमानोव्ह, रशिया.
Russian light weight Alik Albagachiev (4-0-0, एम-1: 1-0-0) took a majority decision win from Russian रुसलान खिसमूतदिनोव्ह (4-4-0, एम-1: 0-1-0) and Russian welterweight Vadim Sinitsyn (2-0-0, एम-1: 1-0-0) had the exact same outcome versus Timur Gilimzyanov (4-3-0, एम-1: 0-1-0). Brazilian lightweightDiego Davela (18-6-1, एम-1: 1-1-1) आणि Busurmankul Abdibait Uulu (8-2-1, एम-1: 0-0-1), किर्गिस्तान च्या, fought to a three-round split draw.
पूर्ण परिणाम आणि खाली फोटो गॅलरी:
मुख्य कार्ड
मुख्य कार्यक्रम – प्रकाश दावा
ब्रॅंडोन Halsey (10-3-0, एम-1: 1-1-0), यूएसए
मिखाईल Ragozin (8-3-0, एम-1: 3-1-0), रशिया
Aleksander Doskalchuk (8-1-0, एम-1: 2-0-0), युक्रेन
वदिम मालिगिन (11-3-1, एम-1: 2-2-1), रशिया
(Doskalchuk Won M-1 Challenge flyweight title)
खा Tutarauli (18-3-0, एम-1: 6-1-0), जॉर्जिया
व्लादिमीर कानुनिकोव्ह (8-1-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), रशिया)
नॅट लँडहेअर (9-2-0 (एम-1: 1-0-0), यूएसए
WKO/TKO (नाही – 1:31)
मिखाईल Korobkov (13-3-1, एम-1: 1-3-1), रशिया
सर्जी Morozov (10-3-0, एम-1: 5-2-0), कझाकस्तान
WKO / TKO2 (नाही – 4:48)
Luan Fernandes (8-3-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), ब्राझील
प्राथमिक कार्ड
प्रकाश दावा
Vadim Shabadash (5-2-0, एम-1: 1-0-0), युक्रेन
किरील कुझमीन (2-1-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), रशिया
Vadim Sinitsyn (2-0-0, एम-1: 1-0-0), रशिया
Timur Gilimzyanov (4-3-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), रशिया
Diego Davella (18-6-1, एम-1: 1-1-1), ब्राझील
Busurmankul Abditbait Uulu (8-2-1, एम-1: 0-0-1), किर्गिस्तान
Viktor Kolesnik (11-2-1, एम-1: 2-0-1), रशिया
WKO / TKO1 (नाही – 3:36)
Brian Hooi (14-7-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), नेदरलॅंन्ड
Alik Albagachiev (4-0-0, एम-1: 1-0-0), रशिया
रुसलान खिसमूतदिनोव्ह (4-4-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), रशिया
Nidzhat Imanov (2-1-0, एम-1: 1-0-0)
WKO / TKO3 (नाही)
Rinat Shakirov (0-1-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), रशिया
Alexander Osetrov (2-0-0, एम-1: 1-0-0), रशिया
लेनर सुलेमानोव्ह (0-1-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), रशिया


ट्विटर & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
एम -1 आव्हानात्मक घटना कॅलेंडर:
एम-1 आव्हान 84: ऑक्टोबर 27, 2017 स्ट्रीट. पीटर्ज़्बर्ग, रशिया
एम-1 आव्हान 85: नोव्हेंबर 10, 2017 मॉस्को, रशिया

