Таг Арцхивес: Абрахам Нова

Boxing’s Best Kept Secret Undefeated WBC Youth World lightweight champion JamaineThe Technician” Ортиз

ВОРЦЕСТЕР,, Маса. (Новембар 5, 2019) – Undefeated World Boxing Youth World lightweight champion JamaineThe Technician” Ортиз (12-0, 6 КОс) је, можда, the best prospect in the world who most boxing fans don’t know.

Велики део проблема, међутим, је да је 23-годишњи Ортиз, рођен и одрастао у борбеном граду Ворцестеру, Мр, никада није тежио да буде професионални боксер, упркос украшеној аматерској каријери.

Боксом је почео да се бави са шест година, захваљујући тренеру Националне куће златних рукавица Царлос Гарциа, који је водио боксерски програм у Ворцестер Боис-у & Девојачки клуб скоро 40 године.

Природно надарени Ортиз саставио је изванредно 100-14 аматер запис, истакнуто сребрном медаљом на 2015 Национални Голден Гловес турнир, у којој је у финалу шампионата изгубио од будућег професионалног светског првака Јоселито Лопез, плус узастопне перформансе златних медаља на турниру шампиона у Новој Енглеској у 2015 & 2016.

Сведочење Ортизу’ обећавајући потенцијал био је његов последњи аматерски меч, што је била солидна победа против Аврам “Супер” Нова, ко је 17-0 (13 КОс) као професионалац, као и владајући шампион Северноамеричког боксерског савеза, и оценио Светска боксерска асоцијација (ВБА) као бр. 8 супер перолака категорија на свету.

“Претварање у професионалце није био мој крајњи циљ,” беспрекорни боксер Ортиз рекао је. “Заиста ми то није било на памети. Фокусирао сам се на регионалне и националне турнире. Увек сам мислио да ћу освојити златну олимпијску медаљу, а затим постати професионалац. Волео бих да сам био боље припремљен да постанем професионалац.

“Људи који ме познају нису ни схватили да сам постао професионалац. Прошло је неко време пре него што сам се прилагодио, али никада нисам прешао. Други су имали план игре; Нисам имао појма, али убрзо схваћени трофеји које сам освојио у аматерима неће да плаћају рачуне. Већина мојих навијача данас су други борци и тренери.”

Када се његов олимпијски сан завршио, након што је изгубио у полуфиналу олимпијских огледа, тада је његов промотер, Јимми Бурцхфиелд (Класична забава и спорт / ЦЕС), и саветник, Бизнисмен из Провиденцеа Рицхард Схаппи умешао се у Ортиз’ професионална каријера. Уложили су време, новац и енергија, верујући у Ортиза и његов огроман потенцијал.

“Годинама,” објаснио је Схаппи, који саветује Ортиза заједно са Еддие Имонди,” Стално сам говорила Јиммију (Бурцхфиелд) да сам био заинтересован да се спетљам са боксером, али да је то морало бити оно право. Једног дана Јимми је назвао да то каже (Ортиз) је тај. Ускочио сам на брод. Уверио ме је да је Јамаине будући светски шампион. Ускочили смо из његове прве борбе, у приземљу, и верујемо да ће бити светски првак.”

Бурцхфиелд је промовисао људе попут петоструког светског првака Винни Паз, У.С. ОлимпијскиЏејсон Естрада, Раи Оливеира, Гари Баллет, Петар Манфредо, Јр. и многи други током његових 25 и више година боксерске индустрије. “Јамаине је најбоље што сам промовисао од Виннија Паза,” Тврдио је Бурцхфиелд без оклевања. “Данас је један од најбољих изгледа на свету и једног дана биће светски шампион. Неки кажу да има добар изгледОскар де ла Хоја; други осећају да је његов стил такав ‘Шећер’ Реј Леонард.”

Када се његов олимпијски сан без церемоније завршио, одлучио је да се пријави за 2016, победивши у свом професионалном дебију када Џош Паркер повучен након једне рунде. Врхунац његове младе професионалне каријере до данас био је победа у једног круга једногласне одлуке прошлог фебруара од претходно непоражене (10-0) Рицардо Куироз за освајање упражњене титуле ВБЦ омладинског света у лакој категорији, исти онај појас који су некада поносно носили, иронично, поменути Лопез, као и Јуан Диаз и Даниел Естрада.

Међу прошлим борцима које је промовисао ЦЕС, а који су били ВБЦ светски омладински прваци, био је и троструки светски првак “Лоше” Чад Досон и пољски тешкој категорији Маруисз Вацх.

У својој последњој борби и првој одбрани титуле ВБЦ светске омладине овог августа, Ортиз је надвладао доминантну једногласну одлуку у осам кругова 8-1-1 Ромаин Цоутуре, постављањем искључења победом у свакој рунди за све три судије’ сцорецардс.

Ортиз’ долази време за звезду у рингу. Он је груби дијамант; млад, талентовани и са огромном наопакошћу. Иза себе има јак тим, укључујући и главног тренера Роцки Гонзалез и Гарциа, који и даље ради свој кутак

Ортиз’ база навијача ће се временом развијати и брзо расти како све више љубитеља бокса открива овог надареног боксера док се он пење на врх боксерске планине.
2020 обећава да ће бити “Година техничара,” Jamaine Ortiz.








Бостон, Мр. (Август 1, 2019):

After a sold out debut event last month that saw 2,300 people pack Encore Boston Harbor’s Picasso Ballroom, мурпхис Бокс is proud to announce an immediate return to the newly opened 2.6 billion dollar resort on Петак, August 23rd.

The stacked card will feature the stateside return of one of Murphys Boxing’s most popular fighters, Топ 20 world ranked junior middleweight contender, Gary ‘Spike’ О'Сулливан(30-3, 21 КОс) and Top 10 world ranked, Абрахам Нова (15-0, 11 КОс) who will defend his NABA Super Featherweight Championship.

O’Sullivan will take on hard hitting Argentinian veteran, Diego Marocchi (18-4-1, 14 КОс) in an 8 round showdown that promises fireworks between two fighters that don’t know how to take a step back.

‘Spike’, the handlebar mustached fighter from Cork, Ирска, has a massive following in Boston having fought over 10 times in the New England area, including his last fight this past St. Patrick’s Day when he stopped Khiary Gray in a bloody slugfest.

