Tag Archives: Adonis Flaccus


(PHOTOS BY: Amanda Kwok / Norma in CBS)



Urbs (Aprilis 4, 2015) – The inauguralis Premier Boxing Propugnatores (Norma) onCBS card pugna fans attulit matchups boxing a valde suscito of Quebec urbem post meridiem est scriptor Pepsi Coliseum. Pelagus ipsum eventum featured Adonis “Superman” Flaccus (26-1, 21 KOs) in XII-circuitu a thrilling suasuri (115-111, 116-110 atque 115-110) CONCILIO Sakio “Scorpios” Taurus (32-7-3, 21 KOs).


Apertio autem vidit televised bout Arturius Beterbiev (8-0, 8 KOs) in quarto, an infigo knockout circuitu CONCILIO Gabriel “Pulcherrimus est homo” Campillo (25-7-1, 11 KOs).


The telecast etiam featured a highlights Julian “J Petra” Williams (19-0-1, 11 KOs) CONCILIO Joey “Fingers scintillat” Hernandez (24-3-1, 14 KOs).


Subter sunt quidam comments de televisificarum rei insigne pugnatores ad opus suumhac nocte,:




“Me posse pro labore 12 rounds. Ego dimisi eum bis. Scio enim quod nunquam fuit ictum venis præparavit.


“Aut futurum sit amet fringilla a dixi ut spatium impetro win. Curabitur sit amet quam et ego pugnavi et hodie ita.


“Bika frenum adhibetur capitis eius, et conatus ad rixam, sed continuit pugnam. Non enim venit in ludo intellexi Canada, sed in acquisitionem.


“Qui utuntur hoc SUMMUS Boxing pugiles et pugnam CBS fuit magna. Quod phantasticas pugilatu magis sperantes sumus surgamus et haedos ludere intromittant.


“Quod quantum quis 'next, Et vide quid Al opperiar (Dum expositionem Haymonis) habet enim me. Ire iterum in June aut Julii ero.”




“Adonis meriti hoc bello vincere. Nec auferetis ex eo. Qui optime.


“Et effugi ego herebat recta descendit primum. Fecit me sinistro infra descendi Nihil mihi et actu tantum. Ille licet frenos et pugnavit magnum certamen hodie.


“Pugnans in CBS fuerit an prodigiosus highlight ad cursum meum,. Ego non adepto win, sed magnum certamen publicum ad induendum.


“Nam nunc, Caput capitis domum patris mei, et ego te fruar. Deinde ego illum reddam quam circa aliud certamen.”




“In hac pugna sit, quid de me potui solvi potest et usus.


“Vidi cum animadverti quod footage Campillo cursus non multum. Non sum conatus aggressorem. Donec ipsum adhaesit consilio.


“Curabitur sit amet magna scaena esse in tam tenera CBS professionalem vitam meditatus. Hoc cito et convenerunt omnes simul ad spero.


“Lorem meditaretur rursus in Maio, qui adversario dabo in manu eius.”


Gabriel Campillo


“Ego vere voluit ad ventilabis Beterbiev in late circum feratur, ut se quam ad pugnam hanc, ut fiat, sed non potui.


“Potiores apud me ferrum rotundum primum arripuit. Quod non potuit recuperare post eram offa meipsum.


“CBS pugnae copia perfusus sum, ut hoc. Haec norma productio parte pulchrum esse puto ad auxilium crescere multum seriei ludibrio.


“Nunc ad quietem destinaveram. De qua re in pergemus revisit pugnatorum iterum.”




“Non erat hoc pugnae underestimating Hernandez. Duis sit amet ipsum et artem satis habuit idea hodie in anulo adferret.


“Quod putavi mihi PUNCTUM et duos motus maximus vires in hac pugna tibi. Fuit key anulum exscindere.


“Haec norma a major pugnat in series et loculos habens, ut CBS est ingens network lusus pugilatu. Praesent magna quam plurima ingredi domos, Spero autem in ludo facere iuvat gratior. Hopefully hoc ad illorum haedos qui habere non potest omnia premium cable et hortari magis adiuvat ad adepto in lusum iuvenum haedos.


“Im 'non certus quod fere. Praestolabor Al (Dum expositionem Haymonis) ut sciam, ego vere loquamur, sed a summo ad sagittam 10 ante annum in bello.”




“Williams est forsit optimus Pugnator in tantum Ive 'ofFeratur. Hic non est difficillimum Caesar, et commissum est proelium dolor. Uteretur altitudo pertingit ad custodiam me virtus mea, et de manu mea, et morari, PUNCTUM range.


“Infeliciter EGO debebant habere pugnis ad pugnam hanc dabo in pugnis. Cum venissemus autem ego eram validus impetro inside meam formides off, satis facere non potui adepto win.


“Neque enim magnum erat nisl CBS dedit occasionem dimicandi nancisceretur et tot proeliis, plus vident.


“Iunior sum ad annos XXX annorum. Ego redibo in anulo. Hoc est, volo et amo, quia non opus est.”


# # #

Promotus est per card Groupe Yvon Michel. Pro magis notitia visit www.sports.sho.com, www.premierboxingchampions.com atquewww.groupeyvonmichel.ca, sequi in Twitter adSHOSports, etpremierboxingyvonmichelgym, on Facebook fan facta ad www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing Ephemeris ad visitandum Pugilatu aut SHOWTIME http://theboxingblog.sho.com.


Premier Boxing Propugnatores (Norma) CBS Saturday, Aprilis 4, At 3 p.m. ATQUE/PT Noon Ex Pepsi Coliseum in Quebec City, Canada

DELIBERO INDUTILIS PHOTOS: (Photo Credit: Amanda Kwok / Norma in CBS)

BEHIND THE SCENES PHOTOS: (Photo Credit: Amanda Kwok / Norma in CBS)




Saki EDICTUM: 174 ½ Pounds


Arturius BETERBIEV: 175 Libras

Gabriel Campillo: 174 ½ Pounds


(TV Swing Bout)


JOEY HERNANDEZ: 155 libras


# # #


Norma in CBS, headlined a luce mundi patrocinium heavyweight pugna inter Flaccus et Bika, promotus est per Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) et dona, et consociati Videotron Mise O-Mer. Nullam nunc venalia sunt officia in capsa ad Coliseum pergratam Quebecensis, vocando (418) 691-7211 aut (800) 900-7469, at online www.billetech.com, at GYM (514) 383-0666 Champion et Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Aliquam pretium range ex $25 ad $250 in pavimentum,.


Premier Boxing Propugnatores (Norma) CBS

Saturday, Aprilis 4, At 3 p.m. ATQUE/PT Noon Ex Pepsi Coliseum in Quebec City, Canada

Click HIC imagines ad colloquium a undercard

Credit: Amanda Kwok / Norma in CBS

Urbs (Aprilis 2, 2015) – Ante quam inauguralis Premier Boxing Propugnatores on CBS incipit telecast (3 p.m. ATQUE/12 p.m. PT), astrorum ignis iuvenum turba custodiet Pepsi Coliseum turba in a series de undercard daret incipientes 1 p.m. ATQUE.


Nullam id enim vero sunt ad vendendum emit pergratam Coliseum Sl buxum officium, vocando (418) 691-7211 aut (800) 900-7469, at online www.billetech.com, at GYM (514) 383-0666 Champion et Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Aliquam pretium range ex $25 ad $250 in pavimentum,.


Norma in CBS, headlined a luce mundi patrocinium pugna inter heavyweight Adonis “Superman” Flaccus atque Sakio “Scorpios” Taurus et featuring Arturius Beterbievquod vergit Gabriel “Pulcherrimus est homo” Campillo, promotus est per Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) et dona, et consociati Videotron Mise O-Mer.