एम-1 आव्हान 83 वजन

KAZAN, रशिया (सप्टेंबर 22, 2017) – The official weigh in was held today for उद्या च्या एम-1 आव्हान 83 काझान मध्ये, रशिया. See weights and pictures below.
एम-1 आव्हान 83 वर हाय डेफिनिशनमध्ये काझानवरून थेट प्रवाहित केले जाईल www.M1Global.TV. दर्शक नोंदणी वर लॉग इन करून प्राथमिक fights आणि मुख्य कार्ड पाहण्यास सक्षम असेल www.M1Global.TV. चाहते त्यांच्या संगणकावर सर्व क्रिया पाहू शकतात, तसेच, Android आणि Apple स्मार्ट फोन आणि टॅबलेट म्हणून.
मुख्य कार्ड
मुख्य कार्यक्रम – प्रकाश दावा – 3 एक्स 5
(आर) मिखाईल Ragozin(8-2-0, एम-1: 3-0-0), रशिया 205 एलबीएस. (93 किलो)
(एल) ब्रॅंडोन “वळू” Halsey (9-3-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), यूएसए 204 एलबीएस. (92,8 किलो)
(एल) Aleksander Doskalchuk (7-1-00, एम-1: 1-0-0), युक्रेन 125 एलबीएस. (56,7 किलो)
(आर) वदिम “वाईट सांता” माल्गीन (11-2-1, एम-1: 2-1-1), रशिया 125 एलबीएस. (56,7 किलो)
(आर) व्लादिमीर कानुनिकोव्ह (8-0-0, एम-1: 0-0-0), रशिया 153 दिड एलबीएस. (69,6 किलो)
(एल) खा Tutarauli (17-3-0, एम-1: 5-1-0), जॉर्जिया 153 दिड एलबीएस. (69,8 किलो)
(एल) नेट “आगगाडी” लँडहोअर (8-2-0 (एम-1: 0-0-0), यूएसए 144 एलबीएस. (65,5 किलो)
(आर) मिखाईल Korobkov (13-2-1, एम-1: 1-2-1), रशिया 143 OBS. (65,2 केजी)
(आर) सर्जी Morozov (9-3-0, एम-1: 4-2-0), कझाकस्तान 135 एलबीएस. (61,3 किलो)
(एल) Luan Fernandes (8-2-0, एम-1: 0-0-0), ब्राझील 133 एलबीएस. (60,5 किलो)
प्राथमिक कार्ड
प्रकाश दावा – 3 एक्स 5
किरील कुझमीन (2-0-0, एम-1: 0-0-0), रशिया 200 एलबीएस. (91 किलो)
Vadim Shabadash (4-2-0, एम-1: 0-0-0), युक्रेन 202 एलबीएस. (91,7 किलो)
Timur Gilimzyanov (4-2-0, एम-1: 0-0-0), रशिया 168 दिड एलबीएस. (76,6 किलो)
Vadim Sinitsyn (1-0-0, एम-1: 0-0-0), रशिया 168 एलबीएस. (76,3 किलो)
Diego Davella (18-6-0, एम-1: 1-1-0), ब्राझील 149 एलबीएस. (67,8 किलो)
Busurmankul Abditbait Uulu (8-2-0, एम-1: 0-0-0), किर्गिस्तान 149 एलबीएस. (67,8 किलो)
Brian Hooi (14-6-0, एम-1: 0-0-0), नेदरलॅंन्ड 153 एलबीएस. (69,6 किलो)
Viktor Kolesnik (10-2-1, एम-1: 1-0-1), रशिया 154 दिड एलबीएस. (70,3 किलो)
रुसलान खिसमूतदिनोव्ह (4-3-0, एम-1: 0-0-0), रशिया 154 एलबीएस. (69,9 किलो)
Alik Albagachiev (3-0-0, एम-1: 0-0-0), रशिया 154 एलबीएस. (70 किलो)
Rinat Shakirov (पदार्पण साठी), रशिया 138 एलबीएस. (62,7 किलो)
Nidzhat Imanov (1-1-0, एम-1: 0-0-0) 138 दिड एलबीएस. (63 किलो)
लेनर सुलेमानोव्ह (पदार्पण साठी), रशिया 133 एलबीएस. (60,6 किलो)
Alexander Osetrov (1-0-0, एम-1: 0-0-0), रशिया 134 एलबीएस. (61,1 किलो)
(all fights & fighters subject to change)
तेव्हा: शनिवारी, सप्टेंबर 23, 2017
जेथे: Kazan, रशिया
प्रवर्तक: एम-1 ग्लोबल
थेट प्रवाह: www.m1global.tv (9.00 a.m. आणि / 6:00 a.m. in USA)
ट्विटर & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
एम -1 आव्हानात्मक घटना कॅलेंडर:
एम-1 आव्हान 83: सात. 23, 2017 काझान मध्ये, रशिया
एम-1 आव्हान 84: ऑक्टोबर 27, 2017 स्ट्रीट. पीटर्ज़्बर्ग, रशिया
एम-1 आव्हान 85: नोव्हेंबर 10, 2017 मॉस्को, रशिया

सुपर फाईट: Mikhail Ragozin vs. Brandon Halsey plus Doskalchuk vs. Malygin Inaugural M-1 Challenge Flyweight title fight

