Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino and Greg Cohen Promotions Proudly Announce ‘Championship Boxing on CBS Sports Network

Tony “Tximista” Luis to fight for regional championship in June 26 main event of the Sully Huff Invitational at Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino


NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y..The thrill of championship professional boxing is returning to Niagara Falls, NY. Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino and Greg Cohen Promotions (produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions), in compliance with the Seneca Nation of Indians Athletic Commission, announced today that an installment of the popular “Txapelketan Boxing CBS Sports Network” series will be presented in the Seneca Niagara Event Center on Ostirala, June 26.

The night’s card is being dubbed the Sully Huff Invitational, in memory of StanleySullyHuff, a successful boxer from the Seneca Nation of Indians, zendu saioa 2014 urterekin 84. Huff was a Courier-Express Golden Gloves champion in 1950 and later founded the Iroquois Boxing Club. He also served in the United States Army during the Korean War, earning the rank of Sergeant, and later was elected to serve on the Seneca Nation of Indians Tribal Council.

In the night’s televised 10-round main event, Canada’s popular, world-rated and fast-rising lightweight star Tony “Tximista” Luis (19-3, 7 Kos) will fight for a regional championship against an opponent TBA. This past weekend, Luis dropped a controversial decision to Derry Mathews in Liverpool, Ingalaterra (38-9-2, 20Kos), where the two battled for the interim WBA Lightweight title.

Telebistako lankideei Ezaugarri In, brand-new NABA-US Super Welterweight Champion and WBA #12- eta IBF # 11-oraindik “Urakanaren” Dennis Hogan (21-0-1, 7 Kos), of Australia, Kildare bidez, Irlanda, will take on comebacking Kenny Abril (14-7-1, 7 Kos) Rochester, New York.

The televised opener will feature up-and-coming American heavyweight KO artist Jarrell “Big Baby” Miller (12-0-1, 10 Kos) of Brooklyn taking on an opponent that will be announced at a future date.

Sarrerak “Txapelketan Boxing CBS Sports Network” etan hasiko $35 and go on sale on Asteazkena, April 22 at Noon. Tickets are available at select Seneca Resorts & Casinos retail outlets,, all Ticketmaster locations or by phone at800-745-3000.

Speed, energy, Ekintza, Ilusioz, and entertainment are the hallmarks of any visit to Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino and exactly what our guests will enjoy with this world-class professional boxing card,” said Audrey Oswell, chief operating officer, Seneca Gaming Corporation. “We are happy to once again bring an incredible display of athletic competition to Western New York.

Before the highly debatable decision loss for the world championship in mid-April, the 27-year-old Tony Luis, Cornwall, Ontario, pulled off a dominant 10-round unanimous-decision upset victory over then IBF #15 puntuatutakoak Karl “Dynamite” Dargan in January. Gero Otsaila 20, zuen eta fiancĂ© Manon Latulippe beren lehen haurra jaio etorri dira, seme bat izeneko Miguel. Luis oraindik #11 WBA bidez munduko eta #14 IBF arabera.

30-urteko Dennis Hogan lau denbora nazional amateur txapeldun izan zen baino gehiago dituzten 150 bere jatorrizko Kerry borrokak, Irlanda. Gaur egun bizi eta Queensland trenak zuen, Australia. Hogan is the current NABA-US Super Welterweight Champion. Bere lau urteko pro ibilbidean, Hogan has also won the WBA Oceania Light Middleweight, Queensland State Super Middleweight, Queensland Estatuko Middleweight eta Australian Middleweight Championships.

Kenny Abril, a 30-year-old southpaw, started boxing at age seven and had 120 amateur bouts before turning professional in 2003. He has faced several undefeated and top contenders, scoring a late-2012 victory over heavily decorated veteran Dennis Laurente, which is still Laurente’s only loss in the last nine years.

