Alexander Shlemenko merie Melvin Manhoef na ikpọ Ejiji na ọgọ TV na “Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko”


Ebe E Si Nweta: Esther Lin / MMAFIGHTING.COM

Pịa ebe a maka Foto

Pịa ebe a maka ukara SCORECARDS


FRESNO, Calif (-Ahụ. 13, 2015)- Kpụrụ Bellator Middleweight onye mmeri Alexander “The Oké Ifufe” Shlemenko (52-9) mere ngwa ngwa ọrụ nke ya onye iro na a na-achị nke abụọ-gburugburu knockout n'elu Dutch pụtara ìhè Ace Melvin Manhoef (29-13-1) n'ihu a nso-ike ìgwè mmadụ na Save Mart Center na n'abalị a si “Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” omume nke aired LIVE na FREE na ọgọ TV.


Na Bellator Ìhè Heavyweight onye mmeri, ma na--ọma spinning backfist utilizer Emanuel Newton na ìgwè mmadụ, Shlemenko biiri a na peeji nke si ya playbook na nwara ọtụtụ spinning aka na igba ọgụ ofụri akpa etiti.


Mgbe abụọ gbaa gburugburu malitere, Shlemenko rapaara na otu egwuregwu atụmatụ, na ejikọrọ ya spinning aka iwepụ na n'agba nke Manhoef, sending him tumbling to the canvas. The hungry Russian native left nothing to chance and landed another strike before “Big” John McCarthy kewapụrụ ya anya na-akpọsa ya-eto eto na 1:25 nke gburugburu 2.


“Ana m atụ anya Bellator nụrụ m ga-ekwe ka m dozie mmehie m mere n'oge gara aga na a ga-enye m ohere na-alụ ọgụ maka Bellator Middleweight World Asọmpi Onye Mmeri megide Brandon Halsey.”


Kpụrụ Featherweight onye mmeri Pat Curran‘s road back to the top of the talented division hit a road block against Featherweight Tournament winner Daniel Weichel nke Germany. The two fighters wasted no time teeing off with crisp punches and accurate kicks, keeping the fight standing for a majority of the first frame. Weichel swept the leg of the former champ, onye ngwa ngwa bounced azụ ụkwụ ya wee nri azụ n'ime mix. Both fighters finished the final seconds of round one with a flurry of punches that drew loud applause from the Fresno crowd.


Curran began the second round with a visible cut over his left eye. After spending most of the round on their feet, Curran bugara Weichel na gbatara a takedown, ebe ọ amanye uche ya na Weichel nke ikpeazụ nkeji, yiri na-emeri ya gburugburu.


Nke atọ gburugburu agba a n'ihu nke na-akpali akpali slugfest na Curran agbali akara ọzọ takedown na nke atọ, ma German fighter stuffed mgbalị, briefly tried to work on a choke and then disengaged to finish the fight on his feet. At the end of 15 nkeji, Weichel pụta mmeri site gbawara n'etiti mkpebi (29-28, 29-28, 28-29).


“Curran ka enweta nke ukwuu na Bellator na ọ bụ ezi ihe ùgwù ọgụ ya. Tonight m gosipụtara na m bụ nke ebe a. Agwara m ụwa na m na-abịa maka aha égbè na-ekwu ájị.”


Julia Budd (7-2) na Gabrielle Holloway (4-2) marked the first Bellator Women’s fight of the year. Rite Uru, Canada Muay Thai ọkachamara gosiri a mma-mechie nkà-ka ofụri agha karịrị ha ike Holloway, bụ onye na-agha na obere mara. Budd worked well from the clinch, utilized several knee strikes and connected with a straight right hand in the closing seconds of round one. Holloway showed great poise throughout, na-arụ ọrụ Budd na a takedown imeghe atọ gburugburu, Otú ọ dị Budd ike aga n'ime ihe armbar mgbalị, n'ikpeazụ na-arụ ọrụ ya ụzọ Holloways’ azụ na grinded si a kasị etebe gbatara 30-26, 30-25 na 30-24.


“M n'ezie wutere m ga-esi na-knockout,” Kwurula Budd. “M na-enwe olileanya na-esi na ụkwụ m na-edebe ya eguzo ma ọ bụ ịrụcha ya n'ala, ma ọ na-achịkwa m wrists na m nwere ike na-aka m free ịrụcha ya.


“Ọ turtled dum oge otú m na-apụghị ikiaka anọ na-egbu dị ka m chọrọ, ma ọ bụ maa ihe m goinvg na-arụ ọrụ na-esote agha.”


Na ehihie na abalị na-emeghe agha, ọ bụ a agha abụọ ukwuu ruzuru mgba na Chris Honeycutt, a abụọ oge D1 All-American na Clayton MacFarlane, a D2 National Champion. With the vocal hometown crown behind him, Honeycutt wee si n'ọnụ ụzọ ámá dị ike ma tinye n'ọrụ nkà n'ala akara na nkenke pụtara ìhè nile mbụ na nke abụọ agba. The highly regarded welterweight prospect Honeycutt exhibited great strength at points, tossing MacFarlane to the ground. MacFarlane opened the third frame with a takedown, ma Honeycutt nwetaghachiri akara, took his opponents back and rained down strikes to MacFarlane’s body. MacFarlane, ugbu a 4-1, enweghị ike iji chebe onwe ya si n'ahụ na-efega, na refirii Jason Herzog kwụsịrị agha na 4:16 nke atọ gburugburu.


“M wee Mmeri, ma ga-na-na na na-enwe mmasị na ha natara TKO ihe mbụ gburugburu,” Kwurula Honeycutt, onye mma ya ndekọ 6-0 na TKO mmeri.

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