Lewiston, Maine (Februari 25, 2016) - Kämpfe New England (Wiro sableng), Amérika kang nomer siji promosi perang regional, bakal terus acara sawijining sabanjuré, “Wiro sableng 22: ALL dalan mimpin kene” ing Setu, April 23, 2016ing Androscoggin Bank Colisée ing Lewiston, Maine. The fight card will feature a mix of mixed-martial-arts (MMA) lan pertarungan tinju profesional. Sadurungé dina, NEF announced the addition of a light-heavyweight contest to the boxing portion of the “NEF 22” kertu perang. Crowsneck Boutin (0-0-1) wis dijadwal kanggo ngadhepi Brandon Montella (3-0, 2 KOs) in a four-round bout.


Crowsneck Boutin, a regular on NEF MMA cards since 2012, made his professional boxing debut earlier this month on the “NEF 21” event in Lewiston. He fought Joel Bishop (0-0-2) to a draw in an exciting slugfest that had the Colisée crowd on the edge of its collective seat. Boutin, considered the underdog in that bout, expertly worked his jab to control the first two rounds of the fight. Like the Bishop match, Boutin is preparing for another war with Montella on April 23.


Brandon is a very tough opponent,” ngandika Boutin. “He’s going to present me with many obstacles. My training is grueling and I’ll be prepared for a war.


Brandon Montella is a 1998 graduate of Carrabec High School in North Anson, Maine. Following graduation, Montella joined the United States Marine Corps (USMC) and served until 2003 with an honorable discharge. Montella worked in construction in Virginia until 2011 when he moved with his wife to the Boston, Massachusetts area. He owns and operates The Way, LLC boxing gym in Woburn, Massachusetts.


Coming back home from to Maine after all these years to fight in a place of such history is an amazing feeling,” said Montella. “It will bring my friends and family from the past and the present together under one roof for an awesome event.


Montella had a very successful amateur boxing career with a final record of 14-7. Ing 2011, he won the prestigious Rocky Marciano Tournament. Montella went on to win the New England Golden Gloves the following year. Panjenenganipun diuripake pro ing 2015 and has won his first three bouts with two finishes.


As far as my opponent Crowsneck Boutin, I have seen his fights and read his back story,” Montella continued. “What I see is a man like myselfsomeone who is determined to change his life and take matters into his own hands instead of sitting around like too many men do today. When two men as determined as we are get in the ring in front of a large crowd, magic happens. We grow larger than life and the fans get one hell of a treat.


acara sabanjuré New England gelut ', "NEF 22: ALL dalan mimpin kene,"Njupuk Panggonan Setu, April 23, 2016 ing Androscoggin Bank Colisée ing Lewiston, Maine. Tickets for “NEF 22” start at just $25 lan ing sale saiki ing utawa dening nelpon box office Colisée ing 207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap ing acara lan perang nganyari kertu, please visit website promosi ing Saliyane, sampeyan bisa nonton video wiro sableng ing, tindakake ing Twitternefights lan gabung ing grup resmi Facebook "New England gelut."


About Kämpfe New England


Kämpfe New England ("Wiro sableng") iku perang perusahaan acara promosi. Misi wiro sableng iku kanggo nggawe acara kualitas kanggo pejuang Maine lan pembuangan Alike. Tim eksekutif wiro sableng kang wis ekstensif pengalaman manajemen olahraga pertempuran, produksi acara, hubungan media, marketing, Hukum lan iklan.

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