Tag Archives: Al HAYMON

Klitschko – Jennings Press Conference Photos & Quotes From Madison Square Garden

Photo photo photo photo Credit, Tla Hart / Klitschko Management Group

New York City (February 4, 2015) – IBF / WBA / WBO / IBO le “The Ring Magazine” Lefatše Heavyweight Champion Wladimir Klitschko le piĂą challenger Kobe Jennings hammoho le ba dikhampani ditlhopha tsa tšoara Kick-Off Press seboka tsa bona haholo ka ha ho lebeletswe ntoa le setilweng bakeng sa Moqebelo, April 25 ka Madison Square Garden, “Lefatše oa Most Famous Arena.”


“THE mampoli Returns” tla televised Live ka HBO ea Lefatše Championship Boxing qala ka 10:00 p.m. LE/PT United States le RTL Jeremane har'a ho feta 150 dinaheng tse tla telecast ketsahalo.


Hlahisa ka K2 ho phahamiswa le Klitschko Management Group kamanong le Gary Shaw Productions, letenky turu ka $1000, $600, $300, $200 le $100 ka rekoa ka Madison Square Garden Box Office,www.TheGarden.com le www.Ticketmaster.com.


Wladimir Klitschko

“Ha re, Bryant le 'na le, thabisa uena ka April 25 e mona New York ka Madison Square Garden. Ke bona kamoo Bryant Jennings sebetsang sebakeng sa hae. Ke bona kamoo a o tsamaea, Ke bona kamoo a sisinya matsoho a, Ke bona kamoo a e bua, 'me a o na le litsoaneleho tsa Rocky Balboa ho tloha Philadelphia.”


“U leboha ho HBO. Qetellong u lumela ho 'na. Ke morao ya netweke ya hao 'me ke thabisa. Joaloka Sinatra a re, 'Haeba u etsa hore ho mona, o ka etsa hore ho kae kapa kae. Tokelo ya ketsahalo, tokelo ya lefelo la le ho le letona citta. Ke loana mona bakeng sa lekhetlo la pele 15 months ago 'me ke e le thabela ho khutlela mona' me le loana.”


Kobe Jennings:

“Sena ke e. Ke rata ho leboha mong le e mong ameha le sena ntshetsopele ka le motseng oa Philadelphia. Ho ile ha nka nako e telele ho etsa ntoeng ena etsahala 'me ka eona tsohle Ke ile ka lula khobile matšoafo. Ke babatsa a sehlopha bakeng sa lumella ke be ka moatlelete ka hore ke 'na ha a ntse a tsena dipuisano ba ne ba etsahalang. Ka April 25 e histori tla sebele ho etswa 'me e tla etsoa ke' na ho. E mong oa rona o na le ho lahleheloa ke 'me e e sa tla ba' na. Lekane ka ea buang, Ke loketse ho loana.”


Bernd hore na ba / CEO, Nakwana Management:

“Sena ke Wladimir oa 27 e lefatše tlotla ntoa, e ne le 15 months ago ha a qala ho loana mona. Nka rata ho leboha Joel Fisher le ba hae ba kafukafu ekozala sehlopha mona ho Madison Square Garden, ena lefelo la e le kannete ke lapeng la heavyweight bahloli le re haholo thabile ho ba le ketsahalo ena e mona. Ke ne ke e boetse e rata ho leboha rōna hasa balekane ba HBO le RTL bao kantle ho bona moodle moodle moodle likes this ne e tla ba ho khoneha.


Tom LOEFFLER / K2 ho phahamiswa:

“Sena ke K2 ho phahamiswa’ borobeli ketsahalo eo ea Madison Square Garden 'me re ntse u hlompha ho sebetsa le hlahelletseng ka ho fetisisa sehlopha mona. Re nile ka se a ntse a rekisa ka 5,000 letenky e leng feela a hlollang arabela phatlalatsa ketsahalo eo.”