У сарадњи оплати крова, one of the hottest fighters in the super featherweight division, Murphys Boxing’s own, Абрахам Нова will take on famed Mexican veteran, Miguel Beltran Jr.(33-7, 22 КОс) for Nova’s NABA Super Featherweight Championship у 10 округли боут.

Нова, the flashy young fighter known for his bleached blonde beard and elaborate ring entrances is currently ranked #7 in the world by the ВБА and is closing in on a world title shot in the red hot division that features popular champions like Гервонта Дејвис, Тевин Пољопривредник и Andrew Cancio.

The co-main event will see Murphys Boxing’s own Ecuadoran Olympian, Карлос Гонгора(16-0, 12 КОс) in his toughest test yet in a 10 round middleweight bout against ‘The Mexican Windmill’, Alan Zavala (15-4, 13 КОс) that will see the winner move into bona fide prospect status.

The undercard will feature a who’s who of Boston area based fighters including:

Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму., Масачусетс’ Khiary Todd (8-1, 6 КОс) who will face Florida based Brazilian,Alex Sandro Duarte (14-7-1, 11 КОс) у 6 round junior middleweight bout.

Mansfield, Масачусетс’ Џејмс Перелла (4-0, 3 КОс), who fought on the debut Encore Boston Harbor event this month. The amateur standout will return in a 4 round welterweight bout against an opponent to be named and it will be the young fighter’s 5th bout in just five months as a professional.

The card will be rounded out with 6 local fighters who will be making their pro debuts against each other when Stoneham, Massachusetts native, James Perkins takes on Boston’s Aaron Trecell Smith у 4 round cruiserweight bout, Watertown, Масачусетс’ Greg Bonotakes on Whitman, Масачусетс’ Brian Urday у 4 round junior welterweight bout and Boston’s Jonathan Depina takes on an opponent to be named in a 4 round lightweight bout.

People are still buzzing about our last event at Encore Boston Harbor.”, каже Ken Casey, Murphys Boxing founder and promoter.

It’s so exciting to be coming right back to Encore and on UFC Fight Pass with our big guns like Spike, Nova and Gongora all on the same card while the excitement is still in the air.

“We were thrilled to see such success with our inaugural Murphys Boxing event,” saysRobert DeSalvio, President of Encore Boston Harbor.

“We are so happy to bring these Las Vegas-style events to the Boston area and we’re glad to see the community responding so well. We plan to continue offering these can’t miss nights.”

Murphys Boxing presents O’Sullivan vs. Bonelli and Nova vs.Beltran for the NABA Super Featherweight Championship on Friday, August 23rd at Encore Boston Harbor (1 Broadway, Everett, MA., 02149). Doors open at 7pm. Улазнице се крећу од 50 dollars and are on sale now at www.murphysboxing.com


Murphys Boxing was founded by Dropkick Murphysfrontman, Ken Casey in 2014. In just 5 short years, Murphys Boxing has become the premier boxing promoter in the New England area and one of the hottest young promotions in the country. 2018 was a breakout year for Murphys Boxing as they took their first fighter to a world title. Along with the promotion’s first champion, several Murphys Boxing fighters secured world title opportunities and nationally televised fights in 2018. Murphys Boxing closed out their banner year by co-promoting the WBO Middleweight Championship bout between Demetrius Andrade and Walter Kautondokwa in front of over 10,000 fans at the TD Garden, the legendary home of the Boston Celtics, which was broadcast internationally on DAZN. Murphys Boxing’s current roster features world ranked contenders like Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Абрахам Нова, Greg Vendetti, Gary ‘SpikeO’Sullivan and undefeated prospects like Niall Kennedy, Карлос Гонгора, William Foster III and more.

За више информација посетите: www.murphysboxing.com


Encore Boston Harbor is a $2.6 billion Five Star global destination gaming resort featuring 671 hotel rooms with sweeping views of the Boston skyline and Boston Harbor, an ultra-premium spa, specialty retail, 15 dining and lounge venues and a state-of-the-art ballroom and meeting spaces. It is the largest private, single-phase development in the history of the Commonwealth.

Situated on the waterfront along the Mystic River and connected to Boston Harbor, Encore Boston Harbor will open up the Everett shoreline to the public for the first time in more than a century. The resort has created a six-acre park along the water which will feature pedestrian and bicycle paths that provide access to the waterfront, an events lawn, picnic and public viewing areas. Ornate floral displays, public art, retail and dining experiences will overlook the Encore Harborwalk.

За више информација посетите: www.encorebostonharbor.com


UFC FIGHT PASS® is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. Од лансирања у 2013, FIGHT PASS is now available in more than 200 земље и територије. FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; уживо мешовите борилачке вештине и борбене спортове из целог света; оригиналне серије и историјски програм; специфичности; садржај иза сцене; дубински интервјуи; и најновије извештаје о свету борилачких спортова. FIGHT PASS subscribers also have 24/7 приступ највећој библиотеци борби на свету, са више од 17,000 борбе десетина борилачких спортских организација, као и свака борба у историји УФЦ-а. Fight fans can access FIGHT PASS on personal computers, иОС и Андроид мобилни уређаји, Аппле ТВ, Ксбок Оне, Ксбок 360, Амазон Фире ТВ, Цхромецаст, Година, Самсунг паметни телевизори, ЛГ паметни телевизори, и Сони телевизоре са Андроид ТВ-ом.

За више информација посетите: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass






Фотографија Кредит: Emily Harney/Fightography

спрингфиелд, Масачусетс (May 11th, 2019):

In the first мурпхис Бокс event of a multi fight deal with УФЦ Фигхт Пасс, fans watched NABA Super Featherweight Champion, Абрахам Нова (15-0, 11 КОс) stop Argentina’sMario Ezequiel Sayal Lozano (18-3-1, 9 КОс) in the second round of scheduled 10 round fight last night in Springfield, Massachusetts live from MGM Springfield.

Нова, who is currently ranked #10 in the WBA’s super featherweight world rankings, put on a near perfect performance in front of a packed crowd of ‘Supersupporters. After a tentative first round from both fighters, Nova found his range midway through the second and exploded on Lozano. Firing off a series of fast and powerful combinations to both the body and head, Nova dropped the only twice beaten, Lozano forcing the referee to call a halt to the contest at 2:26 into the second round.

I’m ready for anybody. Топ 10. Топ 2. The Champ. Anybody can get it. I’m the best kept secret in boxing. It’s time to make my national television debut and let the world know who Abraham ‘SuperNova is.”, said the outgoing and confident young prospect who sports a bleach blonde beard and has one of the most creative ring walks in all of boxing.