Factum est autem headlining undercard ortu inuictum eximius welterweight CONCERTATOR Julian “J Petra” Williams (18-0-1, 11 KOs), qui youll manere aspiciens ad ortum suum, quando spectat ad stardom excitando Joey “Fingers scintillat” Hernandez (24-2-1, 14 KOs)in X-circuitu welterweight bout.


In summitate alius non-match televised, Kevin Bizier (23-2, 16 KOs)Redit ad circulum in superficie sua El Fouad Massoudi (12-4, 1 KO)in octo round super welterweight showdown. In an duodeviginti-heavyweight per scrap, Invictus Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas (15-0, 10 KOs) subibit Oezcan Cetinkaya (19-9-2, 13 KOs).


In nota duo eximius welterweight, Carlos Bouchard (9-1, 3 KOs) capietis Denis Farias (19-6-2, 1 KO) et in congressu per octo Clayton Custio (2-0, 1 KO) subibitRonald Berti (4-3-1, 1 KO)in circuitu a sollicitudin six-.


Reliquum card clausulam inposuit, per respectum ad suam quisque spem pro resumes triade Canada. Jan Michael Poulin (1-0-1) suscipit, Michel Tsalla (1-9-2) bout a middleweight in circuitu quattuor, Vislan Dalkhaev (1-0) proeliis Adel Hadjouis (7-3) bout a quattuor-rotundus et in Bantamweight Pen Shakeel (1-0, 1 KO) facies Rene roody (0-2-1)in circuitu super middleweight bout a quattuor-.


An spem invictam, gens magna pugnae f civitas Philadelphia, Williams et mandata eius invictam record, est ad esse integrum velis imprimere in magna scaena. XXIV annorum et faces in Miami dura test-indigena Hernandez. XXX annorum proeliatus est et optime Hernandez aptior ac intendit tradere profitentur Williams desiderium suum de duobus quadratis.

Post title-distillans eliminator per decisionem in suo ultimo split bout, Bizier, 30, redit in patriam suam et respiciens retro in in miseránte column of Quebec et contentiones in titulum. Sperat construendum apud victoriam XXVII annorum El Massoudi, quicumque immolaverit literaturae debut. Pugnantis Ferdinandum de Clermont-, Dome Podio-de-, Gallia in certamine spes, ad immediatum incussus Bizier.


An qui cum invictis heavyweight repraesentatur in Columbia 2008 Olympia, In his solum adoptatus Rivashas pugnavit pro patria sua Montrealensi quia conversus est in 2009. Et ponet faciem suam ut sit primum principium, quando spectat ad Coliseum Pepsi Cetinkaya, de Kassel, Hesse, Germania.


Tertio quantum ad militantem professionalis Pepsi Coliseum, De his Quebec Bouchard quærit cum et secundo continuos victoria cladem atque in sola eius. Ad XXVII annorum facies aspera in experti Farias, ora AULNAY of-sous-, Sancti Dionysii Sequana, Gallia. Hoc XXVII annorum Farias’ prima pugna extra Galliam.


A 2012 Canadian Olympii, Proin et quare vultus Clayton aedificare artis optimus habebatur pugilibus exi amateur elit. Ad XXVII annorum a Montreal proelia in XXVII annorum Berti ex Bracquegnies, Belgium.


A novissimo agmine ad professionales, Est vultus eius primum curriculo Poulin aedificare off victoria in December 2014. Quod spectat ad XXXII annorum a XXXI annorum Sl Tsalla, qui etiam ab aquis Quebec.


Sed proeliati Russicae primogenitus ex Quebec, Dalkhaev immolaverit secundus post satus pro promerendae primus pro victoria in December 2014. XXVI Quod per annos XXVIII annorum probabuntur Hadjouis, de Roya Malmaison-, Haut Sequana-de-, Gallia.


Circumvectus ex non-televised undercard, Pen, 24, pro victoria eius secundus post videbunt arrepto TKO CONCILIO Fusce porta Ianuario huius anni. De patria pugnat Quebec-the-XXXVI annorum Renatus ex Ontario.


Subter sunt quotes a Jovis scriptor colloquium diurnariis edocendis:


Yvon MICHEL, Praeses GYM

“In meam sententiam, the biggest fight in the history of Pepsi Coliseum was Pascal-Hopkins 1, but the scale of this event presented on a general network like CBS exceeds all that was done previously. “We are privileged to have the PBC series for this historic first. All of this is possible thanks to Adonis Stevenson. The undercard is also stacked.

“PBC on CBS will also ensure that the people there love the experience. There will be screens everywhere and spectacular entrances. It will be a unique experience!” added the promoter.”

BERN BAR, Executive Vice President of GYM

“Ibi erit 10 pugnat Saturday, including nine non-televised bouts that only people who bouthg tickets to be at the Coliseum will see. It’s a Marathon!”



“Im 'iustus vultus et bene facere adepto win on Saturday. Difficile institutis iam praeparans pugnae. Hoc unum certamen abeo tempore, Im 'non certus pugil, et respiciens retro, sicut Hernandez.”


“Non hoc circuitu excusat. Ive 'had nonnullus angustia me motiva ad erudiendum in praeterito, sed hoc tempore non. Vereor arguente multum laboravit et parare ad bellum. Hoc erit certamen uitae quaero induere spectaculo on Saturday.”


KEVIN BIZIER“Gaudeo claudere Coliseum. Hic est domi. Et scitis, quóniam ego semper facere bonum pugnat! Adversarius meus veniet ad pugnam intro ad rixam AMET. Et erit mihi bonum atque eum proelium. Ut sit optimum homo win Saturday.”


“Est enim prius in Canada. Paratus sum, et omnes pugnae eius post arma”

OEZCAN Cetinkaya

“Gaudeo facultas Sl pulvinar ad Coliseum. Praesent eget anni et anni et auditi

Sébastien Bouchard

“Nos multum laboravit in gym, qui laboratis, et solutum, cum ego non Cédric Spera. Nos vero in eundem modum pugnae.”

DENIS Farias

“At enim iam per mensem disciplina bis die proelio. Huc venirem ad vincendum.”

AUG-Michael Poulin

“Exspecto aliquid componendis Saturday. Suus 'nihil personalis contra Michel Tsalla, sed habeo adversus eum agatur, ut delerent.”

MARC RAMSAY (lanista Vislan Dalkhaev)

“I habent specialem historiam Vislan Dalkhaev. Initio, hic venit ex auctoritate Arturius Beterbiev. Prima erat, ad auxilium Suspendisse CONSUEFACIO Arturius et intellexi quia amicus hic adiuvaret. In gym, tamen, Nanctus sum quod, nec illos, inter amicos, sed Vislan erat excelsum-level artifex pugnorum.” 

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Pro magis notitia visit www.sports.sho.com atque www.groupeyvonmichel.ca, sequi in Twitter adSHOSports, yvonmichelgym, EtAdonisSupermanSakio_Bika, sequi sermone usura #StevensonBika, on Facebook fan facta adwww.facebook.com/SHOBoxing Ephemeris ad visitandum Pugilatu aut SHOWTIMEhttp://theboxingblog.sho.com.


Do not Miss omnis actionis rei ad SUMMUS Inaugural Boxing pugiles in CBS Event (3 p.m. ATQUE/12 p.m. PT)

In prima pugna Starts 1 p.m. Pepsi ad Coliseum

Click HIC imagines ad colloquium a undercard

Credit: Amanda Kwok / Norma in CBS

Urbs (Aprilis 2, 2015) – Ante quam inauguralis Premier Boxing Propugnatores on CBS incipit telecast (3 p.m. ATQUE/12 p.m. PT), astrorum ignis iuvenum turba custodiet Pepsi Coliseum turba in a series de undercard daret incipientes 1 p.m. ATQUE.


Nullam id enim vero sunt ad vendendum emit pergratam Coliseum Sl buxum officium, vocando (418) 691-7211 aut (800) 900-7469, at online www.billetech.com, at GYM (514) 383-0666 Champion et Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Aliquam pretium range ex $25 ad $250 in pavimentum,.