Gary Shaw / Gary Shaw Productions:

“Madison Square Garden ke mecca ea papading ya ditebele tsa, ka tsa bophahamo ba o ka hall of fame, sena ke seo heavyweight papading ya ditebele tsa ke tsohle ka. 25 months ago ka February 11, 1990, Buster Douglas o ile a kokota tsoa Mike Tyson. Ke lumela ka April 25 e histori tla a boela a ho etswa bakeng sa American heavyweight ho etsa ho hong e hlollang ka botle, empa lekhetlong lena ho e-na ea ho ba mose ho maoatle, ho tla ba ka mona ka United States ka Madison Square Garden. Ke lumela Bryant Jennings e tla ba ea momahaneng heavyweight mampoli oa ho lefatše ka April 25 e.”


JAKOBO khosana, Mookameli oa Jennings:

“Sena se e le toro tla 'nete bakeng sa rona le re ka se ke ua emela. Ho na le e ngata ba lika-likang tsoa ho na le hona joale 'me ba lumela ho na le ke na tsela ea ho Bryant Jennings tla ba khona ho lopolla ea tlholo ka April 25 e. Ke tla rata hore u hore bohle ba bontša ka lebaka Bryant Jennings o tla ho bontša tsoa, 'me re tla ba mampoli.”


Fred Jenkins, Koetlisang Jennings:

“Ke tseba pedigree ya moo Bryant Jennings tsoa ho, o ile a etsahalang ho e fa bohle a lintho li a. Sena ke le ea mong ba ema loana le ho ke lumela eona tla ba tsohle Bryant “Ka-By” Jennings.”

Leseli Heavyweight Knockout Artist Ahmed Albiali 8-0, 8 Kos Looks ho eketsa KO Streak ka ESPN Labohlano Night ho loana ka


Miami, Florida (February 2, 2015) – Krrish khanya e heavyweight tsepo, Ahmed Elbiali (8-0, 8 Kos) tla Square theoha khahlanong le unbeaten Dustin Craig Echard (10-0, 7 Kos), ena Labohlano February 6, 2015, ka Bella Rivage Resort & Casino a Biloxi, Mississippi. Le 6 ho pota gia tla bula ka ba telecast ka ESPN “Labohlano Night ho loana ka”.


Hae ea ho qetela ntoa, e gia e neng e bontšitsoeng ho ESPN “Labohlano Night ho loana ka”, Ahmed o ile a bontša le matla a maholo, ho nyahlatsa sekolo mohanyetsi oa hae Lawrence Blakey ka makhetlo a mararo ka pel'a moletsaphala ile a khaotsa ho loana a ea 1:44 maduo a pota tse tharo. Tsebahala ka ho ba le boima matsoho a, Elbiali ke knockout moetsi oa tla talima ho eketsa la hae KO streak.


“Ke batla ho tsoela pele ho fumana hamolemo le mong le e mong ntoa,” o ile a re Elbiali. “Ke kamehla lahlele ba ka thata punches le knockouts tse etsahalang. Ha ke batle ho itšetleha ka matla a ka a nako le nako ke hata ka lesakaneng la litebele. Ke tseba haeba ke qala hlooho tsoma ka nako eo ke tla ho etsa ke e disservice. Ke batla ho 'ne ho ntlafatsa ka' mele oa ka otla ka litebele le hlooho mokhatlo. Haeba ke bona lireng ke a le mathateng, Joale ha ke tla leka ho khaotsa loana.”


A eletsa ka Al HAYMON, Elbiali o ikutloa a o ile a o na le seo e se nka ho ba le ntho e khethehileng ka cruiserweight karohano. Le a 'maloa a tlholo, Ahmed o bona ka boeena o loanela ya kgaolo tlotla.


“Ke tseba le Al Haymon steering 'na ka tsela e nepahetseng, Ke e ka ba ntlo lebitso la mokgatlo papali ena,” Ahmed a tsoela pele. “Haeba ke ka ba le e matla go tswela ntle moo a 2015, Ke tseba ho tla ba le menyetla ho 'na ho hapa Fans hloko. Ke feela batla ho tsoela pele ntoa e la kamehla motheo le etsa ba bang ba lerata mo leseding heavyweight go arola.”