Nova’s promoter, Murphys Boxing founder, Ken Casey was thrilled with Nova’s performance and is anxious to get the 25 year old in a title eliminator with another Top 10 ранкед борац.

He’s got the whole package. The look. Улаз. The talent. The performance. The fan base. He’s accurate and sharp but he also punches with bad intentions. You can just tell he’s on a different level. He’s a world class fighter.

As for Nova’s immediate future, Casey confirmed he will be making his national TV debut in his next fight.

We’re finalizing a nationally televised fight for Abraham this summer against another Top 10 fighter that we will be announcing soon. Then I’d like to see him fight for the mandatory by the end of the year. We think he can win the big one, so it’s time to get him the opportunity. We’re incredibly excited about Nova’s future. He’s ready to be a star.

The co-main event saw Murphys Boxing’s own William Foster III (10-0, 7 КОс) absolutely dominate and drop Argentina’s Ramon Esperanza (22-16-1, 11 КОс) multiple times before the referee called a stop to the fight at 2:39 into the fourth round of a scheduled 8 округли боут. Фостер, the current Jr. NABF Super Featherweight Champion and younger brother of NABA Light Heavyweight Champion, Charles Foster, looked sensational, using a relentless body attack to overwhelm his more experienced opponent from the opening bell. The buzz on Foster continues to build in New England and he brought a vocal crowd from his hometown of nearby Hartford, Конектикат.

Recent Murphys Boxing signee, Venezuelan Olympian, Luis Arcon Diaz (7-0, 7 КОс) continued his knockout streak stopping Argentina’s Jose Aubel (8-4, 7 КОс) у 2:36 into the fourth round of a scheduled 6 round junior welterweight bout.

Local Springfield fighter, Derek Whitley Jr. (5-1-1) won a unanimous decision over Philadelphia’s Bryan Goldsby (5-11) у 4 round welterweight fight. Goldsby had several moments throughout the fight but the MMA veteran didn’t stay busy enough against the counter-punching southpaw who won with decisions of 39-27 и 40-36 двапут.

2x Olympian from Ecuador, Карлос Гонгора (16-0, 12 КОс) won a hard-fought unanimous decision over a game and rugged veteran, Damien Ezequiel Bonelli (23-6, 20 КОс) у 10 round middleweight fight with scores of 99-91 и 98-92 двапут. Gongora, who is signed with Murphys Boxing, is the current WBC South American Middleweight Champion.

Springfield’s own Anthony Velazquez (6-0, 6 КОс) continued his impressive KO streak against an outgunned Bruno Diaz (0-6) dropping him twice in less than a minute into the first round of a 4 round welterweight bout before the referee waved off the contest at 1:32 for a 1st round TKO.

Тешко ударајући Ray Jay Bermudez (7-0, 5 КОс) who hails from nearby Albany, New York unleashed a barrage of hard hooks dropping a helpless Patrick Leal (0-6) three times for a first round TKO at 1:35 seconds into a scheduled 4 round welterweight bout.

Boston based amateur standout, Џејмс Перелла (3-0, 3 КОс) made easy work of Paulo DeSouza (0-14) dropping him twice in the first round before the referee called a stoppage 16 seconds into the second round of a scheduled 4 round welterweight fight after DeSouza was badly hurt by a straight right. It was Perella’s third fight in his first two months as a professional.

The event also saw the presentation of Murphys Boxing’s Warrior’s Code Award which has been established to honor legendary New England based fighters.

The latest award was presented to light heavyweight title challenger and now successful commentator and trainer, Џон Скали. Scully who is based out of nearby Hartford, Connecticut fought several times in Springfield throughout his career.

The ‘Icemanwas presented with a plaque in the ring by Murphys Boxing’s Ken Casey иSean Sullivan and he received a standing ovation from the appreciative crowd after sharing a few poignant words about his career.


Murphys Boxing was founded by Dropkick Murphysfrontman, Ken Casey in 2014. In just 5 short years, Murphys Boxing has become the premier boxing promoter in the New England area and one of the hottest young promotions in the country. 2018 was a breakout year for Murphys Boxing as they took their first fighter to a world title. Along with the promotion’s first champion, several Murphys Boxing fighters secured world title opportunities and nationally televised fights in 2018. Murphys Boxing closed out their banner year by co-promoting the WBO Middleweight Championship bout between Demetrius Andrade and Walter Kautondokwa in front of over 10,000 fans at the TD Garden, the legendary home of the Boston Celtics, which was broadcast internationally on DAZN. Murphys Boxing’s current roster features world ranked contenders like Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Greg Vendetti, Gary ‘Spike’ О'Сулливан, Abraham Nova and prospects like Niall Kennedy, Карлос Гонгора, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr. и више!

За више информација посетите: www.murphysboxing.com

To speak with any of the fighters on our rosterdrop us a line at info@murphysboxing.comand we will hook it up.

Follow Murphys Boxing on Social Media!


Las Vegas and Boston (Мај 6, 2019):

УФЦ Фигхт ПАСС®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports, today announced a new multi-year partnership with popular Boston based promotion,мурпхис Бокс. The promotion will make it’s FIGHT PASS дебитовати ово Петак, May 10th, од спрингфиелд, Масачусетс у MGM Springfield у 9:30 п.м. Е.Т. / 6:30 п.м. P.T. and will feature a 10 round main event, headlined by undefeated NABA Super Featherweight Champion, Абрахам Нова вс. Mario Ezequiel Sayal Lozano.

“Murphys Boxing is one of the top promotions in New England, and I am excited to have them on FIGHT PASS,” UFC President, Дана Вхите рекао. “In just five years, Ken Casey has done incredible things with this promotion. I am looking forward to showcasing these exciting fighters to our subscribers.”

“We’re incredibly excited to join forces with FIGHT PASS,", Рекао је Ken Casey, founder of Murphys Boxing. “UFC is providing a platform for us to highlight New England’s thriving boxing scene to combat sports fans. We will introduce the world to our incredible roster that includes future champions, such as Nova.”

Recently entering the WBA’s Top 10 Rankings, непоражен Абрахам Нова (14-0, 10 КОс) will make his highly anticipated 2019 debut under the Murphys Boxing banner. Nova’s opponent, Argentinian prospect Mario Ezequiel Sayal Lozano (18-2-1, 9 КОс), will be the 12th fighter in the past two years to try and take the “O” from the current NABA Super Featherweight Champion.