Norma in CBS, headlined a luce mundi patrocinium pugna inter heavyweight Adonis “Superman” Flaccus atque Sakio “Scorpios” Taurus et featuring Arturius Beterbiev quod vergit Gabriel “Pulcherrimus est homo” Campillo, promotus est per Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) et dona, et consociati Videotron Mise O-Mer.


Factum est autem headlining undercard ortu inuictum eximius welterweight CONCERTATOR Julian “J Petra” Williams (18-0-1, 11 KOs), qui iam belooking continuare suum ortum, quando spectat ad stardom excitando Joey “Fingers scintillat” Hernandez (24-2-1, 14 KOs)in X-circuitu welterweight bout.


In summitate alius non-match televised, Kevin Bizier (23-2, 16 KOs)Redit ad circulum in superficie sua El Fouad Massoudi (12-4, 1 KO)in octo round super welterweight showdown. In an duodeviginti-heavyweight per scrap, Invictus Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas (15-0, 10 KOs) subibit Oezcan Cetinkaya (19-9-2, 13 KOs).


In nota duo eximius welterweight, Carlos Bouchard (9-1, 3 KOs) capietis Denis Farias (19-6-2, 1 KO) et in congressu per octo Clayton Custio (2-0, 1 KO) subibit Ronald Berti (4-3-1, 1 KO)in circuitu a sollicitudin six-.


Reliquum card clausulam inposuit, per respectum ad suam quisque spem pro resumes triade Canada. Jan Michael Poulin (1-0-1) suscipit, Michel Tsalla (1-9-2) bout a middleweight in circuitu quattuor, Vislan Dalkhaev (1-0) proeliis Adel Hadjouis (7-3) bout a quattuor-rotundus et in Bantamweight Pen Shakeel (1-0, 1 KO) facies Rene roody (0-2-1)in circuitu super middleweight bout a quattuor-.


“In meam sententiam, the biggest fight in the history of Pepsi Coliseum was Pascal-Hopkins 1, but the scale of this event presented on a general network like CBS exceeds all that was done previously,” praeses ait GYM Michel Yvon. “We are privileged to have the PBC series for this historic first. All of this is possible thanks to Adonis Stevenson. The undercard is also stacked.


“PBC on CBS will also ensure that the people there love the experience. There will be screens everywhere and spectacular entrances. It will be a unique experience!”


An spem invictam, gens magna pugnae f civitas Philadelphia, Williams et mandata eius invictam record, est ad esse integrum velis imprimere in magna scaena. The 24-year-old faces a stiff test in Miami-native Hernandez. XXX annorum proeliatus est et optime Hernandez aptior ac intendit tradere profitentur Williams desiderium suum de duobus quadratis.


“Im 'iustus vultus et bene facere adepto win on Saturday,” praedicti Williams. “Difficile institutis iam praeparans pugnae. Hoc unum certamen abeo tempore, Im 'non certus pugil, et respiciens retro, sicut Hernandez.”


“Non hoc circuitu excusat,” dicta Hernandez. “Ive 'had nonnullus angustia me motiva ad erudiendum in praeterito, sed hoc tempore non. Vereor arguente multum laboravit et parare ad bellum. Hoc erit certamen uitae quaero induere spectaculo on Saturday.”


Post title-distillans eliminator per decisionem in suo ultimo split bout, Bizier, 30, redit in patriam suam et respiciens retro in in miseránte column of Quebec et contentiones in titulum. Sperat construendum apud victoriam XXVII annorum El Massoudi, quicumque immolaverit literaturae debut. Pugnantis Ferdinandum de Clermont-, Dome Podio-de-, Gallia in certamine spes, ad immediatum incussus Bizier.


An qui cum invictis heavyweight repraesentatur in Columbia 2008 Olympia, Rivas pugnaverit solum in adoptionem pro patria sua Montrealensi quia conversus est in 2009. Dum ille huc primus coepit cum tangit pergratam Coliseum Cetinkaya, de Kassel, Hesse, Germania.


Tertio quantum ad militantem professionalis Pepsi Coliseum, Canada scriptor Bouchard secundo continuos quia quærit victoria cladem passus lone. Facies et aspera in XXVII annorum experti Farias, ora AULNAY of-sous-, Sancti Dionysii Sequana, Gallia. Hoc XXVII annorum Farias’ prima pugna extra Galliam.


A 2012 Canadian Olympii, Clayton Proin et quare vultus aedificare artis optimus habebatur pugilibus exi amateur elit. Suspendisse a proeliis In XXVII annorum XXVII annorum Berti ex Bracquegnies, Belgium.


A novissimo agmine ad professionales, Poulin est vultus eius ad extruendam eam curriculo primum victoria in December 2014. Quod spectat ad XXXII annorum a XXXI annorum Quebecensis Tsalla, qui etiam ab aquis Quebec.


Sed proeliati Russicae primogenitus ex Quebec, Dalkhaev secundus est ut his praecedentibus meritis suis pro satus pro victoria primum in December 2014. XXVI Quod per annos XXVIII annorum probabuntur Hadjouis, de Roya Malmaison-, Haut Sequana-de-, Gallia.


Circumvectus ex non-televised undercard, Pen, 24, pro victoria eius secundus post videbunt arrepto TKO CONCILIO Fusce porta Ianuario huius anni. In proeliis Sl-indigena XXXVI annorum Rene ex Ontario.


# # #


Pro magis notitia visit www.sports.sho.com atque www.groupeyvonmichel.ca, sequi in Twitter adSHOSports, yvonmichelgym, EtAdonisSupermanSakio_Bika, sequi sermone usura #StevensonBika, on Facebook fan facta adwww.facebook.com/SHOBoxing Ephemeris ad visitandum Pugilatu aut SHOWTIMEhttp://theboxingblog.sho.com.


I’ll definitely be going for the knockout hoc Saturday in CBS” – Adonis Flaccus

I didn’t come here to Canada just to walk and look around. I came here to take this belt back home” – Taurus Saki

Premier Boxing Propugnatores (Norma) CBS

Saturday, Aprilis 4, At 3 p.m. ATQUE/PT Noon Ex Pepsi Coliseum in Quebec City, Canada


Click HIC Download Photos

Credit: Amanda Kwok / Norma in CBS

Urbs, QUEBEC (Aprilis 1, 2015) – During Wednesday est scriptor final press conference at Le Bonne Entente in Quebec City, both Adonis “Superman” Flaccus atque Sakio “Scorpios” Taurus promised a knockout when they meet in the main event of the debut presentation of Premier Boxing Propugnatores (Norma) on CBSTelevision Network this Saturday, Aprilis 4, at 3 p.m. ATQUE/PT Noon.


The hard-hitting Stevenson (25-1, 21 KOs) will defend his light heavyweight world championship against former super middleweight world champion Bika (32-6-3, 21 KOs) in the main event from the Pepsi Coliseum in Quebec City.


The case was the same with the co-main event fighters as both undefeated light heavyweight and two-time Russian Olympian Arturius Beterbiev (7-0, 7 KOs) and former light heavyweight world champion Gabriel Campillo (25-6-1, 12 KOs) expected to win via KO hoc Saturday post meridiem,. Campillo, sporting a Tom Brady jersey, even promised he would win in dramatic fashion like this year’s Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots.


Below are quotes from the fighters and trainers from Wednesday est scriptor colloquium:



I know Sakio is going to try to take my title, but I’m prepared for that.


I know he was a champion. I made the move from 168 ad 175 pounds and it worked well for me. I expect him to bring his best at 175 libras. He’s a former champ so I’m preparing to face a champion.


I’m looking for the KO because I’m from the Kronk Gym. Knockouts sell. But I can go 12 rounds, that’s not a problem. I train for 12 rounds.


My trainer has given me a great plan. He knows Sakio Bika very well and we’ll see what happens in the ring.