तत्काळ प्रकाशन करीता
सेंट पीटर्सबर्ग, रशिया (सप्टेंबर 13, 2017) – द एम-1 आव्हान 83 main card is set for the first international mixed-martial-arts event ever held in the Republic of Tatarstan, सप्टेंबर 23, काझान मध्ये, रशिया,
एम-1 आव्हान 83 वर हाय डेफिनिशनमध्ये काझानवरून थेट प्रवाहित केले जाईलwww.M1Global.TV. दर्शक नोंदणी वर लॉग इन करून प्राथमिक fights आणि मुख्य कार्ड पाहण्यास सक्षम असेल www.M1Global.TV. चाहते त्यांच्या संगणकावर सर्व क्रिया पाहू शकतात, तसेच, Android आणि Apple स्मार्ट फोन आणि टॅबलेट म्हणून.
World-class light heavyweight contenders मिखाईल Ragozin (8-2-0, एम-1: 3-0-0), representing New Stream Team, Storm School and Club Boets, आणि ब्रॅंडोन “वळू” Halsey (9-3-0, एम-1: 0-1-0) are matched against each other in the main event, तर Aleksander Doskalchuk (7-1-0, एम-1: 1-0-0) घेते वदिम “वाईट सांता” माल्गीन (11-2-1, एम-1: 2-1-1).
Last May in his most recent action, 25-year-old Ragozin (खाली चित्रित) बंद Alan Bispo,ब्राझील, तिसऱ्या फेरीत येथे एम-1 आव्हान 78. The Russian fighter hadn’t fought in M-1 Global competition since 2015.
Halsey, 30, is from Huntington Beach, कॅलिफोर्निया. A wrestler from the California State University in Bakersfield, Halsey captured the Bellator middleweight title three years ago by way of an opening-round submission (गळा दाटून येणे) of Russian MMA star अलेक्झांडर Shlemenko, who avenged that loss with a knockout of Halsey in the first round this past June at एम-1 आव्हान 79. Halsey had difficulty dropping weight for his rematch with Shlemnenko and he immediately decided to move up in weight to light heavyweight.
Ukraine-born Doskalchuk (pictured below on left) rides a four-fight win streak, including a three-round unanimous decision last May at M-1 आव्हान 78 प्रती Son Le Binh.
The winner of his last three fights, माल्गीन (pictured below on right) is a Russian flyweight on a three-fight win streak, including a win by three-round unanimous decision over FabricioBillSarraff येथे एम-1 आव्हान 78.
Also scheduled to fight on the एम-1 आव्हान 83 card is undefeated Russian lightweight prospect व्लादिमीर कानुनिकोव्ह (8-0-0), who will be making his M-1 Global debut against Georgian Raul Tutalrauli (17-3-0, एम-1: 5-1-0). अमेरिकन फेदरवेट नेट “आगगाडी” लँडहोअर (8-2-0) will also be making his M-1 Global debut versus veteran Russian fighter मिखाईल Korobkov (13-2-1, एम-1: 1-2-1), while Brazilian lightweight दिएगो (D’Avila) Davella (18-6-0, एम-1: 1-1-0) takes on former Interim M-1 Challenge lightweight title challenger Alexey Nevzorov (12-3-0, एम-1: 6-2-0), रशिया.
एम-1 आव्हान 83 preliminary card will showcase local pro fighters such asरुसलान खिसमूतदिनोव्ह, Kirill Kuzmen आणि लेनर सुलेमानोव्ह.
ट्विटर & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
एम -1 आव्हानात्मक घटना कॅलेंडर:
एम-1 आव्हान 83: सात. 23, 2017 काझान मध्ये, रशिया
एम-1 आव्हान 84: ऑक्टोबर 27, 2017 स्ट्रीट. पीटर्ज़्बर्ग, रशिया
एम-1 आव्हान 85: नोव्हेंबर 10, 2017 मॉस्को, रशिया

रागोझिन वि. एम -1 आव्हान हेडलाई हेडलाई 83: टॅटफाइट 5 सात. 23 काझान मध्ये, रशिया

अनुसूचित जमाती. पीटर्ज़्बर्ग, रशिया (ऑगस्ट 22, 2017) – एम -१ ग्लोबल प्रजासत्ताकातील तातारस्तान इतिहासामधील प्रथम आंतरराष्ट्रीय मिश्र-मार्शल-आर्ट इव्हेंटला प्रोत्साहन देईल, सप्टेंबर 23, कझान म्हणून, रशिया होस्ट करते एम-1 आव्हान 83: टॅटफाइट 5.