Entering the ring for the second time this year, Јр. NABF Super Featherweight Champion,William Foster III (9-0, 6 КОс) ће се суочити офа против Ramon Esperanza (22-15-1, 11 КОс) in an 8 округли боут. Foster’s rare ability to combine both power and speed has led him to become one of New England’s most talked about prospects.

In an 8 round middleweight bout, power punching prospect Карлос Гонгора (15-0, 12 КОс) will take on Argentina’s Damien Ezequiel Bonelli (23-6, 20 КОс). Gongora, a former Olympian from Ecuador, освојио WBC South American Middleweight Title in February after defeating Jesus Aviles.

Luis Arcon Diaz (6-0, 6 КОс), an undefeated Olympian from Venezuela, and a recent Murphys Boxing signing, will return to action in a 6 round welterweight bout against Argentina’s Jose Aubel (8-3, 7 КОс).

Representing the Boston area, Џејмс Перелла (2-0, 2 КОс) will look for his third consecutive knockout in a 4 round welterweight bout against an opponent to be named.

Ray Jay Bermudez (6-0, 4 КОс) who hails from nearby Albany, New York will make a quick return to the ring after a KO victory last month when he takes on an opponent to be named in a 6 round welterweight contest.

Rounding out the card will be two of Springfield’s ownpower punching welterweightAnthony Velazquez (5-0, 5 КОс), who will take on an opponent to be named, и велтер DJ Whitley (4-1-1), who will take on the always dangerous Bryan Goldsby(5-10) in separate 4 round contests.

The first four undercard fights will stream live at 8:00 п.м. Е.Т. / 5:00 п.м. P.T. о www.facebook.com/dropkickmurphys before the main card starts live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS at 9:30 п.м. Е.Т. / 6:30 п.м. P.T. To start your 7-day free trial, посетите: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass

Улазнице су у продаји сада на: www.murphysboxing.com и


Murphys Boxing was founded by Dropkick Murphysfrontman, Ken Casey in 2014. In just 5 short years, Murphys Boxing has become the premier boxing promoter in the New England area and one of the hottest young promotions in the country. 2018 was a breakout year for Murphys Boxing as they took their first fighter to a world title. Along with the promotion’s first champion, several Murphys Boxing fighters secured world title opportunities and nationally televised fights in 2018. Murphys Boxing closed out their banner year by co-promoting the WBO Middleweight Championship bout between Demetrius Andrade and Walter Kautondokwa in front of over 10,000 fans at the TD Garden, the legendary home of the Boston Celtics, which was broadcast internationally on DAZN. Murphys Boxing’s current roster features world ranked contenders like Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Абрахам Нова, Gary ‘Spike’ О'Сулливан, Greg Vendetti and prospects like Niall Kennedy, Карлос Гонгора, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr., Luis Arcon Diaz and more.

За више информација посетите: www.murphysboxing.com


UFC FIGHT PASS® is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. Од лансирања у 2013, FIGHT PASS is now available in more than 200 земље и територије. FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; уживо мешовите борилачке вештине и борбене спортове из целог света; оригиналне серије и историјски програм; специфичности; садржај иза сцене; дубински интервјуи; и најновије извештаје о свету борилачких спортова. FIGHT PASS subscribers also have 24/7 приступ највећој библиотеци борби на свету, са више од 17,000 борбе десетина борилачких спортских организација, као и свака борба у историји УФЦ-а. Fight fans can access FIGHT PASS on personal computers, иОС и Андроид мобилни уређаји, Аппле ТВ, Ксбок Оне, Ксбок 360, Амазон Фире ТВ, Цхромецаст, Година, Самсунг паметни телевизори, ЛГ паметни телевизори, и Сони телевизоре са Андроид ТВ-ом.

За више информација посетите: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass





Бостон, Масачусетс (Мај 1, 2019):

мурпхис Бокс is proud to announce that the next recipient of the Warrior’s Code Award will be New England boxing legend, ‘Iceman’ Џон Скали.

The Hartford, Connecticut based Scully was one of the most popular fighters in the region during the 1990s and he went 38-11 in a professional career in the light heavyweight division that included challenging for the world title against Henry Maske in Germany.

After his professional career, ‘Icemanachieved fame calling rebroadcasts of fights for ESPN Classic as well as writing a popular column in the British magazine, Boxing News.

However Scully has achieved his most success as a trainer being instrumental in helping take fighters like Хосе Антонио Ривера и Чад Досон to world titles.

Scully is now a co-trainer of the Russian, now Canadian based, undefeated light heavyweight world champion, Артур Бетербиев, who defends his title this Saturday in California live on ЕСПН.

In addition to his work as a trainer he has been an passionate advocate and champion for the rights and well being of retired fighters.

I’m extremely honored to receive this recognition and I really appreciate Murphys Boxing for thinking of me.”, says the 51 year old Connecticut resident.

It’s particularly special because it will come in the city of Springfield where I spent the majority of my amateur boxing career training at the old Central City Gym at the X under Coach John Tynan. I’m looking forward to a great night.

Murphys Boxing founder, Ken Casey explains the promotion’s decision to name Scully as the latest recipient of the award named after one of the Dropkick Murphy’s signature songs, “The Warrior’s Code” which is a tribute to another New England boxing hero, Мицки Вард.

“John Scully is the epitome of the Warrior’s Code Award.”, says Casey.

John’s career in boxing, from being a world class fighter to his work as an analyst to his success as a trainer, is inspirational. It shows young fighters there is opportunity for them in the sport after their in ring career is over. By giving back as a trainer and a mentor, he also represents the bridge from New England’s past boxing history to the present. Murphys Boxing is honored to acknowledge and celebrate John Scully’s many achievements in the sport.

Scully will be third recipient of the award established this year by Murphys Boxing to celebrate those fighters who contributed to the rich and diverse history of boxing in New England. Scully joins 2019 International Hall of Fame Inductee, Тони ДеМарко and decorated Massachusetts’ аматер, Mike D’Ampolo who received the first awards at Murphys Boxing’s last event in Melrose, Massachusetts this past March.