Bika is still going to have the same power moving up in weight. He should actually be stronger.


I’m very focused because I know Bika is very dangerous. I know he’s going to come into the ring and try to give me trouble.


I’m a knockout artist. I can do a lot in the ring, but first and foremost I’m a knockout artist.


I’d love to unify the belts eventually, but I’ll let my manager Al Haymon take care of that.


My mentor Emanuel Steward always told me that as soon as I enter the ring the knockout is what sells. I’ll definitely be going for the knockout hoc Saturday on CBS.


I’m ready to go toe-to-toe. Adonis Stevenson vs. Sakio Bika on CBS, baby.




To beat a great fighter you have to be your best. I’m looking to take the WBC title back home.


I’ve fought everyoneI’ve never ducked an opponentand I don’t know if he can handle the pressure.


I feel more comfortable at 175 libras. I want to test the big boy [Flaccus] and I feel like I can do that. On Tuesday we’ll see.


He’s knocked people out, sed Ive 'nunquam effodisset. On Tuesday I’ll be the one to knock him out.


I’m very hungry to get a world title back. I trained very hard at light heavyweight to get a title back.


I didn’t come here to Canada just to walk and look around. I came here to take this belt back home and I’m very confident I’m going to do that.


Training camp went very well, we put in good work and now we’re here in Canada ready to shock the world.




Training camp was very good as always. Nothing different, just hard work perfecting his boxing and the basic fundamentals. We’re looking for him to make a mistake and catch him.


The way you prepare for an unorthodox fighter like Bika is to make sure your basics are sound. You have to have a good jab, you have to have good movement and you have to have ‘super powerAnd I have “Superman.


Emanuel also told me the knockout sells. It’s something that we both know and it’s something that is imbedded in us. We’re looking for the knockout on Aprilis 4. Sometimes I see things that Adonis is looking to do before he does it. So I’ll just be sitting there waiting for Adonis to catch Sakio Bika making a mistake and getting a knockout.


I’m super proud to represent Kronk Gym. That’s why I wear my hat here. Kronk to me is like my family name and that’s what I live by. I was born into Kronk when I was a little kid going to a tournament with my uncle Emanuel and all I remember is the Kronk fighters winning. And that’s what I do now: win.


Adonis is an artist, he’s a KO artist. Aeacida pro Saturday is a knockout on CBS.


There’s been a lot of talk and now it’s time for action. Toe-to-toe on Aprilis 4. Ne deesset eam.”




“Habuimus magnum disciplina castra. Everyone was relaxed. We had great sparring.


He was making 168 pretty easy, but stepping up he’s able to eat whatever he wants. The weight is good. We think he’s going to be good and strong at 175. It’s a good move for him.


He’s never had any problems with power, so I think the extra weight and energy should be good for him at light heavyweight.


All this talk about Stevenson fighting (Sergey) Kovalev has motivated him pretty good. I think it gave him a pretty good picture of how the business of boxing works. He realizes that when the bell rings he needs to do something about it and he’s motivated by that.


I can’t say if Stevenson is overlooking him because I’m not around him enough. But I know the fans and media want to make the Kovalev fight. It was good for Bika to hear that because it motivated him. He knows he has an opportunity to do something about it. On Tuesday afternoon he can change all that.


If Stevenson does what he says he’s going to domeet him in the center of the ring and go toe-to-toethis is going to be a tremendous fight.


If he comes to the center of the ring and fights and goes toe-to-toe then this fight won’t go the distance. If Stevenson comes to trade I think he gets knocked out. If he runs around the ring and boxes then it could be a different outcome.




I don’t think this is a big challenge for me. I’m ready to face the world champions and raise the bar higher. This is just another opponent for me.


This is another step that will move me closer to facing the champions at 175 libras. I want to put on a solid fight and show that I’m one of the best fighters in this division.


A knockout is never a goal for me. I’m trying to show my work and my dedication in the ring, but usually that’s what happens. Usually I finish with a knockout but that is not my main goal. My main goal is to box and show my skills.


My motivation is to face the champions. That’s why I work so hard every day in the gym. I will get there soon.


Why not face Kovalev? Paratus sum. When I turned professional my goal was to meet the champions. He’s a champion now and I’d like to face the champions.



Gabriel Campillo:

We started training Jan. 1 and camp has been very good. We’ve been working very hard and I think I’m in great condition for this fight.


Beterbiev may not have a lot of professional experience, but he’s had a very long amateur career. So we know that he’s ready and is a good opponent for us. We’ll see how he handles things once we get past the 5th, 6th atque 7th rounds.


To get ready for a hard-hitter like Beterbiev required lots of conditioning training. We worked the neck and the chin a lot. We think we’ve got a great chance in the second half of this fight though considering Beterbiev hasn’t really been tested like that.


As for a prediction, I’m going to knock Beterbiev out in the seventh round.


Lumen Heavyweight Champ tutatur contra Sakio Bika

Primo In SUMMUS Boxing Propugnatores (Norma) Event CBS

Hoc Saturday, Aprilis 4, at 3 p.m. ATQUE/PT Noon

(PHOTOS BY: Amanda Kwok / Norma in CBS)

Urbs, QUEBEC (March 31, 2015) – Hoc Saturday post meridiem,, Aprilis 4, durus hitting-heavyweight lux mundi fortissimus Adonis “Superman” Flaccus (25-1, 21 KOs) disponet ad promendum, cum de poena satis mundi fortissimus defendit contra illa super middleweight Sakio “Scorpios” Taurus (32-6-3, 21 KOs) Exhibitio autem debut in consectetur Premier Boxing Propugnatores (Norma) in CBS Televisificae Network (3 p.m. ATQUE/PT Noon) ex Pepsi Coliseum in Quebec urbem.


Today, tamen, in his quae fiunt a pugnis ante traditionem ad Coliseum Pepsi, At cibi servierunt Flaccus Domus Lauberivière, Nam elit sapien profugo hospitium et loci et humiliatam. Praeterea servientes cibum, Cicero etiam, donaverant et iugales eius tesseras, atque in tecta felis autographed imagines cum quidam exsurgunt localem fans.


In Tuesday scriptor secunda in CBS, Invictus ergo promittens lucem heavyweight Arturius Beterbiev (7-0, 7 KOs) sudatio tentavit, quando spectat illa lux mundi fortissimus heavyweight Gabriel Campillo (25-6-1, 12 KOs) in circuitu a X-.


# # #

Norma in CBS, headlined a luce mundi patrocinium heavyweight pugna inter Flaccus et Bika, promotus est per Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) et dona, et consociati Videotron Mise O-Mer. Nullam nunc venalia sunt officia in capsa ad Coliseum pergratam Quebecensis, vocando (418) 691-7211 aut (800) 900-7469, at online www.billetech.com, at GYM (514) 383-0666 Champion et Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Aliquam pretium range ex $25 ad $250 in pavimentum,.


Series Premieres Hoc Saturday, Aprilis 4, at in CBS 3 p.m. ATQUE/PT Noon
NEW EBORACUM (March 31, 2015) - Et quia passim team Aprilis 4 Boxing debut SUMMUS Propugnatores (Norma) on CBS features a blend of highly respected sportscasters and shrewd boxing minds. Hosted by CBS Sports Network’s Brent Stover, et vocabitur ludi certamina, vulputate a, domine honorabilis et veteres Kevin Harlan cum ringside analysts Paul Malignaggi passim et advena Virgil Hunter.


The norma super quadrigis CBS annuntiare adducturum in primo usque ad initium anni quo vivunt eventus octo hoc Saturday, Aprilis 4, at 3 p.m. ATQUE/PT Noon. Lux mundi fortissimus heavyweight Adonis Flaccus (25-1, 21 KOs), Montrealensi, will defend his title against former super middleweight world champion Taurus Saki (32-6-3, 21 KOs), de Sydney, Australia. Opening the two-fight afternoon broadcast will be undefeated Russian-born Canadian light heavyweight Arturius Beterbiev (7-0, 7 KOs), Montrealensi, adversus mundi fortissimus prioris Gabriel Campillo (25-6-1, 12 KOs), Matritensis, Hispania, ex Pepsi Coliseum in Quebec City.