संध्याकाळची मुख्य घटना अमेरिकन आक्रमणकर्त्यांमधील हलकी हेवीवेट चढाओढ होईल ब्रॅंडोन “वळू” Halsey (9-3-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), दोन वेळा बेलाॅटोर विजेता, आणि मिखाईल Ragozin (8-2-0, एम-1: 3-0-0), रशियाचा नॅशनल पँकरेशन चॅम्पियन जो महान रशियन एमएमए सेनानीचा विद्यार्थी आहे अलेक्झांडर Shlemenko.

उद्घाटन झालेल्या एम -१ चॅलेंज फ्लायवेट चँपियनशिपला दोन ग्रँड प्रिक्स फायनल म्हणून निवडले जाईल, युक्रेनियन एमएमए नॅशनल चॅम्पियन अलेक्झांडर डोस्कलचुक (7-1-0, एम-1: 1-0-0) रशियन वर घेते वदिम “वाईट सांता” माल्गीन (11-2-1, एम-1: 2-1-1), जो हाताने-टु-हँड-मुकाबला आणि किकबॉक्सिंगमध्ये अनेक क्षेत्रीय विजेता आहे.

तसेच वाढत्या वर संघर्ष करण्यासाठी अनुसूचित एम-1 आव्हान 83 कार्ड जॉर्जियन विजेता आहे खा Tutarauli (17-3-0, एम-1: 5-1-0) एकाधिक रशियन सैन्य-हाताने प्रतिस्पर्धी चँपियन विरूद्ध व्लादिमीर कानुनिकोव्ह (8-0-0, एम-1: 0-0-0) क्रमांक निश्चित करण्यासाठी एम -1 चॅलेंज लाइटवेट एलिमिनेटरमध्ये. 1 स्पर्धक.

या कार्यक्रमात तातारस्तान प्रजासत्ताकचे प्रतिनिधित्व केले जाईल, यासह 2015 & 2016 रिपब्लिक ऑफ तातारस्तान एमएमए चॅम्पियन रुसलान खिसमूतदिनोव्ह, प्रतिनिधित्व “विभागणी” फाईट क्लब, दोन वेळा रिपब्लिक ऑफ टाटरस्टन आणि व्होल्गा फेडरल जिल्हा एमएमए चॅम्पियन किरील कुझमीन, प्रतिनिधित्व “बार्स प्रोफी” फाईट क्लब, क्युकुशीन कराटे पारितोषिक जिंकणारा रशियन चॅम्पियन आणि क्युकुशीन कराटे येथे टाटफाईट स्पर्धेचा विजेता, लेनर सुलेमानोव्ह.

इव्हेंटचे चाहते पाहणे रशियातील अनेक सर्वोत्कृष्ट एमएमए सैनिकांची वैशिष्ट्यीकृत एक डझनपेक्षा जास्त नेत्रदीपक लढाई पाहतील, यूएसए, ब्राझील, जर्मनी, युक्रेन, कझाकस्तान आणि जॉर्जिया.

एम -1 ग्लोबल या धैर्यवान आणि नेत्रदीपक खेळाच्या ख conn्या अर्थाने आमंत्रित करते, तसेच जे लोक या ग्रहावर वेगाने वाढणार्‍या खेळाच्या आश्चर्यकारक जगात सामील होत आहेत, पाहण्यासाठी एम-1 आव्हान 83: टॅटफाइट 5 वर सप्टेंबर 23 एम -1 ग्लोबल.टीव्ही मार्गे किंवा कॅनडामध्ये फाइट नेटवर्कवर.



ट्विटर & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global




लॉस आंजल्स – On the heels of his recent Bellator signing, Gegard Mousasi (42-6-2) will make his promotional debut against former champ अलेक्झांडर Shlemenko (56-9, 1 नॅशनल कॉन्फरन्स) वर शुक्रवारी, ऑक्टोबर 20 येथे Bellator 185: Mousasi vs. Shlemenko, an event that takes place at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

याव्यतिरिक्त, the co-main event of Bellator 185: Mousasi vs. Shlemenko will feature a light heavyweight contest pitting “King Mo” Lawal (21-6, 1 नॅशनल कॉन्फरन्स) against former titleholder लियाम McGeary (12-2). Additional main and preliminary card bouts will be announcing in the coming weeks.

