Tag Archives: Adolpho Viruet

Edwin Viruet Ring 8 Guest Speaker Tuesday night

Edwin Viruet
Ring 8 Guest Speaker Tuesday night
NEW YORK (Maí 16, 2016) – New York State Boxing Hall-of-Famer Edwin Viruet will be Ring 8’s guest speaker at Tuesday night’s (Maí 17) monthly meeting, starting at 7 p.m. OG, at O’Neill’s Restaurant, staðsett á 64-21 53rd Drive in Maspeth, New York.
Edwin was inducted into the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame as a member of the Class of 2016,” Ring 8 forseti Bob Duffy sagði. “He was unable to attend the induction ceremony, so we will present him with his Hall of Fame belt at our meeting. Edwin embodies what the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) is all about in terms of his overall achievements and accomplishments as a New York State fighter. We’re very happy that Edwin will have this opportunity to be honored and we’re all interested in hearing him speak about his boxing career.
Viruet (32-6-2) was a standout amateur boxer, albeit brief, registering a perfect 18-0 met, highlighted by his winning two New York Golden Gloves Championship in 1968 as a 118-pound sub-novice and the following year in the 126-pound division, Edwin and his brother,Adolpho Viruet, were declared co-champions.
Í 1969, Viruet turned pro and two years later, he fought a draw with future world championSaul Mamby and he won a decision over another future world champion, Alfredo Escalara. Three years later, Viruet scored a decision victory against fellow 2016 NYSBHOF inductee Vilomar Fernandez í Madison Square Garden.
Viruet went the distance twice with world lightweight champion Roberto Duran, losing a decision both times, the first in a non-title fight in 1975 and the second as a world title challenger in Philadelphia two years later.
Í 1983, Viruet retired as a boxer after having fought in all of the top New York venues – MSG, The Felt Forum, Sunnyside Garden, Nassau Coliseum, Singer Bowl and Audobon Ballroom.
Viruet also enjoyed a successful career as a trainer with heavyweight Alex Steward, a Golden Gloves champion who, eins og a faglegur, barðist Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfieldog George Foreman. Viruet also trained actor Wesley Snipes.
Several Vinny Maddalone berst, courtesy of Charley Norkus, Jr., will be shown on six television screens during Tuesday night’s buffet.
Ring 8 Summer Picnic
Ring 8’s annual summer picnic will be held Sunday afternoon, Ágúst 28, á Brady Park í Massapequa Reserve, Nassau á Long Island, New York. Complete details coming soon.
SAMBAND: Bob Trieger, Full Court PRESS, 978.590.0470, bobtfcp@hotmail.com fightpublicist
UM RING 8: Ring 8 varð áttunda dótturfélag hvað var þá þekktur sem National Uppgjafahermenn Boxer Association – þess vegna, RING 8 – og í dag einkunnarorð stofnunarinnar enn: Boxer hjálpa Boxer.
RING 8 er fullkomlega skuldbundinn til að styðja minna heppinn fólk í box samfélag sem þurfa aðstoð í skilmálar af því að borga leigu, Sjúkrakostnaður, eða hvað réttlætanleg þörf.
Fara á netinu til www.Ring8ny.com til að fá meiri upplýsingar um RING 8, stærsti hópur sinnar tegundar í Bandaríkjunum með meira en 350 meðlimir. Árleg aðild gjöld er aðeins $30.00 og hver meðlimur er rétt að hlaðborð kvöldmat í sýningarþjálfun 8 mánaðarlega fundi, án júlí og ágúst. Allir virkir Boxer, áhugamaður og faglegur, með núverandi box leyfi eða bók eiga rétt á ókeypis RING 8 árlega aðild. Gestir Ring 8 meðlimir eru velkomnir á kostnað aðeins $7.00 á mann.