A veterani broadcaster, Harlan vocavit NFL ludos 30 consecutive years. He joined CBS Sports’ NFL broadcast team as a play-by-play announcer in 1998. Harlan called CBS Sports’ HDTV coverage of the 2001 AFC Championship and Super Bowl XXXV. He has called CBS Sports’ Curabitur diam risus quoniam coverage de Divisione hominum 1999, including this year’s CBS/Turner coverage of the West Regional from Los Angeles. A well-versed radio broadcaster, this past season Harlan once again called play-by-play for NFL games with Boomer Esiason on Westwood One Radio Sports. Harlan and Esiason were the lead announce team on Westwood One for “Monday Diei vehicula nisi iaculis,"Playoffs, a Conference Championship game and the Super Bowl. This season marked Harlan’s fifth consecutive Super Bowl. Harlan called the NCAA Final Four and Championship games for CBS Radio Network and Westwood One for five consecutive years (2003-07), necnon regionals (2009, 2010, 2011). Harlan’s boxing experience includes the 1995 Mike Tyson vs. Jr Mathis Buster. IRCA FOX in patrocinium et pugilatu eventus varii et vocavit enim radio. Est in his Harlan 28th molestie lacus in tempus, et vocavit NBA-ludo ludo-per actionem Turner Sports’ coverage de NBA playoffs Cum 1996 et iusto-temporum games for TNT, et quia TBS 1997.


Et est duplex XXXIV annorum tempus Malignaggi, duo-divisio mundi fortissimus. He is known for his passionate and honest assessment of live fights and fighters as an analyst for SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. An invaluable asset at ringside, Ita a vita ad personalem Malignaggi pugilatu experientia dynamic, ever-changing situations in the ring and articulates with aplomb. He’s been a regular ringside analyst since 2012.


The knowledgeable and sage Hunter is one of the most prominent and respected trainers in boxing. He has coached unbeaten super middleweight kingpin Andre Ward, Et seponendum prioribus British superstar-CXL libras mundi fortissimus Amir Khan et priorem welterweight mundi fortissimus Berto Andre et nominatus est 2011 Trainer of the Year by the Boxing Writers Association of America. Hunter is making his first foray into announcing on Aprilis 4 et offert a unique perspective ad recentes ex norma, et in CBS.


Stover has served as studio host for CBS Sports Network since 2011. He joined the network in 2010 partium numerum et tenuerit, quod possidet per fabula-eu-ludere annunciator, basketball and for Olympic sports. Prior to joining CBS Sports Network, Stover stipendia exercitui, anchor, et ipsum ludere-by-ludere vocem et pro Big Ten Network Fox Net General Sports / Africus.


Secunda pensionem in CBS est norma Saturday, May 9, pit et inuictus Omar Figueroa, Mundus VINDICIAE Lightweight vacat his qui sursum moveri in ad pondus 140 libras, in priore fortissimus Burns Ricky.


SUMMUS ad in Propugnatores Boxing Additional dates CBS includunt Vivum broadcasts sunt nuntiata in June, July et August, cum cetera in tribus 2015 calendar. Vivum broadcasts pugilatu in CBS, quam supradictus SUMMUS, erit iaci vivunt at 4 p.m. ATQUE/1 p.m. PT.


The Premier Boxing Champions series was created for television by Haymon Boxing. Primum illud est in stat series exhibito pugilatu vivunt in in CBS 15 annis. The network aired a one-off live event featuring current WBC Super Bantamweight Champion Leo Santa Cruz in 2012. Prius enim est, Vivamus in retiacula in novissimo caestu 1997 deinde, cum fortissimus middleweight Bernard Hopkins effodisset Glen Johnson.


Ago aptior erat in retiacula in 1980s Stapulae, Aliquam futurum constanter Famers Thomas Hall of "De Hitman" Hearns, Duran Roberto, Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini and others. Boxing historiae manasse probatur retro ad CBS 1948 cum Pabst Blue Ribbon Bouts premiered featuring legendary ictu-by-ictus commentator Russ Hodges.

ADONIS STEVENSON, Saki EDICTUM & MEDIA Arturius BETERBIEV colloquium vocationem

Lisa Milner

Gratias tibi ago, operator. Thanks everyone for calling in. We have a great call today to talk about the debut of PBC on CBS taking place next Saturday, April 4th, ex Pepsi Coliseum in Quebec City, Canada. We are going to start with the main event guys it’s Adonis Stevenson, lux mundi fortissimus heavyweight; eius lanista, “Sugar” Hill; Taurus Saki, mundi fortissimus priores super middleweight; et trainer, Kevin Cunningham. We will also have Artur Beterbiev later. His opponent is training in Spain. So, he will not be joining us. Autem, first let’s get some opening comments from the fighters and their trainers. Adonis, ut darentur nobis parum ducit deferretur proxima septimana scriptor notitia certa disciplina week?


Adonis Flaccus

Gratias ad omnes interventus. Volo ago Al dum expositionem Haymonis, procurator meus, great job. This is a good person for me and fight on CBS since like ’80 like Sugar Ray Leonard, Muhammad Ali. Scitis, this is amazing. And the first championship they want to start in Canada, Quebec City. This is amazing. And I’m very glad to be part of that.


L. Milner

Magna. “Sugar” Hill, qui tibi de arte et posse addere comments quomodo faciat ad castra Adonidem?

“Sugar” Hill

The training camp is going fantastic. We are here in his hometown of Montreal training at his gym. His gym is just opening. So, this would be the first training camp held at this gym and for such a fight of this magnitude where Adonis is defending his world championship for the fifth time. I’ve only been here for one week any other time, but Montreal is a great place and a great place for training as well. The city has been so good and warm welcoming me here, Quare et Adonis amat Montrealensi, Quare et Adonis quod bene diligit Montrealensi.

L. Milner

Magna. Gratias tibi ago. Sakio, potuisti aperire facile nobis interpretantis disciplina castra?

Taurus Saki

All right, primus omnium, I want to thank everybody for giving me this big opportunity at the world title. . My training camp is going really well. Volo ago Deo, scitis, to give me this opportunity. Apud eundem,, we have a good training camp here. Everyone is happy. Libenter, and my coach is happy. All my kingdom is happy. I’m just looking for on 4 Aprilis, factus tres ad tempus mundi fortissimus.

L. Milner

Awesome. Gratias tibi ago. Mr. Cunningham, tu autem ibi? Could you add anything to that?

Kevin Cunningham

Yes. To piggyback on what Sakio has just said, magna eget nibh disciplina castra, great sparing. Everything is going well. Sakio understands the opportunity that’s before him, and we look to come to Canada and Montreal. And we’re going to into Adonishometown. So, Ive 'been ibi, factum est. You got to go into the lion’s den and take the title. So that’s what we’re working on doing and that’s what we plan on doing.


L. Milner

Magna. Gratias tibi ago. Okay, we’re going to go ahead and open it up for questions from the media. Operator, potest facere quod tibi placet?



Adonis, so much talk about you fighting the other light heavyweight champions and who the real light heavyweight champion of the world is. What are your thoughts about these other guys and it is interfering with your concentration for your fight with Sakio on April 4th in CBS?


A. Flaccus

Yeah, Scio quidem quod de ea, Sed nunc Im 'valde focused Bika, because Bika is in my face now. I don’t see anybody. I don’t see anybody in my face now. It’s Bika. And I don’t underestimate him, Curabitur tristique ipsum et paratam sibi. Et sint parati in diem illum April 4th. So, mea est focus in Bika. Scio quod tot homines mecum loquentes de quam ad pugnam, sed nimis huic focused.