The event will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 p.m. आणि/8 p.m. सीटी, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App. Tickets for this massive event start at $30, with an exclusive Bellator Nation Presale offer on बुधवारी, जुलै 19 येथे 10 a.m. आणि माध्यमातून गुरुवारी, July at 10 p.m. आणि. Tickets go on sale to the general public on शुक्रवारी, जुलै 21 येथे 10 a.m. आणि and are available at the Mohegan Sun Arena Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

Long-considered to be one of the elite two-division threats in MMA, Mousasi is set for his Bellator debut and is currently riding a five-fight win streak that includes recent knockout victories over two former world champions in Chris Weidman and Vitor Belfort. Prior to his UFC tenure, Mousasi captured the STRIKEFORCE light heavyweight title, as well as the DREAM light heavyweight and middleweight titles in Japan. “The Dreamcatcher,” who currently trains out of The Netherlands, has earned victories over some of the sports’ biggest names, including Dan Henderson, “Jacare” Souza, मार्क हंट, Ovince Saint-Preux, Melvin Manhoef, Hector Lombard and “Babalu” Sobral.


Shlemenko, a former middleweight champion, has competed under the Viacom-owned promotion’s umbrella since Bellator 16 मध्ये 2010. Known for his vicious finishing ability, “Storm” ruled with an iron fist over Bellator’s 185-pound division, defending his belt on three occasions. One of the most dominant champions in Bellator history and currently riding a five-fight win streak, which includes a TKO victory over केंडल ग्रोव्ह येथे Bellator 162, Shlemenko has his sights set on earning a shot at once again becoming world champion.


It was only a matter of time before “King Mo” Lawal and Liam McGeary squared off inside the Bellator cage. On the heels of a unanimous decision victory over “Rampage” Jackson at Bellator 175, the king of Bellator’s “money-weight” division returns to meet Britain’s McGeary. Never one to shy away from a fight, the former STRIKEFORCE champion, has stepped inside the Bellator cage on 14 separate occasions and was also victorious during RIZIN’s first open-weight tournament in 2015.


Widely regarded as one of the top light heavyweights in the world, McGeary will enter his bout with Lawal looking to once again stake his claim on the division he once sat atop of. A member of Team Renzo Gracie in New York, McGeary brings his renowned jiu-jitsu skills to the table against an opponent who has yet to be submitted in 27-fights as a professional. Of the 34-year-old’s 12 विजय, 11 have come before reaching the judges’ scorecards, a feat McGeary hopes to continue in the co-main event of Bellator 185: Mousasi vs. Shlemenko.


अद्यतनित Bellator 185: Mousasi vs. Shlemenko Fight Card:

Middleweight Main Event: Gegard Mousasi (42-6-2) वि. अलेक्झांडर Shlemenko (56-9, 1 नॅशनल कॉन्फरन्स)

लाइट हेवीवेट सहकारी मुख्य कार्यक्रम: Muhammed "राजा सो" Lawal (21-6, 1 नॅशनल कॉन्फरन्स) वि. लियाम McGeary (12-2)




About Bellator:

Bellator is a leading mixed martial arts and kickboxing organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. ज्येष्ठ लढा प्रवर्तक स्कॉट Coker दिशा अंतर्गत, Bellator सुमारे उपलब्ध आहे 1 billion people worldwide in over 160 देश. युनायटेड स्टेट्स मध्ये, Bellator can be seen on SPIKE, the combat sports television leader. Bellator is comprised of an executive team that includes top industry professionals in television production, थेट इव्हेंट वृंदवादनासाठी, सैनिक विकास / संबंध, स्थळ खरेदी, प्रायोजकत्व निर्मिती / विकास, आंतरराष्ट्रीय परवाना, विपणन, जाहिरात, प्रसिद्धी आणि कमिशन संबंध. Bellator is based in Hollywood, मुसलमान लोकांचा धर्मगुरू. and owned by entertainment giant Viacom, दूरदर्शन ओलांडून आकर्षक सामग्री प्रेक्षकांना कनेक्ट की जगातील प्रमुख मनोरंजन ब्रँड घरी, चलचित्रपट, ऑनलाइन आणि मोबाइल प्लॅटफॉर्मवर.


