
フィラデルフィア, ペン. /オレンジ, カリフ. (8月. 27, 2018) – ルーベン・ヴィラ (13-0, 5 戦績) continued his trend of routing opponents on the scorecards by thoroughly outpointing Jose Santos Gonzalez (23-7, 13 戦績) in Friday night’s “ロックn’ ロード済み” メインイベント.
Villa used his signature quickness to batter Gonzalez throughout the 8-round fight.
I was able to find the range from the outside and also get inside a little bit,” said Villa after the fight. “He was a little bit awkward, but I still found ways to land combinations.
To watch a replay of the fight, ここをクリックしてください.
サリナス出身のサウスポー, カリフ. hammered Gonzalez with accurate jabs and punishing left hands. In nearly every round, 別荘, 21, rocked Gonzalez on his heels with a variety of punches from all sorts of angles.
ゴンサレス, despite his experience in high profile fights, was unable to muster any kind of attack. He nearly went down in the fifth when Villa cracked him with a body shot. スコア: 80-72, 79-73 2回.
ヴィラは、バナー プロモーションとトンプソン ボクシングによって宣伝されています。.
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