Quae ratio temptationis ante medicamento April 4th?

A. Flaccus

Tribus vicibus in disciplina et una vice sextam in the morning. So, they come into the condo and to do a drug test and two times in the training after sparing. I think it’s good for the boxers, to protect them. I’m very glad about that. And when I got to fight, Ego autem semper facere test, scitis? So, non est primum in test, but I always to do it. This is fantastic, Ego amare.


An putas, quia oporteret talem habere test caestu?

A. Flaccus

Sed quia necessarium est, is succurro vos. So, Fac omnia quae sunt gravissima valde bonae. Et id quod est ex parte pugilatum evolutione. Laetor admodum faustum confirmo.


Sakio, quid vobis videtur de illa?

S. Taurus

Puto est nimis, quia ipsum bonum est mihi [inintelligibile] since I’ve been here. I think it’s good for the new generation. It goes for this sport. Nam me, Puto quod est perfectum. Sed quia perfectus, et multi sunt qui [inintelligibile] receptui [inintelligibile] drug and they never get tested. And now with new generation, EGO reputo suus 'optimus, scitis, for younger kids to try to see if they want to win. Once you come in this sport you have to have been clean. Sed ad perfectam ordinationem personas et probandum. Sed quod perfectum non.


Apparuit igitur uterque ter experimentum vestri capiam, duo tempora, disciplina castra, unum tempus ante pugnam? Is that correct, guys?

A. Flaccus

Quia non scio eum,, but for me it’s three time. And we do a piss test, nos facere test et sanguis, quoque.

S. Taurus

Yeah, for me it was three time. Then two blood testlike blood test and piss test. This is the third time them testing me since I was here.


Prima eius qui rogatus est Adonis distentionem et circa praeparationem exspectando certamen adversariis potentia posterum, Addere velim ut ad eandem quaestionem iterum Adonidem.


A. Flaccus

Scitis, ferox enim et genus effercio sicut ostendit ille veniat Bika–scitis, he just keep coming. The kind of stuff like that, I love this kind of stuff because he’s large and keep pressuring. And so, ostendit qualis tunc erit, si a knockout errare, extemplo in proelium.


Mea quaestio est: quia “Sugar” Hill. “Sugar”, EGO iustus volo te scire, si qui ad hoc electi, delectatusque genere exspectando certamen, si quod est genus amet quaesitus lanistae.

S. Hill

Quantum ad proelium exspectantes stilo Adonidem–and actually it doesn’t really matter to me. I’m happy with the selection of Sakio Bika. I have no problem with his style. I actually like the style because he’s coming forward. He wants to fight, and Adonis loves to fight. Adonis likes to go to toe-to-toe, and he likes to box. This is important for the maturity and, Adonidem caestu posse plura de eo in bello sicut Sakio Bika, qui est fortis, statui atque dentatus, qui veterani potest resistere. He can take a punch. He’s never been knocked out or anything like that. So, fortasse hoc est ire ad locum Adonidem 12 in novissimo rounds aut rounds, qui potens est aedificare et pugnare cupientibus titulum postea circumeunt, quod facere potuit,. This is a test certamine passim per Bika, Adonis amat et ad spectandum,. I love for him to be tested as well. This is the only thing that’s going to make him grow and become more of a talented fighter and become a bigger superstar.


Adonis, spectatis a lentus 12 per pugnam et quid vos videtis hanc causam, quod sicut ad ens primum, quia si ex se praebet occasio ad hoc guy pulso?

A. Flaccus

It is motivation for me. That’s why I train very hard. I know he’s large as well in his punch. And he wants to keep me pressured. I love this kind of style. And if he goes for 12 paratus sum pro rounds 12 rounds. I fight and spar. My fight is, parcendum ac disciplina 12 Suspendi itaque anulum in rounds.When mihi, Im 'vultus pro knockout. I don’t look for the 12 undique. If he goes the distance or 12 rounds, this is not a problem. Possum pixidem. I’m beautiful. I got a good skill. I’m a Superman. So, it’s not a problem for me. Autem, first I’m looking for a knockout. And I think any boxer going in the ring to fight always looks for a knockout. Quandoque, it’s not like that. Autem, me, Im 'vultus pro knockout. And Emanuel said knockouts sell.


You said that you weren’t impressed with Kovalev’s performance over Jean Pascal. Do you want to put on a better performance? Do you feel pressure to put on a better performance since you said that? What do you think about that?

A. Flaccus

I’m not going to put pressure on myself. “Superman” non sentire pressura. Im 'iens uti meum boxing peritiam, Im 'iens uti corona caput. I don’t have to put pressure on something like that. I don’t feel like that. I’m the man. I’m the guy to get beat.


Erat Sakio Bika primum adversarius obtulerunt tibi?

A. Flaccus

Yeah, it was the first. He was the first to open. We’re happy, and we don’t have a problem. And I know Sakio he was light–facere non, super middleweight champion. It’s very good, quia magnus in ore pugil. He was champion last two fights. That’s a good opportunity for him, quoque, ut adversum me in lucem ire heavyweight. And it’s a good opportunity for me, quoque.


Nam quid ego ad te rogare te dixisti, “I have to fight,” aut “Ego vis ad pugnam Sergey Kovalev uniendis omnes in zonis divisio est.” At what point did you say that in your career?

A. Flaccus

I don’t think about Kovalev now. I think about Bika. It doesn’t matter what I said now because I have a fight coming up with Bika. Autem, certus est altercandi titulos, sed nunc–iam habeo Bika meo.


Et procul abigerent Kovalev respiciebat viam qua in pugna adversus alterum Paschalis hebdomadae. Why?

A. Flaccus

I’m not impressed by it because this is the first big fight Pascal had since Bernard and he fights one time a year before Bernard Hopkins. So, in four years he fights one time. So, ideo non sum de hoc impressa, quia non est plene agens pugilem esse solebat, quasi in die.



Scis hoc quod aversi Kovalev, because of the WBC is going to be mandatory. I want to know how hard will you press for that mandatory if you’re successful again.

A. Flaccus

Scilicet, Scio. I’m ready to fight a title. Autem, Quia non sum bigas, Al dum expositionem Haymonis, non curat,. Then after that Kovalev we can unify the title. It’s not a problem for me because the two titles he gets now he gets Bernard Hopkins’ title, et ut pugnem Bernard Hopkins.


Proelium est hoc quod in futurum nationalibus molestie eros, free TV. Have you given any thought about the fact that you’ll be performing in front of an audience probably bigger than has ever seen you fight ever?

A. Flaccus

Scilicet. This is a good opportunity for that. And first of all, Nam quod volo ago Al dum expositionem Haymonis, quoque, quia, that’s him putting on the show. And since Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray Leonard, back in the day it was free. Autem, we offer the public the fight for free and that’s a great opportunity for me. So, I have a good performance for Sakio Bika. Autem, I know Sakio Bika is a tough opponent and he’s very awkward and tough. We’ll prepare for that, et parati sumus. Praesent ipsum metus iuvenibus, spectator certaminis. Bene est omnibus occasio.


Itaque magnus potentia audiunt vigilia noluit eum locum ut tu quaeris a knockout?

A. Flaccus

Scilicet. That gives me a lot of motivation. That’s why I train really hard for this fight and watch–ita populus vigilate mecum. Since Muhammad Ali, I’m the first to be poor and the projects. So, Im 'valde, valde felicem, and I’m going to put a good performance. Like Emanuel said, knockouts vendere.


Adonis, ubi haec disciplina week? Tum, Urbs ipsa cum es futurus?

A. Flaccus

You know I opened a new gym in Quebec City. This is a good opportunity for me to train in my hometown. This is the first time since 2011. Video meum hedum, quoque. So, Ego amare. And we train very hard, me et meorum trainer. We put the hard work pay off. This is different. This is a good opportunity for me, et quod amare.