The presentation of Murphys Boxing’s Warrior’s Code Award will take place during Murphys Boxing’s УФЦ Фигхт Пасс debut event next Friday, May 10th which features NABA Super Featherweight Champion, Абрахам Нова (14-0, 10 КОс) вс. Mario Ezequiel Sayal Lozano (18-2-1, 9 КОс) ин 10 round main event as well as a packed undercard of undefeated fighters from the Murphys Boxing stable including WBC South American Middleweight Champion, Карлос Гонгора (15-0, 12 КОс), NABF Jr. Super Featherweight Champion, William Foster III (9-0, 6 КОс), Venezuelan Olympian, Luis Arcon Diaz (6-0, 6 КОс), Boston based amateur standout, Џејмс Перелла (2-0, 2 КОс) и више.

Nova vs. Lozano and The Warrior’s Code Award Presentation takes place next Friday, May 10th at MGM Springfield in Springfield, Масачусетс (1 MGM Way). Doors open at 7pm. Улазнице су у продаји сада на: www.murphysboxing.com. The event will be streamed live on UFC Fight Pass at www.ufc.tv


Murphys Boxing was founded by Dropkick Murphysfrontman, Ken Casey in 2014. In just 5 short years, Murphys Boxing has become the premier boxing promoter in the New England area and one of the hottest young promotions in the country. 2018 was a breakout year for Murphys Boxing as they took their first fighter to a world title. Along with the promotion’s first champion, several Murphys Boxing fighters secured world title opportunities and nationally televised fights in 2018. Murphys Boxing closed out their banner year by co-promoting the WBO Middleweight Championship bout between Demetrius Andrade and Walter Kautondokwa in front of over 10,000 fans at the TD Garden, the legendary home of the Boston Celtics, which was broadcast internationally on DAZN. Murphys Boxing’s current roster features world ranked contenders like Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Абрахам Нова, Greg Vendetti, Gary ‘SpikeO’Sullivan and prospects like Niall Kennedy, Карлос Гонгора, Luis Arcon Diaz, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr. и више!

За више информација посетите: www.murphysboxing.com

For credential requests for May 10 or to speak with any of the fighters on our roster for coverage – емаил info@murphysboxing.com and we will hook it up!

Follow Murphys Boxing on Social Media!






Бостон, Масачусетс (Април 17, 2019):

Murphys Boxing is proud to announce that the debut event in their new partnership with УФЦ Фигхт Пасс will take place on Петак, Мај 10, 2019 у Спрингфиелд, Massachusetts at MGM Springfield.

У главном догађају, непоражен NABA Super Featherweight Champion, Абрахам Нова(14-0, 10 КОс) will return in a 10 round super featherweight bout against an opponent to be announced.

Нова, who hails from nearby Albany, Њујорк, recently entered the WBA’s Top 10 Rankings and will be making his highly anticipated 2019 debut under the Murphys Boxing banner. After an amateur career that saw ‘Supergo 167-11 and win multiple national titles, Nova has been on the fast track as a professional having fought an unheard of 11 times in the past two years.

I truly feel I am ready to take on anyone in the Top 10.”, explains the confident young fighter who just celebrated his 25th birthday in January.

I hope to be in position for a mandatory shot at the WBA world title by the end of the year. I am staying focused, having a great training camp and I intend to make a statement to the rest of the division on May 10th.

In dual co-features, two undefeated boxers from the Murphys Boxing stable will see action on the card that will stream live exclusively on UFC Fight Pass, the world’s largest subscription service for combat sports.

NABF Jr. Featherweight Champion, William Foster III (9-0, 6 КОс), who fought 5 пута у 2018, will enter the ring for the second time this year against an opponent to be named in a 6 round junior featherweight bout. На само 25 година стар, the New Haven, Connecticut resident, whose older brother is Murphys Boxing’s own undefeated NABA Light Heavyweight Champion, Charles Foster, is fast becoming one of New England’s most talked about prospects displaying the rare combination of power and speed only seen in elite level fighters.

Power punching prospect, Карлос Гонгора (15-0, 12 КОс) will take on Argentina’s Damien Ezequiel Bonelli (23-6, 20 КОс) in an 8 round middleweight bout. The 2x Olympian from Ecuador won the WBC South American Middleweight Title this past February in his native country against then undefeated Jesus Aviles with a highlight reel KO.

Gongora, who is on the cusp of a world ranking, is in talks for his national television debut this summer and is hoping a big win against a fellow power puncher like Bonelli will seal the deal.

In keeping with the event’s international spirit, Murphys Boxing latest signing, Luis Arcon Diaz (6-0, 6 КОс), an undefeated Олимпијски from Venezuela will return to action against Argentina’s Jose Aubel (8-3, 7 КОс) у 6 round welterweight bout. Diaz who made his east coast debut last month against Zach Ramsey, looked sensational, dropping the usually durable veteran multiple times before scoring a second round stoppage to continue his KO streak.

Representing the Boston area, Џејмс Перелла (2-0, 2 КОс), who turned professional last month on Murphys Boxing’s Ст. Патрицк'с Даи Цласх and followed up his knockout debut just two weeks later on Murphy’s Mayhem at Melrose картица, will look to make it 3 straight KOs when he takes on an opponent to be named in a 4 round welterweight bout.

Rounding out the card will be two of Springfield’s own, лак, Calixto Cruz (1-0) и велтер DJ Whitley (4-1-1) who will both appear in separate 4 round contests against opponents to be named.

We’re incredibly excited to make our debut on UFC Fight Pass. Dana (White) is a good friend and we’re thankful that he’s taken notice of the incredible roster of fighters that Murphys Boxing currently has.”, says Murphys Boxing founder, Ken Casey.

We’re excited to have a platform for combat sports fans around the world to experience the thriving boxing scene we have created here in New England and to introduce them to several fighters, like Abraham Nova, who we feel will be world champions. To promote the first ever boxing event to be held at an incredible venue like MGM Springfield and to have it air live as our debut on UFC Fight Pass is going to make for a historic night for Murphys Boxing.

Murphys Boxing’s UFC Fight Pass Debut takes place on Friday, May 10th at MGM Springfield in Springfield, Масачусетс (1 MGM Way, спрингфиелд, Мр. 01103). Doors open at 7pm. Улазнице су у продаји сада на: www.murphysboxing.com and www.mgmspringfield/
забава. The entire event will stream live on UFC Fight Pass at www.ufc.tv.