Boxing manager Adrian Clark releases mini documentary Adrian Clark: Pele The Bell ka Youtube

Dallas, TX (January 28, 2015)–Up and coming boxing manager Adrian Clark has released a mini documentary that chronicles a week in the life of his career as he leads up to a fight.The Documentary is titled Adrian Clark: Before The Bell

Clark of Dallas, Texas has quickly become one of the brightest young minds in the boxing industry and is coming off a stellar 2014 where he led fighters such as James De La Rosa to appearances on the Floyd Mayweather – Marcos Maidana II undercard moo a ileng a hlōla pele e neng e lefatše mampoli Alfredo Angulo mmogo le December ntoeng ke HBO Boxing mor'a Dark.
E 'ngoe ya sedirelwa, Jerry Belmontes loana WBC bobebe mampoli Omar Figueroa ka Showtime Championship Boxing ka gia moo batho ba bangata ba ba ba neng ba ne a nka ntoeng nahana Belmontes ne a hlōla qeto ea ho hapa lebanta empa lahleheloa ka tsela e petsoha ka qeto.
“E ne e ka tsela e makatsang boiphihlelo etsa e mini-ditokomane tsa. Le hoja eona taba ea bohlokoahali e ne e ke, ea bahlabani ke sebetsa bakeng sa fumana molemo kgahlamelo ya maqhubu a e boetse e. Lebitso la mokgatlo le ho tobana le bohlokoa haholo botlhokwa fa o ho leka ho marakeng baatlelete e le ha o bona ke, u bona ka bashanyana. Ha o bona bashanyana, u mpona esita le haeba re ha ba ho na le ka ka sebopeho, bohle re emela mong le e mong tse ling tse. Ho shebella videong ena a tlameha 'na hore ba khaotse ho le ratang seo ke entseng le seo ba baatlelete bana ba etsa,” o ile a re Clark
“In five years & ka 28 years old now, Nka rata ea lumela ke entseng e le ntle mosebetsi o motle, haholo-holo ho sebetsa ke le mong ba se na tšehelitsoe. Ke qhomela De la la la la Rosa , free Don Morena, ka nako eo a mo 2 khōlō lintoa ka Showtime PPV le HBO. O ile a ile a etsa le chelete e eketsehileng a 2 lintoa ho feta la hae kaofela mosebetsi ho kopantswe. I negotiated a world title shot fight for Belmontes, fumana mo ka ho fetisisa chelete e mosebetsi oa hae oa. Ke ne ke sebetsa ho fumana Ray Ximenez , free e mpe papatso konteraka bile re le mafolofolo hape, tseleng ea hae ho khōloanyane lintoa. Ke saennweng ka tsela e makatsang tsepo a Oscar Mojica ea nakong e tlang champ ka 118 liponto. le debuted nakong e tlang naleli e 140 a Steve kekana Belmontes. 2014 e ne e ka tsela e makatsang ka selemo bakeng sa AC Sports Management, LLC. Batla capitalize ka 2015.”
“Ho na le e ngata hlollang lintho tse etsahalang mabole hona joale. Ke bacha, 'me tla le ho leka ho a lule a a hlompha lebitso la mokgatlo. Ke talima ho sebetsa le ho haha ​​bophelo bo botle likamano le Banner ho phahamiswa, Roc Sechaba, Top Rank le tsa lehae tse ba buellang. Ke na le fantastis kamano ea ka le Golden Boy le Main Events; Ke tšepa ho lula ba matla litlamo le etsa molemo ka ho fetisisa lintoa hore kenyeletsa ka banna bao.”
“Se fele pelo ke senotlolo mo papading ya ditebele tsa kgwebo. Ho ea nang le ho tlhaloganya gore le nako e loketseng ke tsohle le a tlameha mosebetsi oa hase tsela. AJ Galante {ba ba neng ba mohlomong feela tse ling tse mookameli a hae a tse 20} le ke utloisisa hore re ke bacha mali a oa a ya dipapadi. A 5 kapa 10 lilemo tse re tla ba ea Al Haymon oa, Frank Espinoza le tsa Cameron Dunkin oa… Big lebitso la mokgatlo bashanyana le dinetweke tla talima ho sebetsa ka rona. Re tseba hore 'me re ba kamehla ho lokisetsa le ho strategizing ho phetha e tsotehang ea legacy ditebele ka tsepo ea ho siea lefa la ho rōna. Eona le ntle pholile.” 