अणकुचीदार टोकाने भोसकणे बद्दल:

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Alexander Shlemenko vs. ब्रॅंडोन Halsey 3? Only if it’s a light heavyweight fight

सेंट पीटर्सबर्ग, रशिया (जून 9, 2017) World-class MMA middleweights अलेक्झांडर “वादळ” Shlemenko आणि ब्रॅंडोन “वळू” Halsey have fought twice with each opponent imposing their wills from the opening bell to secure a quick victory.
Will they complete a rare MMA trilogy? Only if it’s a light heavyweight fight, according to Halsey.
I’d take the fight in an instant at 205 (एलबीएस); I can’t make it down to 185,Halsey said. “I think the fans would really love to see this fight. I’d be healthy, he’d be healthy. It would last more than 30 सेकंद. It would be a war!”

The two-fight split outcomes, which totaled only 56 सेकंद, calls for a “रबर सामना” to determine which one is the better fighter.
Shlemenko-Halsey 1 was held September 26, 2014 in Phoenix, ऍरिझोना (यूएसए) म्हणून Bellator 126 मुख्य कार्यक्रम, in which Shlemenko defended his Bellator middleweight title. Halsey, a former Division I, All-American wrestler at California State University at Bakersfield, started strong and used his wrestling skills to win only 35 seconds into the match, by way of a technical submission via a rare-naked choke. The gifted American become the new Bellator middleweight champion.
Last Thursday night at एम-1 आव्हान 79 in Saint Petersburg, Shlemenko-Halsey 2 was the main event. Shlemenko stormed out of his corner, blasting powerful kicks and punches on Halsey;s body, until the referee halted the action at the 21-second mark for a stunning technical knockout triumph for the rugged Russian.

We have to see how confident he is about himself,” Halsey continued. “He has to feel really good right now, breaking my rib on his first kick, and punching me out on the ground. He must feel great about it. I don’t see why he wouldn’t want to do it again. I felt great about our first fight after I choked him unconscious in 30 सेकंद. I thought I could do it again, even with significant health problems. He must think he can do it again, even if we move up one weight class. नाहीतर, what kind of champion is he, योग्य?

I believe that this trilogy fight could be a war, maybe something that will go down in the M-1 history books. The ball is in Shlemenko’s court. I’ll do the travelling. I’d come back to Russia and fight in front of his fans. The question is will he come up one weight class and fight me (at a weight) where I’m healthy? If he says no, तसेच, then that’s on him. I know fight fans will be disappointed if he doesn’t take the fight just because he’s a little small, but that’s something he’s going to have to think about.
“पहा, if फेडर (Emelianenko) can walk around at 230 and fight guys that have 50-70 pounds on him, I don’t know why Shlemenko can’t win a fight at just 20 pounds heavier. अधिकार? M-1 Global is a great outfit and I’m very glad to be fighting for them. They’ve got some studs at 205 that I’d love to a fight. And I know I’ve got a lot to prove after that embarrassing loss, so I’ll take whoever they want to give me. If I get my head smashed in again, तसेच, at least it will be more entertaining, but if I smash some guy’s head in, तसेच, that’s what I expect and I can’t imagine anything less.

I’ll take the next couple of weeks to get my health back, then start training. I’ll be ready to fight whoever they put in front of me this time. No more getting my ass kicked by the weight cut. That’s all behind me now. Let’s see what happens.

According to Halsey, he never should have agreed to fight Shelemnko in their rematch.

For the last two years,” Halsey explained, “I’ve been struggling and I think it’s time to let people know what’s been going on. My stubbornness and pride got the better of me. Against the advice of my coaches, many of my trainers, my mentors and friends, I’ve tried to stay down at 185, while my body long outgrew that weight class. I believed I knew better than everyone else. I thought that I would simply will myself to the weight and believed that, because I was the champion at 185 and that I had won nine straight fights at 185, going up to 205 would be cowardice, laziness and weakness. And I was wrong.

I was recently finally released from the hospital. I had several things wrong with me: renal failure from my kidneys shutting down from the weight cut, blood clot threatening my heart, broken rib causing internal bleeding, extreme hypotension (low blood pressure). The broken rib was from the fight, but the rest is from the weight cut. My doctors have told me that 185 is not a weight that I can safely make anymore. I hate to admit it but that’s the truth.

Shlemenko is a good fighter and right now we are one and one. I got him in 30 सेकंद, he got me in 25. Neither was a very good fight for the loser. And while he did break my rib with that very well-placed kick, I don’t feel like he beat me. The scale beat me before I ever got into the ring.

I do believe we should finish this trilogy and find out who is the best, once and for all, but it’s going to have to be at 205. I understand if Shlemenko is nervous about fighting me at 205; he is small. In that case, I welcome a fight with whoever M-1 Global wants me to fight. If Shlemenko accepts the fight, as he did with टिटो Ortiz, I hope we can finally have a war that lasts more than 30 सेकंद. If he doesn’t, I’m sure fans will be disappointed to know he refused the fight just because of his size.