Murphys Boxing was founded by Dropkick Murphysfrontman, Ken Casey in 2014. In just 5 short years, Murphys Boxing has become the premier boxing promoter in the New England area and one of the hottest young promotions in the country. 2018 was a breakout year for Murphys Boxing as they took their first fighter to a world title. Along with the promotion’s first champion, several Murphys Boxing fighters secured world title opportunities and nationally televised fights in 2018. Murphys Boxing closed out their banner year by co-promoting the WBO Middleweight Championship bout between Demetrius Andrade and Walter Kautondokwa in front of over 10,000 fans at the TD Garden, the legendary home of the Boston Celtics, which was broadcast internationally on DAZN. Murphys Boxing’s current roster features world ranked contenders like Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Абрахам Нова, Gary ‘Spike’ О'Сулливан, Greg Vendetti and prospects like Niall Kennedy, Карлос Гонгора, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr., Luis Arcon Diaz and more.

За више информација посетите: www.murphysboxing.com


UFC Fight Pass is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. Од лансирања у 2013, Fight Pass is now available in more than 200 земље и територије. Fight Pass provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC Fight Pass Prelims; уживо мешовите борилачке вештине и борбене спортове из целог света; оригиналне серије и историјски програм; специфичности; садржај иза сцене; дубински интервјуи; и најновије извештаје о свету борилачких спортова. Fight Pass subscribers also have 24/7 приступ највећој библиотеци борби на свету, са више од 17,000 борбе десетина борилачких спортских организација, као и свака борба у историји УФЦ-а. Fight fans can access Fight Pass on personal computers, иОС и Андроид мобилни уређаји, Аппле ТВ, Ксбок Оне, Ксбок 360, Амазон Фире ТВ, Цхромецаст, Година, Самсунг паметни телевизори, ЛГ паметни телевизори, and Sony TVs.

За више информација посетите: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass


MGM Springfield covers three city blocks in the heart of downtown Springfield, Маса. Igniting a cultural and economic renaissance in a historic New England city, the resort, which combines new construction with revived historic buildings, offers more than 125,000 square feet of gaming space, a 250-room boutique hotel on Main Street, superior spa services, diverse retail and inspired dining headlined by award-winning Chef Michael Mina’s Cal Mare. MGM Springfield also features the seven-screen Regal luxury cinema complex, bowling lanes, a seasonal skating rink and outdoor marketplace displaying local art, events and talent. MGM Springfield opened on August 24, 2018.

За више информација посетите: www.mgmspringfield.com


Super Middleweights Ellis And Ware Face Off In Main Event Of ShoBox Doubleheader Live at 10 п.м. ET/PT From Main Street Armory In Rochester

ROCHESTER– January 31, 2019 – Undefeated super middleweight prospect Ronald Ellis and once-beaten DeAndre Ware both made weight on Thursday for their 10-round super middleweight clash in the main event of aСхоБок: Нова генерација doubleheader tomorrow/Friday live on SHOWTIME (10 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ) from Main Street Armory in Rochester.
Елис (15-0-2, 10 КОс), who recently sparred with Canelo Alvarez and Sergey Kovalev, враћа уСхоБок for the fourth time seeking a statement win. The Lynn, Маса., native faces Ware (12-1-2, 8 КОс), a come-forward fighter out of Toledo, Ohio who trained with Tony Harrison in preparation for his upset win over Jermell Charlo.
Манифестација промовише ГХ3 Промоције у сарадњи са Грег Цохен Промоције. Tickets can be purchased by calling 585-232-3221.
У уводном мечу на телевизијској емисији, undefeated lightweights Thomas Mattice and Will Madera will face off in an eight-round 135-pound matchup. Like Ellis, Маттице (13-0-1, 10 КОс), од Кливленда, returns for his fourth bout on the prospect developmental series. Madera (12-0-2, 6 КОс), a three-time New York Golden Gloves Champion out of Albany, НИ, will make his television debut.
The scheduled televised opener between Abraham Nova and Oluwaseun Joshua Wahab was cancelled after Wahab was forced to withdraw from the bout due to immigration issues entering the U.S. from Ghana.
Super Middleweight 10-Round Bout
Ronald Ellis – 167 ½ Pounds
DeAndre Ware – 166 ¾ Pounds
Lightweight 8-Round Bout
Thomas Mattice – 134 ¼ Pounds
Will Madera – 134 ½ Pounds
“It’s my fourth time onСхоБок, this time I have to get it right, this time I have to go out with a bang.
“I’m going to show a lot, I’m going to show boxing, banging, whatever they want to see we’re going to bring.
I trained at Buddy McGirt’s new boxing gym in Northridge, Калиф. I sparred Canelo Alvarez for his last fight and was in camp with Sergey Kovalev for his fight this weekend.
“I learned a lot from Canelo and Kovalev. I feel like sparring with them gave me an edge, so I’m going to look like a whole different fighter in there. Canelo is more compact and he comes a little bit faster. Kovalev, he’s big and he’s a banger.
DeAndre Ware is tough. He’s just a real tough guy who comes to fight. He got a lot of heart and he’s just going to do what he got to do. He’s not going to stick and move. He’s going to be there all night unless I get him out. I think his game plan is just going to be to come in and do what he does.
I think it’s a perfect fight for SHOWTIME. This one is going to be entertaining.”
"Осећам велико, feeling strong. We had a full camp this time around so I’m looking for good things. My training camp was about six to eight weeks at the Glass City Gym in Toledo. Prior to that, I was in Tony Harrison’s camp helping him to get ready to fight (Јермелл) Цхарло.
“Sparring was great, it was probably the best sparring and best camp I’ve had so far. I only had about 12 days to prepare for my last fight and I’m in much better shape this time. I think that’s going to play a big difference in this fight tomorrow night.
Ronald Ellis is just another guy in my way. I think Ellis is a tough fighter. From what I’ve seen, he’s a come-forward guy. He tries to box a little bit – there’s skill. I respect anybody that gets in that ring, but come fight time, all that stuff goes out the door. I’m coming to win.”
“It’s a great feeling to come back toСхоБок for the fourth time. Моја последња борба [a draw against Hamazaryan] was a great fight, a very exciting fight, but I thought I edged it five rounds to three. We’re going to do what we have to do to make sure this fight doesn’t turn out like that.”
“If I use my skills and my ability to use the ring it should help me tomorrow night. I don’t really know much about my opponent, I haven’t watched him since he was a last-second opponent and I got him like two weeks ago.
“Training camp was great. We were training for a southpaw and then they switched it when my opponent switched but I’m confident and I feel ready.
“I’m better than what I’ve shown in the past. My plan is to show that tomorrow night.”
"Odlično se osećam, I’m confident and I’m looking to put on a show. I had a great camp, I trained hard and I have no worries.
“For tomorrow, the key is pressure, intelligent pressure. I don’t want to come in overwhelming myself but still keep the pressure on him.
“Our styles should make for an exciting fight. If I bring the pressure it’s going to be a fun fight
[The Hamazaryan fight] was controversial. The first fight was a really close fight and I think if I apply the same pressure and fight smarter, I’ll get the victory.
“I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this. Now I just need to finish the job.”
#          #          #
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w on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @СХОСпортс, #СхоБок, или бецоме а фан на Фацебоок уввв.Фацебоок.цом/СХОСпортс.
ОкоСхоБок: Нова генерација
Од свог оснивања у јулу 2001, похвале критике СХОВТИМЕ бокс серије, СхоБок: Нова генерација начињен је млади таленат упарен тврд. TheСхоБок филозофија је да емитовати преко телевизије узбудљиво, Публика-угодан и такмичарских мечева док пружају само полигон за вољних изгледима одлучни да се боре за светску титулу. Неки од растућој листи 79 борци који су се појавили наСхоБок и напредна како би придобио светске титуле укључује: Ерол Спенс Јр, Андре Вард, Деонтаи Вилдер, Ерисланди Лара, Шон Портер, Гари Расел Јр, Ламонт Петерсон, Гуиллермо Ригондеаук, Нонито Донаире, Девон Александар, Царл Фроцх, Роберт Гуерреро, Тимоти Бредли, Џеси Варгас, Хуан Мануел Лопез, Чад Досон, Поли Малигнагги, Рицки Хаттон, Кели Павлик, Paul Williams and more.


