Darila premiernih boksarskih prvakov: 12 Krog z mladinskim svetovnim prvakom v srednji kategoriji Jermall Charlo

(Photo Credit: Leo Wilson / Premier Boxing prvakov)
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Leo Wilson / Premier Boxing prvakov
Ne gre za to, da je Jermall Charlo introvert ali nekdo, ki ne zna artikulirati svojih misli. Samo to, da je glasno, show-me-me showman ni del 154 kilogramov težkega prvaka.
Zaradi tega, nekaj ljudi poleg brata dvojčka (in 154-kilogramski lastnik naslova) Jermell Charlo se zavedajo, da je Jermall Charlo dobro prebran, nadobudni glasbeni producent / inženir, ki ljubi fin zrezek in se lahko podpiše z roko.
Vsega tega in še več smo se naučili, ko smo pred kratkim pričakovano sedeli z Jermallom Charlom December 10 obramba naslova pred najvišje uvrščenim kandidatom Julian Williams v Galen Center v Los Angelesu (SHOWTIME, 10 p.m. IN/7 p.m. PT).
Kdo je tvoj boksarski junak?
Tommy Hearns je eden mojih najljubših borcev. Vedno je poskušal ovreči svoje dvomljivce, in spoštujem vse, kar je preživel. Moje življenje in Tommy Hearns’ življenje je podobno. Oba sva visoka, in imel je legendarnega trenerja v Emanuelu Stewardu, in jaz ga imam, preveč, v Ronnie Shields.
Tommy je imel dober udarec in bil divji borec. Veliko boksarjev misli, da je na visokih borcih enostavno priti do telesa, da nas razbije. A druga zgodba je, ko pridejo tja s Tomijem, tako da sem se tako navezala nanj.
V Tommyju Hearnsu je bilo tudi veliko snovi. Morate biti pameten borec, da poznate razliko med prepirom in boksom, in kako uporabiti svoj obseg.
Od vseh boksarjev v zgodovini, s kom si želite, da bi se lahko borili, in kako bi se boj iztekel?
Biti v srednji in srednji kategoriji, Želel bi videti, kako bi se moj slog ujemal s tipom, kot je Sugar Ray Leonard. Vem, da se je boril s Tommyjem Hearnsom, mislim pa, da imam nekaj drugačnih lastnosti, in rad bi videl, kako bi ravnal proti [Leonard] v najboljšem primeru.
Že prej sem govoril s Sugar Rayem Leonardom Naslov sem osvojil od Cornelius Bundrage, and I told him I was the new “Hitman” (referring to Hearns’ vzdevek).
I don’t want to say that I would have beat Sugar Ray Leonard, because he’s a great fighter and I wouldn’t want to disrespect him. But out of anybody I could have fought, I would love to match my style against Sugar Ray’s.
I would of course borrow from the Tommy Hearns fight with Sugar Ray Leonard. Every time I watch that classic fight, I picture myself being Hearns.
What’s the hardest you’ve ever been hit, and how you did you deal with it?
You know what’s crazy? It wasn’t even by a punch; it was by a headbutt, and it was actually in my last fight against Austin Trout. Somewhere in those middle rounds, we clashed heads, and his head landed right on I believe the left side of my chin and ear.
I haven’t been hit that hard by any punch or anything, because I do a good job with keeping my hands up and with head movement and stuff like that. But against Trout, he threw a jab, and I stepped over and his head came crashing into my jawline.
He had no clue [that I was stunned], and I fought through it like a champion is supposed to. But that was the hardest shot I’ve taken since my pee-wee football days. I had to check myself to make sure I was good. It was just a shot that woke me up.
When training for a fight, what’s the one meal you miss the most?
It would have to be steak. I’m a filet mignon type of guy. But I have to give that up during training, because it’s one of those red meats that slows me down.
You’re known for being a gym rat. Do you have a favorite exercise?
I like all exercises-anything that’s challenging. But if I had to choose one, my favorite would be working the body bag with [legendary trainer] Creed Fountain. … I’ve watched Creed Fountain do the body bag with Evander Holyfield and a lot of other champions, so it’s kind of become one of my favorite exercises.