So, Nimium igitur nunc Urbs?

A. Flaccus

I’m in Montreal now. Quebec City, Im 'iens hoc septimana.


So, tu, cum ire ad Urbs?

A. Flaccus



Apud eundem,, my question goes to Adonis. I just want to know if a knockout is the result that you absolutely need or would you be disappointed if you didn’t win by a knockout against Bika?

A. Flaccus

I know Bika is a tough opponent. So, Sum paratus, 12 rounds. Si est ibi knockout, it’s there. If it’s not, it’s not. Autem, Suspendi itaque anulum in, Im 'vultus pro knockout. So, non refert, quia me, but I’m always looking for the knockout. That’s a Kronk. The Kronk Gym and my team we’re looking for that. Since the Kronk it’s been a while. They’re always looking for the knockout. If you’re training in the Kronk Gym and any fighter is looking for the knockout.


Autem, potest, quia periculosum semper quaerit fringilla ut quam vis si non potes, abire ab Grandis caestu. Is that something that worries you?

A. Flaccus

Visne 12 undique. It’s not a problem for me. We train for that. We train for that. Pergo 12 undique. And I’m from Kronk Gym, Detroit. And this place, enim quia bonam, sicut bonum lanista Emanuel “Sugar” Hill. They know boxing. They teach me very well my skill and everything and my balance. They know boxing. And so, sciunt enim ibi non est, si ad knockout, sed erant 'iens ut operari. We’re going to use the good ability to go for 12 rounds. It’s not a problem.


Sakio, EGO iustus volo ut scire, quomodo enim vos in pugna disciplina castra instituendi heavyweight lumine tuo post consumpta fere universa in super middleweight?

S. Taurus

Sentio novum magnum taurus certamine pugnaturi ascendere conantur. Cum ergo videritis abominationem regimen meum, nemo velit, ut adversum me consurgatis in aeternum. Et semper aliquam difficultatem non velit ut adversum me. Quia magnum provocatio, mihi Flaccus, Adonis ingens factus est, ut mundi fortissimus propugnator vitae. Im 'certus EGO can tracto eum valde. Et venit Aprilis 4, quia ego testimonium habere bonum paratum, , parsimonia et socium magna, Ego quaerebam quomodo possum tractare taurus magnus. Hoc unum mihi primum pondus Adonidem, but I just feel confident, Sentio positive. Paratus sum, scitis, eamus et ostenderet cunctis populis in mundo cogitari potest Cicero in Adonidem Aprilis 4. I want to tell the big bull. I want to move up in light heavyweight division, atqueAprilis 4 Populus futura sunt videre non.


An quia levius pondus? Do you see yourself staying at light heavyweight?

S. Taurus

Video me quasi lumen heavyweight. Ego sum lux mundi heavyweight quod tot viri fortes. For me just it’s just a challenge. I want to challenge myself. Ego non potest facere lumen gravis facilis. It would be a struggle to do super middleweight. Scitis, Facile possum vere lumen heavyweight. Possum tractare magnum taurus, quia omnis tractanti. This is a big opportunity for me to try to see if can I handle the big bull. I can handle Adonis. quales Aprilis 4, I will try to test myself. You all ready? Paratus sum. I have a bonus praeparatione,. Fecemus durissimos pugnae. Sl venire ad me, et negotia considerantes.


Simul autem eratis Sergey Kovalev / Jean Pascal certamen, et transivit in HBO commentator ad tempus, Bernard Hopkins, and you told him that you guarantee that you will fight Sergey Kovalev. I wanted to see what your answer was to what you think of Sergey Kovalev and his performance on Saturdaynox a iugo of weekends ago.

A. Flaccus

Nec refert quod scimus loquimur nunc Bika Pascalius. I ire ad pugnam Aprilis 4 cum Bika. Praesent ac lenta Bika Kovalev res est persona cum cogito, iam tum post pugnam et Pascalius dixi Kovalev, “Bene, yeah, Im 'iens ad pugnam.” He’s not a person for me now. The person now is Bika.


Non enim est contra pacta tibi proximus bellum anno post tergum in May Kovalev 12 rounds against Fonfara. You beat Fonfara.

A. Flaccus

You can’t guarantee. It’s not working like that. It’s not football. It’s not hockey. And one punch can change anything. So now I got Bika in my face, et cum Im focused admodum Bika, because I know this guy gives problems to all the champions. He was champion. And I know this fighter is tough.

L. Milner

Okay. Gentlemen, thank you so much for your time. I think this call really set in motion a great week and a half heading into the fight. So, thank you so much. We’re going to switch over to Mr. Beterbiev.

Arturius Beterbiev

Ego similis exercitatione mea:, and I am training hard. And it was all planned. So, iuxta exemplum quod uertat. Suus 'a gravi adversario. Non expectare ad pugnantibus.


Arturius, you defeated Sergey Kovalev in the amateurs. What do you think of him as far as a professional opponent right now?

A. Beterbiev

Consideratis omnibus dictis eius, quod nuper, Velim convenire, professionali et restituerunt eum in loco suo.


Meministi quid tibi est quasi bellator quis adipiscing? What do you remember?

A. Beterbiev

EGO have a valde bonus memoria. So, Ter partes delebo amateur, nunc tamen Im focused in futuro. Velim iterum verberabat.


Arturius, Quomodo potuistis sentis ascendit hic volutpat?

A. Beterbiev

Ego sum via duceretur, ultrices vitae. Im semper et cotidiana exercitatione solita et circa quod operatur. Ego temptabunt semper ad melius et melius, quod non fortis meus parts, as part of my preparation.I’m not a future teller. So, I’m ready to meet all the solid opponents. And I’m ready for the championship of the world, et paratus sum pro aliquo casu missionem.


Est ulla interest in vos pugnantes victor Cicero / Bika?

A. Beterbiev

I aliquis posset pugnare.


Quid censes munera Campillo Campillo et qualis non elit amet tanto te habentem experientiae quam habet?

A. Beterbiev

Yes, I have a lot of respect for Campillo because he’s very experienced. For sure he has more experience than I do. He has experience winning and losing, et ipse suus 'a solido adversario, Pugna Ad demonstrandum lingua artis ope in proelio.


Quid discat a knockdown?

A Beterbiev

I don’t think that was a knockdown. I just lost my balance for an instant. I recovered right away instantly. But I still think that this is a good lesson for me for this not to happen in the future. And I’m going to try to avoid any dangerous situations in my future.


Et quid vos videtis Campillo, Qualis ille pugil, et nulla pars eius minime–orationem illius quis elementum potest esse sollicitae?

A. Beterbiev

Hoc est, solidum opus valde bene opponent.He, very experienced at attack. He’s very experienced at defense. Pugnatum est ad ostendendum quid sit futurum.

L. Milner

Okay, magna. Gratias tibi ago. Gratias tibi ago, Arturius. Thanks everybody for being on. A special thanks to the media. This is a great show April 4th on ordinarius CBS, PBC on CBS right from Quebec City. So, ita et gratia magna.


# # #


Norma in CBS, headlined a luce mundi patrocinium heavyweight pugna inter Flaccus et Bika, promotus est per Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) et dona, et consociati Videotron Mise O-Mer.
Nullam nunc venalia sunt officia in capsa ad Coliseum pergratam Quebecensis, vocando (418) 691-7211 aut (800) 900-7469, at online www.billetech.com, at GYM (514) 383-0666 Champion et Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Aliquam pretium range ex $25 ad $250 in pavimentum,.

Pro magis notitia visit www.sports.sho.com atque www.groupeyvonmichel.ca, sequi in Twitter adSHOSports, yvonmichelgym, EtAdonisSupermanSakio_Bika, sequi sermone usura #StevensonBika, on Facebook fan facta adwww.facebook.com/SHOBoxing Ephemeris ad visitandum Pugilatu aut SHOWTIME http://theboxingblog.sho.com.