Ellis Takes On DeAndre Ware In Main Event Of Tripleheader Beginning Live At 10 п.м. ET/PT From Main Street Armory In Rochester, НИ.

ЊУЈОРК – Јануар 29, 2019 – Undefeated super middleweight prospect and Massachusetts native Ronald Ellis (15-0-2, 10 КОс) will look to set the tone for a successful sports weekend for New England when he takes on DeAndre Ware (12-1-2, 8 КОс) in the 10-round main event of ShoBox: The New Generation this Friday live on SHOWTIME (10 Пм ЕТ / ПТ).

Борба, which will take place at The Main Street Armory in Rochester, Њујорк, will serve as another opportunity for Ellis, a native of Lynn, Масачусетс.

Елис, who is a huge fan of his beloved New England Patriots, is eager to earn a big win and then return to his new residence in Los Angeles to see Tom Brady bring home a record sixth Super Bowl title.

My camp went beautiful. I have had a couple camps in a row, so I was able to work on a lot of things. I learned a lot in this camp,” said Ellis.

The 29-year-old Ellis knows that he has a tough customer in front of him in once-beaten Ware.

Ware is a solid fighter. He is real tough, and he comes forward. He is not a tall guy, but he makes up with it with his toughness. He is a former football player, and he likes to come forward, so I know he will be there.

This will be the fourth appearance on ShoBox for Ellis, and he feels that a strong performance will lead him to major fights in the next year.

“Ove godine, I have to execute. Now it’s time to perform. I just need to keep fighting, and if that happens I feel that I will be in line for a title shot in the next year. There is a lot of talent in the division, and now it’s time to knuckle up and all fight each other. I feel that I can compete with the elite of the division.

When talking about the Patriots, Ellis lights up. He has been a fan of the team since he was a youth growing up in the Boston suburbs.

It’s is going to be a great game. Иронично, I moved to Los Angeles to train a couple of years ago, and for the last week all I’ve been hearing about is the Rams. It has been fun going at with the guys in the gym about the game, but I will always represent the Patriots. I am going to get the state of Massachusetts off to a good start on Friday, and the Patriots will have their arms raised on Sunday.

Ellis and Ware headline a tripleheader that will also feature undefeated lightweights Thomas Mattice (13-0-1, 10 КОс) of Cleveland taking on Will Madera (12-0-2, 6 КОс) оф Албани, New York in an eight-round bout. The broadcast kicks off with a eight-round super featherweight contest between undefeated fighters Abraham Nova (14-0, 10 КОс) оф Албани, New York and Oluwaseun Joshua Wahab (18-0, 11 КОс) од Аццра, Гана.

Улазнице за догађају уживо, which is promoted by GH3 Promotions in association with Greg Cohen Promotions, се по цени од $100 for VIP Ringside, $50 for Preferred Seating, $30 за генерала прихватање и $2,000 for VIP Tables. Tickets can be purchased by calling 585-232-3221.


Highly Regarded Prospects Logan Yoon and Abraham Nova To Make ShoBox Debuts In Separate Bouts Of Three-Fight Telecast

Ливе Ат 10 п.м. ET/PT From Main Street Armory In Rochester, НИ.

ЊУЈОРК - Јануар 8, 2019 – Undefeated super middleweight prospect Ronald Ellis returns to СхоБок: Нова генерација seeking a statement win against DeAndre Ware in the 10-round main event of a three-fight telecast on Friday, Фебруар 1 live on SHOWTIME from Main Street Armory in Rochester, НИ.

The first of two February editions of the prospect developmental series will feature six fighters with a combined 89 wins against just three losses. The series returns just two weeks later on February 15 with a focus on the heavyweight division.

In the February 1 co-featured fight, 20-year-old Hawaiian Logan Yoon (14-0, 11 КОс) will make his national television debut against Richard Zamora (18-2, 11 КОс) in an eight-round super lightweight bout.

У уводном мечу на телевизијској емисији, former No. 1-рангирао САД. amateur Abraham Nova (12-0, 10 КОс) will face fellow-unbeaten Oluwaseun Joshua Wahab (18-0, 11 КОс), Гане, in an eight-round super featherweight bout.

The 29-year-old Ellis, originally from Lynn, Маса., returns for his fourthСхоБок appearance as he seeks a statement win following a controversial draw in his last outing on the series. The former National Golden Gloves Gold Medalist out-boxed Junior Younan last February in a fight many observers thought he deserved to win. Still undefeated, Ellis returns as he looks to prove he has what it takes to turn from prospect to contender.

“I need to make a statement,”Рекао је Еллис, who upset highly regarded Terrell Gausha to win the 2010 Национални Голден Рукавице. “The last time I was onСхоБокI got a draw. This is the perfect opportunity for me to show I have what it takes. Ware won’t run – he comes at you, he roughs you up, and he’ll be right there for me to hit. I know what I am up against. I have been working hard, training in different camps and approaching this as the biggest fight of my life. I appreciate SHOWTIME for giving me another opportunity to prove I’m ready for the big show.”