Tobetsa setšoantšo ho shebella ditokomane tsa

Adrian Clark: Ka pel'a Bell
Adrian Clark: Ka pel'a Bell

June White Joins ea FNU Combat Sports Show bosiung bona!

Ka: Rich Bergeron

Ba rona ba khethehileng moeti ena beke ka ea FNU Combat Sports Show ke June White. Ho phethahetseng le nako e loketseng kaha ke feela ile a fumana molaetsa ona on Twitter tse ling tse letsatsi:

“U koetsoe ho latela le ho boha 'S Tweets.”

June White (JuneWhiteMMA) tla ba setho Tom, Tony le Rich ka FNU Combat Sports Show TONIGHT to discuss her unauthorized biography on the UFC President known for his brash language and a ruthless approach to building and expanding the UFC brand. Her book is an unflattering, tšepahalang sheba ka bophelo ba pele e neng e boxercise morupeli eo hona joale a busa ea UFC oa tsepe lere le le phahameng molomo oa. Check out ena bolella YouTube Promo bakeng sa "Dana White, Morena oa MMA:"

"Senohi" Tom Padgett, "Mahoo-hoo ao Rousin '" Rich Bergeron le Tony "Ho Tornado" Penecale le bona ba na thane e le ea loantsa lipapali liketsahalo le tse molemo ho buisana beke ena.

Tlanya Mona ho Mamela rona hasa Live ho tloha 8-10PM EST bosiung bona. Sebelisa e tšoanang kgokahanyo ho fumana ho rekota ea bontša. Ea June White hlahlobeloa e qala ka 9:15 PM EST.


Photo photo photo photo By Pauluse Gallegos

San Antonio, TX (January 27, 2015)Rising star and undefeated featherweight phenom, Mario Barrios (7-0, 3 Kos), is looking to take his career to new heights in 2015. After fighting six times in 2014, Barrios ke ka ka tieo pina ho e finyellang toro ya hae ya ho ba mampodi wa lefatshe ka.


Eme 6'1, Barrios has the height and reach advantage against most of his opponents. With lighting fast hands, Barrios also possesses good footwork and power. With adviser Al HAYMON tšehetsa mo, Barrios o ikutloa a o ile a 's ka fantastis boemo ba.


My team and I are very excited about this upcoming year,” O ile a re Mario Barrios, “Haymon Boxing is taking the sport to a whole new level and I want to position myself as one of the best prospects. I know with a few more fights under my belt I’ll be able to move up to 10-round bouts and hopefully fight for a regional title. The goal is to stay busy and focused on my future. I’m very grateful to have Al Haymon guiding my career. He’s the best in boxing. I’m looking forward to my next fight which will be announced very soon.

Kaleb ea limela Returns HO Ring ENA Moqebelo

Photo photo photo photo By Stacey Verbeek


Philadelphia, PA (January 27, 2015) – Krrish middleweight tsepo, Kaleb “Monate Hands” Dimela (5-0, 4 Kos), khutlela ho ka tsa bophahamo ba ena Moqebelo January 31, 2015 khahlanong le Davida Lopez (4-11, 1 KO). The 4-round bout will take place at the 2300 Arena ea Philadelphia, PA.


Laoloa ke Al HAYMON, Plant is looking to extend his unbeaten record to 6-0. With power in both hands, Caleb Plant is rapidly making a name for himself in the middleweight division. Dimela, ba ba neng ba lintho li kamehla batla knockout, believes his power will take him to the top. Plant has knocked out four of his last five opponents.