M-1 Global TV announcer शाहरूख Wheelock not only called the original Shlemenko-Halsey fight, he also worked their rematch last week in Russia.
In the first fight,” Wheelock offered his unique, first-hand perspective, “Halsey came out and implemented his wrestling skills, hitting a takedown, took the back, and locked in a power rear-naked choke. Shlemenko is not one to tap-out, so he went to sleep (तांत्रिक सादर), which is what Halsey does best. Their last fight was the opposite, तरी, as Alexander Shlemenko came out right away with a body kick to the liver, then he went to work, eliminating Halsey’s grappling and takedowns.
They’re two of the best fighters in the world. Both did what they do best to win, taking away what their opponent does best. I think a third fight would be great. I love doing commentary for both fighters; I’d happily call 50 Shlemenko-Halsey fights. A third fight would be very interesting.
Shlemenko’s (56-9-0, 1 नॅशनल कॉन्फरन्स, एम-1: 6-0-0) ground-and-pound vs. Halsey’s (9-3-0, एम-1: 0-1-0) wrestling-and-grappling in their trilogy fight. Who do you like in Shlemenko-Halsey 3? Keep in mind, तरी, the only chance of their trilogy fight is if Shlemenko agrees to fight Halsey at 205 पाउंड. Stay tuned!


ट्विटर & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
एम -1 आव्हानात्मक घटना कॅलेंडर:
एम-1 आव्हान 80 – जून 15, 2017 in Habin, चीन

“वादळ” Rising Alexander Shlemenko avenges 2 ½-year-old loss Stops Brandon Halsey in 25 सेकंद

तत्काळ प्रकाशन करीता
एम-1 आव्हान 79 परिणाम

Alexander Shlemenko’s sensation stoppage of Brandon Halsey sets up a possible trilogy match