Prior to boxing professionally, 26-year-old Jarrell Miller had a three-year, boladan (18-0) kickboxing and MMA career. As a boxer, he was a New York Golden Gloves finalist and has worked as chief sparring partner for both Wladimir and Vitali Klitschko.

I’m excited to be helping bring nationally televised championship boxing to a world-class venue such as the Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino,” esan sustatzaile Greg Cohen. “Tony Luis has a huge fan following in his nearby native Canada. His supporters will be out in force to watch. Kenny Abril is from nearby Rochester, New York and he’ll have a giant following in attendance as well. On the undercard will be several local favorites in exciting match-ups. I’m proud to be part of this great event and the resurgence of televised professional boxing.

Several other exciting match-ups will be announced soon.

The event is being conducted under the rules and regulations of the Seneca Nation of Indians Athletic Commission, whose members are Scott Snyder, Sean Crane, and Justin Schapp.

We look forward to welcoming the boxers and their teams to Seneca territory,” Commissioner Snyder said. “As a Commission, our primary focus is to ensure the safety and well-being of the fighters who will be competing at Seneca Niagara. We will be working with the fighters, promoters and everyone involved to ensure that we have a safe and enjoyable evening of sports entertainment.


About Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino

Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino is located just minutes from the world-famous Niagara Falls in Western New York, near the Canadian border. The property is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. Guests can enjoy 147,000 square feet of gaming space with more than 3,600 slot machines and 90 table games, 10 Jatetxeak, live entertainment and a AAA Four Diamond Award-winning, 26-story hotel with 604 deluxe rooms and suites, a spa and salon, fitness center, indoor pool and STIRthe new high-energy feature bar with a 43-foot high-definition video wall.


More information is available by calling 1-877-8-SENECA (1-877-873-6322) or visiting
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About Greg Cohen Promociones

Boxeoa sustapen jantziak ataria bat, Greg Cohen Promociones (GCP) ondo-errespetatu izen bat, mundu-mailako lanbide boxeo gertakari elite borrokalari profesionala ugariko eta sustatzeko, mundu osoan da.


Sortzailea eta kontseilari Greg Cohen izan da hainbat gaitasunak boxeo profesionala tartean 1980ko hamarkadaren amaieran geroztik, Bere artisau honing eta berak shrewd nazioarteko boxeo enpresaburu gisa ezarriz.


Gelditzea eta talentua gordinak garatzeko bere gaitasuna bereizten, Cohen egin titularrak bere adituen orientazio, beste askoren artean, ohia WBA Junior Middleweight txapelduna Austin “No Doubt” Trout, nor Cohen lagundu gida New Mexico perspectiva ezezaguneko elite pay-per-view maila Superstar.


Trout gain, Greg Cohen Promozioak du ezarri esaterako txapeldun bateratu eta bi aldiz heavyweight ohia Hasim bezalako izenak batera lan egin “Rock” Rahman (50-8-2, 41 Kos); eta guztiak-time-handi anitzeko pisu klase munduko txapelduna James “Out argiak” Toney (74-7-3, 45 Kos).


Oraingo mundu-oraindik GCP zerrendari contenders artean, Arash Usmanee, unibertsalki goi-10 super featherweight gisa aitortu; ohia WBA Nazioarteko Middleweight txapelduna eta mundu-baloratu middleweight contender Eneritz Fletcher; goi-Estimatuenak featherweight Joel Brunker; cruiserweight Lateef Kayode; Kanadako arin eta telebista ekintza heroi Tony Luis, eta WBA eta bost aldiz Irish National Amateur txapelduna, Dennis Hogan; eta Rising Welterweight sentsazio Cecil McCalla.


Greg Cohen Promozioak mundu-mailako boxeo Estatu Batuetako eta mundu osoan zehar aretoak onenetako ekitaldi hartu ditu eta, gainera, harro emandako talentua eta / edo edukiak hainbat telebista-sareak HBO barne, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, MSG eta FOX Sports garbia.

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