MONTREAL (March 27, 2015) – Et de concretis The Ring, WBC, WBA, Et lux IBF WBO heavyweight pugna inter modificatae Adonis “Superman” Et Flaccus Sergey “Krusher” Kovalev ceperit alius maximus step. The Council Boxing (WBC) a quibus ad locum, quem iussit sacculum Aprilis 17 Atque harum major eventus ad determinandam.

Postulavit ab initio Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) requiritur tempus praestandae parare Super hoc major eventus pugnae, host, in quibus assensi sunt in sacculum in WBC May. 17 in Mexico.

Ex quibus Victor crumenam habebit commodum prae altero die determinatam promotor, et quia lux heavyweight sollicitudin molestie network locus. Horum singuli, et dividetur in quibus aequaliter est 50-50 basis.

Ante Flaccus (25-1, 21 KOs) vs. Kovalev (27-0-1, 24 KOs) potest contingere quod sit murmur,, quamquam, utraque pugnatores oportet vincere proximo bout. Flaccus, primogenitum autem Haitian Quebecer, ad melius defendere, et habet sua WBC The Ring diademata Aprilis 4 Cameroon contra civis in Quebec urbem Sakio Bika (32-6-3, 21 KOs), dum habet Kovalev 90 diebus ad faciendam mandatorias suae defensionem adversus Gallum IBF zona Nadjib Mohammedi (37-3, 23 KOs) ad aliquem locum determinatum esse.

Cicero 's promotor, Praeses Michel GYM Yvon, quo quid potest excitari promovendi omnium maxima lux viverra tempus heavyweight. “Quia et nos praeibant et iugales eius et Adonis (et caput consiliarius Al dum expositionem Haymonis Jevanus trainer Sugar Hill) ad pugnam accidere voluerunt istam,” Michel explicata. “My pugil (Flaccus) dare vult suam fans, non tantum a circa mundi totius orbis sed ex Quebec, vis ad pugnam.

“Adonis arguar ducking Kovalev de aestate, sed semper ad ultimam metam probare ipse est rex Heavyweights de lumine.”

Ad me omnes loquitur de Sergey Kovalev,” WBC, Et patrios lux mundi fortissimus Cicero addidit Anulum heavyweight. “Derunt Sakio Bika nunc sum,, sed revera titulis uniendis. Paratus sum regem meum divisionis probare.”

In XXXVII annorum southpaw, plenarie confidens in omnibus conciliet major mundi title in zonis, etiam ipsi, “In eo,, duo tituli (Et WBA IBF) perdidit ad quod Bernard Hopkins Kovalev sunt putabat mea esse, sed Hopkins effugerit HBO potius quam mihi.”

Auxilio autem WBC

Sanctioning corporum vindices aliis Institutis raro patitur esse in parte nulla. In hoc casu,, tamen, et quod dictum est in qua tantum WBC, ad ultimum December 52th conventus in Las Vegas, nos autem Kovalev. Jean Pascal bout victor esset Cicero pro titulo amet clamatoribus.

Proelium cum omni momento et magnitudo vim agitur titulis unum assem WBC Tabula ad praesides consilium.

“Quod fuit ab egregium militarium Kathy Duva (Praeses et Main Events Kovalev scriptor promotoris),” Michel commentati. “Adonis est obligatus ad faciem nunc Kovalev in adunatione a IRCA, spondens, sine longa simplex processus, unnecessary bargaining. Our spurius non RECUMBO, modo coepi turpis.”

Campillo Next for Beterbiev

Urbs (March 19, 2015) – Post dominandi in amateur ordines per duos circuitus totius Olympia, Russian spe Arturius Beterbiev quia iam parata pro elite pugilatu, cum ipse pugnaverit septies tantum amet. The Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) et inaurem suam firmavit Aprilis 4 in Quebec City, et habitabunt in ea dixeris quæ versantur CBS Sports TVA, mundi fortissimus priorum Gabriel Campillo, Hispaniae.

“De diurnariis hodie, beatus non erit: quia non quilibet KO,” risit post Beterbiev publica disciplina sessionem in Quebec urbem hodie, Et his artibus cum demonstratum sparring socii eius, Bob et Australian Anglorum Ajisafe Blake Caparello.

“Credo quia nox erit Campillo,” Dixit Caparello post sparring Beterbiev. “Huic incredibilem quamdam vim. Ac vel in nihili atque persequitur fortis anulum in Sergey Kovalev,”

Beterbiev (7-0, 7 Igitur) vultibus illa WBA heavyweight lux mundi fortissimus Campillo (25-6-1, 11 Igitur), 6'2 lubricum” southpaw ipse pugnaverit: 211 ut a professio rounds, praeviam quandam atque in bout ante WBCThe Ring lux mundi title heavyweight pugna defendere fortissimus inter Adonis “Superman” Et Flaccus Sakio Bika.

Secundus ordo, est quia in mundo IBF Campillo Beterbiev-heavyweight divisio in lumine.

“Bonum virum egregium expugnandum; a resistant, Sensit vetus guy,” Beterbiev lanista Marc Ramsay resolvitur. “Campillo will bring a lot of ring experience to Artur. My pugil pergit emendare, sed omni die, in eo,, iam paratum est optimum.”

“Et ponam in speciem pugnare bonum Aprilis 4th,” Permansit Beterbiev. “Cum itaque anulum in succederem, Non habebit amicum. Volo manere donec veniam, ut melius faciem Sergey Kovalev iterum. Et rursum: Ego ero illi flagella,!”

Kevin Bizier vs. Stanislav Salmon

Canadian welterweight Kevin Bizier (23-2, 16 KOs) volunt occasionem ut historias scribam, in veteri Quebec Coliseum, quia ipse pugnabit ultimum boxing comissationesque productas in priore arena Nordiques. Aprilis 4th, et occurret Galli priorem WBC Mediterranean welterweight fortissimus Stanislav Salmon (24-3-2, 10 KOs).

In order to realize that dream, Urbs enim superbum fuit vocantibus nolle offeres ut appareant in semi-ultimum IRCA de Julio Cesar Chavez Jr et pugna Fonfara Andrzej, Aprilis 18th in Carson, California.

“Kevin a maioribus acceperint, marsupium unum sit quam habebat pro his proxima pugna contra Jo Jo Dan, sed voluit manere in Canada pecto,” promotor Yvon addidit Michel. “Fecit a magnus officium in a Dan, et Dan pugnabit adversus proximos rixam in mundo IBF welterweight certamen, March 28 in Anglia,. Omnia tamen potest Marcus et credebant in eum.”

“Esse autem est aliquid, quod clauderent Colisée,” Bizier commentati. “Est etiam bonum apparatu et certamine oportet facere magnum. Vellem in California ad pugnam, sed in aliud tempus Iunius. Et hoc utique, Dilexisti me in mundi patrocinium certare calceamenta Jo Jo Dan…sed unum diem,, erit igitur mihi vicissim.”

Sébastien Bouchard vs. Denis Farias

Item in card, Canadian fovorie Sébastien Bouchard (9-1, 3 KOs) et ingrediamur ad faciem French lenta guy Denis Farias (19-6-2, 1 KOs).

“Sébastien nos fecit in superbia sua ultima pugna Quod ille pugil vincere ultima icon Stephanus Ouellet, Belga Cedric Spera,” GYM Vice-Praesidem de qua Bernardus Barré. “Ipse finis erit firmus adversus a pugnatore, qui unum tempus tantum amissa per K.O.”
Tesseras sunt in venditionem ad buxum officium Pepsi Coliseum in Quebec, vocando (418) 691-7211 aut 1 (800) 900-7469, at online www.billetech.com, at GYM (514) 383-0666 Champion et Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Aliquam pretium range ex $25 ad $250 in pavimentum,.