Go here for more pictures: HTTPS://yadi.sk/d/4xHtiukp3JjhgV
सेंट पीटर्सबर्ग; रशिया (जून 2, 2017) — MMA स्टार अलेक्झांडर “वादळ” Shlemenko फक्त आवश्यक 25 seconds to avenge a loss to middleweight ब्रॅंडोन “वळू” Halsey काल रात्रीच्या वेळी एम-1 आव्हान 79 headliner at Saint Petersburg, रशिया.
एम-1 आव्हान 79 was a part of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum’s Cultural Program. Nine different countries were represented in this International event: रशिया, यूएसए, यूके, इस्राएल, ब्राझील, किर्गिस्तान, जर्मनी, दक्षिण कोरिया, युक्रेन.
Shlemenko (56-7-0, एम-1: 6-0-0) came out for the opening bell with force, unloading a series of powerful kicks and punches to the body of an overwhelmed Halsey (9-3-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), who made his M-1 Global debut, and he was unable to make it past the 25-seconds mark of the opening round.
In this battle of former Bellator champions, Shlemenko gained revenge for his Bellator loss to Halsey, by way of a rear-naked-choke in 35-seconds, सप्टेंबर 26, 2014.
Shlemenko, रशिया बाहेर लढाई, noted after the fight that his electrifying start wasn’t a coincidence. “I’m just happy,” तो म्हणाला. “मी याचा अर्थ असा, if I’d just won, everyone would say, ‘Well, I got it done.’ पण, I won in 25 सेकंद; it’s just real happiness. I think everyone’s happy. It was wonderful and beautiful and no left no questions,”
Halsey later said he’s ready for a third match against Shlemenko to complete their trilogy. “I’m ready to go against Russian again,” Halsey commented. “You all saw that Alexander came out aggressively. He had a good start and everything was pre-decided. I lost and it hurts, but I’m ready to go back to battle. I will not excuse myself. There’s nothing less to worry about than anyone else’s opinion in the forums. आज, Shlemenko was stronger. I am prepared learn from my mistakes. I got a quick win last time. आता, Shlemenko won quickly. The score is 1-to-1 and I am ready to meet him again to finally determine who is the better fighter.
रशियन वेल्टरवेट Sergey Romanov (11-0, एम-1: 5-1-0) defeated M-1 pro-debutingArdaBoma YeAdas (7-3-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), जर्मनी, by first-round technical knockout due to an arm injury.
हलके रशियन Alexey “असाइनमेंट” Makhno (14-5-0, एम-1: 4-2-0) took a majority decision over Brazilian मिशेल “Sassarito” सिल्वा (18-6-1, एम-1: 0-1-0), while Russian middleweight Oleg Oleniochev (9-4-0, एम-1: 2-0-0) won a unanimous decision overEnoc टोर्रेस solves (19-10-1, एम-1: 5-7-1).
In the main card opener, रशियन bantamweight Dalgiev Khamzat (9-1-0, एम-1: 6-1-0) used a heel hook to submit Brit DraganLittle WonderPesic (13-8-0, एम-1: 0-1-0).
American bantamweight The Finisher” जोश चुकीची दुरुस्ती करणे हाऊस (15-4-0, एम-1: 3-0-0) remained unbeaten in M-1 Global competition, submitting previously undefeatedBakhtiyarBahaToychubaev (6-1-1, एम-1: 0-1-0) in the second round with a rear-naked choke.
Also fighting on the preliminary card were winners by unanimous decision: युक्रेनियन लाइट हेवीवेट Dmitriy Mikutsa (7-4-0, एम-1: 1-1-0), रशियन हेवीवेट Anton Vyazigin (8-1-0, एम-1: 3-0-0) आणि रशियन बाण्टॅमवेट Alexander Osetrov (2-0-0, एम-1: 1-0-0), अनुक्रमे, against Russian Dmitry Tebekin (5-3-0, एम-1: 1-1-0), Ukrainian Yuri Protsenko (8-4-0, एम-1: 1-1-0) and Israeli Almog Shaआणि (2-1-0, एम-1: 0-1-0).
Russian bantamweight Bair Shtepin (4-2-0, एम-1: 1-2-0) बाहेर ठोसा HellboyWon Jun Jang (4-2-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), of South Korea, पहिल्या फेरीत. Russian lightweightsNikolay Goncjarpv (0-0-1, एम-1: 0-0-1) आणि Maxim Pugachev (7-1-1, एम-1: 3-0-1) तीन-गोल अनिर्णित लढाई.
खाली पूर्ण परिणाम:
मुख्य कार्ड
मुख्य कार्यक्रम – MIDDLEWEIGHTS
अलेक्झांडर Shlemenko (56-7-0, एम-1: 6-0-0), रशिया
WTKO1 (0:25 – नाही)
ब्रॅंडोन Halsey (9-3-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), यूएसए
Sergey Romanov (11-1-0, एम-1: 4-2-0), रशिया
WTKO1 (4:19 – हाताने इजा)
Arda Adas (7-3-0, एम-1: 0-010), जर्मनी
Alexey Makhno (14-5-0, एम-1: 4-2-0), रशिया
Michael Silva (18-6-1, एम-1: 0-1-0) ब्राझील
Oleg Olenichev (9-4-0, एम-1: 2-0-0), रशिया
Enoc टोर्रेस solves (19-10-1, एम-1: 5-7-1), स्पेन
Dalgiev Khamzat (9-1-0, एम-1: 6-1-0), रशिया
WSUB1 (टाच हुक)
Dragan Pesic (13-8-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), यूके
प्राथमिक कार्ड
Anton Vyazigin (8-1-0, एम-1: 3-0-0), रशिया
डीईसी 3
Yuri Protsenko (8-4-0, एम-1: 1-1-0), युक्रेन
प्रकाश दावा
Dmitry Mikutsa (7-4-0, एम-1: 1-1-0), युक्रेन
Dmitry Tebekin (5-3-0, एम-1: 1-1-0), रशिया
Nikolay Goncharov (0-0-1, एम-1: 0-0-1), रशिया
ड्रॉ 3
Maxim Pugachev(7-1-1, एम-1: 3-0-1), रशिया
Josh Rettinghose (15-4-0, एम-1: 3-0-0), यूएसए
WSUB2 (4:31 – मागील नग्न गुदमरणे)
Bakhtiyar Toychubaev (6-1-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), Kyrgzstan
Bair Shtepin (4-2-0, एम-1: 1-2-0), रशिया
डब्ल्यूकेओ 3 (2:31 – नाही)
Won Jun Jang (4-2-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), दक्षिण कोरिया


ट्विटर & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
एम -1 आव्हानात्मक घटना कॅलेंडर:
एम-1 आव्हान 80: Kharitonov वि. Lopes – जून 15, 2017 in Habin, चीन