The fan-friendly Ware suffered the first loss of his career last September in a close and entertaining brawl with Cem Kilic onСхоБок. The 2013 National Golden Gloves Bronze Medalist will look to return to the win column as he faces his third consecutive unbeaten opponent. The 30-year-old’s career-best victory came last year over 2012 Olympian and previously undefeated prospect Enrique Collazo. A former collegiate football player at the University of Toledo, Ware also works fulltime as a firefighter in his hometown of Toledo.

“My last time out onСхоБок was great, but unfortunately I didn’t come out victorious,” Ware said. “This time I’m looking to come out with my arm raised at the end of the fight. Ronald Ellis is a tough fighter, and I commend and respect anyone who steps in that square circle. I know a win against a tough, undefeated guy is what I need to get me on track to winning a world title. I see big things happening for me after a win like this. The sky is the limit after this win.”

The 20-year-old Yoon, who was born and raised in Honolulu, отишао 100-11 as an amateur before turning professional in 2016. Gifted with one-punch power, Yoon started his career with 10 straight knockouts before earning a unanimous decision over former world champion Juan Carlos Salgado in just his 11тх professional fight. Yoon fought five times in 2018, and his level of opposition has steadily increased as he has gained experience.

This is a great opportunity to show the world what I already know – that I’m one of the best young fighters in the game,” Yoon said. “A win at this point of my career will open up new doors and will get me one step closer to where I want to be. We’re studying our opponent and putting a plan together for February 1. It will be my job to execute it.”

Zamora hails from Matehuala, San Luis Potosí, Мексико, where he compiled an amateur record of 60 wins against just four losses. The 25-year-old won the silver medal at the Mexican National Amateur Championships before turning professional in 2012. Zamora has fought his entire career in Mexico and will make his U.S. debut on February 1. He has won five straight since a 2017 loss to Antonio Moran, who recently dropped a close decision to Jose Pedraza.

“This will be my first fight in America and I’m thrilled that it will be onСхоБок,” Zamora said. “I will win this for my parents that sacrificed a lot for me and for my wife and son – I can’t let them down. I am coming to win and to show everybody that Mexico will always produce proud champions.

Born in Puerto Rico, the 24-year-old Nova fought as an amateur in the U.S. where he compiled a stellar record of 167-11. Нова, who fights out of Albany, НИ, was the No. 1 ranked 141-pound fighter in the United States and won gold at the 2014 У.С. National Boxing Championships. He turned professional in 2016 shortly after losing a close decision in the Olympic Trials to Gary Antuanne Russell. The hard-hitting super featherweight picked up five wins in 2018 and will face just his second undefeated opponent on February 1.

“I’m looking forward to making myСхоБок debut and the fact that it’s in Upstate New York makes it even more special,” Nova said. “I’ll have many of my friends, family and fans in attendance, so I plan on making a statement. You don’t want to miss it.”

Wahab was born in Nigeria but fought as an amateur for Ghana, where he was a three-time national amateur champion. He has fought his entire professional career in Africa, where he has already been in five-scheduled 12 round fights. The 28-year-old Wahab is mentored by Ghanaian great Azumah Nelson, who is widely considered the greatest African boxer of all time.

“In all honesty, I’ve watched his fights, and I respect all fighters, but Nova hasn’t seen a fighter like me yet,” Wahab said. “I’ll be leaving New York undefeated.”

Улазнице за догађају уживо, which is promoted by GH3 Promotions in association with Greg Cohen Promotions, се по цени од $100 for VIP Ringside, $50 for Preferred Seating, $30 за генерала прихватање и $2,000 for VIP Tables. Tickets can be purchased by calling 585-232-3221.

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Грег Цохен Промоције, Murphy’s Boxing and 12 Round Promotions Sign Undefeated Super Featherweight Abraham ‘El Super’ Nova to Multi-Year Co-Promotional Contract

Грег Цохен Промоције (ИСП), Murphy’s Boxing and 12 Round Promotions are proud to announce the signing of undefeated super featherweight Abraham “El Super” Nova to a multi-year co-promotional contract.

Нова (12-0, 10 КОс), born in Puerto Rico and now residing in Albany, Њујорк, has looked like a future champion while trotting the globe and winning all his fights. The 24-year-old was last seen in May, scoring a KO 7 over Italy’s Hassan Nourdine at the RTL Spiroudome in Charleroi, Белгија.

Before his 2016 деби, Nova had an incredible amateur career in which he went 167-11 са 60 KOs and was once the #1 ranked 141-lb. boxer in the United States. The prestigious titles he won include national and international victories at the 2014 USA Nationals, the 2014 Independent World Cup in the Dominican, and Gold at the 2014 Cheo Aponte Tournament, анд 2015 Olympic Qualifiers. He is also a five-time New York Golden Gloves Champion.

“I’m very happy I got to associate myself with people of such good quality,” said a happy Abraham of the deal. “I’m looking forward to winning a world title in the very near future!"

“This is a fantastic young fighter and I want to thank my partners, Ken Casey from Murphy’s Boxing and Alain Vanackère from 12 Круг,” said Greg Cohen of GCP. “Abraham Nova is an extreme talent and will soon be a world champion. He’s also a pleasure to work with and I’m very happy to be involved.”

“Murphy’s Boxing have been lucky enough to work with Abraham Nova on several of his fights,” said Ken Casey of Murphy’s Boxing. “He is one of the classiest kids in boxing with an unmatched dedication. Ох, and it doesn’t hurt that he is an amazing fighter with incredible credentials and some of the scariest power I have ever seen. We are thrilled to be co promoting Abraham.”

“It is a pleasure and an honor for me to be able to accompany a future world champion in his career,” said Alain Vanackère from 12 Круг. “What an incredible opportunity to be able to live this unique experience with two esteemed promoters, GCP and Murphy’s Boxing. I think we will have a lot of success and pleasure working together.”

Cohen says he’s not sure which 130-lb champion will be targeted (ВБЦ: Miguel Berchelt, ВБА: Гервонта Дејвис, ИБФ: Tevin Farmer and WBO: Masayuki Ito), but the plan is to move swiftly.

“We will immediately begin plans to put Abraham in against rated fighters and get him up the ladder as quickly as possible,", Рекао је он. “This young man has shown every indication he is ready for the next level of boxing. It’s a very exciting time to be in the Abraham Nova business.”