Steve “USS” Cunningham chimes pa maganizo chisankho mu Glazkov nkhondo

Philadelphia (March 17, 2015)–Pothawa ake IBF kuwonongedwa bout zimenezi m'mbuyomu Loweruka pa Bell Centre ku Montreal, wakale ziwiri nthawi cruiserweight dziko ngwazi ndipo panopa heavyweight contender Steve “USS” Cunningham wants to state his case to what the boxing world saw, ndi kuti ndi munthu wolakwika anali dzanja lake anakweza.
The kuonera anthu aona kuti Cunningham kulamulira bout ndi kunja anafika Vyacheslav Glazkov eyiti wa khumi ndi zipolopolo jabs kukhala pafupifupi ngakhale ndi Cunningham ankafika mphamvu akatemera kuti nyimbo ya 123-84.
Yathunthu, Cunningham kunja anaponya Glazkov ndi 208 nkhonya ndi kunja anafika iye 180-144 pa khumi ndi awiri ozungulira nkhondo.
“Chiwerengero, ndi kuzindikira, kanema, palibe yankholo,” Anati Cunningham.
“Tayang'anani pa ziwerengero. Tayang'anani pa nkhope yake. The man spit out his mouthpiece three times because he really had no answer for what I was doing to him. I was hurting him to the body. His corner even pleaded with him that he needed a knockout in the final round to beat me. Somehow two judges gave him eight rounds and another gave him seven. Why bother fighting if this stuff is going to happen? I outworked him, kuchokera anafika iye ndi kumenya lililonse njira kotheka. He was considered the puncher coming into the fight but as the fight progressed it was me walking him down trying to make him fight.
“Pamene adzakhala mafani amatopa zonsezi zosankha? What can the fighters do about that? It has to be the fans that pay the money. Look at my rematch with Tomasz Adamek and now this fight. Pompano, I kukhala kuvomerezedwa Challenger kumenyera nkhondo Heavyweight Championship ya dziko koma chifukwa cha zoopsa oweruza, Ndili ndi kuganizira wanga wotsatira kusuntha.”

Zimene Mumakonda