Steve “USS” Cunningham in controversiae cohaeret consilio in proelio Glazkov

Philadelphia (March 17, 2015)–In CHORDUS de eius suppressione IBF bout praeterita Saturday Bell ad centrum in Montrealensi, current et priore duo-tempus mundi fortissimus cruiserweight heavyweight CONCERTATOR Steve “USS” Cunningham wants to state his case to what the boxing world saw, et elevata manu hominis est errare.
Et qui vidit publica viewing Cunningham coerceri IRCA et de Vyacheslav Glazkov in terram egressus cum octo ex duodecim rounds pungit ens virtualiter etiam magis virtutem et Cunningham cum venissemus ad cantus de shots 123-84.
In numerus, Projecit de Cunningham a Glazkov 208 de pugnis et exposuit eum 180-144 super duodecim per proelium.
“Iste quoque est numerus, perceptio, et video, ex eo est,,” dicta Cunningham.
“Aspice stats. Respice in faciem suam,. The man spit out his mouthpiece three times because he really had no answer for what I was doing to him. I was hurting him to the body. His corner even pleaded with him that he needed a knockout in the final round to beat me. Somehow two judges gave him eight rounds and another gave him seven. Why bother fighting if this stuff is going to happen? I outworked him, quo modo fieri posset de omni exposuit ei caedentes. He was considered the puncher coming into the fight but as the fight progressed it was me walking him down trying to make him fight.
“Quando haec male consuluerint fastidiunt fans? What can the fighters do about that? It has to be the fans that pay the money. Look at my rematch with Tomasz Adamek and now this fight. Nunc, Vellem clamatoribus pugnare pro commodo sed tantis Heavyweight patrocinium orbis iudices, Pensanda mihi proximus moventur.”

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