What about a favorite punch to throw?
One of my favorites is my left hook. It’s not necessarily to the body, but it’s one of the punches that I grew up throwing and always felt was one of my most challenging shots. I’m very comfortable throwing it, being that I’m right-handed and left-handed.
You mean you’re ambidextrous?
Da. I actually can write with both hands. I really never knew what my dominant hand was, being that I was strong with both hands. I throw a football and shoot a basketball with my right hand.
But it’s crazy and kind of confusing even to myself. … V pretepu, I can switch to either side. I grew up in a southpaw stance and feeling more comfortable as a left-hander, but then I started fighting from the right-handed side and feeling more comfortable as a right-hander. I’ve used both sides effectively.
Finish this sentence: If not for boxing, Jaz bi …
probably be an educated businessman somewhere making moves in whichever industry I chose. But boxing has saved my life.
What’s the public’s biggest misconception about boxers?
That we’re all big, jezni fantje, ki divji denar trošijo in niso izobraženi. Toda vsi se motijo.
Imate najljubši boksarski film?
Zaradi ponarejenih udarcev na splošno ne maram boksarskih filmov. Ampak en film, ki mi je bil res všeč, je bil Hands of Stone. Odraščal sem ob gledanju Rocky series, tako da mi je bilo všeč, preveč. Vendar Hands of Stone je ena mojih najljubših.
Všeč mi je kdaj [ploskve boksarskih filmov] vstopite v življenjski slog. Ko je Micky Ward posnel svoj film, Borec, o njem je izšlo veliko stvari, ki jih ljudje ne vedo. Taka sem. Veliko stvari ljudje ne vedo o meni. Mogoče se bo to spremenilo, ko bo napisan film o dvojčkih Charlo.
Dobro, kaj če bi Hollywood posnel film o tebi in tvojem bratu, Jermell - kakšni igralci bi radi igrali vaju?
Dobro vprašanje. Najprej, morali bi najti nekaj dvojčkov z atletskimi sposobnostmi. Morali bi biti enaki. Z bratom dvojčkom sva si podobna, vendar ne delujte enako. Sedaj, težko bi našli dobrega igralca, ki bi nas upodobil.
Všeč mi je bilo, kako je Usher igral Sugar Ray Leonard, in kako je Will Smith upodobil Muhammada Alija, vendar … Mislim, da bi morali dobiti dvojčka.
Kdo je tisti umetnik na vašem seznamu predvajanja, ki bi presenetil oboževalce spopadov?
Odraščal sem ob poslušanju Al Greena. Moj oče je bil velik ljubitelj soul glasbe. Sem stara duša, ker so me dedek in drugi nekako navdušili za nekaj pesmi Al Green. Johnnie Taylor, preveč.
Vedno se vračam in se spominjam starih časov in glasbe stare šole. Danes sem poslušal nekaj Al Greena in Johnnieja Taylorja.
Finish this sentence: People would be surprised to know that
I’ve been playing instruments and creating beats and engineering and producing since before I even became a boxer. I have a full recording studio inside my house. I play piano and guitar. I’m really into electronic music.
I also do a lot of reading during my off time. Reading and music.
If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
That’s a hard question, because there is so much that I would change. … I guess I would want everyone to be equal. There would be no levels or one person being better than the next person-no matter the color of your skin.
What’s on your bucket list?
You know what I really want to do? That survival thing where you go into the wilderness and survive for 21 dni. Like on that Naked and Afraid oddaja. Rad bi me spustil v divjino in šel preživeti kot ti fantje, ustvariti svoj ogenj in videti, kako je to. Mislim, da bi lahko. Lahko zdržim tam zunaj. Preživim lahko karkoli.
Ne maram kač in ne maram komarjev, vendar se jih ne bojim. Lahko me odložijo kamor koli in lahko preživim.
“12 Zaokrožuje s …” izhaja ob sredah ob PremierBoxingChampions.com
Ta teden: nekdanji svetovni prvak treh divizij Abner Mares.
Ta članek je bil prvotno objavljen na spletni strani Premier Boxing Champions v sredo, November 23

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