“Ke tseba ke na le haholo ke ho ithuta papali ena 'me ke hōlang ho ntlafatsa letsatsi le letsatsi ke a ikoetlisetsa ho.” a re Caleb Plant. “With Al taking charge of my career, I know I will have opportunities to become something special in boxing. My plan is to come out aggressive and take the fight to my opponent. Haeba ke bona lireng ke a le mathateng, Ke sebele tla bakeng sa knockout.”


Le le e thahasellisang ntoa e mokhoa, Dimela nang le metsoako ho ba Superstar ka middleweight karohano. With a high level amateur pedigree and a great team around him Sky is the limit for the Tennessee native.

Heavyweight contender Travis Kauffman ka lokisoang ka le batla sisinya ka le ho arola

Ho bala, PA (January 15, 2015)–Bosiung ba ea e mong oa kholo ka ho fetisisa Heavyweight tlotla lintoa ka etsahala United States lilemong,

Heavyweight contender Travis “Nako ea ka” Kauffman (28-1, 20 KO oa) ke haufi le ho ba itokiselitse ho nka bohato latelang lengole buuoa a ba a pele e neng e tsenwe standout ke loketse ho e kholo li matha ka a phahameng sechabeng Heavyweights lefatšeng.

“Ke se ke ua emela ho khutlela ka lesakaneng la litebele,” a re Kauffman

Kauffman, ea hlōla 9 ho toba bouts le e bile theoha bakeng sa selemo ha a ntse a tsoa likotsi hae lengole nakong ea selemo ebe ne ke qeta ho buuoa.

“Ke bona hore ho na le ke e ngata khato hona joale ka mona ka e re. There is Deontay Wilder who is fighting for the title on Saturday and there has been a lot of rumblings about Bryant Jennings challenging Wladimir Klitschko in April. When I get back it will be “Nako ea ka” le Ke batla ho loantša se molemohali ho na le. I will be very prepared as I have what I believe is the strongest team in the division which is my father Marshall Kauffman, Naazim Richardson ka le mookameli Al Haymon.”

Dana WHITE 'mè oa JUNE WHITE JOINS THE FNU loantša SPORTS bontša Labone Night!

June White (JuneWhiteMMA) tla ba setho Tom, Tony le Rich ka FNU Combat Sports Show Thursday to discuss her unauthorized biography on the UFC President known for his brash language and a ruthless approach to building and expanding the UFC brand. Her book is an unflattering, tšepahalang sheba ka bophelo ba pele e neng e boxercise morupeli eo hona joale a busa ea UFC oa tsepe lere le le phahameng molomo oa. Check out ena bolella YouTube Promo bakeng sa “Dana White, Morena oa MMA:

“Senohi” Tom Padgett, “Mahoo-hoo ao Rousin '” Rich Bergeron le Tony “The Tornado” Penecale also have a ton of combat sports events and news to discuss this week. Boxing will be a huge part of the conversation. From Al Haymon’s new NBC Sports venture, ho Deontay Wilder oa gia le Bermane Stiverne bakeng sa WBC Heavyweight-'mampoli ba ena mafelo-beke, ho Roc Sechaba oa tshwaragano ya ditheo le Gary Shaw ho phahamiswa, ho e ntseng e eketseha monyetla oa hore Manny Pacquiao tla qetellong loantša Floyd Mayweather Refresh. ka la 2nd, ho na le thane e le ea pherekano e potolohileng ya dipapadi ea papading ya ditebele tsa hona joale.

Re tla boela buisana ena Sontaha oa UFC Ntoa Night le ketsahalo e Boston featuring Conor McGregor vs.. Dennis Siver e kholo ea ho ketsahalo le Donald Cerrone vs.. Benson Henderson a ho sebdisana ea hlahisa gia. Bellator e boetse e kicks theoha 2015 Nako ena Labohlano le Patricio Hrithik ho jara Daniele Straus e kholo ea ho ketsahalo.

Tlanya Mona ho Mamela rona hasa Phela ka ho ho tloha 8-10PM EST Labone bosiu.

Click mo bukeng photo photo photo photo ka hodimo ho laela June ea buka.